Custom Travel Trailer Tiny Home - Elevator Bed & Fold Down Patio

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[Music] hi guys I'm Joanna Hoffman and my name is Matthew Hoffman and we are living vehicle so this project here this is a ground-up build brand-new that's really been about eight years in the making and eight years ago in the recession I quit my job I was an architect at the time this is well before I knew Joanne and my wife I just decided that I wasn't to work for someone kind of guy and it was terribly uninspiring and I just wanted to get out and have a little bit more freedom and what that meant to me was just you know kind of be an entrepreneur and start my own company and I thought it was gonna be an architecture company at the time but what turned into a small space renovation company only because when I quit my job I quit my rent and I moved into an Airstream trailer that I renovated and that's really what started it all yeah you had Matt had submitted it it was kind of the only piece of work he had done that was truly his outside of his firm so he put it in his profile portfolio started to you know submit it to kind of local news things like that I'm kind of to his surprise it got picked up pretty quickly yeah I was in the LA Times Sunset magazine all sorts of publications and all of a sudden I got calls that said can you do what you did for yourself for me your Airstream ended up on HGTV all of that yeah so nothing creates a career like a bunch of publicity and you know about long story short about eight years later I had a company with about 30 individuals right downtown Santa Barbara and we were renovating projects left and right probably about 30 at a time and so over the course of those eight years I did about 400 different renovation projects for custom clientele yes and that kind of accidentally started a architecture firm that only worked on mobile spaces so no houses basically our rule was does that have wheels can it move we'll work on it right you know I only designed one brick-and-mortar house you don't have to realizing that it wasn't for me and that's really what spawned the whole company and about three or less six years into that you know I met Joanna and brought her into the company right quick we decided that we love to work together and we realized that there's this great chasm in the marketplace that was missing because I you know I've been living in small spaces ever since that one Airstream trailer and but after that it was buses and vans and boats you know when I met Johanna we moved into a boat and we both we both realized we kind of like looked at each other and said you know what nothing in the marketplace suits our needs you know because we've been living that lifestyle for so long and we realized you know what it's about time we built something from the ground up that's built specifically for full-time use and there's so many challenges I mean just right off the bat mat 6 5 now there's a lot of small spaces that he literally just couldn't even stand up straight in you know I didn't come from a background of small spaces other than living in small apartments and things like that so I had kind of some big big expectations in terms of you know comfort and functionality and you know if I was going to live like this full-time you know so it was really fun to kind of develop something together with Matt's expertise of small space living and my expertise of being a modern-day human that likes comfort and technology and not only that this modern-day human Johanna is also a chef so she really understands the realities on you know some very intricate you know cooking space you know concerns when it comes to design so Johanna played a huge role when it comes to kind of the life style and then us together combined with our experience you know that's what birthed living vehicle and so what we're gonna show you today is really the result of that collective experience of us both living in small spaces for a very long time and also our professional architecture firm renovating small spaces for hundreds of what 400 yeah 400 yeah primarily airstreams but a lot of other spaces too buses and vans so we're pretty excited to show you living vehicle today this is a company that we started ourselves about a year ago and we're actually going to celebrate our one-year anniversary August 21st so August 21st 2017 is when we started the company and this is actually our full-time home so not only do we run the company that creates these spaces we live in this ourselves so we can understand intimately what it is we're creating for people all right well here we are now inside living vehicle and we're pretty excited to show you just what we've created and this where we're standing in right now this is kind of the hub of activity of the whole space this is our combined multi-purpose living cooking dining and there's also a guest quarters here yeah I said the whole unit sleeps six people we've got this bed that we're going to show you here this dining space of course converts to a bed as well and then we've got the master bedroom in there and so I'm gonna just start right off with the cool stuff here and so the bed is motorized and comes down pretty quickly there I'm gonna hold it down and it stops just above the TV um so you can still sit underneath it um while it's down a little ladder and you just crawl up on there you know it's just Matt and I in here plus our dog but a lot of our clients love to have their you know kids up there whether it's for sleeping or just kind of you know having a break you know it's really nice to have another place that's not just your bed not really a big fan of working in bed and doing other activities so it's nice to kind of have a little loft area yeah this is really our guest bed space it's a full it's extra-long it's actually 90 inches long it's 10 inches longer than a king-size bed and this is built by a company called project 2000 it was an Italian company just recently got bought out by Lipper components but it's fantastic the build quality is just second to none it's rated for 600 pounds so you get a lot of kind of real quality design into this product here you can see I'm shaking it there's really nothing that's moving we put a five inch mattress on top of here there's wood slats underneath and this is just it's very lightweight it's all built out of aluminum and what's also really cool about this is you can always leave it made or unmade if you like because you know you just take it put it up into the ceiling and your beds in a clean environment you don't have to always make that bed yeah I'm pretty lazy when it comes to converting spaces and making beds and things like that Matt will tell you he um it's funny he's really big on kind of cleaning up major things and then I'm really obsessive like detailing things yeah true okay so what's also nice about this as you can see you know I'm I'm down you can raise it just a little bit to kind of go into this this other mode yeah so there you go now you can stop it there you can see we're now in an environment where we can both people up there kind of snoozin as guests but if you're say you're up late you're hanging out having a late you know evening drinking around the table playing some cards you can utilize both spaces at once and we intentionally design that you know by the way this also converts into a bed this is the kind of the third sleeping space of the of the living vehicle and this is the same exact size as the bed above us it's also a full width but it's again 90 inches long so you know vertically you know I don't know tall people get to enjoy the space as well you know it's not just limited to folks under you know under six foot we've absolutely had guests over right the very first time that we took this out we took our entire company out together into the desert yeah go into Lone Pine California kind of where all the great westerns were shot beautiful hills and nothing else her have and in this unit alone we slept six people so there were two down here two up top and then we were in the master bedroom in this space and it was just great to see how well it functioned you know so folks down here still had their privacy in a way where you're not seeing you know the other people because if every space is private because you don't actually see the other folks that are sleeping in the space because it's kind of had over under bunk bed design so feel free to do whatever you love this window package is an all-aluminum window it's a marine-grade window this is one of the earlier windows that we were prototyping in our design by the way the unit that we're in right now is unit number two off the production line and we've changed a lot since this unit one of those being is the window package we now have our windows produced by a manufacturer it's a small Amish company out right in Indiana that builds these custom for us and we've been able to kind of refine them since what we currently have this actually the only unit on one of one of a couple units that have this type of window package they're dual pane windows you know they're designed to be you know perform very well in all sorts of environments and of course you see here this is a good sized window it's a slider this is an emergency egress window so you can just get out by pulling this over every window in our unit has screens and it's very easy to operate you know this is a blackout shade you know it's it's simple by design and you know they're designed just to come up right now we're getting some kind of interior pressure on that you can kind of see how it's the window right now that's quite windy outside but they're designed so that when you let them go they don't kind of see would you call it like flap up really quick kind of spin up and kind of yeah I almost break you know it can be a little bit intimidating right this is like a slap bracelet exactly so you know something we really value inside the design of the space is light quality you know there's something about a small space that if you really open up the window and kind of a road that barrier that wall of the box your view corridor then becomes open to the outside you know you're not limited by these four walls that's not what defines your space so the more light that we can bring into a space the white quality that makes it feel truly residential like a home and then your sight line which you know all these strategically placed windows are very intentional so that you don't feel like you're in a box you know you're in a very nice kind of modern what would be almost a high-rise apartment in the sky but you know you look outside and you see nature and that's what you really connect with so it was part of the design a living vehicle it's it's not something that was a renovation this is not an existing shell that we kind of built an interior into this is a ground-up build so every single component every single part to the living vehicle is brand new built specifically for this purpose in that we have a lot of flexibility and opportunity to design these various you know envelopes whether it's kind of the wall the floor and the ceiling so there's a ton of thought that have gone into this right out of the bat what really differentiates ourself from from a product perspective is that everything's aluminum you've got you know to start an aluminum chassis it's 100% aluminum welded all the way through it's a five inch tube right on the a frame it's a seven inch a frame chassis which brings it back to the tube construction now right underneath the the floor is where the chassis resides and we might go outside and I'll talk a little bit more about that so I can show you physically some space on that nevertheless is we come up into the wall the wall is also it's a it's a hundred percent aluminum welded frame with studs every 16 inches on center you know that goes all the way up to the ceiling ceiling is aluminum boat tress roof it has a curve on the on the roof which allows water to shed sheet off the roof so you don't get kind of pooling onto the roof as well what you see right here is a it's kind of a technique which brings a little bit of warmth it's kind of a modern warmth into the space the wood that we use here we're covering this wall specifically is called black locust it's a it's a natural naturally occurring hardwood which is very similar to the kind of the exotic wood called teak which is found you know black locust is found right it's kind of like a weed but it's on the sides of kind of roads frankly out in the Midwest and so it's naturally full of oils and it's rot resistant mildew resistant just by the naturally occurring properties you know what you see right now is just an unfinished version this hasn't been conditioned at all so this is its naturally occurring state and it's just a real nice warm clean modern wood inset with this the reason this wall is a little thicker is for two reasons we have it kind of holding the the jamb of this sliding door and that's what kind of dies in and also encapsulate s' this television so the television is a 32 inch 12-volt led powered TV and this is hooked up to our media center we'll show you the Technology Bay a little bit later again you can kind of see inside here this is on a swing arm but inside this is all aluminum construction so anything structural to this to this unit is made out of aluminum all right so we are in the kitchen area here there's a lot of cool features that we've built in here yeah like we said we have lived in small spaces for a long time and know some of the you know frustrations that come along with full-time living and still wanting to you know get along with your day as normal now cooking is a big one for me I was a chef before I got into all of this and so having a big you know kitchen that was really functional where you could actually have friends over and cook something that was impressive and not just kind of camping food if you will and was really important to me so one of the features that I love here is our trash chute so we've got it separated into two parts so if you want to do trash and recycling or compost whatever you want and literally just throw it down there and then it empties from the exterior and so we can look at that later but it literally just pulls out really easy to clean up you're not having to kick around your trash bags in here we've got a little puppy she loves the trash so having that hidden is really important for us got a pretty good size see here we've got our filtered water here so we have a culligan water filtration system and it works great so our fresh water we've got a really oversized tank designed specifically for off-grid use so our freshwater is 100 gallons and our gray is 62 and lox 45 we've done a ton of off-grid trips including this one that we're on right now here in Colorado that we've done you know between the two of us about a week we've done off-grid and it depends on if we're just using these facilities or kind of going out into town we found a really awesome hot springs near Mount Princeton where we just were before this so we got to kind of go there use some of those facilities you know take longer showers but definitely to people week the water will be you know just just fine if you're showering everyday you know we do run all of our systems when we're off-grid one of them being our dishwasher here and as you can see it's pretty full so it's a you know standard sized dishwasher just doesn't have that second rack but I mean it fits all of our pots and pans dog bowls or French press so it's actually more efficient to do a full load of dishes in the dishwasher than by hand and I believe this takes about 2.5 to 3 gallons so it's kind of a nice excuse to just throw it all in there instead of doing it yourself you've got different settings you know you've got your heavy normal light mini party I'm not really sure what a mini party yes but we do it on the light setting and that's some kind of the energy savings one and I've got some it's kind of your typical just under the sink storage there we've got our reusable grocery bags a bunch of stuff there that yeah you know the think when we're not doing dishes in it is still really helpful for food prep you know so you've got all your great produce in there you know this comes out really nicely so you're able to rinse everything and then if you are you know maybe soaking your pots and pans before you're throwing them in there or if it's something that you want to just clean off quickly so you can reuse it the next day if you're not planning on doing a load and it's just I mean I love having a big sink it's so nice to be able to fit everything in there so the countertops are Corian so it's a nice kind of lightweight material super durable so we have our kitchen island here which is also a Korean surface and a great thing about this is that it is removable so when I'm cooking it's really nice to have it in here you know you've got your prep space but if we want to open up the space we're having a party or want to cook outside using the grill this literally just moves outside so there's four screws that bolt it into the floor you just unscrew that really quickly and then just move that outside kind of next to the grills usually where we put it so the dog she's got this middle shelf that's dedicated to her and then we've got just kind of random stuff in the top and bottom there but kind of your nice extra storage we really tried to pack storage into every possible compartment so there's no wasted space just imagine like coming home with bags of groceries like you have to put them somewhere so it's really nice to kind of you know you have the surface the surface you know not a ton of room here for prep and all of that so it's really nice to have all of those options yeah I mean this is definitely the best place to kind of do all your cooking and prep and stuff you know literally just to move that over slide that into your pot so really designed to be super functional and kind of flow with how you naturally use a space alright so we've got a ton of storage in these above cabinets as well these are all powder-coated aluminum by the way so they're super lightweight but also really durable we've got these marine grades slam latches which is really nice and you can see kind of when you shut this kind of a nice slow closed and then it's shot so you don't have to worry about things opening up and things falling out of it so this is really a ton of storage for us like I said I love to cook and eat so I'm constantly just filling this up with teas and hot sauces and we've got about ten bags of rice in there so it's a ton of storage we've got here our stovetop this is propane so we've got a three burner honestly three is pretty excessive I never use more than two at once so this one's pretty nice it's got kind of this bigger one so if we're doing a big pot usually use this for the kettle or you know something smaller so it's really easy you know put it to light light it with your match or lighter and you're good to go here we've got our convection grill and microwave combo which is really nice so you can do stuff like like a small chicken in it you've cooked pizza in it before and really versatile works great honestly I do most of my cooking either on the stovetop or on the grill it's just a lot easier being outside and grilling is really fun and really easy cleanup and then we've got some other storage under here this is kind of the biggest one for all your big pots and pans if you've got blenders juicers crock pots rice makers all your big-ticket items Matt really got into making jerky a couple years ago and so he had them a meat slicer and a food dehydrator which we used to keep under a bed just kind of gross so having all of that stuff in the kitchen where it should be it's really nice so you can see this goes all the way up to here so you can really load that up with some big clunky items I've got a lot more storage here in all of these drawers you can see they come out pretty far they're extra long again cabinets are all custom made at our manufacturer and they're all powder coated aluminum as well saying marine-grade Randolph says so got all our kitchen stuff in here about 15 knives and I know why we have that many them that's kind of all of our other storage there now the biggest storage that we've got and this is where we keep most of our food I'm gonna slow mo so you can really see how big it is so this is really awesome got all of our spices kind of cooking supplies or booze cleaning supplies and it's just really nice to have all that room where you're not shoving things into different corners and you can have it nice and organized and you know you could fit a lot more stuff if you do inserts you know we've kind of got some containers and things like that but you can really maximize your space even up here different inserts and things like that but this is pretty awesome to have and it just shuts right in there and it's nice it's kind of flush you know with the wall and it's you know not really in your way otherwise alright so got our Dometic fridge here it's seven cubic feet we've got a nice icemaker in here we've got some extra ice because we were having a party and we don't want to run out but you know again it's just the two of us but we like to eat so fill it up and yeah definitely enough room for us it's got kind of these little compartments here all of the frame here is made out of aluminum studs 16 inches on center and that's covered with what's called VHB tape now that's a 3m product called very high bond tape and it's about as simple as you think it's double-sided sticky tape quite frankly you know made for industrial and commercial applications by 3m a very capable company and it's designed to hold two like materials together so we use VHB tape everywhere to hold a lot of this together now there's some advantages to VHB tape is compared to screws or rivets to hold panels together VHB tape is continuous you don't have these kind of penetrations of a rivet hole or a screw hole to let in water you know the tape is on the stud you put take them and you put the first panel on over the tape now we put the second panel over another piece of tape on top of that which allows this continuous seam all the way down so by design we really make make sure that kind of that water infiltration is mitigated you know that's something that I'm very familiar with with kind of my history of designing for vintage travel trailers is that water infiltration is ubiquitous it's just common in every single unit you know it is something that we all deal with so as we continue up you'll notice that everything up here is starting to get very lightweight just by virtue that everything we've made is this very lightweight light gauge aluminum wrapped over foam in our ceiling you'll see that our this is a great place to explain our ceiling construction because you can kind of literally see how thick our ceiling is now this is about a six and a half seven inch ceiling here and what what it's built out of again is aluminum we have aluminum trusses in there so you have an aluminum truss on the top the bottom and then these kind of webs in between that allows us to put a bunch of insulation in there now we do use fiberglass insulation by design because it's very lightweight also we have enough space up there so the fiberglass insulation is able to do its job so by keeping it very lightweight good quality ride when you're going from place to place but also you can get that thermal resistance because you can pack enough in there now the ceiling is thick for it another reason is that when you look up here you see some very traditional kind of powder-coated residential style vents now these are part of the heating ventilation air conditioning system our air conditioner there on the roof we have two of them and it's a completely ducted system so that means that we don't have to run all of our AC vents directly down and then you have to kind of distribute that's all taken care of inside the roof here so it's very quiet is another advantage the air conditioner you don't have a lot of noise when you turn the AC on you can barely even know that it's running it's also extremely efficient because we've designed this ducting layout inside the stuff that you don't even see is designed to be very thoughtful to make sure that that air circulation in the space is very pleasant so you're not getting blown you know in the face when you're sitting down here or there in the whole space is the same temperature both vertically and horizontally the last component of the heating in or the HVAC system is Heat true Heat now I talked a little bit about this when I mention the basement but we locate our furnace inside the basement itself in the basement that is your return air plenum and it pushes air through the vents in the floor as you know hot air rises cold air Falls so we put all the cold vents in the ceiling all the furnace vents in the floor for a reason the furnace is a traditional propane style furnace which is thirty five thousand BTUs which allows us to be pleasant warm Joanne and I have traveled in this space down to I think it was six degrees for an extended period of time that's the lowest we've been able to take it we haven't been able to find temperatures much colder in the time that we've had this company going so we're looking forward to being able to test it all the way down to negative 20 which is what shooting to rate this for and we love technology but we don't like these blinking lights all over the place so something were very intentional here is that we consolidate all of our tech into what's called the technology Bay and that's right above the refrigerator this one large storage compartment here BAM so you can see all of our tech is in one spot you know it's really simple and you don't really need to use this that often you know a lot of this can actually be controlled with your phone a lot of its app control - remote controlled but what's really nice is it this is not just the technology it's the audio-video it's the system's monitoring so you've got you know talked a little bit about each one of these here but by design we put it all in one location so it's really easy it's kind of an eye level so you can access it so starting out here at this big guy on the bottom this is kind of a high-end media center this controls both televisions one is in the living room one is in the bedroom area which you can kind of source via either bluetooth you can play some DVDs or you know anything that's on your computer this also controls the audio system we have an amazing audio system in this unit there's speakers everywhere in every room there's speakers in the bathroom even underneath the unit firing outside so you kind of have this very loud speaker system which was really high quality all the speakers are eight inch drivers and then you kind of have these these high high-end tweeters which are directional so depending on where the speaker is placed in the room you're able to get some great sound and that's what this controls for all the the folks that still have DVDs out there this unit still does have a DVD slot it probably won't be there much longer but it still is there well and then when you're boondocking there's some realities that you don't always get service so you don't can't turn on your phone or you you know might not be able to you know to play media from Netflix for example we have designed this for you know that DVD just for that purpose however there's always a download functionality onto your phone these days so if you're planning on boondocking you know i've got everything on my iTunes library downloaded onto my phone so when I am in that environment where I don't have service I can still watch that media so then what you have here is a right now this is our in it's our command system so you can see where all the levels of your tanks you can turn on your water heater your kind of power to various components this is also where you raise and lower your leveling jacks well not leveling stabilizer jacks it's all automatic 12 volts so a lot of your systems are controlled by this one panel right here this is a gerard products water heater control panel and this allows you to control the tankless on-demand water temperature so every time you turn on a hot water faucet the propane water heater the furnace lights up starts heating that water and it's endless so you can just control depending on what your you know temperature kind of preferences you can go all the way up to hundred and twenty-four degrees coming out in hot water which also makes it very efficient the next thing you see here this is our probably the one most important very small device here and this is what controls our inverter so because we have this extensive solar system about 95 percent of the unit is powered by the Sun the only system that's not powered by the Sun yet is the air conditioner so we can literally run the dishwasher the washer/dryer we can run all the lights all the 110 appliances plug in blow dryers plug in computers and this is what controls it all so you can see the power that's being inverted turning from 12 volts into 110 power and that all happens right here so this is what pulls power out of the batteries now there's another very small tucked away right up here in the very ceiling this is says midnight this is a solar charge controller monitor panel so this is where the power goes into the batteries and right now you can see we're running about 490 watts coming into the batteries at that immediate moment and as it stands today we've put in about 2.1 kilowatt hours into the system so you can see every day that we're replenishing that battery supply constantly so as it stands right now our battery supply is built by a company called renergie I believe and they're a lithium battery product and it's the po4 it's the newest technology and we have two very large batteries they're about 2 feet long and they're about you know 12 inches by 12 inches and they each store 200 amp hours now at 12 volts that's right around 5 kilowatt hours so the next thing you see here getting away from the power supply side of things is now onto the technology technology and media is you can see an Apple TV we all know what that looks like or most of us that's kind of our internet television allows us also to mirror Computers onto the various screens that we have so we can watch or kind of do remote conferences if we're on the road and also working there's our internet device right now in this unit we have it's a Wi-Fi Ranger this is the sky - and this is the internal router so with this system we have the dedicated antenna up on the roof which can source LTE for a cell provider or also Wi-Fi which pulls that signal in and it gives you that dedicated network so every time you pull up somewhere no matter what type of internet connection you have whether it's cell or Wi-Fi you don't have to connect you know all your devices to the new hotspot or try and kind of mess with connecting via cell all your devices so it's all designed to be very integrated and simple you know with that one dedicated private network and I think that's about everything we got some plugs in here for you know iPhone Chargers we've got some various devices you know this is another mobile hotspot that we have in here we've also put the shelf in here because we know that there's a bunch of junk that kind of builds up and we designed that all to live right there and a nice neatly and tucked away all right well I've talked a lot about tech a lot about details you know it's a lot that we've gone into but there's some really amazing parts of the living vehicle that you haven't seen yet and I'm proud to you know to hand this off to my wife Joanna and she's going to take us into the bathroom now so Joanna why don't you come on board and take everyone to the tour let's go get clean all right so first up you can see kind of some more of this black locust that Matt mentioned both of our doors in the bathroom and then also in the bedroom I've got these nice little latches here so when you're in trouble mode now make sure you guys that securin doesn't go anywhere we've got a beautiful skylight here in the shower that you'll see in just a second but we've got a couple other nice features so we've got our radiant towel warmer we haven't been using it lately because it's been pretty warm outside but kind of nice doubles as a space heater warms up really quickly so I'm standing inside of our shower you can see first of all we've got this amazing skylight so from floor to ceiling I believe it's seven foot seven so you oh yeah all right all person you can still walk around know your stuff we've got this pretty intense shower panel here like matt said this is the second unit ever so we've been doing a lot of R&D and kind of prototyping different system seeing how they work so the new model I think is a little bit less intense but we thought this was fun to kind of try out so you can see you've got one two three four five different shower settings and this last one here is just the water temperature so we got the one up here this is kind of your highest flow kind of rain shower you got this other one's kind of a spa like waterfall I really like that one because it kind of comes down a little bit closer to you this one kind of sprays a little bit further over here and so you have to kind of walk stand a little bit far farther away from it so that one's actually pretty nice there's this one which we've gotten rid of I'm not really sure what area of your body it's supposed to get maybe for kids this one is our low-flow setting so this is kind of your shower wand we've taped it this is not what it looks like when you get a brand new one they're just kind of playing around with when we're in off-grid and you've got maybe two minutes really to take a shower if you want to really stay somebody you know somewhere for a week like we mentioned we're still running our dishwasher washer dryer that's kind of the most important stuff to us so we can take really quick showers so we've taped this just so that you've got less water coming out and it comes out out of kind of higher flow yeah so I mean the one's really nice you know the thing about tile is obviously it's very heavy and if you get real tile you know it's also a pain in the butt to kind of apply all of that we have done a lot of tile in our previous projects all of our street renovations they just look really pretty but they add a ton of weight so the wood is really nice it kind of warms up the space a little bit gives it that nice spa feeling and it's also very easy to clean kind of weird to admit but we've never actually cleaned the shower before it's just kind of I don't know it takes care of itself you know so this is the black locust as well it's a very similar to teak where it's very anti rot I'm not going to have any issues with mold so we've really you know used that kind of for a purpose to give it a nice aesthetic look but also make sure that your space is staying very clean and it's really easy to maintain this mat that I'm standing on does come out you can go ahead and kind of clean underneath that and that's pretty easy and then we've got our last setting here this is kind of for your feet you know a lot of people with little kids really want to have a bathtub in here so this is kind of the best option for that if you've got little ones you can kind of wash them without setting also we've got some just great and hanging baskets got these on Amazon you can add a lot more if you want but again just kind of helps keep all your stuff organized and clean so you don't have to put stuff on the floor you know and be kicking stuff around and you just really got kind of this nice space to you know truly have a nice shower whether you're at a truck stop or you know International Forest we've been in all sorts of places and it's nice to just step in here now every time you look up I mean this guy is always a beautiful sky no matter where you are so the shower was really big for me because so many places that we lived in you know our boats specifically I mean it's this little shower they have to crouch down you know if you've seen elf where he's kind of like doing this you know that's for me how I start my day and so it's really nice to just feel like you're in this luxurious space to kind of start off your day nice and fresh so or in the bathroom here you know of course we've built in a lot of storage in here as well I really like to have kind of a place for everything and in the place that you're using it so we have a medicine cabinet up here again all-aluminum ton of room in there you've got nice shelving and that's above your toilet here just an RV foot flush pneumatic toilet and the nice thing about the foot flush is it allows you to control your water usage right so if you're off great again you know it's not adding in extra water you know so if you're going number one you've got to flush it down you have to add anything in number two you want to add a little bit you know to help it kind of go down but it's really nice you get to control that so you're not wasting those precious drops of water if you are off great and trying to control that personally we just really designed this to look and feel like a true home and you know everything that you see you know is very residential style those just kind of a preference for us and you know for a lot of people who might be new to you know trailer RV living things like that really wanting to give them as much of that continuous feeling of oh this is just like a home it's just a smaller footprint but if you want to switch out a composting toilet super easy you could totally do that and we do have some customers that I've done that already just preference so here we've got our vessel sink we really love vessel sinks for a couple of reasons one you've got this nice see-through glass so just kind of like mirrors it really helps you know open up your space a little bit more and that also helps us kind of save on our countertop space in our prototype we actually had just you know kind of like the white rectangular sink it really takes out the ton of space and you know we've really tested this out so much in the first one I remember we had the medicine cabinet here with the white sink here and I was washing my face and I told Matt I was like this just doesn't work hitting my head here water spilling everywhere no so really is designed by our own experience of actually using our products so we love the vessel sink I mean my goodness just it also gives you kind of that nicer you know spa feeling it just feels more luxurious again it opens up the space more and you really get more countertop space you know where you really I mean not that you're putting much under there but it really just helps kind of open up the space so we've got a ton more storage under here you know what's funny is when we moved out of our boat we kind of you know if you've ever moved before painting but and it takes a lot of time and sometimes you get to the point where you're like I don't know what I want to do with this stuff let's just put it in a bag and just put it somewhere so it's funny about 70% of the stuff that we put in here we're not even using so all of our extra bathroom stuff all of our clothes because we've got a washer/dryer you know so I'm never even making a dent and everything I brought with me obviously if you're going to different climates and you know different environments you need different things but yeah and we put so much storage in this thing and I just I can't fill it up enough okay so we are in the hallway right now I've got a couple of things to talk about real quick we've just got our Dometic thermostat here so we do have abducted furnace and AC in the unit so we've got our ducted AC here and then our ducted for an offense over here so kind of nice it helps kind of warm up your floor's a little bit I'm not sure if you're getting this in the shop but here's a really cool article that was in the LA Times Saturday edition featuring Matt and I here in Santa Barbara in our unit and then a couple of our customers as well that was really cold I was back in May so it's been really fun to kind of start sharing this with people you know we are based out of Santa Barbara but we've recently just actually made a decision to go mobile with our office so we're getting rid of our brick-and-mortar especially since we're selling a mobile product kind of makes sense and you know we're constantly traveling so it's pretty exciting but Santa Barbara's always gonna be kind of home and you know the birthplace for to the beginning of this company really and then down here we've got our central vac which we really love it's awesome it's always on flip it up I've got a couple different hoses and they literally reach from end to end you can even go outside with it it's great for Luca clean up her hair she brings it a ton of rocks and dirt she's always now coming in and just making the place dirty so it's really easy to spot clean if you've got kids or if you're just a messy eater and he's dropping stuff where you know when you're cooking it's super easy we have our hose kind of just behind me in our storage container just under the washer/dryer so it's nice you don't have to go like under a hatch and pull out some big you know vacuum so that's always there just ready to go so it's really easy to help kind of make everything to stay nice and clean so we're flooring is a luxury vinyl plank what's really nice is it's super lightweight and also durable also waterproof which is really great with Luca also when we're just traveling constantly you know doing shows having literally thousands of people coming in and out of our unit holds up really great again the central vac really helps kind of keep things clean but it's super durable product a lot lighter than traditional wood so yeah we love it and it's a go throughout the entire inside here and then now we're walking into our bedroom so this bed is a true queen we do have a pullout sofa sleeper so if you can see this is the stuff of sleeper version so it does fold into a couch and since we work on the road this is kind of our secondary office space so it's nice to kind of just have that additional kind of multifunctional space a lot of people like to use it for a kid's playroom or maybe if you want to have you know meetings or a lot of people have extra hobbies and things like that whether it's music or you know art things like that if you want just a true bed you're kind of planning on using this just as a bedroom and the other option is a fixed queen bed and that's got storage under the whole thing it's on under gas struts so it's super easy to lift up and then the whole thing is just storage underneath we've got nightstands on either side so kind of just your typical you know nighttime stuff we've got some of our USB cords for chargers things like that a nice little trick we've got a lot of big kind of you know plants and flowers and things like that it's all velcroed it's really nice to not have to spend so much time like putting things away when you have to hit the road especially when you're going off you know off-road and you know you're going down super bumpy you know roads through the woods up you know inclines things like that so this is really on there we love velcro this is also velcro down there and it just kind of helps make your kind of pack up and go process a lot easier so we've got a great closet space here on this side you've got kind of your full length here so you could actually hang pants and shirts and not have them be all folded up weird I've got a bunch of great storage up here and then on this side we've got all your dresser drawers and again these are all aluminum same slam latches and so plenty of space for us kind of some extra space here if you want to do blankets towels or have any bigger items and then some extra room here of course you've got lights in there as well this definitely is enough room for the two of us like I mentioned before we kind of just moved out of her a boat and then brought everything here I'm not wearing about 70% of my clothes that I brought with me and we've got a lot of kind of extra sheets and bedding and towels just for a guests we always have people come over and stay with us because it's unit sleep six people total and sometimes it's nice to just have some friends over so we've got a plenty plenty of extra stuff but what's really nice is our washer/dryer this is a splendide it's a combo and we've been using this in a lot of our products over the years and its really awesome really a big time-saver you know if you're living on the road and constantly having to find the nearest laundromat to you and then it really takes a whole day right you have to plan ahead you have to make sure you've got your quarters and/or your dollar bills and then you know hang out there switch things over we're always losing stuff when we go to laundromats so it is really nice when we're working you know we've got this going our dishwasher and it just really helps save us time so that we can focus on you know work focus on catching up with our friends and family at the end of the day playing with our dog cooking and not having to dedicate so much time to chores so this is a product that we really really love and then just underneath it here we've got some more storage so we've got our central vac hose like I said it's super super low so that goes from end to end got a bunch of different attachments and then we've got kind of all of our other laundry products down here so again we've kind of figured out you know where you need storage okay you've got a washer dryer what goes along with that let's make a dedicated place for that so the projector is something that Matt actually just installed a few days ago you know we're always kind of playing around with different ideas but what's really cool is you got this screen here you know this blind that basically doubles as your projector screen so if you want to really have kind of a media night we're not really big on TV we do a lot of you know Netflix and things like that you want to put a second TV in you know you've got the one in the living room this is pre-wired so you can put one here but if you want to be a little bit more old-school you know really kind of make an event of it get your popcorn ready all that and project on their and that's a Superfund and then probably one of the best features in the bedroom is this skylight pretty massive it's pretty phenomenal to go to bed at night and just look about the stars and then in the morning when you wake up you've got ton of bright lights you see you know the clouds maybe there's trees above you squirrels Birds you really just feel like you're out in nature if it's still in a very comfortable you know beautiful place so we definitely love the skylight and that's something that we prototyped a few years back in one of our kind of custom builds and something that we really just love you know bringing an extra light and being able to just see outdoors so we've got the skylight here we've got one in the bathroom one in the kitchen so we really love skylights alright guys so that wraps it up for the inside that's gonna take over and walk around the outside show you all the hatches all of our cool kind of tech bays and just show you what the outside looks like ok we got a great overview of the interior and now I'm excited to show you what it looks like from the outside as you can tell it's all kind of one color and that is the color of natural metal there's a reason we chose this you know there's a couple great products out in the day you know built back in the 30s that are still around to this very day you know many of which are you know air stream or curtiss-wright kind of these vintage pieces of Americana and there's a reason they're still around and it's you know in part the design but one of the major one is just the material itself aluminum aluminum is naturally resistant to age you know it oxidizes and creates a natural patina which protects itself so it never really degrades it does corrode if you kind of leave it in a wet location over time but you know this will last for generations if not a hundred years so that's something that we're really aware of so there's two different types of material that you'll see on the outside a living vehicle one is the aluminum that I just talked about and that's what it's kind of like this it's a very light gauge I think it's a four oh just strong enough to span 16 inch joist on Center and then there's this one other product that you see this is everything that's shiny so if it a mirror finish that is stainless steel now we use stainless in parts of the unit where it requires a little bit more reinforcement a little more structure so you'll notice this is very durable and whereas on the sides this aluminum is designed to be very light weight spanning those studs so why don't I take you around and just show you some various parts of this so you can get to understand what all these hatches are what the components the pieces the parts of the unit are you'll see that the hatches are all kind of in this space about 18 inches from the underbelly up now I talked to you about the kind of construction of the unit before where the finished floor and the chassis is right about here now the structural insulated panels which are insulating the bottom side of the unit are right at this location those are three inch panels and everything in between those two locations that's what we're calling the conditioned basement so all the hatches the storage compartments or the technology that's all in that condition basement space all these hatches that we've built these are all custom we designed and built these with our manufacturer you'll see they're extremely high quality they're all 100% aluminum and stainless steel the hinge on every hatch it's a piano style hinge which goes the entire length and that's all stainless they're all sealed with double gaskets for water infiltration and then you'll see that this right here this is a hatch for storage we got about you know 14 inches of clearance in here and you can hold a lot of stuff inside these hatches it's kind of like those larger you know taurine buses or motorhomes that you'll see the Class A's you don't tend to find this kind of stuff in a travel trailer so you know it's very important to us every hatch by the way does have a light inside those are all LED lights inside the hatches that allows for access and it's not something that'll easily bump on and off you know you have to turn it on turn it off so you don't have these hatches accidentally lit so continuing just back of that front hatch on the curb side of the living vehicle we have this very small but it's a stainless you know it's a 110 volt outlet that's all powered by the Sun it's on our inverter talking about our inverter let's look at our technology Bay now we've got the technology panel inside that's where we have all the monitor but this is where the guts are at our batteries here our inverter our solar charge controller and it's all in this one consolidated aluminum wrapped compartment the whole thing's vented and it's designed intentionally to keep all of our electronics very safe easily to access you don't put any storage in here this is what you see this is what stays inside this compartment so let's go into this a little bit more you know quite simply we got where the the power comes in is straight all the way back there there's something that says classic there that's our solar charge controller very high-end very heavy-duty you got a couple of breakers which control the battery in the solar and then your batteries this is your lithium-ion po4 batteries we got two of them and they're built by oh it's rely on rely on is the battery provider not renergie renergie zaur solar panels you do have a primary disconnect here for all your electrical system and then to convert the power from that 12-volt low voltage to your 110 through all your high voltage appliances and outlets this is our inverter and as it stands right now we installed a 2800 mag sign peer sign energy inverter that allows us to run our sensitive electronics kind of our high demand appliances such as your washer/dryer your dishwasher and you can run a number of things all at once the monitor panel inside the tech Bay right above the refrigerator that's what controls all this stuff so you don't have to come down here and mess with it and see what's going on you can do that from the comfort of inside you're inside your space now before I close this hatch I'll just kind of show you here a little bit more it is a custom built hatch we do have about an inch and a half of space there and inside this this is an insulated hatch so when you do close this that space is now insulated as well so why don't we continue back I've got this great you know this is simple this is pretty traditional but this is an all aluminum step in the spirit of you know staying true to our design we try and use as much aluminum as possible we do have some painted steel just for structural rigidity on this on our new units there's a design feature that we've changed here is this is now another hatch just like this so you lower down a hatch to reveal this stair compartment so you can have your stair protected when you're traveling down the road it also keeps the grit and the grime of the road and all the travels from you know getting in there and messing it up so right back here you'll notice one of the main features of the living vehicle this is the deck the deck itself is fully self-supporting it's eight feet wide to match the 8 foot slider that you see right above it it's dual purpose not only does it support you know weight and become an extension of your interior space but when you're traveling it's very important that we protect that 8-foot panel of glass you know that's each pane there is about four foot by six eight tall that's very prone to breakage not just from you know movement or you know jostling down the road or off-road but wind you know there's a lot of when you have wind passing over a surface on the road there's a lot of pressure differential that will literally pull that pane of glass out and kind of push it to break that panel so by putting this up every time you travel you've met you you quite literally could not travel without it up that protects that pane of glass to make sure that you can get to your location and still utilize that without breakage so a very important feature it is rated for a thousand pounds we do have these self-supporting stainless steel cables which come down at a forty-five and then kind of anchor through these through bolts right to the deck itself the deck again is 100% aluminum we do have a gasket running all the way around for water protection when it's in the up position and you'll see that we have as you're folding it up we have these great custom designed stainless steel latches which are very high-end very heavy-duty you know it's closed we also do have a location where you can put a latch or a bolt like a lock on there to make sure that you know no one's messing with it so you stop at a rest stop so someone can't just open it up and then it comes down when you're traveling we do have one final component onto this is a railing system that goes all the way around for say pets or maybe you have kids children so this can be an enclosed playpen we always recommend installing the railing for protection purposes we are you know don't have the railing installed right now you can see that it could be dangerous you know if you're sitting here and then something like this happens you know that could be your head so we always do recommend installing the railing for your safety security and protection though if you're down here and the railings not installed something that's really nice for this is to have a kind of a pupu Hawaiian style platter that you could put all your food out here you'll notice so this is kind of at countertop level so if you're out here enjoying a fire pit or an outdoor table picnic table you can now have a service area where now the floor becomes your countertop and this is now your prep area for all your food outside the other thing that we have that actually bolts on to the railing itself is a umbrella so I kind of got out a love-hate relationship with sun shading devices when it comes to this industry and a big part of that is that awnings RV awnings tiny house awnings something that just is designed to cover your space now in the traditional sense awnings are there because they're expensive first off and they're all made out of fabric think about that is you leave an awning out and it gets windy awning breaks and not only does it break your expensive awning it breaks your unit because now it's banging up against your unit and it happens every time I've seen Anees that's like the number one repair item for warranty and if it's brick broken by wind that's your fault so you're gonna have to spend a thousand dollars at least or fix that awning the fabric alone cost about 800 bucks so what is the industry done to solve this you know they come up with more expensive awnings awnings that automatically come out automatically come in with little sundial or wind wind sensors that supposedly work when they break now not only do you have to fix an awning you have to fix a $5,000 awning so I think as a counter to all of this shenanigans we've created what we believe is either create an awning that's durable resistant to wind that will not break and that's where we're prototyping this solar awning that you see up above it's all built out of aluminum stainless steel it's on linear actuators so it's designed to resist wind the other thing we believe is you've got this big deck that's now not shaded you know we're in the shade right now it's nice but say it's a hot day so we have this umbrella system that just mounts right here it goes inside of a pole and you have quite literally a $30 umbrella from Amazon that you can just install right there you can do the same on the other side you can have your entire deck shade and say the wind picks up it takes your umbrella away god forbid go buy another $30 umbrella so as we continue back you'll look the deck itself will have a kind of some some video of me closing the deck as well but you'll see underneath this this kind of cover this is a custom designed cover to protect a row of Springs now these Springs are what literally helps support the deck as you are lifting it up you know one person can lift this deck up no problem with one hand you know it goes up it's self supported by the springs that's the spring assist so when it comes up it's something that's very easy to raise very easy to lower as well so why don't we continue back a little bit further you'll notice here that we do have our barbecue still here install it onto the unit there's something that is quite by design here we've got our hatch that's where you store the barbecue when you're traveling we do have a propane Quick Connect you quite simply located here and it's that easy your propane line is now installed you install the other end on the barbecue that taps into your entire plumbing system so you don't have to use an outside fuel source fuel container for that propane barbecue the propane BBQ is something we use constantly we love cooking outdoors we love interacting with the outdoors but we don't always like the dangerous nature of going up and down those three stairs from the entry door just to go outside to say a fire pit where your barbecue and stuff this is just a transition which is on the same level of your interior space your kitchen can be extended out onto this patio you can take your island you can put it right here that's where you do all your prep right next to you you have your barbecue so it's a very natural outside transition to a cooking space to where it just it literally makes more Splore space but instead of just creating pop outs that kind of artificially create space we love the outdoors and we believe that this is probably the most valuable space of this entire unit all right so now just behind this this self-supporting deck structure we have a very clean hatch here this is a great function to this unit this is a marine grade shower setup you just mount it right there that's permanently installed this is hot and cold water you can control the flow by this lever here or this lever inside here this will turn it on just like that so now something really nice about this it's not only a shower for say you're out you're surfing or you're enjoying the outdoors and you don't want to go inside and trample that mud in this is also a dog washing station so you can get rid of all this stuff this is waterproof so Washington dog in the next outdoor environment is kind of a bear where you've got all the dirt the mud so you're standing here you take this shower setup you have warm water for a nice comfortable dog wash you know this unit's extremely pet friendly this hatch here this is probably one of our largest storage compartments this goes all the way through to the other side this is a pass-through compartment you can also access this from the lounge the very back of the unit inside the dining area you can lift up the lounge cushions and access everything that's in here as well this is a fully carpeted hatch you have also lighting inside there so you can put things like umbrellas for the deck maybe ski equipment or maybe a surfboard that's small you know for all other gear that's bigger than something you can fit in there youi put in a toy rack now this is just a standard 2 inch receiver where you can put a bike rack a surfboard rack stand-up paddle boards what-have-you we really encourage putting lightweight stuff on the back here because when you're traveling down the road this is where all the movement happens this is the furthest part away from that kind of Center that fulcrum so all your motion at this moment this is where all that motion happens when you wrote rolling down the road so put everything that's lightweight back here this isn't designed to carry another trailer we know you can do that in some states but we do not encourage that you'll see here this is kind of the main design feature of living vehicle is this beautiful stainless square shape which the borders this this contrasting color and this is one of the options that we allow our customers to pick out when you're purchasing a living vehicle is right now for every kind of new addition of the leading vehicle we offer a different set of color selections so this one is a Monterey metallic this is a very nice deep blue this is a powder coated aluminum same as the inside up sorry not powder coated heat treated paint rated for the exterior so you'll see some other things all the lights on here this is all LED lighting this is a very high-end very simple integrated light this does all three this is your turn signal hazard backup and brake hold all four again the stainless steel this is strong so all your corners on the unit are designed to be protected what you'll notice is that this is a fairly high ground clearance for getting off-road and making some grade changes we do have this kind of sloped back end tail design and that gets it up about two feet off the ground underneath you'll notice it's all aluminum all the way through so we're not exposing any plumbing that's the far side of those structurally insulated panels which allows you to protect that interior space it also keeps rats rodents and other critters from kind of infesting the unit getting up in your insulation calling it home dying and permanently finding that resting place inside your unit we don't like that stuff so what you'll see now this is a what I called a roadside or service side of the living vehicle this is where a lot of your kind of utility and infrastructure happen let's start right at the very back you have again the other side of the pass-through storage compartment will come just a little bit further this is probably one of my favorite compartments this is what Johanna was talking about in the kitchen these are two residential style trash bins and they're on a drawer slide where you just pull out like so and put it on the ground you've got your extra trash bags right here right where they need to be so you change out your trash put it back in one could be recycling one could be trash compost it's up to you and all of this is located inside a fully enclosed aluminum box which vents to the outside so you're not getting those smells and it's all on the same side where you're servicing other aspects of the unit so again that's by design what you see right here this is the furnace this is an old location the furnace is now on the other side of the unit where it's just next to the entry door it's in the basement this was an earlier version but this is what the furnace looks like this is what can controls and heats the entire unit we do have LED lights throughout this service side so you can access not only inside the compartments but all the sides of the unit when you're doing the various aspects of service this is our main utility Bay there are some realities to living on the road and those involve what you do with your liquids we've made this very simple in a conditioned hatch here you're able to connect your wastewater your black tank and your grey tank are separate you're able just to kind of plumb right up you can bring this compartment here this little hatch pass-through all the way through you can bring your utility cord also your freshwater hose goes up through here it all connects at this location so everything that happens inside here is conditioned so you can be in a extremely cold environment without the risk of freezing let's say you've got your water pump here and the new models we've actually taking it out of this hatch because this is a semi conditioned environment where it has limited insulation in the hatch itself so we do insulate our hat our compartments as well so now the water pump is actually inside the basement on the other side of this hatch this goes down to about 20 degrees once you get down past there you do run the risk of freezing all right on the service side of the unit we have just forward of the service bay this is another hatch this is one of our primary storage compartments as well we carry a lot of our service items also you can see these these hub caps we have these beautiful moon smoothie moon hub caps I lost one the other day when we were golf offroad I don't know where it went so I took the rest of them off because I was tired of buying hubcaps we have since replaced our steel wheels with aluminum mag wheels on this unit for this exact purpose but these are beautiful vintage style smoothie moon hubcaps that I've chosen I've opted to store inside of our hatch here instead of you know total all around the US on our wheels themselves this is another storage compartment we do have our spare tire in there as well I'm not a big fan of storing spare tires on the exterior even if they're underneath the unit that highly susceptible to rot degradation you know you have a lot of elements where you finally need that spare tire you go to it and it's destroyed because it's been in the environment for the last ten years so you know we've believed in putting it inside of a conditioned space just forward of that compartment you do have our propane fired tankless on-demand water heater this is made by Girard products it's the second generation or I guess third generation of that unit we find it works out really well on the new version of this unit we've located it a little further back because we want it closer to the utilities so we have it closer to the shower and kitchen sink which are the two primary uses of the water so you have less water run to go through to wait before your water gets hot so that's you know even that short run when you're have a limited water supply every drop counts we do have another light right above the water heater again you can control all of these independently this is one of the very thoughtful designs that we've had on this unit these are our propane tanks and we've located them here for a reason they are on sliders so you can slide these out so they're very easy to access we put them inside because again just like the spare tire I don't want this stuff outside you know I have taken this unit into freezing rain before I had four inches of ice buildup on the front of the unit can you imagine if that ice was on one of those propane tanks and I had to change out a propane tank or maybe the ice was messing with a line and it cracked it you leave these rubber lines out in the Sun for a couple years they break now you have propane leaking fires babies crying stuff like that it's not good so we put these in this case for a very specific reason it is a vented compartment fully complies with all the rvi a code z' and it's very quality as well so that leads me to the final side of the unit this is the very front now what you'll notice is we do have a tongue or a a frame that's free and clear except for what we've put on it's just a generator to tote around with us now again we did that for a reason first off we love the fact that you can have this space for heavy stuff if you to carry around something that weighs a lot like a generator or maybe a motorcycle this is where you want to store it because this is the most kind of weight bearing strongest part of the unit we do have a seven-inch a-frame which has three bars running back about five feet into the unit before it transitions to that primary five inch chassis that goes all the way through we do have a rock guard which is again stainless steel on the front that protects it this is removable so after we dent this up too much you can put another one on we do have a camera system all around the unit we've since gotten rid of the front camera we found that a little bit unnecessary but we do have cameras on the two sides and also the rear that you can wirelessly view inside your tow vehicle so you can know what's around you at all times you can also take that camera ins or the monitor panel inside with you and be able to look at what's you know snooping around your unit at night when you're camped out in the middle of BLM land and someone knocks on your door so the living vehicle weighs right in around 8,000 pounds now that's very lightweight compared to a lot of tiny homes or trailers out there these days again this unit's built for full-time living it's got a lot in it as it is configured right now now we've rated it a gross vehicle waiting all the way up to thirteen thousand two hundred pounds so you can carry about five thousand pounds of gear with you now while an 8,000 pound trailer is technically a half-ton towable product we're recommending people get an f250 or any of your choice the GMC Chevy or Dodge line of trucks as long as it's a 3/4 ton truck and the 250 or 2,500 rating that will get you that 13,000 pound capacity so you have the capacity to take all your stuff with you I do recommend getting a 4x4 version if I could have fronted the money I would have gotten a diesel I've had a ram diesel 2500 in the past and I loved it this is a gas truck and it does go through gas I probably averaged around you know 910 miles per gallon when towing this without the truck or without the trailer hooked up I get about 13 miles a gallon anyways so it's not that big of a difference you know another design feature that we really believe in is this simplistic square kind of almost Scandinavian design which is highly efficient allows you to put a lot of storage into the unit we do have this front which has a slight curve it's almost like a bullet where you have that flat face but then the curves on the side this is again highly efficient your tow vehicle is what's breaking the wind in creating this very small wind you know the wind really is hitting from here up so we're really maximizing the efficiency of the space and choosing because every design decision is a compromise and we place a high priority livability in the capacity to bring a lot of stuff with you so we have walked around all four sides of the unit and there is a fifth side that you're going to get to see as we're leaving here and that is the roof now a lot of the very cool functionality the solar panels a lot of our tech antennas some vents and a lot of this is up on the roof that you don't get to see from down here now there's one really exciting thing about the roof itself is that the entire roof surface is a single sheet of seamless aluminum and that's right it is a eight and a half foot wide by 27 feet long single sheet of aluminum that has no seams in it so whenever there's a penetration that's the only place that we break that single sheet and that's by design of course is because on the roof whenever you do have a seam overlapping over time that is the highest prone area for water infiltration so again we're very focused on quality and the functionality of the unit not just the livability but how it stands up over time and wears as you use it through decades and decades to come all right so I hope you enjoyed our tour of living vehicle thanks so much for taking the time to just listen I know there's a lot of technical stuff but hopefully that's the kind of stuff that you guys are interested in but a ton more information on our website we're super super active on all our social brat living vehicle on Instagram same thing on Facebook so if you want to kind of follow Matt and I on our adventures a little bit more we post a lot about all our off-grid travels do you want to see a living vehicle we've got all of our events listed on our home page and we're also working on a really cool feature where you can actually get in touch with some of our customers either see their unit or just kind of see what their experience has been like whether you've got kids or pets or work on the road and just want to know more about what that's like so yeah check out our website and all that information will be in the link below this video and something that I really want to highlight is that we are a very accessible company you know to the degree that we have gone completely mobile what you saw today is not only a product that we're selling and this is our home you know Joanne and I live out of here full-time and so if you ever you know see us on the road give us a wave if you ever check and see where we are we encourage you to come to our events shoot us an email you know get in touch with us and we really just are passionate I hope that came through today in our video is that this is just it's not just a product or something that we're selling or something you know this is our life you know and we've been doing this for 10 years before we created this so by all means follow along ask more questions if there's something you want to know more about please do go to anything that Joanna just referenced and you know shoot us a shoot us a question and we're gonna absolutely answer that and we're looking forward to the adventure yeah and I don't know if Matt got into in his technical stuff but our five-year goal is a completely net zero product so we're currently looking at water generation waste incineration I've got a lot of fun Rd going on on the side so if you've got ideas you know a lot of our products come from no real-life situations and people out there that have problems and say hey have you thought of this or you know I could really find a way to maximize you know my off-grid time by you know solar whatever so let us know your ideas you know that's the way that we're gonna kind of keep pushing and innovating and if you got a awesome piece of land or a driveway you want to host us on for a night that'd be cool too Thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 1,177,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny home, tiny house, tiny home on wheels, van life, camper van, shipping container, design, tiny houses, tiny homes, tiny house tour, custom tiny house, custom tiny home, custom travel trailer, diy tiny home, diy tiny house, diy off the grid, off the grid
Id: J2427yIyMvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 23sec (4463 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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