Cubase 10 and 9 - Tips And Tricks Part 1 - Super Helpful!

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hi guys in this short video I've put together my favorite tips and tricks in kiboshed N and Q best 9 to improve your workflow and I bet the some you don't know about let's do this so I'm going to split this video into two and this first video is going to be tips and tricks within the arrangement window or otherwise known as the project window so the first tip is that there is no master channel within the project window therefore you can't automate the master channel so let's fix that let's open up the mix that f3 and just click on the edit settings on the stereo out which is the master buss click right make sure that reveal parameter on right is set so come to settings if you're on 9.5 I think there's a cogwheel down here somewhere for the settings but in Cubase 10 just make sure reveal parameter on right is selected that is always really useful I use that all the time so you can literally just bring up it brings up a Lane automatically for you whichever Noby you've changed you go searching for the right parameter so we're just going to press play and just move anything make sure we just take right off again and here we have the stereo out and we can just put that back to how it was we can just delete that point altogether and there we have it stereo out fully automate a ball with its own controller lane or automation Lane in the project window so that's tip number one the next one is going to be open MIDI window in place or edit in place I think it's called if you double click your MIDI and it should open up in the lower zone if that's what you've got selected on your preferences which is default of course you can open up the full window here with this arrow but there's a third option as well just going to turn off that lower zone so just highlight the track and press control shift and I and the Edit in-place window pops up you can also do this via MIDI and open in place editor and of course as you can see the MIDI notes and all the information is now on the track itself rather than in the lower zone to make that bigger just press Z on the track just to zoom into that track now you've still got access to your velocity velocity lanes or any other controller lanes at the bottom obviously you can still write notes in you know if you want to or delete them whatever extend them but you're doing it all in the lane itself click this blue arrow you've got some more options at the top as you'd might normally find if you've got it in the lower zone if you want to zoom in vertically just come over to the piano and make sure you've got a hand and just go left or right so what are the benefits of opening up on the track as opposed to the lower zone because obviously this is a lot smaller well the one that I can immediately see is you can line up the MIDI to your audio so let's say for example let's just make this one bigger as well let's just zoom out a little bit so yeah so now we can let's say this audio is over here and it's a live recorded guitar or something like that and we just want to sync up this MIDI to it obviously we can just move the MIDI part and sync that up let's just take off snap for a second press J's just get these a little bit off grid so yeah I can now clearly see but I can line up that MIDI notes with the start of that phrase there that's easily done or of course I can do the same thing I can line up the audio with the MIDI just to get those lined up for example so that's like a really really useful function that probably a lot of people don't even know about and just to take that off again just control shift by again okay so I'm sure you all know about automation and drawn-in automation as we touched upon earlier but this when you draw in automation here you can you have to listen to what it sounds like you know it's all done basically the volume volume changes or whatever all done in the mixer if you want a visual representation just literally grab the draw tool the is for volume and you can start drawing in volume changes on the actual audio itself and you can visually see the volume changes on the waveform quite useful so it's just going to quickly undo that and take this one step further if you do want to draw in your automation on the lane just press f6 again this is a really useful function in your settings go to show data on tracts and now you can see that in the automation Lane you've got your audio waveform as well so it's a lot easier zooming just to maybe create your own you know automation ramps that you might want so another little useful tip there for you and you know if you don't have that on as standard then it's going to like that and you're a little bit sort of guessing with the line above so it's up to you if you have that on or off I find it quite useful and one more useful tip on automation before I go f6 again settings and use virgin territory normally when you automate some volume changes or whatever on automation it does it for the whole track basically if but if you use virgin territory it only does it for the bit that you want it on for example like that but the rest of this track is now automation free so you can carry on using the faders or whatever in the mixer let's just add some more in so the first part of this loop I won't be able to manually use the fader but the second part of the loop I will be able to just press number one there to go back to the left locator and I'm going to mess around with the volume you can see that's the automating there but now I'm free to move it in the second half I'm free to move it if use virgin territory wasn't on I wouldn't be able to manually move that fader so yet another really useful tool that is quite unknown or not very well known now if you're editing audio a lot like I do with vocals whatever or guitars then this next feature is going to be useful to you it's Auto fades and let me just demonstrate that you know if you were to cut out this bit cut out this bit cut out this bit okay let's imagine these are all vocal phrases and obviously you normally want to fade them all in fade them all out just so you don't get any clicks and pops for example you know it's going to take you quite a while you know some of you may know that you can just press two on your range and get your range to a rather highlight the moment press a for a fade out but you know I'm talking about fade-ins and fade-outs on many many different things and I want I want it to happen automatically I don't want to do it manually all the time so there is an auto fades function which you can get to up here or you can come up to project and go Auto fades or you can just put it on the track itself and not the whole project if you want to so right click Auto fades so this put it on the whole project set your length auto fade in Auto fade out and auto cross fades obviously you can adjust the length and the shape type and your crossroads is in a different tab or together click okay and now every time you make a slice all of these points but all of these parts I should say will have 10 milliseconds of fading now one thing to note or two things to note you do not get a visual representation of this so I had to test this by doing 500 milliseconds to make sure that it was fading in but it definitely does it it just doesn't show you as a fading graphically that's the first thing to note the second thing to note is it is a little bit processor intensive as you play it back it does it in real time it processes it in real time that's probably why you don't get a visual representation at this stage so I just wanted you to make you aware of that let's just highlight all my tracks and ctrl down let's get them a little bit bigger so for my next example let's just bring it in a loop from the media Bay and we're going to convert this audio into MIDI let's just have a listen to it first of all so let's just say you wanted that in MIDI form so then you can apply your own instrument to it and change the sound of it completely double click this is for pro users by the way because we're going to use very audio edit very audio and now it's converted that audio into MIDI parts and it's just come to functions and extract MIDI and you can choose your various settings you want here just notes and no pitch Bend data is fine for me destination first select a track or mid new MIDI track that's fine press ok close that window get rid of the lower zone and now we have the MIDI version of this audio track here so now I can assign another VST instrument to this MIDI part and get a totally different sound if I want to let's go back into this audio part and do something else with it this time we're going to hit hit points and I'm sure we know about hit points it's detecting various different levels of volume in the audio and you can you've got a threshold which you can have more or less points detected and this time we're going to do create groove and what's that done is created a brand new groove which is now available in your your quantize drop-down menu so obviously you've got the normal one quarters on halves one oops but here's the one we've just created so it's a brand new groove you've got available in your quantize menu so slip editing has been around for years and I've been using it for years every single day I find it so handy instead of moving the audio part around all the MIDI parts around you can just move the contents within that so to demonstrate it just press ctrl + alt and then use your left and right mouse you know drag left and right and you can see it slipping really really useful function for lining up audio a drum hit or a vocal phrase or whatever okay for my next tip it involves folders and let's just say you've got loads and loads of folders open and some are closed what you can do is just ctrl and click one of them and they will all closed or ctrl and click one of them again and they'll all opens that's really really handy my next tip is the divide track list so click this button here and you've now got like two separate arrange windows so you might want to put that stereo out up there for example so it's always at the top this is if you're going to be demonstrated a lot better if you know you've got a very very big arrangement going on with many many tracks let's just add in a load of trash just to kind of add the illusion we've got a big folder you know a big project going on so as you can see the stereo out always remains at the top even though we're scrolling down in the lower part of the project window or you might want to do that with a vocal or drums or whatever and you can easily just move these back in again if you want to just be careful though if you have got an audio part in the top half and you then close your divide list you will lose that part it was just from vanishing your weekend what the hell's going on here so make sure you just open it up again drag it back in first and then close it down if you're finished with it layers so that's a really really useful feature for keeping something on the top at all times so you can line up say a guitar or something to the drums if you keep the drums up there all the time something like that my last tip is going to be on the sampler and you all know that you can dragging audio to the sampler and obviously start messing around with it but did you know you can actually drag in MIDI as well and there we have it it's bounced down the audio so I dragged the MIDI file into the sampler it's bounced down the audio and now I can play this as a normal sample so obviously just might want to just move the start time I can play it at various different pitches obviously and of course you've got access to audio warp and you know if you want to play it a different pitch but at the same tempo [Music] asexual sexist that's a really really useful feature which I'm not sure too many people know about that actually they knew they could bring an audio but not MIDI as well so that's it guys if you found this video useful and you want to see more then please hit the subscribe button but don't forget to press the bell as well because this will tell you when our next video is out and we have many many more useful videos on the way please click the thumbs up that will help us a lot and please comment below with anything you want to know and any future ideas for tutorials all the very best guys I'll see on the next one bye bye [Music]
Channel: Born To Produce
Views: 64,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cubase 10, cubase, cubase tutorial, cubase 10 tutorial, learn cubase, born to produce, cubase for beginners, cubase 9.5, cubase beginners guide, cubase beginners course, cubase beginners tutorial, cubase lesson, cubase beginner lesson, cubase 9.5 tutorial, cubase beginner tutorial, cubase lessons, cubase tutorials, steinberg cubase, cubase course, cubase 10 pro, cubase 10 review, cubase edm, cubase 10 new features, cubase 10 elements, cubase tips, cubase tips and tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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