Saving a 4" Thick Plate with a Bad Torch Cut Hole - Horizontal Boring Mill - Manual Machinist

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foreign [Music] I'm Josh Toppers so today's job is to fix this chunk of four inch thick plate so this plate comes from a local steel fabricator they do heavy structural work I do quite a bit with them guys and this one is one they had farmed out to a sister company that they their plate machine will actually cut circles so they actually burn these holes in it and you can see where the torch marks from cutting so pretty cool well this one they they do a starter hole which is something I learned with my copy torch and something went wrong on this one now I have no idea what the other side looks like because it's been sitting on the pallet when I went to look at it so what we're going to do is we're going to start we're going to work off this side I'll probably center drill and then we'll go in with an End Mill and start opening it up and open it up slowly to the two inch size we'll open it up a ways until we get in there a good amount and then we'll probably go in with a drill just to finish it off but uh we'll get this set up on the Lucas 441b horizontal boring Mill and we'll get to work foreign [Music] there's the hard part done it's all set up just got an angle plate up here that's indicated in um one bolt through it a couple c-clamps on that end and then one of my stops that I made for the planar Mill and there's a video on that one if you go back in the planer Mill playlist I believe or into the older stuff but there's a video on making these and that's just to keep some pressure against it so it doesn't push and this is the back side of the hole this is what we got to to try to fix so I said we're going to come in on this side they got their center punch Mark we're going to center drill that this is where they want it so this is where we're gonna how we're gonna do it I also have it sitting up on spacers because I don't want that torch cut plate on my table [Music] foreign on their punch Mark and the tolerances on this thing are plus or minus an eighth inch so it's kind of ridiculous but that's okay um makes the job a lot easier um they're putting an inch and three quarter bolt through these uh two inch holes so there's a lot of a lot of play here now I'm going to try drilling this out to 3 8. just to see where we are see if I can get by the existing hole their starting hole and we'll go from there now there it is I made it through it doesn't look like it went straight but that's okay this was just a well actually there's their hole yeah it went crooked a little bit but we'll be okay because we're actually going to go in with end mills but this was just to get the center out make life easier for us so I'm just gonna this is a Morse taper Mill so I'm just going to knock out my my drill here run it back so I got clearance that's the nice thing about that Morse taper six is they stand up nicely in the table tg150 holder and because I'm using an End Mill I am going to use my draw key that I made and this thing just drops in there problem is I need both hands I'm getting it and tighten up this screw and it pushes that key out and locks it into the spindle so it can't wander out and then I have one one inch End Mill that's just four inches and that's the one we're gonna use so that's the Beast right there that's what we got to work with so we'll get this started I got it set up for feed on the spindle we're gonna feed it about three thousands per Revolution just to see how it goes and uh we'll see what it does thank you foreign [Music] there it is beautiful so I don't have anything else on hand that's good and long I just have this guy this will actually get that little bit of the drill their their Mark out of there and then we should be able to go in with a drill and open it up so I'm going to go ahead and use this guy get in as far as I can to give myself a starting point and then we'll we'll switch over to a drill and see what we can do so I've also slowed down my spindle speed quite a bit and we'll continue feeding at that same feed rate seemed like that one was working pretty good [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so that's as deep as I can go with that end Mill um I'm in there a ways kind of hard to see but that should give me a good pilot for my drill so I know there's been a lot of interest in this boring Mill draw key that I made and we'll just pull it out here so you guys can take a look and oh boy I gotta hold the camera but basically the way this one's set up is I gotta back this out the screw out and then I just give it a tap and it falls right out releases so it is down here now it's pretty basic um I don't have a pin holding that wedge in but it's just a wedge there and there's another wedge inside that goes in this end and a bolt threaded the full length to pull it so as you tighten it oh here you can do that try to hold the camera and do all this so when it's retracted and then as you tighten the bolt it draws that that wedge and pushes it out simple as that works extremely well all right so we're just going to use the standard two inch twist drill [Music] I'm going to feed this at six style per Revolution just see how it goes and I'll just feed it in by hand to start with and take a look at how it's cutting [Music] and here's the power feed thank you [Music] looks like I can speed up my feed rate a little bit I'm going to get in just a little further before I do that but it looks like it's going to cut really well I don't see any run out on the drill so I just bumped it up to eight foul Revolution and we'll just keep a close eye on it but looks like it's cutting good I don't really want to go much faster just because of the the hole on this side and we'll just take it real easy when we get to this end we'll we'll double check maybe slow down the feed just so it doesn't start hammering on us [Music] so we made it through our larger pilot and I can hear it kind of bumping a little bit but it's still cutting still making a chip so we'll just keep on pushing and watch it [Music] see anything there suspicious but I don't see the drill bouncing either so it looks looks like it's cutting okay just making a nice little chip foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] check I want to see what we got going here just to make sure there is nothing going wrong and it feels like she might be wandering a little bit well like I said we do have a lot of leeway on this thing yeah that don't look too bad as far as straightness um they said they they gave me a plus or minus eighth inch so we're we're in good shape [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] well I'll have to say that went way better than I expected it to um and it just it came out really nice um other than that other end where they had already started the torch cutting you know she gouged in pretty wide there but that'll that'll work for their application they're happy with that um so I can get this back to them quickly and and they can get back to work so the Old Lucas proved herself again and with that we'll end here until next time I'll get this loaded up on the pallet and ready to go and you get out in your shop and get it done right the first time [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Topper Machine LLC
Views: 193,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manual machinist, machine shop, topper machine, metal planer, metal shaper, sawmill, shop built sawmill, DIY, homemade, monarch lathe, Bridgeport milling machine, lathe work, boring mill, HBM, drill press, metal lathe, milling machine, welding, press brake, Plate Machine, Torch Cutting, saving from the scrap, Heavy metal repair, fabrication, structural steel fabrication, building structure repair
Id: MAB6tqEF9Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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