Cutting a Huge 1 Inch by 10.5 Inch Internal Keyway - Vertical Shaper - Manual Machine Shop

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foreign [Music] I'm Josh Toppers so today's job is to cut a one inch wide keyway ten and a half inches long inside of this part right here and we're going to be doing that on what is my favorite machine in the entire shop the Mori 12-inch vertical shaper now I bought this machine a couple years ago during the pandemic and had a hard time getting it out of where it was but I absolutely love it it's been an awesome machine the little bit I've used it it has 12 inch stroke and it's all adjustable we've got different feeds but last week's video we had problems inside the feed box with the oil system and I hope that prompted you guys all to tear into your oil systems just to make sure they're working properly I was fortunate enough to get it working but there is some wear in there and there will be some eventually we'll be tearing into that further and doing some repairs and if you remember this is the tool holder I built a while back and this is the part now this part is from one of my new customers I picked this customer up last year they've been Outsourcing this to a different shop and they've been having problems with the consistency of the keyways being the proper width they are one inch plus or minus one thousands and this one is four thousandths over so it's one inch five thousands we're gonna attempt to cut another keyway on one of these other spots and see how it goes so I'm going to go ahead and set this up I'll do a time lapse of it and I'll do a voiceover explaining what I'm doing as I'm doing it and let's get this job going so here I'm just uh getting the tool height set adjusting the stroke setting the tool height and the making sure the ram doesn't hit the part which I got very close on this now I'm indicating the vertical straightness of the tool to make sure it's absolutely true to the ram and now I got the the indicator on the table just setting perfect center with the tool so indicating it into Center getting the fine tune to clamp the table now I'll put the indicator up on the tool and indicate the part to Center and you can see there first it was a little bit off now it's getting closer and the next thing I'll do is I'll grab my clamps once it's close and then clamp it into place lightly and then fine tune it one more time and then I'll clamper down and do a final test of everything so just checking fine tuning as we go now I'm going to put a little die cam there and I'll scribe a few lines just to make sure we're we're all good do some fine checkup make sure everything's good and away we go [Music] got my line scribed they got her lined up the best I can um just looking at the keyway that they had caught in here I don't know if it's clear or easy to see but it is crooked as I'll get out so not only is it oversized but it's crooked um now this is not my one inch um cutter this is a three-quarter inch we're going to take the center out first see how it goes and then we're going to go ahead and start cutting in and get the one inch so we'll rough it out with three quarter and then finish it off with the one inch oh let's go ahead and start the spindle this we have the ram up and hope for the best boy that is tight I know if I start doing these uh regularly there'll be a new fixture belt and and it'll go a lot better so let's uh see what happens ease it in until we touch off and we just touched and it looks looks good I see a little metal on each side so it looks like we're absolutely Square and it's hard to tell there but all right now since the feed is not super consistent on this machine I'm gonna take it in and gently bring it in myself one thou at a time [Music] thank you very much foreign so I'm going to give the feed a try because it seems like it was cutting pretty good at a few thousand a feed it looks like we're three to three to four for a rat stroke [Music] thank you [Music] that seems a little aggressive so I'll just have to be careful [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign all right so unfortunately I don't have a really good way to measure this because the tool is in the way here I just don't have enough travel and I need to build an actual proper tool holder for these if I do them in the future if this goes good and the customer accepts it but what I'm going to do is just take my caliper and measure the wall thickness of the old hole and right now it is 210 thousandths let's just see where this one is 280. so I got 70 to go so we'll go ahead and just keep on cutting another 70. foreign I stopped about 20 000 shy of what I think is going to be my finish and we'll just quickly measure it and see where I'm at and actually twenty thousands to go so we'll go ahead and just get that last little bit now you're probably all wondering yeah why this doesn't have a Clapper box and it wouldn't work on a vertical shaper Clapper box utilizes gravity and the vertical shaper doesn't really work that way so I said this this is such a fun machine to run I can't tell you guys how much I enjoy this machine okay so we'll just let that stroke out a little bit and and clean up the bore and I'll back her out and shut her off oh I guess I got to run it up by hand to get it exactly where I want it there now I need to change out my cutter to my one inch and then we'll clean that up open that up to the one inch we're just going to go ahead and shut that off while we change out the bit and these generally these are a Morrison key Cedar cutter and these generally come about two to four thousandths oversized so what I did was I just hit it on the Belt grinder and just took it down so I am now 9 or 0.999 so I am within the tolerance of the part see if I can get this out now it's definitely not a lot of clearance here I'm gonna have to run that down and utilize the hole and when I say this is one of my favorite machines to run I mean that this thing is is really just a blast to run come on I got a bunch of crap in the hole don't you hate it when there's crap in your hole that did it and if you're still wondering about the tool holder I made this here in the shop there is a video on the build of this it was last year and it just took me that long to get to the to this job so not that this was a rush at all um I think they said they only do a few of these a year this is a sample to see if I could do it um and quite honestly it looks like I might be able to do it well I got it out and actually I don't see anywhere on it it looks really good I'll have to clean it up more looking over further but here is our bigger one let's go ahead and put that in foreign where am I here [Music] [Music] okay all right here we go all right ready okay all right okay okay foreign foreign thank you [Music] [Music] thank you well let's clean this up just a little bit here and this is a one inch gauge block so let's see how I did I measured it already and it was it was right on and it's going to be a snug fit to get this guy started but oh nice so wow that's that's a beautiful fit I am going to get this out of here and get it back to the customer and for inspection and we'll see how it goes so this one on the bottom is the one I just cut ten and a half inches long one inch keyway so I will get this to the customer and uh pending their review of it and how it goes I may get this job on a repeat basis and we'll do another video with making the fixture if I get the job so until next time remember I love this machine this thing is so much fun if you ever get a chance to buy one buy one a vertical shaper and until next time get out in your shop and get it done right the first time foreign [Music]
Channel: Topper Machine LLC
Views: 35,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manual machinist, machine shop, topper machine, metal planer, metal shaper, DIY, homemade, monarch lathe, Bridgeport milling machine, lathe work, boring mill, HBM, drill press, metal lathe, milling machine, welding, press brake, Keyway cutting, broaching a keyway, Making big parts, big machining, vertical shaper, vertical slotter, pratt and whitney, morey machinery, abom79, cutting edge engineering, skilled machinist, skilled worker, talent, shaper
Id: Pifjw29ss7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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