C/w Nana: Lao Beef Salad (ລາບຊີ້ນ == Larb Seen)

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Leidy welcome back with cooking with Nana today I'm gonna teach you guys how to do my lab scene there's a raw one and there's a cook one so and then I will do the gang it's the soup is without the intestine of the is windpipe windpipe it's uh intestine small intestine or heart and no not a heart a liver and spleen but I don't know what they call it in loud but this is what I will put in my but you can put on heart kidney whatever did you find this is what I have in there and then my water is boiling in a big pot I put like eight cups like ten cups of water it's intense it takes a long time to cook and then when the water is boiling I will have lemongrass smash it come on top and temple I'm leaf in the broth so this is the main thing and salt for the soup so not yet I like to it little boy I'm gonna put this on the side and I will introduce you my feet okay and this is my raw meat I slice it really thin and you want to find this kind of meat I use the knuckle just called the knuckle meat you have to slice it rope then I will show you and this is the liver and this is the book try so my product is like 2 tablespoon my MS minam the MSG is 2 2 tbsp my fish sauce is 3 tbsp and it's a pentile spicy you want to Chili's and this I put I add three tablespoons and so this is like uh one taste 1 tbsp half and then like 10 leaves of very thin slice of Calphalon beef and this is my vegetable ooh YUM green beans - ah there's a green one and purple one mmm and eggplant cucumber chili I don't have lettuce I use cabbage and then this is the pop alert I don't know they would call you the English pop you look you put in the soup it's kind of like this where you know so the your spoon will taste better and it doesn't taste power like I'm smelly but this is the best when you put mix Gang Gang come night it's like poppy look and the rest is mint green onion cilantro and other herbs it's well I'm gonna add all the herbs in here everything and then my salt 3 tbsp of salt okay I'm gonna let it lit up the herbs bring out a little bit more color to a little bit Brown so it brings the flavor of the herbs so I could be written up yet you don't try don't try to get your meat with fat because you want Oh like all meat to make laughs so it tastes good see you can slice it if it's too if you wanted more thinner you can chop it so that's how I do my lap my pot is boiling up I'm putting the windpipe in here I've rinsed this with warm water adding salt you know wash it with salt and water okay hot that I have out of my oven oh my stop on my stove I'm gonna blow up this it's called boiling little bit but don't over cooked it and this is the liver the liver I slice it thin if you don't like liver on your lap you don't have to but I woke up kind of blew up months um to let it cook a little bit but not overcook there because some people do loved it and um it allow they don't you know they'd like to eat it raw like this but then we're gonna lure gonna boil it a little bit to cook cook it down see slice it stand like I said you don't want to liver on it you don't have to I'm gonna use my um this basket in here gonna blow up the book tripe just for a few second you don't lose one over cook it just come to like five one two three four five see because I slice it and already if you overcooked it it's gonna be too rubbery you don't want that to your operation okay stream soon as the liver like that that'd be fun if you want over you if you want to cook your liver more you can but I like the way it is already with mine meat here okay and then I am gonna have my salt oh my fish sauce like a bag msg and my M rice everything all in here heard I am gonna get you missed fish sauce that's one spoon a spoon msg you can use a little bit okay and then once one of the taqwa and then a pinch of pepper lime leave and a pinch of Colunga okay and your B if it's depend how bitter you want it so I'm gonna use a little bit because I'm not a really fan of this I don't want I mean I don't like it too strong so I'm gonna just put a little bit cuz you don't want to power it some people like it strong some people put um put some lime squeeze lime but mostly you'll ow lop dip they don't really put on line and I'm gonna add the liver and then tonight mix it together real good like make sure it goes in together once is then you taste it hmm that's dry pepper I don't spicy you want it okay I'm gonna have more um fish sauce another spoon another spoon of but ACK [Music] Hey mmm a little bit more that's why you always have to taste and if you want more a little bit bitter add more but then another spoon of half a spoon of cup quoi and another pinch like a lot of herbs in mind okay buddy Hood in anti and right here okay once this then you taste one more time if you're happy the way it tastes that's good and you will add tomatoes green onion all the herbs mint hey that's how your lap is to be done because it's sticky because of the FRA me and then hmm like you taste it if you won the more and more and stuff but I don't want to be like I say I don't like mine too bitter it's you know if you like to add more bitter you can more fish sauce more / - it's up to you but I think I'm happy with it is because I'm not a bitter person um a little bit more no BA and a little bit more up attack because my cameraman says job what about bitter a little bit more you say yeah a little bit more and pepper just live it more then a little bit more Coco up so I'm starting adding a little bit more everything because the cameraman say it was kind of down taste one more time I'm okay now cameraman here okay he's approved so that means everything's okay so I'm gonna plate it up and show you the next step of the okay like the other one is kind of i grill it or put in the oven and you little let it cook like boil it so it's kind of a cook medium well once it does that you can just slice it real thin see you set up you know and then once you slice it real thin chop it like this this one it's all your like medium coke it's not like the one the first one I did was Rara meat this one I'm gonna use mine because some people don't they like can I use lying yes you gum if it's like the wrong one like the cook one like this you can use lime if you want to use line you can if you don't want to use the other bitter juice in it you don't have to put it in the bowl that I slice my topspin and then one line so I'm gonna add my pitch of kept lime leave in here and pinched Oh I leave palanca okay mix it hey let's slice them lime just one slice first cuz I don't want it to be too sour this is a penny people like it's sour but you don't want to overpower to kill the flavor of it so and then I'm gonna put the liver here the one that I did here we're not going to use this since we ought to use lime because if you use line just use line if you don't want to use line with your club with the köppen you can use this bitter salt sauce loudly call be in English they would call what cameraman Bob yeah and then I would have the rice powder put one spoon first EMS use option one Zota spoon and then it goes my back nope attack I think it's going to be 1 tablespoon already here in here if you don't like my neck you don't have to put the one that brings flavor into it too and then a little bit of nut ba okay mix it in and you gotta taste it if you want more sour you can but then I think I gonna add my dry pepper now it's been how spicy you want it hey and my cameraman taste what you say cameraman you say down so I'm gonna end up in a bow to me that's why oh do people have different tastes what about sourness is okay little bit more lime you said because many people don't like it too sour some people like sour under lock young laughs medium wrong one it's good to put line if you don't like the bitter one but the raw raw one I'm I prefer not to put lime on the raw one because you know you know they don't really put lining the raw one because it puts up the better bitter thought of sauce on this green by oh yeah okay this is how the map looks like see this is the cooked one it's better that you grill grill it some people they chop it and win and fry it but I don't like that mmm tastes better not did you want more you know onion solando you can add it on okay I'm gonna take that one up cook it takes like hours to cook because the contestant takes a long time to cook so after that I'm gonna take it out and come in slice it get all the tests in here and then the windpipe see what else I have here and the splint Miko I've looked a cam don't owe the sting the root of the hand or whatever that's long just put in there to go though everything in here cut it up nice to me um being tested and throw back [Music] okay this is site intestine small intestine [Music] it's a penthouse slice you want to be the small make it perfect windpipe see do you want round you can if you don't want it wrong you can just cut it like this [Music] I didn't get the heart I didn't get the kidney this is fine already with the windpipe with a liver and the sling Linda spleen I'm sorry spleen and then [Music] some right there she'll be fine in I'm gonna slice this and I'm gonna put it back in the pot again I'm gonna put back in there one more piece that ever better okay and then you're gonna taste it I did was adding MSG and salt nothing else and then and some vegetable puppy love that you put on it brings the kick into it and then I'm gonna serve it and eat with the lab that I made and I will show you that instance the gang day it's done I turned I just sliced put up in the pot and I turn off because it takes because of the intention takes a long time to cook for me I was I did the like that hour and a half to two hours total off to boil the intestine to be soft to be cooked to me because all else is gonna be hard so I have that in my intestine all the power to intestine out in here and then I'm gonna put my green onions on top right here this is how this is gang tonight see you will be like so this is what would would eat I would have you can have some raw beef right here that we have and then this is the wrong line and this is the cook one the cook one i grill it or put it in the oven you know to make it like medium medium-well medium raw and then slice it and then this one was line and the raw one with um was by a loud cough be okay so I would do my soup like this you know people come over put in a big ol pot in a big ol bowl share it and then have them own oops do whatever you like in here if you want to put bone some bone or beef bone in here you can your people like to be phone but this is all tough come back and then you like sure raw looked line ever half-half up the wrong here like it raw and then cook one and then I would have my clicker rice let's let's test this out you can have two uh pit cucumber eggplants if you like chili pepper you can add chili pepper on the side if you want more chili just gonna put on this side like dry chili and then let's try though mmm it's good I'm going to try though you have lettuce you can wrap lettuce I didn't grab any lettuce at the store my god feel good I like the Roma I'm a mom I like dipping my chili - Hummer pick up on spike it and you can mmm the gang is perfect the way it is already you don't have to add anything it was just MSD salt and that's it if then you just taste it if you want add Lydon on 5 you can here's a sure you test it and puppyhood everything in here mmm so good and this is my lab the way how I learned from my family for my mom you know have taught me how to do this and this is how we do a lot human Lau people might do different and stuff say if you decide to do all this lab the raw one and people doesn't want to eat raw they can um microwave it have microwave it or fry it like you know you saw a pan and just uh try don't add no I just fried to cook it so this is how my lab scene is like my turn my turn my kid not seen um can cut 9 I'm done and thank you so much for watching my video and supporting me and being there for me and like I said money out my pen back see so turn out how checking my lock on
Channel: Cooking with Nana
Views: 138,320
Rating: 4.8133335 out of 5
Keywords: larb, larp, laab, laap, beef salad, offal
Id: VMZMcrXLri0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 29 2014
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