Customize Iterm2 with ZSH and Powerlevel10k - Tutorial (2021)

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hey guys it's david here in this tutorial i'm going to be showing you how to customize your item 2 terminal with zsh and power level 10k we're going to be turning your default terminal application into something that looks like this you'll be able to see what directory you're in you'll be able to see all the icons colors and also vcs which is version control we will also apply these new features into vs code so that everything looks the same across all applications that have a terminal all right let's get started the first thing that you want to do is install homebrew go to and then copy this command by pressing the clipboard button and then open up a terminal go to your terminal and paste the command and then press enter type in password and then press enter again after you finish installing copy these two commands so copy this paste and then press enter and also copy this command here and then press enter confirm that you have brew installed by typing in brew help there we go we just installed brew now another thing that you're going to want to make sure that you have installed is get so you could type in get help to see if that you have git most max by defaults come with git so you don't have to worry about this also install vs code if that's going to be the main ide that you're going to be using the first thing that we need to do is install iturn 2 we can do this by typing in brew install dash dash cask i term two all of the commands that i'm using will be listed in the description down below you can also download item 2 from the item 2 website by pressing download here but i like to do it through the terminal ok now that we have it installed open it up by pressing command space bar and type in item dot app open there we go here's item two now that we have item installed we're going to be following this guide which will also be in the description so next step that we need to do is install oh my zsh copy this command and paste it into your terminal and as soon as that's finished you will get a tilde symbol like so we will now open up the cshrconfig file using vs code so type in code forward slash z shrc and here's our file the first step that we need to do is change the theme from robbie russell to agnoster save the file and then relaunch your terminal by first quitting it pressing command q and then reopen i term your item terminal should now look like this instead of aknoster we're going to be using power level 10k so to do that copy this command and paste it into your terminal what we're going to be doing is changing the zsh theme to power level 10k after power level 10k is finished installing we can quit the terminal app by pressing command q and changing the zsh theme to this right here power level 10k press save and then open up item again we will now go through the power level 10k configuration wizard just follow along with me we need to first install this font press yes okay now it's telling us we need to restart item 2 again so command q and then relaunch the application again all right does this look like a diamond yes does this look like a lock yes does this look like a debian logo yes yes and here you can choose what style you want i like rainbow looks the prettiest for the character set we need to choose unicode show current time um no we don't need this for the separators we're going to be using the angled one but you can use whatever you want the head we're also going to use sharp prompt tails it's also going to be flat prompt height let's say one line prompt flow we're going to say concise transient prompt yes instant prom mode we'll say one verbose apply changes yes after we've done this we're going to see the power level 10k in action now another thing we could do is change the color theme here so let's go to this link here go to flat colors i term colors and we need to copy the contents of this we're going to create a new file let's say this file is going to be in our home directory so we could say cd tilde we're going to make a file here called dot flat colors dot i term colors and it's going to be a hidden file with the period press enter copy this paste save and then go into i term 2 preferences go to profiles colors color presets and then you want to select import go to where we save this since it's a hidden file we need to press command shift period to show the hidden files is it flat colors i term colors and then we can select it down here now we get a better theme we're now going to install auto suggestions so that we get suggestions inside of the terminal go to this link we need to first clone this repository paste that command in and then we need to go to zshrc so we can do code forward slash dot zshrc open that up and we need to go to plugins and add in zsh auto suggestions so look for plugins here fix this and then paste that in there save and now we should get the auto suggestions but to do that we need a new terminal session so let's close this term again and now when we type a command we're going to get auto completion like so that's pretty useful another thing that's pretty important is to enable word jumps and word deletion aka natural selection so right now let's say we had a couple of commands like gets blah blah blah and we need to move between these uh different words you can't press alt and go back and forth like this you're going to get some kind of character to enable this we need to go to i-term preferences profiles keys presets natural text editing and then it's going to start working in so go back into your preferences profiles keys natural text editing right here and now it should be working properly so now if we add a bunch of commands we can move between them like so without getting those weird symbols another thing that's useful is to have syntax highlighting we can install this using this brew command and then after we've installed it we need to add this line to dot zshrc but let's see if it first works okay so that doesn't work we're going to use this command right here now it's working so copy this zs hrc and then we can paste that in here this is going to be for auto for syntax highlighting the last thing that we're going to do is make sure that visual studio code is using the same terminal as everywhere else let's go into vs code here we are what we need to do is go to preferences by pressing command comma and then type in settings dot json and then click on edit and settings.json copy this here comma paste that in but we need to change this to meslow lg snf save this and then we can open up a terminal and now everything looks identical as an item all right that's going to be it for this video if you guys found it useful be sure to like comment and subscribe i'll be posting more videos in the future thank you for watching and have a nice day goodbye now
Channel: Software Sage
Views: 31,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iterm2, powerlevel10k, zsh, terminal, macos terminal, make terminal look nice, enhance terminal
Id: 0FZSshb1qTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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