Culture vs. Islam - Bid'ah - Yasir Qadhi - The Deen Show

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see what everyone's talking about this Villa el hamdulillah assalamualaikum which means peace be up to you you see you already learned something here on the Deen show which is a way of life my name ain't Dean my name is Eddie and I'm your host trying to educate you on Islam and Muslims and today we're going to be talking about culture versus Lomb all right certain cultures you got certain foods tasty delicious but you got some other things so we want to know that is it a part of Islam isn't we want to give you the formula to be able to distinguish what is Islam what is culture what is Islam and what's been made up by shape be or whoever so I'm going to take a break bring our guests out y'all so cardi in a second sit tight right back on the Deen show how mighty Komets allahi wa barakatuhu you me I say sure why they come Estella what are you hungry Allah alhamdulillah thank you for being with us with us again on the Deen show how you been I've been fine it's always my pleasure to come in and help you guys out and I'm really happy what you're doing and I'm really happy to answer questions and be involved with your projects it really makes me happy you're doing an excellent job on the Deen show and anything I can do to help out I'm always at your service thank you very much thank you very much we're going to get straight down to the topic shape all right we want to talk about giving people the formula people just come into Islam you know some some Muslims have been practice alone for a long time but now you know what there's some things that the Prophet never did he never taught there's no sanction for it in Islam how do we decipher what is Islam and what's culture and does it necessarily conflict if we kind of like some people say it you know it might be to drive for them so they want to spice it up is this allowed so if you can break this down for us so we can get a lucid understanding clear okay this is a really good question and one that we really talked a lot about but to summarize as Muslims we believe that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala sent the Prophet Muhammad Allah said him to be our perfect role model so his job was to explain what we need to do as Muslims he came to teach us our religion he didn't come to teach us the secular sciences didn't come teaches engineering physics math math he came to teach us our religion he is a prophet from God who teaches us what we need to believe what we need to do in the sphere of religion and what's going to save us from the punishment of Allah and caused us to enter his paradise with that role in mind we believe that the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu I said limb gave the complete message of Islam in other words he didn't leave any ambiguity in the message he didn't leave any room for change because the teachings he came with were eternal teachings he said in so many different narrations he said in one of them I have left you upon the straight path or the finding path it's night is like it's day meaning it's crystal clear in another tradition he said every single prophet sent by God had to tell his nation of the good that he knew so that they could follow it and the bad that they knew that he knew so that they could stay away from it in another tradition he said there is nothing that brings you closer to Allah except that I've told you about it and there's nothing that takes you away from it towards the fire of Hell except that I've warned you about not doing it and so we believe that as Allah Himself says in the Quran the religion of Islam is a complete and perfect religion one of the last verses to be revealed in the Quran is a yoke Matunuck mdina come today I have completed and perfected my religion to you something that's perfect you don't tinker with it you don't subtract you don't add something that's perfect doesn't need a version version 1 version 2 version 3 it's perfect the reason why we have so many versions of software and microsoft and this is because it's not perfect you've got bugs you've got flaws you got holes so they need to patch it up they need to do this they need to do that until then you release the new product suppose they could come with a product that did everything it had to do and it didn't have any flaws if you changed it that would be a problem wouldn't it you would have to change it for the worse that's what we believe our religion is with this background in mind we say that our prophet sallallaahu I said I'm told us each and everything that we need to know with regards to worshiping Allah if anybody comes and says no I have a better way to worship Allah that is a serious problem because what they're saying is that I know better than the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah has set up and what Muslim is going to say that if anybody comes and says oh the Prophet says I didn't have to do something because he's so great and we're so sinful we have to do better than him well you know what that's exactly what some of the Sahaba felt as well at the time of the Prophet SAW so they came to his house and he wasn't there and they saw his wife Aisha behind the curtain behind the veil and they said okay well if he's not here why don't you tell us how his lifestyle is you tell us what he does to worship Allah and so she described the day in the officers life but these overzealous companions they felt what is this he eats normal food he you know goes to the moss and goes to his business in other words they felt that they could do more and so they said as for the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom Allah has chosen him and forgiven his sins and he is such a great person we have to do more than him so one of them said as for me I am going to fast every single day of my life the process of never fasted every day was like acceptable bun otherwise he never fasted every day of the month the second one said as for me I will never sleep at night I will stand up in prayer every single night from sunset to sunrise never sleep at night just leave a few hours in the day and the third one said as for me I will leave marrying women and basically live a celibate life for the sake of God when the Prophet SAW son returned home his wife told him about the incident of the three men see these three men they thought they knew better not that the processor was ignorant they said oh he's too good for us we can do something better for ourselves they didn't discredit the person they didn't book out of the villa disbelieve in him look at the mentality they respected him so much they said that's for him we can do better for ourselves so when the Prophet SAS ever heard this he called the huge gathering of the Companions and he invited everybody to come to the mosque and he said why is it that people think that you know they can do better than me that they say they're going to start to leave eating during the day and sleep during and least sleep during the night and start marring women he said the best Sunnah is my Sunnah he said whoever leaves my way soon that means my way wherever leaves my way has nothing to do with me in other words our religion tells us to live a proper life in accordance of the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and that includes especially religious acts of worship hence anytime somebody comes and says this is the way we need to worship allah you are allowed to ask him a simple respectful question don't be rude don't be obnoxious if you haven't heard of this before if you haven't seen where this thing comes from you say oh well this is a seems like a very good act can you tell me where did the Prophet system do this you Neri to me some tradition that he said we should do this and if he does and you think it's like an authentic treasure or you can check yourself if he says it's in bajalia roots and muslim or you can go to a scholar another scholar and you can verify with him then go for it if the process and told you to do it but if he says well my teacher told me or who are you to question my knowledge of the religion that's not a very humble thing to say because we're not questioning your knowledge we're just verifying did our prophecies and I'm saying this or not that's all we're trying to do I'm not questioning your knowledge but if you have knowledge you should be able to call me where you got it from so if it tells you something that doesn't make sense he goes my tradition tells me my teacher told me then something doesn't make sense and this is especially we're talking about especially for actions of worship on the other hand if he tells you something to do with your daily life about simple stuff of eating drinking cuisine dress code this has a lot to do with culture our religion gave us general guidelines don't eat pork don't drink alcohol don't do this and that and the rest is up to us if one of us prefers Pakistani food over Arab food Bosnian food over Egyptian food that's completely permissible because our religion did not dictate to us these preferences as long as it doesn't conflict with the religious law so here we have you ask me the general guideline right I'll give it to you simple there are two spheres of human involvement or human actions the first sphere is a natural sphere in other words a sphere which we interact and do things because we're human beings we eat we drink we dress we go to work we speak languages we take communications and take vehicles this is the natural sphere with regards to the natural realm how do we know something is natural because everybody does it regardless of religion everybody does it if you're in America pretty much everybody dresses in a certain way religion doesn't dictate it if you're in Pakistan Christians and Muslims dress in a similar way if you're in other lands there are other things as well cuisine food that's a natural thing with regards to natural daily activities that we do professions you choose going to be an engineer doctor whatever the general rule the potential is the general rule everything is permissible unless our Shetty I gives you something prohibited so if you want address in a certain way somebody says my dear brother okay you can't dress like that he has to tell you why not you don't have to prove oh this is permissible to trust like this he has to prove what does he have to prove that it's not from that it's not permissible yes the general rule everything is permissible when it comes to your daily activities of natural life you understand that point yes okay there is another few I said there's two things men do human beings first is natural things eating drinking dressing cuisine etc the second thing they do is religious acts how do you know something is religious because it varies from religion to religion if you're in America you're both going to be dressed the same you like the same food but the Christian will go to church on Sunday the Muslim will go to Juma on Friday that's a religious act okay with regards to religious acts the rule is exactly reversed which will the first rule that I said - yes which is the first rule was everything is permissible unless proven otherwise with regards to religious acts it's the exact opposite everything is impermissible unless you prove this is permissible in other words somebody comes and says I want to worship Allah today by dancing around and copying and doing something like that you say brother that's not allowed he says what's your evidence is not allowed you don't have to quote evidence he has to quote evidence that it is allowed the burden of proof lies burden of proof lies upon somebody who does an action of worship gosh whereas natural acts the burden of proof lies upon somebody who somebody wants to do it someone who wants to prohibit it for him video yeah natural acts somebody says you can't eat this food that food is not allowed you don't have to prove it's allowed you say look food is allowed unless you prove to me it's not somebody says Allah says pork is how long you say ok that's fine ok Allah says alcoholism okay that's fine otherwise if you got any other type of meal which has various elements of Hallinan the process of never ate it ok ok national dish of Pakistan is Jonnie right you know buddy honey everybody knows budyonny right the process is never eight budyonny in fact he never ate rice somebody comes and says that's a bid ah that's an innovation you're doing something the prophet saw some didn't do your response is actually you don't know the meaning of beta you don't know the meaning of innovation innovation cannot occur in worldly actions innovations can only occur in religious actions so if I want to make a nice sports coat or if I wanna go ahead innovate a nice sports car to go fast excellent some so leaders computers and Technology go right here go right ahead as long as the general guidelines are met for example for example you can't choose pig when you you want to make any type of soap product right you can't use pig that's a general rule yeah apart from that specific things that are prohibited everything is permissible you want to invent a new item well make sure that the basic prerequisites are permissible and then go for it this the specifics are not governed by the show you but now something in getting closer to the crater that heaven in there exactly now I have to have you have it has to be in our blueprint exact run and assume exactly because if it's not there if it's not there then you're inventing a religious act that is not found in our tradition what's the dangers of this the dangers are you basically putting yourself up for prophethood you're basically saying I know better you're basically saying the Prophet system didn't give us the guidance you're saying that the religion is open you can come and do one thing I'll come and add another third person will come at a third thing until what will be left of the religion if the religion were to be left open like this then within one generation that whole religion will change completely but what if someone comes to you and says look I he brother that our beloved Prophet peace be upon him said that whoever brings something good into this thing will have the reward of it excellent you this yes what do you do whoever bring something good into the religion will have the reward until the day of judgment near the end of the hadith whoever bring something bad will have its into the day of judgment what does this mean good and bad well if we understand the context of the hadith everything becomes clear context yes what is the heavy one was the heavyset I'll tell you when a poor man came and he could barely cover his his private parts because he heart any hardly any clothes tattered clothing nothing on there and so the prophecies have saw this man and he felt so much mercy so much sympathy here is a companion of mine and he doesn't even have enough clothes to cover his nakedness properly tattered dress here and there and so he stood up and he exhorted the people and give a sermon he gave a sermon about the blessings of giving charity and help your Muslim brothers out for a while nobody did anything you know what happens when you first hear something you're like mulling it over and then one person stood up went back home and brought a little bit of dates or something trivial thing but basically okay I don't have money to give you but here's some food what if somebody saw the man go up and come back he said you know what I can do better and so he came and he brought back a little bit more and then a third man another fourth man and so this first man what did he do he started a domino of good events he's he was the catalyst when people saw him they said that's a good thing I can do it too and so in context to that the Prophet SAW said I'm said whoever does something good whoever follows him will get the reward as well or it is something bad whatever follows one will get the evil as well the good that he did giving charity this is a part of our religion for you to use this and say Oh any type of good deed in the religion listen to this carefully there is no good deed you can add to the religion that our profit system didn't do you can't add any good deed anything you add to the religion is bad and the evidence for this is another tradition in which the prophecy Larssen have said whoever introduces something into this matter of hours into this religion of ours will have it rejected from him meaning Allah will not accept - the people will not accept it people are not Allah so most importantly I was not going to accept this deed from you whoever and memorize this tradition whoever introduces something that hadith is and Behati the most authentic book of Adi whoever introduces something into this religion in this this affair this matter of hours we'll have it rejected rejected rejected wasting your time wasting your time the inspector comes and you're working on how the blueprint says two windows and you said you know I know metaphor I think for it's not your job is it's not your job down the profitsystem gave us the blueprint we just have to erect the building do those deeds in accordance bill um submit to Islam exactly okay you've memorized the whole Quran is that correct okay so if I bring something up and I ask you because I want to give some examples to give a better understanding and for to the people so you know the Quran and its meaning correct I'm did you know many of the prophetic traditions studied a long time so and is it if you now go ahead and say something's not part of Islam is that a big no-no on your end you can get in trouble with a long horse there's no doubt so it's not in your interest to say okay this is Haram or that's for the law not to okay I just want to go point clear let's give some examples now and I've collected this from some people to help make it easier for us so we can because there are some people probably who might have been doing this for many years so we are sensitive to that forty days after forty days for forty days when someone dies leaving a cup okay full of water for the deceased every night part of the Dean or not not at all now there is nothing narrating in any tradition nothing at all at all in fact I ask every Muslim to use the brain that Allah has given them and ask themselves doesn't this sound paganistic doesn't it sound against the the purity our religion isn't a superstitious religion there's no mumbo-jumbo there's no weird stuff like this you know somebody dies leave a glass room to drink from this to me sounds like an ancient Veronica rip you know religion that when the Pharaoh died they would put everything his they would put his horses and animals and food and drink but they thought he needed there but but my my uncle went to Hajj five times and and and our people have been doing this and our Imam justified it from our village I'm not accusing your uncle or your Imam or your village of being insincere to God Allah knows whether they're sincere or not but I can say that even if there's sin Cerre that's not good enough they might be good your uncle Mike really want good for you he loves you but he hasn't studied the religion in the proper way he's been taught it by the locals many of the local scholars even have been graduating from their local mother says and they're just there like everybody doesn't I want to do it as well all you need to do is ask them where did you get this from where is your most wish what's the basis of this all your going to start going on you can continue on and then go ahead and lab rate on some of these during mug ative time no hot water in the sink because you might burn to gin I take it by the laughs I'm learning I'm learning a lot from you okay but I'm not learning the religion these are real questions that I okay extracted not at all not at all no such thing at all okay again forty days and then there's a seven-day than a forty day something like this someone passes away reciting Yasin every night for this individual and on the seventh day or the fortieth day getting together at the Masjid and reciting Quran for the dis yet to come together to recite the Quran for the deceased is something that has not been narrated from any of the ancient scholars of our religion and tradition and had there been good and good in this then the first people to have done so would be the Sahaba after the process and passed away or when any Sahaba passed away they would have done it for each other or when si Hobbit has away their students that tab their own the successes would have done it for them but we don't have any such narration I ask you when the great Imams died Imam Abu Hanifa Marsh after Imam Mahdi Muhammad when the great scholars of hadith Behati Muslim when they died did their students do this for them and they didn't it's not narrated at all there's this concert was unknown if they didn't do it well then where did it come from for the first hundreds of years of Islam we don't have any of these actions coming in where did it come from I'll tell you where it came from when a person passes away there's this feeling I got to do something for him I want to do something it's just it I want to help my father would help my mother you know what the Quran is the best book let's all get some Muslims together let's read the Quran that's how it started but his intention might have been in the right place but his mind wasn't if you wanted to do good for his parents you know what he should have done you should have followed the advice of the proper son who told us there's lots of things you can do for somebody who's passed on you can do Hajj you can do Umbra you can give charity to the poor and expect the reward from Allah you can sacrifice an animal in the name of Allah say bismillah and then give the meat to those who need it give it to the poor you can visit the relatives of your deceased parents or whatever and fulfilled ties of kinship with them so many things you can do but he never said when somebody dies on the seventh day come together and read a quote on on the fortieth day come together and have a quote on honey he never said that so the question arises if he didn't do it if the Cavanaugh's didn't do it if the earliest generation is in into it why should we do it it's not on the blueprint it's not in a blueprint I don't reject it we should reject it however if you got good intention though it doesn't matter it doesn't matter said earlier with those yeah but they came to had good intention it doesn't matter yeah okay so hallowed attention oh he's not in you none uh you can't fall asleep cut nails and take a shower during motive time have you heard that one never that one either you shouldn't follow city but by the time because you got to pray okay okay or if you want to delay it for a little bit that's fine but once you pray you can do as ever you please okay so this is something where the college is made up cultural cultural superstitions cultural superstitions which have no presidents in autumn not at all another one going on next talking okay after someone just passes away again from this world what is the proper procedure we can do a whole show on this but in short is it proper that people have a collective gathering around the grave and then they recite a particular surah such as Yasin and then and also other verses back and forth when somebody passes away uh during the life of the prophecies and one of the Companions passed away and the process and was there at the grave he was there he was there yes so what better example to follow than his exam teachers right there he's right there ready to learn so what happened well they were digging the grave because you know in our times the grooves already dug but in those days come on they have a lot of things do they gotta earn their food you know yeah so when the person died they would dig the grave after his death so they took the body to the graveyard and they were waiting for the grave to be dug and the body to be placed in and so the processing gave them a short reminder about death and about the fact it's inevitable everybody's gonna come there but that's something he did because there was time there once the body was placed in and they started putting the sand out down onto his body the Prophet SAW said I'm said make dua for the person in the grave because the angels are coming to ask and so he stood there for a while maybe 10 minutes 15 there was no watch back then but he stood for a period of time that wasn't really long and it wasn't ridiculously short and maybe as I said 5 10 15 minutes would be a reasonable assumption and he made Doha individually himself he didn't have a joint congregational Doha he didn't say all sahaba come behind me we will all say I mean out loud and he is the prophet of Allah so they set up what da is better to be accepted than his if he wanted to do a joint thought what better opportunity but he didn't he himself made Doha and he said each one of you should make dua too and so they all made up for the person in the grave that o Allah forgive his sins o Allah grant and paradise to eyes that are found in the horror Sunnah and if you don't know these das say them in your language for the deceased genuinely from the heart oh Allah forgive his sins cleanse him all the wrong that he's done increase his ranks and paradise etcetera etc you do that and then that's it you move on he didn't sit around he didn't recite any specific verses for the deceased he didn't do any of this why shouldn't we follow the way of the Prophet system it doesn't make any sense to reject that and say I know better don't you think I mean you know as a symbol today it's not on the blueprint it's not there I don't want to get rejected leave all yeah leave all of these things that haven't been founded the blueprint leave them out we are just trying to make it easier on everybody so please I know a lot of you nurses you're out there and you might have felt into doing some of these things and like I stressed earlier it is actually very bad and a great scent for you to say something is not part of our tradition when it actually is now let me let me ask you a question here I'll answer myself if somebody comes and says you've just said that culturally things are fine what are I say this is in my culture to do this or the desert course right what if I say fine it's in my culture the response is this is not a cultural phenomenon to pray to Allah in a specific manner it's a religious one had you been a Christian you wouldn't be doing this I said the the rule or the benchmark I mean the rule of thumb how do you differentiate between what is natural cultural things and what is religious that is not dependent on the religion the day that you come and say this involves Allah and His Messenger valves the Quran and Sunnah involves the Kedah involves prayer that's not cultural anymore okay if you want to be cultural then do things that don't pertain to the fundamentals of your religion don't pertain to theology do things that have to do with your culture I'll give you another specific rule and this is an important one anything that you think brings you closer to Allah is religious so if you do it it's got to be found in the textbook so if your relative dies okay and you do something that you think will bring comfort to your deceased relative in the grave that's religious you do something thinking that Allah is happy at we're cheering that's religious so you have to be careful that not just because something is cultural it has nothing to with the religion anything that you think brings you closer to Allah becomes religious mm-hmm okay just a few more examples and we're going to cut our now making the intention to pray out loud saying I intend to pray with there at this must at this time no wait - Ana soleal in law and then yeah I'll talk about some of the people did this to teach their children's and stuff on that became so cultural everybody does it I mean if you're just teaching a little kid you know that uh you know how do you would type of intention you make you can tell him that when you stand up to pray you put in your mind that I'm praying to Allah subhanAllah for ax-cut so for example okay but he doesn't have to verbalize it it doesn't have to come as a sentence so this too should be avoided okay so intentions in the heart attentions in the heart okay coming to pray congregational prayer and then the Imam having a second person helping him through the whole process after he prays then he throws it back and then the weddin or someone else he recites some verses and then they do a collective Zickuhr at the end and then at the end they do a collective dois and then they recite al-fatiha and when you say that the more then helped some what do you mean by that so after the Imam prays after he finished it says the Salaam yeah then it goes back to the method what does he do he will recite some verses from the Quran then it goes to everybody saying subhanAllah thirty three times then he'll say some more things from the Quran then alhamdulillah and then subhanAllah and then from there collective do our raising the hands and then from there reciting in fatiha all of this goes back a little complicated yeah yeah all of this goes back to a person who has the right intentions but not the right methodology they wanted to do good they wanted the people to stay and do thicker and recite some or on but that's not the way you do it you know just because something you want to do something good doesn't mean everything you do because that attention will become good this is not the way the Prophet SAW some did it the processor told us after the prayer remain seated say subhanAllah hamdulillah Lajo for 33 32 33 times okay do your thinker say various things say some sutras of the Quran so that if flowers and philosophers and us these two I to the courtesy you're supposed to say these things but they're supposed to be done individually to do them collectively breaks the concentration you yourself don't have as much humility as you should and you're making it into an innovation because you think this is the way it should be done you don't have to do and also you're making Islam difficult because to do that is not a requirement yeah there are people that I get go have to go back to their businesses you don't have to force it's not more difficult upon them it's not why'd you for them to sit there and do this dhikr if they have to go they have to go and if even if they don't have to go and they leave they're not simple so to do it in this manner goes against the spirit and the letter of the law okay couple more and we're out after reciting the Quran each and every time saying so the coal or zine yeah this is a very common habit there's nothing narrated from the from the Quran itself even though Allah says when you start reciting the Quran say I would Allah Ya Allah says so in the Quran so our dooble as mentioned and Allah revealed bismillah ar-rahman rahim at the beginning of every surah so that's found you would think if Allah told us the beginning and there was an ending to say he would have told us that as well well then because he didn't it shows us that there's no specific way to end recitation therefore you end recitation by simply ending the recitation you don't have to say anything at the end now the phrase sadaqa Allahu Alem is true Allah speaks the truth okay a lot of the grab the magnificent speaks the truth that's the meaning of self allowing the phrase is true say it anytime you want because Allah always speaks the truth but to make it linked to finishing the Quran is something this linkage hasn't occurred and it's problematic because the average Muslim now make sort of Allah Allah all him the same as our other will end this now that you have to do it that's problematic because the process them never did it so we have to be careful here once again that we should avoid such extremism that you have to do something like this I'm not saying sadaqa allahu al azim is wrong because so the Kalam the phrase is right what I'm saying is to link it to ending the Quran every single time that's where the wrong comes there are always things of the colonial you know just linking it H and exam we're making a requirement yes no no that's the problem in the blueprint neither footprint is wrong a Sunnah is know exactly all right now this event bringing the people together the families the community to celebrate the Prophet peace be upon her take this part of Islam this is another classic example of people wanting to do good they want to you know help or somehow raise the status of the Prophet system by doing something that you know they think is good and it's become such a common practice that when you come and say hold on a sec something's fishy here people look at you weird when you come and say and this is true for 600 years in Islam no muslim scholar no major muslim khalifa no theologian scholar of hadith Phil ever spoke about the concept of celebrating the birthday because they had no idea of something called a birthday the concept of celebrating a birthday is not an Islamic concept it didn't come to their minds so for 600 years after the death of the Prophet saws and nobody in the entire Muslim lands Islam Muslim well not all Christians with Christmas Muslims are not celebrating the birth date also why about me for left mihari Muslim none of them because the concept was not even in their heads they didn't warn against it either because nobody did it yeah you understand they did it it's like the thing doesn't even arise in their heads that somebody would do that it's non-existent then in the year around 620 something or so one of the you know mystical groups the Sufi groups one of them in the fringes of the Muslim Ummah they decided to do this this deed and some scholars say that this act the thought of it came from celebrating Christmas that when the Christians show respect to Jesus Christ then these guys thought that they could do better and show respect to the process by celebrating his birthday okay and so it was started at the fringe of the Ummah in the areas of Horace and far far away and then it caught and spread like wildfire in the next 200 years it took two centuries and in the beginning most of the scholars were opposed to it and we have many scholars who actually wrote fatwa against it some of them said oh this is a really strange thing it's a bitter it's an innovation but there's also some good that the Muslims come together and they were mentioned the prophets of some descent salat and Salam upon him and over the people who said this is a very famous called ribbon hasn't it been hydrated asked another famous Leoben Hodja he said this is a biga the processer never did it but there's good in it as well because people come together and they mention Allah and the Prophet they just talk about the serie etc etc so others opposed and they said no there can't be any such thing as a good be that this whole concept of good beta doesn't doesn't occur to them so in our times has become a huge controversy and those who affirm it we compassionate those who deny be compassionate group accuses the other of this and that I just have a simple question can you outdo the companions in your love for the Prophet system can you do better than a buck on a number no way well then why don't you just stick with their way I'm not even getting into is it how long bid I should go I'm not saying anything I'm just asking a simple question isn't it's safer that's all I'm asking isn't it's safer to stick with the earliest generations and how they love the prophets awesome when something is so much controversy you've got so much heated debates isn't it better to just stick with how a bucket an armada McMahon and audial on home how a member Holly my most of how they did it and you know how they did it they followed the Sunnah of the Prophet sister that's the way to show your love you know why people love the birthday of the processor because it gives them a false sense of I love the Prophet SAW sir I'm going to do on this day what I do on no other day of the year but that's the whole point you're supposed to love the Prophet SAS on every day of the year and you show that love by following his life and teachings so every day should be celebrating the birth of the processes how by doing what he told you to do that's how you celebrate the diversity of the Prophet SAS and that's how you show your love not by day and that's why people love it so much and I'll be just honestly I don't want to offend anybody but this is a psychological thing that it's it's it's basically it's like a placebo makes you feel good right makes you feel good is that oh I'm showing my love by doing this on this day I'm going to spend money on this day I'm going to do that but you know for the rest of the year you do nothing well then that's a problem isn't it that's a big problem and in May you understand why people are so emotional about celebrating this one day because they feel that if I defend this I'm defending the love of the profitsystem know if you really love to the profitsystem your lifestyle would be in accordance with his that's how you would love the prophecy it makes complete sense now for someone to go ahead and just they have a good intention to keep doing these good deeds I just want to elaborate on this point one more time that it is clear that you mentioned the hadith that even though now somebody didn't know but now they're watching the show he's different than a person that didn't know right oh sure if a person doesn't know and he genuinely and sincerely does a deed thinking that this is the religion his chef told him his teacher told him and he trusts that teacher and thinking this is what Allah wants him to do shall Allah will reward him for that deed because Allah judges based on intention but that doesn't mean you remain in ignorance nobody likes to be ignorant right you don't remain in ignorance once you and realize that this is not something from our religion is leave alone you should just leave it so now if that person is receiving the message from here Shaykh B or the Imam from the village is listening right now and that person continues on doing these things even after the clear evidence comes to them how dangerous is this year if the person knows that this is not the truth and he still does it this is a sign of major sin it's a sign of of arrogance because the Prophet SAW son said arrogance is to reject the truth while you know what's the truth if a person is confused now for example he's been celebrating the birthday of the process his whole life and now he hears this video clip of mine and he's like who is this guy to tell me this is wrong okay that's fair enough all I can do then is ask you one simple thing go do the research he's got to bring the evidence yeah go to the research you don't have to trust me then I'm not asking you to believe me blindly but go do the research find out for yourself did the process and tell the people celebrities on birthday did the companion celebrate his birthday did the earliest Muslims do if they didn't well then why are we doing it now so you go and you know nobody claims that the Prophet that the companion celebrated the birthday the process nobody says that they know they did not even the groups it celebrates the birthday they don't even justify it through the companions and the tab your own and Iman Monica but they don't you know why because there's nothing narrated from them that substantiates that belief two things there's going to be a well I want to drink from that well is it true that certain people who innovate things or are on innovation in religion in the Deen that they're not going to be able to drink from you referring you're referring to the Blessed well of the Prophet SAW I said up into hereafter and you never be thirsty you'll never be thirsty after that yes that's a blessing well it's called al held I'll hold means the pool or the cistern or it's basically like a container of water but it's not just a normal container it's a container the possum said it's like a square and one side of it the distance between Mecca and Yemen that's like half the Arabian Peninsula that's one side of the square and there's a square and that square is to cater to the Ummah of the process them to drink on the day of judgement when there is no other place to drink except from that well and we pray that Allah strength Allah makes us from the other people who drink from that well the processer told us that the water in that well it is sweeter than honey it is wider than milk it is colder than ice he told us the number of containers that people can drink from that well or equal to the stars in the sky he told us that whoever drinks from that well will never ever be thirsty ever after that just one sip but he also told us that a group will come to drink from that well and he will say he will first call them because he'll think that they're good Muslims then the angels will say go away from here and so the Prophet system will tell the angels those people are my followers and the angels will say you don't know what they innovated after you went away so you don't know that would they've changed the religion in a way they used the word innovated after you went away after you left after you died they don't know you don't know that and so when the Angels tell the process of these people innovated he said Sorkin's one get away get away to those who changed after me so he tells them he's not you're not you change the religion you thought you knew better than what I came with why should you drink from my fountain then so they will not get to drink from that from your life protect us from that I mean I mean one last point is it true that Allah the Almighty is there a hadith stating that Allah puts the one's deeds on hold who continues doing bit up or continues innovating or continues following innovation there are some some traditions to this regard but scholars of hadith generally consider them to be not authentic but there's authentic traditions that say for example that whoever innovates especially in in Mecca or Medina whoever does these deeds within these cities especially Allah says upon him is the of Allah and the angels and all of mankind that hadith is in Behati yeah Hadees in Buhari and so there are the other things as well that that talk about the severity of innovation you know one of them as we said is that whoever does something will be rejected from okay it's not going to be accepted from him and changing the religion is something that goes against the Quran itself because the Quran says it's a perfect message it's a complete message so when you come with something else like Imam Malik said whoever thinks that they know more than the partner who sorry who everything there's a good innovation where everything there's something good he can add then he has charged Allah with lying because he's saying that the religion is not complete that's a deep point you're saying if you say this is something good that I know that Allah and His Messenger didn't tell us to do if I Maddox said you are saying that allege didn't speak the truth when he said the religion is complete because you seem to have completed it and not Helena's messenger so it is very very dangerous it's a it's a door that if you open it there's no shutting it afterwards you need to just shut it from its roots and say religion comes from the Quran instant not from me not from my teachers not from you not from your teachers it comes from the Quran and Sunnah even me I don't I tell my students when I teach them you are not allowed to blindly follow me any teacher who says blindly follow me don't ask just do it right as I say that teacher is the one you need to turn your back and flee from I tell my students unless I quote you or on and hadith unless I tell you where I get my things from especially religious actions especially beliefs and theology I have no right to speak about the religion of Islam unless Ilana's messenger have say so then I'm not speaking I'm narrating that's my right as for inventing as for changing our uu the bill I seek Allah's refuge that's not the job of an atom that's not the job of a scholar the job of the scholar is to pass the message down that's what his job is to get it from the sources give it to the people closing comments and advice for the sheikh be or the Imam or the follow of a certain Sheikh who's been following and they just heard that the forty days or anyone these examples or they're unsure of maybe this thing is kind of weird to me now give them the advice what do they do I've been doing it 10 20 years my advice to them is if this sounds strange to you I fully understand and sympathize I would probably feel the same way if I were in your shoes it's human nature you've been doing something for so long you think it's right however Allah blessed you with the brain he gave you intelligence ask around talk to people speak research read think for yourself if this action is not found in the Quran and Sunnah and even if my people have been doing it for a hundred years the Quran and Sunnah is not just 100 years old the Quran is the speech of Allah colonel the process of 14 centuries ago came with a perfect message suppose my village has been doing something for 100 years does this mean that for the time before them this message was lost that my village somehow discovered it don't be fooled by the quantity of people who are doing something that is incorrect look at how many people believe that God has a son or they write just because they are more than us are numerically so many don't be fooled by the quantity go back to the religious text of the Quran and Sunnah and pray to Allah for guidance and you will find it just soaked Aloha wake up Shane thank you very much I'm did enough and I'd like to thank everybody who has sat through this I hope you really got to benefit our intention is to help make things easier on you by delivering the truth and it's very simple we got the blueprint we are Muslims who follow Islam which means surrender and submission to the creator of the heavens and the earth and the verbatim word of God is his word and you have the last and final messenger his Sunna his way and if there's any difference of opinion and anything that of interpretation we got the best of generation so if it's not in this blueprint the Quran and the Sunnah then do we really need to follow it think about it investigate make dua to your Creator up above ask them to help you be humble hearted open-minded and the truth be clear we hope to see you again here on the Dean show every week with a new show until next time I set up my label and peace be unto you you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 135,385
Rating: 4.7861843 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Islamic, Muslim, Muslims
Id: BA92oxF9Bm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 03 2008
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