Customizing Everything In An Apple Store, Then Giving It Away

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you're kidding right are you David and I haven't been able to afford to get a new phone I bought at least one of every single item at the Apple Store for iPhone 11 Pro Max's 5 foot 11 pros 6 iPhone 11 and Apple pencil iPad Mini iPad air iPad pro apple watch 10 air pods 8 air pause pro a MacBook Pro and a $25,000 Mac Pro we're gonna customize them using spray paint give half of them away and the rest are a giveaway for you guys this is a lot of items so I think I'm gonna need some help whoa all right let's customize go Leo here's an iPhone your words have been so broken under hypnosis why did I skip that potion I'm so done with only ghosting baby gotta play in the ocean until you see no motion for back in Boston and like in love in chosen buddies burn and ruts explode dinner this is my man are you with me now said are you with me now I felt as good in a way they want us to simmer down so before we show it to Dex the chameleon we're gonna peel the tape off that was so satisfying all right now our decks bone is all done let's go get Dex see if you likes the phone made a little iPhone for you there's your phone Dex you like it - Dex oh do you like your phone Leo what are you working on wow that looks horrible so since this phone's done now put it over here one Apple product done so Leo still working on his iPhone so I think I'm gonna grab another one and get started now we have a nice white phone to paint on I think I'm gonna do a couple of fruits but they're gonna have some teeth let's go like if ready to take it higher frilled coming at you phyto and every Batman to be with these people okay I think I'm done all right now time for the most satisfying portion whoa that looks crazy all right two down a lot more to go all right three done right leo in front of you we have a ton of Apple products put one finger up reach down and touch something all right pick it up all right put it to the side that is what you're gonna customize okay so he's gonna customize this take one step to your left in front of you you have a ton of markers reach out and grab four one two three four okay give those to me these are the markers you're gonna be customizing with so in front of you you have a ton of spray paint cans reach out and choose two colors okay that's your first color all right one two three four to spray paint can time for some satisfying unboxings [Music] how did they do that oh now we gotta send the iPad pro okay I'm done right spray-paint it okay I think I'm going to do this nice alright now that our iPad pro is all scratched up I'm gonna take the white spray paint and spray this I think I'm gonna draw a big blue dragon over here [Applause] hi guys so it's pretty late I think I'm gonna call it a night this is what we have so far it's a blue dragon on the iPad pro can i guys see in the morning good morning guys let's start off the day with a satisfying taped peel oh that looks so clean all done with the Blue Dragon iPad pro right let's put this iPad in the box mmm that looks so pretty [Music] whoa look at this yeah dude it's like completely shattered in this corner are you thinking about getting a new phone soon just went to bad surprise Tony you guys probably all know that the HTC Brock is phone and who knows why it still hasn't replaced I think it's definitely time to replace this thing with a brand new iPhone 11 Pro man I decided to put one ban turkey and scrunchie the whole team on it [Music] I think it was about time that someone surprise egg so for this iPhone I want some extra cool shots so I'm gonna bring my friend on to help you're nervous can you get me some insane baby I'll be winning you ain't even got a super late at night I really sleepy but you can't miss a good satisfying tape appeal whoa the red looks so cool on it No ah it's patriotic that's right all right buddy time to go in your box so super late right now but we actually plan on giving these away tomorrow so let's just peel all these at once which one should we start out with green that's not turquoise typically iPad Mini [Music] watch this I think I just found the most satisfying thing ever I'm super super tired so let's leave the spray-painting for tomorrow good morning guys let's spray paint if you cheat on another team y'all should breathe let me play another theme at the start this one written by the tree [Music] right the iPads try now Michelle can you guess what I'm gonna draw pinky yeah you got it right okay let's paint turkey are you ready to see this Michelle do you like it look so clean now let's do the mini one so I lay down and this is officially our new character vigor by it you made that just so many times or so good joke now time to do some earpods Pro to give away to you guys gonna put the disk back in the box and crying scrunchie we'll go back in the box alright fire go back in the box and turkey goes back in the box look at all these items we have so many and we're not even done yet all done with the donut rips yo that looks good here you go [Applause] alright so just finished turkey in space it looks so cute I'm gonna put it in the box right now here we go now time for the $25,000 Mac Pro this is gonna be satisfied [Music] the only problem is I'm running a little short on time and I got to go surprise some people so I'm gonna call up Leo and vex to come help me with this hello leo Vince okay thanks but they're on their way a few moments later Vince Leo take a step for right open your eyes this is what you're customizing oh right so start customizing all right so it's been a couple days and Leo and Vince did an amazing job this is just crazy so this is a lot of Apple products so I'm gonna get some more help going over to my good friend James Charles's place we're gonna customize these to give away this is so fun we're gonna take these to my good friends chase and Charlie and I'm gonna show them how to customize phones all right so do you and Charlie want to do be customizing this one okay people think it weighs like I don't even want this [Music] unlike nervous let's take it outside [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how's mine do you like it kudos you don't have to lie I know who's gonna want this absolutely okay so this one as best I could so spot the difference guys I know it's hard but do you pass so I tried to recreate the one that they gave to me with the donut phone and I obviously made it 10 times better and just really expressed myself in the best way possible right there's just a classic space phone and then I taught chase how to do the classic space but obviously the Walmart versus squishy these are for you guys giveaway enter the giveaway all right so these are the items we've done so far let's go get some away so at the very end of the video as usual I'm gonna be doing a huge giveaway all of these products are for you guys if you guys can get this video to 1 million likes I'll keep doing more things like this because I know you guys like it I sound good now let's go give things away we have something for you but in order to win it you have to play a little game all right so you're gonna spell some very hard words you have three did you get it all correct you get this mystery item okay so first word is Apple's Appl ee oh you got it second word 11 le ve a 2 for 2 but we need one more get this item I can't spell iPhone ipho Andy okay and if you put all those together do you know what you're gonna get Apple oh my gosh are you so yes my name and you'll win something Justin I'll give you a hint my name starts with the letter Z yeah you got it so you know the drill I'm thinking of a number from 1 to 2 can you guess the number amigos - oh well first try you guys have to answer one question and you'll win something if you get it right ahead what's your favorite color pink did you get it right yeah oh cool what's your favorite food so tonight and cheese day yeah I have something for both of you guys since you guys od sake so they're like keep the stick can I have a small piece yes and in exchange I'll give you custom earpods one of these to match it you want to take that one [Music] [Music] thank you guys you guys are both really amazing people you guys we're gonna give you something [Music] [Music] [ __ ] your brain they subscribe to avoid with the bench Hey do you want to take this guys are kidding right thank you Dan you watch so cool yeah you I see you don't have an iPhone 11 so you know gonna open them up they're completed are you David oh great this guy's like literally david dobrik like this is insane what and also y'all awesome here oh my god but you need to give me okay that's good pepperoni okay so this Mac Pro is actually gonna be for my manager and the team let's call him up and see what he thinks hey what's up what if I told you we bought a computer worth $25,000 take a look at this so this is a Mac Pro it cost us $25,000 [Music] it's for you it's your new laptop yeah it's to replace that one yeah to you hey guys I have you so cute so I'm actually getting my phone replaced yeah if there's someone that deserves and your phone is you are looks like I finally look at that guy's so this is officially gonna be my biggest giveaway ever we have seven iPhone 11s we have an ipad mini ipad air and an Apple watch hope this is enough for you guys Leo was also so kind and replacing my phone this is not for you guys it's gonna be really easy to enter first thing you gotta do is subscribe to me with notifications on second thing to do is to follow Leo and I on Instagram we're announcing the winners there so that way if you win you'll know you want hope you guys enjoyed the video I will see you guys in the next one enter in the giveaway bye [Music]
Channel: ZHC
Views: 31,550,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zhc, charli d'amelio, charli damelio, lilhuddy, chase hudson, hypehouse, hype house, tik tok, tiktok, tiktok life hacks, apple store, iphone, airpods, iphone 11, iphone x, macbook, ipad, airpods pro, experiment, test, mrbeast, mr beast, hacks, tiktoks, viral, fazerug, faze rug, marko, custom iphone, custom iphone 11, iphone 12, apple, phone, customizing 11 iphone 11s, Customizing Everything In An Apple Store, Then Giving It To People!!📱📞ft. Charli D'Amelio (Giveaway), viral life hacks
Id: nW5CyyksdtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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