Crusade For Christ, Houston, TX - "You Need To Ask Somebody Who Knows"

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don't be ashamed don't be afraid fathers who are here who are not christians you owe it to your family to be a christian mothers you owe it to your family to be a christian whatever you are god wants you to be a christian a child of god an heir of god and a joint heir with christ jesus do you want to be a christian [Music] do you want to be a christian i [Music] he's calling you tonight come to him he wants to save you this night he wants to save you tonight welcome to the crusade for christ sponsored by the churches of christ and coming to you from the george aura brown convention center in houston texas service beginning nightly from 7 30 p.m to 9 30 p.m dr jack evans our national crusade speaker now i have some questions tonight i'm going to answer them as briefly as possible and i know that that will take some time and then i will just give you what brother aryan hogan used to call a sermonette brother hogan said a sermon that was preached by a preacherette to christianites [Applause] who smoke cigarettes [Applause] well i'm not a preacher yet and i hope you're not christianettes and i'll stop there because i know some of you smoke cigarettes the first question and remember the question the question privilege is for those who are not members of the church of christ uh you who are members of the church feel free to ask any question that you want to ask in your bible class at your church [Applause] thank you the first one very simple question and a very simple answer is it a sin to have a christmas tree for christmas the answer is no it is not a sin if you pay for it the point is the christmas tree has no religious significance to christians no religious it is a custom it's a part of the culture of this country but it has nothing to do with a mass for christ nothing nothing and so no i think that there are some things much more important about being a christian than to be worrying about a so-called christmas tree christmas tree i would not spend a lot of time on that it's like someone asked me one time trying to draw me into some uh question some conflict they were having in the area asked me what's wrong with group singing i said the only thing wrong with group singing is when the group can't sing now any question if you remember the church even about this on the christmas tree or anything else you can ask in your bible class and you'll get a lot of information but simply i'm simply answering you within itself don't worry about a christmas tree don't worry about that that has nothing to do with salvation whatever now i have some more important questions all right why do you keep putting so much emphasis on the church jesus saves not the church what about the blood of christ you never mention that and i've been preaching here since sunday morning and if you were to go back over the tapes you would have heard me say many things about the blood of jesus the blood of christ shared on the cross i talked about the hangar for our hangers and hook up and i in talking about the hang-up was talking about the blood that's when jesus shed his blood [Applause] in colossians 1 13 i quote it over and over and over who have delivered us from the power of darkness translated us into the kingdom of his dear son in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins so don't say i didn't that i have not mentioned the blood it is the blood that make it atonement for our sins without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin now let's go back and take the question in order why do you keep putting so much emphasis on the church well i'm putting i am putting no more emphasis on the church than jesus put on the church it was jesus who said in matthew 16 and verse 18 upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it but let me show you something go to luke 16 16 while i continue with matthew 16 18 and 19 jesus in verse 18 called his body his church in verse 19 he said to peter and i will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of heaven now get there the church of christ is the kingdom of heaven on earth i'm emphasizing that to show you why we emphasize the church the church of christ is the kingdom of heaven on earth matthew 16 19. now in luke 16 and verse 16 jesus said what the law and the prophets the law and the prophets were until john until john in other words everything preached before john the law and the prophets the law and the prophets were until john reid since that time since that time the kingdom of god the kingdom of god is the church [Applause] since that time the kingdom of god is preached and every man every man presses into it up to the time of the coming of john the baptist the law and the prophets were speaking and they were referring to the coming of the church of christ jesus said but when john got here from that time onward everything preached is about the kingdom of heaven so really you cannot preach the gospel without preaching the church right give me acts 8 5 and 12. you can't preach the gospel without preaching the church acts 8 and verse five says what then philip went down to the scene went down to the city of samaria as christ and he preached christ unto them now listen if men are saved they are saved by the preaching of christ he preached christ unto them now let's find out what did he preach in preaching christ in verse 12 he says what but when they believed philip when they believed philip preaching the things preaching the things concerning the kingdom of concerning the kingdom of god hold it what is the kingdom of god the church you have to preach things concerning the kingdom of god so what you've heard me preach are things concerning the kingdom and when they believed phillip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of god what else in the name of jesus christ the name of jesus christ they were baptized they were baptized both men and women if you want to know what it means to preach christ here are the criteria you must preach the church of christ the name of christ and baptism into christ and any man who does not preach that is not preaching christ [Applause] i don't care if his name is t.d jakes i don't care if his name is oral roberts frederick price any man who does not preach the church of christ the name of christ and baptism into christ is not preaching christ don't tell me you're preaching christ if you preach christ there are things that must be there and the church is going to be there yes sir now you know some people will say you know in acts 2 uh peter just told the people to repent and be baptized yes he told them that in verse 38 but beginning in verse 29 he told them about the kingdom of god yes sir yes sir he told them about the church of christ and he contrasted the church of christ with the davidic kingdom and he said david is no longer the head of god's house god has raised up christ to sit on his throne therefore let all the house of israel nor share it there that god hath made that same jesus whom you've crucified both lord and christ let me tell you something to the person who asked the question and to all others you cannot preach christ without preaching his body you can't preach christ without preaching his wife you can't preach christ without preaching his kingdom his nation his holy people israel priesthood yes yes i emphasize the church and then you say jesus saves not the church i want to tell you something jesus does say but he saves in the church ephesians 5 verse 23 listen to ii timothy 2 10 i endure all things for the alexei that they might obtain the salvation which is in christ jesus with eternal glory salvation is in christ jesus saves but where does he say ephesians 5 23 the book says well the husband is the head of the wise one is the head of the wife even as christ even as christ is the head of the church notice it says the church not the head of a church he is the head of the church and what else is and he is the savior everybody he's the savior of the body [Applause] you say jesus say says not the church and i tell you one thing you can't be saved outside of the church he's the savior of the body and when you say jesus saves that is saying the church saves because the church is the body of jesus it's the body of jesus but you know too many people have gotten into their minds that the church is some building of brick and mortar that's not the church first corinthians 12 27 now you are the body of christ and members in particular members make up the church and then you say what about the blood of christ you never mentioned that oh yes we mentioned it and what you don't know is how we contact the blood of christ the bible says we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins but how do we reach the blessing and i'll show you turn over there to romans six and verse three and let's go to first john first john chapter five and uh i think it's about verse 8 first john do you have it and there are three there are three which verse is that verse 8 first john 5 8 listen to this i know some people some people dispute this verse but it's still there there are three that bear witness in earth that bear witness in the earth the spirit the spirit and the water and the word the blood and the blood and these three and these three three in one agree in one you can't preach the spirit without preaching water you can't preach water without preaching the bloods and these three agree in wine now how do we reach the blood why is the relationship between water and the blood well let's see in romans 6 and verse 3 the bible says what no you're not no you're not that's so many of us no you're not you know that's a good question no unite because there are many people in this audience right now who know not they do not know what's going to be said here and paul said to them no you're not that what so many allah into jesus christ baptized into jesus christ we're baptized baptized into his death now hold it what does it mean to be baptized into the death of christ well it simply means that you have to reach the blood and you only can reach the blood and when you reach the death is the righteous that's right for he shed his blood in his death he was dead when he pierced him in the side and forthwith came water and blood and that blood was for our cleansing the blood he said it even before he died this is the blood of the new testament my blood which is shared for many for the remission of sins so you have to receive remission of sins by the blood how is that done luke chapter 24 the book says jesus said thus it is written and thus it behooved the christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day and that repentance and remission of sin should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at jerusalem is that right so we have this water the spirit and the blood we have the fact that we are baptized into the death of christ and we're gonna watch this now know ye not that so many of us as we're baptized into christ now that's the question you ought to ask have i been baptized in to christ that should be your question but what about those who have been baptized into christ read that therefore therefore we are buried since we are buried since we are baptized into his death therefore we are wet buried buried with him baptism into death into death why into death that's where you reach the blood you want to know what happens in baptism when those young men went down in that water it was not that water that washed their sins away it was the fact that they obeyed god by going into that water god's emphasis is on one participating in an act of faith now what happens when one goes down in baptism in water for the remission of sins the remission of sins takes place in the mind of god in heaven it is god that justify he is the one who forgives men of sin it doesn't come from us it comes from god why [Applause] why does he forgive when men are baptized in what he forgives because the spirit has given the word to the sinner the sinner is taught jesus and in his being taught jesus he's taught water baptism so the spirit through the word leads him to the water he goes down in the water believing god and so god says based on the shared blood of jesus i forgive you of everything you've ever done yes sir god forgives based on the shed blood of jesus so don't tell me that i have not mentioned the blood and you need to be baptized tonight if you're not a christian first corinthians 12 13 for by one spirit we're all baptized into one body that's in your bible now the second part of the question are you teaching that all people who are not members of the church of christ are lost and on their way to hell kirk franklin bb and cece winan the mighty clouds of joy and on and on and on aren't we all serving the same god well i'm teaching what the bible teaches and the bible teaches that god is the judge come on doc come on but the judge has also given the rule that must be followed for the bible says we must walk by the same room now you ask aren't we all serving the same god well i want you to know that in serving god you have to serve him acceptably let's go to hebrews 12 28 and 1st peter chapter 2 and verse 5. it has to be acceptable worship you may be saving but your worship is not acceptable because it is not directed by the spirit of god through the word now in hebrews chapter 12 and verse 28 the bible says what wherefore we receive we're receiving our kingdom all right here's this kingdom again we're receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace let us help grace now the question is is your service acceptable amen someone says well if you if if you're sincere about it it's acceptable not necessarily you can be very sincere but the service is not acceptable until you do something let me give you an example give me the 10th chapter of the book of acts i'll show you a man who did some service sadness but he was still lost did great service toward god and toward his fellow man acts chapter 10 and verse 1 the bible says what there was a certain man that was a certain man this man was a devout man but even before you get to that i want to tell you this he was a a responsible man he had been given the charge of troops he was a centurion over that army and he was devout now devout means religious he was religious matthew 7 21 and hold it he was religious and one that feared god he feared god with all his house with all of his hearts which gave much all to the people to the people and pray to god pray to god always now someone would say wasn't he serving god no he was not serving god god's going to help him to learn how to serve him but at this point you would say if the man is devout if the man is benevolent if the man fears god if the man gives to all the people and and pray to god always he must be serving god the bible says the service has to be acceptable and this was not acceptable why because the man had never submitted to baptism in the name of jesus first peter 2 and verse 5 the bible says what ye also also is a spiritual spiritual house a holy priest holy preacher acceptable to god by whom jesus christ jesus christ cornelius offered up his sacrifices but they were not acceptable because they were not authorized by jesus i go back there brother lead to what you're reading brotherly you were reading comedians who was reading who cornelius all right he says this man was a good man he prayed to god always and then what happened he saw a vision he started issues evidently about the name of the day an angel of god he was afraid and said and he said what is it lord what is it lord i said unto him he said unto him by prayer we know that you're praying god even knows you're praying but send men to japan and call for one simon we know that you're benevolent god knows you're giving to the poor god knows that you fear him with all your house god knows that you're religious but send men to jaipur call for whom one sign one son whose surname is peter name is peter he lodged with one second simon and when we find out what he did drop down to verse 47 what did he do what did he do can any man forbid water peter said can any man forbid what that these should not be baptized received the holy ghost as well as we and he commanded them and he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the lord by the authority of jesus are you teaching that we all that all people in other churches are lost are you saying that uh we're not serving the same god i'm saying that some of you are serving god unacceptably and you cannot be saved unless you do what god says like he says what he says like he says from leviticus 10 just an old testament example first i rather romans 15 4 says the things that were written before time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scripture might have hope let's go to this old testament passage and find out about some men who were very sincere in leviticus 10 1 the book says what brother foster and they have been about to buy you the sons of evil the sons of aaron took either of them either of them put fire there but farther in and put incense there but in since they're on and off and strange and offered strange fire before the lord strange fire is not acceptable to god [Applause] now strange fire today is doctrine that you can't find in the scripture that's strange fact the piano the organ bungles tambourines strange fires praying to be baptized with the holy spirit strange fire things that god did not tell you to do strange fire now he says they offered it up before the lord they offered it up before the lord which he commanded them which he commanded them not read and there went out and there we have from the lord and devoured them from fire and devoured them and they died before the lord they offered up something that god did not command and that's what people are doing today in the denominational world oh yes they are good they're sincere i have many relatives in denominational churches but they are offering up strange foul and then you ask about just religious people and i want to show you that religious people can be lost in matthew 7 and verse 21 and someone else go to matthew 15 uh 12 and hold it for me matthew 7 21 jesus said what not everyone not everyone saith unto me lord unto me lord lord shall end shall king enter into the kingdom of heaven but he but he that doeth the will of the will of my father which is in heaven not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father so this tells you that you can be praying you can be saying lord lord you can be doing many wonderful works and still be lumps keep reading jack many will say to me many will say to me in that day lord lord lord i am not prophesying we not preached have we not prophesied in your name i never knew you depart from me depart from me that work and nick you that work iniquity he's talking to religious people amen that's right you ought to listen you ought to listen tonight god is trying to say something to you he's talking to religious people and he is saying that just being religious will not save you you must adhere to the word of god and submit to the commandments that he has given and you need to do it tonight you need to do it tonight then we go to matthew 15 12. beginning with verse 12 it says what then came his disciples and said unto him came his disciples and said unto him notice thou what is that no that the pharisees the pharisees were offended were offended after they heard they're saying they were offended by what you said now listen the pharisees in that day would would be what we would call the denominational church pharisees and the sadducees you want to know more about them read acts 23 7 and 8 and you'll find the difference in their beliefs and also read matthew 16 6 through 12 and you will find that jesus told his disciples to be aware of the level of the pharisees and the sadducees and they thought he was talking about bridge and he told them i'm not talking about bread i don't need loving to make bread then they understood that he was talking about the doctrine the doctrine the false doctrine of these religious sects that's what they were religious sex and he was talking about that false doctrine the disciples now come are coming to him saying those people were offended by what you're saying and there may be some people in here tonight who are offended by what i am saying but listen to what jesus said did he apologize read it but he answered and said back he answered and said every plant i'm sorry he answered and said every plan i'm sorry i didn't mean to offend anybody every plan pushed my heavenly that's right he didn't say what i'm saying he said every plant which my heavenly father which my heavenly father not planet hath not planted shall be rooted up shall be rooted [Applause] and he was talking about religious sex [Music] and he did not plant one of these that we have today you know the keyboard used to say if you don't believe that he's going to root them up just stay there until rooting day because rooting day is coming and some of them still would not pay him any attention so jesus said let them alone they be blind leaders of the blind blind leaders of the blind and it's a blind lead the blind both shall be bound into the ditch the preachers are blind and the followers are blind and they bow shall fall into the ditch get for me jeremiah jeremiah 5 30 when we look at job before going uh to job what does that call for jeremiah 5 30 and 31 the book says what jeremiah 5 30 and 31 a wonderful and horrible a wonderful and horrible thing is committed and it's committed in the land the prophets prophesied falsely the prophets prophesied falsely and the priests and the priests [Music] and my people and my people love them to have it so he said the preachers are lying and the people are happy and they are giving the prophets and the priests what they want everybody is happy he said my people love to have itself well it's all right if it were not for what he's going to say next everybody happy the preachers are being taken care of the people of not being bothered they are happy on what is about what is being preached but then god says what and what will i do will you do in the end thereof in the end thereof the end is coming the end is coming now the person the person asks are these people on their way to hell what we're talking about now is trying to get people to be on their way to heaven that's what we why emphasize the negative jesus did put it in there because he says in matt rather in yes john uh 16 15 and and six a mark rather 15 16 go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved and then he says but he that believeth not shall be damned so jesus shows the negative side in mark 15 16 15 15 and 16. and then we have another part of this question that says kirk franklin bb and cece wine and the mighty clouds of joy and all are they lost i'm not the judge but i'll tell you one thing if kirk franklin is saved he has to be baptized into the church of christ if bb and cc wine and are saved they must be baptized into the church of christ if the mighty clouds of joy are saved listen god respects no man's person it doesn't matter about who they are let's get some bible on that go to job 32 21. matthew 22 16 romans 2 11 jude 16 in job 32 21 elijah said something there that makes a lot of sense he says what let me not eli you said listen now job 32 21 let me not i pray you i pray except any man's person accept any man's person neither let me give flattery he said don't let me overly exaggerate any man's person it does not matter how well they are known clinton is probably the best known man in the world but that doesn't mean he's saved let me not i pray thee accept no man's person read neither let me give flesh let me give flattering time unto man unto man hold it he said don't even let me exalt men over men by giving them flattering titles you want to know the most popular flattering title that some of you are giving men reverend [Applause] psalm 111 he said don't give flattering titles that means your elevating that man in a religious sense elevating him over others and you know whose title you're taking listen to psalm 111 and verse nine the book says he's he sent redemption he sent redemption unto his spirit unto his people he hath commanded commanded his covenant forever holy holy reverend he is his name someone says i didn't know that well you know it now now go back to joel 32 21 start with 21 again let me not let me not i pray [Applause] how many of you can say that i know not to give flattering titles and some some of these preachers are not even satisfied with the title reverend they want to be called the right reverend the most reverend yeah eli you said i know not to give flattering titles in so doing in so doing my maker i may cast soon will do whack would soon will soon take me away take me away in other words i am going to have to give an account amen walls i bring my own amens with me whether you say amen i know the truth we're not here well no preacher was preaching and nobody would say amen and he got so frustrated he said somebody ought to say amen and i'm not calling any names one old lady had slept through the long dry sermon and she woke up she was waking up about that time she said somebody ought to preach [Applause] and i'm not calling any names so you don't bother me and i won't bother you but i know that i know when i'm preaching the truth of god i know when i'm preaching the truth of god and so here it is that uh we cannot look at people listen to the bible listen to what jesus says even uh we find uh in matthew 22 16 the bible says what and they set out unto him they set out to him their disciples with the herodians all right read it again and they sent out unto him they sent out unto him their disciples their disciples with their herodians herodians saying master send master we know that thou art true now these are people who know something about jesus we know what that thou art truth that you are true and teach us the way of god you truly teach the way of god in truth neither cares now for enemies thou for any man's person romans 2 11 god is no respecter of person jude 16 the 16th verse of jude these are murmurs these are murmurs complainers complainers walking after their own lives walking after their own lust and their mouth speaketh great swelling speaking great spelling words having men's person having men's person in admiration in admiration and that's that's by calling these names that shows you have them in admiration and we admire them for singing and entertaining but that doesn't mean they're saved my favorite singer is mahalia jackson but she never was baptized into christ you can't put people where god didn't put them amen walls and we need to understand that god is the judge i'm not trying to be the judge all i'm saying is that god says that men ought to obey him rather than men now just in summary now i'm really going to summarize uh i want you to look at a passage it is found in deuteronomy chapter 32 and here we have the song of moses moses is an old man by this time and he is giving a song look at deuteronomy 31 and you will see in verse 1 moses went and spake these words into all israel and he said unto them i am 120 years old this day i can no more go out and come in uh also the lord hath said unto me thou shalt not go over this jordan and he went on to say i want you to listen to the words of this song and just in reading the whole thing i want to look at verse 7 and verse 15. of chapter 32 just to summarize he said in the song that he was singing remember the days of old consider the years of many generations ask thy father and he will show thee thy elders and they will tell thee he said ask your fathers s the older generations and they will tell you what you need to know and he went on to show that if they would ask and get the right information they could be well or could well be rather serving the great god of heaven he reminded them that with all of their blessings all of their blessings they forgot god look at verse 14 of chapter 32 butter and kind and milk of sheep with fat of lambs and rams of the breed of beijing and goats with the fat of kittens of wheat and thou did his drink the pure blood of the grape he said god gave you all these things and then in verse 15 he says but jeshurun israel waxed fed and kicked thou art wax and fat thou art grown thick thou art covered with fatness all of that blessing now listen then he forsook god which made him and lightly esteemed the rock of his salvation how many gestures do we have in here tonight who have waxed fat on the blessings of god and you have done the same thing that gesheron here did you have forsaken the god who made you and you have lightly esteemed the rock your salvation in verse 7 moses said ask somebody who knows and he'll tell you what i'm saying here tonight in closing is that if you want to be saved it comes to a point in your own life that you have to ask somebody who knows god made it possible for you to know what to do to be saved he gave it to his me go back to psalm 68 and 11 god gave the word great was the company of them that published it god gave the word but he used many publishers the publishers came from many backgrounds and many walks of life they were some of them kings while some of them were lowly fishermen but god gave all of them an equalizer it's like it is said of a a giant man out on the western frontier was about to attack a little man and that giant man was about to hit him when the little man reached for his gun and he said to the big man he said you know out here on this western frontier we have big men like you and we have little men like me but colonel coate has made us all equal when it comes to the bible there were men who were highly educated who wrote kings as i have said there were others who were looked upon as unlearned and ignorant men but god made them all equal for the prophecy came not in the old days by the will of men but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost the holy spirit equalized them and they wrote and gave us the word so tonight if i want to know something about god i have to ask somebody who knows i have to go to the bible study for myself realizing that these men knew what they were doing and they wrote error every word of god is pure and he is a shield to them that put their trust in him add thou knock unto his word lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar so god's word is where we must anchor ourselves tonight what you need to do tonight is ask somebody who knows the last scripture i want to use acts chapter 8 because i was a man there who was very very intelligent very intelligent but he had to ask somebody who knew acts chapter 8 begin with verse 31 the book says what and he said all right how can i accept is that 31 that's 31. all right go up to 26. and the angel of the lord speaking to the lord speaking to philip saying and say it arise and go towards the south unto the way that goethe who had charged this man was not unintelligent yeah this man knew finances he knew money he was the treasurer for the queen of ethiopia smart man but the bible says what and it come to jerusalem for the worship someone says well he must be saved he's already worshipping i'm going to show you that he was religious but he was not saved he was intelligent but he was not saved you may have a doctorate you may have a a master's degree a bachelor's degree that's wonderful i applaud you i praise you but you're not saved just because you have a degree so he says what was returning he was returning and sitting and he's sitting in his chariot red he's saying he was reading from us there are the prophets then the spirit said the spirit said unto philip go knee and join yourself to the character to him now philip was the preacher who preached christ philip granted to him and heard him and he said listen when men know the word of god they know the questions to ask and so this man asked a question do you understand what you're reading now the unit could have been very indignant he could have said well do you know who i am i am the treasurer for the queen of ethiopia i know economics i no finances if you live today he would say i know wall street i can tell you what's going on in the stock market all of those things he knew but the man was humble he said how can i except he said i'm very proficient in economics but i'm deficient in religion i don't know what i need to know i need some man to guide me and he desired philip and he desired filler that he would come up again and sit with him he's asking him now come on up and sit with me and he read from the book of the prophet isaiah he was led as a sheep to the slaughter like a lamb down before his sheriff so open he nod his mouth and in his humiliation his judgment was taken away and who shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth the man said what then and the unique answer said i pray that he said i'm asking somebody who knows i'm asking i pray thee of whom speaketh listen you get to a point where you have to ask for some help and i'm glad you asked these questions tonight and i hope i've given you the help that you need this man said i need some help what what did philip do yeah philip opened his mind at the same time to him jesus yes why is he preaching jesus because he knows what the man must hear he didn't engage him in some conversation about finances he preached jesus tonight i've given you enough for you to understand what you need to do to come it's decision time what would you do what will you do tonight god says today is the day of salvation now is the accepted time the day you hear his voice harden not your heart what will you do tonight i do not want any walking unless you are walking forward or unless you have an emergency please do not walk during the invitation jesus is calling jesus is working he's working this audience tonight through me and through these men who are reading to let you know that this is the pure word of god we're reading and if you reject the word you're not rejecting me you're rejecting jesus john 12 48 he that rejected me and receiveth not my word hath one that will judge him the words that i have spoken unto you the same will judge you in the last days come to jesus tonight faith in him if you believe what you've heard repent of your sins confess christ and we'll baptize you tonight the water is ready the baptism will close already god wants you to come he wants you to come and we beg you to come we plead with you to come and if you really believe in god and if you're really sincere about going to heaven you will come you will surrender you will say yes to jesus and we bid you come if you remember the church and you need prayer we ask you to come if you're ready to come and you're not ashamed we bid you come right now as together we stay come to jesus tonight come home come home tonight come home [Music] come to jesus tonight [Music] give christ your life [Music] give christ your life tonight [Music] come to jesus tonight jesus [Music] give christ your life give christ your life jesus is calling jesus a fine little boy is coming and somebody else somebody else ought to follow his example come on to jesus come on to jesus somebody else tonight somebody else this night he's calling he's calling give christ your life [Music] with bitter bitter tears come on to jesus give christ your life come on to jesus coming come home tonight come home tonight
Channel: Herb Evans
Views: 967
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: OfYeIihJ2gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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