CS:GO - Team Vitality vs. Natus Vincere [Dust2] Map 1 - ESL Pro League Season 14 - Grand Final

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five maps i hope we get as many of that five as possible it's supposed to be an incredibly competitive game both teams have got what it takes vitality and a form we haven't seen since forever yeah this uh right here is vitality and a bit of a resurgence level of form let's see if they can bring it on dust too map number one here harvey's kick shoes are off for this one chad i'm comfortable and so is shocked what are you up to he's cooking up trouble straight into it trying to juke out with simple trying to destabilize straight into the piece now one expert favors now v and we'll see if the pistol does as well they return through their early crawl and simple does eventually win out on his tons jewels i will immediately equalize and it's up to masouda here he's going one for one chaos in the mid doors kyogen's gotta hold on to what he has as kitten two flash won't get to use it if he's hunted down all right well they're still pivoting around the map here another smoke from electronic now that'll be a re-smoke on the mid to b isolating kyogen here towards ct it's shocks over towards car he's on his loans and flashed on through kyogen's trying to get there to help him out flash could do everything and it doesn't quite hit the mark but shocks his bullets do and another from kyogen in support thrust simple into a one versus three he's loud about this xy we're going to be the contingency for a he's rotated through already simple won't be able to catch that info if he waits thirteen bullets looking for zai wu spots him out and closing that gap fast the rotates on its way he wants to isolate this as fast as possible as i was just gonna buy time lovely positioning from him just peppers him on the jiggle simple running out of opportunities here and a nice conversion zywa with two and vitality taking our pistol had a bit of a smoke on my face after the first four kills came in because both superstars got openings for their teams and then the sidekicks both got the second kill so uh we had simple open the account for na'vi zai would do the same the masood are getting one and electronic finding one at that point all right well we're on we're on here this is what we want for the pistol one on three hard to get past here and good little skirmish there in the mid round from vitality when it gets scrappy it's when you want to see him able to keep it together against an rv gonna be a light pistol upgrade here so no heavy investment for navi into a round like this they'd love to get a plant down got four mp9s out and about right here for the french shocks will be the only one into an m4 they've got utility they've got kits to work with and avi now just spreading across the map here trying to bait out whatever needs they can double towards lower the hg's rain down a lot of damage here but nothing lethal i mean best case scenario simple opens up one of these sites with his destiny eagle he's been boosted and has successfully taken the head off of apex masouda quick to the fight though he's not playing scared he will not be caged in the presence of that simple deegan immediately puts it down on the ground bit doesn't get much light time with it either and these mp9s though there was four of them they've a very light worker this one's i was starting to farm he's gonna have so much cash at the end of that one three with the smg i think he might upgrade to the awp here he's got cash for it he could drop that across to apex and three of them can rock those bonus mp9s while zoe can buy into the awp but we will see navi on the other side of things get their buy out here so simple in a unorthodox boost you don't see this one up close towards lower that like that often and then it'll just clean up in aisle mirrors i will when the boy is rocking up getting it done and taking care of business to post their second now they haven't actually gone for the awp on xy we're here simple into the scout apex from his own and oh some tags either way perfecto chipped apex the same and a push from shocks this is quite quick yeah it's boomer's responsibility and ready for it no he's not the flash comes in converts shots on the retreat supported by the incendiary he's out and safe passage secure lovely start for vitality some ct aggressions thrown in early yeah you love that you know going right in towards t territory taking a fire little flash combo and easy as you like they've slipped back in for the 5v4 and the ct pistol he did the same he runs straight towards tons i imagine shocks has been given the green light to go aggie early well i've turned attention to masuda's bomb site here and he's only rocking a flash to his name apex on plat putting some scouts downrange and another tag for apex so none of this so far is confirmed he's put perfecto and bit low they're more than the walking wounded here that's a very wide peak out of a suitor and suddenly simple electronic put their name in the feed a hard one for apex he's all alone how's he converted onto simple can't finish the job he started on bit now it's zyewu and kyojin they're well equipped in the sense of kits they should go for this you'd think you certainly would whether it's tons or straight up the door is a different question electronics responsible for tunnels there's only a healthy member as well here so if they did want to press the issue will be the harder of the three fights available and they're actually going to call it i think there's boom it's rifle up top there's a galil i think oh he's actually got yeah i've got something and that's a good as well so m4 and galil now i'm not too upset about the save sure yeah you could argue you know a bit of more financial damage on the way out the door if they wanted to play for exits here but playing the long game and the cliche you've heard us at every bloody best of five it's a marathon not a sprint there must be an alternative but it is i mean it is a perfect summation i mean best of five chad we were talking about it before we've we saw that best of five reverse sweet fifth map they've been here in that territory before and even crazy game that was it was but you want to talk about crazy games even yesterday man no navi heroic that felt like a best of five like by the time we're on the third map and we're heading into those last like five rounds my god it was you could see like genuine uh exhaustion in their play and we were still getting over heroic versus liquid for the day before right so uh hopefully this one delivers three back-to-back bangers of games now the buy back in from vitality it's there those save guns worth their weight in gold or forza whoop simple on that scout not going to fire a board it's a four-man lean early perfecto there's trouble around the corner and it's brewing the spam through it's good he gets the first but it's traded no concern just yet however a bit electronic cooking up some early trouble mid apex to try and cage them and willing to unload his mag into that smoke the reloads the cue and they will creep cheeky pegs looking the wrong way he's in a lot of trouble here the counterflash is good he manages it i have no idea and that smoke hoping to at least support his teammate shocks they're crawling into the b site the bombs on the back electronics kill the rotate and there's nothing for shocks to report falls apart for vitality is navi they do have a bit of a poncho for the mid to bees yeah and great stuff from electronic early here two kills for him just stopping this we've already seen him on the mid to be having impact and now he wants to hunt let's find kyogen's location let's see if you want to push the issue here boom it's through lower tunnels simple already cottoning off towards ct spawn so it's a no-go zone for kyogre now the round is done you might even need to get a reload in here so boomer jump can't they know where kyojin is and saving this gun it would be good they don't have a lot to go into the next round with the french more warning shots getting closer and closer and there he is kyojin cannot convert navi obliterate vitality and now the scoreline listing it two to two this yeah this this here how does he manage this you look at he's so flustered that's a flustered spray right there yeah we didn't catch these initially but this is electronics pair of frags and yeah apex caught as he was trying to support shocks you could see sharks really didn't get many opportunities there first bullet just shy of their head and a quick react at an rv so they tie things up nicely and it looks like it will be navi edging further ahead it's gonna be uh interesting to see just how they keep that intensity up the entire time i think while we have a bit of a breather here just this apex scout and how long we go we can talk a little bit about that best of five we were talking about as iem beijing haidan which was uh i think was in well november or something of 2020. now um the differences back then was rpk was still on vitality uh but also they had the navera six-man situation in full force right that was a big conversation at the time which would be an easy marketing bit and uh flamie was still in the uh in the house for navi right and that best of five final it started great for navi they won the two opening maps out the gates and then straight back responding vitality with two of their own we get to mirage as the fifth and final and zywu pops off with the p250 i'm sure everybody's seen that round so i hope we get even just a little bit of the moments we had last time around with these massive names in the server today i mean if the game's ahead of this or before this rather were any uh any indication i think the there's a very high likelihood we get all of that and then some electronic again just fancies his chances and the flash is good we've got deja vu here as an even exchange leaves us with a four on four i'm a suitor this is brave the flash is a bit of an indicator for perfecto to be on high alert and if he tries to cross that doorway it's a very unfavorable engagement and it's too easy for perfecto there goes narvi just chipping away at the fully bought up vitality yeah they're b-splitting now they know shocks is isolated on that side kyojin can't push long as i were tasked with holding hey sharks has done some good damage here so he's holding mid to b at bay on his lonesome and he's even going to evacuate the site this is opening up the avenue to save but he would need to win this fight and he has 3v3 now oh he's just there in time they're edging out of the tunnels holding a sliver gap and a dink into the head of perfecto he finishes the job as well shocks is here and he's making a competitive round after all he was alone chad but they can smoke doors simple has one to drop it's gonna go down even has a molly for the window if you'd like but he knows where they both are one side won bricks they can close this tunnel's gap fast bomb now ticking simple posted up to receive them here on tunnels the molotov well times by his time that's a snappy one out a bit straight on the door's presence they're uncertain as to how many are coming in from tons but as the molly fades simple strikes one for one zai who puts him down it's on to bit closing the gap here loudly looking for the element of surprise is all he needs and call it four shocks made that competitive but bit just too good yeah sharks did a lot there and he had a lot of room right you feel like navi didn't capitalize on capitalize on the space they had or used the utility they had early enough so sharks was able to walk down get this one for free the dink and kill onto perfecto is great here gives them a real opportunity for vitality to put another round on the board bit pushes out right he gets that kill now the reason they don't just immediately snap towards dark is there could have been a ct already close in that smoke so still on high alert here we go again and uh that annoying scout right there of apex has been dealt with immediately we know that apex has a bit of uh a likening for the scout likes to buy it on the anti ecos likes to get it on the four spies it is iowa and kyogen here and they've actually just boosted electronic up on the other side of the doors there so maybe a standoff oh he's got one and a half on the b defense and it's wide open there's no bomb on the back of perfecto but he will have full reign of this site they have simple still watching mid right so he can really call how many or if anybody crosses exactly like that so he shots back and forth and even tags shocks the passage back over now there's really no way right so booming is going to just get that bomb over to perfecto who's still holding the house down of the b bomb site electronic has contained the long push right so there's no way forward for zyra right now unless he wants to go for a very unfavorable fight that bomb should be getting planted and simple's even joined up with the crew so navi looking good for their fifth here safe or at least as safe as he wants to be there boomitch molly as well bogdan's law it's all coming together yeah just uh that late in the rounds right yes i will you're not considering that one let's see if they can take electronics gun away both pushing up the awareness from electronic there and he mops it up this is great form from electronic early here and like this is where right we had the death touch note they were going pound for pound with players i i feel like in terms of when they joined the team they did shocks versus uh electronic right in terms of the veteran status and maybe some of the similar roles i think in terms of the second stars of the team this is where masooter in a pound per pound way will be going up against the electronic electronics in this form right it's not gonna be easy for masuda to keep up i mean that bar is set incredibly high if that's who he's looking to replicate and to compete with boom it's though it's good to see him fragging i mean no he's hanging with them here he was struggling to convert much other than that incredibly impactful 2k on yard now he's already you know hanging with them on the fragging charts now shocks again with an opening speaking of the devil it's boomish that catches it and you can see bit lining up one component of this a smokes and there's already one up so has opted not to commit to that it's just smoking mirrors they're trying to be again and they can hear all this util long so they might have a good idea that it was a long retake currently going on down if they're to act soon they can isolate a two-on-four fight on this b bomb site right zyward midlong apex is a ramp kyojin floating long so there's gonna be so much pressure for masuda and shocks here even with this opening it's not gonna be easy how brutal is this you're playing against navy on dust two and they haven't gone a once here they come again knocking on your door misuta head to the monitor and only does some damage poor shocks he's about to be cleared by so many navi members and through the doors they will finish off some of the job of shocks puts us in a 3v3 chat they can have a look in a lot on the line here though one flash for the retake you have to be careful about the decision making here vitality yeah they're just seeing if he can find something and damage isn't really what he was looking for call that one off i think save that awp give zygo another chance in the next round kyojin just to escort him escort him here but that was easy for nabi right yeah but i've i've casted full n rvt sides where they've gone long 10 out of 15 rounds now they've just started us off on the grand final dust2 first map and they've thrown all of that out the window mid to bees all in b's and just your standard default spread i think the most action we've seen on a is electronic holding doors yeah that's true let's take a little bit of a look here as well with the spawns that are coming on through and see if that initiates any more of these long planes or if it's something that has just been conditioning if they really want to bully that b bomb side that'll force xaiwu to be that swing man with the awp more over towards mid now with these saved guns we might see another vitality investment here there's lost bonus capped on out they're able to drop some guns across so all in all it should be fine for vitality to get something that resembles a decent buy here but as soon as this kill comes in there's still plenty of time on the bomb a two on three retake not going to go in their favor whatsoever it's a great start from navi had a breakthrough about shocks the other day okay richard papillo okay and i now know that papillon means butterfly so i mean of all the lick nicknames no one is quite as graceful as richard mr butterfly richard butterfly richard butterfly mr richard all right well uh he can look a bit floaty from time to time old shocks can't he certainly he's been floating with some aggression as well i don't know how well uh this is gonna work out in his next round of play because six already in the navy campaign you were talking about spawns no long spawns again let's see what they opt for boom itch and bit just head down charging straight down middle no one to contest understandably after simples doors tags and so they've gone for a bit more of a standard setup here on the ct side three towards long to get control the float man of apex now over towards ct spawn to assist with any mid to fees or a hits depending on what his intuition tells him here's with midlong with the awp and maybe just maybe if boomik goes out he's selling this yeah zy we might get pressured off have to play retake here look at those smokes hard to see anything they're out it's a b hold up a second it's brilliant the bait and switch boom it's trying to sell it as best he can tucked into ct to fend off the rotate and again vitality are handed two bad options defend a 4v2 on b or push through boomich in ct it's not going to be fun or easy and then fighting for him now he nearly takes one with him zaiwa aggresses but they have the info now and they're bringing the bomb towards short oh lovely jiggle tags i were in the open does get booked and kyogen's so low he should be caught any second now look at this simple with just the p250 hunting it down we've seen him throw bombs to bit before and now he can just sit and hold misuta and shocks again just handed a dud hand what do you want to do with this yeah do you go for it do you try and get the wp do you do some damage i think unfortunately again the best option is to save now we know the cruel mistress of the ct side economy here but with the loss bonus maxed out right and if they had saved and opened this equation they could keep funneling guns across right you drop her you have the 3400 as the lost ones your teammates have an extra bunch of cash in their back pocket as well here it's not going to be the case but you can see you know how boom it's this time through the second component of the vanguard smokes we saw bit previously lining it up to partner up with that so their intention of keeping xaiver 1a they either take a fight early if they get the spawn long or they do the two pairs of smoke a and boom which can play around them and be presents and either way if it's not that it's simple holding the doors you just can't leave a once you're committed to it from spawn yeah it's not going uh yeah very easily right displeased displeased he's uh not having i don't have any of the easiest to start here and uh interestingly enough they went for inferno as the second map i thought maybe they go to overpass right we saw navi lose overpass last night i thought you know maybe maybe we would see that get targeted uh but doesn't seem to be what they've opted for here and well we get back into play with no zywa awp so if you didn't think things were hard enough for vitality let's see just how difficult they can get see electronic even doing this is keeping the players busy for a long pop right we see teams they go into the bedroom they wait until the cts are kind of caught in no man's land or just establishing okay i was in a rush let me take a breather they extinguish the molly the flash has come through and then you're on high alert so just keeping the vitality players planted they have no idea what to expect and this time round bit is on his loans and working this cat control navi are hoping that there's some aggressive move from vitality here now it doesn't seem to be just yet and of course as i say that apex tucking on up aggressively towards short one bird combo with as i would flash this flash has to be good looking promising apex nothing to report bits already slithered away but yeah you can see what's taking shape don't have to be a genius to look at the mini map and see how narvey are looking to finish here and again you can see the wounds they've left they are pushing for info chad this is something else up short early zaya with apex and they will be behind the doors players bit loud about this quick to find it that was supposed to be the mid smoke boom it slips into one misu to collect here we go vitality a successful defense on the cards and just a couple more to find simple can't escape and that will be the third a clean one as well that was great they let navi play their default they let them get the territory that they wanted and then they took it back off them without them knowing right you could see exactly what happens there the short push was genius that actually blindsided na'vi they think okay we've got enough respect right they're not gonna pick us sure they're probably expecting another bloody execute but apex when he peeks out and he sees nothing at the time you think oh that's nothing but there's nothing but that information allowed them to crawl on through allowed them to hedge that it was going to be this mid to be split it's gotten vital to the third round and geez that was close here he is booming she's out long the flashed off xy we will miss they know there's an awp in play now they're applying a bit more pressure here back to the usual tricks of navi corner smoke that's gonna give a little bit of time for xylo and apex to both get up towards the side now let's see what type of an info player they're working with here zarya looks like he's going to stand tall towards the top a apex and kyogen with shocks are pinching in on middle there's nobody home right now they should have a good idea that perfecto oh that's like to lurk yeah was he loud about that shocks versus perfect lots of talking placements decent does eliminate mr butterfly feels like a matter of time now right if they continue towards this a site you're going to need something mental out of xy now he's kept himself his full bag of utility a smoke a molotov in a flash we know and he might be wanting to drop the one that we see simple do over towards those baskets hey he's been watching your reddit videos or no this is just a cross smoke i thought he was doing the jump molly one for the cross flash for good measure and they're on their way side we've gobbled it up vision just about restored there's the util dump there will still be time on those smokes he's working on a very ratty angle here but flash looks well timed he's aggressing oh no no flash no luck apex with one the divider smoke keeps him relevant trying to contest this plant with just the two of them still the rotate coming in kyoto from short to support hanging around looking for any opportunity into this one and that's the jewel needed one more time 14 seconds that's a big one from kyogen colossal he takes them both down he confirms perfecto sure they should be there around every day of the week that's great from kyogen he arrives exactly when apex needed him that's a big boy round from kyogen that's what we're looking for here right out of everybody in the final right now kyojin is the one we're looking to is the biggest question i'm pretty sure this is his first grand final ever right his first grand final ever yeah i mean let that sink in of course you know we know how bitt's first lan ever went so it's these rookies are a different breed a different generation and capable of things we can't quite comprehend well they brought out the double orbs here so let's see if now v can stomach this one shocks pestering around the doors here very risque maneuver here simple's just on the other side of the green box and well shocked he doesn't stay around for too long just to check the little glances again we see this spread from rv bit and perfecto through the tunnels getting this mid doors control bits actually up short going for a lot of space on these lonesome here while they want to punish long they are heading towards kyogen's realms again that will be huge two for two can you do it kyogen his grand final and just exposes himself to two at least this info but no damage done zaiwu is in trouble the whole navi squad are closing in on him and this is quite the peak he's trying to take oh and bits the one to prevail a little gap under the smoke apex chaos it's navi that thrive within it and that's the round it just falls apart no way in yeah with the save call again here that secondary awp is going to be looking delicious for zygo in the next round but you can see exactly there right just how if you're the long anchor you can be left on an island because before navi have exploited short right either whether it's booming coming out behind the avangar one-way smoke or dropping into spawn but there's so much more attention drawn to defending short and they just walk out long kyojin goes for a speculative jiggle is anybody here let me let me just check guys i'll make sure it's still clear there was a smoke ah they're here they're established i'm dead and now that a split is coming that is perfect when you think of an a-slit ouch okay bit yeah when you think of an a-split that's what you want you want the perfect timing to be collapsing on the site and long at the exact same time oh shocked isn't going to get to save anything they're like full executing again you got dribble smokes door smokes and i miss no scope they deny it all that's very very punishing for the boys of vitality you can see their funds it's a bit is it kind of in disarray you got three flush for cash i say flush more more like two we'll see how bits see what does he see on xy with that he's just working on nothing i didn't see anything no but my face also wasn't an inch away from the screen like his also he's probably got you know 213 digital vibrance and that's true 500 different settings uh yes so right now if we just take a look you were talking about the money situation the fact that kyojin has 8.3 and we know we're getting 2900 in the next i would like to see kyogen drop an orb desire there he is there's the man everybody knows that dan mr apex he likes to get emotional yeah dude i imagine being in a relationship with him it's like the highest highs and the lowest lows you know like when you're having a good day it's the best day on earth yeah but for him i mean we can get on a round by round basis watch the next round he might be doing a dance i might be really disappointed if they don't win this one because instead of just dropping one up and maybe having xy would do some hero moments they've gone double orbs they've bought completely into there's a full investment from vitality here and they need to be converting something this is a risk to take it isn't a full buy so they're hoping that they can actually hit a couple of these yeah well fortunately it's not the same uh state of affairs they're not going to go knocking on kyojin's door so the shocks will get more time to play in mid that's great information there for navi know they're operating with at least one or up against them here you were trying to identify the little bits and bobs about this buy and now you know the orbs are out but do you know there's two he better make this one count does he wait for a flash or just taking jiggles boom it might be he might have spotted him yeah his crosshair implies it flashed to try and catch the eye with him peeks out lack of armor he's deleted in a heartbeat shocks is up now gonna become rendered almost entirely useless unless he catches on the xbox mantle and yeah it's time to save again naviam giving us a bit of a t side master class here they have to run vitality have no options they're just being pushed on out bullied on out of this and zai were the ones to go down first just isolated there great stuff and you can see if you're paying attention to the cabs you can just see the amount of talking so if you're not certain if they saw him or not look at those lips moving i'll tell you what really really hyped me up as well was uh nafli just talking about reminding himself and reminding us that the mindset you get into when you're one away from collecting the intel grand slam he said you know you get into this mindset where you're not going to let anyone take it from you i don't think that's that's kind of what i'm seeing in the na'vi boot camp and i can imagine for simple right you got to think about these are very personal story lines but this is somebody who wants to win right he's had two years back to back where this kid from france has just come on and go actually no i'm going to be the best player in the world two years back with simple b and the bridesmaid in both those after the year before he was first and then you think about the context of this imagine having zyro after doing that come out and deny you the intel grand slam i don't think simple will be out of sleep at night right so there's an extra bit of tenacity with na'vi in this one they've spoken about the entire time that the intel grand slam is more motivation for them here it's the motivating factor for them to pick up pro league and they don't even have a pro league trophy in their cabinet nor the vitality this is the first playoffs that vitality have made pro league this is early very early going this well the symbol's able to bring it out around early yeah and this is going to hurt sharks only a deagle and four different adversaries advancing on him molly's a throne and this round looks like 10. just falling into shape this is an rv with a point to prove and looking to make light work of this first half they're looking nasty right now just absolutely running over vitality yeah speaking to the zai wu point for a second as well not only does he show up on his first rookie year and collect the hltv world number one he then proceed he then proceeds to get it back to back and yet the dude was born when counter-strike was born i mean there's some sort of weird simulation theory backed up by zywu here the game i think that's a very fitting nickname for him he is the game yeah like this one here like we have these names in the server now look we obviously haven't seen the crazy pop-offs just yet but these are this is like the clash of the titans right these are the gods of the game these are the elite this is they're on a tier of their own but right now oh look at this yeah and he's just running straight down look at this electronic on his way shocked you've got this electronic feeds him okay fifth perhaps on the agenda for vitality and apparently shocked has had to open the account a bunch of times here in this half right so another opener for him holy okay boom is sharp here too apex just got flatlined he's been in the dms wasn't happy with the uh heroic stats needs to be sharp today and he is okay well they're gonna get the dark dax out of their hands now so we've got three aks and awp up against the double orbs and two rifles here for masuda and kyogre but masuda is low he's just limping around the map here oh a little variation same start as the xbox smoke but we see zai we were catching this one just the bridge smoke there so zyward knows this is clear kyojin is about to be tested here in a big way i can't believe he's brave enough to hold this against a potential orp peak oh he just stepped away he just jiggled away just before they came out and zombie has to do something massive here he's the only one here all right monsieur that's a good start he's taken down simple and there's more coming in through the smoke simples down so is bit he's taking scout zaiwa once more looking over the smoker hail mary no scope not good enough and a 1v2 demanded oh shaksi pushing through as it fades perfecto's holding but does snap in a canceled plan jumping for it that's craziness and now he knows exactly where he is information dancing double no scope all the way it is going to be five it's something bernardi definitely set for success here on dust2 [Music] [Music] [Music] do you think you know everything about cs go then stay alert and look out for the dhl drop quiz on the esl cs go twitch channel [Music] foreign yeah you've got the bomb down but where's i was bragged he's got to stop posting something but from where he's just got a slight gap under the smoke and it's enough to catch boomer in transition wants to pull it across the line two frags onto two of the best and now swings out for another he's possessed zion for another ace another clutch it's perfecto hunting him no one has been able to knock him on his ass yet and he's got six hp it didn't stop him before [Music] [Music] [Music] never stop never quit people want to see you doing good but never better than themselves [Music] foreign man if they're that excited you've got no reason not to be this is it man this is the grand finals a return to the head-to-head of the grand final of iem beijing yes 10 to nazi on the half it was a great east side a couple of glimmers of hope from the vitality camp but perhaps this second half will give us something to cheer about for the french navi looking in full control here chad yeah open runway towards long here one expert would still favor the cia super squad and or out long they barrel booming he's seen a lot here and he's about to be pushed back oh another bite two very quick ones and no smoke on the cross they were given the opportunity and they seized it this kind of cancels their plans and all that everything this is over oh it's all over just shots all of them punting in multiple targets oh no no no no no none of that please i've seen it once i can't see it again flashbacks from beijing shocks this time with a p250 oh okay deep breaths in through the nose out through the mouth i i think if your vitality here let's check this out again from shocks this second one here was chewy sorry but it gets the upper guy baby baby that was good shooting from shocks there good to see him and so forth obviously had that clutch to get the fifth on the nose they're on the way out the door of the first half but okay let's focus in it's the force buy for vitality here we've got that scout in apex zygo into the ak-47 deagles for the rest here just a light smattering of utility up against wow it's three famous and two mp9s let's see if vitality can get the zywwu snowball rolling down the mountain oh they're testing boomage here yeah he's quick to the draw though drops the smoker just buys himself time he can disappear he can be anywhere he wants in this 15 second window he's actually just called for simples backup they could boost blue bin or they can just establish a standard crossfire apex having a look for the site player and it is a safe jiggle from that electronic fam ass they're coming for booming though and they are out and the suit is deagle goes unscathed zai we've gone the ak's on the floor but doesn't stop kyogen's deagle from finding some more they know there was electronic on site scouted out early by apex with the scout appropriately well they can fall back you know they've got time for this the kill's just gone down over towards short so great find there from perfecto that you still don't have to commit to this here if your vitality you have a way out in shocks who's hovering around mid doors now he's going to come up short for a little bit of a flank and this is all going to be on the timing here the ak and masuda's hands this would be a great moment to have him pop off electronic confirms they're still coming yeah that's a lot of info spot at the bomb as well but still masuta plying his trade with the upgrade and now another that's bit down to and perfecto up against them he's been clutching plenty here in pro league with 15 seconds left chad this is by no means a guarantee for vitality i need a safe plant jumping for the info and can't catch him so now it favors vitality distinctly with 50 hp as well hoping to be fed something they are quite close to one another the spacing makes me a little uncomfortable right on top of each other a firing line hoping that the off angle's enough but perfecto could mow him both down if he's not careful okay kyojin's gone on the swing masoot his palms get a little more sweaty but that's exactly what he had to do a sixth on the board courtesy of misuta never mind zai where it's his ak and his deagle to fill the feed yeah that's what we're looking for right masuda showing up with a big round there and that's gonna send navi tumbling as far as their finances are concerned now this round here is made possible by apex the fact that he's upshot and shoots the scout bullet at electronic means that simple has to leave boomish right you're gonna have a bigger concern about them coming out of short and aim-mapping you with the scout then you are maybe booming heard something get long they walk out long they take advantage of that and from there the trades continue to fall in vitality's favor out long they go yeah it's going to be a three on three better death match here on dust two they're close look for electronics blue bin ah was blue bit molly the pit pushing the limit he's tucked in and they are going to try and force the issue here so as long as they get away from this push booming only gets the one so nothing to get too alarmed about simple has a scout over towards car here and i i guess the bigger issue for him is he's low hp they could molly or nade him out of position quite easily doesn't have a smoke to extinguish so simple's very committed to this angle even leaving this position is not going to be easy the corner smoke entices him to have a little bit of a look and he'll call sector clear but perfect those roads headed over as well this might be a situation where they try and go along and collect any of the goodies that they can find maybe pick up some pistol upgrades that gun that was on the ground see where it's been left or if the housekeeping has been done by vitality yeah that's the low hp so there you go i mean that was just pure reactions lovely stuff out of apex just to ensure that there's only going to be one potential save yeah bomb should be going down here so no dramas defectors actually wanted to have a look at this uh five seven chips away but he's not gonna get anything done with this here a kill would have been great just more damage and now it's 11 to seven so this is where vitality start that comeback right five it didn't look great shock's getting the clutch i think that definitely helped the stocks there of players functioning in the server today for vitality but this one here is very very good it forces navi into an eco it forces them just to sit and i guess chill out have a good time just chew and say guys we got some usps anybody want to push and uh they got a few flashes to facilitate that so looking like a late mid door cross here they've already sent bit across and he's lonesome the other four stand strong with boomer's flash ready and raring to go they're gonna push mid here what a perfect need two of them on the doors catch that and there's a flash with a mac 10 oh vitality you are set yourself up for success wasn't anticipating so many as he leaps in and throws a mach 10 to navi nice attack from apex tracks him to the door bombs on his way long and well with a couple of usps in a mat 10 they'd love to find a couple more the boost isn't a bad idea you know but watched out nicely defended and they're not in a hurry to get the bomb down is perfecto backing off to farm kills with this or is he thinking about keeping it here because they may as well take as many guns with them as they can yeah this should just fall apart now fernandi let's get a little bit of damage down a couple of kills that's nice all things considered so we cops the dink as well so the aim is on point the weaponry not so much and there you have it eleven to eight this is a game now we have the guns out for navi it should be the awp available for simple he buys on in and so we're gonna bring out his big green on the other side of things here yet to see him purchase has plenty of money to do so 7k in the bank balance and it's just going to be an ak so the call might be something a bit more gritty a little bit faster paced if the awp is not coming out just yet if it was long masuda and kyogen's eye we're watching mid just jiggling there to catch that lower dark push and simple's been boosted up towards shore so pretty standard stuff out the gates here if i'm apex gotta be hyper aware of potential for that boost or a peak from simple he's fine he's safe he's got his territory it's a bit of a weak a hold in the sense that perfecto is very committed towards middles right now right he's uh jumping around in the boxes just positioning himself up boomitch is in a position where he's more like he's not anchoring long it's like a spot and fall position and simple is trying to retain as much short control as possible they're really hoping for the b play here electronic resides in the site with bit they've still got a smoking electronic here so this is a good setup to lock this out masuda looks like he's just gonna be selling a little bit of something something because that's a door smoke coming on through and the action will be on b yeah a grey screen unloading his mag electronics taking one with him and it's zywoo grey scout to be posting bit he's got that shock flipped the net and now just too wide for him to deal with it's kyogen again with some high impact for the frenchman masoud or another and call it nine hello vitality coming in from a 10-5 half never mind losing the pistol you win the fourth and run away with four yeah they're gonna be at double digits here booming even if he saves the famous it's not going to help them out too much the loss bonus isn't maxed out yet it's only 2 900 in the next round of play i think that was great the flashes were so good that bit had no idea there was a player already up in platform right and he's meant to be able to be the safety net of that because electronic the mad spam you can see him trying to get position before the hit comes in and that was shocks that was shocks really this is the guy that we're not necessarily looking at him as an entry fragger for this team but he's taken so much space on the ct side you saw him getting involved in a lot of opening jewels here he is look how far ahead of the rest of the pack he is bit had no clue right that shocks was already that far up on platform because everybody was blind nobody could see a goddamn thing and now navi we'll have to stomach another eco here zygo gets his awp everybody else into the aks and oh okay the frustration here now we know that mentally there's more in this for navi right just this grand final three maps quite literally more to lose i suppose yeah for once right yeah we can actually put a dollar figure on this guys well they've sent them scurrying here bits on his lonesome and oh he has a deagle so we know he loves the good head shot old bit let's see how many you can get and it's just so easy for him so i was desperate to trade don't go feeding the beast though cause the rotates on their way they're trying to punish him he's taken two down and vitality are about to fall to the deco i could see it coming now v look at the upgrades they get that costs them nothing and they break vitality's heart there oh dear that one really spiraled out of control right you think after the opening kill on long vitality they just slow it down they get some map control instead they were flustered in towards b and it was a race between navi and vitality to go around the world to get to the b bomb site and navi they responded in more than enough time bit slows them down he even gets a second kill for his troubles and electronics p250 bloody beautiful now we get both teams into a buy here so davier giving themselves a second wind here that buy looks schmick they even have a bit residual on three of their players right now and simple posted up they clearly wanting to hold this short control with the awp not wanting to allow vitality to have open roam they're very passive right here towards top mid zaiwoo over in suicide masuda baccaca apex and kyogen as well just hanging out it really is on this shocks lurk to see what he can find and some nades towards mid signals that there was short presence in play and now they're testing boomers they're out long booming is already down that was quick yeah i just thought shocks talking a lot before they all catapult towards long now simple's been forced off he fires off a shot zaiwoo going to be set up for success in the pit the rest reset that's a perfectly time molly bits close angle will be cancelled they're splitting a there's nobody okay this could be gangster simple's gonna be trying to be there in time got 50 seconds for this and as the contact comes from short you've got to be extra careful not to expose yourself really messy timing he's boosted up in time and now threatening multiple targets he will get one this electronic that steps up to the plate with the double and now vitality running out of options i was supposed to be the unknown entity oh my god what is that from shock my god he's made it competitive floats through short now the bomb unfortunately for him is very hard to retrieve zaiwa's brain starts to were thinking it through and he hits the sharp perfecto just looking for info but he catches hot lead instead that's quite the recovery can we see that again from shocks that first shot looks robotic shocks is delivering in such a huge way this game what they are getting from shocks right now is old-school shocks just electronic simple bit they're all they're ready to fight this that's great look at this second one just like an absolute laser beam that made this round winnable and look where the bomb is he's supposed to lose that round chad perfecto i'm not sure i mean it's it's justifiable of course i was just better catches him and that's i mean that's a bit of a revenge from the deagle round yeah your sins are forgiven well it's back and forth here for navi now and you can kind of see on electronics face because he's done so much in that moment and a lot of people are probably going to question why did perfecto pick why didn't he just wait you mean because zai we knew exactly where he was in ct spawn and would have just ran him down and got the pick on his own time rebecca's trying to play some heads up cs there right he's actually trying to make the round winnable on his own terms so sure sorry gets the better of him there but you can't critique the madness you've just got to enjoy it oh boy everyone is present the supporting cast throwing some incredible punches as well this is not just a one-on-one electronic looking incredible yes shocksy looking retro it's just it's like simple who's the one who's not popping off just yet that's true only 10 kills to his name he's the one down the bottom of the scoreboard here for navi and we don't say that very often at all now this is another swing round because navi have opted to invest heavily into this the ops out the rifles are there the util two but they lose this one they're just looking at that 2900 loss bonus again so an important round here for both teams oh good molly there's no long funny business this time they're just looking like they want to pop short with everybody shocks on the lurk the four of them up cat electronic and booming are here to deal with this and simple's not too far away is it gonna be quick it looks like they want to go now still 60 seconds on the clock the flashes are there masooter again deals with the problem an electronic only a famous they know where you are and simple's there to support him out of position overwatch has multiple targets in front of him apex unable to convert any of them and now falls apart sharks and zywoo best two players so far here on dust2 for the french squad and a single smoke grenade to try and work into a two versus four that's worth a shot here it could really hurt navi's economy like this and it looks like they're about to set up a run boost or something a little bit quirky oh zaira's just swinging yeah and the electronics not going to give him anything oh but the wall banks bang on okay he's looking for hit the bear he's so scary and simple's posted up for this zai were unprepared for it but he has got shocks across hazino simple denoise a very slither gap does take the head off and just the one extra frag to report all right a couple of scorches there coming out of either side masuda as well they're just coming through on the entry row on this t side massive has been really good at finding these openings applying a lot of pressure his ak coming up trumps in these situations but now it's vitality you have to question what they want to do with their buy as we expect apex into the scout the rest into some cheeky digs a p250 for zai wu the buy is looking better for navi now but they need to consolidate they need back-to-back rounds here to start building this ct side and bank and that is a good start simple onto shocks and they have the 5v4 number advantage right now this one here should be now be secure in the 14th but i think down the stretch here that's when things are going to get really really interesting vitality they're throwing a lot navi's way here today in a round like this you've still got a smoke and a flash you'd love to be able to swarm that site get a kill or two keep that economy where you need it to be and get that bomb down yeah plant's definitely gonna be a priority not gonna be easy or particularly attainable yeah you'd be very lucky to be given opportunity into these two oh tracks them i think there's two ramps that might be the call well losing his partner in crime put simple on notice down he does goes down now it's all on to boomich a fam ass for the long hold and they should get that plant mission accomplished and the hard part perhaps can to come because that bomb's just now gone down they've got no health no armor and dare i say it no hope there's just nothing isn't it masood is deagle the best bet has to find the first and he has short would be a dream it's not a short plan sticks around aggression from kyogen trying to soften them up he gets a couple of tags of his own and that's the end of that call it 14 vitality though with a bomb plant and three kills that's uh what i was talking about is the dream list obviously they would be uh dreaming forever if they're actually to pick up that round but that is perfect right you're not going into that expecting much more they get everything they wanted here masuda can drop an orb they can get this one going simple and electronic the two right the backbone getting absolutely dismantled during all of this you know what the saving grace was both of them died on the ramp they couldn't push to get the guns booming was just able to guard the guns if i tell you we need the rifles we need the rifles we have to defend you can see the pressures on here blade even a little the face palm there but they do survive and now they have to get past this gun round from vitality so threatening with the pistols the rifles are back out spread in towards tunnels shocks paired up with apex from sudan kyojin baka kat right now waiting for their orders and zaiwa again down middle with his awp still fragile for navy now they're not working with residual cash here so they could be broken and this can get much much closer vitality just need this round looks like they're working on simple's domain apex at the front of the pack here will be smoked off that buys about 20 seconds now i think they might continue to push the issue here over at short shocks is just selling something over towards b hey you need to stay honest you can't be leaning mid right now you need to focus on the upper tunnels and they're actually sending zygo over to have a little bit of a look here with the awp is you're just making noise that big nade's just gone down as well well keeps the b util down it's actually pulled electronic to the b site i think the additional steps a nice touch but as i say that i see vitality with intentions for the b side interesting yeah it feels like maybe they oversold it yeah it's been a little bit too convincing here we come all right well bit does nothing with his position and now he's all on to perfecto playing that car well kyojin's looking the wrong way and just the two of them have made it a real nightmare for zyra to get into this site he's going for a full clear the flash is perfect and avi looking absolutely locked and loaded for a dust2 conversion strong stuff here now just one more round required no money left over for vitality as per the previous they weren't able to get the bomb down they weren't able to keep it interesting and oh yeah this should be now be locking up the first now we do have inferno coming through as the map choice for vitality gonna be interesting to see how that one unfolds and now if you just need to push this over the line here and yeah very late by you can see how late this is they're still buying their as free some have concluded so just trying to work out what the call was what what pistol am i allowed what utility do i need and looks like they go for something quick here early xbox smoke like a catwalk presence and maybe they'll just try something a little bit fast outside of the uh the normal playbook well as we've discussed electronics really been comfortable on this a-hole 25 frags and counting from him smoked off for now and actually electronic surging towards the smoke he's not going to be expected here and oh my god they all run into him it's four in quick succession from electronic and he's chasing the 30. denied it will be 29 for electronic but there's narvey with the first of their grand final
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 38,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS Highlights, CS Live, CS Live Stream, CSGO, CSGO Live, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, EPL, ESL, competitive, cs, epl, esport, esports, games, gaming, league, pro, twitch
Id: tBSHH15x9OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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