Crusade For Christ Dallas, TX - "Let's Go To Him, Outside The Camp"

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we're thankful to the great god of heaven tonight for another expression of his goodness in that he has let us come back to this magnificent building to gather here to mingle our voices together in praise of him in whom we live we move and we have our very being and we should not take this blessing for granted we have not lived so today that we deserve to be here but god is good and in his goodness he has let us come back to this place at this time last night i'm sure there were many people living who are not here at this moment in time death has been calling all over the world in so many different places and in so many different ways but aren't you happy that god has let you have just a little more time it's indeed a blessing to be gathered here tonight our purpose in the national crusade for christ is to evangelize now in preaching the gospel we evangelize and we edify but our primary focus in the national crusade is to evangelize we have not come to solve all of the social problems of dallas we couldn't do that in five days anyway and we need those of you who are new to the crusade to understand that we're not trying to solve all all of the internal church problems we are here to reach people with the first principles of the articles of god and some people don't understand that over the years people have offered their suggestions and that's quite all right but when they offer suggestions about dealing with certain topics that are purely social in nature then i know that they don't understand the real meaning of this crusade and what we need to do is concentrate on trying to bring people to christ and then concentrate on trying to keep them the great commission is in two parts go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit now that's the first part your teaching is designed to baptize the second part of the teaching a participle teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you so just remember the purpose of the crusade and i know that you mean well when you talk about some extraneous things i know you mean well but i also like to tell some of those who don't mean well i would like to ask as i asked one of my good friends a few days ago i said i won't call it his name but i said what is the hardest thing about business he said what i said minding your own the the elders brother harrison all of us brother john dansby those of us who are in the national leadership of the crusade have defined the purpose of this crusade we just had one of the best lecture ships in the history of the national election ship in nashville and that purpose was for the purpose of equipping the church it was not evangelistic there are other things that we have you have singles seminars and you have a purpose for those seminars and you have we have in fort lauderdale we we have the ministers institute that has a purpose each each entity has a mission and you can't do it all in one sitting so understand that and you'll understand and appreciate the crusade now i'm hearing that we're having baptisms all over the place in the daytime at night after services and the brethren will be giving you reports a number of baptisms even today and i might also tell you that all of the results of the national crusade will not be seen in this building sometimes we just count the ones we see but people were baptizing here in dallas long time ago in preparation for the crusade they were already teaching many had already been baptized afterwards the classes that have been set up will continue to be taught many more will be baptized birmingham with the baptism before baptisms rather before during and after over 250 baptisms and they're still they are still baptizing people in birmingham two years later as a result of the crusade being there in 2003 so when we put all of these together you know the only thing we can do is say thank god thank god people are obeying the gospel and in my preaching my goal is to communicate i'm not trying to impress anybody my goal is to communicate on all levels so that all men will at least understand what the will of the lord is my purpose at this point is to teach your purpose is to learn now teaching and learning make up the educational process of the national crusade teaching and learning i've been involved in teaching and learning for over 42 years at southwestern and for over 52 years in just preaching the gospel and what i have learned myself is that the learners have a responsibility and that the teacher has a responsibility there must be communication simple communication sometimes when you fall well i tell our teachers sometimes and some of them are here and i tell them sometime that when a student fails a course at southwestern it is not always indicative of student failure sometimes it's teacher failure and i know that we have teachers who brag about having 30 years experience in teaching and i ask them have you had 30 years experience in teaching or have you had just one experience for 30 years because if you are a teacher you realize that teaching causes learning so if you see you can't do it that way then try it another way a good teacher but the learner has a responsibility to give you an example of a lady who went to the divorce court and told her husband i want a divorce and i want it right now i don't want to live another day with that man and the judge said do you have grounds she said yes we have about three acres the judge saw that he had a problem there of understanding he said does your does your husband have a grudge she said no he has old piece of carpool and then the judge wanted to know if a husband abused her but he wouldn't want he didn't want to use the word abuse because he he knew she couldn't grasp the meaning so he got a very simple term childlike term he said um does your husband beat you up she said no i get up two hours in morning the jared said well why do you why do you want a divorce she said you won't believe this your honor but that man and i cannot have a decent conversation well you see where the problem is let's have a decent dialogue what's our theme what's our affirmation all right for what said the scripture and tonight what said the scripture about true worship let's go and see and to those of you in this audience who are not christians listen attentively you will learn that all worship that men offer up is not necessarily accepted by god and you remember the first man or rather men who attempted to offer up worship cain and abel god accepted once and rejected the other cain slew his brother abel because he was jealous that god would accept abel's offering and that came someone asked a question how long did cain hate his brother someone says as long as he was able i'll give you a minute but that was all about worship worship accepted and worship rejected even if you are baptized and don't worship according to new testament teaching you are not worshiping god what said the scripture well let's go and see let's go to the 13th chapter of the book of hebrews hebrews chapter 13. and we're going to begin reading with verse 9. hebrews 13 verse 9 be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace not with meats which have not profited them that have been occupied therein we have an altar whereas they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle for the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin are burned without the camp wherefore jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered without the camp the text is found in verse 13. let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp bearing his reproach let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp the subject tonight let's go to him outside the camp now you won't really understand this until you understand the old testament teaching and how the sin offering handled and i will not go into all those scriptures in exodus and leviticus but if you want to read them for yourself you go to exodus 29 14 leviticus 4 11 through 12 and verse 21 and you will see that the same offering had to be killed outside jerusalem first it was the tabernacle then it became the temple and so when jesus came as our sin offering he died but he died outside the camp outside the gates of jerusalem and it was a reproach for the sin offering to die outside the camp and what i'm going to show you tonight that in worshiping god we have to go to jesus outside the camp and as we go outside the camp we have to be willing to bear the reproach there will be people who won't like the way we worship because we don't camp with them we're outside they're killed now the hebrews writer in a simple statement was talking about turning from judaism to jesus that's all he was talking about judaism jerusalem the capital of israel they were so proud of it they said don't let that man die in this camp take him outside anybody who wants to be with him will have to go to him outside the camp the body had to be burned outside the camp and then we find that jesus when he came into the world he came as a sin of friend all right come on second corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21 hebrews 9 and verse 28 you may say preacher why do you give so much bible because we want to know what saith the scripture that's why well let's find out about the sin offering in second corinthians 5 and verse 21 the bible says what for he hath made him he hath made him to be sin for us to be sin for us who knew no sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness we might be made the righteousness of god in him through him but being a sin offering he couldn't die in the campus and it's a lot of reproach associated with going to him outside the camp in hebrews 9 and verse 28 the bible says what so christ so christ was once offered was once offered to bear the sins of men was once all fat remember he died only one time i preached a sermon sometimes entitled once upon a tree now i know we used to think of once upon a time but you know those little fairy tales we learned that started with once upon a time all of them in with and they lived happily ever after isn't that right once upon a tree he died for rest and he had already said and i if i be lifted right from the earth i draw all men unto me so when he was lifted and i often say he was hung up for our hang-ups to give us the hook-up when he was hung up for our hang-ups and when he began to draw people to him even those of us in here he tells us if you obey me you will live happily ever after somebody will say lord he's going to preach in fairy tales but this was outside the camp now the camp was physical jerusalem but i am going to analogize this camp and i'm going to show you tonight that there are camps all over the religious world in every camp has its creed and i'm so glad tonight to suffer with christ for the bible says if you be reproached for the name of christ happy or ye is that right i don't mind the reproach i don't mind the negative things i'm going to just stay with him outside the camp some of us even in the church want to get so close to these camps we talk like them we walk like them we try to preach like them they're man walls and when you don't stand with these listen i call them johnny come lately but let me go up a little bit we have some people i'm talking about in the church now who are uh let me give a collegiate turn neophytes let me give a biblical fern novice let me give a colloquial for a term johnny come lately we have some johnny come lately neophytes novices meaning the same thing who's going to try to tell us how to make god's church better and we'll make it better by being like those camps and if you don't join them you know and trying to act like those camps then they talk about you they despise you but the book says go to him outside the camp bearing the reproach let him talk i let him talk and these preachers do too i'm talking for all of us we preach the word we want the television audience to know we preach what saith the scripture now if that means you say that church of christ you know we just can't stand it we bother reproach happy are you when you bother approach for jesus some people claim they would do so much if they had a chance where you have the chance come on out here i'm talking about preachers who don't agree with what we're saying about doctrine as i preached last night we'll give anybody who represents somebody the chance it goes like a man said he had a 38 and he was in his home and there were a lot of break-ins around in the neighborhood and the man said i can't keep a man from breaking into my house but i can make him break out and i say i can't stop a man from jumping on me about preaching but i'll make you jump off truth has nothing to fear stand with christ and when you stand with him you recognize that reproach will come but we are to be happy well to suffer with him outside the camp so what am i doing right now i'm trying to show you that true worship takes place outside the camp physical jerusalem which was the camp at one time became obsolete it was no longer necessary to go to jerusalem to worship the woman at the whale asked jesus of course you notice it started out about water and water and then the woman found that she probably could get a free whale so she said give me the water you're talking about jesus said all right go get your husband she said thinking no doubt he's just a jew coming through i'm a samaritan i'll just tell him this i don't have a husband jesus said you're right you don't have a husband but you've had fire and you're shocking now you know what that woman did she changed the conversation she said uh tell me now where are we to worship you know we like to tell people where to go to church and we like to deal in generalities she saw that jesus was closing in on her lifestyle it's easy to tell people to quote go to church but then when you get specific and say wow people don't want to hear that but when she recognized that he was exposing her life she said now let's talk about where to go to church is it up here on mount garrison or is it down there in jerusalem the jews say it's down there we say it's up here what do you say john 4 verse 23 the bible says what but the hour cometh jesus start with verse 22 the book says what ye worship oh you worship you know not what he's talking to the woman now you worship you know not what we know what we were we know what we worship for salvation is salvation is of the jews but the hour cometh where the hour coming and now we and thou eat when the true worshipers true worship shall worship the father in spirit in spirit and true truth for in spirit in spirit and in truth and in truth not god simply meant there but since god is spirit he is spirit not necessarily a spirit that's translation he is spirit so man's worship must conform to the essence of god now under the old testament man worshiped and he used the accompaniment of mechanical instruments of music physical things but what jesus is telling this woman is that the hour is come and now he is that you're going to have to worship in spirit now i know some brethren say that that's emotionalism not necessarily he's showing the difference in old testament worship and new testament worship in spirit directed by the holy spirit and the truth of god is what you will have to embrace to worship which means that nobody else can worship for you now keep that in mind when i get over here to to the praise groups nobody else can worship for you now in the old testament when they used the mechanical instruments only the priests and the levites could play those instruments during the offering up of the sacrifice only the priests and the levites in new testament worship every christian is a priest so you cannot sing for me and i can't sing for you every person must worship for himself or herself well but you have to go outside the camp to do it and the trouble that's happening even now is that there are some brethren who are like the trojan horse they're trying to get that horse in the camp but when the horse is brought in to the camp jesus leaves if you know what i mean well how do we know real worship today i'm going to show you what the bible says it must be in spirit and it must be in truth that is a new kind of worship for the new testament age now all of the denominations that exist today i told you last night left jerusalem the physical city and then of course the spiritual city of jerusalem which is the church now i'm going to show you some of you may not have been here and i told you last night you don't have to go to the middle east to be in jerusalem let's read that one again hebrews 12 22 so you will know that there is a spiritual jerusalem and i'll tell you something else have you noticed in the text that the bible says in verse 9 chapter 13 be not carried about with diverse and strange doctrines now if if the bible the bible writers if they condemned strange doctrines why do some people get upset with us when we condemn strange doctrines strange what is a strange doctrine well i'm going to show you leviticus 10 leviticus 10 1 2 let's find out what is a strange doctrine the bible says in leviticus chapter 10 and verse one read and nadab and about the sons of heroes the sons of april took either of of them are sensitive and put father and father and put incense and offered strength for strange fire before the lord before the lord what is strange for anything that's not commanded by god you can have church of christ written all around the building but if you're doing something not commanded by god that is not the church of christ strange fire we're hearing strange things today even from among ourselves someone will say well you can do that and god what what is god going to do about it if you do it well let's find out i believe you have two smoking memorials they all fed up strange fire but did god overlook it did god just say well they're human you know and and what what is a little fire like some people say today you know what is a a little piano or drum or bungle what is just a little fire from the lord god said you want some fire i'll give you some fires they went out of fire from the lord from the land and devoured them and devoured them and they died before the lord and notice they were sons of aaron the preacher's children but that didn't that didn't stop god from punishing them and then the book says what then moses said unto him moses then said to the daddy this is it this is it that the lord spake that the lord spake saying i will be sanctified in them in other words i will be sanctified in them that come nigh i mean in other words if they're going to follow me they're going to have to do what i say some of you are in denominational churches tonight with mechanical instruments of music and you think that that's uh you know that subject is unimportant but we're going to find out if god can be worshipped outside the kingdom with mechanical instruments of music but notice need having to buy you suffer the consequences and some people don't learn from history they'll come right along and do the same thing and the bible says these things were written for our example for our learnings romans 15 4 first corinthians 10. one old boy was in a world history class didn't want to have class and he thought he would distract the teacher he held his hand up he said wait a minute teacher before you start i want to ask a question and and uh the teacher said what is it the teacher the boy said i want to know if it's true that history always repeats itself the teacher said yes except especially when you flunk it and we have a lot of people who have flunked bible history the book tells you don't do the same thing that they did because you'll suffer the same consequence well what did they get it from where did they get it from i'm going to show you where some of it came from these denominational churches are camps remember jesus has the main house hebrews 3 5. jesus has the main house in this dispensation also first peter 2 5 hebrews chapter 3 and verse 5 the bible says what and moses verily moses daryl was faithful in all faithful in all his house as a servant as a savior for testimony for a testimony are those things which would be those things which were to do what be spoken and spoken after now moses had a house and it was in moses's house that they were allowed to use mechanical instruments because everybody couldn't be a priest in moses's house only the priest and the levite but in christianity in the house of jesus every person is a priest what does it say again but christ but christ as a son over his own house as a son now notice moses or seven in his house but moses had said the lord god shall rise up a prophet like unto me him shall you hear in all things and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall not hear this prophet shall be cut off from among the people in other words moses knew he was not the last word but these people today who are trying to justify the use of mechanical instruments of music and worship act as if moses is the last word let's go over to david and let's do this and let's do that start that over brother maxwell verse 5 but christ and moses moses was very faithful fairly faithful in all his house and all his house as a servant as a servant for a testimony for a testament he was not the last word he knew something else was coming really but christ what makes a difference moses have his camp but christ as a son has assumed over his own household his own house whose house he has his own now you don't go into a man's own house and take over you just don't you know i wanted this one i want it that way you just you have your own house as a christian you don't let people come in there and do things in your house that you don't condone some of your relatives don't come because they can't they may want to they want to call his brother said root beer that's the kind you drink in the daytime they want a cold deer and not a root beer so that's your house they want to talk filthy using profanity and feel the joke you don't allow that in your house well when you come into the house of jesus you don't tell him how you're going to do it he tells you how to do it christ has a son over his own house whose house are we house are we if we hold fast yes we hold fast the confidence confidence and the rejoicing the holy unto the spirit we are the house of god now listen to first peter 2 and verse 5 the bible says what ye also he also as liveless lively stones are built up a spiritual spiritual house and holy priesthood spiritual house we are a holy priesthood now every priest has to worship for himself we are his house we are a holy priesthood and let me drop this to you we are the saints of god yes sir i'm so sick of reading about the roman catholics trying to beatify the pope and make him a saint he didn't obey the gospel and they can beatify beautify dignify anything they want he will never be a saint why because he's dead and then want people to come forth and tell lies about how many miracles he performed i'm already a saint washed in the blood of the lamb you've been washed you've been sanctified you've been justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god i don't need any college of cardinals to vote on whether or not i must say i know where i am i'm a priest i'm a priest and i don't have to walk around wearing a dress asking you to call me father i'm a priest and jesus i'm married to him so the bible says lively stones our chosen come on uh and built up a spiritual heart built up our spiritual and house holy priesthood holy this is what we must do to offer up spiritual sacrifices spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god by jesus christ in other words whatever we offer up it must be authorized by jesus there any preacher listening to me right now i don't care how many theological schools you've gone through i don't care how much greek you know of hebrew or aramaic i dare any preacher to show me in the new testament with jesus ever authorized the use of mechanical instruments of music in new testament worship you say where did they get it from well it came down from the mama the roman catholic church and all of the others grabbed it with the exception of the so-called orthodox but i'm going to read something to you right here from the seventh day adventist church manual to show you how they try to justify using mechanical instruments now i told you a few minutes ago that every camp which which i'm talking about is the denominational church every camp has this creed this is just one here's another this is the one for the seventh-day adventist church this is the one for the church of god in christ i have the baptist manual over there the methodist discipline i have the quran by the uh muslims and i have many many more but i just want to read a few excerpts from this one now this one tells you from the very beginning that it can do anything that it wants to do seventh day deadliners who claim that they follow the law of moses here's a note changes in the church manual changes in our revisions of the church manual can be made only by action of a general conference session in which delegates of the world body of believers are assembled and have a voice in making revisions i won't read all of it but i'm so glad that the church of christ has a manual we don't need a delegation to vote on what we're going to do each denomination has this but since we're talking about music in worship to show you that this is a camp unto itself starting right here under music it says seventh-day adventists let the voices be lifted in song songs of praise and devotion call to your aid a idea if practicable instrumental music and let the glorious harmony ascend to god an acceptable offering they said sing and bring in mechanical instruments and let this go up to god an acceptable offering 2 5 again of first peter it says that we're doing what offering up spiritual sacrifices sacrifices acceptable to god to god jesus jesus christ not by this manual but let me read a little more of it to you it says sing with the spirit and the understanding well let's go to first corinthians 14 15. what do we do in churches of christ we sing with the spirit and with the understanding listen to the verse first corinthians 14 15 says what what is it then what is it there i will pray with the spirit i will pray with the spirit and i will pray with the understanding also pray with the understanding also i will sing with you i will sing with the spirit and i will sing with the understanding also right here it is two phrases i will pray with the spirit and i will pray with the understanding i will sing with the spirit and i will sing with the understanding now my question is this if you can sing with the mechanical instrument come on come on can you pray with that same instrument an argument can i pray why can't our mechanical instrument pray get from me first corinthians 14 and verse 7. why can't a mechanical instrument pray and even things with our life getting sound listen to the book now and what and even things without life even things without life giving sound giving sound whether pipe or pipe or heart except they give a distinction in the sounds and he said a pipe or a heart or whatever is dead it cannot give a sound can you take a piano and and play your prayer i will the book says i will sing with the spirit understanding i'll pray with the spirit understanding if you can sing with a mechanical instrument then you ought to be able to pray with one i'm not finished i'm talking from their book but now listen to this in their efforts to reach the people the lord's messengers are not to follow the ways of the world in the meetings that are held they are not to depend on worldly singers and theatrical display to awaken an interest now that ought to be a lesson to the church of christ you know we're trying to reach our young people and so we thought we would bring in the mechanical instruments because it would reach our young people i want to tell the old people and the young people we are all under the same law the love of christ ephesians 5 19 colossians 3 16 sing singing making melody in your hearts to the lord nowhere does it say play now i'm going to i'm going to show you why in just a moment let me read a little more from this this creed of this camp in the meetings held let a number be chosen to take part in the zone service doesn't that sound kind of kind of something that's going on among us are you meetings behalf not everybody but let a number be chosen in other words get your best voices and listen to this and let the singing be accompanied with musical instruments skillfully handled we are not to oppose the use of instrumental music in our work but who are they the part of the service or rather this part of the service is to be get this now carefully conduct it for it is the praise of god in soul the singing is not always to be done by a few as often as possible let the entire congregation join in doesn't that sound like some of our brethren with the praise team listen outside the camp you have to do it like we're instructed ephesians 5 19 colossians 3 16 that's how we are instructed not according to this man-made creed and then listen to this membership of the church choir we don't call them choirs they praise scenes sacred music is an important part of public worship the church needs to exercise care in the selecting of choir members who will rightly represent the principles of the church choir members occupy a conspicuous place in the service of the church let me tell you something friends the church is not to be entertained by the singers this book is saying get your best voices left him saying every once in a while let the church join in but let them say they perform but do you not know that in worship we're not the audience god is the audience we're trying to please god and we don't need this kind of garbage to tell us how to worship god outside the camp and i want to show to you something to you i'm going to show you why we sing a cappella now the bible says sing and we're coming back to hebrews 2 12. but i want to show you why let's go to the old testament first i want to show you that god has given man in his body everything that he needs to offer up praise to him we're going first to the description of an aging body ecclesiastes chapter 12 1-4 then we're going to ecclesia rather ezekiel 28 and verse 13. i'm going to show you that you have your instruments your instruments within you god gave you the instruments so when you say instrumental music yes we have instrumental music but we don't have mechanical instrumental music amen let's look at the aging of the bible first and the bible says what remember now remember now that i created in the days of thy year in the days of your youth now the evil days are the evil days come not nor the years rather he is strong now and thou shalt thou shalt say i have no faith in them in other words you start getting old three while the son brother or the light or the light the moon or the stars or the stars be not darker nor the clouds nor the clouds of the rain return after the rain is the day when the keepers the keepers of the house shall tremble the keepers of the house shall tremble your hands your hands as you grow older they will tremble keep reading and the strong men shall validate the body will bow themselves really grind yourself grinders your teeth are going to leak because you can buy some more but you're going to lose those that you have don't worry about that it's coming just keep on reading and those that look outside the eyes are not going to see as well as they could see at one time the body is going back to the dust creek and the door shall be shut in the streets shall be shut in the street with the sound the lips the lips the doors of the body will be shut in the street when the sound of the grinding and when the grinders are gone the lips gonna close now you can buy some more and they'll come on out but it'll be artificial and that's all right by them that's how but he says this is what's going to happen to your body keep reading and he shall rise up right the voice of the bird the voice of the bird that's the nervous system of the body and all the daughters what does that mean well let me read it to you from the hebrew translation and if you want to check it out check it out and all the daughters of music shall be brought low the meaning is the daughters of music are the organs of speech which are now humbled and failed so that the man gets to the place that he cannot sing a note your vocal cords are the daughters of music and i don't care how well you have ever sung in your life those chords are going to get weak one day i listen to these young men singing like they are at their ages but their voices one day will be brought low now this this translation from the hebrew does not come from a member of the church of christ it comes from one who is a scholar in the language and he says that the vocal chords are really the musical chords c-o-r-d are the c-h-o-r-d you make your cards c-h-r-d from your c.o.r.d so god has already instilled in the human body course to make gods now let's go to ezekiel ezekiel 28 and verse 13 thou has been wait a minute let me give the background i know this is talking about the king of tyre and god is letting him know how he had been blessed ever since he had been living and how he had everything in him from creation so he says to the king of tyre what thou has been in eden you have been in what eden eden the god of god of eden talking about man himself read every precious stone he goes to the precious stones that are automatically in the earth that god put them there in creation every precious stone was that covering was your covering reed the sardius the sardius the past the topaz the diamond the dam the barrel the bear the onyx the onyx and the diaspora the jasper the sapphire the sapphire the emerald the camera and gold and gold the workmanship with thy tablets yes get this now he names all of these minerals that are already in the earth and then he says now i'm going to tell you what you have in you the workmanship of thy tablets of thy tablet and of thy pipes and of the pikes was prepared in the was prepared in you in the day that thou was created you already have your tablets here again from the hebrew from from a person who's not even a member of the church of christ the workmanship of your tabats and of your pipes in you in the day you were created these were prepared i read that slowly because they that look out of the windows be darkened but you notice i didn't have any glasses on look how many men up here with glasses and i'm older than all of them but my point is if you even do scholarly study you're going to find that these writers are saying god put everything in us that he wanted us to have now go to romans 6 and verse 13. and i'll show you that all parts of our bodies are instruments listen to romans 6 and verse 13 the bible says what neither you ye neither yields you your members your members as instruments as instruments of unrighteousness righteousness unto sin what is that unto sin unto sin but yield yourselves members unto god unto god as those that are alive as those that are alive from the dead from the dead and your members and your members as instruments instruments of righteousness under god listen your voice is an instrument your hands are instruments every part of your body is an instrument and god said i gave you your instruments in creation so he said all i want you to do is use the instruments that i have given you now someone says is that the only part of worship no that's not the only part of worship but it's the part where we have the most contention and that is whether or not and some people don't like it some of you don't like it right now even some members of the church don't like it and i don't care whether or not you like it try to refute it i dare any man to try to refute what i'm saying you have your instrument within god doesn't need an aid from a mechanical instrument he gave you your vocal cards and he said use them amen now let's go quickly to hebrews 2 12. start with verse 9 because you need to understand that jesus is involved we're talking about going to jesus outside the camp the ones who are in the camps do anything they want to do and i was debating one of uh apostate one of the apostates from the church of christ one time and he said it's i i built this church and uh i can do it we can do anything we want to in my church i said now you're right about that you can do anything you want to in your church but when it comes to the church that belongs to christ the bible says laugh the word of christ dwell in your rituals in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and in hymns and in spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the lord why don't we have instruments mechanical instruments up here because we are worshiping in spirit and in truth that's why in hebrews chapter 2 beginning with verse 9 the bible says what but we see jesus but we see jesus who was made a little lower than the age he was made a little lower than the angel for the suffering of death suffering of death browned with glory and honor with glory and honor that he by the grace of god shall face death for every man please death for every man for he became him became him for whom all things and all things and by whom are all things and bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation captain of our salvation perfect through perfect through suffering for both he that sanctifies sanctions and they who are sanctified they who are sainted for all of one are all one for which cause he is not ashamed he's not ashamed to call them brethren he calls us brethren saying we are the brethren of christ he's not ashamed he sanctifies and we are the sanctifiers already sanctified not crankified sanctified sanctified saints already and he's not ashamed to call us brethren and we are not ashamed to say that he's our savior he's outside the camp and we'll go out to him let the others talk let them despise the church let them get up and walk out like some people do when they don't like to hear the truth but when you come back i'll be saying the same thing because it's still in the bible and whether you're like it or not and i'm talking to some of us in the church of christ whether you like it or not challenge me he's not ashamed to call us brethren read saying say i will declare thy name unto my brother i will declare thy name unto my brother to my brethren in the midst of the church and in the midst of the church but i sing praise unto thee i sing praise unto thee he said i'll sing praise but now how does he sing praise i'll tell you how go to hebrews just hold what you have there gerald go to hebrews chapter 13 and verse 15 and we'll get a good idea of how jesus sings praise but let me tell you this in singing praise jesus depends upon the members of his body to do it how do you know that well let's before going to hebrews 13 i already have it but before getting to that let's let's just look at um second corinthians 5 20. ephesians 3 21 hebrews 13 15 and let's see how do we or rather how does christ sing praise in the church now i know i've heard some brethren say that's when when he went out to they sang a song and went out to the mount of olives that's not what jesus is talking about he's talking about things that we who are christians do in his stead in his stance listen to ii corinthians 5 20. the bible says what now then we are ambassadors for christ we are we carry out the work of christ we are ambassadors for christ as though god did beseech you and so god did deceit you by us we pray you in christ we pray you how in christ in christ is stead be reconciled to god when jesus said in the midst of the church i will sing every christian sings in christ's stay that's why you can't have any little group over in the corner they're up in some kind of choir stand singing for the other people you can't express my praise it must come up from me what the hell does christ sing he sings through us listen to ephesians 3 and verse 21 the bible says what unto him be glory in the be glory in the church in the church by christ jesus ah christ jesus throughout all ages throughout all ages well without end we glorify god in the church but we do it by christ jesus in crisis stead now let's go to uh hebrews 13 15. this is a part of the text i didn't read it at first purposefully now let's go to hebrews 13 and verse 15 when we go out side of the king to worship like god commands we have to do something and so it says in hebrews 13 15 by him by him therefore therefore let us let us hold it now listen by him let us do you get me by him let us we have to do something let us do what by him offer the sacrifice of praise for sacrifice of what of is praise to god continually now to us who are the us that's not the praise team by itself by him let us jesus doesn't select the best voices whether you can sing beautifully or not sing i debated a mr suarez of the english and christo from the philippines in figaro church of christ years ago and i kept asking him because that church called itself the church of christ of the philippines established by felix manella i asked him are you the new testament church yes i said why do you use mechanical instruments of music and he tried to evade tried to evade and i kept pressing him why do you use you use mechanical instruments of music finally he said we we use mechanical instruments of music in order to get our pitch and keep our tune and then he had about 2 000 black people there had never debated before that many he said but you people don't have to do that because y'all can just sing i said let me clear up a myth for you mr suarez all black people cannot just see i said you ought to have to sit beside some that i have to sit beside can't sing a tune and won't let you hold one and some of you people right now you know you're sitting by by somebody all attitudes and when they can't sing they sing louder than anybody in the church but whether they can sing or not god says sing offer up the sacrifice of praise to him continually keep breathing that is that is the fruit of our lives the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his lips or instruments right use your instruments that god has given you so listen members of the church it is just as sinful to sit and not sing as it is for people to go the other way and use mechanical instruments and i'll drop this to the church singing is just as important in worship as the lord's supper every command of god is important some people purposely miss the song service late all the time we have people who are you know of the latter day saints always late come in late wanting to get out early and some people will say it you know oh just just so i get there in time for the lord's supper we need to recognize that singing is a part of the worship preach us we need to remember that we're supposed to sing too we're not to to sit like we are a celebrity and let the little peons go through the singing and then make our entrance we have put too much emphasis on the man yeah yeah and we forget about god's plan i believe in honoring men preachers elders deacons members give honor to whom honesty but when it comes to the worship it's not a matter of giving honor to the preacher it's giving honor to god that's why we don't call preachers reverend reverend is god's name you put him up too high but many of us won't say that but we act like that some preachers can do anything they want to do and somebody's going to go along with it well you know he's the preacher and some of them have even got beyond that he's the pastor and they don't even know that every preacher is not a pastor a pastor is an elder a shepherd a presbyter an overseer six terms in the greek for pastor so no preacher who has not been ordained an elder is a pastor some young men not even married talking about their pastors supposed to be the husband of one wife they're the husband of no wife you know pastor i know i know how we like to use those we're trying to get so close to the camps you look over there and you want to pull that over and pull this over and in the process you actually curtail your worship you cut it out listen the bible says in acts 2 42 they continued steadfastly the apostles doctrine fellowship breaking of bread and in prayer humility of service is what we must look for all right in worship there are expressions of worship singing is just one of the expressions we call them items i call them expressions singing praying teaching giving and communing what do you have to do you have to go outside the camp to worship like that because denominations don't worship like that denominations have a good old time rocking time letting the choir stir up the people denominations don't take the lord's supper every month or quarter they may take some juice and bread but the live supper is taken in the lord's house first day of the week acts 20 and verse 7. you're talking about true worship someone said well how can i worship like that go to him outside the camp bear the reproach let people talk about you but just do it like god says sing like god says no need for mechanical instrument your instrument is within you pray in the name of jesus and even in the leadership of the prayer get from me first timothy 2 8. we'll find out how you do it outside the camp a lot of people don't like this a lot of people don't like it that's all right you may not like it but i'm going to preach it i'm closing out tomorrow night and immediately i'm going to nassau bahamas for another occasion but i'll always be right there in terror because whether you believe what i'm preaching or not you have a right to ask me questions about it i don't mind talking with you about it so let's go i will therefore paul says in first timothy 2 8 i will therefore that men pray that men now if you know anything about greek you know that's male 1 that's not generic anthropos you know that if you know anything about greek and if you don't then i'm telling you that i would therefore that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands in other words men must take the leadership god as i told you last night assigned rose the role of the man is to take the leadership in the home and in the church and therefore if you want to serve god then be willing to go outside the camp well as i close i want you to know that you sometimes have to suffer when you go outside the camp you sometimes will have to even uh put up with scorn from your family when you go outside the camp let's go to 1st peter 4 as we close first peter chapter 4 and verse 12. go to him outside the camp bearing the reproach verse peter 4 and verse 12 the bible says what beloved beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery tribes strange concerning what the fiery tribe trials which is to try you they're gonna try you in other words don't think this is going to be easy people will not like you for it because they like that rhythm with the instrument the mechanical instrument and you notice these people who claim that the holy ghost is making them dance when all that music is going on you notice when the music stops they stop your holy ghost likes river rhythm think it's not strange concerning fiery tribes containing fairy tales which is to try you all right better better try your ring as though some things some strange things happened unto you happen unto you but rejoice but rejoice in as much as you are partaking as much as you are particles of christ suffering oh christ is suffering notice now he suffered outside the kingdom you partake house of christ is suffering that when his glory shall be revealed so that when his glory shall be revealed ye may be glad also with exceeding joy with exceeding joy you'll be glad you did what he said like he said reason if you be reproached for the name of christ will you be reprised for the name of christ for the name of christ happy are ye just be happy just be happy come for me just hold that one for me then for me colossians 3 15. just be happy be happy people will talk about you people will talk about this sermon i'm preaching all over the nation all over this area we're being televised and most of you on television watching me you haven't heard this kind of preaching you have heard that feel good preaching you've heard that low demand type preaching no demand you've heard send your tithes and your offerings but they don't command you to do anything else from god so you don't hear this kind of preaching from people who are outside the camp only those who are in the different camps and let me tell you something i don't have time to read it to you but the camps don't even agree with each other i could read it to you whether baptists are condemning the meth of the methodist and the seven and here the church of god in christ calling names don't tell me we're the ones who just call names i could read right here they call the names of denominational churches that are unscriptural and this comes from the so-called church of god in christ and what they don't understand is that they are not biblical themselves no neither running to the second thessalonian and first thessalonians just getting church of god which is in christ you don't just wear a title you do what the name implies amen amen all right breathe and let the peace of god let the peace of god rule in your heart colossians 3 15 let the peace of god rule in your heart rule in your house to the witch to the witch also you are called you are unclear into one church and be thankful and just be thankful don't come in trying to take over talking about what you're going to do and what you don't take just be i'm just glad to be here just glad to be here so if you be reproached for the name of christ of christ now get these two scriptures together in in colossians 3 uh 15 he says just be happy and then he goes right to the next verse it says what let the word of christ not the word of christ well in you rich not the word of david not the word of moses left the word of christ dwell in your roots well in your ritzman all wisdom and all wisdom teaching teaching and admonishing singing singing singing doing what with grace in your heart grace in your heart all of this god has already put in you and then he says the next verse and whatsoever and whatever you doing word on you do in word ordeal you all in the name of do it or not in the name or by the authority of jesus christ back to what we're reading here if you be reproached for the name of christ for the name of christ happy are ye happy are you for the spirit of glory spirit of glory and of god rest upon him and on their part he is evil spoken of on their part those out there in the camps in the camps you mean those people don't have music yes we have music didn't you hear our music you're going to hear some more of our music in just a few minutes is it going to be instrumental music yes each one of us has to use his instrument vocal cords lips hearts instruments is it going to be mechanical no why because god doesn't need it and he doesn't authorize it on their part he is evil spoken he's evil spoken but on your part he is glorified he's glorified we glorify god by doing what he says like he says that you may ask preacher what can i do about that since my church is doing it you can't change the church i tell you that but i tell you what you can do you can come out of it listen you can give it up come on outside the camps go to him and be willing to gather reproach but let none of you suffer as a murderer if you suffer as a whack a murderer or as a thief thief or an evildoer an evildoer or as a busybody is a busybody in other men's matters let him not be ashamed we're talking about christians christians are outside the camp if any men suffer as a christian let him not be ashamed be ashamed but let him glorify god on this behavior on this behalf for the time has come the time is coming that judgment must begin at the house of god at the house of god the house of god and if it first began with us it begins with us what shall the end of them shall the end that obey not the gospel of god not the gospel of god go ahead somebody needs to obey the gospel tonight somebody needs to be willing to go outside the camp to be with jesus now if you're not willing to bear the reproach you just stay where you are because bearing the reproach means that people are going to talk negatively about you but if you are willing to go to him outside the camp regardless of what people say even your relatives they may talk about you but bear the reproach and one day you'll receive the glory now how do you come outside the camp to be with jesus well let's go to romans 6 4 and we're closing where where where did his suffering take place outside the camp where did he die outside the camp where did he shed his blood outside the camp where will you get the benefit of his blood outside the camp you may have been immersed in some of these denominational camps but you're still not saved you have to go to him outside the camp what saith the scripture about baptism let's go and see romans chapter 6. beginning with verse 3 the bible says no you're not no ye not holy just one moment just that simple phrase know ye not that that's asking really how much do you know no ye not do you not know this and some of you don't know this some of you don't know what brother maxwell is about to read know ye not what that so many of us so many of us as were baptized as were baptized into jesus christ into jesus christ now some of you didn't know that you baptized into christ because your preachers have been telling you that you pray the sinner's prayer i'm going to preach on that subject tomorrow night the sinner's prayer but some of them will tell you but i'm going to preach on the real sinner's prayer it's not a conglomeration of words i'm going to show you tomorrow night what the sinner's prayer is i'm going to give you men who prayed the sinner's prayer but not with words but preachers will tell you just pray the sinner's prayer well he says what so many of us as we're baptized into jesus right so many of us as were baptized in to christ we're baptized ties into his death where did he die outside the canyon what happened in his death he shed his blood and his death real therefore therefore we are buried with we are married with him my baptism this is outside the camp we're buried with him by baptism by baptism into death into death that like is christ for if we have been we have been planted together in the likeness of the likeness of his death we shall be also in the likeness of his death we shall be also we shall also in the likeness of his resurrection the likeness of his resurrection knowing what no advance knowing this that our old man old man is crucified crucified the body of sin is that old man when you go down in this water you leave that old man somebody said one lady wanted to take that literally now the preacher said you have to kill the old man she said you just wait till i get home no no the old man is the body of sin knowing this that the body of sin that's the body of sin might be destroyed might be destroyed we should not serve sin we should not serve sin that's as clear as i can make it let's go to him outside the camp bearing the reproach how many of you are willing to bear the reproach to bear the snide remarks about you to bear insulting words to you bear any reproach because you have to be outside the camp to be saved will you come tonight will you come by the simple belief that you believe that jesus is the son of god acts 15 7-8 by repenting of your sins acts 17 30. by confessing christ matthew 10 32 and by being baptized in to christ galatians 3 27 will you come tonight so that your sins may be washed away will you come tonight so that you can be saved tonight the water is ready the baptism will close the backstage they're ready the people to do the baptizing are ready we're going to ask you to come now i'm going to ask you again members of the church don't start walking unless you have an emergency i'm going to ask those in the balcony all around and we have some crowd here tonight and i know that there are a lot of people in this audience who need to come on out here to him outside the camp and worship according to the scripture and you need to come those of you in the balcony may just go out the door you will find men there to escort you to bring you down front we have these seats here in the front for you to come and sit and let whatever you have on your heart be known let it be known to the men who will be talking with you some of you may need some more teaching i don't claim to give you everything you need when i'm preaching i've given some of you enough because you had different levels of religious understanding but there are some others who need some more teaching so we have brethren here who will teach you will take you in the room teach you one-on-one and help you to understand what this message is all about how many are willing to come and you may not be um being you may not be involved in denominationalism it may be drugs it could be uh sex it could be alcohol whatever it is god said i'll help you if you let me you have to let him in we're going to sing and we're going to pray and when you hear us singing you will realize that this is the music of god it's god god's music i was at a funeral a few months ago and we were singing a cappella in churches of christ and our my wife and i were sitting beside are behind some people who had come for the funeral and they were not members of the church of christ and we were singing a strong song remember me and i mean we were raising the roof on that building and when we finished that man who was not a christian said to his wife who was not a christian he said you know that sounds good without music well you you can't beat god god knows what what he wants now he meant he meant he had never heard a song like that you're going to hear music in a few minutes but you ought to listen to the word of god and this music is designed to give you a message to come forward now how many of you have that courage we'll see if you will come right now as together we stand there's a foul free test for you come to jesus always come to jesus
Channel: Herb Evans
Views: 499
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: z7gt7MTZ_SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 13sec (6433 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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