Cutaway Compilation Season 11 - Family Guy (Part 8)

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look Chris I'm sorry but money's tight right now yeah I even had to take a second job as a door-to-door vacuum salesman this thing can pick up anything here's a little demonstration I'll pour some wine rub in some feces and to top it off some mustard mixed with feces tough stain right oh crap I forgot the vacuum yeah she's working the champagne room follow me Quagmire your way you ever been to Atlantic City before once about 20 years ago why oh God I really dodged a bullet there I don't know what the hell I was thinking everybody makes mistakes even Darkness [Music] you forgot I forgot to say clear well I guess you just never know what kind of Rage some people have bottled up well we all got anger crush the important thing is finding a healthy way to channel it for me as you know it's the family bath Peta how long do we have to sit here until I'm Not Angry Anymore you naked bunch of [ __ ] enough time passes you'll forget all about him just like Inspector Gadget forgot about that one night stand Suzanne we have to talk okay someone has made contact with me someone from my past and well long story short go go guatemalan's son I'm sorry we're all booked up because the [ __ ] convention's in town [ __ ] convention yeah they were promised a single millionaire but it's really just a bunch of horny squirrels in a rich guy suit so you made your money in business where's your room handsome besides if I listen to you guys I never would have got that job as a sheep filler for fetuses okay let's take a look at your baby shall we he'll be right back he's in the bathroom oh just thinking about it makes me all giddy like a group of women ordering dessert and then we have a chocolate chocolate cake that's infused with chocolate served with chocolate ice cream and a molten chocolate topping we'll have one of those with four spoons more like four of those with one spoon for me [Laughter] oh well you should hear my prank phone calls hey is your refrigerator running yes it is are your doors unlocked you you what why I don't know they all kind of look the same what do you mean they all look the same you know I was so desperate there for a while I even tried a Jewish club uh you don't want to get involved with them religious groups they believe in all kinds of weird stuff if I believe in Jesus hard enough I will not die if I believe in snake Jesus hard enough he will die if I believe in tree Jesus hard enough both of them will die yay thank you tree Jesus I don't know Joe sometimes the security is pretty lacks I mean the last plane I was on got Gage Act this plane's going to Miami [Music] of course it's what he would have wanted listen we all gotta move on like the Secret Service did on November 23rd 1963. all right guys I know that yesterday was a rough one for us but it's with great pride that I'm gonna turn this zero into a one all right Nichols you should go home and change wait a minute maybe not Brian I think I just got an idea I got glass in my face oh crap now I forgot what it was I got it yeah son of a [ __ ] try anything new today talk to anyone interesting no not really oh that beef bowl is Wrecking me my stomach feels like that time I had explosive diarrhea Brown House I knew I should have brought Peter instead of you oh come on you would have done much worse with him he's got a terrible tail [Music] any cards Peter no I'm good maybe we should just let the clam go and I don't know spend more time with our families yeah I tried that I just spent most of the time testing Chris to see if he's autistic [Music] not overly affectionate wow Brian you've had quite a string of female guests spend the night lately yeah whatever you're doing it's working you should see the way I have to pick up chicks hey what I'm doing the best I can I'm not Defending Your Hawthorne Nathaniel what are you doing Jazz ruining ninth grade for everyone this is a phone sex operation I can't do this it pays two grand a week sweetie oh my God what that type of money I could buy pots and pans at William Sonoma this is a very nice set you must be a phone [ __ ] he'll bet your sweet ass I am Peter that might be the worst idea anyone has ever had well you're wrong there the worst idea anyone ever had was silver bullets Barbara leebowitz's husband just bought her a diamond brooch you know how he afforded that he uses regular balls he uses regular bullets the History Channel presents where in World War II is Waldo [Music] all right come on can't you give that giraffe at home another chance you know for everyone they sell they save a giraffe in the wild sorry giraffe won nah they returned it what Griffin we just had an opening congratulations you are now a member oh my god really and to think yesterday I was just a guy at home eating catnip [Music] yeah it's weird he doesn't even talk well he was living among wild animals for two months and you know how impressionable your dad can be hmm but I've taken on bigger challenges before I had to explain to America why Heidi Klum broke up with seal faith we now return to stabbed in the butt the only game show where if you get the answer wrong you get stabbed in the butt all right Bradley here's your question what is the atomic weight of nitrogen get him guys stab him in the butt I may have gambled away our plane tickets you what how do you even do that it's Vegas Brian you can gamble anything I'd like to bet my daughter's virginity on 23. I'm sorry it's 31. how's it going here not great I know what you mean we just took a pounding at the crabs table wow I don't believe it hey congratulations buddy you know you're a lucky guy the only thing I ever won was an extra day of summer okay Peter one more day yay I saw what I looked like in a car window and now I don't want to go yeah look at all this luxury it's like being in a gay guy's dream enjoying the view it's glorious Edwin would you like another salad bowl of chocolate covered oysters is that gay enough and then some this has been the gayest vacation I've ever had I love smelling me on your breath and then somebody replaced Meg's sleeping pills with Alka-Seltzer I'm [Music] here yeah even school's getting more dangerous the bullies have been so busy they're Outsourcing their bullying to India okay do you see the [ __ ] yes okay I'll pull it up is well there goes my music career I wonder if I can get my old job back painting kids faces at birthday parties there you go Timmy sir you're gonna have to leave you're just drawing penises with a Sharpie on children's faces I don't know how to draw a cat we now return to Canadian Horror Story hey hun we're out of Molson oh not to worry we've got some labats in the garage and could you get one for the ghost boo eh I am gonna make this family proud and not just you guys but that old painting of my ancestor in the attic I did it I'm gonna be on TV did you kill the others Hashem you must I'm gonna go talk to the statue in the basement did you kill the kill the thing this place is a Nut House wow look at us Brian frontier people I feel like those miners who first struck gold in San Francisco oh my God we did it we struck gold this is amazing we're gonna be rich rich and gay come here we now return to bottom Chef Daniel L please pack your fudge and go fine oh this is unbelievable I haven't had this much fun since I hosted the Oscars good evening I just want to say that I have the utmost respect for women everywhere and also the Jews good night [Music] no no they won't let you down easy like I did New York can be pretty harsh especially to Outsiders hello New York [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you
Channel: Best Toon Clips
Views: 2,637,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cutaway Compilation Season 11 - Family Guy (Part 8), Family Guy Season 11 Cutaways, cutaway compilation season 11 best toon clips, cutaway compilation season 11 family guy part 8, family guy cutaways part 8, cutaways season 11 part 8, family guy cutaways, family guy season 11, family guy compilation, funny family guy, best family guy, family guy clips, family guy compilation clips, best toon clips, besttoonclips, best family guy cutaways, funny family guy cutaways, tntl, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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