Making Big Bolts - Threading 3" Bars for Rock Crusher Bolts - Manual Machine Shop

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foreign [Music] I'm Josh Toppers so today's job is to thread some three inch bar stock for three inch four to fit this nut and we're actually going to be threading each end of the bar I've got the first one up here that another shop had started on and realized they were in over their head they didn't get this one to fit quite right so I need to chase these threads and get it to fit the nut and then we'll spin it around and we'll thread a foot on the other end and I've got 15 of these in total to do so let's get started so a big problem that I've been finding over the years is it doesn't matter if you make these threads right to size by the book measure them over wires the nuts half the time never fit and that's the problem we've got on this one we just cannot get it that's it so maybe half a thread so we'll have to go ahead and chase this and then make every one of them to fit the nut all right so I'm all set up for threading I'm going to go ahead and engage the spindle and start the drive or the feed nut and then stop it and then I'll bring it in and just try to line myself up as close as I can [Applause] looks like a good starting point I'll zero out my digital readout for that depth back it out go ahead and start it again and just follow that thread and bring it into [Applause] I'm going to stop there re-zero come back to the beginning because I'm running out of thread there [Music] trying to catch that threat enough to [Music] be where I need to be for starting it [Applause] a little off [Applause] perfect looks like right there right there is where I'm going to start I'm hoping you can see this good bring it back to the beginning and I zeroed my readout right where I wanted to be and we'll go ahead and start this again and I'm going to take about five thou on my compound it looks like we got good engagement but it looks like their cut wasn't perfect [Music] so this will probably be hard to see but it what I'm seeing is it looks like I'm hitting good in the bottom but I'm not hardly hitting it all up high so it looks like their tool might have been ground wrong and that might have been the problem so we'll go ahead and just a few more passes and see if we can't get this one to start the nut all right and I actually slowed down my spindle speed a little bit just because that was a little fast and taking about four thou on my compound again that's a nice cut [Music] [Music] s to move the camera [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right let's just see where we're at here if that did anything for us and nope we uh we got a little ways to go yet I'm guessing spin that nut around just make sure it ain't the nut because I've seen that too oh same distance so we'll go ahead and just take a few more passes and bring it right in [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] a few passes off let's see if we made any progress here oh we're getting close that's uh a lot further than it was before so it's about where we got before yeah we're we're making progress so now I'm gonna actually turn the coolant on and and run coolant with this just to help uh protect the tool um I wasn't running coolant before just because I wanted to be able to see what was going on and looks like we're finally actually doing pretty good on cleanup so I'll turn the coolant on and we'll keep on cutting [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] I think we got her no slop thank you it's a nice thread so we had to clean that up quite a ways um the other shop did not definitely did not get that deep enough for these nuts and like I said before this once you get over about one inch there seems to be no consistency in these big nuts um and the bigger they get the less consistent they are so we find all kinds of problems threading to what the book says or through you know measuring over wires and stuff we gotta set them with a nut we got to find the actual um fit based on the nut the customer is going to use I mean you know a lot of the times we get into these bigger ones and they're always uh from China or something so there's no good no good quality control there but that definitely that's a nice fit so we'll go ahead and flip this around and get it ready to do the other end foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign so I shifted into a higher gear I'm going to face it and then center drill it and then we'll slide her down and start threading actually let me shift feed [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] bigger center drill than they did just because I want a little more engagement on something this big you know it's not necessary but I do like a little bigger engagement and it's not going to hurt anything turn our coolant on [Applause] that's big enough Center so I apologize for the bad angle while I finish setting that all up we're going 12 inches so I'm just going to use my tape measure here and we'll get her close and I'm going to scribe a line at roughly 12 inches and we can be more than 12 but we don't really want to be under so that's what the customer specified temper with my threading tool right on the end here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right come in and touch off and see where we are [Applause] great on my first pass I'm going to take 40 thousandths deep I'm going to go ahead and turn the coolant on and we'll let her buck [Applause] now these first few passes I'm just going to do with the cross slide not the compound just to get it started [Applause] take another another 30 on this one yeah that's looking good [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you oh that's cutting really nice we're just gonna keep on cutting on it until we're close and then uh as we get to a point where we can actually see what we're doing with a test nut we'll uh test it and slowly fit it until we're right where we need to be [Music] [Music] so we've gone in quite a ways but we got quite a bit more to go so I'll just keep whittling away at it but it's coming out really nice the the inserts holding up rather well so doing good [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so we're getting closer we've got it'll just start now so we got a ways to go yet but it's coming along [Music] [Applause] okay we got to be getting real close here still got a ways to go I guess that's the hard part with these big threads is knowing where you are and how far you got to go but yeah it looks like we got a little bit more [Applause] foreign [Applause] just a few more passes there and there we go that's a nice fit [Music] got a little a little crap on it I'll have to clean that off and try to fit it the rest of the way but I think that uh we're gonna be good right there well there it is one end we chase the thread and cleaned up the thread somebody else had done and this end I had cut all new thread in for a three inch four bolt or nut and uh it fits on there nicely now so now I have a baseline of where I need to be for each cut for the depth total depth and so the next ones will go a little bit better this does take a little bit of time because as it is such a big coarse thread and it does take a lot of horsepower this is a 15 horse machine and I could hear it it was it was starting to pull a little bit so you're you're taking a heck of a cut so with that I've got 14 more of these to cut until next time get out in your shops and get it done right the first time foreign [Music]
Channel: Topper Machine LLC
Views: 77,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manual machinist, machine shop, topper machine, metal planer, metal shaper, DIY, homemade, monarch lathe, Bridgeport milling machine, lathe work, boring mill, HBM, drill press, metal lathe, milling machine, welding, press brake, abom79, cutting edge engineering, vintage machinery, single point threading, machining, making big parts, rock crusher, quarry parts, quarry equipment, this old tony, mr beast, youtube machinist, #machineshoplife, #manualmachinist, Big machining
Id: pb3e2bkZILI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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