I Gave Him The Bill… He Can’t Believe How Much I Charged Him!!

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welcome to Murphy's diesel folks we got ourselves a recovery this morning and it's a Ram 1500 and it's in some Boulders Offroad y'all are going to see what we actually built Hellboy for so uh normally you know everybody's like uh it's too wide for Trails we don't have any Trails here so we don't have to really worry about putting it on Trails also y'all are going to see us drive it down the highway you've all been asking you know can you drive Hellboy down the high you're going to find out today so stand by cuzz we got a 1500 Ram and uh it's stuck in some big old flagstone Builders so not sure what was going on we're fixing to call the guy right now and we're going to head that way so the guy's name is will I'm going to give him a hauler right now I got daero here with me heavy T heavy T's back everyone dump truck T's back hello yeah is this will yeah hey will this is Rick with Murphy's Towing what's up Rick hey uh we're headed out to to get you are you still stuck yeah man I'm still here brother I'll try kind of digging myself out a little bit and kind of BR some B around to a little bit I'm still kind of standard okay all right we stand by we're headed that way thank you bu thank you sir guess you ain't [Music] man one figer FKS just Tak a trip down memory l real quick H little detour here off the the main road uh I just want to show you all uh the house I grew up in real quick so check it out see that round all those pip F my dad had me out here when I was a kid put it all in you know it's where I learn that learned that workout the C right there pretty cool so around here we get a lot of off-road recoveries up in these old abandoned Rock cories there's not a lot of off-roading that goes goes on here so there's no Trails nothing like that you just get some folks that like to do some hunting uh some folks that are delivering to these Rock cories stuff like that uh also get folks trying to see the Grand Canyon we're going to Airbnb so that's that's basically what we get so the width of Hellboy really doesn't matter for us because uh we don't have any really narrow Trails so uh that being said we're still going to put it to the test on the narrow Trail it's a matter of when I just have to have something to recover Hellboy with so we got it in the works we're going to build something bigger than Hellboy so if Hellboy breaks down on one of these Trails we'll be able to recover it there's nobody that can recover this truck it's too big so we're getting close um it looks like he's right up on this Ridge right here doesn't look like much from from the camera angle folks but I promise you that's a pretty Rugged Ridge up there so so we actually see him I can see his truck shining like a diamond and a goat's ass folks remember what I was saying about TI places earlier folks I take that back it's getting kind of tight it's like a crossroad here you have such allergies later I know uh it's the cedar trees folks everybody's allergic to him but me not this Cowboy not me you're not allergic to him either daero he's got he's got my blood running through his veins the only thing I'm allergic to folks is communism there is there I want to going to point it out folks there's freaking roads everywhere back here they're not roads so so around here here around here like nobody has fun there's no fun to be had except for us we have fun but uh everybody around here's you know just uh just working folks so all these little roads these are wood cutter roads they're out here cutting wood they cut wood they dig rock all that stuff and I I guess I guess they probably have fun doing it but uh nobody off-roads for fun around here so um except for this guy so [Music] sh [Music] that's why they call this the flagstone capital of the world [Music] folks so I'm pretty sure we're on the right track you could see uh where his pickup was really having a tough time right here might have to put her in Portal Drive [Music] [Music] all right well we're at the top of the mountain we didn't see him anywhere uh we don't have any cell signal so we're going to walk down off of this Rim right here um shy is underneath it but uh that was pretty good pretty good pound to get up here so I don't really think he took his truck up but we just came up the search continues what do you think he's doing now here not real sure what is any of them doing out here you know we're going to find out so he's like right here somewhere this one hey uh we're up above you is there you're not on a road are you okay can you honk your horn can you hear us okay can you honk your horn he's down there way see this shell right here this flagstone vein that runs through here looks like he's just below it we're on top of it so but he's not on a road he's just driving cross country but we are close so search continues use folks [Applause] so I'm thinking somewhere right in here we're going to peel off this road I think we're about the height he is now so just got to find a good line I'd like to go in the trail he went in you know his track so we don't make new tracks but over it's all that's left from the last guy [Applause] so I've found his tracks look at over on the other side of us the ground's all tore up so we're getting [Music] close I hear him honking right over here [Music] well we found him we found him folks so stand by for a little recovery action yeah probably take him out that way right there and then we'll get him going downhill I can see the see the road right there that truck around my truck around right through here and we'll come up right here I'll back in right here and I'll pick you up off these rocks and then we'll get you up there and then go out that way and I think that's going to be our easiest point out then we'll just pick a route where there's no well fewer trees fewer rocks yeah cuz there's that trail just right here right yes sir okay yeah yeah I could see the road right there yeah so we're right there's a road right here and then there's a trail right here but I think we're probably going to be better off going kind of towards that road because the trees they're so thick right there I couldn't hardly get through so but I got a saw too if we need to cut some stuff well I'll tell you we come prepared today folks got our yankum winch receiver don't leave home without it and our Bailey's rigging all right so right here we're going to get some uplift to get it off of this rock and then we're going to run snatch block off the rear to get some side pull so we'll come up pull it sideways off the Rock and away we go so uh I'm using a mckisic snatch block way Overkill yankum still hasn't sent me any any wintering so if you're watching this Al I need eight winch rings I guess I'll just have to keep using these big old heavy mckisic so here's what we got going on back line is going to give us lift this is going to give us side pull so we lift off the rock come sideways get it up like right here okay turn your wheels to the right put in neutral and hold the brakes FL some folks it's good for something other than fireplaces I all those in there in the morning hold it stop is it on the Rocks if you turns this way or that way hold on come back come back to the right a little bit where you go how's that God it's pushing that freaking rock out huh it's pushing that big rock out all right let's good watch it let off a little Drake he's on the pile now huh he's on the pile now off a little Tri how's it looking t hold [Music] it right hold it can I let down right there tap should be good you're on that rock put park with heat Brees on C he's sliding off this rock huh he's just sliding backwards we got it up here somewhat level ground stable now I'm going pull forward got my wines free spooled and then uh we'll set it up here on top sound like a good plan you better recre all right glad we're on the same page Dino even better idea Dao's going to pull it forward so I can tell him where I want it turn your rear steer that way all right that's good hey turn your wheels against each other so the lockers so the lockers will lock up and work against each other more all right you got the line lock set okay hold on huh those rocks are pushing out need to back up a little yeah let off a little bit drag he's good on the bumper oh he's good can he start turning his wheels to the left now yeah start turn to the left or straight right there no he should be good how about can you turn to the left now yeah you can turn he need to come more huh that's good right there you know how they say you can wash dishes to pay your tab what you going to ask me to do this guy's going to film to pay his bill folks what do you think about that I'm down man I'm down whatever you film to pay fil yeah another life man I was a I was a director so this guy's going to hold the camera the rest of the time to pay for his bill is that cool with you that's cool with me this man's a Hero guys this man's a here Murphy's Murphy's diesel Murphy's toe got to call him out all right go ahead Jiro we got a new cameraman bring this down and in or leave it no just leave it right there there just winch all right so now what we got going on is we're going to winch this right up into this little pocket right here and then out we go and then this then the tough stuff starts getting this thing out of here that's what's going to be the tricky part looking good got him cranked all the way there you go hold the brakes T all right uh let some tension off and freeze spill [Music] it you leave this on here yeah you can go ahead and wrap it up we might need it we might need it again anything ining uh if you could back up a little it' be good turn your wheels to the back up a little pull forward a little stop turn your wells to the to the left all right back up straight actually straighten them out a little turn back to the right right there back up go go keep going all right turn to the right all right come forward nope all right we'll get we'll get Hellboy back up some more all right pull forward nah we'll get Hellboy over here we'll just stay hooked up this is going to take some doing folks turn your rear steer that [Music] way how are they going to learn if you don't let him do it you know all right back straight up all right come on you're good come [Applause] [Music] on okay come on get on all right so uh truck stuck again just as I thought we're going to struggle getting it out uh we're going to pull Hellboy around there and we're just going to h a hook a kinetic rope to it and go all the way out with it so we're not having to worry about it getting stuck the whole way so stand by what of paint which one do you want uh only one up there this one con no I want a contic rope so now what we're going to do is we're going to hook this kinetic rope up and we'll hook it up like a a bridal on this side and then we'll put a bridal on the truck and then we'll run the rope through it so it could find Center any any whichever way we pull because we're going through tight turns it won't just pull on one d-ring or the other it'll it'll find Center that way we're always pulling on both dings is it better to give them a free recovery or give them a job [Music] how's it going in there heavy T are we going back to this road or going down what's that are we going back to this road that we came in on or we going down uh we're going to you just follow that red truck oh yeah I'm attached to it got it all right are you good yeah okay you good cameraman this good new cameraman folks I didn't tell him how long he'd have to be running the camera all right now uh we're going to go ahead and pull him nice and easy tap and make sure you swing your ass in around like you want to pull them that way to keep them out of this tree you know what I mean so like right here because if you pull him and you start going down you he'll start cutting into this tree so you want to make your your rear end go away from the tree got it are you good and I'm the trail blade see how my rope finds Center at any angle it pulls Dragon turn your wheels left if you turn to the right it'll drag slow down your ropes loose Bo I'll tell you what Boulder City over there folks all right I think I might have the first 50 yards planned we only got like a mile to go this way you're going to go right here take a left right around this tree [Music] don't run the Rope over [Music] I'll break that Branch off with Hellboy then it won't get the customer struck [Music] [Music] does it look hot out here folks cuz it is hot this is where he first got stuck and he got himself unstuck and went further in rear stair hard re stair turn this way Drake straight there boy that's going to leave a mark up we're Square you filmed for me so oh man you get out of here yeah no you serious yes sir Oh I thought you were joking man no serious had to work it off I don't have any dishes for you to watch so I just needed you to need you to point this camera at me when I was working so yeah Y Man Rick is the guy guys you saved my [ __ ] life man I don't even know how I feel right now this man hooked me up gave it to me man this is crazy I'm like my hair is on my arms are standing up a lost for words well will is heading back up and we'll probably be out here in a little bit so Stand By You Stay classy YouTube now that it was free [ __ ] yeah yeah now it's free so
Views: 42,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: murphys diesel, murphys towing, off road wrecker, arizona, Offroad, Tow truck, Wrecker, Heavy duty towing, Ram 1500, off road recovery, free, automotive, ram 1500 off road, ram 1500 stuck off road, thought this was free, hellboy, ram 5500 off road wrecker, cummins, #viral off road videos, Stuck in middle of no where, gps fails, off road fails, murphys diesel recovery, murphys towing arizona
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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