Cultist Simulator | The Edgiest Exile (Run 3 Day 1)

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here we are we are back we were ready for another go now here's the question both times we did it it offered us exile no one steals from a reckoner Lord and yet I did I had my reasons and it also offered us exile what if it had been different in another history did I survive which is always available after we've lost so is there any difference between the two last time we just restarted totally fresh I think we'll try this one there might not be any difference at all okay for starters are these symbols in the same locations yep cats right there that means Lithuania has its yep little crosses we're gonna move everything up off of the map we're gonna put our decades in the far corner and looks like we're gonna start in Venice do we always start in Venice [Music] eldress started in Paris once so no okay here we are in Venice so it looks like whatever is whatever city this is directly on the border of France or Germany that is the nearest either that or Austria is the nearest location with a symbol all right we've learned our knifes secret I don't have the talk to people option yet there we go have a wound and I can talk to people you know in a minute I can talk to people let's start checking out Venice now initially our goal is make money and like acquire assets so that we can travel around I'm not gonna purchase this just yet because I have no way to defend it I'm because I have no way to defend it let's look while we also talk to this Ally parent potential ally okay so here we are in Venice there is no symbol and there is an ally with a vault and doing the vault will gain us the ally yeah fall in London is that's fail better games through its sunless sea and sunless guys okay here is an official connection which makes me feel confident that I could if I needed to defend so now I have a curio of bohemian Saint count dawn which I can use to get so we're trying to get some aspects so that we can do this ally mission about tranquility I mean I guess let's just go see what it's about yeah start off with tranquility see where we can go from neck okay underworld contact that's good okay what does this require Forge well she is Forge right yeah okay so she'll take care of that I think I am gonna get what if just right out of the gate we go kind of heavy trying to make stuff happen here all right got an underworld connection this person will try to steal from us eventually Brande townhouse can't afford it we should probably find the next place to go just in case it's called the ivory city and is the only place to in the same name across every hit history yep yes exactly please give your character a name oh of course yes the only name we ever need all right okay what do we need here winter or edge don't have enough edge but I can provide enough winter barely oh I guess I could have enough edge with the underworld and in fact maybe I should do that because I can I can tip that to 10 but I can't add any additional [Music] okay where is this okay that's going way south and there's nothing next to that the name there so we're going to not go to that place okay we've wounded them got an opportunity for Villa come on they're gonna steal my oh alright it we'll do that we'll set in the winter hmm okay edge wouldn't have helped us anyway it needs knock or forge I can't really supply either I can get some not not enough but maybe it'll just succeed because sometimes it just pities you all right we we took them out [Music] there's also the possibility that this finds nope my warehouse not what we need in fact what we need probably is to raise cash because it looks like Venice is not providing us anything we require [Music] that's real in winter still not what we need disaster the capers failed oh damn Avignon that's in French but not part of France we want to be in [Music] and Vienna okay Vienna is the place that we want to go so I think I think let's just pack up and go [Music] okay it also says does it say that for these places yes okay for all of these places it says once I leave the current city this will never be available again what's the card on the left below purple rock our that's our trunk tranquility it's because we like watch the sunrise or something okay and what's here what would we expect to be here it's the two to was a hands are dove or something I forget what that's a symbol floor it's I've seen it in the game before it looks like this no it's it's a different symbol it's different hands I don't know anyway Frau is here seek out Allegan okay interesting interesting here's what I'd like to do here I would like to I'd like to make money so that I can escape easily so let's do that then I'd like to I think if I attack that will get me [Music] you start with 70 77 years you start with okay so I can I can move on now if I wanted to where would we go I kind of want to try to get up to Lithuania again and then cut across but we'll see we'll see what it gives me okay well that's the correct direction so not the worst let's do that and then let's do this yep it's all about sevens okay dangerous possibilities there we go we have a trace we have a temptation for defiance and now I have stuff that's proud to actually talk to her about so let's seek out and the gain Lydian I better bring a gift why here's a lovely gift and in the meantime let's see what Vienna has to offer all right let's learn a weakness I have been aware of your faux villa don't care all right ha the Wolves oK we've only seen wolves really in one place the lighthouse [Music] yeah yeah the legates they need decades that's the appropriate gift okay in my foes case the wolf's rage burns a fraction hotter he doesn't fear the other hours [Music] okay well now there's nothing left for us here so we just look for I'd like to get to Lithuania but if not I'll take Cracow it might be up north again it might well be but even if it is we have a lot of stuff we need to do Munich we have stuff we need to do before yep all right crack out is cow because we would like to upgrade our knifes in secret so so far we've been to one location with a symbol and it was it was elegant right you have a good night then Dara thanks for hanging out and this just has a vault it doesn't have an ally involved just as a vault let's sell some our some years or a little bit opportunity to purchase a mutilated manuscript okay I'm also gonna pull a decade over here cuz we'll need to break one down what's your drink and I'm having some macho Libre yes they're on to us not dawn which we can go watch could have thoughts of fury but I think perhaps thoughts of peace would be better yes I can make it a little more money I don't think this is the appropriate time to try to make all of our money but an official connection that ain't nothing let's see what kind of pursuer we have here that's also cute keep looking all right to cash so I could purchase I could get the quiet warehouse I could purchase the manuscript I think I will purchase the manuscript well no I need to I need to get actual money okay this is bad because I can't really deal with assassin so we're gonna have to skedaddle from here ideally out to Kiev nope that's not ideal there we go little Paris in Lithuania okay so this place is also marked [Music] out of here nice so this place is marked and it has Dominica the Baker so this place has an ally its marked with winter and it has winter so it seems like there are some marks that relate to because this is moth and it had the moth person this was winter it has the winter Ally it seems like some of the marks are related to the ally you will find there but like this mark is not one of the types of lore neither is this I believe that these marks represent the legaia people are like the cat the cat isn't a thing we need to figure out what those places are so I think the next place I want to go is over here to this axe if I can to try to figure out what's going on over there although maybe this is the place where we want to try to make money what fun we'll see skyress tea skyress we'll have to breach its walls and weather ghastly influences great great yeah I recognize the hands from something from one of the other DLCs or something but I forget what it stood for underworld connection yeah let's just let's just was it from priests yeah yeah maybe [Music] Oh a medical thing but I don't have the right connection for it and let's just you know there's no harm and seeing what this caper involves dawn and quility see what that caper has okay needs knock or Lantern well I have some not discreet office I'll take a discrete office I can afford that and then we can make some money maybe [Music] so theoretically if I did this with Oh nope nope can't do that silly made I could relax know in my discreet office which seems like a fine use for an office and we need to keep searching you can always try to change a connection I don't know what that means and I'm worried that we're teetering on spoiler ville do city's ever run out of cards or do that it feels like they have an infinite supply it feels like there might be like Oh interesting freezing winds a unique thing or two in the cities but that ultimately I need more knock use my wound all wounds or doors yeah it feels infinite alright there's some contentment what am I trying to do you should preserve my fees there anything cool I can do that now faith is anything cool I can do with faith No although we didn't know there was something cool with cats until we clicked on it okay there's nothing cool nearly there all right now it needs just needs winter and he's winter isn't he all right we're gonna get our first Ally that's very good towards our eventual end game of winning it is not good towards our current doll of makin that money okay official connection is however good for that goal just with our official connection I can get my medical license okay I have an ally I have a medical license I have maggot spice oh no I don't have an ally yet and I need to wait who interesting I think it's probably better I'm better off having the ally than I am just carrying around magnet spice unfortunately we're gonna have to hang out for a minute with oh he's sending for the superior okay well we just need to oh we just need to find the place we want to go we want to go back over this way into Germany I think I will also need to sell something my office I'll need to sell my office no don't relax what is this theft or sabotage underworld connections yep perfect Rostock good we'll sell my office will head to rostock and then there we we have our medical certificate so we can set right up start taking care of business oh no oh my god no oh my god I'm an idiot ah okay well we could have had an ally if I weren't just the worst if I were anything besides just the worst we'd have an ally instead I have maggot spice holy that's deeply upsetting all right oh nice i got i have Jannings town house even though I don't know Channing let's uh let's just get right into it yeah I didn't even need to sell this hour or a year we could head right over to sunshine island and lose immediately oh wait why did I even do this I don't have any any heart anything this is going to go poorly I just like wasted a year well at least the first round will work okay Amsterdam is up next that's sort of heading in the right direction yes stolen years is the main resource an official connection oh that doesn't get me really anything that I need does it I need money and for that I need heart I grew up to eight I cannot pass that challenge unless I find sound thing don't think underworld connection is that something [Music] but I will take the underworld connection because I can then use it to my god dawn ok Dawn's good cuz I can use that with this piece chest unbelievably four hearts which is just enough to pass this test restlessness yep no health no passion no reason now it needs 12 so unless I see another like sunrise or sunset this is a wedding an unusual weapon I'll take it if you cannot succeed we got the lion hunters rifle that could have gone better operation continues operation is complete okay we just made for cash off of one year so let's now get this warehouse and keep exploring okay I have a quiet warehouse so if I work with this guy in my quiet warehouse I can run a counterfeiting operation Forge are useful yeah forge ahead Forge could use catch to run a counterfeiting operation the alternative would be illegal fights which we have had bad experiences with so yeah let's let's you know it let's try Forge let's try it do a little Forge we this required no investment from us so what's the worst that could happen and then with then I'll run another another sanatorium escapade here do I have any additional forge this is Forge that is not that is not so caches Forge I'd have to invest cash alright and this this needs heart so there's some heart [Music] I guess we'll see I'm interested to know if I invest cash in it will it give me cash back at the end eight art I have no other heart to give it right now purchase our Tibet okay there's whoa okay so we are nowhere special we aren't anywhere special and we happen to get the the painting now god this guy okay still don't have any heart that's going to pass I could use another coin because then I could send The Moth painting [Music] this gun only has three shots though I don't really want to use it on just this dude so which place was heading in sort of the correct direction Amsterdam oh all right well try to hold out for as long as we can here we'll take a wound if need be it's not a big deal [Music] by that painting which is the the super mouth painting and we'll drop it in there and this no longer requires moth that now requires exclusively forage or Grail how lovely very cool very very cool Forge or grill huh well I don't have either of those got another wound all right once we fail both these I'm gonna sell my assets and we're gonna head out of here eight cash pretty good can't sell Jenny's stuff oh wait maybe I could no that's not so was that the only place I had I thought I owned a yeah here I own this place and meantime let's travel to Amsterdam get the guns going [Music] know what I could do so I could heal a wound with vitality while we wait to shuffle off what do the icons at the bottom all mean left to right they are obscurity comfort wounds and years and we are already so low on years holy [Music] hello and okay that was not great so now I'm an answer Dan I feel like I know so like the moth thing had moths the winter place had winter but also this place that's unmarked had a Penta man in it which seems to be a potential wind condition so I don't know what the map is trying to tell us it's Comfort important yeah sort of I mean maybe it's more important than I am aware of but the more comfort I have I can use it to get contentment I know that much I don't know what else comfort actually does okay so here I am in a totally new place Amsterdam so let's start looking around [Music] no allies here [Music] so the Penta ments you need okay her you need her well we can at least collect she'll give us the the pipe right the little thing you give her Penta mints she wants seven of them I assume however we have one so she'll take it and be like oh you don't have any more here's a whistle you can call me whenever you need [Music] any quality of life changes you'd like I'd like buttons to stop blowing my cards all over the place I'd like like when when buttons spawn more buttons I'd like to be able to like choose where they go rather than like sometimes like if this came out in this direction it would just like shatter my organization it would just do that and then you have to be like and if you don't catch it well then all your shit's that's basically I think anything else would just be like I don't know that's like an actual quality of life thing that's not a difficulty thing yeah yeah I wish I could say anytime old unhappy far-off things comes up I'd want it to be right there I wish I could like walk that button to that spot similarly I wish I could lock all of the buttons because another thing that happens sometimes is you go to move something and you drop it sort of on top of a button and it moves the button which is not what I want at all but other than those two things I've got the flu so now we can call her if ever we happen to get seven pendants [Music] we have sunset that's true I guess I guess the ability to make time go even faster would be nice you know let's find the next place so we are trying to get down here you might not be able to go that far all in one go but the ability to like draw on parts of the table yeah that would be that would be nice okay London isn't super the correct direction but it's not like backwards at least [Music] you yes that is the correct eration I think we will be going there but for now see what else there is to do here while we're not being hunted down by anything could run a discrete medical thing I don't really have enough heart to do it properly though [Music] this will create an opportunity to purchase either a medical license or an import license [Music] [Music] hmmm I think we'll just wait on that yes stack memory would be cool so that like well same with buttons is to just be able to designate a space on the board and say right here is where I want this thing to spawn always we found the C which means we could smuggle I'd be pretty okay at smuggling but let's maybe smuggle yeah can I smuggle in a discrete office we will find out but how do i how do i smuggle i forget how to smuggle I think I need underworld contacts to Snoodle I could try to turn this into underworld contacts oh yeah yeah yeah okay here's here's another great thing an actual gun now I can sort of handle an assassin coming after me okay profane weapon that's great yeah let's let's try to let's try to switch this into underworld connections [Music] by it warehouse can't hurt so I can always sell it whoops well we got a trace and we lost our connection but we have a quiet warehouse okay we need connections now or else we will begin losing alright not what we need so off we go better not lose my gun I'll be I will be livid if she takes my gun okay thank you that's just as bad right we made it out here we are in Aachen there's an there's a potential ally here an edge Ally which is great because it's the one thing that we don't need because we already are it so let's talk to her she would like to go to the merry feast errs hidden so we'll need to find the entrance and then well I've got some wounds so that'll help me find the entrance anyway let's try it out let's try it out start off with some wounds see where it goes [Music] get my warehouse back here right yep I was right knocking Lantern we already have some knock there let's send some more connections with radicals we could if we kept things the status quo this time that wouldn't be terrible make some money an official connection let's meet the radicals all right and then if we work with the radicals oh I need the city to come back night deepens okay we need Forge or okay we already have winter forge winter heart if we have enough winter I shall send I really don't have a lot of edge noticing I shall send I'll send some edge I'll send some edge because if it if the next part needs edge I'm gonna need some edge already there nice found an iron shrine so we can upgrade our own edge see like this button what does it do it the city is available now our defiance is here we can betray an uprising assist an uprising I don't want to assist I want to betray let's betray with this will this use it if I if I use the flute in this way did we have to crawl half way through Europe just to find a single dinky little pistol yes yeah we'll go with this hopefully that doesn't use up our curio if it does that whatever that's not the win we're going for anyway it did not use it up the trail all right needs winter or heart I can supply some winter you don't really have any more well this this could be heart this needs off or edge I cannot send enough MA and I cannot send enough edge holy well maybe it'll just give it to me all right now it needs eight heart or winter well hopefully once this wraps up over here yeah now I can just send my wind we've got this guy coming after us what a schmuck but they needed more edge needed more edge [Music] now it needs 12 there's 12 night deepens oh the big boys here that's not good theft or sabotage well let's go ahead and get a connection so I can take care of this guy and then I need this to wrap up so we can get out of town even though we won't have an ally Hostel move [Music] Porter's been maintained and the authorities are grateful I have a connection with the ruler accept patronage yeah that's a cheap ruler connection in fact we got paid to make the ruler connection now what can I do with it I can sell a year directly to it what will that get me oh more than I wanted [Music] I don't have any heart Hey this isn't gonna this is gonna not work this is all the heart that I have okay dawn I could go to dawn and think of peace and that will give me tranquility which is some more heart [Music] how am I getting out I'm not yet I'm not getting out it's the horrible truth of where we're at right now underworld connection [Music] I feel like we're burning through years even faster than normal a hostile move shoot him with the gun I have a discrete office or I could it gives a little heart maybe I need to just get the office so I can use it for some heart it's asking for 12 how much heart does the office give to that's not enough heart it looks like I just lose this what is your deal a hostile move night oh that sucks I could have gotten it with slightly better timing I have the tranquillity for cash okay so I turned a ruler can turn yeah there is there's no lure to be no Lord to be had I'm afraid what did this require at the end was it heart that did us in here I think it might have been if we need a knock to start I know that much it was edge now I'm doing it again goddamn it oh good the foes here that's great that's that's really good okay we just need a new we need a new place we need to get gone yeah we don't want to see them yet they don't want to go to Paris I want to go to this place what's your deal after sabotage I think we can kill this dude oh they want a whole decade too pricey for me we'll just lose something our icon suite okay we have to go to Paris it's the only place that will take us my foe is striking here you can go deal with that what are you doing after sabotage oh they're gonna take my gun no they took my medical license all right that's I guess better get that back two more wounds please thank you kindly ah all right well we have some money now we're in Paris we have an underworld connection for five games okay Strasbourg is the place with an icon so this is the next place we're going 100% but while we're here and we're not in trouble [Music] and I could get an official connection I could get another underworld connection there's dawn hurry [Music] can i heal wounds with anything other than I could use a decade or I could use vitality or I could just wait which is my preferred method of dealing with it quiet warehouse sure let's set up shop and apply outwards maybe we can smuggle [Music] or counterfeit isn't smuggling law not illegal fights Jesus alright well we'll start up the counterfeiting here we go I guess I send more cash unless this townhouse is Forge no heart and Grail all right well here's some more cash what is it legal fighting a great way to get more wounds that's what we found out [Music] yeah that's just heart okay keep explore keep dumping money is it really counterfeiting if I'm putting this much money into it I could get a case of extraordinary wine so I shall where do we are in Paris after all a great vintage rung from a Tarara to Tharoor Richard to Roy Wright with secrets and times before the grand blight with discipline patience and resolution it is possible to taste a glass of this wine and not finish the bottle hey Pharaoh Sam I've been good I've been good how you doing okay I have a pricey vintage of wine so uh that's pretty great for us that's a ton of Grail that is a an absolute ton of Grail I can relax in my townhouse that might be nice [Music] discreet office that doesn't really interest me getting a lot of trace right now okay I can't do this level of forge unless I get something right now heights [Music] there's still time to find something what does contentment do in exile it provides as far as I can tell it provides lantern and heart [Music] get medical records yeah absolutely no forged direct all right well that's that's a shame special outcomes I think I made money off that I'm not certain that I did but I think I did we killed that reckoner interesting it seems as though by killing them I could either upgrade this when this gets to seven I may be able to achieve something unexpected the alternative is I could use it to upgrade my own edge that's kind of a tough choice I think I do this because I know there are other ways to upgrade that so I think I celebrate my victory Paris at night good old tranquility okay yes it is done in the our one-day battles night the many winged ones descend to judge my prize and when they depart they leave only scraps of bone and hex of hair defeated a reckon or improved it with a trophy yep so now I'm at - yep yep yep so there won't be seven things there will be six right cuz the initial like the first stack is just having the temptation so there will be six other things I need to do now five other things remaining that I will need to do to upgrade my attempt to air my defiance one of which is summoning my foe to wherever I am which I could do because it is it is time to go send a gift oh I could send him a gift because it would annoy him what else goes here oh the place that I currently am but I'm using that right now okay send a defiant summons yep yep all right we'll summon our foe as we're packing up to leave yep furious what's up my guy how you doing good to see you oh we're fighting already I've held off his attack nice very good I'm almost packed up let's see if he's afraid of heights long way it appears he is not afraid of heights but we're gone we're at six winds and we're gone and we are up to three Defiance yes okay so another way to upgrade it is to send him a gift unfortunately that gift would be the gun that I planned to use to kill him so maybe not maybe not that all right where are we now we're at Strasburg which is an an icon of an axe and nothing seems to be special here we showed up and all we got was some obscurity I'm gonna put my assets over here on the left except for except for weapons I'll leave right here there's dawn I think this time I'll have thoughts of fury what does rage give me heart and edge okay so it's heart and oh what what does tranquility have heart and something and rage is heart an edge Oh heart and winter heart and winter or heart and edge are my options for the time of the day oh that's true the axe is the icon of weapon okay an official connection I'll take it because that might help us get back our medical license [Music] what is this oh it's our medical credentials would you look at that speak of the devil all right we're credentialed again nice discreet office that's just the sort of office I can practice medicine out of [Music] all right requires heart or Grail so really I can just get lit off this case of wine and practice medicine with no problem right that's all the Grail I'll need pour myself a nice glass of wine run a successful doctor's office that's what my doctor does nice dude underworld connection we don't need that yet purchase an atlas of the unsuspected a knock rarity well I don't mind if I do it sounds quite divine I'd love to see it alright what is this atlas of the unexpected it is a high order knock influence it also has grail this began life as an atlas of the cities of Europe over decades it's been extended and annotated by a dozen hands a debts burglary soldiers spies to show secret routes and hiding nooks now I can relax with it I see we call this alternative medicine yeah yeah is that the symbol that's the symbol is it no on the atlas no no no the symbol on the Atlas is the ax for weapon that's the one by Strasburg you can see it in there and we haven't found a weapon here so I don't know if the symbols on the map mean anything anymore oh the hand symbol I think it's a different hand symbol from from like the pretty steel sea or something they are they are like both hands you are correct like see these they're doing like this thing and then the where's the other hands and then these are just like this but I'm pretty sure I remember specifically the other symbol from cards just not ones in this horn axis shadow now this was a place I could go to but now apparently not interesting now let's start looking for our way out of here I'd like to get to Spain see if that means anything even though we've sort of debunked the idea that the that the symbols have meaning okay we got a little bit of cash honestly not as much as I was expecting from her days as a doctor and where did okay their stress per Granada hey that's the place I wanted to go all right well I'm content to start packing up I guess hit the road shoot this guy yeah what's the goal here either lay low lay lower than we've ever laid before and to acquire seven obscurity thereby escaping for good or at some point figure out what our foes weaknesses are and then just murder them that also works alright here we are Grenada give Marea the visionary and so the symbol here is what dragonflies butterflies okay I remember this one she pissed off the Thunder skin we might have what it takes to do this well at least see what the caper is we found some tights we got our first trace just so you know I'll just say it again real quick this is gonna be our last run win lose we're gonna call it here okay heart and forage or what we need those are like the things in which I am specifically deficient actually this will get missing heart the sweet the last run then I'm gonna get the three separate runs up on YouTube the first two and then this one and then tomorrow we're not playing exile we're gonna we're gonna give my brain a rest we're not gonna do this we're gonna let this simmer in the back of my mind we're gonna check out monster train tomorrow tomorrow being the 29th sure get started around noon pacific time for the stream tomorrow and we're gonna be doing as far as I know monster training all day we might end up playing a little legends of runeterra because I am when I'm not streaming like if I'm looking for a video game just to like chill and relax with it's been legends of ruin Tara pretty much pretty much non-stop for me yes I I will say I am I feel much better about it we'll go over it we'll go over what I learned at the very end of this run but I I am in a better place I feel better about this about exile I still don't know where I'd put it in the pantheon of the the DLC so far it's certainly the most different and that's you know obviously there's going to be some growing pains getting used to the new the new mechanics and stuff oh we need either a ton more heart or a ton more winter and I am afraid I can't provide either shoot that's Braille and lantern but it's too late I I should be able to with this I should be able to do it the next time around oh good fortunate it worked out anyway worked out anyway that's nice cool so now we get our very first Ally because we're not being dumb and running away before talking to her all right and then we will put allies over here as well now I could send her to make a false trail that would give us some uninterrupted time here but I don't really know what we would do here try to make some money I guess maybe we maybe we try that out maybe we try out the false path because we haven't done that yet really Oh someone's already here dee-lightful she's gonna steal unacceptable oh my god what is she gonna steal if it's my gun I swear to God uh okay that's one of the better things she could have taken if we're being honest all right we wounded her I found cats which is not ideal I'd have no technique this time so I can't guarantee a wound a hit alright there we've done it we've done it again so now I can work with this I've already been recognized okay so that that's that's a no-go however I can use it just to upgrade my own personal edge which is what I think we'll do now where is this place Marrakech Marrakech Marrakesh it's all the way down there and it does have an icon okay so this is sort of where I do want to go cats can't help me right now let's see if there's a different place that we can get access to so we can use her to set a false trail and as soon as my edge is refreshed I'll use it with the corpse here okay the Priory of captains could I know I can't I can't send her to the edge of the world makes sense makes sense let's refresh this I guess might as well while we wait okay and I can't set a false trail here either - cross country so no no false trails all we're gonna do is go to Marrakesh but first I want to upgrade my upgrade my edge hopefully not get investigated god absolutely ridiculous purchase a crudely carved image oh my god now I can't even how much does this cost one what's she gonna steal once we lost our gun last time we never got it back I don't even know if you can get it back it was just gone wow that really sucks oh alright well here we are that place just had no there were no connections there I think I looked I don't know how many times I didn't get a single connection in that place so I couldn't deal with the thief you can't get a connection in that place awesome that's really fun so just if they should so if a thief shows up they just steal everything you have if you happen to be at that location that's pretty cool I think connection with holy man I already have one oh all right I could start a cult thing if I had a building also I have no money again it's the time when I had money and now I don't unsure how I lost all of my money [Music] got some tranquility buying it no that's not it because you sell for the same amount that you buy [Music] connection so this is another this place has the like knife and fork simple but okay alright it has a has an upgrade place goddamnit oh but I can't because I'm tranquil you don't always get money back from selling a place that you bought ok well then I guess that is where all my money went hey evil Yoda thanks for the thanks for the sub I appreciate it hope you're doing better than us out there better than me on this run anyway Cheers 90 seconds that I can upgrade my edge echidna here at the deserts educating that doesn't always bother with human form with luck I'll never see what shape she prefers okay we have a league and perhaps the symbols mean there's a lagoon there you just have to spend a million years looking for them can I use my defiance on the shrine good question let's find out yes but not while tranquility is here all right a weakness to heat the weather is hot enough my foe becomes slow and stupid cold and the seed don't trouble him okay so we need to be somewhere hot with the wolves or with the wolf divided hatred oh well at least I can get rid of her this time okay tranquility is gone consecration to the lion Smith I could dedicate myself this will enrage you and limit your dealings with the colonel but increased defiance and open the lion Smith's mysteries limit my dealings with the colonel I'm wonder what that means we'll find out we are on a learning expedition stop shifting my all over the place consecration to the lion Smith I have spilt the beasts blood and scorched my skin I have undergone the three valorous trials I am a warrior of the Lions unless someday he releases me I am consecrated now with the lion Smith my aspect is for [Music] okay and you stay interesting interesting okay holy men cannot cannot prevent her from stealing that's good to know maybe I just shoot her with this gun I know it only has three shots but or do you think my do you think my edge alone is enough to deal with it well you know what we don't have to worry about that right now you can check we can see if we can get another connection wasn't there something to work with the lion Smith maybe the Allies have dashes maybe opportunity hell yeah yeah yeah friends in the right places let's keep looking and we got it so that won't let me do this again even now that I am consecrated but I can still use it to upgrade my edge ok cool all right and we know that one of the one of the remaining three things is to send by foe by gun which means there's only two other things to do with my temptation for defiance what might they be that's true that's true we can use we know we can do it with radicals so maybe overthrowing maybe assisting the radicals I didn't pay attention last time we assisted the radicals in the run I didn't pay attention to whether it added a thing or not but that certainly sounds like it would be fun high on a limestone plateau honestly this sounds like the right place to be yeah Leland grant thank you so much I really appreciate it thanks for you gifting those three subs I am Chad cryptic Joe cryptic Joker that's nice I haven't seen computer in a while that's I'm glad to see that familiar name and problem thank you so much everyone for being here thanks for hanging out and super thank you to Leland thanks for giving those subs send it before it gets stolen yeah that's true I've done yes I both assisted and betrayed assisted we did more recently and I I didn't look either time what is this cult of the lion Smith this year okay well I'm consecrated by the lion Smith so let's go there yeah that seems to make sense to me but I can't because I craved alright we're gonna wait until Rage is down a bit and we're gonna send my father gun and then we're gonna go to Algiers which does not have a simple yes I will lose the pentameter pentapolis but it doesn't have the like once you leave you'll never get it again text here which means there is I can get back to it or at least that's my interpretation because there are some places that say once you leave here you'll never see this card again so I'm assuming that I'll be able to get back to it alright let's uh send a Defiant gift hopefully that doesn't just make him show up perhaps he'll open the package himself perhaps he'll think it's a trap and have someone else do it either way it's hard not to laugh when I imagine his face alright we're up to five we can finally leave we are currently on attempt number three we're still just learning all right here we are connection to the underworld all right what's going on here this place is troubled harder to purchase desirable things but there's the smolder of revolution which is good for us as we would certainly like there to be one we have not not really we haven't really found a use for rage other than just as a as a heart edge aspect you no longer have any weapons which is not ideal underworld connection okay connection with radicals hell yeah let's go ahead and sell some years [Music] here's my defiance we'll get a direction here in a second import license now we'll just wait for our cash to come through actually we can't really just wait for our cash to come through we'll have enough to assist the revolution and keep doing stuff [Music] excluded bill oh come on all right let's try it out I guess defiance assistant uprising challenges heart and edge well I have a wee bit of edge I could use I could use this edge he Oh ray-ray really win hey how's it going hope your stream went well what were you playing GTA in any event thank you so much for being here thanks for the raid hello everyone from Ray's stream hi how you doing GTA nice very good we are we're currently playing some cultwo simulator so a bit of a bit of a change of pace from some GTA RP we're slowly losing our minds playing the new DLC here for this game if you've ever ever seen it but it's very different from what we're used to so it's been a struggle here today anyway hi welcome I'm Kyle it's good to see you ray how was your stream how you doing started with sea of themes and the retreat it nice Oh see you three Co thieves that's another one having I owned that I haven't played that in forever huh not so slowly maid says well we've it feels slow after nine hours it feels a little slow sent you an invite to play yeah oh okay awesome yeah I will I will check that out for sure I will also need to figure out where to redownload it but uh yeah look into that [Music] anyway so right now we're so this person's trying to murder us we're trying to assist a revolution we're just gonna take some wounds because I think I need to send I think I need to send my edge here to help with the revolution which means oh no okay I can use her for defense that's right that's right all right we won't take quite as many wounds as I thought revolution without dancing yeah yeah I mean it might be feels like an unhappy one certainly I haven't even been allowed to take my wine so how could there be dancing I'll bring it along now there's dancing I brought wine to the revolution no defiance here so I'm gonna start taking injuries from this guy which is not great but as long as we don't take seven we're fine occasionally need a fourth yeah I could I would I'm very down with the idea of an occasional commitment that's my favorite kind okay I can send her back the lion Smith delight the lion Smith delights in revolutions he will favour me further defiance has been increased who's hunting me so here's the breakdown story-wise we are a reckoner which is a person who trades and deals in stolen years essentially you know that that movie with Justin this Justin Timberlake in that movie anyway the one where like you have like a wrist thing and you can your life could trade years of your life anyway that's what it's like we used to deal in life in years in time oh they set the name of the thing in time well that's an unfortunate anyway yes we deal in time so that's our currency however what we did was steal a whole bunch of time 77 years in fact from our boss and then ran away so understandably our boss was a little pissed off and is now chasing us across Europe and I guess yeah yeah mostly Europe a little bit of Africa hmm a little bit of a little bit of Asia however he's trying to track us down and murder us to get his time back so these are like the henchmen he's sending after us however if we evade the henchmen for long enough and we stay in one spot for too long eventually the henchmen will call their boss over basically their manager and the manager is a little more difficult and if we stay still longer eventually my old boss my foe will show up and kick the absolute out of me however as we are running away we're also in this particular run we're feeling a little defiant so at some point the goal for us is to level we're trying to level up our defiance and our edge witches are like fighting ability and then at some point we're going to stand our ground tell our foe exactly where we are so he shows up and then we're gonna murder it that's the plan I have no idea if it's gonna go down that way but that's that's at least the framework so now I need some brainstorming help for those of you who have been played watching or playing along I need some brainstorm help if you actually know the answer don't tell me but if you don't know the answer I would love to hear your guesses we have six of seven of our defiance levels here each one we get from doing a different thing so this one was attacking the boss to begin with this was killing one of his henchmen go into a shrine thinking its maximum edge that would make sense maxing edge would make sense to me and then do what something with maximum edge and defiance maybe can I even put it there no I couldn't do it that way I'd have to do it the other way around use this and then add this to the end did it give us defiance no I don't think I think okay here's what I'm thinking there are two different kinds of shrines there's Colonel right and then there's the lion Smith and what I'm thinking is if we consecrated ourselves at the Colonel's shrine the colonel values order so if we had done the colonel shrine then we would have had to betray a revolution is I think I think anyway what should we be trying to do right now I have no way to deal with this assassin so we need to leave but oh and also I did a revolution here so there's nothing to do here anyway so we just need to move on down the road okay I think he's he's stopped attacking me for a minute all right let's go to Tripoli tripolis lovely Tripoli it is anywhere is fine all right now we have to load up all of our so we have a lot the index is a weapon no what's the index I'm gonna take another wound that's unfortunate what's the false trail about so this gets created I think this got created when I did the revolution there are certain actions you can take that will create a false trail basically it makes it really hard to find you it has no effect if a henchman is already there ooh Hillel again I don't even know how I would do that but that does sort of make sense however if you have false trail and there aren't henchmen currently at your place then there can't be it prevents them from showing up for as long as it exists and it looks like it survives travel so we get effectively three minutes of calm where no one's gonna show up in harass us so we need to use that time to get set up well here in Tripoli I'm down here now all right so we're thinking what we want to do is upgrade our edge and we know of two ways to do that one is at a shrine and the other is by killing henchmen and we will need to update it what three three more times ten to twelve to fourteen we'll need to upgrade it three more times is there anything what kind of is here this is just comfortable all right oh this is the place my mom was from so we might meet that guy who knows my parents and makes us like angry and sad at the same time all right the see a discreet office that is something all right I can do my drunk medical officer routine I guess with my discrete office so we use our medical license and our office and one of our stolen years and yet here's that guy who knows our parents and then we drink our bottle of wine and we set this over here because we're a doctor now what's today's coffee it is macho Libre Imperial India Pale Ale that's our coffee okay what's your deal a loyal contact someone who belongs local contact we would like to talk to him talk to the colonel okay so we don't really want to go here so here's what I'm thinking what if because our false trail is about to run out what if we sent an ally to create a false trail we've never done that before seems like it'd be nice oh this is actually really nice another lion Smith shrine so we can upgrade don't need to send anything here we're already we're already good guess it the wine I guess I should keep looking sending out there on route working on a false trail modest chance of each turn of creating a false trail I really thought that would be more immediate and I'm a little disappointed alright found some cats oh we can go here now will this do anything I am consecrated cannot be consecrated twice this is it to take the brazen vow I might choose to take the brazen vow which demands boldness and even the diarist circumstances this will give you a rage and make it impossible to win the game with an obscurity victory but it will increase your defiance I will take my vows here we go here we go all right we do still need to upgrade our edge though because wheat there's no way we're killing our foe with with a half upgraded edge that's just not gonna fly import license okay seven well okay what what now [Music] what now all right we got our false trail so no one's gonna interrupt us while we try to figure out what to do I have a quiet warehouse if I had a connection can I get connections here I should be able to let's reserve get the see going again here yeah like okay we achieve what we were going for and now what you know I need a connection let's refresh our cats okay there's a connection I will have to break down another decade here soon so I might as well do it fight him now I don't think we want to fight him until we have full edge I really don't okay that's not the connection that I need however if I got a warehouse there we go if I purchase this warehouse because I have to see in the underworld I can smuggle I'm pretty sure there we go smuggling what would this do counterfeiting wait how much for do you have dude three all right let's go smuggling I have the mock painting so I can smuggle pretty well an underworld connection set them off painting here how did I get the scar that was Channing's it was one of our allies got us the scar heal with vitality got dawn our ally is back let's just watch the dawn I don't want more rage because I'll have to leave here at some point ooh fascination that's actually good that gives me more mom cats also give mom so I can send the cats as well okay an official connection that's good where else can we go here from Tripoli alright and then if we use the official connection with the opportunity for a import license then we have an import license which I can use as soon as I'm done smuggling to import things legally hooray yeah and I should still find his last weakness oh boy the only place to go from here seems to be the only place left seems to be just running to nowhere that kind of sex yep the only option left is a - cross country oh boy that is not ideal operations complete I got some money what is this mutilate a manuscript the lantern thing I don't think we really care about that right now I don't I think oh I lost the see so now does goddamnit Oh goddamnit alright let's just let's just sell our and go yeah into the wilds this is a last resort yes it is yes it is a last resort best of luck to us let's pack up see where we end up you know I might as well buy this I have money the fact it will make packing up easier I can't I laid a false trail to the actual location that I could have gone to and it left me with no options for travel ridiculous I'm gonna have to fend off this schmuck ah we went somewhere I've arrived where where have I arrived the lonely places between I'm nowhere oh my god alright attempt to make contact with someone somewhere you'll receive a wound each time you try to find a place only shape we gotta get out of here okay got a wound Alexandria hell yeah let's go pack it up off the Alexandria back up the wagons we're back on the road yeah don't drop the wine that's very important you got to get the wine yep load each of my coins separately they jangle together they'll get dinged up take your time it's precious cargo that's all the money we have in the world oh the special flute that summons of which who eats paintings no that doesn't need packed carefully at all in fact idols carry that in my pocket doesn't matter it doesn't matter ass coach the Invisibles Sara p.m. okay we've been here before in another life I think in fact knock is a good thing to find our way into an invisible place now let's start setting up setting up shop you know what before we start setting up shop what I should have done is find a false trail to lay okay wounds or doors yeah yeah yeah all right there you go there's a ton ton of knock Bagdad Baghdad has a fault all right find me a different place I don't want to burn Baghdad this damn bull yeah we burn this place to the ground one time let's uh let's set a false trail they stand complication okay what do we need heart mouth or winter ooh boy I may need a lot of it I can make the I can make the moth happen I could also make the winter happen we'll leave it here see what see how it goes all right then let's start hanging out here setting up shop [Music] an import license pool definitely super cool complication okay we need more moth and I don't have any oh I could though I could have plenty [Music] there you go smoke and mirrors it's a night [Music] does it still make rage yeah does okay what did that give us of this place okay now I can go here and talk to dr. Blackwood right oh yeah she gives us stuff Wow she gives us absolute garbage she can create a false trail which we are already going to create but well what if I just don't ask her for anything super underwhelming okay we need okay we got a false trail but unfortunately we're already being pursued holy she's gonna steal something because I don't have a [Music] oh no okay here's another world connection okay okay okay everything's fine now this needs to be a connection or maybe I just attack her and maybe that works out okay we can go to the anvil full in 180 seconds and upgrade our edge we can also upgrade our edge with this corpse that's two edge upgrades we're feeling pretty good and we can talk to this person and create a false trail as soon as this false trail is done so we don't even have to worry about getting attacked by more henchmen we can just sit here for like a long time we need three upgrades to edge to max out our edge temple won't work anymore well that would be infuriating so it probably won't here's another thing we can do is get a connection if we have two connections ready to roll or even just one connection is enough then when we allow another henchman to find us we can kill them immediately and level up our edge the final time oh no the temple will work the temple will work we've already we've already done it in a temple that it just has to be a temple of the line yet the lion Smith which this one is I thought you meant this this thing okay so we go there make a pilgrimage prove my understanding of the techniques of the lion Smith yeah that my temptation is maxed out but my lure can still be upgraded yes I should still be recognized during boom we know the brass forms it's a it's a mallet now instead of a knife seven times seven techniques for the shattering of bone alright now we learn from a victory uh-huh oh yeah now we have heart and forage in our lore that's interesting what is going on okay now we have the con summations of the health I am the weapon that will be broken and remade again without flaw the argument of my flesh will at last be irrefragable mmm interesting okay we need one more upgrade my my false trail is gone which is good at this point because now what I need is someone to show up perfect what is the sacred technique that is a great question hopefully all will be answered when we upgrade this the final time I'm searching they are searching for me is there anything I need to sell off here no you're ready to go okay it's not the guy we were hoping for I'm gonna attack him we might take some wounds here but we'll see who okay the fact that that didn't wound him we're just gonna skedaddle the other the other ones way easier to deal with because I can just throw connections at it oh my god I can't go while we're oh no this is not good okay rage is gone now we can now we can skedaddle oh yeah Barack ya know it's it's been a couple of weeks three weeks ish something like that okay they upgraded person yeah it's good that we're getting out of here good that we're getting out of here a hostile move I can personally defend against that one if you buy and buy myself the time to get out of here laughter sabotage I've got friends in the right places just in time I think we're going to be gone before this matters in case you're not Percy Styles is waiting for me at the station his hair is still an absurd for his but its whitened with age he looks more than ever like a merely dissolute Bishop - should good timing he says popping my hand goes chance here for a spot of mutual back scratching alright what does this place require let's find out alright let's find some discrete messages or send some discrete messages from Baghdad hopefully delay a false trail to bias time to get the connections we need to allow someone to all right there we go false trail to Tiflis off you trot we're gonna recognize it okay we need heart or Forge well I'm still shipping those two exact things [Music] okay well there's enough [Music] the other nice thing would be to oh we have an official connection that's really good we would also be fine with just finding a shrine okay well we've got radicals Grail or moth well here's a ton of Grail [Music] don't know that we really want but maybe we do want radicals maybe if this person shows up before the false trail which could happen and if it is the steely person okay it's not a complication okay now we need edge or winter it just needs a little bit more edge oh my god do I not have a little bit more edge you've got to be you've got to be joking [Music] [Music] Wow Wow Wow Wow oh I bet these guys have edge I bet the radicals have some edge yeah yeah yeah they sound edgy yeah there's some edge violence is a solution [Music] okay we have a false trail so no one will attack us for a bit [Music] for a decade I could make a connection with a ruler but who wants to spend a decade hey what did we get in Holland tetrax it's we got a weapon holy it doesn't look like much but at its touch flesh perishes perhaps it really is the last fragment of the weapon that slew the seven coiled from within we have a weapon all right we have a weapon again we have a weapon so now all we need to do is upgrade our edge to the final thing we'll have will have a legendary weapon it can only exist once we have fully upgraded our defiance all that's left I don't even know if this matters like do we need to know this it feels like I can just kill it doesn't it well no because I can still only wound him one at a time he wounds me two at a time which means I have to have the answer for him every time so the reason I want to know this is so that I fight him at the exact correct spot because if I don't he will just kill me before I kill him even though I am equipped to do so all right so next thing on our list upgrade our edge and then after well actually at equal levels on our list is upgrading our edge and then also discovering this last weakness for the weakness we need to be somewhere with a leg yet I'm pretty sure we just lost our only Ally she got lost after laying the false trail so you know [Music] [Music] I think I just head to the next place all right false trails still up so I can't kill anyone here yet I think I'm just looking for a place that has a like yet getting allies to wound him would be good unfortunately I don't have any that's right I could I can also heal twice assuming I don't well now I'll only be able to heal once if I find a leg yet to uncover the final weakness all right false trail has 20-some seconds left my friend retired to a village outside of Mashhad because she was of the old region when she fell ill she had gone to visit her fire temple to seek healing she died before sunset by the time I arrived they had already taken her body to the tower for explanation [Music] [Music] all right I do want someone to show up and it doesn't really matter which one if it's the assassin we're gonna take a couple of wounds but gotta crack a few eggs to whatever Tigers nest hi in the abode of the eternal snows a monastery so that's absolutely not where we need to go because it will unlikely be a pot let's find somewhere else [Music] samarkand I used oh this place has a cult of Alliance myth so that actually sounds great because Mashhad does not maybe we just go here [Music] because I mean at least this way we know that if we start reckoning this place eventually we'll find a shrine we don't have to count on someone showing up to murder also there's no legi at here so watch me now find it like it yet right as we're about to leave just sunset all right here we are at extreme edge of the map let's find that shrine yeah get upgraded we know a holy man as well that's pretty cool now for cash 5 years there's the shrine easy peasy make a pilgrimage to the brazen shrine leg yet no I'm I'm absolutely pronouncing it wrong I don't know the actual pronunciation the people who eat people and tell me things there we go my strength overwhelms my thoughts and I circle the shrine growling like a beast through the haze of my rage I think I hear the many winged at once whispering in the rafters the strength of the earth of the earth in each rebirth there is greater strength what has been broken can be reforged what has never been broken must be No so even this I can't use [Music] okay I guess we guess we keep looking how would I describe it to someone who's only gotten a couple of normal victories in the base game how much deeper knowledge do you think this needs none in fact this DLC is so different from the base game that I would say perhaps only like 5% of my knowledge has translated to here and that's basically the knowledge of like how to pause things and abuse timers nothing else carries over to this DLC absolutely nothing maybe some like more like some harder to pin down stuff like oh well I feel like this is the kind of thing that the developer would do you know like oh well it's seven of these things and well that feels like it might be hidden in this sort of a location but realistically in terms of mechanics and like what's actually going on you are going to be just as lost as someone who has played the game quite a lot yeah there is some useful knowledge like what aspects relate to what sorts of things the mechanics are totally different I need it to be somewhere else to go [Music] but there isn't well this is frustrating can't leave because I have rage I guess we'll make ourselves at home [Music] cats can I do anything with this I need a venue I don't have one it's another holy man hey Mixel sticks hey Kyra I'm doing all right for a little figuring some stuff out it's been it's been a big day of learning yeah I'm doing good enjoying the game I still don't know what the symbols on the mat mean some of them seem to relate to the aspect that's there and then others seem to have no correlation at all medical credentials what am I looking for here looking for a location somewhere I can do faith healings that's what I'm looking for maybe not maybe it's just time to pick up and go okay that's quite warehouse but do I want to now someone's coming does it really matter I don't think it really matters let's just go to the next place there's got it my understanding is that there will be there will be a location that contains all three of whatever these are that like the perfect location to fight him it's what it feels like it will be but maybe that's not true you know an official connection where can I go from here oh maybe that is what the markings are places that are constant places are the that are the same in every history yeah could be Stalingrad again [Music] that's the math lady I mean song Radha is moving in the correct direction to get back to where we have seen leggy ATS before overgrad haven't been there [Music] I doubt there's anywhere else to go from here except the edge of the map [Music] yeah what is this beep in the forest of Siberia hunting lodge and ice blue lake that's not where I need to be all right let's go to back to Stalingrad that's the last of my cash [Music] yep traveling light okay so now we've got this potential ally lined up again begin a caper send them off see where we can go from here yeah you don't get a cult does that mean you aren't occultist no you're definitely dabbling in the occult for sure like I am a high level you know I know the shattered mysteries but I don't know that I belong to it called is it cultist without a cult still a cultist no no it's like a wolf without a pack you know so Wolfers it's just like a sad dog okay well that has a Grail so that'll work yes I'm gonna send no I can send that whenever what wouldn't help I can't supplement that I'll just I'm an adept yes that's right an adept not a cultist in a debt okay there's nowhere to go from Stalingrad apparently so me all right now we need Lantern what is this worth or own okay we have enough moth we have enough moth I could send some more how do you get more money well first I would have to sell my years actually I need to make money here because if if there's nowhere to go from here I'll need money for when I get back into civilization sell a couple of years fine some ships do in Stalingrad got some rage hey pepper ham thanks so much for the hundred biddies really appreciate it I hope you are enjoying the experience here of scrambling through the dark to try to figure stuff out thanks for joining on this journey what's the first weakness wolves and then heat and then something we don't know yet we could I guess overthrow you know we could do the overthrow the government thing here it's always a classic [Music] steel and science all right there's a would discrete office I think we probably end up just burning the place down [Music] Pope scouring the shadows okay I thought she was looking for something else all right we have an ally if a moth Ally [Music] underworld connection don't oh yeah we no way to me Oh well that's not ideal [Music] well maybe we just kill this dude I've got two wounds this will make three [Music] and they're making a hostile move [Music] actually I can just counter the hostile move like that and then guarantee a hit like this interesting Fane of the one-armed an enemy shrine I am not welcome here purpose I could use my lure here when I when I get it back we'll see what that does well got another reckoner corpse it is nearly time to leave we have quite a lot of trace going on but I do want to see nothing does nothing what about this can I learn I can still learn from my victory that doesn't seem correct alright let's find the middle of nowhere and start heading out yet traces like notoriety the more trace there is the more quicker they'll find me and the higher level people they are able to send this wasn't tidy or Pleasant okay it didn't upgrade it it just gave us SCAF to Don's this is a sacred weapon that can only be used once when asked Apted on falls in battle the lion Smith servants often honor their sacrifice by shaping their teeth and claws into weapons this is even better than the weapon we already have this is the one if he were alone and I had a reason to believe I mean I think this is it right this is I use my sacred technique with my sacred weapon I think this is it Oh all right now we just have to survive going into the middle of nowhere please load the sacred weapon please load the sacred weapon yeah yeah I kind of also agreed that I need to know the final the final weakness oh my god load the sacred weapon thank you we're out of there on into the middle of nowhere where we will take a wound just for trying to get out [Music] well Hermitage of the side crossed deadly sands I mean there would be heat there [Music] it's called Hermitage of the scythe that's edge the wolf divided his edge oh [Music] god do we just try it the concern is if I try to be over-prepared if I try to get more prepared than I need to be I might just lose to like running out of years this is wrong this is clearly wrong I kind of think oh I kind of think we just go there and we try it I kind of think we just go there and we try it right I've maxed out my temptation I've maxed out my lure I've out of the final weapon [Music] I we're going we're going [Music] final departure my train leaves at dawn have I forgotten anything Bank on the sacred wombo combo praise be sacred wombo may you combo our opponent hard and with much sacred did it sacred 'ti oh boy oh god I'm nervous it's gonna be fine well I have two wounds because I was I was stuck in the desert but our hope is our hope is that the the sacred wand boat eliminates the need for prolonged combat that is our that's what we're banking on so I think what will heal with a decade if we need to deal with a decade if we need to we'll know when we're in the fight what uh what's going on for now we're just gonna recognize her see what we can see what we can find here hopefully wolves and heat hopefully wolves and eat ok sunset sure let's get a little rage going you know yeah for real for the amount of work I put into gathering the sacred if it doesn't outright kill him it should at least it should do some significant damage if it oh man I don't know if I could handle the disappointment of it doing what damage ok it just keeps giving me different times a day which is fine we've got all the time in the world Heights in the hills above yeah okay Heights oh my god he's here oh oh how do what do I do while the photos on the board you can't attack [Music] okay in what order is the thing use sacred weapon followed by sacred technique or sacred technique followed by weapon technique first I think yeah cuz that's what I had been doing I had been doing technique and then weapon he never taught me this come on [Music] I've wounded them one wind one [Music] one wound no heat [Music] hint an immortal enemy [Music] I can call on an edge our to exalt my dual into something eternal but only if I have fought him dealing him six wounds oh I'm so yeah I'm so I think I use this to like fight him off yeah oh my god I'm I've held off his attack okay oh I need to be looking at that yeah yeah I can't believe this place doesn't have heat I ridiculous can I hold them off with a weapon okay yep that's true six is easier than seven six is easier than seven oh he broke my weapon he broke my only weapon okay we got heat heat exists here what a sad disaster what is even the point okay so clearly the point of upgrading this to seven is that this is what allows you to deal the final blow what is the point of having the sacred weapon guaranteed wound yeah I guess here come two more wounds choo-choo this was not the right place puts us at six yeah this is it's it's toast this there's no way I would have to roll heat over and over and over and it seems like heat is a pretty low percentage chance yeah attack with my edge and defend with her attack with the weapon defend with edge yeah unless sunset is yeah that's all she wrote what a disappointing end what a sad and disappointing end it really feels like something called the sacred technique paired with the sacred weapon should do something should do something more than what I already came to expect from a shitty pistol and my tier 1 Lord like imagine the effect that that had was the same as like fighting a henchman at the very beginning of the game yeah there's also the problem of I just don't know which end game so like even if I had all three of his weaknesses and I knew like the three things he's weak too I still don't think I pick the correct thing at the end right like the descriptions of them don't say like there are wolves here and it's very high up also it's hot you know it says you think if I got the three it would explicitly tell me where to go I would hope so because if it didn't I almost guarantee that I still choose incorrectly did we even run into three of the people who tell no we only encountered two of the people who tell the weaknesses interesting we were so close okay so that actually wasn't that bad that last run I think was about three yes across all yes we did we have encountered three the the questions are are things in static locations or does it change each time and then depending on that answer how do you find what you need if it's in the same locations each time then I need to remember where they are and then do my best to position myself in such a way that I can get there and if they aren't in the same spot every time then well then we need to get lucky also going location to location sometimes it seems to make sense to me like oh yeah these places are near each other and then sometimes it feels like well why is there nowhere connected to here you know also it seems like my because at the start I was trying to check out the places with the icons next to them on the map which I don't think means anything or at least they don't all seem to it meant I was passing up on some locations with that had the text like this will never appear again if you don't go there and I didn't and they didn't so at the end of the game when I was coming out of that desert I was just rolling places at the edge of the map and so my only hope I think at that point was to roll the correct place and even if I rolled the correct place it would be a matter of how many wounds it would have taken me to roll the correct place anyway I think our system worked pretty well I mean clearly it did we know how to level up our defiance we found all seven ways we know how to level that up we know how to level up our edge killing henchman and also shrines the the last missing piece of that run is is finding the weakness which means somewhere in the early to mid-game I need to find all three of the leggy ATS or whatever they're called the correct places are at the edge of the map yeah I think I think that and that kind of makes sense however it is sort of like another thing that we really up on we lost a couple of we lost a couple of allies and then additionally we forgot to get some and I think we're all corrected like it just makes sense if I have allies too well I should have allies ideally like at least four right let's assume I had four allies and then right before I go to the edge of the map I called a foe throw all my allies into him and then and then go to the edge and then he's starting off with although would the wounds travel that's an interesting question would the wounds travel the phone I know that mine do but with the foes wounds travel with me cuz henchmans don't but there's more than one henchman you know there's only one foe so it would I could see it going both ways it's worth a shot at least I think so the next time we do this we're going to do the following things collect allies as we go prioritize finding the weaknesses before we prioritize progressing our defiance because if we can't find the weaknesses then there's no point yeah yeah we really we really want once I got onto the track of like okay here's what we need to do to like upgrade our defiance and our lure that's sort of like all that I did to the exclusion of other things I skipped a bunch of places I was going pretty fast and I think we need to not do that we ended with an okay amount of hours I would have need to use what we have like 23 there at the end or something like that so I would have needed to use 10 more to get that last weakness which pushes it like 13 but really towards the end of the game you don't really have much use for the years sorry I keep calling them hours you don't really have much use for them at the very end like when all you're doing is upgrading your your lore and stuff yeah 13 seems comfortable I'd like to get that a little better I feels like to get to get your money up and running requires just sort of like a decade investment at some point but we'll see I definitely I know nothing about the obscurity path although it feels like the way to win obscurity is to just travel as much as you kids to get a bunch of money and then just travel as many times in a row as you can maybe we'll try that next time as well but the very next run we do I'm gonna try to win by killing the killing the foe because I think we haven't figured out just need to make a few tweaks in the mid-game
Channel: Kyle Streams Stuff
Views: 3,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, cult, cultist, simulator, enlighten, enlightenment, hours, long, mansus, glory, leader, full, complete, entire, lore, aspect, evidence, occult, occultism, gameplay, kyle, stream, streams, stuff, first, dlc, attempt, run, exile, DLC, fresh, blind, foe, edge, travel, map, weather factory, attack, wound, loss, lose
Id: QmigwkX7UuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 23sec (11483 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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