CS:GO - Natus Vincere vs. Team Liquid [Mirage] Map 1 - IEM Global Challenge 2020 - Group B

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mirage already seeds of doubt sown as to how much nafi uh has played it but of course it does seem to have an affinity for them we're going to be transitioning into game and it's going to be the most awkward moment as we get this pistol started gg.bet given navi the edge i'm ready and raring to go here alex so we're set up for a bit of a b hit right now you can see naf has his utility lined up the same for twist there's only one player over towards the b site right now and that's gonna be perfecto he's actually positioned over towards catwalk so if this hit comes in it might be a retake he doesn't want to hang around and fight flashes nades they come over and he's actually gonna stick around okay you've already seen stewie open up with a couple and i'm not in game so this is gonna be delayed casting chad take the pistol yeah i've got this one mate don't you worry about that bomb goes down on the bomb side stewie over towards kitchen trying to dissuade in the boost at catwalk right now so up and over the smoke will be simple they have flashes for this on booming as well as the kit so we're gonna come down to the timing of this retake four on five it's a difficult one navi now rotting down the clock here through kitchen flame he takes the jewel he's unable to get anything done it finally finds a frag booming gets the trade electronic on to twist and now it's a two on two that kid is still in boomer's hands but grim he's taking down boomich and it's just going to leave electronic the last man standing i'm back in business and it does seem to be a bit of a problem now that bombs take way too much electronic yeah it's a right bit of damage but he's going down with this ship grim seals the deal liquid take the pistol finish on b and good to see grim finding some early frags finding an early footing let's not forget that he was brought into this roster to be a firepower upgrade uh in that in the ranks in pursuit of glory they were always kind of sick of the podium finishes they were chasing that number one spot believe firepower's the answer and it's been a bumpy road since 1-0 though and we do see navi going for the force yeah i think nitro was definitely the glue man of this team right probably did a lot behind the scenes that uh the community would be unfamiliar with so his loss has definitely been felt for liquid within 2020 but regardless they're here on european soil and it's the final tournament of the year maybe they can get an upset victory here over navi to put themselves in the playoffs alongside of big this will be the full-on force simple saving some residual cash and it's been dropped across a scout here that one's gifted over thanks to electronic who's up close and personal towards the a-ramp and this one's quite a slow tempered start from liquid they're not going for any early mid control smokes and enforcing the issue they're just waiting for an early push from navi here cutting as many sound cues as possible the window smoke from a liege getting set up and grim ready to smoke off towards connector they call this one the momo special i wonder if they do have any json so tool inspired strategies oh okay that nade's gonna hurt stewie cops that one on the dome in response lobs out of molotov and hey what are you flirting with twists he's been heard and that's a galil he better be aware of this jumping down pin pulled an electronic can punish a galil oh dear ramp being held that's a great flash but there is still an electronic threat to nice fragging again grim fills the feed and it is only going to be a flaming and simple no threat from the galil now that can be retrieved and this round can slow down alesia's low well there's a chance here though they've just picked up the bomb so by the time he gets to the side it's going to be about 15 seconds they're right to swap the bomb over to the healthiest naf has to get across here no he gets across that god they swapped it now he can plan everyone's low this is just almost setting the stage for the simple scout show flamie's there as well our flashbang and that's another tag yeah that's checked out and he's gonna back peace out around that's unlucky yeah is he hanging around he wants to do some more damage simple's not done yet he could wall bang a cheeky nap looks like he's going to try and he's just on the retreat now wow liquid are very lucky to get away with this one i was just expecting simple to pull off a head shot on the nap as he crosses there because the whole time i'm just looking at the fact that grim has a smoke i'm going to throw it where are they going to throw are they going to make sure that they can cross in this situation i was expecting a huge calamity to unfold right there in favor of rv unfortunately it will be the 2-0 for liquid and they'll get away with another buy round here so upgrading into a couple more ak-47s the utilities looking good and now na'vi will just have this save scout from simple they can upgrade into a couple of p250s if they would like lost bonus going into the next round will be that twenty nine hundred dollars so plenty of money for a buy going into round number four would just be a light spattering couple of hey cheese in the mix here earlier you know nice bit of chip damage right there yeah maxing gonna be trying to get those extra two nades converted into similar targets and suddenly those p250s and scouts can pack a punch yeah this should be i know chad but let me say it let me say it this is where they're starting to lose a bit of info early though so the fact that they've audaciously pushed up behind simple scout perfecto can be left he's even dropping back they could start hedging their bets navi they don't have a flash to pounce out with they still have these two he's remaining on booming simple so if they cluster up around connector or potentially tetris they might be able to get themselves a cheeky kill here that nicely i think yeah nice baits out just through patience in 60 seconds liquid start to make plenty of noise upon their arrival into the site they go stewie's having a bit of a duel with boom itch and that's the frag they needed elise again doubles up nicely and just perfecto no issues no casualties this is actually the perfect start for team liquid here on their map pick yeah nice and clean the fact they're not giving away too many casualties they had a sketchy round just before but they've recovered from that they went with a similar approach a bit of a clamp down onto a using that connected position so conditioning navi early to show that mid presence is something that they're gunning for effector has the scout it's not really worth too much that close range now we'll finish him off with the ump and now there's the option for team liquid if they want to hold on to this skill of twist and that ump of nafta go if it's like a little bit more execute heavy they could go for a bit of a b pounce or straight into one of the a set pieces but the buy will be coming through for now v and it just looks like simple be bringing out that awp straight away m4s for the rest of them and no diffuse kick going into the first gun round so problems for navi if the bomb goes down let's keep our eyes on a post plant situation three straight away over towards b halls are leaves selling a bit of a fake over towards middle and there is early b presence so we can see tucked in aggressively will be grim meanwhile over towards a burmich he's getting inquisitive towards the ramp so early info for both sides here but team liquid look like they're more than happy to put on the brakes more mid-presence from stewie here and you can see the setup on the radar in your top left just how passive navi are playing off of middle close towards a ramp watching mid from ticket two players passive on that b site they're very vulnerable to a split right here the rotations will be miles away to either bomb site so they've got a lot of extra control as the smoke fades look at that two tucked into ladder room bombs on the back of twist so he's tucked in there too doesn't mean they're committed to be necessarily can pivot that's an three-man lean from navi on to way if liquids start to and it does seem they are lean b only two members of na'vi will have a voice in this round perfecto and flamey about to be tested and it's already a good flying colors for perfecto at first need the second flame you can't provide that should be the safe call yeah i think there's going to be a lot of this if navi are going to opt to give up so much room there liquid they just got the territory they needed went back and if they traded efficiently like they did the bomb site was always going to be theirs there's no information for navi throughout that round did you see the nonsense naf was doing as well in their opening game as well like the nuke wall bang the inferno looking nasty that's good to see narcia snap we haven't seen him in a while like how british you were with your ass there yeah the thing is in australia i don't even know how we say it because i say nasty ass i guess it's an americanism but it just feels right i've never really known where to land i guess my english is broken up between the american and the english english i saw um americans change the spelling of aesthetics so it doesn't have the a because they kept spelling it wrong i didn't realize that i saw elon musk tweed aesthetic with like an e it's the ugliest looking word i've ever seen they've changed a lot of the the language and they've butchered it they've really butchered it and shout out to all the american viewers tuning in to watch this morning guys time is it i don't know it's gonna be it's going to be about midday i guess it depends on what side of the states you're on but lovely lemonade and enjoying the counter strike well that's safe from navi will facilitate another buy so that's good news ollie now if i stop something i'm intrigued no the electronics jumped through it though maybe that's supposed to bait him in either way no window smoke and we are going to see a pop flash that could punish no one's there though in twists just given the responsibility of caging this animal that is electronic and well speak of it he's held it perfectly taps the head of electronic and ct aggression from rv they dip their toe in that water and well it's a bit too cold they've lost a player yeah so there was a lot of space given to electronic there it was clear that liquid were ready for an aggressive push just by the positions that we saw across the map and now that they have the number advantage they can just retool and it looks like they're jigging back up towards a all five members over towards palace and a ramp setting up their smoke some flashes down they still have a bucket load to work with heaps of flashes molotovs before their players plenty of smokes as well and at this stage navi have to take another bit of a gamble and that's over towards mid this time it's the wrong call a's been left open let's go okay molotov's will not stop boomitch he's gonna have to try and disrupt this and that was his chance did we may have called it can't stop the plan can he he does knocks it out twist turns he's made it before v4 this gets awkward now literally you have to mid this is all about individual prowess now the utility's gone but the bomb is down two from ct yeah this is doable there's a kid on perfecto but it's all gonna come down to this fight on stewie they need to get this cleanly running out of time it's simple in all of this still in jungle are they are they flirting with a safe shot not now perfecto has found an opening here they go flooding into the site it's pretty late survival integral naf does damage grim does two flames there though and it is going to be liquids fifth they successfully confer another yeah they were lucky they got that bomb down very quickly so stewie crossing straight over towards ct spawn on their execute and having control there meant even though bumich pushed and found that cheeky kill they could still get that bomb down safely and a lot of these options are if you're planning an open that means you need to have connector and jungle smoked off so you can't die vermich found the gap but they found another avenue to get that down and because they had so much room they weren't really being pushed around by utility they weren't getting spammed through the smokes forced into awkward positions navi didn't have a lot of information on that retake either other than the fact that the entire bomb site was given up it was always going to be a difficult task and now we're currently zero five down for navi yet to frag simple that's uh not something we say every day of the week oh that's why i felt like i hadn't said his name much okay well no reason to yeah they've taken a timeout and this might just be to calm things down they have enough to justify a buy especially considering this is navi simple with 6k in his bank balance we'll be going into the awp couple of famouses in the mix for the likes of booming electronic no kit yet again navi they might need to try and do something a bit more coordinated as a team here to find themselves an opening pick just to give themselves an early advantage and simple gracefully puts himself in prime position to hold middle now liquid they haven't at any point gone for a lackadaisical just walk into middle this feels like a risk the flash pops but so does the liege simple pulls the trigger before the nade does and now we've got an advantage for navi i haven't seen one of these in the opening stages all too often stewie's lingering around the beastmode don't think this duel from perfecto is going to be given though i think the b can definitely be a bit of a weak point uh over here we've seen it get tested in previous iterations in rv back when i think they had zeus holding this site if they're able to trade officially onto perfecto even if they give themselves a three on four situation that's still good enough the bombs all the way back towards t-spawn still and there's a minute on the clock so liquid there's no real indication where they want to finish just yet look at all the utility they're rocking with as well if they wanted to go for an execute they more than truly could liquids just smoked out towards mid landed towards window this looks like an a split coming two through connector two through the a ramp this hinges on how can you shut simples or down i like that smoke means they can take the jungle fight there's a flash buy some time for the duel but electronics want his and stewie's gone too good shut down from electronic that fam ass working well and simple's here to put the cream on the top of the cake there it is navi find their first of the defensive and well of the entire series yeah and simple found these first kills as well so that's a good start finally they take a timeout they get a round on the board and now now v they have a chance to post a second now they need to start stringing a couple together here a crazy bank hasn't been built from team liquid at this juncture and now they've just been gifted that 1400 loss bonus so they're not operating with a huge amount of cash but if they can continue to get control of the site and plant they can always be threatening in future rounds but getting back underway they could go for a pace change it looks like they're setting up for a very very early a execute here this is great they've normally been quite slow quite defaulty across the map this pounce might not be ready oh thank god grim's here fills the feed before booming does twice pressure now lots of those suppressing flashbangs but flamie hits a cracker full blind through a smoke headshot not supposed to be for grim this round i suppose twist has got a big jewel here does tuck in he's got to find flamie and flame he's just finding everyone this time he had more vision but navi executing just twists only the one for him and it will be navis bringing together some consecutive defensive rounds recovering two ak-47s as well right just picking up any of the leftover goodies any nades flashes anything they can get their hands on that awp will be carried through for simple as well so sitting pretty an rv now scoreline five to two with that plant liquid will be able to get another buy on the board and that pace change that's one of the cool things that you can do if you start a half really slow right if you start slow and you're winning those rounds you're conditioning rv to think that hey they're probably just going to go for more of this default spread they tried to change the pace got something a little bit more direct and ready for boomage to be honest no and look flamey getting that freebie through the smoke as well that completely hinders their approach but it looks like they're going for the same again okay i'm intrigued boomers isn't doing it again that molly will fade and off naf is naff's flash they're gonna give it a go boomage will you go into palace he's gonna try he heads in locked out he's still a threat though they're flooding into ct flame he didn't still have his nades in his hands he was not ready for that and now the bombs already going down twists make sure of that there's even a re-smoke boom which is being held this is great stuff from liquid and a liege it might have to be a safe call how do you get back in you've lost ct they've already got your holes that was the only pressure point that they had was booming live in halls and he's been taken care of already so you can see just how passive navi are being in this situation the audacity yeah look to do it again chad yeah and it's the pace change right that's the thing you're doubling down will they expect it again well not this time so much room taken i just love that direct nature as well flamey caught off guard i can only imagine how frustrating that would be to come around the corner and see two t's already well and truly in your face the bomb will go off it's a clean sweep for liquid here they've kept all five members alive and just that direct approach we might now see the game start tracking it in a whole new direction it really depends on how street wants to call here because navi have lost to the slow stuff they've lost to these more pouncy-based executes and they might start taking a couple more risks now one of those risks is bringing out the double or so flamie's actually upgraded into the second i got flamey on the screen just there having a bit of a chat with some of his uh compadres i'm sure that didn't go down as intended you have the gg dot better to the top of your screen still favoring now v here here's simple looking for another pick towards middle standard utility smoke towards top mid molotov towards connector and now it looks like they're setting up for a b piece there's four players already leaning over towards that side of the map just keep it na'vi guessing i love the variety of their playbook at the moment here on the t side of mirage if it posts them nine you know they're staying competitive in a map that yanko highlighted is strong for navi albeit underplayed yeah mirage is always a weird one with navi i think it's because especially on the t side they get themselves into these weird buying patterns and i feel like it's a hard map to pull off some miracle rounds especially time and time again but regardless it is a more forward stance in the middle here simple on cap walking towards top mid electronic burrowed on down a hard angle to clear not something you'd be expecting your eyes are going to be more drawn towards that connected position this run boost could be great though he's across he has no idea an electronic goes down stewie that's quite the catch and they nearly catch simple he's flashed 50 hp molly replacing him he'll smoke on top to try and maintain control but it's too late they've got some pace here flamey has an orp though and it's found the header grim stewie's still handing out haircuts maybe there's around here two kills so far good point 30 seconds this is awkward as hell the bomb is top mid do navi know that though doesn't look like it they could even pivot towards me here we can cut off the rotation and that's just the awareness of the world's best still not out of the woods though they are heavy rotating towards a elise will be able to plant b i say with baited breath there is now perfecto moving back towards the site he was tasked with i think he's got time definitely heard this now surely well they're chasing they're straight in are they walking there's a timer on this no they're not liege paranoia sets in no he holds his nerve holds the line steps a little bit of sound cue action okay first jewel was perfecto and that's enough it will be navi's third nice shots from stewie but there was no follow-up from his compadres it almost worked out better for liquid there i felt if they continued on to the a site if they had the bomb they were going to be clamped down again because of that a ramp pressure once more so it could have been much worse than the fact that they get the plant here will facilitate yet another buy keeping them just in that threshold could even start bringing out a t-side at awp if they would like there is money to do that with but as i can see they're going for the five ak-47s again it's a good way to find the opening there from liquid obviously they weren't awares of that setup from electronic and simple but they're able to punish it double ops retained flamy and simple still holding on to those let me get back underway as electronic oh okay reconsiders the jump here and i think they're paranoid of a fast stewie and they're right to be because he's flying through flames and flashes to tuck himself in and look at electronic he has to be paranoid now there's potential for that he heard the flame sound cue he doesn't know how far he disrespected the flame now already into b a tag grim wing clipped but he's still shooting damage into simple perfecto does well so does simple finding grim finishing the job he will burn though and now with naf's frag there's an equal stead 3v3 nade does good damage twist has got a jewel with electronic but that's an after plant now that could get naded down even down to four hp if he could just take one with him if he could just take one it's winnable he halves boomich's health claiming from kitchen hard duel against the york baits the shot electronic peppered this is awkward stewie though baited in he gets himself one he needs two more though miss shot from flamey adjusts it's not enough they have the kits they have the time it will be another navi success on the b retake oh slavered right the fact that liquid continue to get this site presence in control means that na'vi are never really going to get a chance to hugely break the economy we've just had a a tech force called here so yeah chad can i just ask for you to spend 30 seconds of this tech pause talking to them on your own because while i run to the bathroom i know it's a bad thing but um i forgot yeah that's all right mate i can i can definitely get that one through for everybody now ladies and gentlemen as you may be aware in recent times uh these tech pauses we've uh stopped talking about the video game in front of you so i'll bring you some of the highlights of today's match it was heroic versus furious it was an elimination match in case you missed it and in that game it went all three now uh the middle map is probably the only one if you're gonna go back and watch on the replay that you should spend your time doing it was a very exciting game on nuke it was triple overtime you had katie and popping off after he wins a crazy one-on-two situation from the hut but heroic unfortunately they were eliminated by fury who have kept their head above water now what that means for this matchup is the loser of na'vi versus team liquid we'll be playing furious tomorrow we already have our first decider match for tomorrow going on down and that will be vitality taking on the likes of astralis one of those two teams will not be making it through to the playoffs both having lost to a big earlier in the tournament and uh i'll let you guys know as soon as this one is getting ready and raring to get back underway just waiting for one player to rejoin the server just to recap here he comes alex is back ladies and gentlemen don't you worry about that uh i was just telling him what happened earlier today and kind of what happens with the loser of this this game yeah we've got some banger matches tomorrow right we've got astralis versus vitality as the opening match of the day that one uh frankie hugo and harold bringing you in there do i need to set my alarm for that uh i think that that match starts at four so the bracket on screen for everybody so so this is what we're looking at here navi had that opening victory against furia liquid upsetting heroic in that game that set us up for this winter bracket match right here and then the lower bracket match we were just talking about that one uh and i think that fury uh today they were looking a little bit more i want to say aggressive i know that seems ridiculous when we're talking about furious but like yuri was taking a lot of space on it it looked like a very confident uh looking furious today i don't know how i feel about the heroic performance i think that i just want to chalk it up to a good performance from the brazilian boys i think so too yeah no i mean the fakie boys were coming just brazilian barbecue tonight yeah their bus got a bit of a flat tire i think on the way but uh i mean yeah i think it's it's it's been a it's been a mixed bag for heroic i think that there was a you know some incredibly high highs but also to see them um showing some resilience in the in the obviously adversity upon the esl one cologne trophy being lifted uh to be yeah in in the top eight of the world and uh competing amongst these names is certainly a big step for them of course if you visualize that in january for the heroic roster yeah that was quite the thing right because we were we did that review show where we looked back at it heroic they started the year with essential and snappy on the team and then they had that whole fbx drama and then they retooled the lineup and then they started looking fantastic and it's the same stuff with like vitality vitality now consider the best team in the world they started the year with their in-game leader leaving after katowice and then apex had to take over the role and they brought in a rookie but we're back underway ladies gentlemen thank you for being patient this looks like a pacey around this is a fast b split this counter strike is exhilarating elijah's swinging into b and keeping perfecto very busy oh good shooting he's taking off that jewel and well since simple is having no issues with stewie either on the a lurk doesn't get to do too much with it nor do liquid this is an armored czed and grim with some precision there is a flurry of ct's and he's actually just picking them up one by one get a fresh clip give him another go 12 more bullets three more opponents he's just flicking everywhere pushing another guy oh grim son just takes three weapons away from rv makes it as costly as he could all right well that was some nice shooting right there unfortunately for him he's only getting the hundred dollar kill reward for every single one of those threats i mean it's more just to try to punish the bloodlust you know yeah i think as well the damage that they've done on a round like that they weren't able to uh you know get that bomb down but all in all three kills is fantastic work from grim some reinvestments from navy now is the double orbs and then or free electronic is in the mix now liquid still maintain the lead six to five at this juncture but that could quickly slip away from them now if he could seal this one up with nine on the half lots of flashes mid that was a lot of flashbangs as soon as they dissipate he's takes a little peek nothing home warning shot fired simple is scouting the perimeter they will drop the smoke makes sense as the other fades they start their progress flamey this double up setup this is what na'vi have been looking to set up flamey holds and supports from a smoked off though liquid have really got they've got all their fundamentals down it's neat is tidy but it has been quite quiet on the liquid t side these last three rounds in fact even expanding that the last six five of them have gone navi's way so once again liquid have mid control right vend room they've got someone boosted up next to window uh they cleared out connector so they know that they have all of that under their remit right now but booming is about to have a fight here oh he needed to hit that and he does shoot great shooting from a liege and now they know that a short is lost and b there is also a lot of unknown entities in middle you don't have that info now and it's a two-two split regardless so this is good it's just a question of execution now do they go a or do they go b through middle yeah the connector split and sure we can go late window to clear out jungle for them here so this is a very nice pincer onto the site that's the first frag from flaming naf does reveal himself from palace gonna need a bit more though from flame dogger defecto catching one quickly traded just the orbs just an orp now flamey and he's running for the hills to try and save what little he can he didn't even consider trying to push it into neither planet right there considering the amount of time left if he dropped that bomb there could have been a shot but holding on to this awp seems to be the number one priority here is he backs off holding that shift key but sure he already has an idea that this saves coming through you can see he's trying to lock him in towards the b bomb site flamie will just have to hang around this kitchen area unawares of where the hunt could be coming through the other two members twist and naf they don't want anything to do with this they're just hanging out in case a bit of a ninja defuse 10 seconds left on that bomb now as the music sounds flame you will hold on to this awp and navi should be able to get another by going down oh just around the corner so close okay so i think rv here will be able to get the buy going flamie can drop another awp simple as enough money to drop some guns around as well so this one here shouldn't be too many worries but liquid are the ones who have actually opted to take this time out this will be their first time out here in map number one and probably a great call because if they're able to break navi here and stop them from saving some of these weapons they could get quite the hall quite the bag here in the first half sevens fantastic they get eight they've won it they get close to those double digits they're gonna be smiling air from ear going into the second half of play but as soon as uh navi lose middle it feels like they they're not well their information plays we've seen them a couple times either aggressive palace or a ramp but liquid have found the gap right there's not too many there players for there for them to stop they're coming through connected they're able to punish through different avenues and now v with these reads or with the information that's being taken away from them they're unable to get themselves in the right positions for what liquid are throwing their direction so we get back underway here top mid spoke again molotov to connector again this is the same pattern being established by liquid time and time yeah but still he's throwing in some spice look at that public for heading on the b site stewie with the axe on his shoulder he's back it away look what he's forced he's forced two members of na'vi simple and boomish both into the b site to fill the void of perfecto so this is the problem like navi sure they've just had to use utility to take back b control that'll happen within the first 15 seconds of the round so you can just see how hamstring they are here and simple has to decide well do i gamble a yeah or do i float towards b what what are the options here and no matter what he does i feel like with a minute left on the clock liquid with all this utility if they just re-gather and they trade out efficiently this should be yet another liquid round and it appears to be b this is the right call yeah they let them come back over rotate panic about the over rotate set back up and now again it's just booming solo b this is cool fake flash look at that they're throwing it towards ramp that's going to get them on their toes three cts on a and booming just gone the liquid are actually engineering a very well coordinated tea side here this is a safe there's nothing for navi to do and they've already been locked in so if liquid spoke about this scenario within their timeout they should start getting a move on here for this hunt nap's locked down towards that ramp position that's exactly where simple's waiting they might just want to contain they know they're up against two orbs yet again yeah and it seems to be working they seem to be winning the rounds against these guns so maybe the priority isn't to chase and take these away just yet let him keep him oh it's clear oh it's only the rifle though they keep the orbs as you said i kind of like what you're the the picture you're painting there just give them just leave them with only the orcs the things that you you're having no issues playing around at this moment in time and it is perhaps the the setup that you're comfortable executing against the navi double up setup is the one you've you've planned these strategies to exploit i think that's a big problem for navi right now is the fact that they aren't finding too much success with these opening jewels because liquid are able to either find the number advantage or take the space right if they're taking the mid control and you're not doing any damage or you're not finding a frag then they can just whittle you down as the clock runs down if you're not getting aggressive and finding a pick and even trading it out to find yourself in a three on three liquid is just going you know counter-strike by the numbers here abc oh simple doesn't miss those most of us do twist is gone great shot just a momentary glimpse of him before he hid behind that smoke on the jumper cross so an early frag simple is founded in mid bombs there and so is the majority of liquid now set up for the palace alert three members the only other three remaining in round 14 all gathered towards connector it's electronics task and lingering in the smoke they flash off this this could be about timing just not making them both oh they're holding one side each that's so cool it's a trade at least and now alesia's made it even a big frag onto one of the orps they have to clear ramp right naf's been asked to do so and an important frag but simple found one as well or for the retake simple yet to have too much of a hero moment up against liquid the very same team he stepped over on his path to glory and calavita smoke on the bomb no oh this is painful oh nice control of the spray there from liquids newest edition gimmicks found it and with the bomb taking perfecto has run out of time run out of hope and nine with an a plan and explosion that makes it nine to five liquid have won the half and then some well it just feels like if if liquid play these situations the way that they should like once they even though they lost a couple like simple get that up kill um and they found themselves in a two-on-two situation regardless with what na'vi had brought to the table in that round and the position advantage that liquid had just felt if they played counter-strike by the book there and didn't do anything silly they were always going to win that one so that's nine now for liquid looking good for ten really looking good for ten and na'vi's bi it's hamstrung you've got an ak for perfecto simple on an m4 a scout for flamey famous for boomer and mp9 for electronic utilities average no kit and this is where navi like to operate but so far they haven't been uh to chalk up too many rounds off the back of this and there's another opening kill stewie finally brings out the t-side awp boomish is immediately punished and i love just these change-ups we've seen from liquid yeah man loving that especially stewie's actually had a couple i'll check his opening dual statistics afterwards but i can't help but feel it's been a while since he's actually been able to consistently crack into you know the signature stewie way the way he found perfecto on b the way he's just found that prank on taboomich yeah i just feel like they've been given so much room in a lot of these default rounds like that opening picture that's that's not what i'm talking about i just mean like when they're getting that mid control the window smoke the connector smoke they're getting vent room control time and time again just being given so much room to work with and they're punishing navi with it and now back towards a and again it would be a fantastic call there's only one player over to what day and that's electronic with an mp9 he's not going to be able to defend with this it doesn't get better than this stewie's calling a great game well i guess i'll wait here and hope they jump on to there's there's nothing happening on the executes it's like okay well they're dry running the execute and uh some bullets getting spammed through the smoke and now they have to retake in a four on five disadvantage with no kit good luck okay no kit last round they're gonna go for it floating in two from ct it's electronic first he's gonna try and bait for simples m4 there's not even enough time now what are they doing what are they waiting for it's like they're defending their kd now go go go good shots from twitch simple's on his way in but wait absolutely no time he physically cannot win you get a kill though hey there you go it's ten to five liquid double digits and they have justified this mirage pick to many including themselves and maybe even their coach let's see what the second half has in store [Music] passing [Music] let [Music] until we're older we couldn't care no more not any longer [Music] keep on searching [Music] we [Music] baby [Music] it's slightly different from the but i mean as i said earlier navi is among the favorites for me as well uh but among all those favorites i think this is the team that relies the most on on players on their players such as simple um but uh everybody knows that uh navi has liked faces um so having simple performing well is enough to take navi to uh to play off definitely they really give everything they have and i want that that energy is turned into something positive um they are definitely the probably one of the best even the one if not if not the best so yeah it's really up to to navi you know i'm pretty sure we're gonna see a really strong navi for this event and yeah the navy we saw i played against on katowice for example is definitely a navi that can leave the trophy [Music] it's your book end of the year navi liquid series we had one in calavita and now here in december we're here for the global challenge in liquid well they are challenging now v it is on liquids pick and they put a lovely 10 round haul from their t side now just talking to chad in the uh halftime break he seems to think navi no slouch on their t side so i love this two ct's out the window down into underpass and they're about to have a dual chad oh yeah they can't convert the first frag but alej does good on to flamey and he's getting pushed down perfecto now trying to trade out spamming wildly at least they're both dropping back so low this is chaos that is a really i mean it couldn't be worse really oh yeah okay it worked out anyway yeah with such a gamble as well from liquid on this pistol you can see on the radar on your top left nobody went over towards b other than that underpass position so that's left grim with not too many choices he's pushing for info the rotation through ct spawn it's all going to come down to timing here between boomitch and that of grimm's push and brumich has the utility the electronics just called be clear yep and that's the problem so at least he can't fake it his utility he might try and it's working well yeah perfectly all right well uh liquid gonna try and kill boomage to hold on to their armor what's the plan here the bombs gone down the 40 seconds has started and that's uh the ruse it's been rumbled they've got so much just [ __ ] ground to cover chad it's just they're so far away they're rotating now and the bombs already been down for close to 10 seconds i don't know if they got their bloody nikes on i don't think there's just the amount of time that they had to spend dealing with booming the bomb goes down at the exact same time that he starts throwing that utility onto the site there they finally finish him off and at that point it's like well there's so much to clear what are we meant to do so all in all navi they get away with just avoiding team liquid on the pissed around and find themselves their sixth rounds perfecto probably shouldn't push past the precipice of that doorway and he won't but now the cash money for liquid with that saved kevlar from a few of their players means their force by situation should be bolstered right there's extra cash to splash if grim and naft didn't take any damage to their armor they can upgrade to head armor for basically free you can see smg's look at this ct sided by they just lost the pistol they've got two umps an mp9 and a couple of deagles with some utility to boot so you compare the two teams buyers right now the only difference is the ak on simple and that galil and electronic yeah let's see how long they last and what they can get up to with it that's a gorgeous ak-47 and he's plying it towards palace flamie's mp7 there for the ride as well doesn't look like simples interested but just hoping and backing up if there was going to be any early palace push from those cts this is why i don't like mirage alex what this round right now just like just how slow and arduous a lot of these rounds can be like i know we can have that on a lot of maps but i just feel like when we do nuke they're forcing rotations all the time you know when we do something like dust 2 there's always seems to be more pace mix-ups yeah on a map like mirage and um you've got one piece of mix up yeah liquid gave us a little one no no two excuse me because it didn't work the first time well here we go this is basically how mirage plays out legendary get your mid control you smoke window you smoke connector you clear it out and then make sure well and then you can decide where you want to go from here so you normally want to keep the player in electronics position to hear if there's any rotations they're taking bedroom control the image goes down people reveals his ak but that's the galil gone okay simple zak's doubled up keeps it competitive they are into b the bombs going down they have to try and battle back through kitchen simples containing a lead great shooting great positioning i think that might spell trouble spell the end let's twist steagle's feeling especially spicy five kills to his name so far certainly hasn't been on tip-top shape yeah they're calling it off that's the yeah if twist could find himself a primary there was nothing in window that i can recall there might be an smg somewhere but it looks like simple's covering them off and perfecto might even spot this right now so that ump is called out oh that's a nice shot anymore simple's got 16 hp might not want to take the risk i say that who am i talking about just a single spray of the ak and twist doesn't want to repeat with hp like that finally got the galil there so they made sure that electronic didn't die in vain and and that's good because now be sure they get the round but it was pretty costly i know it was a force buy from team liquid here they've been able to hold on to a deagle and a ump navi will have to reinvest they want to go for some more mach 10 so they want to bolster into ak-47s for the impending gun round it looks like mach 10's on three players booming flamie and perfecto all into those the usual candidates and i would traditionally say we might see something faster but i would say that these three are used to using those weapons on the normal gun rounds so it's likely just to see this default spreaders two towards top mid one towards palace one towards the a ramp and one dealing with the b push so now if he just found out across the map here to see if we could go for any gamble pushes try to uh get away with overwhelming or grabbing some space for free that ump towards the balcony it's met with three other players you've got stewie towards connector liege he's up close and personal as well one player just over towards window oh dear okay well i think alicia would think better of repeating it to that one's hurt those ak-47 bullets electronic interconnector as well they could just go for an a pincer again but there's a lot of players for navi to deal with yeah i mean four of their five in the right place where's deagle one of the most expensive weapons in play stewie's usp meets nothing naf though with the ump spray connecting onto one of the three they continue to flood in though navi storm over tetris into the site and just grim i'm afraid yeah this one gonna be cut short and in fact his life could be two he's been found oh a warning shot here takes one to the palm boom it's still there plenty of chances to hit this long range mag 10 he's unarmed so this is going to suck for grim i just had to stealth mute a sneeze i don't know if it worked it did but i tried really hard doing the same thing oh that was an interesting uh little experiment just there yeah i'm glad it worked okay so both teams in this map so far on their t sides grabbed that pissed around and then converted the next two so that's fantastic starts with their tea harvest but this is where we see if navier able to do uh to them what liquid did right so liquid were quite passive on their stance of these rounds it was more default spreads grabbing that map territory simple straight onto the awp and that's something we didn't see coming out from liquid in the early stages whatsoever top mid smoke mullet towards connector feigning this mid control yet again there's no presence over towards a at this juncture electronic very fast very noisy through that underpass position oh ct nade almost indicative that the call has been made oh perfecto he's so flash but he still runs he's just holding w well spotted grim gets one still he's trying to respond but he's been caught by boomer's flank this is great from navi into the site there's one more test in the liege overwhelmed double frag from flamie and nafi planting him to be already booming hunting for the remaining two they have to save their weapons they just weathered already one eco a save and now another yeah it's the same scenes right there's not very much information early navi had shown all that mid presence and then exploding onto that b bomb site using the weapons that they had to their advantage there just to make space perfecto going down you can see how much space he had made though for his teammates to come out didn't die to van didn't die to the balcony position means they come out just with their eyes more focused towards bench in the site and right now boomerang just having a little bit of a look in but with x-ray we can see that both of these last two players naf and twists are up in the apartment's position and there's no way navi's getting close enough to rip these guns away bomb will go off max lost bonus will come through boom and she'll get close but no cigar didn't want to tickle around that corner right there so liquid have a couple of options here naf could drop a rifle so could twists and then you could get grim here who could purchase him with a famous so they could make a buy work as i say that twist has just bought himself some nades and it looks like it's just gonna be a partial investment from the three from the grave so grim stewie and elish into a caesar and a couple of eagles okay i mean these rounds they just need one successful opening jewel and things get awkward for the t side weapons can be recovered and oh i think simple has been spotted on the jumper cross oh well invaded what the hang time there from naf i thought that jump must have felt like he's in the air forever so he gets away but these deagles and pistols maybe there'll be more risks taken for the likes of stewie or legion grim and that could be what they're needing around like this just to kind of destabilize an rv electronics ever ready he hears the stuff he readies himself oh spot it and frags one good trade that was important from a liege recovers a weapon there's two now in palace you might want to throw one out he's also got to be cautious of connector yeah good point the bombs still t-spawn navy have a ability to go either way yeah and they have an affinity for ending very late round and it is gary paul come on now come on he's got it they've got 45 seconds to be cool they're not going to run out of time once in this game i promise are you still i spoke to an army manager he said it's okay all right we'll let everyone at home know that that's the case as the smokes now rain on towards the b site but there's still two to get past here in they go with loads of time to spare oh oh dear maybe not players to spare okay it gets traded boom [ __ ] up short needed that from stewie two to the belly button boom it's gone bomb on the back of flame he's in the sides of that shot that's great from stu one more required he hits it as well stewie 3k and he puts the 11th on the board for liquid okay there were a couple of lovely shots there from stewie just to punish that an rv and going into the bomb site in that fashion those pistols pesky bloody pistols that shot to simple really made that round so much easier pulls it out he's even quick switching like it's the olden days it all started with that push right you can see that push into the b apartments electronic gets one but they pick up the rifle they know they've lost that space navier forced over towards the b site and lick would get their 11th their first round here is that's attacked bloody war bank special as this guy what's going on he's got something hidden in that magnificent quiff of his they've got that big control very quick here v is knapp's had to reposition they've actually got three players over towards the a site one in limbo towards window and one over towards b just to defend solo at this juncture with the double up so stewie how's that early warning system oh that's the smoke's gone a bit of rye their skew if towards connector means there will be a gap vmich would have just spotted that and called that out now they'll have to re-smoke connector if they want to cross safely or a flash will work just as well look at that they just use it on the flash and now stevie's getting pressure this is so quick so coordinated and simple even frags someone on a catches twists and that's just the save called insta yeah cruel mistress here the bounce back immediately from navi and it is the affinity for the b bomb site so they've had a couple of rounds where they want to finish over here previously it didn't work out against those pistols but this time able to find the path of least resistance and i think they will just let liquid hold on to these guns they haven't built a bank just yet now v so chasing it wouldn't be advised you don't want to give up all those invested goodies especially the awp on simple now i'm not sure if liquid wanted the double up set up or if it's just a case of what they picked up because of their victory in the round prior but regardless that's what they rocked with just there in round number 21 and it didn't land for them here so i'm not sure if that'll be the key to their game plan going forward bomb goes off navi now they're in the double digits 11 to 10 team liquids favor their map choice and as we stare down the barrel of round number 22 liquid due to that pistol by victory with those saved guns can buy up yet again so as this purchase is coming through it will be four rifles and the awp in naf's hands navi went for a much quicker mid control there so they've had a couple of different looks in the early stages here how will liquid respond do they want to go for like a bit more mid control heavy it looks like it three players jumping into the window room oh this is a shot or at least a chance for simple holding the cross and twist gives it to him strafes across and now look how fast they change their plans the opening frag from the t-sided opening ready should i head to b again who is it to receive them it will be none other than grim nap's there alongside and he is he was almost looking like he's about to set up for a side hold so this gets really weird rotation naf's gonna head over back and there's these more utility exchanged on b but even changing it yeah okay so they're just trying to play the rotations right here so they're just dragging liquid across the map just like it feels for us we don't know what's going on neither do liquid they're in the dark sure your spots are mid info utility comes b nafs in transition he ends up on that b bomb site and now stewie doing his best to delay do that smoke miss rush like it did at least the trail didn't make sense yeah i think that landed in sandwich so that's not where he wanted it to go whatsoever unless maybe they're gonna have to spray it oh awkward fight okay alicia's gone down and now the 5v3 this gets so impossible if stewie goes down to the palace player it is flamey you can hear the scoping he will be hunted and now there's the jump across he can't finish simple it's another frag just the two of them naff has to find at least one on the plan fires off a shot grim tries to swing to deny but nothing a second flash and trying to retreat another save call did i get cut off at the pass here though look at this navi more active on this hunt boom and she's going to peek on out oh he's just got a wall bang he doesn't want to get stuck into that fight simple's here to back things up the smoke to possibly get them away and simple wants to say something about these wall bangs you've seen that been pulling off tacks him down to 30. but perfecto this could be punishing look how quick they are navi really want these guns really really want them grim versus his turn a couple of shots here one more to be found and nearly it's perfecto goes down to navsup simple's on the hunt with his four hp he really wants to deny this nav's got cash though punches at the final hurdle and recovers his awp well that hasn't completely bankrupted liquid here you bang on naf does have a lot of cash he's been saving quite a lot here has eight thousand left over alicia's already bought into an org so this will be yet another gun round from liquid here but they're going to take a timeout just to discuss their approach here on their ct side because like they were doing in the first half navi are showing a lot of looks it was 10-5 on the half t-side for liquid they came into this one here losing the pistol round and that's really where the story has started for nfe they're looking much better here on the t half didn't seem to know how to respond on their ct side but the same for liquid as i'm not sure if they want to go a little bit more aggressive as a pack somewhere and try and trade this one out to find themselves in a three on three in the mid round because a lot of these situations are bomb goes down and then you either have a choice to go for one of these retakes or you're just locked out with the save initially so maybe they want to take the fight to navi neither team really being able to get back in with the retake scenarios and now as the scoreline has hit 11 11 and we hit the business end here on map number one liquid have to start going for a couple of them they can't continue to save all right well here's a bit of a change up this time it's too over towards catwalk it's going to be a liege and stu getting into that vent room so they are showing a different look this gives them the chance to be a little bit more versatile and more awkward angles to clear over towards mid chewie can peer through the vent down towards below window elise can swing out cat they're a bit of pincer for late connector plays and look who's coming up underpass electronic and perfecto well they're smoked off now molly short both of them completely unaffected by this util and able to challenge connector perhaps with an element of surprise they're already flooding in a dink it's not enough twist has gone down with only the damage inflicted oh good oh the collateral through the body of simple he finds electronic what a brilliant pairing 40 seconds and this is the 3v3 i was talking about the bombs yet to go down and it looks like a shot's been hit yeah enough tags up boom it's trying to finish the job with the flames perfecto in support bomb oh he actually gets him with the incendiary naf lovely stuff the game goes on though two from ct a flash is perfect grim's throwing out one a second for perfecto's execution he turns it nicely if he could just tap naf 15 seconds and a smoke does get picked up he can fake it 10 seconds trying to find a one single frag to make this more manageable shots into the smoke he's low but he does get away with it perfecto at least gets his team the plan an hour frag grim executed perfecto four kills in the round but it's a 1v2 and it puts the 12th on the board for navi this is so cheeky hp perfecto in the chat from a liege he wants to know because he's denied the odds it was such a great round for eliza can't blame him for wanting to know how dastardly that one was 18 hp as he finds naf on the swing out and then grim just put to bed tucked in tightly yeah that one right there i can't believe perfecto pulled that one off you could see him trying to get a little bit tricky around the smoke still gets it down and still hits two absolute bangers and well that's gonna force the timeout from the navy yeah that was great stuff now uh that molotov that killed boomage i think naf actually wanted to throw that on the firebox the triple box there so it would melt and he couldn't plant there but it's gone deeper and boomers actually run back into the flames regardless so a little bit of errors from both players just there but all in all rp they've taken themselves the lead in this game i think this is for the first time so with the scoreline now 12 to 11 in favor of navi liquid are going to string together a buy and naf back onto the orpa famous for stewie no kits for them this time rounds and utility it's very skimp there's only one molotov to work with now have you in the driver's seat of this game right here right now oh flame he's heard this yeah he's already executed takes a leap straight out perfecto's book with the precision two members of liquid charging into palace and both just knocked on their ass elijah mid he does have to take a chance i get two here there's a chance if he swings on this and simple's not looking there's a third of them there's a third what a shots he gets two looking for the transfer into a third but damage inflicted in round now possible if grim could just find per electronic and he has we are into a 2v2 and they have dug themselves out of an early double casualty okay flamey and perfecto flamie started this round off hot perfecto finished the last round hot so both of them we know that they're on point with the shots and they're still working with a bucket load of utility right now we've got naf over towards ct spawn playing retake grim just patrolling that b bomb site oh man naff's gonna have a real chat challenge here what if they got util-wise everything everything they could possibly desire and if they go for this round the world into b that's a cheeky maneuver very cheeky maneuver not to be smoke connector flamey crossing in they'll be able to plant uncontested naf hasn't got his scope pressed so he's going to have to make a sound queue for that now and grimm's doing the same as he charges makes the steps sound like he's going ct and well is going to commit to it if they go for this and lose it's only 3 400 in the back balance for this he's called it and grim can find it now perfecto two clutches in a row is that too tall of an order oh what a shot naf's gone grim's not got a kit and a quad kill and a triple kill back to back two clutches thirteen found navy have found a gem if you're looking for impact there's some right there i remember earlier in the year we were talking about perfecto stats in terms of 1vx situations he always seems pretty handy in a one-on-one scenario here but two back-to-back won't be twos and that's set now be up i said they were already in the driver's seat well look at this the buy from liquid going into the next round it's just these pistols the max loss bonus it's not enough for the ct's to get a buy that's gonna be a heartbreaker specifically for a liege he's had two of his best rounds and both have been clutched out by perfecto you're right oh no all right well liquid this is their map choice we move on to the nukes the next one this one's not over yet but it's looking good for round 14 for now v here they just need to make sure they use their utility efficiently and trade out onto a bomb site and they should be getting in they have the firepower and the utility advantage in this one and now the number advantages boomitch from the vent room takes down naf grim's gonna be looking for some space but all in all navi can really just put the brakes on here is he gonna get it again god they're very thorough this aggression from liquid very very troublesome i don't think i know groom's gotten here he's found the one gap that was left open and it's converted a frag but i'm concerned simple's holding it and doesn't miss doesn't miss 21 frags for him so far here on mirage he started quite quietly actually on the ct side and now stewie just banged that's two from simple in the round and it's 14 for an rv they keep four alive they've got a swelling cash stack the double orbs pull down yeah yeah and this is the thing right those rounds the ones that have been closer at least for liquid here in the second half has been when they've been able to find a couple of those opening kills or elijah's got those multi kills right it's hard to replicate that the double orbs mean that navi will need to make sure that as they're entering bomb sites their utility needs to be on point they can't just take these like that lacks daisical picks but it means that naf and stewie need to find some impact enough sorry to be mollied back the smoke will dispel that flame is just walking out on a right here this is a risk this got a nice elevated angle and he does find the frag expecting something fast he actually dropped his own smoke now stewie [Music] bloody hell a wrist breaker from stewie2k okay two on four situation perfecto's been spotted they know where simple was about 10 seconds ago and re-picking in naf will take down perfecto and it's just simple he would need to get the ace in a one-on-four situation here i don't even know if he's gonna be ready for stewie of course he is simple gets the first i remember a particular round against a particular team known as liquid and simple made myself and henry unbelievably loud and obnoxious he'd have to do it again they can hear him that's courtesy of grim conveying the information preparing for what will be a retake if they don't contest the plan itself simple so much room so much room it's making him uncomfortable how much room he has oh he just missed the jump on the grill grimm was advancing now he can kill him and simple silenced that's well delivered and every member of liquid finding a way to contribute there stewie with a real risk breaker shot i'm sure we'll get that one on the replay let's see how much he actually saw just there it was just on the edge of his circle he sees look look look that's the leg wow just coming out of the side of the box great reactions definitely as well shout out to the production team okay well the double orbs are still in play here grim was able to scavenge that second so nathan stewie are still holding on to those but the economy right now is on a knife's edge for liquid na'vi have been whittled down as well they're operating with very little going forward and the loss bonus is actually in the favor of liquid if they were to lose a round but they're simple again he's found another opening he's not quite got enough of a gap to punish there the throwing utility is this all smoke and mirrors navi in their mind games again elisha's asking the same question he hears nothing and no other members of liquid have had to scurry to support three return to top of middle two opt for the underpass avenue so it will be mid control for navi that's what they're in pursuit of here oh an attack it snaps up stewie's there too catches booming his swing the molly's perfect electronics gonna have to retreat back into your hidey hole boy 4v4 60 seconds bomb top and middle and it sounds simple so he's going to have to be the decision maker as to where that bomb goes obviously the decision can be made from anyone but it's simple that has to navigate that explosive device he's got 45 seconds and he's miles away from either bomb site oh this is where those type of navy s grounds really come into play doesn't want to lose his weapon and he's got the ball on his back the thing is right now if they just decided as a team let's just save and we'll have a crack again next round our loss bonus is so low then sure but we know what's going to happen they're going to limp it one at a time and there's the first simple's gone now they kind of have to commit 20 seconds because otherwise it's just weird they're into the site they've got 15 seconds oh it's an rv special the bombs not in the sight yet it's coming now oh electronics got the frag or they win him sometimes and he has got a chance they can't contest it now spots one that's good info and twists his partner in crime for this surely not a crime against counter-strike but navi gonna get away with this just mid-rounding their way back into the b site that's the frag one more to find no scope they secure it with more hijinks on the awp liquid go again they're about picking they're starting to find some ct rounds that is two in consecutive fashion we haven't seen that before this half and consider the fact here as well that the money situation with both teams would have been dire going forward right now navi were only operating with what i believe was the 1900 loss bonus coming into this round of play so you can see with that plant most of their players are operating just below that 3k mark and they've had to call the timeout they can allow you know liquid to get back to 14 by going for a partial by here maybe upgrading a couple of pistols knowing you're getting the 2400 in the next round you want to leave yourself roughly 2k in the bank balance to make this happen but all in all this is a big decision for navi here because if they don't go for the buy and they get allow liquid to get another gun around on the board then they're going to have built and and cleanly mind you then they're going to have enough bank to play out the rest of this half so 14 13 going into round number 28 this is a good time to get blade on the mic just to advise what the best decision economically and to give them the most chances to close this game would be because now v they've really bounced back in the second half they've maintained a bit of a lead here for the last few rounds and they've been the ones taking it to liquid but the adjustments from liquid finding these opening picks the rounds getting into more mid-round scenarios where it's not just a five-on-two on a bomb site has been showing some more exciting cs and it will just be these light pistol upgrades four deagles one p 250 electronics left them enough money to drop an ore for simple if they wish in the next okay well it's a barrage of utel they really don't want anyone going for anything early ramp and flamey has got palace i think you just made a step at least might be able to convey that information yep certainly has now oh great shot flamie catches twist just as the ram smoke blooms that's a great start they can really work with this i always talk about that magic number of three now they didn't come in with a lot here but they're able to take away another two liquid members oh my god that was on a knife's edge naf takes down flamie and it levels this one up so everything i was about to say goes out the window liquid are back in control of this round if the gravity can score a plant or something alex that's maybe the best thing they're looking at here oh the timing on this so we could win the round right there as i say that perfecto has got a great shot off bomb is theirs though and stewie dropping a deep smoke to stop it oh no now he's been caught out by electronics p250 they know what both the cts are and electronics picked up an ore he is spotted and executed big frag from stewie he knows the bombs being hunted and now he's got the jiggle spotted missing his shot perfecto he's already hit one banger two more required 20 seconds it's unlikely he can get to the into the site and stewie confirms it liquid making a game out of it in the closing stages of this half that's three in a row four total for their defense if they could just close this gap they will have to weather the storm another navi though every ak belt whistle and orb for simple 25 francs for him so far well if you take a look here i think that the orbs from liquid have had an impact in almost every single one of these rounds that they've been able to put on the board the f the last three in a row it feels like the orbs have been instrumental so that makes up that double orb change that they've opted for here late in map number one it's showing and bearing fruit and again postured forward is stewie oh there's another opening another fills the feed for liquid oh chance here naf doesn't take any chances with simple pull it through the through the corner of the wall of course in true naf style it's uh yeah this is not the start navi we're looking for 14-14 booming is down the in-game leader out of the round and they don't even have a lot of map territory here they haven't taken connector control they haven't forced stewie back out of the vent room and there's just over a minute left on the clock oh and he's even spotted simple dropping down take those that's info bombs still top of middle navi they could get really rotted here for time if liquid don't give them anything with this info 50 seconds bomb still top mid looks like the responsibility will be given to perfecto he's scooping that up after his sweep through b i'm getting a bit apprehensive here oh man i i just want to press the big red button and just say save navi try again for overtime because this here is just going to be one at a time unless electronic can simply pop off through connector here okay it's wrapping from ramp i mean that's a punch and twist is getting scared she's shot finally hits flamie needs another he hears electronic on benches 25 seconds ramp nades they really want him he gets caught out to 3v3 now under pressure and scrutiny molly could finish simple off as it spreads it's a good dink it's not enough another tag stewie's hitting shots but simple's done two nap does buds bombs down it's a 1v1 stewie for his first clutch or will it be perfecto's third crucial moment of the game keeping the op out drops down makes the sound queue starting to pieces together oh he's been spotted and hunted perfecto charges at him and gets the 15th for rv they are thanking their lucky stars they pick this boy up he is saving them multiple acadians that's three now three crucial clutches for perfecto here just in the second half alone and that it's not just the ramifications that that is round 15 on the ball for now v it's the fact that liquid they're bankrupt they have to force by going into this last round of play and it was another another laboured situation where liquid were able to pick up that opening frag and then just with the clock navi whittle this down somehow are able to get onto that site somehow look at this alexa scout of famous czed for stewie snapping turtle for twist we got the deagler in the hands of a liege they've got five smokes naps even invested into a defuse kit here it's definitely not the type of buy you want to be throwing into the final round of play but the same thing could be said for navi they were able to save that awp the electronics bought into the ak perfecto can go ak and head armor vimage might want to go for a mac 10 here he's actually even opted for attack knight so both teams with the scrappy buy and oh they've actually called the tech here looks like we have a little bit of an issue but as we were just leaving spawn this will be no dramas oh dear this is uh quite the build up for the final round of players can you believe it we're ready okay so perfecto is just a little laid out a spawn i think he may have just been having a tech issue of his own but they'll get their rebuys and we will get this one back underway so it is an all for simple there's been a couple of little changes here so seriously to the ump i think there's galileo's in play instead boom which has actually been dropped that one across so regardless the buys are still pretty scrappy all right here we go final round of liquids pick perfecto has given navi a chance to throw a knockout blow to the north american squads final round of regulation and stewie i like what he's going for there the moves are evasive but it gets some information at least that there's some members of na'vi gathering bag apps it's just the default though yeah very quiet stuff here so in rounds like this normally you know the coach the game leader chipping in with hey boys they have to take a risk they got nothing here expect the pushes expect some aggression and so far they could have been pretty tempered here now v just going through the paces their default spread one watching b one watching a three towards middle and they're even going for this window boost allegiance is using the light so if they walk through the smoke that light will dissipate old elise can spam that deagle two bullets to the belly and get a freebie but the smoke's gone he has to drop on back and navi have done a great job of getting mid control here without giving away too many sound cues liquid have to be worried about everything right now because the bee smoke arrives they'll throw out one of their own that's really good timing from grim smoke they haven't got much util but it's enough to keep them at bay stewie's pushed up on it he wants to punish that smoke but now navi pivot and liquid are over rotating naf's figured it out he's only got a scout for this as they start to wrap back in towards a twist only on five seven this is a perfect call from navid with 20 seconds left boom it's low he's gonna push the hit the shot simple has though oh a tag one more doesn't get it bombs down and now it spells real trouble for liquids to be finding one a big frag recovering as well oh my god where did they come from everyone's just hit their shots so he does get found a second for electronic he's making it difficult alicia's deagle works they have a kit on naf now in fact he's on it he's holding it and they get it liquid have taken us to overtime against all odds i don't quite believe it it looks dead set it's almost set in stone we're going to overtime we'll be right back [Music] we were caught in the fire our faith was left out in the open [Music] saw the fear in your eyes as we move through the dust [Music] down to each other but our spirits never died [Music] is [Music] but our spirits never died [Music] is [Music] it's pretty hard to say i think liquid will always be a team that kind of like a surprise that can um that can that can win games definitely uh but i i i don't see them doing necessarily like super good uh i hope i'm wrong i will be surprisingly uh it will be surprisingly good to see um but yeah i think it was mostly tough for them to uh because they dare to play the world here in n a and uh do anything is uh known from struggling right now um i hope they are they're holding up to it by the way and uh and full support for them so yeah it's definitely the hardest thing for me to to to judge well it seems navi liquid got plays on uh we were we weren't quite sure how to piece that one together we just had yanko come in and try and explain it to us the final round liquid find the frags and retake the site we go again it's time for overtime here on mirage flirting with some aggression straight into middle just tucking in economy is no longer a problem here 16k so the double orbs can be retained for team liquid and that was one of the keys to their success to get back into this game so stewie and naf immediately rocking those i thought we might have seems like a little bit quicker coming out of navi knowing the double up setup was very likely you know more of an a set piece or an early b piece being really overwhelming for these orbs to deal with but they're just opting for the same default spread so mid control while they have their caretakers over towards a and b stewie's even getting inquisitive now towards middle so in transition i like this change from liquid not as passive now they throw another not only the cost of another incentive but it's another navi player gone boom it's in fact the first it is going to be perfecto advancing upstairs though naf has the info oh spots another electronic on the left side i'm not sure if he's ready for this elevated good shot perfecto equalizes the same rap we haven't seen this before from navi it's working wonders under so much pressure he does well to find one and there is a bit of a dank flank being spun grim trying to flank through and flame is in palace and grim can get them both this is great fragging he's caught electronic stewie smoke simple off great smoke but is he going to assume it won't be pushed you know what happens when you assume makes an ass out of you and me it's fading stewie gives it a cursory glance the smoke will fade before they can defuse now they've spotted one and it's each of them finding their necessary frag 16 the first round of over time found and of course as you highlighted money less of an issue in our mr316k yeah let's just take a look at the scores on the doors here we obviously haven't had a frag come in this round from the likes of vermich or twist both having a struggle some time out here on mirage only nine kills for twists we've got uh 12 there for booming if they can step it up at all that might be the difference maker for their team here in the overtime and gigi.bet odds are still favoring na'vi in this one a little bit more aggressive from liquid now a leash down in towards the underpass or for overseeing middle as well using that smoke is a bit of a one-way at least you might swing on this if they spam this smoke oh is he gonna get spotted quick trade perfecto is there right behind electronic doesn't let his death go unannounced or untreated now twists as you highlighted has been quiet and he has got responsibility of that a sight stewie that's got more likely to find contact there is flamie once again doing his usual palace lurking antics some pins pulled in middle still he's so vulnerable to flame his peak he could take him whenever he wants there's still a minute on the clock right and the bomb is hanging around middle they're boosting booming up towards this window position grim doesn't know whether to cross on over and help out the a defenders will still hang around towards this kitchen position to stay with naf but we can see that it looks like the bomb on the back of simple will be heading over towards a and that is where twist the man that we mentioned who's been having a hard time is defending he needs to get one kill here he needs to slow the flood onto the a bomb site he cannot go down without a frag lovely pop flash for this so if he's just staring at it this is gonna be a very blind twist and a very loud perfecto so blind just executed perfecto finds another good important fragment to do he can focus on a second and he does take down flamie pressure from every angle needs another confirms he's crossed towards the stairs and he hits the shots as well it's great round from stew and they just don't have the time simples gobbled up a flashbang a blind no scope and it's four kills from stewie2k on the awp fist bumps exchanged they're back on the board big round there from stewie you could see him just transitioning towards the site there a bit of a gamble from liquid they were playing with no information whatsoever it came down to hitting their shots and four big ones from stewie as we're tied up again 16-16 looks like no one can really separate one from the other here today simple closing in on the 30 28 kills for him on the other side i believe stewie was on 27. could be a little bit more direct from navi here on the final round of the first half of overtime they have four players up in towards the b apartments just one over towards middle right now so if they want to set up for a pounce their flashes are good stewie's going to get overwhelmed here you need to do some of that magic again the wiggle works stewie gets it is he really gonna go for more he goes for the jump no scope what is this you're not called zera simple's walking into the site nav finds one before he's turned on and it's only a liege he lets him know where he's coming from and it's just a slow peak from simple a miss shot bearing down and a dink is not enough so 17 to 16 on the half our first overtime of our first map of our third series here 19 is the magic number for those of you playing at home if we go 18 18 we do it all again this is emma 316k and stewie might be regretting going for a very flashy play right there he did a great job to find that opening kill obviously feeling he was going to be overwhelmed went for a risk and it didn't pay off but let's get this second half underway as it will be double orbs for navy as well flamey the buyers are almost mirrored right here electronic onto that org and they could have using the run boost here to get mid control and speaking of boost there's another one now on the b bomb site simples hit is 30. that's 32. who's below simple right now rashly perfecto okay they've lost mid control looks like they want to go for a bit of a fight so in transition here navi they're not staying static on the ct side being quite dynamic the boost up over here towards this short position this might catch stewie off guard flashes over now he's ready oh goes down he knows he was boosted he wants the second molly is not deep enough unless ah legion hold it that's safe enough twist though with his knife out he's really not having the read of things electronic anticipating this hunt the legion electronic quite the standoff here pause the trigger and wins the jaw with just 10 hp to spare recovers simples awp they come up for perfecto they want him they want his sight they want that 17th round and now he's burning he's flashed and he's got no chance no hope grim takes it from him bomb though is loose naphra covers needs to where did that frag come from alicia's gone down he was low now shorts a threat gathering in kitchen both of them they partner up oh they spotted that they always bench he holds the angle for boomer's push no you tell but it's a good frag from boomich has to come in clutch he can do so when it matters in a very quick scope onto flamie's noggin one more required he's just dancing with boomish and not quite gonna hit the mark it's booming triple kill and defuse that gives an rv 18. one more for navi now this is so up map number one it's been quite the battle it was 10-5 in the first half two liquid had a great t half navi were very passive on their ct side and then we mirrored things as we switched on over but now now v one round away from closing this liquid need to hold on if they want to keep their hopes and dreams alive here on their own map choice stewie's into that awp and you can see electronic getting fired up the high fives coming out deep mid-smoke here from simple he's going to try and lock out any early mid aggression a bit of a different face here stewie boosted up for an opening pick and boomish runs past it he even gets the kill alicia's down vermice is just so cheeky sometimes the way he's fine with opening jules down goes stewie flamie finds it nice and easy and that practically seals the deal what have you got left liquid so much hard work now it's been taken from you one nade one frag at a time this is their map pick and now staring into the abyss two and a half players remaining oh was that a gap does flame you have a tiny gap there to work with either way liquid are working with very little here there's a minute on the clock they're out of the majority of their utility it's just one smoke on twist a couple of molotovs they're gonna pounce through this alex it's gonna be the a finish taking jungle 45 a ct smoke says no oh electronics so what was a 3v5 becomes just a tad bit more of a conversation twists into the sight loudly flame he's holding twist spots in with the jump boomitch fragged flamie finds one back maybe liquid i've got 20 seconds and they're all counting on that flight it looks like it's not eased and perfecto he seals the deal now if he take it in overtime liquids map
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 121,824
Rating: 4.8641114 out of 5
Keywords: ESL, IEM, esports, gaming, competitive, esport, CSGO, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, CS Highlights, CS Live, CSGO Live, CS Live Stream, cs, intel, extreme, masters, china
Id: lxGp31q_itE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 24sec (5424 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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