New *incredible* mac OS terminal! (warp + starship + zsh)

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hey guys this is Christian and today I want to address something that I was asked by many of you guys in the comments of my recent videos because if you paid attention to some of my tutorial videos you might have noticed that I made a few changes to my terminal setup so first I'm now recording all my new videos on my MacBook instead of my Windows PC and second I'm using an entirely new thermal application and what can I tell you yeah this new terminal that I'm now using on Mac OS is so much better than anything else I've used under windows that is why I just need to show it to you and I also want to go through some of the modifications I've made in my DOT files to make this terminal look great I hope you will enjoy it and even if you don't use Mac OS maybe you are running Windows or Linux you can still watch this video because many of the things are working in the exact same way under these operating systems as well the terminal application though is yet just available on Mac OS but the developers already published on their website it's coming for Windows and Linux 2. by the way for those of you are wondering I haven't entirely switched my main operating system to Mac OS yet I'm still doing a few things under windows but I'm certainly planning to make the full switch somewhere in the next year maybe when Apple releases a new Mac Pro or a Mac Mini who knows what they will come up with but anyway I'm now prepared for it with this new terminal setup so let me show that to you what I did there this video is supported by teleport a free and open source access proxy that helps you to securely authenticate to all your it infrastructure like Linux servers databases kubernetes clusters web applications or remote desktop you can easily protect your accounts with modern security features such as two-factor authentication or a password that's logged in and access your services through the browser or the seal eye tool with audit logging and session recording and the best it's completely free in the community version so you can just download and run it in your entire home lab or if you would like to use it in your company teleport offers many professional features like auditing single sign-on and more it's a great tool so just check it out you will find a link to their website in the description of this video before we jump right into the new terminal I first want to say I'm still a pretty big fan of the windows terminal yeah I've been using that for quite some time and I think it's still a great terminal application for Windows but unfortunately it's not running on Linux or Mac OS so I was kind of forced to find a replacement for that since I started to work with my new Macbook and first I've tried out iterm 2 which is probably the most popular terminal application on Mac OS and that was okay but in the video I bought my new Macbook where I've used item 2 Cooper 1101 has told me in the comments I should test out another terminal application called warp terminal and yeah I absolutely fell in love with this new terminal because unlike most the other terminal applications it has some very cool ideas and some very Innovative features what terminal calls itself a terminal for the 21st century and I would absolutely agree to that statement it's a blazing fast application that's written in Rust a very modern and fast programming language reimagined completely from the ground up and it's also compatible with shells like bash zsh or fish and as I said it's currently only available under Mac OS but the developers seem to work on the Linux and windows version as well so at least the website tells you so and that would be absolutely wonderful because warp does plenty of things a bit differently than you might know it in other terminals but let's jump right into the terminal so I can show you what I'm all talking about so first you will notice that the warp terminal is all block based and that means the command line input is placed at the bottom of the terminal it is always visible so no matter if you're scrolling up or down or searching for something you will always see your current command in every command that you execute is written through a separate Block in this terminal windows so the block books are kind of treated like separate objects and that allows you to do some very cool things with them for example if you typed in many commands and you got a huge history of work you can bookmark a single block by clicking a small icon in the top right corner and that will show you a small colored Square in your scroll bar from now on so that you can very easily track your entire work and Mark certain points of interest you can also easily copy this command the output or both yeah just the whole block and oh yeah because I just see it right now it does of course split paints yeah right left down and up as well I sometimes forget to notice these basic things but that shouldn't be missed in your terminal of course now it also has a pretty nice search function so that works inside these blocks with a Ctrl P hotkey you can open the command Tab and that lets you search for a certain string and you might also notice it can also do regular Expressions inside this search field great stuff but what probably he stands out the most from other terminals is that the whole input handling and how you're working with this terminal feels more like a modern code editor than a simple command line input because what you can do in warp is and I haven't really seen this anywhere else by the way you can use the mouse to jump around in your command while you are writing it and you can also replace text inside this command block as long as you haven't executed it of course but that's also pretty cool and you can even do it in multi-line commands so now it gets very interesting because you can just move around with your cursor to any of the lines above edit and replace text or you can even spawn a multi-cursor below or above your current selection and work with it like in a code editor edit multiple lines at once so no preparing a complex multi-line command in a text editor first and then copy and paste it back into the terminal you don't need to do that anymore because you can just use word terminal like a text Data tour for me this is so damn useful but why it gets even more interesting so warp also has an artificial intelligence command searching so when you open this you can just tell the AI what you want to do in your terminal and it recommends you a command for that let's for example just display all hidden files in my current folder which generates an ls-a command or maybe I would like to know how much memory is free on my computer so this will give us a free Dash M command but wait that didn't work yeah because this is a Linux command let's be a bit more precise and let's ask the AI how much memory is free on a Mac you can see this is so cool yeah I just like the AI feature so much because I think you can learn a lot about the terminal commands by just playing around with the AI and see which suggestions it comes up with but well I know this is not for everybody yeah I kind of had the same discussion with people about the new GitHub co-pilot for example is some people people like cloud-based AI suggestions some do not but anyway all the cloud features in the warp terminal they are opt-in features so you can use them but you don't need to use them there's still so much other useful stuff in this application and I just want to show you one more thing and that is the feature I'm currently exploring and trying to figure out what I can all do with it warp has also something that is called workflows and workflows are collections of prepared command statements they work similar to code Snippets they are just four terminal commands and what by default already has a lot of predefined workloads that you can search for for example in the openssl section there are command Snippets for converting SSL certificates or in kubernetes there are Snippets for more complex Cube CDL commands mainly to do maintenance tasks like rollback deployments or sword pods by ages you can find these command Snippets useful or not but what caught my interest about this feature was that you can also write custom mark workflows as well for example I have created a workflow that will generate a new self-signed certificate for me so this workflow consists of four different commands where I have defined some default values so I can replace it all in one single step for example the name of the certificate or the subject alternative name how long this certificate should be valid and so on and when I execute this workflow it will just generate a new self-signed certificate how cool is that so that is actually making my life a lot easier and I believe you can speed up all your workflow in the terminal with this automation feature if you like to create your own workflows and play around with it they are just simple yaml files that you can store in your dot files and synchronize via git for instance I have added some of them to my DOT files repository on GitHub you will by the way find a link to my GitHub profile in the description of this video so but I guess I should make a second video about that and go over workflows in a bit more detail because I know this is a a bit too fast maybe when I used it for a couple of weeks and collected a bunch of useful workflow Snippets and please if you have any ideas for what this could be useful perhaps you already have something in mind yeah join my Discord and send it to me if you like and I'll include the best workflows that I have found in the next video of more terminal and yeah because we're just speaking about socializing and all this stuff yeah if you enjoy my videos and you haven't already done it give this one a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel that would be really cool because it helps a lot with the YouTube algorithm okay so that was it about the warp terminal you can see I'm very excited about this but however I'm still trying it out and see how it can benefit my day-to-day workflow in the terminal I still want to go over some other stuff that I needed to change in my DOT files and also My Starship prompt to actually make this terminal look great because when you just download the warp terminal and open it it will look like this and if you haven't watched my previous video about my windows terminal customizations and you are wondering so how is the this Apple icon showing up in the terminal well that's not coming from war that is my shell prompt called Starship and this works by the way on our operating systems and with all terminal programs so it doesn't just work with Mac OS or warp terminal you can also get your terminal prompt look cool on other systems as well including Windows Linux bash and even Powershell on the home page you can find detailed instructions on how to use that under Windows Linux and Mac OS I don't want to go through all the details of Starship here because I've already done it in my older video about my windows terminal customizations so if you want to learn more about that go and watch it I've put your link to this video in the description down below so the Starship prompt works independently of WAP terminal but I still had a few problems with Starship and warp because in the Starship config I created I had a multi-line prompt with some Arrow Graphics that I hacked into the formatting string and this is how it looks in item 2 for example and that didn't work well in Warp so I guess because it uses its own shelf wrapper to support the text editor-like features the multicolors and so on it just messed up the whole formatting string so what I did is I just removed this complex formatting in the Starship config to create one minimalistic single line prompt that still contains a lot of useful information by the way so just like the current git repository the Apple icon of course my username and the directory so I think that looks now really nice even without the arrows at the beginning and I'm pretty happy with that new config of course you will find this config also in my DOT file so if you have these kinds of problems with Starship formatting in the warp terminal this is what you can do to fix it to display this Apple icon and generally icons in the whole terminal window I'm still using nerd fonts of course so that is also included in my previous video about Windows terminal currently I'm pretty happy with the hack nerd font I think this just looks outstanding and I could also very easily download load it on Mac OS install it and select it in the warp terminal appearance settings so in advance they work pretty well on Mac OS and warp terminal but you might also have noticed the current theme for warp this is called Digital Life and I apologize for this old name so that is what my YouTube channel was called before by the way maybe I should update the name but that was certainly something important to me because I just wanted to use my own custom color theme and accent colors in warp as well and you can create your own theme file in warp terminal pretty easily there are some example themes on the official git repository so I just needed to copy this whole stuff in just insert the color codes from my Windows terminal theme that I already had created and you just need to place these theme files in your dot warp themes directory and then you can simply select it in the settings again nothing special in here but I just wanted to show you what I've all changed to make this terminal look great some other small updates on my DOT files repository are more are like organizational changes I made for example in the past I added all the customizations for the zsh shell in a single zshrc file and this was a complete chaos to be honest and I just wanted to sort this a little so I created separate zsh files in one dot zsh directory one for the aliases that I'm using on my systems one for the functions which is still a pretty empty but who knows what I will add here in the future one for some wsl2 fixes and NVM fixes again nothing special in here the important zsh script to generate the Apple icon is in here in the Starship zsh file and you can see this is just a function that I've written to determine the current distribution or the system we are working on so that Apple icon only will show up on a Mac and if you're using the same dot files on another Linux distro this will write an icon for that distort into an environment variable in this environment variable is displayed with a formatting string of the Starship prompt so with that zsh script and the settings in the Starship prompt I can use the same zsh config files or the same dot files on multiple systems and make this terminal look great no matter if I'm using it on windows with wsl2 or on Mac OS I could also use it on Linux systems as well if for whatever reason I would want to switch to Linux at someday that probably never happens but anyway I can still do it with this config and of course you can use it as well so feel free to copy whatever you want from my DOT files and just use it in your own setups I hope this helps you to customize your terminal as well and this was a bit interesting for you please tell me if you're using this on a Mac and what do you think about the warp terminal are these features appealing to you I would really like to know and just like I said we will take another look at the workflows in the warp terminal I'm still testing this and I will see how practical it really is in the day-to-day work but but that's about my new terminal on Mac OS for now well I hope you enjoyed it and thanks everybody for watching stay tuned for more tutorial videos of course and I will catch you in the next one take care bye bye
Channel: Christian Lempa
Views: 373,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NfggT5enF4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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