Crusade For Christ Tampa, FL - What In Heaven Is Jesus Doing

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welcome to the crusade for christ with dr jack evans the speaker you're casually invited to join us at the tampa convention center june 24th through june 28th beginning nightly at 7 30 pm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i want to thank brother charles evans for that introduction i didn't know i had done anything with the lightning and the thunder all i know is when it lightens i get out of the way but i appreciate what he said and i'm not as paranoid about the lightning as is said of a lady who was making everything so excitable she would see she was always thinking that it was more to something that would happen to her she would see the football players in a huddle and she would tell somebody they talked about me then the lightning would flash she said somebody took my picture and i want that lady to know i had nothing to do with that this is the last night of our great crusade in the tampa bay area and on behalf of all of you i wish to thank dr harrison brother dansby all of the local leaders of this area and all of the workers the foot soldiers and everybody else who has been involved in this campaign thank you for the contribution that you have made to the success of this meeting you will never know the entire success of this new meeting all we do in such meetings is plant the seed and god is the one who gives the increase and i commend all of you for your prayers your faithfulness for walking and knocking doors just remember that your labor in the lord is not in vain we closed this meeting with the same book with which we started and that is the bible the bible is god's road map from earth to heaven we who are trying to make heaven our home must adhere to the things that god has given us in the bible and we were happy last night to have seen about six or seven baptisms into christ just last night how many will that be tonight god only knows and you need to sit there and listen and evaluate for yourself and if you realize that you need to come into the body of christ you will have that opportunity before leaving this building life is uncertain death is sure and the judgment is true it is appointed unto a man wants to die and after death the judgment thank god that we have the road map to make it to heaven and be able to stand even in the judgment before jesus uncondemned jesus said he that rejecteth me and receiveth not my word hath one that will judge him and the words that i have spoken unto you the same will judge you in the last days i'd like to make an announcement about how you may view the crusade the tampa crusade and past crusades you go to church of christ only it's a church of christ only program on the internet a t w w dot gospel i t v dot com x that's at w w w dot gospel itv dot com you can pick it up anywhere look at it anytime and in any part of the world and if we can do that just how effective this is for the millions around the world who just look for something on television and i'm hopeful that many many we'll look at this program you also some of you want some of my books that are not here that's jack evans if you would like to have those books we talk a lot about the books we have written and planned to write and regardless of how many books we write those books will pass away amen but god has given one book that will not pass away and that's why we are tied to the bible as our book of knowledge with reference to serving god and i hope you have your bibles tonight and you are ready right now to get into these bibles and find out what the will of the lord is in the bible i call your attention back to acts chapter 1 verses 9 and 10. the verses preceding these verses that i'm going to read have to do with jesus's activities after his resurrection and then of course we find him in these verses ascending back to heaven and so the bible says and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight and while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up behold two men stood by him by them rather in white apparel which also said you men of galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manna as you have seen him go into heaven my subject tonight is what in heaven is jesus doing last night the subject was what on earth or in the world is jesus doing but jesus didn't stay in the world in the flesh for more than 33 years he took off that fleshly body and resumed his eternal body went on back to heaven and the bible says he is now sitting at the right hand of the father on high the ascension of jesus certified the completion of his personal mission on earth and he even mentioned to his father john 17 in the lord's prayer he mentioned to the father i have done the work that you gave me to do john 17 and verse 1 the bible says what these words spake jesus these words speak jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father and said father the hour is come the hour is come glorify thy son glorify thy son that thy son also that thy son also may glorify thee may glorify thee as thou has given him power that thou has given him power over all flesh over all flesh and he should give eternal life and he should give eternal life to as many to as many as thou has given him as thou hast given him and this is life eternal and this is life eternal that they might know that they might know the the only true god the only true god and jesus christ and jesus christ whom thou has sent whom thou hast sent i have glorified thee i have glorified you on the earth on the earth i have finished the work i have finished the work which thou gavest me to do which you gave me to do and now oh father mary [Music] isn't it wonderful that jesus completed his mission on earth and he went on back to heaven and the bible says that he had to go back to heaven or the spirit which was to abide on the earth forever could not have come he jesus had not been glorified until he reached heaven on his return to heaven go to john 7 and verse 37 but the bible tells us something there jesus said in the last day of that great feast what did he say in the last day on the last day that great day of the face day of the feast jesus stood and cried jesus stood in christ saying saying what if any man thirst if any man let him come unto me let him come to me and drink and dream and he believeth on me he that believeth on me as a scripture have said as the scripture has sailed out of his belly out of his shall flow rivers of living water shall flow rivers of living water but this fake he now john gives his commentary but this speak he are the spirit of the spirit which they which they that believe on him that believe on him shall receive should receive for the holy ghost for the holy ghost was not yet given had not yet been given wow because that jesus because that jesus was not yet glorified yet glorified so we find that the holy spirit was going to come but jesus had told his disciples if i don't leave he won't come i'm going to pray the father that he will send you another comfort i must leave but he also implies i can't leave until i have done the work that god sent me down here to do there are many scriptures attesting to the fact that he's going to send the holy spirit john 14 26 john 15 26 john 16 and on and on and on you will find jesus as saying the holy spirit will come well to move a little further we find that jesus is in heaven he was caught up to heaven and the man who saw him go up into heaven were told that that same jesus is going to come back and then we have a glimpse of prophecy regarding his reception in heaven daniel 7 verse 13 when he finished his work he went back to heaven he sat down by the right hand of the majesty on high he was glorified then and that was given to him something that he would control on the earth from heaven what in heaven is jesus doing he went back to heaven but he was given something after he had done what god commanded him to do danielle 7 13 the bible says what i saw in the night vision in the night dish and behold behold one like the son of man like the son of man came with the clouds came with the clouds of heaven and came to the ancient of david he left this earth in the clouds of heaven he arrived in heaven in the clouds of heaven and then what happened brother came to the ancient of david brought him near before him to the ancient of days that's god the father and when they brought the son who had done everything that the father told him to do and there were was given him he was given something dominion that was given to him amen and glory and glory and a kingdom and a kingdom that all people and all people nations nations and languages and languages him his dominion his dominion is in everlasting life and dominion which shall not shall win that passage and his king and his kingdom that which shall not which shall never be destroyed be destroyed isn't that right he's given the power that he needs he has the authority that he needs he's back in heaven he's sitting by the right hand of the father he's been glorified now since he was glorified the spirit could come on yes sir to the earth yes sir he said i i must leave and when i'm glorified the spirit is coming and i'm so glad that the holy spirit is a part of our life in the church of christ don't tell anybody that we don't believe in the holy spirit we do believe in the holy spirit not only do we believe in the holy spirit the holy spirit is in us we are the body of christ a body without a spirit is dead so we are filled with the holy spirit that doesn't mean that we can do miracles it simply means that god is coming through on his promise when he says repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of your sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy spirit for the promise is unto you and to your children and to them that are a far off and as many as the lord our god shall call so lord is jesus christ glorified now yes he's glorified what is he doing in heaven come on man well we need to recognize something here go to hebrews chapter 9 and give me verses 24 through 28 hebrews 9 what in heaven is jesus doing in hebrews 9 24 the bible says what for christ has not entered into holy places is not entered into the holy place made with hands made with hands which are the figures of the truth which are the figures of the truth but into heaven itself you know the little tabernacle i talked about the other night and the holy and the holy of holies and so on he said christ has not entered into that why because he's going to the real thing yeah yeah but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of god to do what appear in the presence of god what in heaven is he doing come on he's appearing in the presence of god [Applause] thank god he's an advocate yes sir doesn't have to go behind bales and curtains and doesn't have to take a animal sacrifice he is the sacrifice he sacrificed his own life so he said i can't stop in this little tent made by hands i'm going on home yeah where it came from i was there before the world was yeah he's appearing in in the presence of god for us i'm going to talk about that what in heaven is he doing come on preacher he's appearing in heaven you and for me right now keep reading brother lee nor yet that he should offer himself often okay what nor yet that he should offer himself off that he should offer himself often as the high priest entered into the holy place that's right year every year with blood of others the high priest he said under that old system had to go in there every year with the blood of animals free for then must he often have suffered if jesus would do that then what since the foundation of the world it means that he would suffer over and over and over and over again read but now once in the end of the world once you know we usually we usually say once upon a time yeah well once upon a cross yeah jesus did what he had to do yes sir once what about it in the end of the world in the end of the world as he appears do you know what that means it means we're living in the end time yes sir there will be no time after this time we're living in the end times once in the end of the world he hath he appears he's appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice and as it is appointed unto men wants to die man wants to die but after this the judge this the judgment so christ was once to them that look for him shall he appear the second child shall he appear the second time that's why i know jesus did not secretly come back here to the earth he came the first time and the next time he comes to us he's coming to get us and that will be the second time yes sir come on but you have to look for it yeah and if you don't live right you don't want to see him coming either i'm not preaching but if you live right soberly righteously and godly in this present world you want him to come yeah and jesus before being glorified he had to be sanctified and he was sanctified by god glorified by god what is in in heaven is he doing now yeah well i'll tell you what he's doing he's raining he's raining is he raining now well let's go to the bible and see is jesus reigning now come on is he in heaven let's go to acts chapter 7 and to verse 2 54. i'm going to give you proof that he's in heaven first and then i'll tell you what he's doing for you he's appearing in the presence of god for you and for me but we have a testimony from a faithful witness who saw him in heaven he testified to the fact that he's up there in his glorified state in the seventh chapter of the book of acts start with verse 54 when they heard these things stephen stephen was a servant of god and had spoken the truth of god verse 54 says when those people heard these things they were cut to the heart they were cut to the heart and they gnashed on him with their teeth on him with that to human people are that angry that they would bite him they were angry but he was preaching the word and i'll tell any preacher be ready for bites that's right that's right for kicks for right hooks yes sir be ready for people lying on you yes sir trying to assassinate your character yes sir talk trying to kill your influence yes sir and i'm not talking about the heathens dealing with stephen we have this going on even yeah in the church and we fight one another too much if we would use the energy that we use in fighting one another yes sir we would have a greater work going today yes sir we will have a greater work going today so the bible says here stephen had preached they began to stone him listen to this but he being full of the holy ghost when they stoned him he being full of the holy ghost looked up steadfastly into heaven upstairs in the heavens had there been some of us we wouldn't have looked up in the heaven we would have looked around for a big rock [Laughter] amen walls here is a man full of the holy ghost yes sir and then being full of the holy ghost he didn't look around he looked into heaven and what happened and saw the glory of god sound the glory of god and jesus and jesus standing on the right hand of god being on the right hand of god what in heaven is jesus doing he's observing what's going on right now come on preacher he's looking right now every person in this audience who is not one of his followers he's looking he's waiting to see what are you going to do when you're given the opportunity to obey him yes what in heaven is he doing he's reigning over the kingdom of god he's looking and here is a testimony from a man while dying who saw jesus standing usually will say you're supposed to be sitting but since god's children are belong to jesus he was standing yes sir he was concerned he was concerned and so he saw him standing and then what happened and said and he said behold behold i see the heavens opened i see the heavens open and the son of man and i see the sound of men standing on the right hand of god on the right hand of god come on then they cried out with a loud voice they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears they were angry they were angry they cried out with a loud voice they stopped their ears and ran upon him one of them with what one accord won a card and cast him out of the city and cast him out of the city and stoned him and stopped listen these people who were stoning stephen were religious people you haven't seen a fight until you see a church fight come on guys they know how to do it yeah they didn't like his message so they said let's kill the messenger you can kill the messenger but you could never kill the message we still have the message tonight 2 000 years later we still have the message but the messenger died at the hands of these people they stoned him and the witnesses and the witnesses in just a few minutes come on and they stoned stephen they stoned steve calling upon god they stoned stephen calling up on god and saying just one moment there are some people today in religion who will say that jesus christ was not god and that he is not god and that's why they call themselves jehovah witness come on now come on well we have a testimony yes sir firsthand evidence he called upon god and he called by name what did he say lord jesus he said lord jesus receive my spirit well who is lord jesus he's god he's gone lord jesus do what receive my receive my spirit he's god and if you reject him tonight you're gonna leave here in more trouble than you were before you came in yes sir lord jesus received my spirit and he kneeled down he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice lord lay not the sin to their children to their children and when he had said his head still said he fell asleep he fell asleep now we have him in heaven we know that he's concerned about things that are going on on the earth he had told peter regarding the kingdom he said i'm going to give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth in other words you apostles will be here on earth but i'm going to be in heaven but whatever you bind on earth i'll bind in heaven there you go whatever you lose on earth whatever you condemn okay that's right heaven will condemn it so the question is is jesus personally involved in things that are going on on the earth while he's up there in heaven yes [Music] i better give you i better give you an example i want to go to acts chapter 9. i'm going to find two examples of what jesus is doing in heaven and try to help you to understand this simple message tonight what in heaven is he doing i said he's reigning over the kingdom yes sir but not only is he reigning over the kingdom he is actually observing you and me to see whether or not we are following the examples that he gave for people to get into the kingdom all right we'll deal with saul first we hear about saul as we read about stephen being killed we read that and they laid down their quotes at the feet of one named saul well let's go to chapter nine and begin with verse one the bible says what and saul yet breathing and that's the hebrew that saul is the same paul paulus that's the greek but the great paul you hear me quoting night after night was called saul and in that day that he was known as saul in the hebrew he was better against the church of christ he was actually arresting people for being members of the church of christ and he had gone to the leaders and gotten permission to get rid of some more members of the church of christ chapter nine and verse one the book says what and saul and saul yet breathing out threatening yes breathing out threatening and slaughter and shriek against the disciples of the lord he was killing the disciples of the lord but let me tell you something if you are a true disciple of the lord you say come on i am willing to die for what i believe let me tell you if the suicide bombers in iraq are willing to die for that false religion how many of us as christians have the courage have the faith to die for the religion of jesus christ so these people were dying saul was killing them but i want you to know that jesus in heaven pays attention to what's going on on the earth so the book says what brother maxwell went unto the high priest he went to the high priest and desired of him and died of him led us to damascus he got let us to go to damascus let's go down to damascus and the book says he went into the synagogue he was headed that way that if he found any uh this way and what he got his authority was that if he found any members of the church of christ if they were in this way what about it whether they were men or women men are women he might bring them bound right his trip was planned to go to damascus but as he came close to the city to persecute christians the bible says what and suddenly they're shining round about him that shined bound by him about him a light from heaven a light from heaven and he fell to the ground he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying unto him that he heard a voice saying unto him saul saul how precious it's not me persecute this thou mean and he said and he said who art thou lord he knew it was somebody bigger than him he knew a light coming from heaven couldn't be coming from a man who are you alone that's right what is jesus doing in heaven come on listen he asked him who are you jesus said i'll tell you who i am i am that little boy that grew up in measurement yes sir the one they call jesus yes i am jesus and don't miss it now he said i'm the same one but he's in heaven now and saul couldn't arrest him but saul was humbling himself who i loved jesus said i am jesus i am jesus whom thou persecuted persecuted i'm the one yeah that you are persecuted it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks it is hard for thee to kick against the prick to read and he trembling and astonishing trembling and astonishing lord said what what will thou have me to do lord what will you have me to do and the lord said unto him i want to know what is jesus doing in heaven he's up there in charge but he's also in charge on the edge yes sir he said when he arose from the grave heaven that uh i have all power in heaven and in earth so i don't have to worry about his getting out of his jurisdiction he's all over the place he's up there yeah he's down here he's all around we have him but right now he's showing paul the one we call paul or saul i am jesus whom thou persecuted and then he says what lord what will you have me to do and the lord said unto him saul had enough sense to know that he was going if he was going to deal with the lord it would be something that he would have to do what did the lord say to him arise all right and go into the city i want you to get this this is not just some fairy tale i'm talking to those of you in this audience right now who are in the same situation as was saw you don't know who's in control of life and that one is jesus so from heaven jesus said i'm going to help this man he said just him when he asked lord what will you help me to do the book says what arise and go into the city get up and go into the mess and it shall be told thee and it will be told what thou must do you must do you have to do something yes sir that's what you're going to have to do tonight yes we want to see what did he do he had to do something what is jesus in heaven doing he's telling us what to do so saul went on in to damascus and he was told that he would be told there in damascus what to do well what he did first was not what he was told to do he went in praying three days and three nights pray but he wasn't told to do come on that amen he was told to do something else and i'm telling you here tonight prayer for pardon is not in god's plan for the alien sinner you can only say our father when you are one of his children yes sir god heareth not sinners the eyes of the lord are over the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers but the face of the lord is against them that doeth evil so don't you sit there and think you can pray with a call the sinner's prayer and be saved no such thing you have to do something paul in rehearsing this thing when we get over to acts 22 16 he was rehearsing he said he was told to go on into the massacres and he would be told what to do and that came directly from heaven and and some people would wonder well why didn't jesus just tell him what to do right there because jesus left the message of salvation in earthen vessels in the hands of men surely the lord could have told him arise and sin no more you've been cleansed you've been cleansed but he didn't do that he said you have something to do i told you last night faith means man has something to do god is graceful he gives grace but then you must do something so he said what will you have me to do he was told going into damascus he went into damascus didn't do what he was told to do and tonight if you're praying for pardon stop right now and listen to what i'm preaching and when you listen you will know what to do now saul instead of going down there listening first he was going to talk to god and a man a preacher by the name of ananias came to him and ananias told him what to do the bible says in acts 22 and verse 16. and now and now why style arise all right and be baptized and wash away and wash away your side sins all right if you haven't left uh acts nine would you give me verse six acts nine would you give me verse six hold what you have brother foster all right acts nine and verse and he's trembling and astonish said he tripling and astonishing lord saying lord lord what will thou have been to do you have me to do and the lord said unto him and the lord said unto him arise arise and go into the city and go into the city and it shall be told thee it shall be told thee what thou must have must do read and and the men which join it with him all right those men her divorce but saw no man does speechless hearing a voice but seeing no man the point is he was told that you have to go into damascus and there it will be told you what to do in acts 22 16 he was told what to do what are you being told tonight to do now saul was religious he was in a religious organization he was zealous he was a smart man highly educated but he didn't know what to do about salvation so when we come to acts 22 16 we find what he was told to do yes sir and now why harry style arise get it on the name of the lord that's your sinner's prayer sinner's prayer is not a conglomeration of words it is an act of obedience amen you are looking to god for the forgiveness of your sins yes that's why he had together and couldn't stay down and the bible says he arose and he was baptized why because jesus took note of him from heaven and he said the man needs salvation he's sincere in what he's doing but i cannot say them like he is in the way that he wants to be saved i have left the gospel on the earth to tell men what to do in order to be saved and he did what god told him to do and his sins were washed away now that's as simple as i can make it if you do the same thing you will get the same results amen now we're going to one other example and that's over in chapter 10. i'm going to show you what jesus is doing in heaven there he's working in the salvation of men in acts chapter 10 and verse 1 the bible says what there was a certain man that was a syrian man of caesarea called he was a devout man one that feared god devout means that he was religious he was devoted to god he feared god with all his house with all of his house which gave much almost he was benevolent to the people he gave much harms to the people and prayed to god always prayed to god always now somebody would say that man is saved but god says not so right now a devout man a man who prayed to god always who gave much harms to the people feared god with all of this house but he's not saying there is something that he has to do and i'm wondering if you're in this audience tonight are going to be as honest as this man remember saul seemingly a great military leader now we have cornelius another military leader over the italian band and he was trying to serve god but he wasn't saved jesus said not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that do it the will of my father which is in heaven so here we have this man with these good qualities i want to read those qualities again because i want you to search yourself if you're not a christian and see if they will even apply to you right now the bible says a man by the name of god and i am not here to say that you are not morally good you can be morally good but still be lost here is a man who was morally good a devout man one that feared god with all his house god had respect for god with all of his house which gave much arm to the people gave he shared his wealth with the people and prayed to god always and he prayed to god always is he saved well let's see because jesus is still in heaven and he's working his mighty power through the gospel so he said what he saw in a vision he an angel of god coming into him of god coming into him and saying unto him and saying to him cornelius and when he looked on him he looked on him he was afraid he was afraid and said what is it lord said what is it notice what he says just like saul what is it lord and he said unto him and he said unto him thy prayers and thy arms peter he lodged with one silent attack with one simon whose house is by the seaside house is by the sea south he shall tell thee he shall tell thee what thou art us to do drop down to verse 33 let's see what does this book say regarding this conversion immediately therefore all right i sent to thee when cornelius was rehearsing it to peter how he had seen a great sheet let down from heaven and so on peter had seen that and peter came in to ask this man what does this mean the man said i had someone to to come to me and i was told to send men to joppa and call for you and he didn't know that peter was already having his conversion to the gentiles on top of the house and he said when i heard all about this i immediately sent for you and thou has well done and you have well done that thou art come that you have come now therefore are we all here present before god he said right now all of us this is carnelius now all of us here where present before god present before god to hear all things that are commanded thee of god all things that are commanded the of god you of god we're waiting to hear the command well well somebody would think that he had already obeyed the commands not so yeah he was morally good make it plain but he was not saved 47 we'll hold that one just a moment let's go over to uh acts 11 14 he was told what to do he had to do something well why did he have to do something in acts 11 and verse 14 the bible says what who shall tell the word telling the soul he's telling this peter is telling the story now and he tells how god talked to cornelius peter was trying to let them understand why he as a jew had gone to preach the gospel to the gentiles and so he said he went over there he preached to those gentiles and then he was told why he had to preach to the gentiles wreath who shall tell thee words he said sin and get peter and he will tell you where whereby whereby thou and all thy house and all thy house shall be saved shall be saved he didn't say how you and all your house were saved but how you shall be saved yes honest could have said but i fear god yes but you need to know what to do to be saved but i'm morally upright i'm but you need to know how to be saved yeah well i give money to help the poor that's good but you need to know how to be saved this is what god is trying to help this man to see some of you people right here right now are in the same predicament yes you need to know what to do to be saved yes sir there are another a number of other things connected with this but remember carnegie said we are here ready to hear all things that are commanded now drop down to verse 47 of chapter 10. can any man forbid water can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized he should not be baptized which have received the holy spirit as well the holy ghost as well as we and he commanded them he commanded them to be baptized ism is not a suggestion baptism is not an option baptism is a command god gave the command yes what we must do is obeys he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the lord now you notice in both cases saul god spoke to him from heaven cornelius god spoke through an angel to him from heaven each one of them had to be baptized in the name of the lord he commanded him to be baptized in the name of the lord then pray they him to tarry certain days so we got baptism there if that's for them i want you to know something that's for you it's the same thing yeah so what in heaven is jesus doing he's reigning over the church of christ he's commanding us through those who had him to obey the gospel of jesus christ how long will he reign over us let's go to luke 1 30 one i want to show you back then about to be born his kingdom was foretold and thank god we're in it tonight in luke 1 and verse 31 the bible says what and behold behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and bring forth a son and shall call his name jesus call his name jesus he shall be great he shall be great and shall be called the shall be of the son of the highest and the lord god and the lord god shall give unto him give unto him the throne of his father david of his father david and he shall reign he shall reign over the house of jacob over the house of what jacob jacob forever forever and of his kings there shall be no kingdom there shall be no end that's the book he's reigning yes sir how long will he reign he will reign until the end come first corinthians 15 24 then cometh the end when he shall have delivered the kingdom to god tonight i want you to know that the kingdom is the church get for me acts chapter 8 verses 5 and 12 you must be taught something very simple in order to obey it this night and you can do it this night you will have no excuse in a few minutes when we ask you to stand because i'm preaching the word which you can hear your heart can imbibe this word your mind your heart can change through repentance yes sir and your body can be dipped in water yeah in the name of jesus and god will add you to the church yes sir all right all right taxi who's ready all right then philip went down to the city of maryland and went down to the city of samir and preached christ unto them and he preached christ get this now he preached christ and i believe everybody here tonight knows that man cannot be saved unless he obeys christ amen well what does it mean to preach christ verse 12 says what but but when they believed when they believed still preaching their things teaching the things concerning the kingdom of god notice now teaching must precede baptism when they believe philip preaching preaching the things concerning the kingdom of god concerning the kingdom of god and the name of jesus christ the name of jesus christ they were baptized they were baptized both men and women both men and women then simon himself that's enough that's enough he preached jesus get me acts 18 8 he preached jesus look at me acts 16 30. he preached jesus in acts 18 8 the bible says what and christmas christmas the chief ruler of the synagogue ruler of the synagogue believed on the lord believed on the law with all his house with all of us and many of the corinthians of the corinthians hearing hearing hearing believing and being baptized acts 16 verse 30 the bible says what and brought them out this philippian jailer brought them out paul and silas and said thinking that they had escaped because god had caused that prison to shake rattle and rule yes sir they came out of that prison thinking that these people have escaped and he brought them out and and said and said sir what must i do says i do you have to do something to be saved what must i do to be saved and they said and they said believe on the on the lord jesus and thou shalt be saved thou shalt be saved and thy house hold it just one moment because somebody will say that's all you have to do is believe that's all you have to do is believe clear it up you know one thing you can't believe without being baptized jesus said he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved yes sir believe on jesus christ now you know what they were asking and answering the man asked what shall i do they told him what to do but then they had to tell him how to do it come on it's more than just saying what to do believe on the lord jesus christ with all of your house and you will be saved and then the book says what and they spake unto him and this is this is they're telling him how to do it they spoke unto him the word of the lord of god and to all that were in his house were in his house and he took them and he kept them the same hour of the night same hour of the night and washed their stripes washed their stripes and was baptized he was baptized he and all he'll straightway all of his house in that wonderful when families when families will come together yes sir give your life to christ tonight together every one of these examples i've mentioned here ended up with the subject being baptized based on what he had been taught yes and jesus is in heaven making an appearance for us and in closing let's go to romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 and let's look at verses 26 and 27. the bible says well give me verse 34 first romans 8 34. and then i'll go back to 26 27. who is he that condemned it who is he that condemned it it is christ that died it is christ that died yea rather ye rather that has risen again that is risen again who is even at the right hand of god who is even to notice what is jesus doing in heaven he's at the right hand of god who maketh intercession for us making entertainment he is interceding for us and the bible says he even uses the holy spirit to help really interpret our prayers we don't know what to pray for how we act so god uses the holy spirit jesus also intercedes just as the holy spirit intercedes right what in heaven is jesus doing he's preparing a place for you if you obey him yes sir you have to obey him the bible says we know that if this earthly house of this tabernacle be dissolved we have a building of god a house not made with hand eternal in this heavens how do we know there will be a place there john 14 1 how do we know that there will be a place there for us the bible says jesus said let not your heart be troubled come on you believe in god believe in god believe also in me believe also in me in my father's house in my father's house by many mansons there are many men if it were not so we're not so i would have told you i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you what is he doing in heaven i go
Channel: Herb Evans
Views: 232
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: o6Xw5rHY87I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 34sec (3814 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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