Convert Drawings Into VECTOR Graphics • Illustrator & Procreate Tutorial

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okay what i want to show you today is how i make graphics like this and turn them into vector graphics essentially usually for t-shirt graphics this is a graphic in a collection called the icons collection of graphic and logo templates but i'm going to show you my process and it's pretty quick and easy process for creating vector t-shirt graphics so when i'm starting out i'll typically work on a tracing pad and the reason for this is i like the tooth of tracing paper so it kind of has a quality to it where you can sketch out graphics and you can kind of build up line work and you know it's not it's not too permanent because it erases really well and you can also draw over drawings you can also flip things over to look and see if your perspective looks good because sometimes things get a little wonky or messed up you know if you're just if you're drawing and just looking at it from one angle so just to give you an example of that um let's see here is a little cobra and i can't remember which version of that this is probably the first one because it's the messiest so i sketched that out drew on top of it to kind of figure out the line work a little bit better and then eventually got to this one where i kind of made things a little more symmetrical things like that pencil i use if you're interested it's a pentel graph gear 1000 mechanical pencil .5 oh and one more thing i want to show you with drawing skeletons and skulls and stuff like that and actually human figures i use an app called skelly now i think there's probably a few of these kinds of apps out there but what you can do is you can pose the figure and you can also zoom in here you know if you go in too close it sometimes gets a little distorted kind of like wide angle style but this is good if like you know i i have another design similar to the one i showed you and it's a front view and you can also change the lighting the light angle just for good reference if you notice a lot of really good illustrators and artists they'll have like a skull or something on their shelf you know just like a like a toy skull just for reference same thing a lot of people have like little mannequins or maquettes for figure drawing so you can kind of pose the figure and see what things are going to look like so what i do is i'll just sketch this thing up until i like it take a photo of that with my camera and then i'll bring that into procreate which is a drawing app on the ipad so this is this is that drawing let's see how many layers i have so i have a bunch of different layers in here and i'll just as i'm going along i'll build things up like i think i tried a version that had more shading and i didn't like it so it's good to kind of if you get to a point where you like the drawing but you want to experiment you can add add in layers but what i'll do is when i make these graphics i'll make a new document and i'll always do it four thousand by four thousand pixels it's a pretty good resolution and then what i do is you go to add and then insert a photo and you just scale it up on the artboard and then what i use is an apple pencil and apple pencil is really good for drawing this layer what i'll do is i'll turn down the opacity to you know like 30 percent or so and the one brush that i almost always use also make a new layer so when you draw in there you're not drawing on that partially transparent layer i always use the studio pen for 80 to 90 percent of drawing and this is a built-in brush in procreate it's in the inking section studio pen and the good thing about this is it it just makes really nice lines and obviously that's too thin so you can scale up the size of your brush so what i'll do is i'll just kind of draw this out that's a little too thick kind of once you once you get your kind of your baseline weight i'll usually just stick with that and so i'm just going to draw this thing out and there now it's done typically i'll just draw in black and white that way i can get clean vector lines and i'll just share that as a png to my mac and we'll go from there okay so now i'm on my mac my desktop and i have this file in here so i'm just going to bring this into adobe photoshop again that's a 4000 by 4000 pixel file if this isn't flattened go ahead and flatten it and then i'll make a duplicate layer so just drag it down here that's how you can make a duplicate layer and i'll just give it a little blur so let's go to filter blur gaussian blur and what you're going to want to do here is this will just help you smooth out any little rough edges or weirdness i'm going to blur this quite a bit like 4.2 pixels so this is the blurred version that's a layer below that's not blurred and when i go image adjustments threshold you'll see how it kind of rounds out all this stuff so it gives it actually a nice look i'm just going to click ok so see how this palm tree looks this palm frond here if i make this layer invisible that's the original art below so it looks a little more kind of just computery and kind of it looks like it's drawn in procreate once you do the blur and then the threshold it it kind of gives it a different quality so i'm just going to run with that you'll see here on this palm tree the edge of that is kind of blown out but i like how that looks what i'll do here is select all command or control a and then copy and let's go into adobe illustrator make a new file doesn't really matter the resolution i'm just going to do a 24 100 by 2400 pixel file and go command v to paste this in now all i'm going to do here let's zoom in is a image trace so just go to image trace this is black and white so i can just use the default settings which actually work quite well and this converts it to vector what you're going to want to do is click expand now so you have the black and the white vectors typically i'll just select some of the white i go to the see the white arrow tool that's a direct selection tool i'll just select some of that white and select same fill color and just hit delete and that's essentially it you know if you want to add some text what i'll do here is i'll grab the ellipse tool and shift drag circle return that to a stroke and let's select our type long path tool which is this right here and then now we can say icons collection which is what this is in but you could you know obviously use your own text and that text goes to the bottom there so i'll just drag that whole circle around and i'm going to use a font called arvo it's a kind of a slab serif modern font so that's my process for creating vector graphics for t-shirts i'll put a link in the description to the skelly app as well as icons collection and if you're watching this on youtube be sure to like and subscribe if you're watching this on instagram or facebook be sure to follow and you'll see more videos like this and that's it thanks for watching
Channel: TheVectorLab
Views: 28,557
Rating: 4.9474115 out of 5
Id: iJ9YwdMncv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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