Custom Animations in PowerPoint for OBS

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are you using obs for your zoom calls so you can add some graphics and you're looking to take it up to the next level well did you know you can do that in powerpoint which is something that i didn't think i would be saying because a few months ago i was pretty against using powerpoint for custom animations and the reason is when you use powerpoint you can't actually export as a movie file with a transparent background and that's still the case however i've learned a few more things and if you are someone who is using obs you can actually remove the background using the chroma key filter so that is what i'm going to show you today we're actually going to do a build so i will be showing you how to create a custom animated overlay like this one we're going to recreate this in powerpoint we're going to export that into an animated overlay bring it into obs and remove the background and there you have it and i encourage you to give this a try and then actually get creative if you see an animation that someone else has try to make it i think that's pretty exciting now if you are new around here or you've never seen me before my name is kat and i help people to create professional and engaging online presentations and this is one of those things that really stands out and gets people's attention when you suddenly have an animation especially in a zoom call people are not expecting it and so that is something we want to talk about that's what we're going to talk about today we want to impress people on our calls with these custom graphics now if you are here live i know there are a few of you welcome i'm so glad you could join me i would love to hear have you ever made custom animations or overlays using powerpoint before i know this is a pain point for some people that i've spoken with who maybe don't have a mac or they're not familiar with keynote i will just say i still prefer keynote because at the end of the day if you can export with a transparent background it's better than having a software remove it because that's adding a filter however we gotta do what we gotta do and work with what we have and i know many of you have said that you use powerpoint regularly so without further ado let's pop over into powerpoint now i am using powerpoint today on my mac however if you are a windows user i have you covered i've actually got my dell hooked up and this is what it's going to look like and i because i want to show you the animations are slightly different when we are looking at the windows powerpoint versus looking at the mac powerpoint so i am going to make sure that i cover both of those for you but we're going to actually do the build out with the animations in my mac version just because it's easier for me and i'm the one running this stream right now all right so with this powerpoint right now i have a blank slate open and what i'm going to do is just change the layout so i'm going to pop up here and i'm going to make this blank now that it's blank we want to design out that entrance animation that title that lower third animation and there are three components to the one that i've created so two rectangles and some text so first we are going to create a rectangle and i actually like to drag it across even bigger than it needs to be and if we zoom out a little bit you can see that i've created a fairly long one you could even make it a little bit longer and this will be our first one this is the color version that you want and i am just going to change this i'm going to make it a nice red as you saw in that little demonstration that's what i'd like to pick and i want to say no outline so now i want to position it where it's going to end up so if you have seen any of my titles before you'll know that the color ends up sort of over here you get to pick where this goes because you are making this custom and so now we want to have another rectangle that's the same height and so i just copy so you can control c ctrl v as a way to paste or if you're on a mac command now it's brought me over here we are going to now bring this over and line this up and this will actually be black so now for shape fill i turn it into a black rectangle so if i click off of that you will see i now have where that will end up with the two different colors you can pick and customize your colors i'll get into some of the rules you have to follow if you are using the obs chroma key now we want to add some text so we click on text box and i like to put it in the middle of the screen and actually draw it here if you add a text box and click in the rectangle it will actually join as part of the rectangle and we actually want the text box to be a separate animation and not be combined with the rectangle so let's say animated overlays in we'll just do the short form powerpoint and now this is where you get to pick what is the font you want and i like for just for now let's keep it simple i'm going to choose helvetica and i'm going to make this let's try 40 and we'll drag this over here we can see the lines a little it's very faint but you can actually line this up and we're going to turn this white and now we can see it a lot better and we can drag that over you're going to put that where you want it to show up so now we've actually created what's going to show up and what i do personally for my titles each week is i just have my main file that i come into and i just change the text all of the animation is already there and i just update the text every week and then i have my new title it's everything is set up i don't have to recreate all the animations each time okay so now we're gonna animate and if you think about this so what we are going to do is have we're going to have we have three components you are going to have three entrance animations and three exit animations so all three of those components are coming in and then all three of those components are leaving and let's just take a look again at the title slide for today you can see the color moves across followed by the black and then you've got the words they disappear and then everything goes backwards in the reverse order so we're going to do that the first thing we want to do is click on the first shape we want to animate which is going to be the color rectangle and so we go over and hover over to animations the little window that says animations and this is going to be an entrance animation which it's they're colored green for entrance and we're using fly in now you're going to see it comes up from the bottom and that's not actually what we want so you are going to open the animation pane and there's an animation pane on the mac and pc the panes look different which is why i will show you the different versions between the mac and the pc but having this pain is really really helpful because this will allow us to make edits so our first animation is this red rectangle and we want to have it not fly up from the bottom we want it to fly from the left and then it'll come in from the left and we also want to change the timing right now the default for powerpoint is very fast which is half a second so i actually want this to be one second in length so we have it coming from the left and we have it one second and this is the very first animation so technically it will say start on click when we export it it will just automatically start playing okay we've done that one so now we want to click on the black rectangle and we are going to add an animation so we go over here same thing we want to add a fly-in entrance animation but this time we want it to come from the left again and for this one we also want it to be one second but we want it to start actually with the previous one so that's really important so that you can time when it's going to show up and that it's going to happen automatically and i'm going to double check yes we want it with the previous one i made some notes so i wouldn't make mistakes and lead you astray today all right so now we've got our second one and the third is we want the text to come in and in this case i'm using the entrance animation called dissolve so let's do dissolve in and i actually like to make this one a little bit faster so there's no effect option of direction because it's just showing up where it is but i like to keep this one at very fast so it shows up quickly and for this one we want to make sure that it happens after the previous so we have our first our red triangle or red rectangle comes in with the black ones they're both coming across and then we will have the text show up after they're both in place so that's the first part all three entrances now we want to make sure that they exit but we want people to be able to read the title so we will be building in a small delay so now we want to click back on the red rectangle and this time we are going to add an animation which is to fly out again it likes the bottom so we are going to change this we are going to say that it's going to be to the left is how it's going to fly out and we want this to happen after the previous so it'll happen after the last animation that we have but we're actually going to add a three second delay onto it and you can play around with the time so maybe you find three seconds is a little bit long or maybe depending on the title you want it to be on there longer before it exits and disappears so now we have to the left after previous and i want this to be one second again all right now we click on the black box again i don't know why it jumped over there and these look like they might be a slightly misaligned so we can fix that now we want also to have this one fly out this one is going to be to the left we want this to also be one second i'm just gonna peek oh actually i made a mistake um i actually like that's okay we'll keep going i usually like the text to disappear before the black disappears but we can fix that so now we want going to the left we want to start that with the previous but we actually have to add the three second delay again so it's like telling everything after the name is displayed we want to all exit at three seconds and then so that looks good and now we want to look at the text and this one we're going to have disappear and so to have it disappear we want this to happen with the previous and that three second delay so let's test this we might have to make some tweaks but if we click on the first one we can say play from the first one and see what happens but actually i think this did there now it's aligned so let's play this animation so when you're looking at it you can see do i actually like how this is coming out is it a little bit um jar like this one looks a little bit clunky to me so let's actually take a look some of the things you can play around with if you can see here i know it's kind of small but there are things like smooth end you can try something like smooth end on these and then we can play the difference so let's go back to animation number one let's play this again and take a look okay i've got three second delay and it goes away so really what you are doing is all the little tweaks to figure out what do you like do you want it to have that smooth end do you want to be a little bit faster or a little bit slower but as you can see we've created one pretty quickly so now i want to show you the difference with the with windows version so in windows your animation pane looks a little bit different so here they actually like to display things on a timeline so at the bottom here you'll see the seconds and up here you'll kind of you'll actually see this three second delay between those those three entrance animations and those three exit animations but i set them up with all of the exact same rules now if you wanted to make any edits you would simply click on this little drop down and that right there is how you can get the effect options the timing options so here is where you would change the direction that's one of the ways also the timing you can say after the previous this is where you would add the delay so that's how you do it differently in the windows version for anyone who is using windows and again you can click on the very first one and say play from to see the example of how they come out the other thing that you can do is you can actually so what you can do is also play around with the length of the rectangles because sometimes the longer the rectangle the more movement has to happen in that one second so that can also affect and alter how those animations come out so i would encourage you to get creative but now we just have created that so did that look easy let me know if you're here do you think that's easy do you think that's something that you can do i would love to know but we need to change the background because right now there is a white background and that is not what we want if we are going to use the chroma key so we're going to go back here and the way that i like to change it is i actually just right click on the slide and you can select format background so when you click format background you will be able to right now it's set to solid fill and it's white by default but you can just change the color and this is very similar on the windows as well as the mac so i'm going to choose green and if you are wondering the answer is any green the the chroma key if you set it to green it's going to get rid of green even if you have a brand color so my brand color is sort of like a teal and it's got some green in it and that green gets pulled out and it looks more like a blue so even if you have a shape in there that's something you have to be cautious of and i'll show you how you can select a different color once you're actually applying the filter and i see a question here so let's see if we can pull up this are you able to loop this something like a news i'm gonna assume you mean ticker so with you can have something loop so what you would want to do if you are repeating the same thing is when you pull in that animated overlay and i can show you this you're able to select whether or not you want the animation to loop for example the countdown timer has a circle going around that is a really short video file and it's set to loop and you can do that so you would be able to repeat the loop of the movie like a ticker on your screen so definitely or if you just want it to play once you can just set it not to loop and it'll just play once so we have set this background to green in this case but you could pick a different color and now we want to export so when it comes to exporting you will export instead of save as you're actually going to pick export and when you have that so it looks a little bit different and i can show you the difference with the windows version choose the file format so mp4 or mov are both movie files so you can pick mp4 you want that good quality so you want to pick the resolution and it usually defaults to that i am going to save this on my i want this somewhere simple let's put it i wanted to put on my desktop but this might be just as easy okay so now we are going to export that all right we've exported it now let's i'm going to show you the example though of how to export i haven't changed the background but let's take a look on my the pc and with this one you click export and there's an option called create a video and when you create the video so you want it to be that high quality so that large file size and then for seconds spent on each slide this is where you have to pay attention to the length of your animation so in my case it's actually around six seconds so i would bump it up to six sections sec seconds and then say create video and that is how you would export when you are on a pc and so we have now exported this and now we want to bring this animation into obs if you are someone who's using ecamm like i'm using ecam right now to live stream that means you have a mac if you have a mac i encourage you to use keynote because of the transparent background so this probably wouldn't apply but maybe you are helping someone out who has a pc and you're making an animation for them in powerpoint the same principles would apply for you okay so now let's pop over to obs so i have obs open and you're probably going to see a little bit of a delay because i am feeding this through ecamm but bear with it so i always like to set up an obs a main camera scene so i can always come back to the main camera but have my animations on separate scenes and if you have seen any of my demonstrations you'll know that i like to simply say duplicate so that my camera is positioned the way that i want it i don't have to reset the camera and then i would give this a name related to what i'm doing so in this one it will be the title slide there we go okay so when we set this title slide now we have my camera set up but we want to bring in this animated overlay there are a few ways you can do this you can actually drag and drop the file but in this case i'm going to actually add a source and this will be a media source because it is a movie it's a new one and so i'll call this the animated title and then i go to my file to browse and it should be right here there we go and this is where that question about looping comes in so you can see there's an option when you add a file you can set it to loop and so this would be helpful if you are wanting to have something like a ticker or a countdown timer where you want it to repeat the other options you have is show nothing when playback ends because of this animation it's actually disappearing already so that's already what's happening but let's say that you wanted to show an animation and leave it on the screen you would actually uncheck this and you would have it so that it still shows up after and then you can just change your scene so these look good to me let's say okay and now you can see here's the animation but you can't see me and that's because we have not gotten to that next part yet now it disappeared after it played and so i could set that to stay on the screen if i wanted to but since the animation is going away you we don't want that in obs if you ever want to replay an animation there's this little circle this replay circle here in the middle right below my face you can always click on that to see the animation again so here this is where we apply the filter so what you can do is when it's on the screen you can right click on it but you can actually just click on the source until you see filters so it's the second last option when you click filter now you will have options if it's a video file you'll have video audio filters and effects if it's just a static overlay because this works for static overlays as well you have effect filters only and this is where we want to go so we click on add effect filter you'll see all the different types of filter and you go to chroma key which is the second option you can give it a name maybe you want to name it with the color that you're applying but i'm just leaving it as chroma key when that happens you will actually see key color type and you can select different colors so the three main ones they already have are green blue and magenta but if you were to click on custom you can actually just enter the exact hex code that you want and when it comes to choosing a color you really just want to pick a color that does not exist at all in any of your graphics because you do not want those colors to be altered so that's what you're trying to think of when it comes to which chroma key you want to choose and then we click close so now when we repeat this the green is gone you see the custom animation it plays and then it disappears so that is how you do it i hope that you feel confident that you can do this because really it is straightforward it just takes step by step you want to make sure that you are setting the background before you export it have all of those animations tested the way that you want them and then you are bringing it in to obs now i see a question from evan around how do you make the background transparent in keynote so that i do have an example of that in my creating custom graphics in keynote video but when you export as a movie file you want to make sure that you are picking a custom option and then you will export that to apple prores 444. i have a lot of programs running so i'm not going to pull up keynote right now but i do have that in another video so you can see exactly how you can transport with a transparent background in keynote so i do have that available okay so that is how you do it it's really pretty impressive one of the other things i'll mention is if you use a different program for example canva some of the students who attended my workshop last week showed me some videos of some stuff they were playing around with they took an animation from canva that had a little green section and they were able to just import that animation with the green portion using the chroma key it was gone and then they showed up in that animation and it looked amazing so there are other options as soon as you know how to use the chroma key in obs really the sky's the limit you can start to take colors remove them add them as overlays and just have a lot of fun and as i said they stand out now are there any other questions so we've got a question here how do you send or how do you send from obs to zoom okay great question and that one is fairly easy let's go back to the obs so when you are in obs you see that there are controls over on the right side i don't know where my mouse went there we go so there this is this is the the button that you want so start virtual camera once you have started the virtual camera here now when i open zoom and i pick my camera obs virtual camera is going to be one of the options that i can pick so instead of picking my traditional camera i can pick obs virtual camera and there's a link actually in the description of this video of how to set up your virtual camera in zoom using both ecam and obs so that is something that i also have available okay i don't think i see any other questions right now i just want to do a quick check i see a few of you are excited which is amazing because this really really is fun and if you are watching the replay let me know in the comments did you try this i would love to know how you get creative are you watching maybe something on tv or another streamer and you think i want to try that and just get in there get creative and just give this a test so it was really great thanks so much everyone and i'd love to know if adding the chroma key and adding these animated overlays takes your presentations to the next level and helps you stand out you
Channel: Cat Mulvihill
Views: 6,014
Rating: 4.980392 out of 5
Keywords: powerpoint animation tutorial, obs studio tutorial, obs tutorial, powerpoint tutorial, obs studio, open broadcaster software, powerpoint training, obs chroma key, obs chroma key green screen, obs chroma key background, obs chroma key video background, animated lower thirds, animated lower thirds tool in obs, open broadcaster software tutorial, animated overlay tutorial, animated overlays, animated overlays green screen, animated overlay obs
Id: CSAcNqokAA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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