Gorgeous Storage Filled Tiny House Offers Young Woman Independence and Freedom

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hi i'm rebecca this is my tiny home i call her teeny so you can find me on instagram at teenytiny7 and i've been here and living in the tiny house full time since october of 2020 so i've only been here a couple months but i'm absolutely loving it so i'd love to show you inside [Music] welcome inside this is the living room area i've seen a lot of people who have this specific couch that live in tiny homes but it's great because it will pull out into like a bed or even if you just wanted to lounge on it like that it has that option which is really really great people are always like oh love your couch and then there's also storage underneath that i can put blankets or games i have in there right now but that's always really helpful because everyone knows if you live in a tiny you need a lot of places for storage so that's been great also the coffee table is a lift top so there's storage inside there as well so use it also we're watching tv we're watching movies you just pull that over and you can also eat on there too so that's been great and then we just push it over there so we can have more room i love plants so i have kind of like some over here this is the cat corner for my cat she has her water and her food bowl and um yeah i've had quite a few people in here just hanging out in the living room so i do use this space a lot i love to be down here to read drink coffee watch tv it's kind of like the place that i actually eat my dinner i originally thought i was going to be eating a lot over here i have this table that lifts up so it goes i think from 16 inches to 55 inches when both sides are up but it just comes out so this is another place to eat dinner and i can also move it over here and i can seat six at this table so that's also a really great option something i love in this space is how big the windows are it lets in so much sunlight and it just makes the space feel really bigger it brings the outside inside i'm so glad i went with these windows the builders i went with many mansions tiny home builders they already had these in the builds so i kind of took a build that they had and i changed a whole bunch of stuff like i self-designed everything and i measured things out but these windows is something they already had and i love them so i'm like yes let's keep the big windows in the beginning when i moved in i didn't have any window treatments so i felt like i was a little bit in the fishbowl like oh my gosh like everyone can see me it was really weird at night so i have these super cool blinds that just can go wherever i want them to so it's really great for privacy i like that they're white and light again so it doesn't close in the space but when you want them to they close or open up and you can barely even tell that they're there so i have those on both windows and i love those so going tiny i had a pretty traumatic personal experience early 2020 right before kovid really affected the us and it was a time period where i'd always kind of wanted to go tiny i would watch all the tiny videos and shows and youtube and it was just always something so fascinating to me i always wanted to do it but never really had the push the motivation um so that happened and after that i'm like i'm doing it like there's nothing i can lose i'm diving in and i actually started speaking to the builders april of 2020 and they had to i had to create all the blueprint and all the designs and measurements and then they started building june they got the trailer and started building in june and it was delivered october yeah it was delivered october so this is my kitchen and the kitchen and the stairs are like my babies of the build so actually i was in my parents house before this and the stairs i had to take a wall inside their house and i totally like measured everything i taped it off i looked at how big the countertops or how tall they were going to be and i mapped everything out on the wall and originally the kitchen was supposed to be here in the build that they had and they didn't have stairs in the build they just had a ladder going up on this side so i completely changed everything around and i had to do all the measurements for the stairs and exactly how big i wanted them and the pantry the pantry is really nice i have a pull out pantry so i have so much george in here which i love i'm so glad that i asked for this because it's been a great addition and just it's been perfect to store food there um so also with the stairs i had to like i already had this microwave so it's specially measured for that so that would slide in there and that's been perfect to have the little microwave here i also have an apartment size refrigerator and freezer so the freezer is small but it's perfect like i feel like it's enough space and then i can fit a whole bunch of food and stuff in here so that's been really good as well and also because of the wheel wells coming into the tiny the refrigerator had to be put up because the wheel wall comes in and the refrigerator would stick out really far so we had to build on top of the wheel well so there's all this extra space underneath so they actually did that and i'm able to fit like shoes i don't wear that often or this is like my beach nook because right now we're in winter so i haven't been to the beach in a while but i have all my beach things there and some tools actually and shoes i have clothes in these drawers and just reusable things here so it's like my kitchen also have clothes here so there's a whole bunch also because i knew i was going to be living with my cat this is a custom cat box so it still looks pretty and the top lifts off and i have everything in there for her so that was perfect too to kind of have that as the first step i also measured it so that it was chair height so that someone can sit here and it's like the exact height you would need to sit at a table so there's a lot of thought that went into these stairs i love them um i wouldn't change anything about the stairs i also included this area that it slides out and i have a stool under here i have another stool in the secondary loft so it can also be a place where i read or eat drink coffee i haven't used this space too much but when i am cooking a lot of food i'll pull this out for some extra countertop space so again i love that and in the kitchen i love to cook so i spent a lot of time here i have a really big sink which is great because i do a lot of dishes there's no dishwasher in this build so a lot of it is hand washing dishes which i don't mind i wouldn't have changed that it's perfect for me i know some people like absolutely hate dishes but this has been great for me again i changed the window it was going to be i think the same width but it's going to be much shorter so this is a much bigger window all my spices all my pots and pans are in here cleaning supplies i also have a pull out trash can which is really nice that's not something they had in the original build but i highly recommend that especially if you have pets or animals um because my cat will definitely tear in the trash you would if it was out so that's been perfect i have just so much storage for everything that i need and then open shelving so again like i did all of the kitchen as well i looked at all the different cabinets and how i wanted it and how big the kitchen is much much bigger than they had in the original build but again that was really important for me it was super important for me to have a water filter i didn't want to have to rely on getting plastic water bottles and i try to be environmentally conscious when i can be so i'm like i do not want to do that or rely on that it was really important for me to put a water filtration system so this is a reverse osmosis water filtration system and it's been wonderful so i don't have to rely on plastic or going and buying things it filters it all for me under the sink another thing that i decided to add that they didn't have already was a garbage disposal just because i didn't want to have issues with that if food got down there um so those are two things that i added to the sink that i'm so happy i did i know they have um like berkeley's i think those are like on the countertop but i wanted to save space on the countertops so reverse osmosis water filtration system this is all propane run the stove and the oven so i have the tank out back and it just hooks up here here the closet space has been amazing like i haven't seen a lot of tinies with a full closet but it's been perfect someone bought me the shoe rack so i put shoes in there and like other little things command strips and electronics and everything that i would need so that stores away super easily i have my mop and my vacuum in here they also put an outlet so i'm able to charge the vacuum and then all my clothes i have this more clothes over here there's a shelf up there so like my yoga mat like everything i could need and i still have like so much room like i could scoot things over i just yeah storage in this tiny and this build i'm very very proud of the transition from not being tiny to living tiny i had a couple months to prepare i was originally at my parents house and i went from i think two dressers in three closets to here so it was a lot of downsizing clothes but because i'd never lived on my own a lot of things like kitchen things pots pans all of that i was able to slowly accumulate and get exactly what i wanted that were space conscientious and so the transition was way easier than i thought like i just i pared down clothes and shoes and things and i moved in here and even after i moved in i did another downsizing where i had room for everything but i just realized i didn't need it and like the more i let go of things the happier i feel so this is the bathroom it has the sliding door which is really great for privacy and it doesn't take up a lot of space in the original build they had the 20 gallon water heater here and then the washer dryer combo that you see and a ton of tinies on top of that but i was able to have the stackable and i'm really really happy with it it's like very small but it makes me do laundry more often which you would do in any tiny but i'm really happy with how the stackable works so i'm very happy that's there and here i have a flushing toilet it's been perfect for me i know a lot of people don't but this has been perfect it hooks up to sewage and i mean it's really worked out for me and then here i have a lot of extra storage i have like cleaning supplies and things under here and then the three drawers also i have things in there so again like there's just so much storage in this build which has been great because i mean i want to be here long term and i'm living here full time so it's been perfect and here also i have a tub so if i ever it's like smaller but again i'm not a super big person so it works for me i have the shower hookup and again i can take baths if i want to so i'm super excited i went with this and it's just been perfect originally i didn't know how to hang up towels in the build i'm like where do i hang up a towel so we had to put in the hooks here and then just towels can hang when we're not using it which it's like those tiny little things you're like we don't have a space where do i hang a towel so those hooks have been perfect and they hang there to dry and on the other side of the bathroom again with this storage i have this entire closet here so i have a laundry basket i put dirty laundry i have more clothes makeup towels toilet paper lotion things like that so again there's just so much storage that i'm so happy that i went with and then i have a full-length mirror here if i ever want to see the entire outfit because again i'm just like that i don't know so i watched a lot of videos on minimalism too that's something that's always fascinated me and i would watch like youtube videos and podcasts and i really wanted to adopt that lifestyle so going tiny was the perfect transition into that where i have what i need but i don't just buy because i'm bored or i'm going on a shopping spree i just i have what i have and i'm trying to live more minimally and more economically conscientious and it's been a pretty easy transition it was like a new page a new start so i've really enjoyed being here it wasn't a super difficult transition [Music] and then this is the loft this is where i sleep it's 11 feet long so there's quite a bit of space up here again like i can sit on the bed and it's not like i'm banging my head on the roof so i feel like there's a lot of space up here this is a queen size bed i have in the loft and it's worked out fine i could fit a king if i wanted to but i don't really need that so the windows here this one's like a little bit wonky but we have windows up here which is really great again it lets in light and it makes the space feel more open and bigger than it actually is i have a white board hanging up here to draw things on or write reminders anything like that there's also baskets on either side it keeps things tidy and nice and and that's this is the bedroom i plan on living tiny as long as possible um i absolutely love it i don't know if i were to have kids in the future if this would be the right build for that just because of the spaces and the loft being upstairs but i've loved living tiny it's less to take care of and clean yes it gets can get dirty fast but it's super easy to pick up and clean up i can see myself living tiny for a very very very long time [Music] this is a secondary loft i originally wanted it to be for guests if they came over they'd have a bed to sleep on but i joke around because it's really her loft she's up here all the time so it's really my cat's loft it's peach's loft and her bed but this is a space i might change it into something later it could be for storage so i'm happy with how this turned out too it's exactly measured to fit a twin xl or a queen or a full so again it has the windows which i'm really happy about let's in light and this is my mitsubishi mini split so all the cool air all the heat when it's cold outside it all comes from here this is works really really well something i didn't really know is just how humid the tiny would get like why is it so humid in here i have a humidity reader and like sometimes it's like 80 humidity and i'm like i know i'm in florida but uh this is a little high especially for inside all my plants love it um but whenever it's nice weather outside and it's cooler out we open up the windows um but i was told that because it's a brand new build and they used fresh wood that the wood emits a lot of humidity especially in the beginning so i guess that's one reason it could be so humid in here also i'm in florida so i'm used to it but so the humidity can be high but also this has a dehumidifying mode to it it just usually gets freezing cold when it's on but again i'm really i'm really happy with it um in august of 2020 i actually graduated with my master's degree in social work my bachelor's degree is in early childhood and with my master's i also got certifications in play therapy and marriage and family therapy so in the future i would like to potentially use that i love kids i want to work with them i'm actually a nanny right now part-time i just switched to part-time because she just started kindergarten she's so big and beautiful i've been with her and her family since she's 20 months old she's now six so i absolutely love doing that like it just makes my heart so full and so happy so i'm doing that currently and it's part time and again it pays the bills it's been wonderful i love doing that and then in the future i might work in the field of social work but right now i'm really taking the time to ground myself and to relax and just take the space to really just be at peace and this is my happy place and i feel so at peace here so it's been such a blessing so this is the outside area originally for a couple months i just had cinder blocks on the ground that you had to like step up and do a huge step into the tiny but my significant other actually built these stairs for me i knew exactly what i wanted with the wraparounds and measured it out again and he built them basically and then i stain them so i love how these turned out and then also the matching planter this was also built for the build i wanted to have a lot of greenery i love plants i love them indoors and outdoors i just feel like it really makes a home for me so this is bamboo and it'll hopefully grow really tall it's one area in the tiny that it could grow really tall and it wouldn't really block a window or be too intrusive so again i love how they match it just it looks nice i also have herbs growing over here and vegetables they have like cilantro jalapeno oregano basil kale and carrots so this has been really great i love having this little planter again my significant significant other built this as well so it's held up really well and i love having it here this is the front area of the build so again if you were to walk right inside this would be my living room and i have a couple plans out here here's the mitsubishi mini split and again just the hitch is right here so it came with just um i think it was a 350 truck but if i ever wanted to move it i would just hook it up there also something the build is lower to the ground than most builds so once it was delivered the plumbing underneath and connecting had to go in after so it got delivered the plumbing had to go all in so if i ever did want to move it the plumbing would have to come out and be detached before it could be moved because it's so low to the ground so this isn't necessarily a travel friendly tiny but i knew that i wanted it to be in a certain area for a couple years i want to be here for a couple years eventually save up enough money to buy my own land i would love to park it on a big piece of land that's like the dream the goal for the future but again it's not really travel friendly so i would have to take that out but hopefully once i move it to the next place it'll be there for a very long time so again i have a lot of outdoor plants these are plants that usually don't do well inside or need more sun or more humidity so these are out here and i have my bigger plants this is actually new this is confederate jasmine that i'm hoping will vine upwards and in the spring they bloom white flowers that are super pretty and they smell so good so i'm excited for springtime in florida and hopefully they'll just grow again i love this space i have the patio furniture i can hang out out here drink coffee or tea and i have a lot of my plants here too so it's just something that's very peaceful to me i love this space as well when it's good weather here it's just i like hanging out here with friends or my significant other it's just been really nice to have and then something that i also added to the build that i thought was really important was the outdoor shed and this keeps my tankless propane water heater again that needs to be outside that was not going to be something that was inside right now i have a 40 gallon which it lasts me so long i can probably go close to two months just on this and propane is fairly inexpensive so my costs are very low which i like it's been great and they both work really well if you'd like to follow along with my tiny journey again i started my instagram page before it even started being built so if you scroll back you can see like the progression of everything happening and just the walls going up um if you want to see what's happening in the future you can follow me on instagram at teenytiny7 and yeah thanks for having me [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 1,512,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny house on wheels, living big in a tiny house, tiny house movement, tiny home, small house, small spaces, small house design, alternative living, architecture, affordable home, small space living, tiny house life, diy tiny house, diy home, tiny house tour, tiny house big living, tiny house design, tiny house nation, tiny house giant journey, tiny house build, tiny homes, architecture design, small homes, simple living, eco home, tiny home tours
Id: Qalz2fI0vqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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