CS:GO - FaZe Clan vs. Fnatic [Mirage] Map 1 - ESL Pro League Season 11 - Stage 2

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right now fanatic and facedown the panic sound the CT side here hey I've got Gordon who's be investing in the smoke and the fuse kit seen something that was common approach on Mirage these days as it said all five players towards beyond the face side now what kind of execution will we be seeing here you can do one smoke towards the short position once it was kitchen or you can double smoke the pillows both are effective and we'll see what they've got in mind here is Nico and all of my staff setting up two smokes here and we'll see them delivered at this stage as world I got a fully commit towards be gold and flashed off the smoke sample odd speech your area and the kitchen window daughter does manage to try and drop his smoke to make some space for brokey he's made all the space he needs into the site already a double tour bombs being planted the flank however is now vulnerable on off has been dropped off and now JW catching another one or in their way back into the psyche double use under a lot of scrutiny but how is he not dead finally shut down by rain yeah a little bit awkward there the cold era but it should be enough to win the round hear that ding might confirm it watch down before I'm brought on I'll have to find nothing but one taps at this point and the bomb is about the halfway point they didn't want that the fuse can available to them as rain confirm sync remember flash are already tagged he step behind the boundary p9 for this point is college era closes out the round he had a few awkward moments that's wards kitchen but overall that be execution as we said one smoke the short one towards kitchen window it looked a little bit off but either way they managed to get the initial kill and win the round I'm just watching that back Henry the CMT's actually dropped that smoke towards the kitchen window to act as a way to push on into the site intake so the one that landed in the window yeah it was the team the CT one actually sorry the one towards the kitchen doorway was a CT one used to trying to ground the bushes yeah he's a golden underhand they just underhanded as he died I have to get back yeah I think the wrong ball was out again with JW and it's T's dad but he did say yesterday he may be forgotten then he equipped it so apparently he's still using it let's just stick to the pushes using it now say it wasn't good for overpass it's definitely good for Mirage like we said I jokes aside and memes aside the revolver can be used like a scout if you hit a body shot will do about 80 damage right meaning you can pack them up and they cost 650 instead of 700 at the desert eagle I would say the deagle one of the best pistols if not the best gun in the game right now not sure why you'd have to revolve route if the charged up it sucks that's a JW he's a fan yeah crack into one the spine of like that we see that Henry owned encourage ER to body shot watch him give more gave it a good go tickle the trigger but we do see a pretty I mean perfect round from fades gun all things considered they did lose Nico of course so in a slight imperfection but keeping all their rifles and gonna be going into this round against some exposed heads with some Mac turns we get to see flushes to tapper just a quick note in terms of players to look out for here if you're not aware with faze clan Nico has been playing out of his mind and cold zeros the to IC and that Department of the two highest rated players for phase can so far within Pro League and then the other side of things it's Crim's followed by Brolin so they're the big impact frag is here today JW a grenade meets him in towards iConnect position and Crim's we said iconic in this role toward the connector rain though right in front of him ready and waiting they are spamming towards this position smoke and Molotov deployed towards the window now Crim's know he has to be active at this point it looks like you might have a kill available to him all off Meister takes in and keeps aware of shop crimson have to fall back interesting he knows is that the likelihood that's giving more targets there they don't have them in control decides that fight does not favor him he's right to think so there's so many members of fnatic now charging up connect to the timing so good for friends 1 and a half not enough brawling to perhaps add to the total but one again it makes it hard for golden he's on the other side of the map and he's been thrown into a one versus two yeah everyone knows the golden is gonna be that be bomb site anchor so his work is cut out from at this stage smokes off towards sure hope he can take away some of their attention from middle where both players are towards the ASAP the map he can see the bomb going down with for that too easier I broke Ian coke Sarah both relatively healthy as well golden with other kit or grenades might be better off on an ak-47 and saving that gets a smoke at least does boost his chances but doesn't seem to be very active right now makes way towards connector first opportunity from the connector found that's all CT spawn it could at least smoke the bomb and for the best in another yeah Denis kits around that would be a lovely set but instead this is gonna get real tough regarding those things gonna be large across the site good timing on called Sarah's peak and you the time was close and we've got Sky box with chat alright guys this could be a big one right here who's gonna classify this building right now check out all the nades they've thrown into connectors the hey cheese I really want to focus on here we know that Crim's is a specialist in the connector position but if they're gonna use all these hey cheese where they just took flasher out and though I'm gonna condition them not to play in connector there's two options for finale they can either play more aggressive middle or they have to play passive which is normally against their game plan keep our eyes on that one if they can really for scrims his hand to reposition out of his ice such an iconic CT hold that would be impressive starting the early T side conditioning and now time to see an execute phase fast rapping in four in a smokes well and is the Wild West out there are times and we all get a cjw once more attempt the day players down Hoffmeister defer through the smoke that's Brolin who is found at the a ramp trying to sneak through my start very ready for though there's not even a partial buy for fnatic or sandy co few of grete pistols cup of a cheese one piece of Kevlar that's on that body of Crimson's rain helping himself towards the shore position criminal pool one back at the five-seven that was towards the a ramp bombing swaying towards B now you can see them actually going for the B apartments rains confirmed the beers essentially clear like he's got basic control there is a play on the site you can see that's scout shop connecting the roller does do big damage and now the debug things off there is gonna be a wall bank as now we'll see the true power the USP is coming through he's got an aching on that Kevlar now Crimmins could do some damage with that already flushes just delaying in 40 seconds they only could damage again code Sarah finished the scouts done its damage now that Kevlar vest a single vest purchase by fnatic has put him in a pathetically winnable situation what this smoke as well there's certainly a case to be made that the Chrome's can win this round he'll hold towards kitchen for now he's waiting for a mistake smoke dissipates towards the apse alekseyev kitchen itself makes way towards the bomb site I'd have to smoke the bomb tap here hope he can draw out one of the players but without the kid at this point it's looking very unlikely that it winds around but maybe you can I say one of the players let's give you the first two swings to come from short momentarily we've taken down the defuse attempt comes through but they know to close things out and find 4-0 but the revolver Chad it did a lot of damage yeah and look if I'm a valve dev right now I'm probably sitting there having a big old smile on my face just loving what I'm seeing because the from them they want as many guns to be competitively viable as humanly possible and JW and the likes of Vinny and for sure picking up when it gets dropped they want to use it they want to bring it into style maybe we have to talk about a little bit more seriously I hope not but I hope but it's not out for this families it's been put away back in this case the realms and oh the one way from the in century it's worked on wonders for gwe has a gap yet to exploit they play it safe up top mid it's just one it's not often and on the cross he is caught perfect catch and utilization early or broke e is in position to catch aw falling back towards jungle yeah I'll get explode out of his position he players making their way through it's not the cleanest of sprays and brawler but it's enough to buy some time for rotations here they come crimson connects a DES cat broke e and now it's a four versus two holds their own coat oh he's gonna burn oh he might do but it we had to get out the need however does soften both of them up a juicy morsel Nico and cold Sarah these guys have been so deadly well now it will no longer be the partnership we were just discussing flusher ensures there's no more damage to be dealt fnatic do find their first five rounds in and that's necessary if we get this barn burn and we've promised ourselves and that was all made possible by that window Molotov with the one-way gap they could see that it was just a fake of middle they weren't actually sending any forces over there with in the early stages it meant that the three individuals who were clearing out middle one from count one from window one from connector they weren't put under too much pressure and they're also in quick rotation points over for that a sight counts that came on in you see that start on the screen it was it was only there for a second but Nico and Cordero combined for the best all-time Mirage stats now if I'm making a team and I've got the top two best Mirage players in the world I've got a pretty good shot at being good at the map I'm pretty sure caldera was second on inferno so he's he's got some crazy statistics still mister consistent was how he was often painted we had an interview with him actually if anyone missed it he was saying that all this quarantine he can't go to the gym as much so he's getting back to his old caldera form so he's actually having to play a lob walk out he's playing more counter-strike and he's eating more snacks is what he said well there you go [Laughter] to real this has become very very common approach right now with these almost FeliCa rounds late and general if you I'm not familiar with Counter Strike when the T's or CTS are down to just the pistols they like to milk out as much utility though to take the time see if mistakes are made see if they can capitalize they have to stay in a pack their weapons are nowhere near as strong they don't have any armor they have very limited utility yeah they only have the clock they're essentially looking for a couple of kills at the top and if you get the bomb plans if that's amazing but that's about all that's an offer and as Chad said every bit of utility is valuable you can bleed it out at incendiary as well have $600 bear in mind so see Crim's out challenge first and he knows the past there it is yeah well the helmet that had to be quite deadly so there's a chance now they can get a rifle here I'm not saying win the round but another ding does come through flush it down to 58 this is getting a little bit alarming so I was sure they could focus connector now that's the olofmeister drop there is a bit of a gap and a smoke was an ideal and I thought funny yeah why did Paul himself go to Oh dreams - called Sara however is thrown into a two versus two they can't get the bomb down but they granted I didn't see Nico he's actually making this round a possibility I can't believe it's coldzera and Nico on Mirage in a two-on-two this was a four eco round with Glocks one p250 one smoke and they actually had the advantage now the board's Aaron ales his first job he's gonna be firing of course jungle it's working out for him washer now with one smoke a diffuse care a two versus one he has no information one of the last two players are acordes left on the bomb it looks like we're all done here they've actually pulled a magical round off of just blocks only as they rush towards his position Chad have you ever seen anything like it we're seeing more and more things similar to those kind of scenes but actually pulling it off in that fashion making it look like a standard 2v2 gun round scenario we thought that was done as soon as Jane I'm like yeah okay it's a lack of the helmet that is everything we're talking about how much more and more on this game now cuz Chad he stated it beautifully you take the round slow here yeah the money's not great if you don't have a helmet a Glock is still a viable weapon we saw even a trained there that's a long-range shot two Dinks that's enough to take him down to get a rifle and it can snowball with the right players on the server but I have not seen fanatic Glock e-code against a full buy in some time I mean that's that's gonna shake them here's the thing as well for fnatic yesterday to get across the line against out of ni P one of their key game plans was to milk the clock on their tee sites right to make the rookies more uncomfortable well there's no rookies to worry about making uncomfortable in that face side bro ki is insulated by four extremely experienced players here so I think you're gonna need a whole new approach on these t sides god damn finale Cal pretty plucky with the pistols themselves for I don't think they'll be replicating the scenes of a full clock victory on the T side a mirage on Wat yeah that's insane so I was all down to rain and there is a chance they could give it to round up at a very good smoke their protection from the bench means they can access from shore you can see that's that nullified the vented position it's a very powerful but so is gold and that Desert Eagle connect have they got a chance of answering back here and winning around with the pistol god it's got it don't we'll kill but yeah this should still be phases that was nuts whoa okay everyone is just so goddamn good at Counter Strike now I don't noticing every single day people seem to be getting better it's just though where do we stop I don't what is this all is the ceiling come here please just reach it so I understand what it's capable yeah it's true like not just a propos bothers in general can strike level it's just got insane like in terms of the popularity and how much people are playing it it's not to see how much it increases or a weekly basis I also think that people are marinating in the Counter Strike now like that they're professionals yes so many people are watching it that so many people and like even your average matchmaking game people are asking for pop flashes hot people are asking for CTS and coffins as well as the game evolves we're finding easier ways and techniques to write particular smokes and flashes just seeing the pros find new and exciting ways I do the window smoke for example I used to one of the hardest smokes they run second now they're super low there's four or five different variations of that to go to throw at never be able to do a mid execution by yourself because the pros have found the most efficient ways to do it that are easy line up run and throw anymore you can actually do a lot of the easier ways so that's why we're seeing so many different this second shot stone shouldn't have set a chance here but absolutely destroys Caldera it's a little bit quiet out there right now but still well take a timeout from the US air force and at this point fnatic a little bit look this happened yesterday right Wow shocked they're the first map it was the pick of n IP they got blown out of the water was 16 - they look silly they were getting rinsed you have to just think about those creeks reach out who's overpass that's my point I know but I have this whole thing with fnatic when I think they come into these kind of games they need to mentally wake themselves up I was gonna say again space they should already be woken up no you're playing against Olaf you're playing against a guy who you have history with you've left it or OFI with he bounced he got out of there show him why he should have stayed but I think maybe you know finale they just need these these they leave their cage to be rattled so they can wake up brush off the Beast Within it's happened so many times I feel like every fnatic game I cast days ago oh not the fnatic we were hoping to see and then by map 3 under screaming Bravo yeah yeah that happens a lot honestly I feel the same way yeah it's confusing but still at the same time when it does come on it's very exciting to watch brokey will be all topped out of vp apartment says got the awp 6-1 up after winning as crimson v trying to find the opening kill damage inflicted a lease that's wars niko down a seventeen normally working towards a palace position this time finds himself talking that's a big jewel for Crim's to win early advantage now all in fanatics camp coldzera there's no way he's gonna go away without what get away excuse me with that one flashed in bike rims that's worked out wonderfully and this round for phase does look like it's fallen flat should be the second floor fanatic especially considering the aggression from flushes no way nikos ready for that second oh you naughty boy just all off likely to fall just a matter of seconds he something four-flusher e once is old teammate but he's never go i swear if flush a knife sawed off in the back I'm gonna scream o interested not interested happy knows a knife there I felt like it was one we'd allow that one well six two fanatic we were very convincing round they're gonna need a lot more that came from the standard shards considering the blistering former scene from phase so far so the money wasn't great on the face side but their fame from flashy ever last round was poof great work and there was a chance for an easy knife there but I feel like he's just honed it right now he's making sure he wins the round they haven't got into that fnatic vs mo just yet want to get warmed up a few rounds under their belts as will see the ak-47s now and within the CT ranks or far shake rims of aks at Krieg for Brolin watch out for those numbers now to swallow three and seven right now but watch that rise as its given the most powerful rifle in the game right now around nine is where we should be expecting bronze frags to climb yeah right remember coldzera has been dropped across an a K and he's given rain the deagle so that's the only compromise on the faze clan side of things right now interested to know what broke he's gonna be up to in this tea side or pond Mirage just intrigued to know if it's just gonna be the B apps guy cuz he's been kind of chained to the B apps on the defaults it's gonna be flashing them in early so he pops them through the smoke is that what this is because already caught JW at the window you can take in a boatload of damage though may want to get that rifle in rains hands but he continues his advance regardless a CT flash will put him into notice he's actually in that smoke rims so far nothing spotted all off rather brazen up around there pin stirring a Crim's loses a lot of his life in his first exchange brawl and panicking you can see he wants to play around that smoke but he doesn't get a chance well that's the Krieg removes and cruises or so down to just two HP he's gonna try and make his way back he's actually pushing towards top of middle right now flash up into T's form pulls back towards connectively smoked out now and give it's cold I should say it's moments officer Floyd here trying it up on down now I think then why this like after the Niners will see trying to jump up golden we're going back on deny the form he does get all off my stone the retreat hurts all off he commits he did it for the cause and now broke he's gotta justify it he is alongside called Sarah what a spray from cold he committed to that now a lot a little awkward okay safe for now Grimm's is low which makes this jewel a whole lot more favorable brokey snoozing help through the Box cold is in a prime position to shut down Fred it does fall took the gold and he's revealed he's closing the gap and already crimpers found the first fnatic a solid retake and a full ace between the two of them crimson golden on that retake yeah a little bit cagey there from phaz not really willing to take the challenges allowing themselves to get overwhelmed you could see coldzera trying to reposition trying to find Crim's air but they'll both focus on that one player golden this gets closer and closer sprays him both down great incendiary as well by the way he just tries to stay alive to showing tenacity towards CT spawn while his teammates arrive he doesn't deny the plum but he certainly makes things uncomfortable brokey he didn't find any pics at all because Gordon's being so passive towards CT and usually not utilizing the grenades instead of his aim just notice their phase went for a bit of like a spread peak kind of round you see they've established a bit mid control they just limped out on a hole ever get some kills they're using their individual ability and once again they're getting fast what middle but flattened by fnatic is going too much further than this I fell at this wall and kill available the players not by my shorts but doesn't get the frag that's could be flush out recovering this situation even though it takes a PT bullet to the face JW against rain here towards middle but and this stage around is done it's just a matter of time Nikko does have a chance one day yep hits it on the second then we'll kill but it's golden we'll take care of him that's gonna be now six to four two rounds in a row make it three after that one for fnatic their money seven to swell and face clans making a few acres at this point they don't have enough for an AWP don't necessarily need one on the T side of Miraj so I'm sure I see five rifles at this point and maybe a tactical time I'll just slow things down in the last six months of top 10 teams Crim's is a sixth highest rated player on Mirage interesting so he's not necessarily always the hottest but of course stiff competition considering we now know that two members of faith fan sit in the number one and two spots aggressive up middle JW draws first blood and he's gonna just jump straight through the extinguish mode that's a lovely opening gambit Nikko going down again here and now we've been talking about Allah he's been finding huge amount of impact for faze clan sitting at the top of their stats he's out of the equation early and Crim's wants more rain and Crim's have been having his constant ships in the night situation and JW has found another one mid windows supposed to be the most oh do you know you're playing against a nice little backflip from rain yeah perfect form start the landing he's been in the gym I know it he's got his flexibility up cold air on all off my stat I have to break their backs to get into this one though they're on a 5 vs. 2 not really much to be said about the round it's up to a fanatic to give it up to be honest review Crim's don't sit by the smoke and all off my step but a nutmeg here does work out for him exactly that's a perfect example you got to see it from Crimson's POV as well huge advantage for all of meister and a huge advantage for fnatic and they are not linked so called Sara taking minimal damage dad's would see Giada he is the sort of player that could win these rounds doesn't need to find at least one kill here segregate the ct's bring it down to two versus one running out of time that jump could help him out they might assume east towards win there right now but now we could actually make a lot of noise from the connector drops one smoke focuses towards jungle looks like a matter of time before he's dropped he has got to deal with brawling on the bomb site who's ready and waiting with 15 seconds here yeah I think at the time it's just gonna be his worst enemy here 13 seconds please just tucking in for the save yeah in terms of loss bonus they'll be getting twenty nine hundred dollars per player the next round so he's actually has more than that right now in terms of his Krieg 3k his helmet armor 4,000 same I'll keep that his teammates won't be able to buy but they can partially book invest around this that's to be survives what so they can bring our d got our let's go where their JW that's the kind of plays were looking for from him pushing up towards middle finding key Scouts I'm Nico that's a big play and crimp delivering once again from connects up yeah JW actually flushed rain in that direction with the moltov below window he couldn't just stand in limbo had to worry about a cap push as well so he's tried to take some territory back and Alex pointed out screams round after round will be finding himself in that connected position this time round could be some aggression to underpass early info will be garnered by Fleischer here who's hyper aggressive this is so perfect from flusher they know it's an a fake right now so Crim's is taking the gamble they know exactly where he is and three of them get a peacoat Sarah's even got the Creek in mid broke he's found another way they can't lose another one of these if Glock now is going to be finding yet another kill oh and reigns even got Kevlar the aks gonna be his yeah this is where fnatic had four rounds in a row against the pistols it could come crashing down once again but it's still for a right now Nico has found open a bomb so you're right there's only one player on that side of the map and that's gonna be JW with the orb towards jungle right now he's out of the murder hold Nico is holding CT spawn when he comes back I reckon to W get this oh I can't believe it looks like JW was more than aware of a cold Sarah he certainly is as he'd be a brilliant shot toward Shore Brolin last by remaining couldn't be further away another eco victory bear in mind that was a Krieg in the mix as well calderas got two kills of that particular weapon but still it was a Glock heal from brawl and taught to be apartments ever really did solidify the rounds it's just like wild that that fell apart so quickly phase with nico nico won that round right we need without the opening kills he couldn't have found that space but he had to have the balls to take that space and by pushing so far forward he's all his teammates could have come all the way back through a if they wanted to unclear on out the ramp position but he's done so much there how important helmets now i've never really thought about it too much i've always kind of talked about them a little bit but now I'm sort of rounds I can the skill level as it increases you're seeing now a block again that was flush they're pushing to be a palm and she said it's a great push he had no helmet he gets taken down by blocks straight away if you don't have a helmet oh did he have to bail no he didn't ever helmet was on three times this court in transition you could see him fumble rife in his gun so that's amazing for broke you then that's very common very well played if he's managed to pull it off the Glock and now he's upgraded to a p250 now so he's even more equipped for that close Jule should you encounter into round 13 we're off to the races a quick smoke for the CTC gap again cheap dumps they can break fanatics money late here if they win this round right here for now you have no money for the rest of this game they'll be just enforced by so if he's can take this one this is a huge round potentially selling themself up we know throwing now you're right over you but yeah the Nico knows all too well you heard the extinguish of the Molly and just needs and free five back back corner Kim here I'm scoping inch firing off shots to all this window position reigns beneath him right now it doesn't jump off as there is a sound cue there Brolin has pushed the a ramp he has a lot of information seem nice I found gorgeous Holly with the ak-47 wanting to dip those jewels allows him to step up a little bit more he's in here for an ace right now those rain will find a first that's towards the shore position you can see rains new job with this bench is to basically get down mid fast wait and then either pincer connector or take the fight short and just keep an aiding window given JW he'll that's another one that connects takes him down to 32 man advantage here yeah 13 on the board and 48 seconds for this round to go down 40 seconds flash show any man to go down at this point in eco from all towards the sandwich position he gets the kill here so much damage inflicted down to 40 a the grenade will follow up and it has to be a kill for golden here JW needs to deliver not gonna happen as it gets the bombs fall to the ground surely done here throw line and Crim's no chance on the retake they've lost to a novel Rico in a previous round of phase back on their feet to take the home victory I mean to get one is is impressive to pull off two and a half is absurd Branagh and criminal I think they can really do about this one now oh yeah the money will be broken it's gonna meet 1900 in the following it's not not the money situation you want to find yourself in Henry not the most ideal I'll say that much they can save two rifles oh it could be enough Crim's he does find the cure and he will survive the blast of course and it looks like he's absolutely fine short he doesn't swim I guess he's gonna be pensive for spawn he does offer himself up and that is a big big kill for phase than to find there because as justice said they've only got $1,900 in terms of loss bonus here so that means PT 50s revolvers for Masse's you know the usual there's not even a huge disparity in the right now well the thing is gatogo I keep looking pretty good in the glasses against pistols they can't hold it together Bruins their mo kW gets three kills the best yeah let's do it so if you don't know the left click is a normal charge drop right you can buzz fight water you can fully spray the revolver but it sucks it's not acting it really doesn't work like you have to have it inside them oh that's inside his head it goes straight to the dome Alex Luco removes that we are gonna go into that feed bomb sighs anything left to be said about this revolver I hope so golden come on jet 2 vs. 1 this could be historic get ready to clip him JW the revolver on the replay here the bow is not down at this point he can make this work as a look for the fast now JW as Prime's this could be a polishing of the revolver making his way forward he's gonna die the party you can feel it can he do it 3 HP this would be monumental looking for one more shot he can't connect it just yet all of my and it will be face gonna pick up yet another round my god though it was so close yeah let's see this fast kill straight through the smoke into their head those nuts another one straight to the back of the dome for colds Erin look at the inside makes it look like he's made of play-doh I'm entertained I am definitely entertained we're getting some high tier Counter Strike with the revolver on top more do you want sugar bit of pageantry is a showman and we walk into the final round of this first half my god this game has got it all Crim's oh trying to add an extra spice as we push up towards middle he's in for the double kill he's got another dink there but still the equal trade for now rain down to 5 and flush up repositions aggressive of course trying to get the grenades well top of middle could be enough on towards Ray Nico spots him still wants a foetus aichi will receive warning what's your position Nico with afraid Wow flush at that's impressive full commitment to the spray at that range with that amount of Nico showing it finds the head for v3 reigns low should be the fanatic nine six but should is the active workers look how separated they are at this point he can intercept the bomb delivery JW can ruin everything for them and rain he's got a bloody Smokeout knife in don't do anything else about knifing where's the bomb to be fair complex buddies might as well kill about efficiently our lost position could have come into play here but now these stuck in a 104 it's no hope okay well we'll be back to that in a second don't know where Olaf's God he has a suspicion he's here he bumped into him in the smoke they're leading him and well that's one way to finish it off nine or six ladies and gentlemen this is some of the best gala strike I've seen all week tell your friend it's Matt over here get him into the steer Twitter stream River knee right on back in the second half of our first map of this series a lot more to come [Music] [Music] [Music] you know the flow I'm coming back I was only focusing this moment bringing us back respect my mind elevate souls and the spread goodbye define you know I gotta shine raise your good [Music] [Music] my food they were telling me up the water doing talent shows the pain everyone will show what gotta dance then it still made it for them let go nuts you know what I'm so uh so what I'm so on the way [Music] [Music] [Music] oh the day of stage 2 the very first has begun with a firing we already 1/2 into the action of phase fnatic and already we have seen 2 pistol ridiculous rounds Glocks winning rounds fnatic falling and faltering at the moment this is only the first map but a 9 6 lead on the half and you're joined by three voices you may recognize its machine Henry G and shad for this series there's more to come today though Astralis Navi and mouse og on the door kit tonight well here we go 9 6 we split it down the middle we swapped it over and fnatic will give us their best efforts now on the terrorists side of Mirage brolin one of the best amos and csgo at this point p250 armor as legit setup he's gonna be looking to find headshots here from the palace position to become a prince let's see what he can do Alex it's rain to fire the first headshot just pops golden like a cherry tomato do they pop I mean if you shoot them for 5 verses 3 and rain is just had enough try to send them out of the service end and party what's double-digits immediately and he has broke Ian's shores it we have ourselves faced 10 fnatic 6 rain is now 6 and 1 in opening Jill yes you are he is looking phenomenal I just wanted to reflect on the JW opening kill stats as well because it something we're keeping an eye on he in that first half there was responsible for 3 opening frags all of with the AWP and all resulted in round wins but he did also have 3 opening deaths two of which were on eCos I believe so those ones we give you you can have yeah definitely that's what I tell myself I'm allowed to have those deaths no rain is been hugely instrumental especially in that first half and whenever we interview pro players you know about like players to watch and I gonna get fades it's never the usual candidates often we hear the players that actually play against them this rain as the one to watch out for it's broken Nico in this one though because with their powers combined they've completely neutralized the mid presence of fnatic the round has only begun and already Crim's is cowering in a doorway death imminent whether they push for him or not here wouldn't make too much down a second though flushes got some room but it's not room that he can really work with problem is they've been constricted right now Crim's with the bomb is the chance if he can find a gap and pull them around the map so flush I could make some more magic happen there's another one we'll get stopped by bro Kia now well 1v3 with the deagle we've seen plenty of those on Mirage we have nearly saw a bomb v3 with a revolver actually in the first I would have been those I plunge and thing of a player of the year that would have been the play of the decades of the of the coming decade actually the next day yeah future decades way of the millennium ploy you see google it right green greeny you with us green yes along with you what do you think about the revolve of green Iowa I know one thing when I pull out chad has fear in his lungs every time I you and I have had a bit of a 1v1 before yeah we did some 1v1 who's one rush I think I know the I would say it's a draw you know considering you were using like a revolver and apparently JW things with a fair fight thank you so much green we'll check in with you later we'll get into the next round here as we don't see any revolvers this time is gonna be PD fifties and a couple of deagles know our minds a fanatic as Nico just calling them as he looked for three years happening where the third doing damage towards golden back on quite find it and there it is Nika to close things out is gonna be three kills for him around pretty much done jack so you just will use the word mauling just then I was trying to think of countries that we have in Counter Strike estar with everywhere is um maiden from maiden Madden uh-oh made her from godson yeah he's from Montenegro okay that's a bit too long I was gonna have the country name bowler the Montenegrin more yet a bit long is a bit long it does another fool it doesn't really flow the way I was hoping no I think you're going for Mahler it makes me think of bears though I think like yeah so I'm thinking like it has to be someone that's good looks like a teddy bear or or a vicious grizzly of course okay well Grizzlies are harder to come by these days especially to quakes we don't have any server today though I'd say golden golden is my teddybear candidate okay you know he's got a lot of got the curly locks and I'm sure he's probably pretty damn smart most teddy bears are he's a cute little guy as well so there is that there is certainly that around push and he's not gonna be finding anything yet rain having a mad one I will remind you we're now nineteen rounds in he's rocking the 180 are still gonna be responsible for round preman in a very dynamic way this is not not old school cow and stroke by any stretch of the imagination actively taking back from control now around that one minute twenty mark and there it is first you'll found it'll knock them out with a smoke and force their hand they have to advance now bomb is loose at the top of middle so perhaps they need to fight like done but oh that's a big win from brawl and he lives to fight another day now rain and cold they have to stay close towards the air out position the only individual who could leave yet any pressure ever from jungle or connector was Niko and with him being taken out of the picture they're not quite sure where this attack is coming on through JW forward within the be apartments but the bomb is still down towards the back of top middle there's still a lot of time left in this round one more counter-strike to be played Brolin has to double on back they're not talking about this Porsche but that's a huge flag from Crim's absolutely massive clinical shop called Sarah was Tetris though this is enough he does get one but golden looks like he's gonna take a down moment everyone as JW catches a rotating brokey it's gonna price them out to close things out two versus wanting a chance though the reason legend gentleman maybe you don't understand why we were so I guess intensely waiting for that phrase coming Brolin was on low HP damage the Brawn had taken from that Nico jewel would have put all off in a position where he would have had the advantage in that 1v1 situation via HB he was also trending over towards that b bomb site so Brolin wouldn't be planning by the time that Olaf is getting towards kitchen and that would set them up for quite the interesting 1v1 scenario but the ball the round will fall for fanatic and phase they have to buy back up here broke you on the ATP that not have many molotovs to work with though oh it's a fast cat split it's very far I think oh and they got blocks broke II didn't hold the line he was supposed to they're already up short but okay Nico just get it to a bit of a revenge into the second half previously revolving through the smoke in the same angle but now he's gone and tapped the head of golden just muscle memory and that crosshair placement looking spicy so his FRA lands positioning he's managed to get himself all the way into jungle so early into the piece this could completely destabilize Nico rain and broke II set up on a JW sherry presents and oh he wasn't ready for all off a tour advantage extended for phase into this 20th round and all off once more you want some info you can play this passive line there is absolutely no utility to speak like a CD so bullets have to do the talking and crimson started the conversation yeah well it's not a bad one to have at this point all off my staff he'll be sitting there on towards his feet bombs I am foreign hand does get another here we go and that's the moment Branagh has been waiting for he is take it down in the end leaving flushing the two versus one but he wins these even with 11 points of health he'll find a way makes its way towards kids needs to make this a 1vs1 quickly knows the position of rain from the trajectory of the Molotov thrown trying to find his moment here doesn't quite nail it rain will take him down 13 to 7 money will be quite weak now a wall gets when he blinded the next round plus 800 bonus as well but at the same time they're still gonna be a km at the most cuz like who you want to run you what facilitates phase to play three individuals ice leaded on a bomb site and two players on over towards B they're all rooted into their bomb sites right there stuck down now this vent you would have seen it get broken right there they didn't break it at all on the CT side they left that vent as a sound cue so fatty wanted to come through for flanking they have to break that back seat over here and that's the warning signal that hey they can be in the back lines so just a little detail right there but that's why they were able to play so site heavy do you ever not spray the prevent outlaw in your day yeah yeah was something that we tried to do a lot cuz I sucked at holding middle so so we tried to leave it out bad because if people could boost into it with to show they could do it they thought they could also bait it I suppose they could shoot in your foe but at least you'll know that it has to be broken before they can access it because it still faked you out both these you're early system is such a perfect way to describe Yanni's no it's a very good point like a trip while yes like a camera you could chew into a wall check on it that's a new idea I'm just coming up with them you should write that down I should probably s13 to serpent ladies and gentlemen the US Air Force tactical timer I've never said that it's always you guys I felt good I've never done one of them this is a US Air Force tactical timeout it's concluded and so we venturi forth into round 21 top mid smoke looks like a bit more leniency towards a and these with the bomb and the core 2 of JW and flusher aggressive up middle Nico's changed his mind after the flashbang don't blame him this is looking very promising for Phase so far 13 7 remember overpass next for fnatic or absolutely schooled by n IP yesterday they're ready to play it again and they picked up smokes towards middle web that's just landing towards the window three players and fnatic here brought on Crim's and golden all sticking together deals are out three of them suggest things a little bit desperate out there deep smoke towards the steps position enables them to get through connector could be a nutmeg through that smoke if they can get past the jungle player could be an uplink it's Nico who looks very convincing right now multiple force there and have to push off this one he's on for a couple of kills its golden got a burn in the corner yes he will and that's gonna be the round surely flashy left and a four versus one not gonna convert it that money was already broken and now even with $2,900 coming in they'll have 3k on a nose that's pretty much a guaranteed map for face the two highest rated players on Mirage and then you've got rain on 19 that's your top fraggers of faze clan and we're starting to see that this map pic is being absolutely just by lots of patience to get this first but you also suspect that that corner could be burning he hears the sound cue eventually and converts another for another multi kill round could very well be 16 soon we could be venturing into overpass which charred I'll let you remind them did not go well for fnatic yesterday 16 - lost two swedish rivals ni p on that map not even get to start on the CT side and they got destroyed you had the creeks of twist you had got 16 - that must have been a good fair fair few months that's a great question let me let me jump in and have a bit of a look for you are you gonna be able to find that yeah I love this I have look we have Henry we have an encyclopedia I know it really helps doesn't it it's great it makes things a lot easier instead of trying to pull things randomly out of our brains we actually have chatter here you can do it tends to no intensive no everything anyway give us a proper answer it's amazing either way it's gonna be broke eats around the face here's a couple of kills for the International squad as they take down flasher and JW kinetic wanted desperately trying to find damage through that smoke it is relatively successful to be fair as we run into a five on three year we've got Crim's with the desert eagle they didn't even fully invest for this round sign of the times very bleak out there view fanatic fan this round will be going against in this could be map point it's just a pic of face we did say they managed to pick up their own pics yesterday but overpass coming up next the massive question mark considering phase we've been looking much better on the map as of late and they lost when IP yesterday for that occurring 16 to about the answer here for the last time they were 16 - they were 16 - back on the 16th of September in 2018 hellraisers 28 it was the hellraisers beer that angel you've got walking in there dead Fox yeah yeah and that was against the fnatic the roster was Crim's JW flusher exist and Draca know when that hellraisers team kind of disappeared he did with it so we haven't heard from dead fox in some time he was given a lot of the toughest roles I had a lot of conversation with John tur yeah about him and that in that team and he was just he was given all that all the hard work people have described him and some you know another one of their could have been yeah given such a nightmare Speight the team he never got enough time I mean or per for a while then like Wi-Fi does nothing anymore I don't know why he's chopping conversations we get into the next round here Nico has done nothing to contribute to this stomping round from fnatic my god they just won their jewel this is actually what it looked like on train yesterday to finish off their massive battle versus the ninjas in pyjamas they were just coming out swinging into the outside the bomb site and taking jewels all simultaneously winning them and then the rounds would be over and it's a nightmare to observe I look forward to seeing afresh but yeah if fnatic turn it on in the same way they did in their match their third map of their decided series versus ni P it can be difficult because it goes from zero to 100 in the blink of an eye yeah and Faison opting in for the force by here they don't know rush to finish one of this one off don't need one more round they've just gone with the deals to guarantee everybody in the following which we round number 25 will have all the necessary equipment and weapons right now we just have these deagles which we've seen striking time and time again in the hands of Nico and called dura they've both picked up a bunch of highlights in recent times but to deal with the Krieg and to deal with brawlin it won't be as easy he's lost his life he's lost himself the rifle and I already have a feeling a sneaking feeling face could be three in a gang it's not even a part to bytes in each I've got no are my two Eagles only in another guilty Mouse era he might have found the killing flow that ends it all here as Crim's will be left in a four versus one they know exactly where he is close eras got the krieger broker to close things out 16 to 8 her clinic has been put on Mirage here by fazer looking incredibly sharp at this point a fanatic need to wake up we'll take a break I'll be back with the MLS desk
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 213,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESL, EPL, Pro League, esports, gaming, competitive, esport, CSGO, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, CS Highlights, CS Live, CSGO Live, CS Live Stream
Id: S2HnpQ4x0mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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