CWC SDA featuring Dr. Abraham J. Jules - "God's Not Going To Let You Down"

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if you've got a three in the direction of your brain [Music] I know why I was born this is it [Music] [Music] [Music] we wish to express our profound thanks and appreciation to our praise team and our musicians thank you all so very much for blessing us we want to thank sister Beverly Burton for ministering again to us thank you so very much man we appreciate you being here today to bless our hearts and we are appreciative of the ministry of brother Jarrett Roseboro and the pine Fords Academy choir [Music] maybe I'm mistaken were you at GAA yeah I preached in Atlanta at the Berean Church and he was the director for the greetin Atlanta Academy all right he moves around but we appreciate appreciate his ministry today same end somebody amen listen these folk are going to be in concert this evening at 5:30 p.m. we start everything here on time so if we tell you 5:30 is not 5:35 it's 5:30 we're gonna begin at 5:30 they'll be in concert and you will be blessed so I want all of you to return and to receive a blessing now we've prepared a meal for everyone who would stay by including the choir so you don't have to leave if you just be patient we'll try to serve everyone let me just say publicly all of our children will be served in the multi-purpose one and multi-purpose two so our deacons should know that we'll make room downstairs in the banquet hall for all of our doubts all right y'all please put the chairs down and let them come on in find seats for everyone to me please if you run out of seats here put the chairs up here but let him all come on in amen okay next Sabbath is our Holy Communion Sabbath here we hope that you'll be here for the divine hour and the Lord has invited you to celebrate his death and his sacrifice and the emblems of his commitment to us to grant us access to life eternal that's the bread and the wine be here for communion service I understand the sister Bruce is here we talked about her she was ill and the Lord has raised her up where is sister Bruce sister Bruce is right here our rides mr. Bruce greats as have you in church today alright I understand sister Brian is also here and she had surgery all right sister Brian where are you sister Brian is here she had surgery and the Lord has lifted up we're praising God for them can you say Amen somebody amen thank you on April 20th our church is going to the movies the whole church we're going to be the first to see the movie breakthrough that's written and produced by a seventh-day Adventist preacher Devon Franklin we have rented out the entire movie house for this church but we rented it out so that you can pay $14 for ticket amen all right listen today we need to know it sister Donna where you stand where is Donna all right sister Donna is not here would you stand sandy and Angela and lacombe's and elder McTavish these four ladies see them identify your interest in going to the movies with us it's cedar you see at the movies all right Ingrid stay angry doesn't want to go to the movies she's a good Adventist that's what it is you see these four ladies identify interest give them your name let them know on next Sabbath you'll be paying so that we can reserve the venue if you we don't come up with a hundred and two of you I'm gonna cancel it all right but this is a movie you want to see and it's a good outing for our church family all right right Stanzi feed everybody for the reading of Scripture and for the Word of God turn in your Bibles to the book of Romans chapter 9 and verse 33 Roma's 933 it says as it is written behold I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense and whosoever believeth in him shall not be ashamed now I'm going to preach and not preaching the entire text I'm just preaching the last part and whosoever believeth in him shall not be ashamed but bring to your message today simply entitled God does not gonna let you down he's not gonna let you down Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary everybody sing [Music] [Music] Lord preparing everyone Lord preparing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] holy spirit fateful guide ever near the Christian side today God we open your word with the belief that you will hear our prayer we need your guidance we need your direction we need enlightenment speak to us this day touch our hearts with your spirit Prentis obedient lives grant us a desire to be faithful to your word granting each of us this day a redemptive experience through our worship we ask in Jesus name Amen be seated everybody and whosoever believeth in him shall not be ashamed in other words God's not going to embarrass you a couple of years ago my son I would take the kids to school every morning and drop them off and I would put on any old thing to do it leaving home early I had a bunch of big jeans fat jeans baggy jeans and when I got to the school my son looks at me and he said to me said daddy don't wear those anymore what I actually did to my son was I embarrassed him because I wasn't looking contemporary so what I did was I left them I went to the mall and I bought some skinny jeans and I have not worn a baggy jeans Jean I haven't worn any baggy clothes if you look at me what's this praise the Lord somebody and I'm 60 years old this year but my son was embarrassed by his daddy's dress well what the Lord is saying here the word ashamed literally means embarrassed God is not gonna embarrass you now two letters were trying to get circulated through the Postal Service one letter was a perfectly written letter it had perfect grammar written on customized stationery stuffed into a customized envelope and put into a mailbox but only one problem that beautiful letter on beautiful stationery in a beautiful envelope did not have a stamp on it had everything going for it but it got so proud of how it looked that it said they would just take me because I'm beautiful and it didn't put a stamp on it second envelope wrinkled paper written in pencil improper sentence structure misspelled words stuffed in an envelope stained with grease from KFC it had absolutely nothing going for it but it had one thing on it a stamp now let me ask you a question which of those two envelopes do you think got to its intended destination because the Postal Service doesn't care how good you look it's only looking for one thing a stamp and when you want to get a prayer through and when you are seeking a breakthrough in your life God looks at your prayer and the stamp that God looks for that make things have the stamp that God looks for that makes things happen is faith the Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God in fact what turns God on is faith God is no respecter of persons but God is a respecter of faith you see blessings rise and fall in our lives on the basis of how much faith we are exercising that's something that is repeated over and over again in the scriptures the Bible teaches that the absence of faith handcuffs the power of God it limits the power of God and God's power is short-circuited when we don't operate in faith on one occasion Jesus went to his hometown hometown village of Nazareth and Nazareth was a city in desperate need of help there was a common proverb that was circulating about Nazareth that said can any good thing come from Nazareth it was a no place talk to it tucked away on the backside of nowhere and in no body under Social Register of the day came from Nazareth Jesus went home to Nazareth with one purpose and that was to bless the home folk and he was getting ready to heal some sick folk and open some doors but only a few people got blessed and the reason the masses didn't get blessed is because of what this verse in Matthew 13 58 says it says and he did not many works there that's his hometown and he did not many works there I'm so glad I didn't say he did not any mighty works there but he did not many somebody got blessed but they didn't get many and he works there because of their unbelief so you can determine in your life listen to me folk you can determine in your life how bless you'll be in other words it's up to you and if you're not being blessed right now it might be that you have a deficit in your faith quotient two blind men wanted to be healed and they called out to Jesus saying Jesus heal us and Jesus touched your eyes saying according to your faith be it unto you in other words there's some things that will never happen in our lives because we don't have faith now you all need to stay with me because we're going somewhere because I'm gonna bring this home to you that will help everybody in here today amen mark 9:23 says jesus said unto him if thou canst believe all things are impossible all things are possible to him that believes if you can only believe all things are possible if you can only believe all things are possible which means all of us have inputs on how much God will bless you in other words you two blind men I'm gonna bless you to the degree that you have faith that I'm gonna bless you he said be it unto you according to your faith but that is not what the world teaches us the world teaches us that there truly upward be upwardly mobile and there truly successful people are not those who have faith instead we say be it unto you according to your feelings so there are a whole lot of folks go to church and the only part of church delight is how church makes them feel now pleasing understand I want you to feel it in shock I'd only want to touch your head I want to touch your heart same in somebody and I love when I feel it so in the choir sings we rise to our feet when the preacher preaches we say Amen I said say Amen you bunch of know Amen people you want to feel it you want to feel the spirit moving on the inside when they pray you want to feel the prayer nothing is wrong with feeling but please don't allow your feelings to run or ruin your life Jesus said be it unto you according to your faith not how you feel so your faith should trump your feeling so when you got up this morning oh I see see a miracle before us here today sister chase is also here to God be the glory same and somebody the Lord has lifted up the Saints don't when you woke up this morning somebody may not have felt like getting out of the bed but your faith said I'm not gonna run my life based upon how do I feel because feelings can ruin your life some mornings I wake up I don't want to be anybody's pastor but I'm yours I don't feel like being anybody's pastor amen somebody but you don't make decisions based upon how you feel don't trust your feelings because Satan can easily manipulate your feelings listen to me foe when you give in to the way you feel that devil will walk through that Avenue and through that emotion to get you to stay down don't you realize that the devil will use whatever you give to him to take you and keep you in his camp he'll manipulate you don't trust your feelings because Satan can manipulate your feelings he did say be it unto you according he didn't say be it unto you according to your fame he didn't say be it unto you according to your feelings the world says if something is gonna happen to me I have to have faith so we work hard to become famous but Jesus did not make Fame a prerequisite for great things to happen in your life you don't have to be known you don't have to be known for anything but if you have faith you don't have to have fame I've never met people and they always dropping the names of other people you know I know so-and-so all right all right he did not say be it according to you to your feelings he did not say be it unto you according to your faith and he didn't say be it unto you according to your fortune because a whole lot of us believe that money can solve all our problems that's why you work two and three and four jobs and you come here and you come here to take a nap you're too tired why do you think I preach so loud so wake up all you it's sleeping people many of us don't think we can go back to school because we don't have any money but he did not say be it unto you according to your fortune he said bid unto you according to your faith and neither did he say be it on to you according to your fitness your young safely body please enjoy it while you have it it's not gonna last keep on eating and keep on living that coca-cola shaped body will look like a tub of ice cream soon don't trust don't trust in your fitness how good you look cuz every day you're getting older you know a whole lot of men they marry woman and what they really marry is body parts y'all married a woman for her head and her heart they married breasts and hips they soon realize that breasts and hips will droop and sag it's just a matter of time many of us think that we have to have sterling health he didn't say be it unto you according to your feelings he didn't say be it unto you according to your fame he didn't say be it according according unto you he didn't say meet unto you according to your fortune he did not say meet until your according to your fitness and he did not say be it according unto you because of your friends many of us depend too much on friends jesus said by past feelings forget about Fame discount fortune don't worship your fitness and don't kiss up to your friends if you have a friend and they're always putting you down if you have a friend and whenever you hang around them you feel bad about yourself that's not a friend your friends help you to deal with life and your friends help you to feel better about yourself and your friends don't put you down they lift you up but some of us are so addicted to certain people I want to be friends with him listen I don't want to be friends with none of you who don't want to be friends with me I said none of you Amen somebody if you don't like me I don't like you think I'm walking around begging you would you be my friend can we go out together can we go kiss I want to take you to dinner 9 spending a dime on you you ain't worth it amen somebody that's good for all these young people to learn you can make it in light without sucking up to anybody don't suck up to no adult who is disrespecting you instead this is what the Bible says the Bible says be it unto you blind man according to your faith great things happen when you have faith the first John 5:4 says for whosoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith so listen to me if you're not living the overcomers life what are you lacking you're lacking say if life is beating up on you if you're always down in the dumps if you always need somebody to pull you out of the garbage can if you always need somebody to massage your back to life and to resuscitate you back to life your problem is you're not living the overcomers life and the reason why you're not living overcomers life is because you lack faith you don't lack fortune you don't like feelings you don't lack friends you don't lack fame what you're really lack is faith my faith and your faith can overcome the world so whatever the world is bringing you and whatever is cascading down upon you even our faith can overcome the world and not only can my faith overcome the world but according to Ephesians 6 and verse 16 it says above all taking the shield of faith where you shall quench all the fiery darts of the wicked who's the wicked the devil and when he throws darts at you the Bible says when you have faith you can quench the fiery darts in other words when that dot is sent your way in flaming fire and it touches you the fire goes out why because you have faith now I might be very easy real right now you may just think faith what does he talk we're gonna get there because I'm gonna show you I'll show you from God's Word how everybody could walk out of this place and your whole mindset changes because God is in the business of renewing our minds and your problem is not your feet you ended up in the wrong bedroom it wasn't your feet that took you there it was your mind you cussed her out not because your tongue couldn't be held back it was your mind you lied and she did it wasn't because you're termed in the line your mind first conceived it and then your tongue spoke it if you can control your mind you can control your life and if you can control your life you can control your destiny and if you can control your destiny you can control God's will for you through say thank you dad God knows I need you today who is the wicked the devil the devil can't mess with you when you're operating in faith have you ever met some people no matter what happens in their lives they're not discouraged now this woman just lost her son and somebody came to me and said pastor this woman has a faith that's unbelievable she's holding on she's strong she's resolute since determined she knows that God will never leave an or forsake her she's believing have you ever met people no matter what comes their way they will rise up they may be depressed for an hour or two but they'll wake up tomorrow morning just the way they were before and do you know how that happens that happens through faith but it also happens because of our mind there's a way I live my life I'm not asking you to live yours when bad things happen to me I put a terminal point a point of terminus on that tragedy so if it happens to me at 12 in the day I say by 8:00 p.m. tonight it's over so between 12 and 8 I'm gonna fuss about it I'll cry about it and I'll talk about it and I'll take out my but when a peer comes I let it in the bosom of Jesus and I'm gonna leave it there because I am no good walking around with all that stuff saving somebody but where did it happen it happened in the mind I told my wife one day listen I'm not gonna eat any more meat because she knew I love chicken God even now that smell is getting to me so I'm going to become a vegan in one day I just eat KFC that night before just eaten some KFC it was good finger-licking good and I told my wife I said listen I want you all to cook me my own meals now I don't want to eat anything else I'm done I don't know she believed me but it was all in my mind I made up my mind and when I did it I lost 30 pounds I didn't lose her to lose 30 pounds the guy was cute if I would all that 30 pounds on don't be clapping because I lost 30 pounds but where did it begin in your mind most of the things you fail to accomplish in this world is because you didn't take control of it in your mind now let's look first of all and you thought the sermon was almost done alright here I am let's look first of all at the reality of biblical faith many people don't believe faith works there is power in faith the problem when people are in the crucible of great crises and many Christians will come up to you in that moment and say to you when you're going through hell they'll just say to you that's why you gotta be careful about all these Christian cliches stop listening to all these people talking all kind of it's your day your day is coming my day is already here it's today your season is coming and all of us repeat all these garbage oh yeah the Lord is if my season is today if the Lord woke me up this morning it's my season my season is not coming my season is now and we repeat all this garbage because we hear other people say it like God is good all the time and all the time God is good that's the most moronic statement I ever heard in my life and you all have been repeating itself oh boy I didn't know that it doesn't make sense God is always good but y'all like that stuff so they come up to you and you're going through hell and they say just believe just have faith and my response is just believe and just have faith in what because it's really not just faith that gets you over but making sure you have faith in the right thing because your faith is only a strong listen to me as the object you put your faith in if the object of your trust is weak I don't care how much faith you have your faith is only as strong as the object you put your faith in that's why biblical faith is not just name it and claim it gab it and grab it it's not just positive thinking it's who do you have faith in who do you believe now notice what the word said whosoever believeth on him my faith is in him the Bible says you can literally move mountains the Bible also says you are supposed to speak to your mountains in faith now the reason why we can't move mountains is because we don't speak to our mountains we speak about our mountains when you talk to the average Christian instead of them talking to their mountains in faith they spend all day long talking about the mountains that's in their way I got a mountain of debt so I call everybody I have a mountain of haters so I talk to everybody about the people who don't like me I got a mountain of bills so I just talk about my bills and I've got all these mountains and the Bible says in mark 11:23 whosoever shall say unto this mountain in other words you got to speak to your Mountain it's not really a faith that lose mountains are y'all hearing me instead of beginning at verse 23 go back to verse 22 it says and Jesus answering said unto them have faith in God and then in verse 23 he said speak to your mountains have faith in God first God I believe and you God I believe you can do it the God who created something out of nothing the God who is Elohim who's the beginning and in the beginning created the heavens and the earth God who is El Shaddai Lord God Almighty God whose whole vagina my provider God who see hover Missy who's my banner he said over Salome he's my peace is she home Arafah he's Mahela he's she harvests apples he's the Lord of Hosts PC Homer Sharma the Lord is here God the Great God from everlasting to everlasting he's God have faith the Bible says in God then you can move mountains because really it is not your faith that moves mountains it is God that moves mountains God moves the mountains but your faith move God in other words God will sit on you God has all his power to move your mountains out of the way but he is not moved until you have faith to believe that he the god of the universe can do exceedingly abundantly more than you are able to ask all thing I want to say today to God be the glory I am NOT without help God has not moved until you have faith it was only when Moses had faith in God that the Red Sea parted was only when David had faith in God that Goliath came crashing down was only when Peter had faith in God that he was doing some water walking and it is only when you have faith in God that God will say let me move this mountain but God is sitting on some of us right now and just watching us he's got the power to move your mountains but you don't have the face to ask him many of us are not having mountains moved out of our lives because we have a diminished and anemic view of God we don't have a great and awesome view of God in fact the work of worship leaders like pastors and elders and singers and praise team members and choirs our segment is to help you have a heightened view of God if you don't leave yet knowing that the god you serve is an awesome God we have flunked as worship leaders and especially when you have come to church with a mountain you didn't come here to play Church I've got a mountain and I want you to tell me how big God is because when God gets large mountains get small don't only take your problems to God but you need to start taking God to your problems do you know why we need to be proactive let your enemy face your God say Amen somebody hears my god I'm not alone I'm not gonna cry through the night because I'm not alone God is with me God has promised to help me he has promised to rescue me he's promised to restore me he's running to make me who I should be he's promised to take my burdens away he's promised fight my battles he's promised and God will keep his promises stop walking around like an orphan like you have no God in your life in fact you don't have to have a whole lot of faith in God listen to me folk everybody needs this what I'm about to say to you you don't have to have a lot of faith you don't have to have the pastor's faith the elders faith your Grandmama's faith the Bible says if you have the faith the size of a mustard seed and a mustard seed is the smallest seed on the planet Earth mustard seed faith small faith in a big God makes great things happen now you don't want to stay up mustard seed faith because your faith will grow as you see God move mountains there was a man who had a demon-possessed son who the disciples could not heal and he was sometimes in the water and sometimes in the fire the Bible says when Jesus came down from the mountains the father said I want you to believe you can heal my son but I'm so disappointed with your disciples that is why whenever believers failed then we become a stumbling block in the faith development of non-believers this man said your disciples were so jacked up and I'm so disappointed I don't even know if you can do anything about it Jesus and Jesus says well if you believe all things are possible and a man said to Jesus I believe but help thou my unbelief if you are honest there are times when you believe but there are times when your belief is mixed with doubt it's mixed with pessimism cynicism and skepticism and you really don't believe your situation is gonna turn around you want to believe but there's a part of you that doesn't want to believe I know you come to church and you're happy at church but as soon as you get back to your car you'll lose all that faith you just had inside here because sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down but if you just have a little faith you don't have to have a lot of faith just a little faith and it's not predicated on how much space you have it's predicated on how big God is now if you have enough faith to sit on those pews and you believe it will hold you up and if this morning when I drove across they Mary okoma bridge to get here and the white stone bridge with all that expensive tolls and I had faith because I wouldn't have gotten on the bridge if I didn't have faith in those bridges you mean to tell me I could have faith in bridges that are older than I am and if you listen to my children I'm really old but the god of the universe who has never let you down you don't have faith in Him have faith in God if you're sick he's a doctor if you need money he's a financier if you're down he can lift you up saving somebody if you're struggling he can help you with your load if you're running the rest of life he can renew your strength when you become wearing but if life has become a mixed bag of sorrow and pain he will be a friend and a comforter he will make a way out of no way same and somebody does anybody in here need something from the Lord does anybody need a ridiculous crazy miracle I mean a right now miracle I mean you need something to shake in your life right now do you need something but the Bible says if you have enough faith to believe God not your hell then let you appreciate Chris worshiping folk it's about having a little talk with Jesus tell him all about your troubles he will hear your faintest cry answer by and by then any one of you look over your life and say you know what God has always come through for me God has always made away God is always remembered my plights why the Bible says I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help doesn't come from the hills my help comes from the Lord who made the hills the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein it's all about God he's in this very room and he's next to you right now once my wife and kids and my family we went to a restaurant in New York City my little daughter was probably about seven years old and she enjoyed the meal so I took them to school the next day which was probably a Monday and my daughter says daddy I want a cadastre daddy can you can you can you go back to the restaurant and buy me some lunch I said where the restaurant in New York City she said yes the restaurant we ate out yesterday so I left Mount Vernon drove to the city paid $50 parking went to the restaurant ordered a meal took it back to the school went gave it to Angie and she's right here so Angie give this to my daughter that Friday came my daughter said to me said daddy can can you can you can you go back and I went and every week subsequent to that on every Friday my daughter will say daddy can you get me that meal or get me something else from somewhere every Friday even when I'm traveling I'll go and I'll get in out bring it and give it to Angie and she'll have that lunch every Friday for years in the last couple of years my daughter wouldn't say daddy while she's walking out the car she said daddy I'm at Exeter yeah something happened between that community whether i'll get it or not and years later when she realized not one Friday that I ever missed every time and her confidence grew you mean to tell me I a sinful man you mean to tell me I can be faithful to my daughter and your God is not gonna be faithful to you oh yes he will if you only trust him he has never failed you before but you trust in God the reality of fate secondly the release of faith how do I really release my faith the Bible says according to Romans 1016 but they have not all obeyed the gospel underline the word obey and look at this text for it continues Isaiah said Lord who hath believed our report on the land the word obey and underline the word belief because there's a correlation between obeying and believing listen or EVO there are some things that will never shake in your life because you haven't gotten this don't tell me you have faith if you don't obey when I was 16 years old I graduated from high school and started working at a bank in Manhattan manufacturers Hanover Trust Company there was a guy there who worked with me and he said so man I heard you want to be a preacher I said yeah I want to be preachers I was sixteen years old he said listen man you love the Lord huh I say yeah I love the Lord he said I love the Lord - I say you do cuz he was with every woman in the bank and he was married he said you know you know you know Jules I'm a man of faith in her so really he came to me one day so listen you look sigh you look like you don't know how to get the woman if I could hook you up which one of them you want I said I want all he said you're serious he said if I'm a man of faith and I want all the women you think I'm a man of faith he laughed cuz I gave him a message that he was not living according to his faith this is what the text is saying if you have faith you will obey you can't say I'm a man of faith and not obey obey and believe obey and believe believe and obey that's why some prayers are not being answered because we are not obedient to the voice how you live like a devil and talk about you're a man of faith don't tell me you have faith if you don't obey please don't think religious rhetoric and religious talk and cliches is the same as having faith faith is obedience when you really have faith you do what the Lord tells you and you don't worry about the consequences what made Noah a man of faith was when God told Noah to build an ark and Noah said yes Lord I'm a bill and all and then North came back said Lord I've got one question what's your question nor what's an ark he said yes to God and then say what's enough and the law says an ark is a vessel that I'll put people in so when the flood comes they could be saved and Noah said Lord you know what ah what is the flood and the Lord says that's when a lot of rains come a deluge of rain he said the Lord I don't know what rain is and the Lord says it hadn't rained up until that time the Lord had a mist that came from beneath the earth so no rain ever came from above before until the flood came but Noah said yes I'm a builder ark and yes I'll be ready for the flood and yes be ready for the rain he was obedient when he didn't know what he was gonna be obedient to faith causes you to obey God even when it doesn't make sense a whole lot of us are waiting for God to give us the details before we obey Jesus didn't say to Peter Peter if you got out of the boat I will suspend the laws of gravity and somehow I'm going to turn water which is a liquid into a solid Peter didn't ask for that in fact Peter saw Jesus walking on water and the Bible says he looked at Jesus and said master if it's thee bidden me to come on the water and Jesus said one word come most of us would still be in the boat in 2019 because we would say Jesus I heard you but you've got to fill in the details Jesus you've got to explain how you're gonna hold me up in water explain how you're gonna make a way out of no way and that is why many of us are living without miracles in our lives all Jesus said was come and when Peter stepped out on water he was really stepping out on air promise not a platform listen to me it's easier for me to preach this stuff than me to live for me to live it easy for me to say you need to have faith but I'm gonna tell you this much God says I gave you over seven thousand promises in the Bible and every promise I gave you is a promise you can step out on you could stand on it remember that sound standing on the promises listen man most of us don't live by evidence we live by promises so my summer you have kids you send them to pine forge they don't know how you struggling to pay that bill but you stepped out on a promise and God hasn't failed you same and somebody in the Midwest there was a drought and the acid ministers to come to the town square to pray for rain because the crops were going to be destroyed by the drought the preachers brought their Bibles they brought their prayer cloths they brought the priest hediye rosaries and they were all praying quoting scriptures and no rain and everybody said I thought God said he would move mountains for us I thought faith works and then a young Christian someone who had just become a Christian went to the microphone and said Jesus I believe that you can make rain come and when the young Christian prayed the cloud started gathering and the sky got dark and lightning started flashing Criss crossing the sky and a deluge of rain came pouring down and the ministers rented a young Christian and said wait a minute man we prayed and nothing happened we've been to the seminary we know Hebrew and Greek you're a young Christian you prayed and it started raining the young Christian says I prayed just like you did I did the same thing but when you prayed you had your Bibles when you prayed you had your prayer cloths and when you prayed you had your rosaries but when I prayed I had my umbrella in my hand don't talk to me about faith and you can't show me an umbrella you must always walk in the direction of your faith and your prayer you mean to tell me a meteorologists can get on the news tonight and say there's a 90% chance of rain and you will go and take an umbrella to work based on what Al Roker and Sam champion said you have faith in their prediction and the God who made everything and the God who controls the weather you won't believe in him says that whosoever it means you believe it on him shall not be ashamed the reality of faith the release of faith now the release results of faith God wouldn't fail you you will never be ashamed because you put your hope and your faith and trust in God you will never be embarrassed God will never let you down he will not set you up for ridicule embarrassment and shame he won't let you down in front of your haters same in some body Psalm 25 and verse 2 and I think it's Hezekiah Walker who created a song out of this he says unto thee O God do I lift up my soul I trust in thee let me not be ashamed let not my enemies triumph over me everybody in here got enemies and everybody your stepping out and when you are stepping out in faith and trying to do something and be something and be somebody somebody will hit on you people will try to talk you out of what God talked you into everybody is not glad you're doing well but when you step out in faith and say I'm gonna do something stupid something ridiculous for Jesus you wouldn't have to be ashamed or embarrassed God has a way of making your enemies wonder how in the world was she able to do what she did cuz you know they've been talking about you and know they've been digging ditches for you you know they've been saying it's just a matter of time the bottom is about to fall out they can't block you when you're operating and faith Sam and somebody they can't get to you the Bible says the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid when the wicked even my enemies came to eat upon my flesh they stumbled and fell I can't block I can't stop her I can't keep her down because the Lord just keeps taking to new heights if you operate in faith when you obey you will not be ashamed with your haters but you will not be ashamed secondly also in your hardships sometimes when you have hardships you go around feeling sad get your head down you bowed down would you please lift up your head would you please stop talking about all the things that have gone wrong would you stop talking about all the things you lost and celebrate the things that's left don't you realize that you when you're going through hardships you ought to be proud of your hardships because God is using your hardship to develop you he's using your hardships that makes you who he wants you to be this is what the word says in Romans 5 3 to 5 but we glory in tribulations huh what we glory in tribulations what we glory in tribulations not that you like tribulation but tribulations but you still say glory in the midst of your tribulations because I believe God is always up to something the problem with many of us is we are waiting till the triple-eight tribulation is over until we can say glory but right now in the midst of your tribulation in the midst of being broke go ahead and say glory to God and then it tells us why we glory knowing that tribulation works patience huh in other words if I have tribulation it teaches me how to be patient I learned how to be enduring I learned how to take a whole lot and still trust God I learned how to wait on God remember Abraham couldn't wait on the Sun so he went ahead and co-opted God's plan and slept with the helper had a son and to this day both sons are still fighting when you run ahead of God and don't have patience you make a mess I learned how to be enduring I learned how to take a whole lot still trust God I'm a better man because of it I know how to take a whole lot I know I've got the right stuff now I'm a work of art because I've learned patience but patience came because of simulation stuff I thought it would knock me down just look at me now I'm a bad man I'm a bad woman and yes I am hold your head high and then the Bible says and patience produces experience experiences when you've been through a whole lot stuff doesn't trip you up all the time because this is not the first time you've been sick it's not the first time you've been broke not the first time you've been in trouble not the first time you've been talked about not the first time you are in the midst of a storm not the first time you've cried yourself to sleep but when I look over my life the Lord has always made away because he may not come when you want him but when he gets there he's always right on time cuz I've got experience now I've got hope cuz experience brings hope and hope means that things are getting ready to get better if you believe in your spirit you don't know when your breakthrough is coming and you don't know where your money is coming from but you just believe down in your heart you can't explain it but you believe the Lord is gonna turn this around you won't be ashamed when you have haters you won't be ashamed when you have hardships and finally you wouldn't be ashamed of the harvest the Bible says let us not get weary in well-doing we shall reap if we faint not the Bible says study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that needed not be ashamed I'm working on something I'm trying to get somewhere but every time I try to get somewhere something seems to set me back but my Bible says keep on working keep on fighting because at the end of the day when your blessing is manifest when you see what the Lord has done it will be worth it because the Lord would not let you down pressed down shaken together and running over he will do just what he said he would do I know what prayer can do I prayed and I prayed and faith and because I prayed in faith doors started opening away started being made he will not let you down it has nothing to do with you the reason God starts something and he oldest finishes what he starts it has to do with his reputation you see his reputation is on the line and if he lets you down in the presence of your haters then your haters will say I told you God is not real I told you that prayer stuff doesn't work I told you that faith doesn't matter and that is why when you pray and you really need to get a breakthrough you say Lord you know my situation Lord you know who I am I've got haters all around me we want to see me fail so God whatever you do don't let me fail whatever you do don't let it happen because I don't want my enemies to have a field day so Lord if you bless me Lord if you make a way I will give you all the glory I will let everybody know you made a way you got me through this you helped me you blessed me you took care of my family and then your shout and give him all the glory because faith makes you shout before you get the answer to your prayer faith makes you shout in the midst of your tribulation faith makes you believe that God will take care of you faith mix you know that I may be tired and weary but God will give me some strength to keep fighting the good fight of faith there was a farmer who saw a man out in the country who got his truck stuck in the ditch farmer came by and said sir would you like me to help you he said yes like you to help me he says listen I can get you a truck out of the ditch I have a horse he's a strong horse and I'll go on home and get my horse and bring him back here and I will tie my horse up and he'll pull your truck right out of that ditch so he goes home gets his horse comes back and he ties up that horse to the truck he says my horse's name is dusty and he's a strong horse and I'll time up and I'll get your truck out of here so he comes back when the horse ties him up to the truck and he said Gertrude pull and then he said Molly plug and then he says dusty pull and dusty pulled that truck right out of the ditch and the young man said sir I'm so grateful I thank you but I want to ask you a question why did you say Gertrude pull and why did you say Molly pull and then finally you said dusty pull he said so you see my horse is a strong horse but he's a blind horse and if he ever thought he was pulling by himself he was gonna quit listen I got news for you you're not pulling by yourself because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world you're not pulling by yourself he said I'll never leave you nor forsake you you're not pulling by yourself he said I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me you're not pulling by yourself God the elephant and the Omega is with you God the one who is always coming from just where he's going he's pulling with here all it takes is a little a little faith I know somebody is climbing up the rough side of the mountain Jeffrey come sing for a stenchy feed everybody cuz y'all can start singing with him while he's singing I'm climbing up rough side of the mountain somebody [Music] [Music] I'm striving to make it through this every land but as I go from day to day I can't hear my Savior she trusts me child come on out hold your hand come only side of the mountain before hi boss whoa [Music] I'm coming up on the side of the mountain oh I'm doing my best to baby can I say this very much all this so great hey will sue be over yeah there'll be no bow race for me but you know something but I gotta stand before God Rona you got to stay in before God's throne we got to stand before God through all of our Hornets he'll be gone [Music] [Music] the website of the mountain [Music] [Music] I said yes [Music] Saints if you are running up and climbing up the rough side of the mountain I want to pray for you and I want to pray that God will increase your faith and help you through so get out of your seats come this is time for victory it's a time for a blessing it's a time when God will answer your prayer get out of your seat and come to the altar leave room for those coming behind you keep singing Jeffrey come come come close come close to the old [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] DeBakey don't eat heartily [Music] dozen Saints as I pray today I want you to pray in your heart I want you to pray for your need whatever that is and pray that God will give you just a measure of faith that all of us have been borne away so pray that your victory to overcome the world overcome your depression overcome your pain overcome your loss overcome your divorce overcome your painful childhood ask God today to put it all behind you through faith gracious God we pray that you will bless somebody today and even the preacher was blessed by the word I pray for your people right here right now in this audience and those listened to us via the internet I pray God that all of us our needs as we present them to you from our hearts that you'll meet our needs you know bless our lives in some very strange way today god I feel like you're doing something for somebody I feel somebody is overcoming what he needs to overcome I feel you spoke to somebody today to let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus I think Lord you showed somebody they don't have to have gargantuan faith to be victorious but if they have just a smidgen of faith it's enough that God will work with the little so somebody came to this altar today with a little flickering hope just a little bit not much of anything but little becomes much when we place it in your hands so grand for somebody this day the overcomers life give someone victory over doubt and fear and a future give to somebody a new life where the past is buried and the future is embraced enthusiastically help some parent husband wife children time help somebody who needs to move on from this moment and put all of the negativity of the past behind him we pray for the joy that only Jesus brings to be theirs when they walk away from this Walter you're a miracle worker you said God that is our faith that moves God to move mountains God we want our faith to be strong we don't want to doubt you we don't want to ever disbelieve you but we want to believe that all things are possible to those who believe strengthen our resolve and our faith this day so we walk away from this altar father help us to drop some shackles right here right now Trump the shackles of depression right here right now may the joy of Jesus take the place of depression drop the shackles of fear that people live with every day fearing family and friends and co-workers in the future and live in fear constant fear Oh God give us a holy boldness today through faith help us to drop the shackles today of addictions somebody is battling with an addiction but we know God that if we have faith we will overcome I pray for my marriage that is like a yoke around someone's neck they're living in misery and torment and your home is a battle zone but God you said there's nothing too hard for you to do and we believe today that you can bring peace in the midst of your storm we believe today God that you can change men and women you can change our lives constrains our hearts our minds and our attitudes we pray for somebody's child a mother father came to this altar and all they think about and all they pray for is that child who is no longer serving you bring them home I pray grant us this day a peace that only you can give may our lives be enriched because we were here today and may our faith increase to one day we'll see you come in the clouds of glory when our faith shall become sights and a mighty and precious name of Jesus our Lord and our king we pray [Music]
Channel: CWC SDA
Views: 7,997
Rating: 4.5652175 out of 5
Keywords: CWC, SDA, Community, Worship, Center, community, worship, center, sda, Pastor, Abraham, J., Jules, God's not going to let you down, God, Jesus, Let you down
Id: T3zZ3dJKfOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 35sec (4775 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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