TOP 10 Cubase MIXING Features I use ALL THE TIME

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let's look at my top 10 mixing features found in cubase what is going on my friend chris selim here from mixdown online before we start this video i just want to note that my cubase core is the ultimate guide to cubase is at 40 off for black friday starting today so today until sunday link is down below now for all of you who are not subscribed yet to my channel please do so click that subscribe button below the notification bell so you don't miss anything and if you enjoyed this video don't forget to share and to like okay now let's jump in cubase and let's look at those top 10 mixing features that i like to work with now there's way more than 10 okay but those are my top favorite mixing features okay so let's jump in cubase and check this out first a feature that i like to work with that i actually work with all the time is the pre section on the straight on the mixing console okay so if you look right here on top you have the pre tab and that will hold the high pass filter low pass filter the gain knob and also the polarity okay the face so if you want to switch the polarity you just activate phase on and off and this is a very fast access to those the parameters that i use all the time so every time while mixing that i need a high pass filter or a low pass filter or i just want to gain stage my sound i'm gonna just go straight on my mix console under my pre-tab and work this out right away now if you don't see that pre-type because it's not visible by default you are gonna need to go right on top under racks and make sure that pre-filter gain phase is checked on so this way you will have it visible straight from the mix console now the next feature that i work with a lot is the channel settings window there you go so this is a very cool feature that we have in cubase and that will apply on all channels effects group channels instrument channels and of course audio channels so to access the channel settings window the only thing you need to do is to click on this little guide the e icon for edit channel settings and there you go now you can also access this straight from the uh the project window okay your e is going to be right on top when you have one channel selected okay and there's also the key command the shift plus e that will open the uh the edit channel settings window and this is what we get so this is actually an overview of the selected channel from all the inserts that we have on the left and we have also the channel strip that we have access to from this window and if we look in the middle part we have by default the equalizer the channel strip one more time so for the channel strip we have the visual look right in the middle and we also have access to all the modules from the left side of the um of the channel settings window and then we have the sends on the right and also the pen if we uh if you want to pan your sends this is where you're going to be able to do it then we have the cue sends also and the cool thing is that on top we have the selected channel and we also have like in this case i'm i have a group channel selected so i'm gonna have all the channels coming into this group channel right here so i know that in this case i have those four channels that are routed straight into my mix drum group and then i have my outputs so i have the output where my channel is going and also the the sense okay which is which are the targets uh then if i click on this one it's a show output chain so this will show me all the channels following the output of this selected channel so in this case my mix drum bus is going straight into the stereo out which is then going into my main master output you can also extend that window and add a direct routing if you want to or output chain which is exactly what we did by clicking on this icon right here so that is the channel settings window very useful i work with it all the time when i need to just add a quick eq on a channel or using the channel strip or even you know even working with the pre-gain or um or my high pass and low pass filters you know they are accessible from the channel settings window also on top of the mix console which is quite cool let's not move away from the channel settings window because we are going to look at the channel strip that is another very cool feature that i like to work with in cubase when mixing the channel strip is super nice it's going to give you access to a bunch of different modules which are basically plugins but they are all located on every channels in cubase like audio channels group effects channels instrument channels so it's very cool it's a very fast access to um to get a hold of some different type of effects like a gate a compressor actually three compressors and we of course have the eq which is this one right here and then we have tools like a de-esser or even an envelope shaper some saturation and also some limiting so there's a bunch of stuff that we have access to part of this channel strip which is quite cool you can also move those modules around so if you want to have the eq at first just drag this one to the left or just move them from the left zone of the channel settings window and that will do the same thing also you can bring that channel strip pre-inserts by default the inserts are going to come first and then the signal is going to go straight into the channel strip if you want to switch that around you only need to just click on that small icon and now your channel strip is going to be the first in the signal chain and then the signal is going to go in the inserts next quick link very cool feature in cubase very useful when mixing it's just the ability to select several tracks in your project and quick link them if you need to apply the same type of of moves or processing to several channels at the same time instead of grouping them together on a permanent level you can just quick link them so they're going to be linked together only when quick link is activated and you can found a quick link right here on top by clicking on the q link tab right here on top to activate quick link so for example so let's take these these are i think i have like six guitar tracks i'm going to select them all my quick link is active so if i bring down one fader it's going to bring all of them all together if i insert a plug-in so let's go and insert let's look for frequency all right now it's going to insert frequency on all those selected channels very very cool and the cool thing is by having them all selected at the same time plus quick link if i make a move on my eq it's going to apply the same move on all of them so let's add a high pass filter on this one there you go and if i look at all the other frequencies that i have on all channels there you go so i have the same high pass filter setting if i move one knob here let's move this one and let's activate yeah the third one there you go and look at that you know they are all connected and linked together so this is actually pretty cool all right so i'm gonna remove all of these all together and if you click on shift and alt that will activate the quick link as far as you keep pressing on those two keys and this is very cool if you need to quick link a few tracks without activating on a more permanent level the quick link option so by just pressing on shift and alt that will activate the quick link as far as you keep your fingers on those keys next we have the quick bussing is something that i like a lot in cubase so let's say i want to add an effects channel track to all of those three selected tracks so i'm gonna select them first and then right click and go straight to add effects channel to selected channels we can also do the same for group channels and also vca fader to selected channels which is very cool so let's do it by adding an effects channel to those selected tracks and this is what we get okay so i'm gonna just choose my effect which is i'm gonna keep it with this emt 140 reverb configuration stereo um the output i'm gonna just put it straight into the master output and then i have the choice between the outside folder or inside folder i'm going to select the outside folder so this way the effects channel is going to create itself right by those selected channels i'll let me call this one verb and click on add track there you go now i have my plugin open and then i have my reverb fx channel track and if you noticed i already have on those three channels i have them already already sent to the effects channel that i created so the sends are going straight into this effects channel track which is quite cool let's do the same and create a a group channel so i'm going to right click again this i'm going to click on add the group channel to selected channels and then again i'm going to have configuration i'm going to set this one to stereo output let's keep it to master create outside folder that's great and i'm gonna name this one elect gr for click on add a track and there you go i have my my group channel track and all those three channels that i um that i selected before are routed as you can see on top the output of those channels are going straight into this group channel track which is quite nice something that you can also do and this is something that i did on my end is to create a shortcut a key command so to do so i click on edit go down to key commands and under mixer you will see add the track to selected group channel to selected effects channel and also to vca fader and i created myself a custom key command for each of those commands which increases my workflow like crazy i use i use this all the time so let's add a vca fader to uh these two channels okay i'm going to select them both in my case i selected ctrl shift and v and there you go i have my vca fader that is controlling those two selected channels super cool next we have the control room now the control room is found on the right zone from the mix console or straight on the project window and this is what we see here on the right the control room now i made a few months ago a video talking only about the control room and why i like to use it so i'm going to leave the link down below now in mixing when i mix i love to use the control room especially to to manage my reference tracks so when i work with a reference track i love to use the control room to manage that out so by clicking on c1 it's going to give me access to my reference track so i can just go from c1 to mix to to go from my mix source to my q1 source which in this case is my reference track i also made a video on this specifically so go watch it i'm going to leave the link down below so if you have cubase pro i'm gonna encourage you to work with the control room which is very useful for recording and also for mixing next we have the different zones in cubase as you can see and i talked about that before but it is one of my favorite mixing features in cubase now we have three different zones here in a straight on the mixing console as you can see the right side of my console i have some channels that are static they are not moving and same for the left zone of the mix console i have that one reference channel that is not moving when i move my mixer around you know and this is very simple to work with so i'm going to activate the main left zone and that is going to give me access to all my channels by clicking on the visibility tab on top if i go down i have two tabs the channel tabs and the zone tab so i need to click on zones i need to make sure that zones is the one selected and then i'm going to have the list of all of my channels part of my session and if you look here i have it three dots that there's the center dot which is the default position for all channels but i can also bring all of them to the left zone or to the right zone of the mix console okay so this is what's happening here so all of those channels on the right side of my mixed console are these ones they are positioned to the right side of my mix console and that is why they are not moving and same for my reference track right here on top this one is positioned to the left side of the mix console so this way they don't move they always stay static and i always have them visible when i mix in the mix console another mixing feature that is very useful in cubase is the plugin folders this is something that increases my workflow like crazy let's say i want to insert a plug-in i have my custom plug-in collection that are all categorized in different folders i have one folder for limiters for transient designers one for gates de-essers and so on which is very practical it's super fast for me to just click on my favorite eq plugin or compressor plugin i just need to go in the straight into the folder and select my favorite plugin super fast and easy to work with to set that up i talked about that before but just to make that quick you click on top on studio and you just open the vst plugin manager on the left there's the vst effect tab and this is what you need to select this is going to list all of your plugins installed on your system and on the right side you will have your collections by default this one is going to be set up to this look you know which is all the plugins that you have installed basically you can actually sort them by vendors like they are right now or by category like this you know so this is the default uh the default state when you open this window so from that point on you can create yourself a new empty collection and name that one let's name this one test click on ok and there you go from that point i can just drag and drop any plugins from the left vst effect zone to the right straight into this new collection or create a folder you know so there you go folder and just drag this one into a folder create several of them create your own personal collection this way very easy to work with now you can create more than one collection and by clicking on this small icon that will give you access to all the collections that you have on your system that you have created in the most part so i'm going to click on my chris 5 collection which is my main one and there you go and this way every time i insert a plugin i'm going to get straight into my collection now the next feature that i use on a regular basis is external effects so this is used when you have some analog gear that you want to mix with so let's open the audio connections window and look for external effects and this is where you'll be able to add any external external analog gear that you want to work with like in my case i don't have a lot i have the stem audio it's a type of a pultec eq that i work with uh you know once in a while and also the teglar cam that i kind of work with a lot you know this one is only for my my stereo bus so it's a stereo bus compressor anyway so this is how i use it also so i have my send and my return so the sense are basically the signal going out of cubase that is actually going in straight into the compressor then the output of the compressor is going back into my sound interface on input seven and eight and this is how i can route them straight in cubase once i'm done with the setup i can insert that as a plug-in so i'm going to click on insert and by default it will be under external plugins right here so you click on that and you'll have all a list of all your external devices that you set up on straight in audio connection so i'm going to click on teglarcram and this is what i'm going to get so it's going to be a small tiny window which is going to show me the amount of gain that i'm sending the amount of signal i'm sending to my analog unit and the return gain also and that's it you know that's the only thing you need to do if there's a type of a delay problem you can actually click on measure delay and if there's a problem um you know cubase will compensate for it by clicking on this measure delay you know but for the most part the cubase does delay compensation automatically now for the last mixing feature the quick side chain feature so i'm going to open frequency and this is on the base the channel so let's say you know it's not the case but let's say i want to use dynamic eq this is frequency 2 a part of cubase 11 so let's say i want to use dynamic eq and have my kick drum to be the side chain signal fitting the dynamic eq now in this case i have two bands that i want that i want to use as a side chain so what i'm going to do here is to select an input a side chain input for each band so the first one i'm going to select side chain one and this one the second side chain two all right so one for each then i'm going to click on top right here on top i have the setup sidechain routing very cool feature and there you go now this is a very cool way to do quick side chaining so i have my sidechain inputs and then this is new to cubase 11 where you have access to several inputs if the plugin you work with like frequency supports it so in this case i can because frequency will allow me to select more than one sidechain input so i will see those eight available sidechain inputs straight from this sidechain routing window so i'm going to select the first one and i'm going to click on add side chain source i'm going to look for my kick drum then let's create a new one side chain number two and i'm gonna do the same thing let's you know create uh create it with the same source the same kick drum and that's it now the only thing i need to do from this point is to choose if i want to to have them pre or pause the fader and then just activate right here uh by clicking on this icon that will activate the side chain and that's it now if i click on this e icon there you go that will open my source channel which is the kick drum and we have our kick drum signal going into the first side chain and then the second side chain also everything is already set up and ready to go so those are my top 10 favorite mixing features found in cubase now i know that there's way more than 10 mixing features in cubase so what i want you to do is to list your top favorite mixing features that you like to work with in cubase leave everything down below on top of your questions if you have some alright my friend so this is going to be it for today share like and subscribe to the channel if you are not already until next time take care and see you
Channel: Chris Selim - Mixdown Online
Views: 16,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cubase tips, steinberg cubase, cubase mixing tips, mixing in cubase, music production, learn cubase, how to mix in cubase, Cubase 11, Cubase11, Cubase MIXING Features, Cubase mixing, Mixing in Cubase, Chris Selim, Mixdown Online, cubase tutorial, cubase pro
Id: aJ-9qsKvF2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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