CWC SDA featuring Dr. Emil Peeler - "Dancing with the Enemy"

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[Music] somebody ought to say man somebody shall praise the Lord somebody shout hallelujah he's worthy to be praised [Music] oh sure eyes to the [Music] lift up your head to say God [Music] [Music] let's see for you [Music] [Music] I said for you [Music] if you love him come on put God good jet don't pity Pat God yeah he woke you up this morning he started you on your way did he give you another chance are you glad about it somebody shout glory what a mighty God what a mighty God we serve [Music] we are so excited once again to be in the house of God with with my friends and family here at CWC you are my friends aren't you you are my family aren't you amen amen amen turn to your neighbor say neighbor it's not right for the upright to look uptight we serve a mighty God come on and say right there y'all act like a little rain will come on God's been too good to us giving honor to God who is the head of my life and and to your distinguished and just beloved man of God Pastor Jules and Dominique they are some of the finest people that I know III want you to know that Pastor Jules is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother he's a visionary he is a leader he's the leader of this church and for many years he has distinguished himself as a powerful preacher everywhere I have gone over the years he has come from me last year he did a Bible conference at the Capitol Hill Church and he preached so hard and so good they forgot they had a pastor come on as they're not there but I want you to know that I just am just always so encouraged and inspired by his vision and by his friendship and by the way that God continues to use you I appreciate you I want you to know that I'm honored just to be in your pulpit one more time you've been extremely kind to me and my mother taught me long time ago people do not have to be nice to you and if in fact they are nice to you you at least ought to have enough sense to say thank you and so I thank you dr. Jules CWC family to my friend and your wife's sister Dominique and and Dylan and Cheyenne they are some outstanding children and I just praise God for all of you the pastoral staff the team I've been blessed every single night to have a very special good friend to pick me up and he's been on time and Tom Smith elder Tom Smith here thank you for your kindness every single night and you know and I appreciate I appreciate what you have done to make my life just so fantastic so on behalf of the Capitol Hill Church family and my family I thank you once again are you ready for the word tonight or today come on put put your word in the air everybody if you have a word put it in the air come on shake it real hard shake it real hard now put on your meanest face say we're getting ready to do battle with the enemy come on shake it now repeat after me say devil come on you act like hell has been air conditioned say devil you have no business in this place this is God's house we are God's people and this is God's Word so I'm armed and dangerous so devil get out of here devil get out of here I said devil get out of here because the Holy Ghost is in the house if you believe that say man I saw a demon just leave out there yeah yeah all the Devils get not a man there's power in the Word of God amen amen we're gonna begin by reading the scriptures if you could be so kind stand to your feet first Kings the 18th chapter standing to your feet in reverence through the Word of God first Kings the eighteenth chapter familiar passage of Scripture first Kings 18 and we're gonna begin at verse 20 verse 20 first Kings the eighth chapter we're beginning together at verse 20 a hab sent for all the children of Israel and gathered the prophets together on Mount Carmel and Elijah and said and Elijah said to all the people and said how long halt ye between two opinions if the Lord is God follow him but if they'll then follow him and the people answered him not a word verse 26 says so they took the bull which was given them and they prepared it and called on the name of Dale from morning till noon saying o bale hear us but there was no voice no one answered then they leaped about the altar which they had made and so it was at noon that Elijah mocked him and said cry loud for he is a god either he is a meditating God or he is a busy guy or he's on a journey or perhaps he's sleeping and must be awakened so they cried aloud and cut themselves as was their custom with knives and Lance's until the blood gushed out on them and when midday was passed when midday was passed when midday was passed they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice but there was no voice no one answered no one even paid attention then Elijah said to all the people come near to me and he repaired the altar of the Lord and he prepared the altar of the Lord and he prepared the also of Gort that was broken down and Elijah took twelve stones according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob to whom the word of the Lord had to come saying Israel shall be your name then with the stones he built an altar in the name of the Lord and he made a trench around the altar long enough to hold two seas of seed and he put the wood in order in order in order in order in order in order he put the wood in order in order in order in order he put the wood in order he put the wood and order cut the bull in pieces and laid it on the wood and said feel for water pots with water and poured on the burnt act sacrifice and on the wood then he said do it a second time and did it a second time and he said do it a third time and they did it a third time so the water ran all around the altar and he also filled the trench with water and it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice that Elijah the Prophet came near and said Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Israel let it be known this day that you are God in Israel and I am your servant and that I have done all these things at your word hear me o Lord hear me that this people may know that you are the Lord God and that you have turned their hearts back to you again then the fire of the Lord fair then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice and the wood and the stones and the dust and it licked up the water and that was in the trench now when all the people saw it I said when all the people saw they failed on their faces and they said the Lord he is God the Lord he is God for the next few moments we're gonna deal with the topic dancing with the enemy turn to neighbors said neighbor be careful about dancing with the enemy spirit of a living God Paul a fresh on us in Jesus name let everybody shout out amen amen and amen everyone who has been a part of the church and had heard the gospel stories that that have made the rounds within the body of Christ are familiar with the stories such as this one Elijah up on Mount Carmel he's on Mount Carmel and he gives a very clear choice he's calling on the people to make a choice and when I look at this story as I was walking through the scripture neighborhood the other day I stopped and I paused and I looked again because this story is really a spiritual showdown and the showdown is between God Jehovah and God Bale here's the challenge and I just saying hey everybody I need your attention he's saying you on that side on Bale side you make sure that you build your altar and after you build your altar you called on your God after you're done with that I will build an altar unto my god and let's just agree that the God who answers by fire let's all agree because this is a spiritual showdown a contest between my god and your God let's agree that whoever answers by fire let's agree that that really is the God now everybody knows the end of the story that that they built an altar and they began to to do all types of things to call on their God and there was no answer and then Elijah built his altar and then he prayed like we just read in scriptures and and when he call upon the Lord our God it says when things were in order the fire fell and when the fire failed the Bible says the people failed and then everybody declared He is God I'm so glad that we serve a mighty God come on the same out there now what what I'm gonna do is take a little different twist what I want us to take a look at is what happens before the fire falls because the principle that I am examining and that I am declaring today is that whenever the enemy has taken his best shot and we as God's people remain steadfast and immovable whenever the enemy has come at us like a raging flood and we keep on praising him and we keep on testifying and we keep on making sure that we are at one with our master I declared that when we do that I declare that that's when the fire fall when the time is right the glory of God will fall so Elijah's up on the mountain here it is and he inches he he literally he issues a challenge he said everybody here all mines clear and he says here it is here he he says how long this is Elijah he's the Prophet he said how long halt ye between two opinions now now now I I want you to take a look because I'm gonna do an a word study an exegetical analysis I want you to take I want you to take a look at the words halt and open ioan halt and opinion now that word halt means in the original Hebrew it means to limp it literally means the hobble it it literally means watch this when to dance it means to live or to hobble or to dance uh-huh uh it's it's a Hebrew word that means to live you need to get this to hobble or to dance now that word opinion where we get the word pinion the old engines it is a root word that's connected to the word watch this bent knees knees that are bent and when you put those two words together halt an opinion or pinion several concepts emerge the first concept is of a person who is limping because they have bad knees they walk around limping and they have bad knees and the reason why they're limping are because of those bad knees watch this so much so as they as they are progressing and moving forward they here it is that they they they they literally are shifting their weight from one crutch to the other crutch so as they move forward as they are traveling forward they literally are leaning and shifting and moving from one crutch to another crutch so if the idea of a person who is limping hobbling trusting from one press to another crutch the second concept and I'm looking at that words halt and opinion it is a person yes they're limping but but they they come to a fork in the road a fork in the road they they're limping and they come to a fork in the road and you can go either right or you could go left and so they stopped and they said well let me go right and they take about four steps and then they I really don't want to go right and so they go back to the fork in the road and they said let me go left for a while they take four or five steps going left is it I don't really want to go that way anymore they go back to the fork in the road and they say oh let me go to the right and and they take force and then they stop and and they turn back around and go to the for control and then they move to going to the left in other words watch this they go one way for a while than the other way for a while it is a picture of a person who cannot make a decision now you got to understand that that word hoped here it is literally means you look it up means to dance now it is not the type of dance that that you do at the reception or at the parties y'all still go to come on a theater I'm not I'm not I'm not talking about that kind of dancer but but but you find out when you do some studies when you do some studies there was that ancient Hebraic dance that the priests would do the preachers the priests would do anytime there was a celebration and God would move in a powerful way the priests would get in position and they were locked they would lock arms and whenever God would come through in a powerful way they would celebrate by doing a literal holy dance it was not a sexual dance it was not a groovy dancer but it was a dance where these uh priests that were in shape like dr. Jews and and and and and dr. Allen and pastor golf they would lock arms imagine that and they would they would watch this they would in a squatted me bit position they would go down all the way I mean down down I mean that that down down do you that I'm talking about all the way down and they would watch this they would come up and they would kick out their legs and they would come up and kick out their legs they were go down it yeah come on that's pretty good right yeah don't don't hate I'm celebrating come on I said I'm dancing that was halting they would when they would see the hand of God there was an ancient Hebraic priestly dance they would lock arms they would smile they would sing songs and they would go down in a squatted knee bit position and they would little kick up and kick up and and they were dance and they would celebrate it was nothing sexual it was nothing improper it was a happy Holi dance imagine that y'all I said holy come on I didn't say come on as a man out there they would be leaping from a squatted me--but position that a kind of dancer that was often used in a ancient Hebraic religious services now follow me because I'm going somewhere the Bible says watch this Elijah how long halt ye between two opinions uh-huh if God is really God that worship Him if Bale is really God then worship Him and the people answered not a word you know what he was really saying he was saying hey how long will all y'all keep dancing between God and the see see he was a bold prophet he was a prophet with the power of God within him he was not fearful at that time he said hey I see a tendency amongst all of the people you keep switching partners now you may not shout today but somebody's gonna get some help uh-huh how long are you gonna keep dancing and switching partners the question comes then what happens before the fire falls the first thing before the fire falls is that the devil the enemy will attempt to share you I said he wants to share you now the implication of this text is not up a people who have here it is who have made a definitive choice or decision or two to be on one side or the other side in other words it's not other of a people who have declared I'm going to be on bail side or I'm gonna be on God side it was a people who just could not make it up in their mind that the picture when I looked at this text it's here of a people who keeps going back and forth in fact this Jewish phrase led to the English idiomatic expression sitting on the fence a person who could not make a choice or wishy-washy person a double-minded person a flaky shady person of elijah was saying what's this how long will you keep going back and forth why because when you do that you are in the enemy's territory and the devil will share you now now I'm gonna blow your mind did you know that the devil watch this his ultimate goal is to destroy us and I've been teaching that for the last two weeks but did you know that for a time that the devil will be content listen in just sharing you with God he doesn't have to have all of you he can handle it at least for a while to just share your life with God oh oh where do you get that come on Doc peeler where do you get that will I turn to Genesis Caesar I turn to Genesis 34 Genesis 34 it will teach you and and and I want to lay down the groundwork and I'm gonna get to where we need to be but I want to teach you to make sure that you understand that the enemy will attempt to share you he does not have to have all of you he can handle it if you share your life with him watch this verse 14 it says this Genesis 34 verse 14 and I have the New King James right here it says Genesis and I'm sorry I'm sorry Exodus excuse me Exodus alright blind and when I can't see out the other I come on and same out there Exodus the 34th chapter there it is and we're looking at at verse 14 and 15 it was Exodus not Genesis excuse me I am I am with you all right here it is this bad that's the right one it says it says 34 it says here for you shall worship no other God for the Lord whose name is jealous is a jealous God lets you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and they play the harlot or King James says and they go a whoring after other gods and make sacrifice to their gods and one of them invites you and you eat of his sacrifice and you take up his and for your sons and daughters play the harlot with their gods and make your sons play the holux with their gods in other words here it is here it is the fire cannot be shared when you are being shared between God and the enemy and he's very clear and says here it is my name is jealous I'm a jealous God I am a God that wants you as my bride my people and I'm not going to volunteer you to be with anybody else but me I'm a jealous God I I am jealous for your salvation for your commitment with me for our time together I'm a jealous God watch this and so he says here's the idea God is warning the people in Exodus the 34th chapter he is saying now be careful when you go into the land that I have promised you be careful my bride my people when you get down there that you do not begin an illicit affair with the gods of that land now he is speaking metaphorically when he speaks of this dualistic relation when he says I don't go over there and act like a hope don't go a whoring okay you're my bride don't go into that land and begin illicit Affairs with the people of that land don't go and act like a ooh did you hear what pastor Peter says the Bible says just in case you want to question me God says when you get to that land don't go and act like a now 1 I don't know much about it but one of the characteristics of a or either a male or female is that a shown up or they don't want all of your time they may want your money but they don't want all your time did you know that as true down the gutter they have no problem sharing you now I'm trying to help somebody today yeah now now notice the metaphor that God uses now come on now don't miss the meaning of of what God's trying to teach us because of the sensationalistic nature of the text get the meaning that God says he said hey Saints when you get down there make sure you don't go a whoring after other gods what because other gods don't want all of your time they are not jealous for you they will share you now come on CWC I hope you don't just get so turned off that you'll miss the essence of the word this is very important because I believe that God is trying to set this house in order I believe that God is trying to set the pattern straight I believe that God is trying to get this house cleaned up so that his glory and his presence and his power and his fire can fall within our midst somebody out of same out there so what Elijah was saying make up your mind how long will you keep dancing with two different partners I was in high school and in high school I was just a regular I was not a theology student I did not want to be a preacher and I did not want to do that or anything like that - after my Jew my sophomore year and I got the call and then I came and joined dr. Jules down at Oakwood College but but before that I was a political to intern for Governor Jerry Brown and and I had a scholarship and I wanted to go into law and so my bangers you know just have fun I like I told you the other day I love but I love the world and and every now and again watch this I would I would go to a party I would go to a high school dance so oh I'm the only one all right some of y'all still go come on and save after party right yeah I know yeah y'all get it you look holy today come on the same out there but I bet you see something out you gonna break that thing down huh I may drop it like see y'all later see y'all ain't right come on let's keep turn to your names they keep it real keep it real well IIIi would I had I would sneak to the dance because I was not giving permission but I would sneak every night again wasn't right but but you know you know confession is good for the soul come on it's a man you know and so so so I would run I would run you know you know with my my homies I went to public high school I would run with them and I had good friends named Ronald warden and and and and Michael Mason is Steven down and and there was the coolest or at least he thought he was the coolest of us all his name was Pierre Pierre Pierre there's Pierre warden and and Pierre you know he had he had the kind of hair like dr. Jules come on the same out there you know come on dear that stuff that you know you know you know dr. Jules you know when he was a little younger that that stuff would be real high and lift it up come on and save that and he would preach yeah yeah that stuff be going like that I think Jules was a cool brother man here here's a cool brother well Pierre had that kind of hair he had that kind of hair and uh uh you know let's say men for our preacher cohort I said he's a powerful man so so we you know ampere you know he kind of talked softened you know he kind of you know had that coat he thought he was coolest thing I said you know sliced bread and he says you know you know I'm saying you know so you know a PPP you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna do something I'm gonna do something tonight you know I'm do something tonight that that you know you guys you know you're just gonna be amazed at what I'm gonna do I said yeah he says I'm gonna I'm gonna have two of my honey's at the dance I said - I said make you crazy man I said mint you trying to die he said no no no I ain't trying to die he goes you can't lose what the stuff I use come on her saying again you know say him and so you know we're there were there and we you know paid our three four dollars to get in and and and and sure enough sure enough Pierre Pierre he had a strategy and he told one to get there a little early and to go on the other side and you know at high school it was a little dark in there you know it was dark just a little you know ambience life and the music was doing it and so like that and - Pierre Pierre got there he got there and then he he met another one you know outside and brought her in he brought her in other ones done other and so there's a lot of people there you could barely see you know and the music was gonna you know oh yeah yeah yeah see I gotta preach another message tomorrow night come on yeah I mean just that some tell me y'all yeah hey you know is that here you know say hey you know I I you know I love music you know I was in a band play the bass and all that kind of stuff but the bottom line bottom line is is the music was pumping and and we just kind of sat on the wall shaking our heads and and Pierre he brought one in and the other one was on the other side and so he danced the first dance with her and they did the second dance with her and we're saying how is he gonna do this and then he stopped after the second dance and he says hey you you want me to you want me to get some punch you want you to get you want me to get you some punch and she goes okay he said yes and we said man how is he gonna do that this is and and and and so he went and got some punch and the punch was on the other side where his other one and so he got caught up over on the other side uh-huh and three songs later he came back and the other one was suspicion that he originated with and she was saying where you been see he may have gotten hahahaaha by with it but homie forgot the front key for he forgot the punch he he forgot the fool forgot the punch and then she you know she was upset she said I bet you over there you know how some sisters didn't do that neck I don't know how that Nick was going she goes no you ain't gonna play me like no fool I said uh-oh it's about to go down it's about to go down is he gonna play me like no fool you know I will knock you out I don't know what you're gonna that day and she would put the fake and then she says I ought to slap de at this she wins she goes in and and yeah what kind of Cologne is that you wearing see what happened was was when he was on the other side he had danced real close with his other partner and girlfriends perfume got all in his clothes now watch this Pierre had been dancing with two different folks but what gave him away was that he smelled like somebody else see some of you come before the presence of God every sabbath morning and lifting up holy hands and yet you have spent all the week dancing with the enemy and no matter how you try to cover it you smell there is an righteous odor that gives you away how long will you keep dancing with the enemy see see the devil wants to share you the devil's not impressed just because you come to church you know what the devil does oh he reasons you got to go home sometime but they'll be back see the devil was there when you took your span with you when you got baptized he was there when you made that commitment to Jesus Christ huh he knows that you by name that you are married to his adversary God he does not care if he shares you see see he does not care how much time he gets because any time that is dedicated to him means he got you he knows he cannot have all of you so he makes himself satisfied with just sharing you but God is not like the devil God can't handle sharing uh-huh he says my name is jealous he says I am a jealous God I want all of you or none of you if we're supposed to be married I want all of you this is not a package deal when you go into that land don't go and get illicit in relationships with other gods Elijah calls it halting or dancing caught between two paths can't decide one way the other way and I declare CWC and friends we will never know the glory of God in our life why we keep dancing between two different partners you will never establish a solid relationship with Christ you will never blow in your relationship with God you will never from glory to glory to glory you will never increase in your faith you will never grow in your love for him you will never see the fire of gods fall in your life if you don't stop dancing between two partners that's why the devil that's or what the devil is not impressed because we go to church and and attend for three weeks of Bible conference he's just reasons oh oh that's God's time I'm mad at you gone ha ha ha get your praise on so now the Prophet is saying you better listen to me how long will you keep dancing between two partners how long will you keep giving the enemy your time straddling both sides of the fence using your mouth to shout on Sabitha and then using that same mouth or spread rumors on Monday how long will you keep playing both ends against the middle if God is God [Applause] straighten up and fly right and follow God if Bell is God then follow him and and watch the next line dr. Jules and the people answered not a word if God has got now here it is he stands up and it says all the people were on this large Hill Mount Carmel he stands up and he makes he makes a declaration a clear declaration hey how long will you keep dancing between two if God is God serve Him if Bale is God serve him their answer no answer you got to get this nobody said anything all of the children of Israel were represented on that mountain and the ones who were on that heel they were supposed to be God's designated people and in the entire nation not one stood up for God not one the people answer now to work see rumors had gone on out about God and that God was dead that God didn't care that God was evil that he was weak and his people who should have known the truth about God they didn't open up their mouths and say hey hey Elijah I got your back you can count on me but here was the problem their lives their lives their lives were so messed up dancing back and forth with God today with the enemy tomorrow that when it was time to stand up for the one who had blessed and benefited them the most uh watch this they did not have them the spiritual fortitude to say I'll go with God and some of you will meaning scholars and Saints will say doc see the reason why nobody said a word nobody said a word is they were waiting for a miracle well no because first of all when he said that the challenge had not been yet given look at the chronology and number two they had seen this group they had seen miracles this was the same crowd who had seen God time after time after time they had seen God delivered them from Egyptian bondage this was the crowd that had seemed rain down plagues on their enemies this this was the same crowd that saw God split back the Red Sea this was the same God that has seen God feed them every day with manna you-you-you need to know that this was the crowd that had seen miracles they had seen God sweeten the bitter waters of Marah you got to understand this was the same crowd that saw God turn bring water out of a rock and gave them clothes that did not wear up shoes that never wore out that was miracle after miracle after miracle that this crowd saw what else did they need but their lives were so divided that they were silent see before the fire falls not only will the devil attempt to share you here it is the devil will try to silence you now remember only one prophet of God was on the hill in this showdown this contest between 450 prophets of bale and the problem was that most of us have we have compartmentalize our praise in other words there's too many I like to call them I can't call them that in church come on and say but the ones the ones who who are silent in their Christianity I'm talking about instead of uniformed soldiers they are saved and when I looked at this I said the problem was they wanted to fit in with the world and they were in their comfort zone and and and when they were not in their comfort zone they were not in their conference own and yet they were standing before the world and when Elijah issued a challenge nobody wanted to seem like a fanatic and when I first pastor Allen when I first and second time and third time I started to get kind of I said these guys had seen all these miracles and nobody said a word I began to get a little puffed up and kind of like condescending how dared them how dare they you know I mean after all that God had done for them I said how could they keep Sabbath and I got a better question after all that God has done for you CWC how can you keep sad I'm talking about I'm talking about after all the ways he has blessed you how can you keep silent and then then the Holy Ghost conviction said I got a better question peeler after all of what I've done for you after you so blessed by my healing touch after you've seen all the things that I've done in your life how in the world can you keep silent up you see when you look back over your shoulders and see how God has brought you how can you keep silent I'm talking about when you see the jams he's brought you out of huh I'm talking about when the enemy had you in the very grips of his power and God came and snatched you out of the hand of the enemy with the enemy you put a wall in front of you and God made a door that no man can shut how can you keep silent about how God has made a way out of no way how can you keep silent when God has allowed you to walk through the Red Sea's of your life how can you keep silent when God keeps letting you meet your bills and put food on your table and clothes on your back how can you keep silent up when God has brought you to the point where you can celebrate another Sabbath and praise him one more time how can you keep silent when God has allowed your wretched no-good gossip in lazy bound for hell souls are it allowed you to come in this presence one more time how can you keep silent up when I look at the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me my soul cries out hallelujah I'm not going to keep silent I'm going to give all of my praise the devil is not going to silence me God's been too good I cannot keep silent somebody ought to say yes he's been too good to me see these people had have bad memory problem they had a case of the forget arees and some of us we have a bad case of the forget Ares some of us whiff said did he now been here for a few years and got a few nickels in your bank aha but you have forgotten how God has blessed you and save you and brought you and taught you and clothe you and cleaned you up but if you just look back over your shoulder and remember it was God who brought you from a mighty long way and you'll be able to see the fire fall in your life somebody honest a matter of it somebody shot all Lord your good and I won't keep silent what happens before the fire fall first of all the devil would try to share you but secondly he will try to silence you but thirdly and finally watch this the third thing that the devil wants this is ultimate he wants to shame God by getting to you he he hates God and he hates the God that lives within you so what he does he tries to and distract us into doing things that will cause ultimate embarrassment to the God that we claim that we are connected to are you all getting this thing just sit down I'm just almost almost almost ready I'm just ready but now here it is before the fire falls he he wants to share it just say share me uh-huh just say share me uh-huh all right secondly he wants to silence me somebody shout out devil you ain't gonna silence me amen amen now watch this here it is now here it is the third thing that he wants to do is that he wants to shame God by getting to us it's in the book we're going to take a look because you know the story eight hundred and fifty prophets priests you know that they built their altar look at the scene Elijah when Elijah he says y'all go first let the impressive scene they had their robes on their royal regalia they built up this impressive altar and and one of them begins to call on their God and they begin by saying bill bill sinned down the fire bill Bell and now the fire Bell Bell where well ma'am please sit down the fire no fire the Bible says after they called on the name of bail and no results remember impressive see just think everybody here have it on a robe and you're a priest and so so you have to understand that that was an impressive scene over this big altar and there they literally the Bible says they began to call on the name of bail and to get results and people are watching all of this crowd and when the morning time happened is now tuned day they now changed their game plan they began to dance around the altar Bell Bell send down fire-sale sad sitting down fire yeah sit down sit down [Music] sit down fine hey hey sit down no fire it's in the book take a look 850 going around and around and around and around for hours shouting and then now they want to invoke the sympathies of their God now add in this they began to cut themselves and so they are flowing with blood blood everywhere they are dancing they are singing they are shouting they are dancing they are seeing their shouting they are cutting the blood everywhere they're shouting on the name of Bell and then watch Elijah he he had to be african-american come on his name out there Elijah was sitting on a rock and and and he was he was watching it all he said hey why don't you call a little louder in my neighborhood they would call him Elijah was clowning him he said maybe he's asleep maybe he's gone on vacation maybe he's relieving himself and they kept on dancing and shouting and cutting and cutting and dancing and shouting and it went on from morning to noon and now it's evening now they stopped but still no fire they did their best listen to me I said they did their best listen to me I said they did their best to try to embarrass God but there was no sound from their heaven there was no answer from their God and after they had danced as hard as they could intense and after they have prayed as long as they could pray and when they had done all that they could do and sacrifice their March from morning to noon now it's evening then it was God's turn up you see the fire failed when the devil had his chance see after he had hit you with everything he could find but when he got through hitting you with everything he's been fine you're still standing I declared that's when the fire fall something I'm talking about in those times when he throws at you everything but the kitchen sink and he still sees you standing up and he still sees you praising up that's when the fire Falls up he had tried his best shot huh to kill you up try to steal away your joy I tried to make you quit in the midst of the journey he had his chance to hit you and to take you out but he missed you that's when the fire Falls up he said disappointment he sent despair he sent despondency he sent this Iza he sent disenchantment he sent this Guster he sent this honor he sent distraction he just dissed you up but he missed you up then the fire fella he took away your friends he took away your loved ones he took away your reputation he took away all your money he hit you with everything he had you had to spend some lonely night you had some pierced a night time you wonder what God was gonna do but when he finished hit you all that he could hit you if that's when God stepped right in right on time and God says I'll take it from here that total eye on you but I'll tell the truth on their mouth watch out CWC yeah I have a word for you up it's God's time now ah the devil had his chance huh but he missed me uh God is about to count me out huh thought is about the clothes of partner look out Santa here comes God oh you didn't think you were gonna make it you were ready to throw in the towel but look out Santa here comes God you did your best sir but people were still wagging their tongues huh you did your best huh huh you may have had tears in your eyes your knees might have gotten weak in Eternia you might be tired of the battle ax but look out Santa here comes the fire somebody oughta praise God in this house for all that he's done these past months of your life I have been a living hell uh but right now I said right now God is snatching the devil off off your back he's lifting him up by the throat ah get back under my feet uh it's my turn now it's my time to bless my child it's my time to heal my child it's my time to deliver my child it's my time to pull them out uh if my time go by for Emma it's my time to save him I look out chain sir here comes God ah the devil tried to hit you with everything he had put you in the hospital but doctors all around you put needles in your armor but God is now saying look how you're here comes the fire Bell shot his best shot it's past her now you see the devil doesn't know who you are you are a son and daughter of the Most High God because the Bible says women lie Caudle nada the fire fella and when the fire fail the people fail and they said the Lord he is God I declare you stand up today God will show out in your life huh if you stand up for truth stand up for righteousness huh with the fire pros you will be able to stand and I'm so glad that somebody is discovering now that if the Lord has rescued you uh somebody ought to say something if the Lord has brought you from a mighty long way up somebody ought to say something if the Lord has helped you to raise those children ah somebody ought to give him a praise if the Lord has opened up doors for you that no one can shut now somebody ought to say something if the Lord has been a bridge over troubled waters huh somebody ought to say something uh leather leather leather leather reveal what the Lord say so uh who cares how prim and proper you are praise God ah who cares how sophisticated you are praise God ah who cares how many degrees you have all your name praise God who cares or on what side of town you live praise God when you got tears that are coming under your chin and God wipes away every tear from your eyes somebody oughta praise him ah hey and if you don't like praising church how you gonna enjoy heaven uh because we're all all of God's children get together what a time what a time what a mighty God we serve he's Alpha he's Omega he's a bridge over troubled waters he's Daniels free nah he's Elijah's God he's God Almighty he's invincible he's the justified Savior he's the king of kings up and the Lord of lords yes yes I wanna praise him up in the morning praise Him in the noonday Oh pray when the Sun Goes Down everybody out of Noah who Jesus is he's oil uh-huh for a faithful Widow haha he's the Prince of Peace he's quick and he's powerful he's the truth and a lighter he's the universal kinga yes yes yes what a mighty God what a mighty God can you give God some praise [Music] yes the devil will not share me the devil will not silence me I'm not gonna allow the devil to save God by kidding to me and if we just hang on in there and keep raise them in the midst of our trials you'll see in these last days the latter rain and the fire of God will fall in your life everyone stand everyone standing if you available to you [Music] the question is going forth in a prophetic utterance [Music] ain't no harm in praising God [Music] because one of the reasons [Music] that some cannot openly praise him because our lives are so divine [Music] we're we're we're too worldly to be God and we're too godly to be world where we're right in the middle and the prophetic voice of elijah is saying how long [Music] will you keep dancing between God and the devil because one of the ploys of the enemy is that the devil [Music] it's time it's time to say god it's about you and you alone you know I put it this way why should we choose this to live inhale and then go to him because you know what hell is it is a life watch this that is happy committed to God now if you're gonna go to hell have fun going to hell but why go to hell the long way around the church if you're not gonna get serious with God and got alone and I'm not talking about I'm not talking about growing up in grace I'm not talking about living a life of perfection but I'm talking about your direction it's a mate of mine there will be stumbles there'll be false but the bottom line is we need to say today that God I choose [Music] I chose you I want the fire of God and in my sanctified walk I want to grow up in [Music] so somebody needs to say Lord I am available [Music] sing it like you mean it if you really mean you lift up your hands [Music] I'll do [Music] use me Lord to show someone [Music] and enable anime [Music] my storage [Music] seeing that course again come on now singing like you need to say say Lord [Music] I will [Music] just do [Music] now this is the this little hard part of your testimony now say my storage say my storage [Music] what my Patrick famous gone and I to you now somebody needs to make a decision today I'm not gonna be here all day you know God has brought you orchestrated this moment in your time because you know that your life has been divided between God and the enemy and the clarion call you're good you're good the clarion call praise God this is one the clarion call just just just wait a minute just come staff the clarion call is how long halt you between to appear next Sabbath we are going to have a baptism and a baptism is going to be an indication of people who have made up their mind and I'm tired of of a church that is lukewarm and lukewarm Church too cold to be hot too hot to be cold and that's the kind of church that makes God sing well what is the church what is it church the church is you ask yourself quick to talk about the church search in it what ask yourself this question what type of church with this church be if every member were just like me because you are the church I am now here it is this lady says that I am gonna go all the way with God there are people in this place men women boys and girls that may need to make their calling and election sure to stand firm and say I'm going to go with God and I'm gonna do whatever by His grace he tells me to do up - up - in a very public way you go down in this so if God has already spoken to you come down now and if somebody is next to you say excuse me excuse me I have an appointment with God just excuse me come on there there's no pip God has already told me come on now I'm talking about there are those who are literal members of the of the church and you know you have been divided and you need a fresh walk with the master and you need right now to come and give God your all and you want to do it now now I'm gonna pray that God will will literally break the spirit of pride in this place so you can make that decision today if you hear God's voice harden not your heart father in the name of Jesus pray pray say in the name of Jesus bring your people to this altar with a broken and contrite spirit we know God that there are many that need to come and make their calling and election sure they're tired o god of living divided lives and they want God and God alone to be so God right now move in this place God moves before they become a moveable bring them home today give them a passion and a desire for you such as never before help them to be available vessels so that they may be used by God Lord do it in the name of Jesus I do pray amen and amen for the next two minutes come join the ones gold ones I see some young people struggling I see some young adults struggling you need to make it right with God now well what imma do it next week I'm gonna do it tonight no no today if you hear God's voice don't you harden your heart we want to prepare you for what is going to take place my stop be say my stories come down now somebody else needs to come come on man on a can somebody else needs to come my [Music] come on let it go let it go come on my starlet we're getting ready to bring my storage come on young people come on child is your time hello how long [Music] how long my stall come on come on come on my star ah [Music] come on come on come on my star [Music] come on the part about the fall my star [Music] my stolen yes yeah yeah yeah yep my stole [Music] come on come on come on my star yes yes and I [Music] now here it is this thing is talking about the fire Falls and I'm just about to break in the next minute now watch this this whole thing about your storage being empty is it's very serious it's very serious because many of you perhaps have asked for the Spirit of God in your life and you said God's seen your spirit I need your power see somebody in the balcony you guys are hiding it about me you need to get down here and be a part the Spirit of God just told me that somebody is hiding and you know you need to be at this altar and you need to come now oh yeah yeah yeah you need to come now yes yes yes yeah yeah you need to come now now here it is this thing about about their storage being empty or life being empty it's very important because you've asked in the past spirit of living God please fall afresh on me Oh God use me empower me thank you thank you for being the spirit thank you for a bay in your spirit thank you for obeying the spirit thank you for being the spirit thank you for being the spirit this is your season your life is better when you obey the spirit your life is better when you bathe the spirit yeah yeah your life is better it's very very crucial in these last days that do whatever God tells you to do but watch this storage is empty you've asked in the past and you said Wow I've asked God to really fill me up and to cleanse me and to use me and still watch this no victories no power no joy no change and your ask yourself big guy and I've noticed this here it is there is something that God cannot do oh that's blasphemy no no doctor Jews I found this out there's something that God cannot do what can't God did you know that God cannot feel something up that is already full you're begging to save oh god the spirit use me and then the spirit comes into our lives our houses and he sees it still filled up with mess but secret sins with negative attitudes with stuff that is ungodly even God cannot fill up something that is already full that's why this prayer he says now watch this my storage is empty in other words anything that is within me I yield and give over to you and it's only when we are empty God can fill us up because the verse says so I've emptied out my cup so that what you can feel me up now I'm free I just want to be more available to you so we're gonna pray and even as I'm praying if you feel convicted to be honest author and make that decision yay even for next Sabbath to be a part of this great gathering I want you to begin and obey God because watch this if you love me it's not just my Commandments you will do see what in other words your love for God in these last days has to be at such a level that you're willing and open to do whatever he says you will keep his commands you will do what he says and in these last days we don't need people who are divided we need people who are focused solely and wholly on the Lord not perfection but your direction let's pray father in the name of Jesus all over this building you have moved and it's for your glory I thank you Lord if I have done anything out of sorts or that embarrass your eye first of all forgive I asked for forgiveness and so please forgive me God but I thank you Lord for the revelation of your truth we have exposed the enemy once again and we did it the best we knew how and so I thank you I thank you Lord for your word first and foremost then I thank you Lord for the the vision of this house for the leader the man I'm asking that you put a hedge around a messy he continues to do your will I thank you for all the leadership team and all the people but but lord I thank you Lord for the ones who are bold enough to take a stand today thank you God and you are literally snatching the enemy by his throat and you are declaring that he is no longer master of their lives and so Lord we thank you allow your spirit to move into their lives as they are emptying up their cups today lord I thank you Lord for the word that says if we confess our sins that you're faithful and just to forgive us our sins and then cleanse us from all unrighteousness I thank you Lord for the power that comes from knowing you I thank you Lord for the victories that will be in the in the lives of everyone who came down today Lord you know their story but even with their story use them so that you can get their glory get the glory tonight from their lives and so from the youngest child to the oldest one that has come today have your way in their lives I thank you Lord still every decision help them to know that only what they do for Christ will last so surround them with your love embrace them with your mercy and then fill them with your spirit use them for your glory from now henceforth and forever I thank you for the demonstration of your power because when the fire failed the people fail and we're all proclaiming that you are God and God alone so I praise you and I thank you in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus somebody shout amen
Channel: CWC SDA
Views: 1,954
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CWC, SDA, Community, Worship, Center, community, worship, center, sda, Pastor, Abraham, J., Jules, Dr. Emil Peeler, #journey2joy, Emil Peeler, Dancing with the Enemy, journey2joy
Id: 3wA2nLRuoRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 43sec (5263 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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