9 Quick CUBASE TIPS and TRICKS that you need to know (2020)

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i'm going to share with you nine quick cubase tips and tricks that i think you need to know what's going on my friends are crystalline here from mixdown online now today we are gonna look at nine cubase tips that i think you need to know those are the results of a bunch of questions that i received over the past weeks and months and it was time for me to come up with a new cubase tip video and there it is okay now before we jump to the first tip if you're new here on the channel subscribe to the channel click that notification bell and also share and like if you love and enjoy this video alright so now to tip number one how to open the option dialog box when processing a shared audio event and this is an answer to the following question chris i do not get the option of the new version when i duplicate the main vocals and manipulate the duplicated track in very audio as a result my main vocal notes also changes please help thanks so let me explain to you what is happening here so uh when you duplicate a track like i'm gonna do right now with this channel whatever i do to the duplicated audio event it will affect the original event also because those are linked to the same audio file that is in the pool okay so if you want to fix that you need to make a copy of that that event the duplicate event version to do so uh you need to make sure that under preferences under edit down to preferences if you click on the editing and then audio you will see the on processing shared clips you need to make sure that open options dialog is the one selected yours is probably set up to process existing clips so you just need to go and click make sure the open options dialog is the one selected click ok and now next time you're gonna manipulate your file in very audio let's do it right now i'm gonna select my duplicated audio event i'm gonna click on i'm gonna double click on it first of all and then i'm going to activate very audio now when i'm going to start playing with the pitch of this duplicated event i'm going to see this window and that is the window that you are missing right now and this is going to essentially ask me if i want to create a new version of this audio event or keep working on the original one so you just click on new version and there you go now i have a new version name right here under the name of that event there's a small two that was added and that means that it has created a new event a new audio file that is straight in the pool so this is basically how you can work this out okay now to the next tip how to rename an audio event okay i'm gonna use the same audio event that i have right here the copied one so there's a few ways i can use to change the file name of this event so i select the event to start with and on the top on the top left of my project window we have description and this is the name listed right under description i have the name of my selected event the only thing that i need to do is to change it and name it to the file or to the name that i want click on enter elect solo 2 is now the new name of this event what we have here in in parentheses is the original file name okay the audio file that we have in the pool so if the name is not the same as we have on the audio event you will have the original name of the file itself in parentheses okay so this this is why you see that name which in this case is elec orange72 okay so that's the reason why now something else that is also very cool is that you can change the name of the channel and a selected event or events at the same time so let's go and rename our our solo channel and i'm gonna rename this one to get solo 2 and i'm going to click on shift and then click on enter and now it will change the name of the channel itself and also the selected audio event alright so those are a couple of options you can use to change the name of a nodule event now if you don't want to see the original file name in parentheses you just need to name that event the same as your original file name and you're going to be good to go okay that's the only name that is going to show on that event let's try it out so i'm going to just rename this one to the same name as its original file name and there you go now i only have one name which is the original one but the minute you change that and the name of the event is different than the original or the root audio file it will be shown in parentheses all right so this is how you can work this out let's jump on tip number three how to ripple delete like in adobe premiere i work in adobe premiere which is a video editing software and this is how i edit all of my videos now there's a function that is very useful that you know people when editing videos will use all the time and it's called ripple delete what ripple delete will do is basically when you're doing a cut when you're doing a cut on a video um it's going to bring your the end of the cut you know the next event after your cut to the end of the previous event okay at the cutting point so this is what it's going to do so i hope i explained this well but you're going to see it in cubase because you can also do the same in cubase if you want for example cut off a complete section of the of a track or the full song you can use a function similar to ripple delete and that will do it so let's jump into it and let me explain to you better in a better way by showing it directly in cubase okay so let's say i want to just get rid of that section here i'm going to select my range selection tool so let's say i just want to uh to get rid of this part so i selected i click on delete but i don't want to leave any space in the empty space but i want that left at that right event to automatically be uh be snapped to the left event okay without leaving any space in between what i need to do is to select again with the range selection tool and then click on shift and backspace that will delete time and this is what it is called in cubase so the equivalent of ripple delete is delete time in cubase all right so um you can also find this under edit and then go down to range and then you will see delete time right here so that will cut the selected event without leaving any space in between the two events so those two to a leftover events will be snapped together uh let's do this on the full project okay to the the full song and this can be practical at some point so if i want to select more than one channel but i want to select the full all channels of my project i just need to keep my fingers on shift and control or command if you're on mac and just select the section that i want to work on and that will select this this range on all channels at the same time and from that point i can do the same thing and click on shift and backspace and that will delete the time within that selected range very very useful so this is how you can do this and this is the equivalent of ripple delete found on adobe premiere now for tip number four how to loop a selected range very fast okay now this is very useful when mixing uh you want to just loop a specific session you're working on toms for example and you just want to loop those toms at a specific section of a song what you need to do is very simple select the the section you want to loop okay by working with the range selection tool okay and then the only thing you need to do is to click on alt and p as in peter and there you go it's going to start looping super fast and easy because basically when you use your range selection tool anywhere in the project whether it's on an event itself or in an empty space and you click on p that will set up the left and right locators automatically and then the only thing you need to do if you want to loop it you just need to make sure that the loop option is active on the top and then you're going to start playing but the fastest way is to select your range or click on the alt np that will set up the left and right locators and at the same time it's going to start playing in a loop okay that range is going to start looping so very fast to loop a specific section of a song let's jump on the next one how to create your own vst instrument list alright so let's go on top in studio and then look for vst plugin manager and actually talked about that before but for plugins okay and it's the same principle if you want to do the same with virtual instrument you can create your own list or collection as they call it so you select your vista instrument tab and then on the right side you will have the default selection which this is what it looks like when you install all of your vst instruments cubase will set up and create specific folders for specific types of vst instruments but you can actually custom that to your own taste if you want to and create your own collection so you do the same as we do for plugins we click right here at the down arrow icon and click on new collection and then let me bring that to the right and then you click on empty and let's name this one collection chris click on ok and i can simply drag and drop the instruments that i want to have in this collection but i can also create a new folder by clicking on the folder icon and let's call this one drum so if i just want to use i have a folder for all the drums of vs2 instruments that i usually work with i can just do it this way and select battery which i work with a lot a backbone there you go both groov agents and let's uh okay go with loop match also drag and drop them in the folder and there you go let's do the same with other synths okay so and let's go and select the ones that i work with the most so uh retro log where is it there you go also serum tal i have contact easy keys all right so let's go with these i have those two folders with a bunch of vst instruments and i can also just drag and drop any instrument into the list and that's it now the next time i'm going to open myself a new virtual instrument i'm just going to have to go under media on the right side of my the right zone of the project window click on vst instruments and there you go now i just make i just need to make sure that collection cryst or the one that you created is the one selected and you'll you will have your folders and your virtual instruments right here so this is how you can create yourself your own personal custom vst instrument list okay now tip number six how to change the maximum level of a channel fader okay i had a question not too long ago and if i remember correctly the person was asking um if there was a way to to have the same channel fader level that he has innuendo um it was saying that innuendo you can go up to 12 plus 12 db in uh in volume on the fader so let's check this out in cubase by default what we have on any channel we have a plus six range on uh on the on our fader so if we set that up to unity point which is zero we can bring the fader up uh six dbs you know by default but you can change that to plus 12 dbs if you want to by going under uh under project and down to project setup and then you will see the volume max that is set up by default at plus 6 db just click select a plus 12 click on ok and now as you can see i have 12 extra i have 6 extra dbs on this channel so it goes up to 12 dbs okay so this is how you can do it okay now let's jump on the next question how to micro move a channel fader so let's go back and look at a very cool trick that you can do to uh to make your moves on the fader so if i move a fader it will go pretty you know pretty fast but if you need to just uh do some very tiny moves okay and let's say your uh your fader level is at the bottom of your channel where you have way less resolution and you want to automate or just tweaking by a few dbs the level of this channel what you can do is instead of trying to do some very gentle and tiny moves with your mouse you can still move your mouse but by keeping your finger on the shift you will be able to slow down the move of the fader and just work on tiny micro moves for you know sweet touch-ups you know which can be very useful near the end of the mix or when working on automation so this is how you can do so so look at the difference so if i move the fader without keeping my finger on shift it's going to move at its regular speed but when i'm going to click on shift now it moves in a very slower way so very useful if you want to to make some tiny micro moves on a channel okay now let's talk about the next cubase tip change the channel color from the track list this is a very useful tip that a lot of people don't know about okay so um if we click on a channel you want to select you know a couple of channels or just one channel uh you want to change the color of that channel you select it you click on top and you select the color that you want but you can also by keeping your finger again on shift you can just click at the right side of the channel straight from the track list and that will open your color palette okay very cool and then you can select the color that you want in a very very fast way very useful if you want to change the color of only one channel at a time just select this one and we can also do the same in the uh straight from the mix console so it's the same principle but from the project window so a lot of people don't know about that one but it is very useful now for the last cubase tip and this one is from the mixed console open the eq section with one single click so for this i need to make sure that my uh my eq tab is open and if you work with the eq out of the channel strip when you mix you are gonna find this one very useful by having the eq tab visible um look at look on top of the eq we have a graphic visuals of our eq curves the only thing that you need to do to access this you know if you want to make a few changes instead of you know doing it doing everything from those parameters of the uh under the eq tab you just need to click on the eq graphic and there you go you can make changes right off the bat in a very simple and fast way without leaving the mix console super useful super fast and very efficient so there you go my friends this is going to be it for today's video i hope that was helpful i hope you enjoyed it if so share and like leave your comments and questions down below and if you're new here on the channel or if you've been watching this channel for quite a while but you're still not subscribed click on the subscribe button below and the notification bell so you don't miss anything until next time take care and see you
Channel: Chris Selim - Mixdown Online
Views: 22,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris selim, cubase, cubase 9, cubase pro, home recording, home studio, home studio mixing, home studios, mixdown, mixdown online, mixing, mixing audio, mixing tip, mixing tutorials, music, recording audio, steinberg, the recording revolution, tips, tutorial, Cubase Tips, Cubase 10.5 tips, 9 Quick CUBASE TIPS and TRICKS, cubase tutorial, cubase 10 tutorial, cubase 10.5 tutorial
Id: YfrXbaOa4Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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