Cubicles - EP 03 - Standby

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Sambhu, get my black coffee. - Coming up next, sir. - It's been 20 minutes. You can see how busy I am. It's Monday.There's more demand. 'One topic always trends on Twitter every Monday.' Sir, your strong tea. '#Mondaymotivation' No sugar at all. Dude, testing will take me only two days. But if the module isn't completed by tomorrow.. ..then you're staying back at the office. Alone. 'And no matter how many motivational quotes you read..' '..Monday is that one day of the week when even Elon Musk thinks..' '..I'm in no mood to work today.' Oh, God. Who has hijacked the printer for so long? Others have to work as well. 'But in reality..' 'Motivation is nothing but a spike of dopamine in the brain.' 'As soon as the brain recognizes..' '..that something exciting is about to happen..' - '..Dopamine kicks in.' - Sir, tea. 'Elon Musk was excited about going to Mars.' 'And we were excited about going out on an upcoming long weekend.' Tea, coffee. Your biscuit. - Biscuits! - Yes. Give us the biscuits. Thank you. 'Our #Mondaymotivation' Stop being so dilly dally, guys. Will you please decide where to go? I am going home. Who goes home on a weekend. The serious types. I'll convince him. But do we have your car? - You missed a semi-colon, man. - Thanks. I am going home. I heard that the first time. Let him go home if he wants to. Stop pestering him. Shetty, here you go. I am on a diet. Have you guys already made plans? Actually, my car hasn't been serviced yet.. long-distance trip isn't a good idea. - You know what, let's rent a car. - My flight tickets are already booked. That will be expensive. - Then let's take the train instead. - A Train journey will be almost a day. Forget Goa, let's just go to Lonavala. Lonavala on a long weekend. Sounds pathetic. No, going home on a long weekend. That sounds pathetic. How to extract Trace Buffers to a file? Cancel you flight ticket and I'll show you how. - Snap Trace. - Thank you. You guys are such a bore. Hello. Hi! Yes.. [regional language] Don't depend on me. I am not sure. Make your own plans, okay. 'It was easier to make friends when we were kids.' 'My favourite chocolate is Melody.' 'Yours too. Oh! Wow..friends.' 'We'll go to the school picnic together.' 'But as soon as we grow up, everyone has so many conditions..' 'Anyway, luckily there was always one friend..' '..I could trust to have no plans at all.' 'Sex is not a commodity.' 'With sex..' '..immediately something inside you starts pinching.' 'And that is your conscience.' - You're going to attend his hermitage. - It's not a monastery. Its Osho International Meditation Resort. I'm going to meditate for the entire weekend. Since when did you get into this mumbo-jumbo. Bro..if you see, the universe is mumbo-jumbo. I am just trying to find the meaning of this mumbo-jumbo. Nonsense. You must have found some foreigner online. You know what Osho says.. ..the more sexual a person is, the more intelligent he gets. You can still make a booking. Come, be a part of this commune. Thank you. What kind of tea is this? Herbal tea. It's organic. 'I think I'll have to find my own commune.' 'The Oxford Dictionary added a word in 2013.' 'FOMO.' 'Fear Of Missing Out.' 'Dictionary is the right place to find meaning.' 'But if you want to feel it, then on a long weekend... ' Oh, God. 'Anyway, I still have three days left.' 'And as the saying goes..' '..don't let the FOMO kill your MOJO, bro.' "The dawn lies beyond your dreams." Are you sure you can do it? Yeah.. How hard can trekking be? It's just walking, right? On a 45 degree rocky and slippery incline. Do you even have a trekking gear? Shoes, right? What kind of shoes? Sports shoes. "The dawn lies beyond your dreams." "Seen with open eyes.." - Hey Raunak. - Hey.. What are you doing over the weekend? - Sex. - Huh.. I'm going to see my girlfriend after four long months. Long-distance. Don't know about the distance. But it's been way too long. Okay, great. Have fun. Seven of us are going to a remote village. Its 250 kilometers away from Pune. Oh! Wow.. Can I join you guys? Of course. I mean more the number of hands.. -'s gonna be better. - Great. Wait a minute. What do you mean by more number of hands? It's an NGO trip. The village is facing a drought situation. So all of us have volunteered to go there and dig up a lake. And listen, remember to carry some basic medicines.. ..because last time Manish suffered from Diarrhea. "The dawn lies beyond your dreams." - We're planning to go to Gokarna. - Superb. But it's a girls only trip. Sorry. That's the only condition Shivani's parents would agree, so.. No, it's okay. Okay, okay.. Okay, okay.. Okay.. Shetty, aren't you from Munnar. Yeah.. - I've heard it's a beautiful place. - Yes. - Especially in this weather. - Yes. I was thinking, I'll come with you. - I see.. - You know, like a boys-only trip. - Ohh.. - Yes. Look, you can go if you like. But I am going home alone. "Someone turn on the lights.." - "..because it's too dark.." When it comes to investments, ..never take emotional decisions. But ma'am, in the last three days my mutual fund return... ..has dropped from 12% to 3%. It's not mutual anymore. Okay, listen. Supposed you booked a cruise for the weekend. And for some XYZ reason, the cruise breaks down. So you won't dive into the sea and start swimming. Wait for the cruise to get fixed. Similarly, you're sailing in the sea of finance, Prasad. It's a small breakdown. If you withdraw your money now.. ..then you'll never recover the loss. But if you wait for the market to get fixed.. ..then maybe your return will jump from 12% to 15% or even 20% But ma'am, what is the guarantee that the cruise will get fixed? If a guarantee is what you were looking for.. ..then you shouldn't have set sail in the sea. But until you don't take the plunge.. else will you know how deep the water runs. You have to be smart, Prasad. It's important to take a risk, no doubt. But it's much more important to understand how to manage that risk. What? Did you understand, Piyush? We're still talking about investments, right? Yeah..and about life in general. Okay. What would you have done? Do you get it now or do I need to explain more? I can explain.. Yes. Hello. Yes. Book a spot for me for the day after tomorrow. Yeah, one person. Yeah, I'll come alone. Why? We can't go rafting alone? Don't know, bro. Hello. Yeah. Then why don't you adjust me with another group? Okay. F*** Won't you ask me about my weekend plan? Yeah.. I.. I was going to ask you. - I see.. - Yeah.. My name's not on the list. This.. This is still a work in progress. Still a work in progress. - I see.. - Yeah.. Hello. Yeah.. Sure..coming. Guys, Megha's called us. Come on, let's go. Side.. Go ahead, take your wallet. My salary's lower than yours after all. I might steal it. Yeah.. No, the shape is not a concern but has to be pineapple flavour. Yeah, pencil box is fine. I'll pick it up in the afternoon. Thank you. Sorry guys, it's my son's birthday day after tomorrow. And apparently among 8-year-olds chocolate is a lame flavour for cake. So what are your plans for the weekend? No plans Megha, I would love to come for your son's birthday party. Nice try, I wasn't asking so I can invite you to the party. Just got an email from Jefferson. Who is Jefferson? Megha, I am getting engaged. I've to go home. What? So all the phone calls last week.. You were talking to her. - Wow..congrats, Shetty. - Thank you. - I am also engaged. - What? To four people. I mean..if I don't go, then so won't my car.. ..and five people will have to cancel their plan. Traitor. Sorry, there was no space. Shivani's parents allowed only because all four will go together. And you just said you have no plans. Yeah. Well, I think we have a winner then. Thank you, Megha, but I didn't understand. Who is Jefferson? Hello. Yeah.. No, thank you. No, you can cancel the booking. Apparently, I've other plans. No, I've to stay in office over the weekend. Yeah! Okay. 'It's definitely not dangerous if you don't do it.' 'Since joining, I have spent a total of 66 days in office. That's 528 hours if you consider an average of 8 hours per day. Which means 31,680 minutes. In other words, 19,00,800 seconds. But I think no amount of time can prepare you for how alien the same office feels... ...on a saturday.' Cups are in the cabinet behind you. Back there. When did you come? When you quietly replaced your squeaking chair. An hour before that. How about we try something? There's no one in the office today. Right? Enough space for both of us. So how about for at least one day.. ..let's not bother each other. Okay? Wow.. I didn't know Dhume sir is so open to sharing. I know three ways to kill a man barehanded. Just letting you know. So if you tell anyone.. The AC on the main floor isn't working. I won't turn on the entire floor's AC for one man. Go and sit in some conference room. But I don't know how to remote access my system from there. In the first method, you hold the person's wrist. Why are you working this weekend? People like us don't get a 5-day week. When we come down on Saturdays and run system maintenance.. people like you can come on Mondays and do real work. Wait a minute.. You've to come to the office every Saturday. Yes. Then what was all that drama the other day about weekend plans? You didn't know that I'll be working on Saturday. And yet you didn't put my name on the list. But I had to come work over the weekend myself. I had just begun planning that.. ..I'll be lazing on the serene beaches of Goa.. ..sticking my feet in the sand.. ..sipping beer and enjoying the view. One mail from Jefferson.. ..and I couldn't even make plans for Lonavala. What kind of guy is Jefferson, by the way? I've never worked with him. He's a serious kind of guy. If the deadline is close, he and his team work round the clock. Oh yeah, don't be too informal with him like we talk.. each other in the office. Use only mister or sir. - Understood. - Yeah. I'll keep that in mind. - Mister or sir. - Done. - There you go. - Thank you. Oh wow, dot on time. Hello, Mr. Jefferson, this is Piyush from Pune Office. How are you doing, sir? First of all Piyush, it's not sir. It's madam. And's not even madam. Just call me Michelle. I am so sorry, I just assumed.. Piyush. We have a few important people on this call. The Team Lead from New York, the client rep from Glasgow.. ..and other stakeholders who really want to see this thing for themselves. So considering how we're pressed for time.. ..shall we skip the pleasantries and get on with work maybe. Yes. Thank you. Do you need some help? No, I think you've helped enough. Rather than hurting your finger, you should've let your ego get hurt. Just shut up, man. Unbelievable. I am offering you my help, and you're getting angry with me.'re wondering how everyone forgets to put you on his list. Actually, your question is wrong. I don't think anyone forgets. I think everyone remembers you. Then remember what a jerk you are. Then make sure they don't put you on their list. I am busy. Get out! Playing PUBG. As I said, I don't need an M416 to kill a man in real life. My bare hands are enough. I think I said too much in a fit of rage. - The other method is to punch someone hard under the kidney. - I am sorry. Look, I know you don't like me. But I don't think I've done anything to deserve that. But if I did unknowingly. I am sorry. I was hoping if we could agree on one thing. No? Okay. Listen. Yes. Would you like a beer? I've to wait for Jefferson's call. You'll be shocked to know that you can do both simultaneously. Here. Thank you. Isn't this available only in Goa? Yes. But I am the king of this place, so you get it here too. Cheers. Want to see something? Watch. Wow.. Beer, sound of the ocean, and white chicks all around. It really feels I am in Goa and not in the office. So are you going to appreciate only when there's sand under your feet? Wait a minute, I'll be right back. - What happened? - I'll be right back. Great! Something is still missing. I know what. Stand up. - What happened? - Just stand up. Now that's perfect, right. Yeah, close enough. Return the beer. You don't deserve it. - What happened? - Sorry. Cheers. Just out of curiosity. There's no way you're going to be so sweet and nice.. me on the weekdays, right? Nope. Monday is like a reset button. Everything back to routine. And listen, don't tell anyone about this. I have an image to protect. Understand. I'll try my best. And the third method is a hard punch under the person's liver. Yeah, and you know four more ways like this one. I know. Why if someone sees us like this on the CCTV camera? - What? - It's turned off. I even switched chairs in the morning. Well, there's the call, I've got to go. - I think this is good to go, Piyush. - Okay. Yeah, I'll forward this to the implementation team. You can go home now. And, also I am sorry, I know I ruined your weekend. No, no, Michelle, it wasn't that bad. Michelle, before you forward it.. you mind if a make a small update to the credits page. Okay. But what update? No, I just realised I forgot to add a name. I would like to add that to the list now. Oh yeah, sure, sure, no problem. Thank you. 'Angad was right.' 'It's amazing, how even after a long weekend..' '..things fall back into routine on Monday.' 'Effortlessly.' 'And like the others, I had no tan on my skin..' '..or pics on Insta, to show off.' 'But..I think I had something better.' - Shetty.. - Yes. - Accept my request. - First, send me a request. What else do you think I am doing? Request! Bourbon. Where is mine? None for you. Why are you late, Piyush? 5 Minutes isn't even called late. 'You see..even in these comfortable familiar routines..' '..even if it may appear things are the same.' 'They sometimes change.' 'Just a little.'
Channel: The Viral Fever
Views: 6,188,737
Rating: 4.9015136 out of 5
Keywords: the viral fever, tvf, humour, qtiyapa, comedy, cubicles, tvf latest web series, tvf show, latest series, corporate, corporate job, 9 to 5 job, software engineer, college, IT jobs, weekends, nidhi bisht, tvf originals, sab qtiyapa hai, frustrated indian, first job, stress, cubicles episode 3, cubicles ep 3, cubicles all episodes
Id: KuG18GtLf5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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