Custom Fiberglass for Car Audio and Everything Else

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Dillard from a kadhi today we're back in the garage doing custom fiberglass what's custom fiberglass well it's a way to make a mess let me tell you and it's a permanent mess it's a great mess so no I it's when I work on my own cars or sometimes just need something done I'll go and make a speaker pod or a subwoofer enclosure you've seen probably in custom cars I just happen to like to do my own I'm going to show you how to do a simple one today a couple of quick examples that I'm not saying I do the best in the world I tend to get bored long before the job's done but this is a subwoofer panel in my custom one I get in my 280z as part of a whole stereo build out I'm doing and here's a custom pot I did on one of my other cars where I was actually trying to also hide the hole from another speaker so it's got kind of strange shape but it happens to fit snugly when the door shuts right in the dashboard and actually I did also some custom dining to make kind of silver and black work so but this is a vinyl wrapped custom pod we won't be vinyl wrapping today but it's the last step in of doing what we do and something you can do yourself so as I said I'm going to show a small tape well we're going to do a one-off of a speaker pot so it won't be stereo so I won't have a use for it other than to show you how to make them and then I'm also going to show a regular fiberglass mat like you might be used to thinking with marine or Corvette bodies but it's also how we do we turn like their spare tire well into a whole bait speaker tell if I'm going through that phase where I drove around without a spare tire and I got burned by I want so spare tires back in the car now here's a throwaway pot I did earlier the it's a couple years ago now I was playing actually with the angles to see what fit the car and everything and actually uh what the speaker could fit and if you see the detail there's an offset ring in there that allows the speaker to drop down in alright and I do that with a router and we're not going to talk fully about routers I'm going well talk about mom going to turn my router on today it's just too hot and dusty in here already temperature here New Jersey went from 65 to 95 this week so the thing about speaker pots when we make them what we're really trying to do is starting with the backboard that or something thinner than this but this is what I'm using we want to mount the speaker ring the thing that will hold the speaker and whatever angle we want whatever cool design we want in fact you know you could do two of these and this would represent your custom speaker plot this happens to be India multi density medium density fiberboard it's okay you get it wet it sandwiches way up but it is actually a lot nicer for routing and stuff than plywood and some of the other boards so I use a lot of MDF when I do this so let's say this is why what my speaker pod to look like where the rings represent the speaker by the way these are MDF rings you guys can buy them pre-made I use a lot of pre-made ones but then I make rings from them so I use some more as templates because ultimately I screw them off and I hope to buy more you can cut them out with circle cutters using your router again there's the router you can do it with a jigsaw and matter of fact I'm going to be using a jigsaw today but I'm using these pre-cut rings to represent the speakers and this is my template I'm going to trace onto a backboard of MDF to mount my speakers all right so there I've got my bottom of my speaker pod I'm going to take it to the sander which I actually keep in my blacksmith shop but this will be books but this will be what our speaker pod looks like when we're done we'll have speakers raised above it alright so I've got a outline of my speaker pod I'm going to take this out to the sander and smooth it off but combined with the Rings held off the ground I'm going to held off the board I'm going to show you how to do that this will be what our speaker pod looks like our custom pod all right sand it down before I do the next step which is to put holes in here so we can wire up the speakers and everything once it's in I'm going to talk a little bit about router because I'm going to use a hole saw what it is but I could use a router what is the router what I'm like what do I keep talking about so let me show you that so here's a full on our table I don't use it on my bench like this makes too much sawdust I use it over in a different part of my garage but let me show you a close-up of the business end of this thing so here in the center we've got a big motor down below and what we are doing there we go is we've got various rotating bits these are nasty looking things these will these will hurt too big time ok so here's here's a ring that's two rings that I've stapled and glued together and it's got a shelf in here for a speaker and I was able to do that with this particular router bit the ball bearing tracks the inside and this removes the material to make a shell so I think that's called the rabbiting well it's been too long since I actually have the names this one here would do the opposite it would make a it would cut in this far to whatever you're tracking and they're the templates on the top just like in that but it's a different you know here the ball bearing is bigger than the cutter here the ball bearing smaller in the cutter and then here's one where the cutter and the ball bearing and same size and this where you punch a hole and tray something out directly so I could use this to make the hole in the bottom of the pot but a lot of noise and sawdust I'm just going to use a hole cutter to by the way you can do some cool things especially you like a new plexiglass and stuff let's see if you can see that bevel here this is I polished this myself and everything but I cut this using this type of cutter and I was able to make a beveled edge all the way around and then like this from the center and then put my amp on it okay I've got my holes cut I've actually even changed my headband I was dripping all over everything here it's extremely hot today I wanted to show you what a big ring looks like right I have a whole bunch of these so I just forgot about so I thought I'd show you one for this for obviously for the biggest of subwoofers or for tracing the outline one but this actually has the rim for for us a woofer mounting so while I was doing this something occurred to me I was thinking of doing two rings like two speakers but one things we can do is I took the cutout from the small hole on the vs. and I can do a flush mount tweeter pointed whatever direction I want so I'm actually going to do that just to change it up a little so we're going to do one ring in one flush mount now the fun begins so we're going to make a frame of rings and standoffs to make a crazy shape for us and then we're going to cover it with polyester fleece this is stretchy stuff in the old days we used grow clock which sucked quite honestly didn't stretch it took took a lot of strength and then never incorporate itself into the wrist so let's talk about rezulin a fiberglass what is I buy mine by the gallon I get a new gallon every every summer there's the least one unopened gallon sitting around here somewhere by the way no way you just buzz the fiberglass is you take all your heart or pour it in there shake it up real good it turns into a lump of inert material and you can throw light but fibreglass has a limited date okay it's good for like 90 days you know I use a pass that but it's know it's it's it's got a lifetime right so a lot of these have born on dates they I even went to my local marina or marine repair I should say and the the other the resident they had they're not a lingual is ageless so you couldn't tell but you didn't know if it was the good stuff or not the good stuff supposed to be read by the way a lot of what I know is from listening a guy named Robert Garza from select products he was a fellow small business owner and he catered to like the home audio market and then he got bought by somebody now they only deal with distributor so Robert miss you guy but they saw a lot of what he did in his videos you know he'll tell you that it should be read which indicates it's a prime resin polyester resin and if you get it green it means it's all the slop or together it's not even guaranteed to set up okay so I get a fresh buy I get mine from fiberglass site so it's just easy to remember I throw it around somewhere and when you get it you get with it the hardener and you also get some surfacing wax to help it unstick from stuff and I used to get my the or the harder is a methyl ethyl ketone peroxide in ekp I actually used to get that by big jars I sweat look they're big big containers and in the over the years the container cracked and bent it out right so I'll be using the stuff they gave me like polyester resin you mix 1% one and a half percent of your hardener and I use this is old but I imagine it's okay but I still use the new stuff this is how I measured out is I figure out the milliliters or the milliliters of resin I'm doing and then I measured myself a little bit by squeezing into this upper cup and I pour it in so I don't do it by the drops some people do it till turns more it is an exothermic relationship right they work need to get hot and we actually have a chart that came with it for hardener percentage versus temperature and it's actually hot enough I'm going to look at it today just to see if I need to like be more closer to one percent than one and a half percent so the cool thing is when we use this least it is polyester itself and so in Weber I as Robert said from select Roddick's it actually starts to dissolve and the polyester so I'm going to stretch this on a frame and we're going to fiberglass it up so hang on so the first thing I'm going to do is I am going to hot glue little pieces of MDF to act as little supporting struts for my ring and hopefully I'll show you a close-up of this on the bench itself but you say hot glue but that's not very stable well all we need is this ring to sit in the right position long enough for the polyester to harden right so hot glue [Applause] okay now we've got my three posts and again there just has to be strong enough for the two to get this whole process kicked off so I'll go ahead and and do the Reg here and I'm usually not happy until I have burned myself so I'm not going to drop it in but if that's this is the ring where the speaker would go and it's now pointed in theory towards the listeners there was just burn myself my friend do I just want to make sure that when I pull my fabric over this I don't actually pick up a corner Ford I didn't mean to I want this to be the edge and this to be the edge and all around here to be the edge that the fabric catches okay a word about this fleece I think my wife actually picked this up at Joanne's it's just a polyester fleece it does have directions it stretches better so I try and get that in the directions going to be the worst for me there's a prairie saw get in a not so far a sight so you you do want to try and have the nuts a furry side up you're going to spend a lot more time of sanding for the next step I'm going to staple my fabric down to the frame while stretching it and I'm going to use an air-powered stapler you could use a regular stapler you could use superglue I keep a one of those plastic jars to cyanoacrylate and three different speeds or densities and there's nothing wrong with doing that I just prefer to use stapler so you can see it's starting to work where I'm pulling it tight and I'm actually doing the staples in the end okay so here's what it looks like completely stapled out through the bottom so you'll notice I got to cut this off and there is a row of staples that will actually can grind off when all this is done because it'll be fiberglass at that point or enough will have come around the edge so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a fresh razor blade and I'm going to trim off the bottom here and as I said they're staples in here but we'll be actually able to grind those off later now mostly flat I'm going to do one more step where I kind of hits on the missing spots but I'm also been a staple in here to give the ring to tighten everything and also start the process of creating the the drop out where the speaker would go okay you can see what I've done here it's actually tight as a drum here and everything else is a little tighter and I'm going to go ahead and cut this part out with a razor blade now remember this we can either drill later for our tweeter or we can do a surface mount tweeter on it just to be a little different and the bottom is pretty much clean again we've clean this up later but we just want to lay flat while we're working on it and there we are ready for fiberglassing finally couldn't wait could you the cool part the smelly part the part that's cool because it's smelling all right I have boxes of these can't have enough of them go if you go to Home Depot to get them you're going to pay out the lodging but get a box for 100 from online Auto Supply places they'll pay for himself the fourth time you do this in my humble opinion I'm going to is graduated all kinds of mix ratios everything on here I'm going to go 400 milliliters to cover this and then I'm going to use it's between one and one and a half percent well four would be one percent six would be one and a half so I'm going to shoot round five or so when I pour it to bracket it all right you should be wearing gloves for this only problem I have is I never know what to do with the the results of finger it seems like done it's not with the rest a technique I learned 4/4 and resin is to pour from the top have the have the outlet at the top all right like I said I got a nice reddish color here that usually denotes a higher quality polyester going add my partner Emmy KP methyl ethyl ketone peroxide if you remember your tea tones you stick a methyl and ethyl together with Athena a double bond a low or something like that the middle that's for a lot of smells and stuff come from this stuff smells great don't you be sniffing it you should be wearing a mask I'm old my brains gone so I'm past the point but save yourselves so I usually use the screwdriver for this I can't find my firm screwdriver so I'm going to use one of these again my Home Depot got stingy with these so I bought a big ol box of these things I give them out as party favors so and when we stir this you're actually going to see a change in not just the color and the consistency you're going to see it actually kind of move through it and that's when it's starting the ball and it will actually get a little clearer also I do in this i buy crap loads of cheap paintbrushes you know might get twenty four nine dollars or five dollars or something so you Pro Malay when you're done now if you can see that the color has changed it's no longer reddish pink it's becoming clear with just a tenth of a red overtone to it in the center and we are going to soak the material so that is it there's no air left in the material and you'll see what I mean now usually I do this on a desk I have just for this kind of thing but I don't have a camera shot what I'm really trying to do is use the paintbrush just to convey a mess of a polyester of the resin to the material you need you may or may not be able to see what I'm doing but you'll see me chase the light spots it doesn't hurt to try and brush the fibers flat a little bit less aiming for later but at the end of the day you're going to be doing lots of sanding anyways I'm going to go ahead and make sure that the back side is 5 or to where it comes from sorry coded to where it comes around the corner so that later when I sand it off I'm sanded fiberglass flush all right it's coated I'll show it to you better after it sets up and actually I give a secret one of the pigs did kind of let loose from all the pulling I did have to get in there with some epoxy and so it's a little deformed and so at this point I'm wanting the the fiberglass to set up before I do a bunch of gyration with it so I'll give this up now I'm going to get give it half an hour and we'll come back and check on it all right here we go here at the fiberglass to set up may look the thing but all very solid I got a nice good outset but it's no sexy sticky spots on it a good way to tell if all of your resin setup is you get to make a little abstract art set that around people pick that up wonder what's going on and you can reuse container so the next step is body putty and it's I use rage gold you'll see this a lot used in the audio magazines and stuff so you see a key in the small I normally buy it by the gallon I bought this just so I could do this thing today and then also a metal glaze now the body putty typically leaves pinholes the metal glaze leaves smaller pin holes they're still pinholes with you know just a little pocket if you were to paint you tease little pockets and so you end up wanting to use a high build primer and trust me why do all this i if I'm doing it for a real thing for my car I actually use automotive spray paint I've got the air hose with the dryer in it I've got big paint cans here and stuff another technique to do is to actually mix the body putty with resin 50 and I've heard it called a lot of things I call it goop okay I'm not doing that today almost it but I was just like all to say anytime on it when you sand down body putty within an hour after it sets it's a lot easier to wear actually 15 minutes so I'm just thinking of this a coat of body putty maybe mix in some some metal glaze we'll see how that goes now I'm going to say in this down so give me a bit so I've got my body putty on my board that is basically a tablet of paper attached to a board to hold it and this actually kind of useful they sell this auto body supply places on the web you'll need a scraper yes I have a box of scrapers Home Depot doesn't even give them why and the general accepted way to doing the Horner is to leave a trail partners this will find its own I scooped it on the paper this will find its own diameter due to viscosity and then the general thing is to leave a trail the harder across the diameter of it like so and then and I'm not as good at this as I should be if you watch guys to do this for real they do this motion see we're actually going to go for a green color by the time in the blue and everything mixes they do it without mixing air into it I guess Marin alright looks like crack doesn't it America's getting a hot eye I've taken some shortcuts that I shouldn't I should have sanded that fiberglass first because I had to work my ass off just to get a covering on this I'm going to say in almost all of this back off and there's just pits and holes just do the nature the way be rough fiberglass in the body putty came to go the mini starts this way I am not worried with that said it's not going to be a prize-winner I'm trying to just get through a video here so I'm going to let this set up but not too long it actually gets harder to work after an hour it becomes cement alright that was a brutal sanding session it's 90 degrees here in New Jersey again today very humid evidently my son used all of my reusable but yet disposable hefty filter aside a pug off put on the bug as we used to say in the army and I had to sand my ass off as you can see here now my friends during this process were rowlocks alright these things that particular one and then the green one now they'll take the skin right off your bone it's only useful for knocking the corners down you cannot sculpt with it you need something else to sculpt with I couldn't find my air-powered orbital sander so I went to my electric one problem is the de pads are so old they were coming off the adhesives or the adhesives coming off the the pad right but I still got to this part and then I was able to actually even use one of these in my air tool to rough it in in here they're our pin holes all over this place and I don't know that I care for what we're doing here I might show you a trick I used to cheat where you can't see the holes as much so I might go back in with my metal guys I might not but I'm taking a break alright here we are another day I've decided to do it right sleep is a good thing right if you look there's a divot there right that's that's bigger in a pin hole but that's the same one I did there was an air hole in the body cut and it's quite common when you start with the rough stuff and like I said then you approach it with metal glaze or mixture metal blades and body putty I'm going to do a couple of these with the metal days so that you do see all the steps involved the thing to notice here with the metal glaze is it's running right that's how we're going to fill the hole since I don't know of any other properties actually we even use the same partner we same technique I'm going to put rner just cross the the diameter of the pulip arms and I just made the mistake since been a couple days not really given my heart our good squishy squishy to mix it up so Ruth so where I'm going after some of these holes trying to get a highlight there so you can see it I'm just going ahead and I'm pushing this into the holes and I'll probably come back across with my little green thing to smooth it out and I'm not going to do this whole thing I'm going to cheat and I wanted to cheat not even do this stuff but here we are and here you actually see the glaze some of its advantage this bends a little bit and so I can get a nice nice cut going a nice smooth see it's already smoother let's get the light on here one of my lights blew out too during the heat spoon or a smoother than the body putty and it's already hard means I used a little too much all that right stuff came out used a little too much it also does harden pests which means I can cycle faster this will be set up I can go to the sander I'm actually going to show you my orbital sander next thing main reason is the temperatures block the drop below 95 degrees here so we're happy all right because of the dust I'm doing this just outside my garage when I'm really doing this for real I actually have an area I clean but I just didn't get to it and I'm not going to make a dusty Mouse how the area you saw so here we are the sun's going up and down forgive me when I was sanding a really rough stuff I used an air sander air hose goes here and this stuff which will take your fingers off if you if you get into it right and then there's a green version of this that's even rougher this is called a roll lock because of the little threaded thing and it just goes right on there and you swap those out as soon as you wear them out and that stuff wears even these things out okay so the other kind of sander is this ones are powered also this is an orbital sander meaning it doesn't just spin and make concentric grooves and cuts and burns in you it kind does a pattern and I'm going to use my electric one and I'm going to show you you can actually touch this while it's running because it's so smooth it's not actively going there's there's a planetary gears in here and stuff and get like composure so I'm going to briefly smooth off the metal glaze you just saw me put on yes I should have a mask on so basically you saw me using the very front of it as much as possible I didn't have to worry about gouging and stuff due to the nature of the sander and let me show you the next thing we do as I get closer as a final product I start getting cleaner I'm not going to wipe this down just yet but I'm going to give it a good something with air and normally I might even vacuum the inside out but again we're skipping stuff my next step is to use some high-build primer I happen to use some for it they make a whole line of automotive stuff so I figured they know what they're doing usually I use one of these stuck to a can but this has a kind of nozzle probably won't fit but it's probably a better nozzle normal this I could you put that on a can it makes it into a spray gun for you I do have spray gun equipment and an air dryer and everything else maybe I'll show you that so I don't usually rattle-can all of this stuff but you certainly can some half my stuff is rattle tin all right trick here on clean your can when you're done spray it tilts out of there I actually did get a little wet I got grass up as I came around second dog basically you spray it you let it dry you spray it again you you try and overlap your spray but a dusty spray is better especially for high build primer because you want it to expand and land on this thing the more you hit it with the air to try and clean it up the more pinholes you've seen you get in a cycle so when you do this for real you'll you'll lose lots of layers of something like a primer to finally give you your automotive finish if you're going that direction I'm going to cheat I'm going to use something that has texture to try and hide my pinholes and stuff this is probably my favorite texture too so let me show you that first I am going to say on this so with the help Michael primer I would be that you should buy time you get that staff your hand sandy and then we're going to go for a textured paint so as you probably know with painting clean clean clean right if your paint flakes off probably one click and even though it looks like so I you know I have tack cloths things like that i'm just using a pre painting prep this one's from eastwood there's a lot of kinds you can use I tend not to use this acetone on this though not afraid to either but acetone melts too many things so take that back so since I don't have a attack off with me I got a box upstairs but it's way too hot to go get it so I'm just going to spray it wipe it with a microfiber cloth all right so normally like I said you should be wearing a mask and even gloves and all this and this cloud will probably let go over and land on my cars but offer the name of a hackaday video right so what I've got is satin black chip guard by SEM let's see if we can good in light again some happens to make it chip guard you ever see that text here along the running board of your car that's their kind of for chips of rocks to come off and it's kind of got a satin or velvet texture to it and you can get satin and velvet texture paints you can get additives to paints or even a clear paint that you put down for texture and then come over with an automotive paint or something this is on one can I just happen to choose black satin black chip guard so we're going to go ahead and give this a texture they'll hopefully hide some of our are bigger divots in it can't stress how much shaky you know mixing is appropriate here I do get to use my gun this way my finger doesn't get all covered with paint and again same thing we're just going for like coats that overlap don't I get the best spray pattern out of it this time fit is what it is I'm sure I'll get enough by its time I've done it several times alright I'm going to let that dry I got where this shot the first time is just way too wet so I do have to let that a boil off let the organics come with and volatile organic feels he come out of there so that I get a chance to put a dry coke must of the rest of its alright so I've decided to go with the sunken tweeter so I could have done a ring earlier or I can just use my trusty hole saw on the flat spot we make holes all it is again throw with these name going to Center it up and measure I don't even know if this is the right size hole all right home stretch for your speaker pod so to show you just a couple of patient details time to screw the speaker into the pot well you can you want to dress that up a little bit you don't have to use regular Phillips screws I'll use what's called a security head screw and it looks kind of cool has a special bit let me show you under the other camera here's the head it's got two holes in it and that fits our bit like this so when when we're done when we're done we don't have Phillips head time for a speaker grill I've been doing this a while I have a box of speaker grilles since a pretty much changed sites I can pick what I want form it to fifth I'm going to I try very hard cuz this is the throwaway press and there's a pity speaker pot now real life I probably make these silver alright real life I'd make these silver I would probably disassemble this tweeter if I was really using it and I would die or spray the parts of the grille silver for the contrast and Sam and these other companies do make dyes as well as paints so sometimes use the dye special and leather on some of the plastics and then you prep it and it actually opens the pore of the plastic and it's not paint it goes in there and colors the plastic and you don't have to worry about little flakes coming off your grille so but there's our face speaker pod - about 20 hours of sanding not that much but there's sandy and I couldn't afford and we did this using you know some standoffs and some fabric because you saw me do to create the shape all right I want to show you more fiberglassing why because I've already made a mess it's already hot I'm sweating my electrons off so I'm going to show you some of the standard standard some of the legacy some of the regular ways to do fiberglassing you for example I've got to been here this could be like your rear tire your spare tire well a lot of people like remove the spare tire put our subwoofer there I did it one day I broke down in the middle of a New Jersey Road in the rain with no spare kind of undid my subwoofer a little bit or this could be like the side of in your trunk where you want to mold a speaker to or whatever you want but in my case I'm just talking about speakers to to the to the car itself without damaging the car itself so so what I've done for starters is I've taken my green tape there in the blue tape I think this is what I've used that's why I see everybody else use the 3m I'm sorry but yeah the 3m Scotch green tape and I've covered half of it now this starts the protective barrier between what I want to uh fibreglass up against but it's just the start it's still porous so I'm going to then do some other thing I've seen people where they go in with the wax and do the fiberglass next I'm going to put another layer in there to protect the car if you think of this is like the side of a card I'm doing a subwoofer here's something I bet you can't do alright what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my regular old 3m multi-purpose adhesive I've put up headliners with this and stuff now I'm going to take some aluminum foil and I'm going to adhere the aluminum foil to the tape so the tape when it comes off will protect your car from the adhesive but this stuff is not for us fiberglass can't get through it the resin fiberglass can't stick to it you can try and make the aluminum foil flat I always start with that as my goal never achieve it and in complex shapes cleaned up with having to do multiple overlaps and even occasionally patching it this case you see me spraying the foil itself to patch a hole again this is our protection especially if it's somebody else's car right so I've left a little green so we can see our layers underneath is tape and then aluminum foil tape down now I'm going to lay some fiberglass matting in here fiberglass matting lots of different kinds in weights and I'll tell you that when you go to do a free-form standing I mean this is a quite freeform you need a lot of fiberglass you build it up a layer at a time if you try and build a big little thick fat layer to crack and hair of air bubbles it's time-consuming process so you do start with thicker weights if you see this is shreds of glass all right and what they get fibreglass right so what they do in production houses is they actually have a shredder gun that has the fiber mat coming to it and it's got chakra blades that actually blows this this stuff see it's getting all over me already in real time mixing it with fight with the resin in the gun and in the air actually in private gun and deposits it but we're going to do it the old-fashioned way I'm going to cut some pieces of this lay it into this now I'll show you one thing there are other materials that can make the process quicker if you look this is a polyester type each thing has got holes in it and stuff I got this from select products six years ago don't know where to get it now but I'm sure you can find it again what you're looking for something some kind of matting compatible with polyester resin so let's start this sometimes you can cut it this stuff's coming apart by hand for me so I'm going to turn me off some tres but I'm going to keep tearing it into smaller shreds to lay it into here if you can see that and I'm not doing a perfect job here this is again I'm blowing through it for the sake of a video but I've laid it in there a lot of times you put the resin down first I'm going to soak the resin through and I'll show you that I now have little fiberglass hairs hanging off my glasses and all right I'm seeing the color change it's going clear maybe you can see it now you got lots of these right cheap old brushes by I'm 50 cents each I could sit here and dip this and dab in there and you keep doing it until you see no air bubbles you stipple it you you just go after and keep pushing the air bubbles out or you can have one of these this has these little rulers and this thing's job is to push the air bubbles out so if you can afford one of these great I have two sizes can from the other one you can do it with this now since this is a captive container I'm going to go ahead and pour the resin in and then spread it around so what you're going to see is you're going to see me rolling the bubbles out of the matting and then adding more matting I just keep adding more and more of this I'm trying to get it actually stiff enough that I can take it out to show you what I'm done in real life I'd be here the rest of the day and use this whole sheet I think alright I'm going to let that set there's a limit look see it's almost see-through right that's my first layer but I've chased the bubbles out which is important if I kept just adding to this while all in one all in one batch it wouldn't be as strong you need to let it set up this thing needs to go in acetone alright I gave it a little time to set up as I said you do this several times but I've peeled the aluminum foil back there's still some stuck to it but you can see a start of what would be a Speakerbox or or whatever it is you'd want to do this and more importantly we've left if this was a car part of a car inside the trunk or something it sun damage and a little bit of I pull the tape off of the aluminum foil that got stuck but again there's our molded part of the recess it's a basic fiberglass Pods whatever you want to do you can custom that doesn't have to be a speaker politest and you know various ones we've done so this was just basic fiberglassing to show you that you grab yourself a grab yourself a gallon of resin again I use fiberglass you can use whatever you want try and get fresh try not to get it from a store shelf somewhere it's who knows how old and get some paint brushes it cleans up with acetone if you need to do that create modern works of art as I've said and you know trip out on it so bill heard from hackaday hope to see you again when it's not near as hot it'll be contest see how many people find out how how many people notice how many times I change my shirt while filming this so till the next time maybe I'll tell you why there's an oven in my garage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 357,486
Rating: 4.6219482 out of 5
Keywords: Hackaday, Bil Herd, Fiberglass, Fibreglass, Resin, custom, audio, speaker, pod, subwoofer
Id: 1Kf8IkJJbMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 37sec (2497 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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