Okay. Cursed Halo mod, huh? Man, man, man. I don't know what to expect. So uh, for those who don't know, this is a
uh, a mod obviously. Created, I think kind of recently, and it
just kind of f*cks with the game a lot. I've played it for 15 minutes and it's already
a mess. A lot of the guns and vehicles get, you know,
they get slightly changed. You might be able to notice. And uh, we're just gonna play through on normal. This is not a skill based thing at all, this
is more just to showcase the the bad bad things that this man has done to this game. Uh, so we're gonna give it a play, and hopefully
have a good time, have some laughs. Probably finish it today and uh, hopefully
don't get banned. I don't know if they fucked with the difficulty. For all I know, normal is just legendary,
but we're gonna find out. Oh, Light said he ran into an issue where
it skipped a level. So uh, yeah if we randomly skip a campaign
level-- [They were waiting for us on the far side of the planet.] It's the mod, it's cursed. [Secure air locks on deck 11. 14 platoon, rendezvous with 22nd tactical
at bulkhead charlie 14.] Oh, those guys are just disappearing, okay. Whoa what-- what is with the warthogs? The warthogs are so tiny! [You heard the lady, move like you got a purpose.] They're like kids vehicles! What the fuck? (laughs) [Once again, it's our job to finish with the
fly boys started. We are leaving this ship--] They like go up
to their hip. (laughs) [Sir, I'm getting some calibration
errors. I'm going to invert your looking pitch, so
you can see if you like it better that way.] Yeah dude, let me play inverted like a goddamn
communist. You can edit your pitch inversion if your
name is Vinny. To edit your settings press shift 10 times
really fast. (laughs) So I played up to like-- hold on, like here? Hey look, the gun is backwards. Every time you shoot, you shoot yourself. But you can throw it. [Keep your head down, there's two of us in
here now, remember?] So uh, I can't use the pistol, but I can throw
it, for what it's worth. [Those marines could use some help chief.] A battery rifle? Oh my god, my ammo count. What the fuck? Oh my god. Oh, do I have to hold it? Ah. Oh my god. What happens if I let it go all the way? Oh my god. Oh! Oh it explodes. Oh, it literally explodes, I don't have it
anymore. No! No. I don't have it anymore. Okay, don't do that. Don't do that. Picked up a normal plasma pistol. Okay. Oh my god, no. Holy shit. Oh, the plasma rifle. A bit crushed plasma rifle. What? Oh okay, sure. Oh, the melee, dude. The fucking melee. Holy shit. Oh, press button one to walla walla, press
button four to oingo boingo, use button 10 to swiggity swooty. You can only carry two limes at a time. Alright, that's good life advice really. Oh did I just get hit with hearts, what? Oh, what the-- this one has a heart. A magical girl gun? Oh, the thing is like a little heart. (laughs) What happens if i charge it? Okay, this actually works like a normal plasma
pistol, it's just hearts. Okay. My friend, I need your gun. God, you can melee so fast with this. "Halo Infinite looks good." Yeah I got, I got an early sneak peek. Nav points are alive. Nav points have feelings too, you know? All right, good to know. Uh, use button six to daka. Melee attacks instantly kill you. Seems legit. Plasma bukkakes. Oh great. They spelled bukkake wrong. Oh my god. Oh no. Oh god, we don't need this. Oh, clipazines? Okay, we got grenades, throwing pistol-- what
is this? Oh, it's the flamethrower. "The flamethrower," in quotes. A super soaker-- three bottles of water. (laughs) No. Does it even do damage? It's a fucking super-- I gotta see if it does
damage. Oh, what does the grenade do? Is it just like, a grenade? [party horn noise] Okay. Oh, it gave me camo. What? Pog? That, there's no way that happens every time. That'd be super fucking busted. I can't-- what? Oh are there-- They're fucking flapping. (laughs) Their wings are flapping. (laughs) Holy shit. Oh, does this do damage? Oh, it sure doesn't. It just pushes them. All right, great. All right let's see what a grenade does now. Uh oh, bukkake. Give me the-- oh the needler. What's the needler do? The snarker? Hold on. Oh, okay. It just-- the bullets just bounce? Oh it goes forever. I don't know if it's good or not. Huh. I gotta try it. Uh. Oh no. Oh, d20 frag grenades. Oh god, the blunderbuss. All right, it only has one shell. Hold on. Let me see what happens here. Oh. I love you bitch. All right, look how big this is. Oh my fucking god. Holy shit. Dude, can I get up there? Hold on. We got a checkpoint so let's see. (laughs) This is so stupid. Hold on. No, no I fell. Ow. Can I go up here? Oh no, it's too steep. Fuck. Yeah, right. Yeah. Hold on. I'm doing something very important. I'm trying to save the Earth. Alright, try one more time. Alright, try to land on this little lip. Okay. Uh, just like-- this isn't gonna work. Actually, it might, hold on. Hold on. Ah, I bonked my head. Ah shit. I'm, I'm dead. Oh! I'm alive, barely. All right is it gonna be a baby vehicle again? (laughs) What the fuck? Hey, they made it longer. The warthog sedan. All right. (laughs) Hell yeah dude. Movement controls: control your control of
the controller. Look controls controlling controllers. Controls. I love you more bitch. I'll go look for him, gang. Master Chief, away. Oh. Oh my god the, the fucking elite no longer
exists. [Elite laughs] (laughs) That fucking elite. Why is the warthog so long? It's always been like this. You just never noticed. Hey fellas. Guy with pistol, don't shoot. Do not shoot, guy with pistol. Oh no! It changed. No. No, it got smaller. No. It doesn't even have a-- oh god. Holy shit, it's fast. (laughs) Fuck. This is so stupid. Oh that guy has a sniper rifle. Uh. Oh no, there's one right here. Oh, why is it limp? The flaccid sniper rifle? Oh no. Oh no. Look at the crosshair! Look at the crosshair. [boing noise] (laughs) Oh what's the zoom, is the zoom like full? Hold on. (laughs) Holy shit. The sound effect though. No, they neutered the sniper rifle. I don't know what happened, but I think we
did damage. Let's throw another one. I just spawned a hunter. Oh great. Great, I spawned a hunter. Awesome, awesome. Great. Wonderful. Good grenade. What the fuck is that? What is that? Is that the fuel rod shot? Uh. Oh my god. Now on to the third level. I'm not sniping anything here, so uh. Oh, make the world green. Forgot, night vision right. Oh, I have grenades, that's right. I don't think my grenade went off. Rad. Oh, oh no. No, no, it's coming. The death cubes. Oh, it spawned hunters. Oh my god, it spawned a bunch of hunters. Oh no, no! Wait, we can just run past this. Oh god. Oh, impregnate the covenant battle cruiser. I didn't even see it said that. Great. I gotta stop throwing nades. Oh, it happened again! Uh. Everybody's dead. What, what the fuck just happened? Everyone is dead. I didn't-- what happened? The pew pew laser gun. [pew] (laughs) [pew, pew] Okay. Pew. Uh, what-- is that, are those Minecraft weapons? What? Wait, wait, what? Oh my god. Hold-- what, a diamond axe? How does this work? And a bow? What? [Minecraft bow noise] (laughs) Yes dude, yes. Dude, feels Minecraft man. I'm trying to have a good time, and I'm getting
triggered by this mod. All right, you're getting fucked right now. You're getting fucked. (laughs) Okay, that works too I guess. Oh, that was a bad plasma bukkake. I fell off the platform when I threw it. Actually never mind, that was the best bukkake
I've ever seen. Uh also, the only one. Ahem. Good save Ray. [ABBA music playing] What the fuck? Oh-- All right, let's go, let's go! Oh, what the fuck? Wait, my wheels. Well now I'm not making any money. I guess this isn't going on Yout-- What the
fuck? We can fly! Yes! Pog! Oh my god. Oh, what the fuck is this? What? What the fuck? What the fuck? (laughs) All right well, I have three guns. This is another plasma bukkake right here. (laughs) The fucking melee. All right, everyone be cool. I got this. I bonked my head in the fucking phantom. Okay, get up there I think is where we need
to go. Okie dokie. Fuck, I banged my head. We're fine, I'm gonna try again. All right this is it. There we go. And that's how you do the skip. Ah, holy shit. What are the chances that Keyes kills himself
constantly? Oh shit. All right, we got the oof. Everybody's dead. Well done everybody. We-- what the? Was that a diamond sword? Oh! Yeah. Yeah. "Why is the sniper rifle barrel so floppy?" It's not, you're just seeing things. It's doing its best, all right? It needs the magic blue pill. Look at him with the sword. (laughs) Looks so dumb. He's T-posing. What are you doing? Okay he's good, he's good now. Stop T-posing, do something. Oh, wombo combo, one two. Call me flaccid again bitch. No no no no no, I shouldn't have thrown that. Everyone get back, get back. It's a bukkake. Oh nice. Here we go. Three plasma rifles and an extra arm. Oh, a rocket launcher. Oh god, okay hold on. Let me clear these guys out and then look,
look at that. Oh no, it's backwards. The fucking silhouette is backwards. Hold on. (laughs) Inconvenient rocket launcher. Wait hold on. Yep, it fires backwards, and then you drop
it immediately, no. It's so bad. I didn't kill anybody. All right, well rocket launcher sucks. No. Oh, ABBA again. Oh. [It looks like there is a path into the interior
of the island.] Hey, I died. ABBA is too fucking strong. (laughs) Looks so stupid. Activate the, activate the almonds. Alright. [ABBA playing] Oh no. Oh no. Fucking ABBA, please! Not that one. The almonds have been activated. Stop shooting me, I want to try to do some
parkour. No, stop, stop. Hold on. Jump up here, okay that's not working. All right all right, fine fine fine. I'll go up the normal way. All right what are the chances I can jump
and land in that turret? Do you think that'll work? No it won't work, I'll die like of falling
too much, I already know. Or will I? All right, just gotta aim for the turret. Never mind. Okay well that uh-- Did you see how fucking
tiny the warthog was? (laughs) I guess you can keep like reloading for maybe
the uh, maybe the warthog again? [ABBA playing] Oh god. All right, that wasn't the ABBA we wanted. Try again. [Interesting.] Interesting. [The weather patterns here seem natural not
artificial.] Oh! Flashbang. That's new. All right two more, two more tries. [Interesting. The weather patterns here--] Fuck off. Fuck you. [The weather patterns here seem natural not
artificial. I wonder if the rings--] Ah. They gave me a pistol and some ammo. All right we'll play through the level normally. Hey stop it. Hey, blow up whenever you're ready. Oh my god. Bye. See you later dude. Oh, oh wait, it's a normal pistol! Hold on, wait. It's a normal pistol! Oh fuck. No, I want this. Pog. I did not mean to throw that, I leaned on
my controller. I am so dead. Whoops. Hey, don't ever lean on your controller, chat. I guess I get to see what the vehicles are
like here, huh? Oh. [Oh no.] (laughs) Did I just go "oh no"? Oh no. All right the ghost is uh-- I don't know what's up with the ghost. Ghost seems okay. Oh, okay the ghost is not okay. I take it back. Oh, what the fuck is it doing? Uh, this is probably a mist-- What the fuck? Quality tank. What the fuck did you fucking say about me,
you little bitch? I'll have you know that I graduated top of
my class in the spartan aca. I have over 300 confirmed kills. Oh I got it, the quad laser. (laughs) [Oh no.] So much happened there. All right, here we go. KartKing. [old timey horn honk] (laughs) All right. No wait, no. No. It's called-- Oh no, the hoglet. Come on hoglet, we gotta go. We gotta go. [horn honk] Move out of the way. On my way tofuck your bitch. Oh shit, car accident. [horn honk] This guy's having a rough day. So is it every time you shoot you just spin? Oh, yep. Yep. No fear. Oh, the door's closed. One fear. Watch out bitches. [horn honk] Fear me! All right. Open up open up open up open up open up open
up, please please please please. Okay. Hell yeah. All right, we didn't do the uh, we didn't
do the normal skip, but you know-- Oh! Fuck me. Oh, is there an elevator right here? There sure is. This is gonna be something. This is probably gonna break. All right, uh-huh. Oh, I'm in the fucking, I'm in the turret. I can't get out. All right we're fine, we're good. All right, okay, all right. Here we, here we are. Make sure we leave it right there. All right. (laughs) No! No! I'm alive! I lived bitch, I lived! Unfortunately I guess we can't use them anymore,
so I guess I'll do one more, and then we'll reload the checkpoint. God damn it. All right, what if I'm not on the warthog,
or the hoglet, I'm sorry. No you're fine, you're good. You're good, you're good. Goodbye. (laughs) Okay, see you later. Oh it's a party in there. Have a couple of bukkakes on me fellas. Let's dance. Shsha, shshssha. (fighting noises) No. We
both killed each other. That was an honorable sword fight. It's like uh, Ghost of Tsushima except you
know, more pixelated. Ah yeah, this looks right. Oh, see you later. Whatever that was, bye. See what we get there. Uh. Oh! Throw another one. Huh. How do you guys feel about a little plasma
bukkake? Oh no. (laughs) He has the fucking pistol. (laughs) Oh my god, Keyes. Keyes, don't, don't fire the gun Keyes. Don't fire the, don't fire it. The barrel's backwards. No, don't fire the gun! [Sergeant, we're surrounded.] (laughs) Holy shit. (laughs) Yes. What is this? What is this! What am I drinking? What, is this an ad? What the fuck? Oh, what the fuck, two of them? Oh wait, they're like real guns. Oh, akimbo pistols? Can I zoom in? I can't zoom in, all right. Hell yeah dude. Oh my god, nice. Oh! Actually, hold on. Yeah, fight to the death. Fucking fall damage. Goddammit. And, okie dokie. Oh, that guy has the super soaker. I'm like, why am i moist all of a sudden? Let's see what else we get. [ABBA playing] Oh no, oh no, no! Yep. [party horn noise] The goddamn confetti made it worse. What the fuck? Go, ABBA! Trees! Let's see how I'm going to
do this. I don't really have a plan here, except this. Oh boy. Oh wow, that was almost bad. Hold on. Did I get it? I don't know, I don't see what it spawned. Oh, more grenades. Oh, get fucked. Oh no. No, I'm gonna get fucked, no. Oh wow, it just bounced right back. Oh! Did I spawn flood? He's still alive, son of a bitch. Oh! That, that's bad. Come on, go go go go go go go go go go go. Thank you for purchasing WinRAR. Hey, no problem. Gooo! Dammit, no! Oh, a tree. I hit a tree. I hit a tree, no. God the trees are up here as well. Uh, oh my god it's just a fucking-- god damn
it. All right, you know it's been a while, the
flaccid sniper rifle's back. We got ol floppy here. God, that does too much damage. [Oh no.] (laughs) Sneaking in the "oh no" there, okay. I can't see what that is. What the fuck? The NES zapper? What am I doing with this? Oh, be a distraction, be a distraction. You weren't a distraction at all. We gotta go. Yeah I know, I got WinRAR, thanks. We gotta go. No, stop it! No. Why is the NES zapper in this game? Alright, we got one more grenade try here. [ABBA playing] I don't think that's helpful. I'm like stuck. I, I'm taking damage because he's so sexy. "You must look at it for inspiration"? I mean it is, it is beautiful. Is that supposed to be Riku from Kingdom Hearts? I just got killed by Riku. No! I had it! No no no no no no, please, dad, anything. All right, we're good. Finally. Holy shit. Nice and quiet. I think we're still going the right way. I'm starting to think we didn't go the right
way. Where'd everybody go? Hello? Fucking everybody's gone. Huh. Well I'm just gonna keep going this way and
we'll see what happens. Did I skip all the enemies, did I not trigger
the enemies? Okay, that's problematic. The door is locked. Oh, is this a normal ghost? Oh my god, it is. No it's not. No it's not. I thought it was. I got baited. A norm-- oh wait, is this a normal normal
warthog, or the normal warthog? There we go. All right fellas, hop in. What's up bitches? Uh. Oh okay. That might work. I'm gonna take a lot of damage here though. [That did it. The pulse generator overloaded. One more to go.] Pepelaugh, they don't know, they don't know. Just, now I'm just alone with my thoughts. No car, nothing. Just a man and his thoughts. Honestly, I'm still thinking about muscular
Riku. Kind of can't get that out of my head. Just uh, Tokyo drifting down this uh, you
know, this snow bank. Don't mind me. Just kind of vibing. Oh my fucking lord. Through the rock butt cheeks, here we go. All right. Yes dude, finally. Holy fuck. We did it chat. Oh yeah, it does skip Keyes. Do you think it's because Keyes killed himself
in that cutscene? Like i'm being serious? Do you think it's because he shoots himself
in the flood level, that it's just like oh he's dead already so we're going to keep going. How am I going to blow up the fucking generators? I need plasma grenades because I don't-- frags
aren't going to do it. Rockets aren't going to do it. Huh. Huh. Well, rockets might do it if I aim it backwards
correctly, but I think i'm going to have to go with plasma grenades. Shsha, shsha, I cannot be stopped. I have the power of the craft inside me. Shsha. Oh my god. Hey, fight the hunters. Gotta go. Are you serious? Get away from me. Oh no. Oh my god, the grenade's actually a d20. I didn't even notice that, that's pretty cool. Yeah, we got him. Takes like eight hits but-- oh here we go. Hey what's up? Pardon me. Bonk. I can clap them cheeks with my sword. All right, so this is a dead end. Oh the cube! The cube just got a triple kill. Uh oh. All right, here we go. Good luck. Oh wow, it actually works. Alright. Uhh. Well that missed, horribly. Alright, try again. Shit! [Good! Step one complete. We have a straight shot into the fusion reactor.] Yeah, do we though? [We need a catalyst explosion to destabilize
the magnetic field--] Oh, you guys are still alive. Hey what's up? Uh, I'll go this way. I'll go-- you guys seem busy. I'm gonna go the other way. Wait, can I just do this? Oh, maybe this is how you line it up. Hold on. At least I don't run out of rockets, I guess. No, they got in the way I think. No, please! Oh, it's wide open. Got it. You fool. I don't think I killed a single one of them. Now! I killed myself. All right, well. I tried to be cool, that didn't really fucking
work, now did it? Round two though. I'm gonna stop using the rocket launcher now. I'm gonna, just gonna not use it anymore. All right, what do we got here? All these blow up right? Oh my fucking god. What is this? We got the hoglet, we got the normal warthog. What is this? Abominations. Oh my god, it's like a fucking limo. Oh, I gotta try like the one with three wheels,
hold on. There's so many. It's a fucking limousine. What is this called? The, oh it's the reliant, that makes sense. All right, here we go. Oh this is gonna be so bad. This is-- oh my god. Oh my fu-- Has anyone done this with the reliant? Oh my god. There's no way. There's no fucking way. I'm gonna try though. All right, here we go, another easy room. Another easy-- fuck, no. [Wait, stop.] Sorry Foe Hammer. [Hold position here.] No, we gotta make up time. She dies, spoiler alert, we gotta make up
time. Just can't even-- oh, oh boy. Oh, oh, okay. All right, just flip. Oh, plenty of, plenty of time. Plenty of time. They gave us too much-- fuck. Oh my god. All right, that's all right, we got this. We're fine. Just go up and over. No, we gotta go through the tunnel. All right grunt, same buddy, same. I'm gonna make it. Did we do it? [Negative, negative.] Ah, we didn't make it. Alright, let's take the uh, let's try out
the abomination. The limousine baby, I'm picking you up from
prom. Yeah you can do multiplayer in this-- oh fuck,
the blunderbuss. No, my abomination. No, stop peeing on me. Looks like we're gonna have to jump. Oh no. We're fine, barely. We gotta go. We gotta go! Did we actually do it with the abomination? I think we did! Yes! We did it! Cursed Halo is complete. Keyeless percent, and time. "Can you believe this was deathless?" No. I worked really hard to optimize the run,
so it makes sense. All my hard work paid off. Halo 2, baby. Yeah if they ever do this with like Halo 2,
I'd be all about it. The end dude, the end. Ah dude, Moses of Egypt? Vaporeon? What? Who made-- (laughs) Yo, Vaporeon worked on this fucking game? 10 out of 10. That was a, that was a great playthrough. (Thanks for watching! β‘)
This video is gold
I donβt know if he is or will but I really hope he plays the updated version with all the new shit lol