Control OBS with PowerPoint Hotkeys

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i have a presentation where video overlay will be great and i want the location of the video to change depending on the slides this can be done using obs studio powerpoint and a powerpoint script to get started let's go into powerpoint and create our slides i'll use the welcome to powerpoint with our slide deck ready let's go into obs so starting with a blank scene collection let's start adding our sources start with adding powerpoint to the add powerpoint we'll add a window capture we can use the default name window capture and there's our powerpoint found it by default okay let's adjust the window to fit the slides a little bit better while holding alternate and dragging the edges to fit the slides now i can rearrange the slide to fit our scene next scene next source to add is the video overlay add another source and select video capture device i'll use a lumi live character for the presentation let's adjust the frame and then for this slide i'd like the video to cover the right third that looks great and i'll rename my scene to remember where the video is i'll name it right third now let's move to the next slide for this slide i'd like the video to appear on the lower left so i'll need to duplicate the scene and we'll name this scene lower left and now with the lower left scene selected i'll rearrange the location of the video looks good let's go to the next slide for this slide i want the video on the upper right again duplicate the scene name this one upper right the names are insignificant they're just to help remember where the video is they could be called anything for this slide i'd like the video in the lower left we already have that scene set for this scene i don't want the video to appear at all again i'll duplicate this one we'll call no camera okay then i'll remove the video capture device source from the scene and let's continue on to our slides no video for these slides will be fine and for the last scene i'll use the right thirds again that we have picked a location for the video for all the slides let's set hotkeys for our scenes by going to settings hotkeys here are our scenes let's add hotkeys by pressing the keyboard commands i want the right third the first slide to be alternate f5 the lower left to be alternate f6 upper right alternate f7 and no camera alternate f8 okay now when we press those hotkeys our scenes change now we want powerpoint to send obs the hotkeys so let's go back into powerpoint to indicate which scene our slides will use we'll set the section for this first slide we want to use the right third and that was hotkey alternate f5 so we'll rename this section to alternate f5 the section highlighted right click rename section for this script to work we'll need to type hotkey equals the percent sign means alternate for the send hotkey function then to send a f key we need to do curly bracket capital f number five close curly bracket and click rename for this slide we want to use the lower left which was hotkey f6 we'll select the scene name the section name rename the section ultimate f6 for slide three we want to use the upper right so here we're going to add a scene to go to scene upper right add an action hotkey f7 and for this scene i'd like it to go back to the lower left so i'll add another section to indicate that we want f6 slide 5 is no camera which was our hotkey f8 add a section hotkey f8 rename and for slides six seven and eight we're going to use no camera and so these slides are in this section group so they're all going to have the no camera scene applied to them but we want to use the right third for the last slide so again we'll rename this scene to alternate f5 the last step is to add the script to bring up the script editor use the shortcut alternate f11 then insert module copy the script from the scripts page which will be in the description and then you can close the editor and now we can launch our slides now you can see we went to the first slide and put obs video in the lower third and i just clicked to move to the second slide and put the video on the lower left third slide click you can use the arrow keys on my keyboard next slide and moved it the way we wanted no image still no camera no camera and there it is perfect i hope this solution can be useful take care
Channel: Jonathan Wood
Views: 3,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PowerPoint, OBS, OBS Studio, PowerPoint Macro, OBS Script, Live Zoom PowerPoint, PowerPoint Control OBS, PowerPoint Zoom, PowerPoint OBS, PowerPoint hotkeys, OBS Hotkeys
Id: YvAf25OMapo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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