OBS PowerPoint Green Screen

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hello elby so far i've shown you how to use obs to set up a webcam so you can do simple recording and add a logo so you can have a branded video so that looks like it goes with your score with your subject the last thing i want to do is show you how to set up powerpoint which is something you already know how to use so you can use powerpoint kind of like a green screen so you can put content into powerpoint but yet have your video shine through on that powerpoint to do this i'm gonna go back to my setup i have a link to a google doc that i shared with you whenever we did the the training before school started so it's bitly slash lb dash obs and if you go out to that google doc all the way at the bottom of this google doc so just scroll all the way to the bottom i have a resources section and actually there's only one resource the resource i have is a powerpoint template so if you download that powerpoint so click on it then click on the little download button save it on your computer and and then open it up i've i've already saved it on my computer so i'm going to open this up and now i'm going to open up obs so obs is just the way that i left it you can still see i've still got my little logo in the corner now i'm not going to need that second logo because i'm going to add an overlay that is going to have a logo or whatever i want to have now i could remove this by clicking on it and hitting the minus or i could do something really simple like make it invisible so i clicked on the little eyeball and that makes it invisible whenever my obs is running however you want to do that's up to you you can leave it in there making it visible or you can just delete it out with what i'm going to show you might just want to get rid of it because you're probably going to be using a powerpoint overlay most of the time now there's one key thing here notice that i first opened up powerpoint i did that because now i'm going to tell obs to use powerpoint and i can't do that unless powerpoint is open so i'm going to go back to obs after my powerpoint's open and i'm going to add a resource i'm going to click plus and i'm going to select window capture this lets me capture any window a program that's running on my computer capture that window so i click on window capture i'm going to call this powerpoint and then it detected that powerpoint was running so it automatically picked it up already i click ok and now i have this window right here that is an overlay but it's powerpoint one thing i'm going to change or i'm going to make sure is set is in my powerpoint under slideshow i'm going to go to show setup and check this box that says browse by an individual window when i do that and i go into presentation mode this box is filled up on powerpoint but it doesn't take the whole screen now notice i've moved obs up here to one side and i've got powerpoint to the other side so i can see both of them i'll show you why that's important in just a minute what i want to do now is i want to adjust the powerpoint window so that it completely fills up my obs window there we go now notice if this box is shaped differently i could end up with black bars on the top and bottom or if i made it too wide i could end up with black bars on the edges i want to make it to where my powerpoint presentation window is the size of my powerpoint that way over here in obs i don't get any edges that aren't part of my powerpoint now notice on my powerpoint if i go to the next slide in obs i have what looks like a black a black slide i have a lower third that i'll show you how to change in a minute but first i want to make it to where my video camera shows up in this black space to do that i'm going to right click i'm sorry i'm going to go down here to my powerpoint and right click on it i want to add a filter and the filter here's a little plus right here the filter i want to add is a color key i'm only going to have one so i can just call it color key by default this looks for a green screen but i don't have a green screen i have a black screen so instead of green i'm going to customize the color so i click custom color and i select the color and i'm going to select black click ok click close and now my powerpoint has my picture embedded in it notice if i go back to my first slide there's nothing in there that's black so the whole thing just shows my powerpoint but if i go to the next slide now i have my video in top my lower third i remember this is powerpoint so at any time i can go back here put my content in there and now that's what shows up in my lower third in my powerpoint and i have several different kinds of backgrounds i have this inserted box i also tried it without a box at all just white text or dark text depending on the background you have if you're in front of a white wall or in front of a dark wall one of those will work better than the other i also have just the logo on the corner and then if you don't want anything i have just a black screen so this shows through as what looks like my whole video but it's really just a black slide in powerpoint now in doing all this i could close everything and close obs close powerpoint and tomorrow i could come back open up obs now it's looking for a powerpoint which it hasn't found but if i open up my powerpoint it's going to load it in with all the settings that i had today so my transparent background is still there because obs remembers and this particular powerpoint's got a filter that filters out all the black makes it transparent so now i have a way of making any kind of content i want in powerpoint you could actually use any program you could use google slides you could use a word you can use any program as long as you have a way of designating part of it of having a black screen and then obs is going to make that particular color completely transparent so you have a way of making a very professional looking video without any extra work because you're probably using some content presentation system like slides or powerpoint as it is now you can put them right into obs and record as you go
Channel: Alvin Trusty
Views: 21,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 13ONSisX1Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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