Crusade For Christ Kansas City, MO. - "Change You Can Believe In"

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the 2009 crusade for christ is being held here in kansas city missouri at the kansas city convention center service beginning each night at 7 30 p.m and you're casually invited to attend those of you wanting to ask questions you may ask at 318-221-813136 again this is the crusade for christ tonight we'll go to god's holy book the bible now i want you to get this because some of you may be gone before i preach the faith that saves on thursday night but when you read that faith of god that's not talking about your faith you go to the greek and you'll find that definite article when it's talking about a body of teaching that god has given mankind and it is called the faith now you you can add to your faith now what if some do not believe does that make the faith the faith of god without effect no god forbid amen yay let god be true i am preaching the faith of god then the bible says if any man speak let him speak according to the articles of god in hebrews chapter 6. beginning with verse 13 hebrews 6 and verse 13 when god made his promise to abraham since there was no one greater for him to swear by he swore by himself saying i will surely bless you and give you many descendants and so after waiting patiently abraham received what was promised men swear by someone greater than themselves and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all arguments because god wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised he confirmed it with an oath god did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for god to lie we have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged we have this hope as an anchor for the soul firm and secure and you may reap the rest during the campaign in this country recently the campaign for the presidency of the united states of america mr osama not osama obama mr obama had um had on a slogan and it was a slogan that caught fire in this country that slogan was that he would give us change we could believe in many people embraced that slogan and indeed he became the first african-american president of the united states with that slogan and saying yes we can someone gave me a picture the other day very beautiful picture of president obama with his image superimposed over the white house and it didn't have yes we can on it it had on it yes we did now some people don't like that but he was elected by the people and for the people and he is the president of the united states but we also must recognize that he is still a man he like i said a few minutes ago still falls short he's a man but we who belong to the nation of jesus are listening to one higher than the president of the united states whether he's black white blue green polka dot or neutral [Music] we have a higher voice and one day god in heaven had to tell one of his preachers his lead preachers you're my love you're my beloved son i'm well pleased in you but then when he came to peter he said to him in so many words you won't find this right in the scripture but he just broke in when when peter was running off at the mouth god said to him in so many words shut up this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased in other words there's nothing you can do because i'm pleased with him so all i want you to do is hear you him and so in saying that to the world tonight the only one who can give you change that you can believe in is jesus not even obama not even obama obama is a man who will have possibly eight years and somebody else will be in that office and obama has made promises and everybody's looking for him to to keep them but he is a man just like bush was a man clinton was a man george bush the first was a man and he told us one time read my lips and we read his lips and he still texts us because they're men they're men i was reading somewhere where uh president bush the last one went to a party and there he they they had masquerades and one was it was about israel and one man was dressed as moses was supposed to have looked and it said that president bush said to him hello moses and the man wouldn't say anything he said to him again hello moses the man wouldn't say anything and then security started getting curious about the man that surrounded the man thinking that he was hostile toward the president they said sir what's your problem the president spoke to you twice that's president bush did you know that the man said yes i i know who he is he said what's your problem you didn't you didn't speak back to him you said what i'll tell you my problem he said the last time i spoke to a bush [Laughter] i was in the wilderness 40 years but my point is and i'm not trying to i'm not trying to denigrate any particular president i'm simply saying that the president is not a divine voice [Music] he makes promises he has a platform and he runs on that platform [Music] they're playing some of the nixon tapes from 40 years ago and things are coming out about him that we didn't even know just from what he was saying not knowing that he was being recorded and that we would be listening to what he said back there now you said what are you talking about i'm saying don't put all of your trust in any man put your trust in power because the bible says it is impossible for god to laugh and when he makes a promise you notice how the hebrews writer told it here about is making a promise he said that when he wanted to swear and you know a lot of people really think they're convincing you when they hold up their hands you know i swear to god i'll cross my heart and swear to god and know they're lying some people think that that's that's the way to do it but now when when god wanted abraham to know he couldn't find anyone higher than himself and so he swore by himself and that's why the bible says that by two immutable or unchangeable things and that it was impossible to for god to lie well those two things i know we've been arguing about that but i believe they are the essence of god his very nature the essence of god and the word of god if a man has a good character you can put more confidence in his word and so it is the bible tells us that god is not a man but he should lie is that right neither the son of man that he should repent you may not believe this go to numbers 23 23 19. oh balaam gave us something that i need we need to i believe we need to hang on tonight but you have to understand the character of god in numbers 23 19 the bible says what god is not a man god is not a man that he should lie now remember every president that we have had has been a man and even when we you don't have to say if we but when we get a woman as president she's still considered man she's whoa man i mean woe to me i mean whoa man you know the word she's human and all of us who are human are disqualified because we bear the burden of sin but jesus came and did no sin put on about it and we read that last night where he said to the father sacrifices and offerings thou what is not but a body thou has prepared me so he used mary to bring the body into the world but that didn't make mary the mother of god mary is not the mother of god mary was a woman human she is not to be worshipped [Music] amen walls i know some people would say i'll brother if i were you i wouldn't say that well you you're not me she is not to be worshipped right god just used to bring that human part of jesus into the world but jesus christ is god in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the word became flesh and dwelt among us we beheld his glory as the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth yes sir i know that people say the rosary hail mary mother of god she and i want to leave this with you she was not the mother of god she never claimed to be the mother of god i don't care what has come from the vatican from the men who call themselves the head of the church they cannot declare that she was the mother of god because men can lie men will lie and men do lie yes sir [Music] but god is not a man is not a man that he should lie that he should lie neither the son of man be that the son of man that he should repent that he should repent hath he said hath he saith shall he not do it shall he not do it or have he spoken if he spoke shall he not make it shall he not make it good whatever he says he's gonna make it good anybody ever tell you let me have twenty dollars and i'll make it good friday you ever tell anybody that anybody up here use that old word you know i'll make it good and why is it that when you lend some people money and they don't pay you back they act like they get angry with you i see that quite often dodging you and so on i tell our students at the college i'm always lending students money money money and some of them will never pay back and and will go see me coming one way and they'll go the other way i haven't done anything to you [Applause] no but i'm not speaking to you make it good but whatever god promises he will make it good amen now everything any president promises is not always going to be made good and in most cases will not be made good not everything including obama i know we love obama but obama is a man he made some promises he hadn't made good yet watching him in education i'm watching him when he puts in that budget what he leaves out of that budget i'm watching him when he says i'm gonna bring change that you can believe in i want to see yeah yeah but i know one thing whatever jesus says you can believe it you can believe it because god cannot lie [Music] well now if you understand that you're going to understand the rest of this sermon god cannot lie uh god is change less malachi 3 and verse 6. god said i am the lord and i change not so we don't have to worry about god's going back first of all god didn't campaign to become god he didn't campaign to become god someone said well how did he become god who can tell i went to a funeral of one of our alumni several years ago he was a preacher and in that funeral they called upon the oldest brother in the congregation to lead a prayer because everybody was just mourning and in shock about the death of this man and this old brother got up and said something years ago that stays with me to this day it was not grammatical but it certainly was biblical he said all right we know and this is his grammar now you ain't never made no mistake and if you did who can check on you who can you don't question god god says i am the lord and i change not now man thinks you know man says i think i think but god knows even obama says many times in his speeches i think that's all he can say amen whoever becomes president not only president any high official all he can say is i think i think and that's what any of us can say i think because something can intervene and change what you have said but god says i know now in creation old satan came in after god had given his instructions to adam and eve which they could understand very plainly of all the trees in the garden you may freely eat but of the tree that's in the midst of the garden don't eat and the day you eat of that tree you will surely die that's what satan i i'd rather that's what god said but then satan stepped in and satan knew what god had said you know sometimes people get hung up on what was on the tree and and i always i'm always reminded of that i heard a long time ago that the problem in the garden of eden was not with the fruit on the tree it was with the pair on the ground that's where the trouble ball trouble is in man and so when satan stepped in and rehearsed what god had said to them and said to eve didn't god say to you that if you eat of that tree you will surely die and he said yes he said unto you i say unto you you will not surely die that's satan telling the first big lie and jesus later said he's the father of liars so anyone who lies i know your daddy i'm talking about who practices lying i know your daddy and i noticed that he said yes he said that satan said but i say unto you i've heard some of the older preachers preach that sermon not in the devil's tale come on t-a-l-e when you throw the nazi in they become lies and the devil knows how to use it and he uses it even in religion many people tonight are marred in false doctrine don't even know that they're on their way to eternal destruction and some of our preachers in churches of christ are too weak in their preaching to tell people what god says not [Music] but available she said but god saved that's the sermon right there you said yes but god said come on and when god says he says what he knows the bible tells us in john 16 and even verse 30 that his disciples told him there you we know that you know everything you know do you have it if you have it you can read it john 16 and verse 30 the bible says what now we are we sure that now know us all things now we are what we're sure we are sure that i know us talking to jesus we are sure that that know us all things you know all things and it is not that any man should ask thee and you don't have to worry about any man contradicting you we shall and you know what peter said one time when jesus asked him after some of the disciples of jesus that wiped away from him because they didn't like what he said jesus said to them will you also go away know what peter said lord to whom shall we go you have the words of eternal life in other words your words will not change they are the words of eternal life but that's not all because we miss this next part and this is where we need to come in read and we believe and we believe in our own land do we believe and the show we are sure thou art the christ my question to you tonight how many of you in here not only believe what he says but you're sure right now you have to be sure we have some members of the church who are floating out and into denominationalism because they are not sure that the word is true but the word says that's second timothy 2 10 salvation is in christ jesus we believe and are sure well god says god says whatever he says is true but what about this change that we can believe in i want to show you something now change we can believe in come on uh god knew even in creation that some changes were coming he knew someone said well how did he know because he's god he knows the end from the beginning that's why i told you earlier that if you don't understand the scripture it may be that you don't understand the dispensation of the scripture we have the patriarchal dispensation from adam to moses yes sir yes the mosaic dispensation from the giving of the loud to moses on sunday to the death of christ on the cross yes sir and then the christian dispensation from the first pentecost after the resurrection of christ until the end of time if you don't understand this you can be easily deceived yes yes by the so-called religious leaders of the world that's why god says the leaders of the people cause them to air and they that are led of them are destroyed preacher what do you get into i'm getting to the point that there had to be some changes made right changes of work changes in covenants god has had a special covenant people in each dispensation and some people don't understand that and they fight and they argue because they don't understand that god had a covenant even with abraham in the patriarchal dispensation abraham isaac and jacob god had that covenant with them circumcision was a sign of the covenant that god had and i don't have time to go back and cover all of that for you but if some of you have specific questions all of these breathing up here can talk with you about the covenants and if you don't understand where you are right now and i don't make it clear enough as i give my speech a sermon here just ask any of these brothers who know the bible and and i believe all of them do and in their knowing the bible they will tell you [Music] that god had to make some change in the covenants now someone says you're talking about change we can believe in well the one who made the covenant can change the covenant right right that's what you have to understand god made it god can change it that's why you don't want your old rich uncle to live too long after he makes that will he might change his mind they said president a president of a college like southwestern struggling for money and for existence that president it has said had heard that a millionaire died and left his college millions of dollars and so the president was so happy about that he got his hat in his coat he was going to the reading of the wheel got into the lawyer's office the attorney began reading he said i john doe being of sound mind spent all the money president got up and got his hat he said i hope he's burning in here [Music] see a covenant is a will it's a testament that's why we call it the new testament the new covenant the new will but god made it and he could change it because the testator sets the turn of the testament and jesus is the testator of the new testament so don't go back into genesis trying to find out what god wants you to do right there to be saved you won't find that but you'll have reference to the coming come on genesis 49 10. oh isn't that right the bible says for what genesis 49 and verse 10 the scepter the section shall not depart from judah departed from judah no one long ever allowed from between from between his feet [Applause] that's back there in genesis talking about jesus coming and all men would be gathered unto him but in the old covenant god had laws for the people under each covenant you come out of the patriarchal dispensation from adam to moses and you come on into the giving of the law on sinai and in that law i don't have time to go through all of it but there are brothers who have books here and i have some books here too uh dealing with the law and shiny eye and so on but i want to drop this while i'm here in the law of moses in that dispensation god told the people to remember the sabbath keep it holy right right now those of you who call yourselves keeping the sabbath now and i want to tell you this god didn't command you to keep the sabbath he didn't command you to keep the sabbath when you go over to the book of deuteronomy is it 15 i believe it is deuteronomy 15 begin with verse one then drop down let's see uh we'll go down to verse five deuteronomy what only if thou alright carefully heart oh back up fire dude on me because they do revive the lord god when moses called all israel together and uh deuteronomy five five one moses made a covenant made a covenant with us in horror with us in holland the light god made not come on made not necessarily with our fathers with our fathers because someone will say well you know the sabbath goes all the way back all the way back to creation yes sabbath the word sabbath means rest yes but in the covenant the lord our god may not discover that with our fathers with our fathers but with us but with us even us even pastors now why did he tell us the jews why did he tell them to keep the sabbath now drop down to verse 15. and remember now he says he made the covenant with us and remember that thou was a servant that you were assad in the land of egypt in the land of asia and that the lord thy god hold it just one moment you were a servant in the land of egypt i'm going to show you why god told them to keep the sabbath because sabbath means rest and it says and remember that thou was a servant remember that you were a sergeant in the land of egypt in the land of each other that the lord therefore what's therefore therefore there for their phone it means because of the preceding yes sir because he brought you up out of the land of egypt he's going to tell you to do something therefore the lord that god the lord thy god commanded thee commanded to everybody to keep the sabbath no no no no you missed me jack right there commander man come on save me like i'm saying it say thee now you know he can holler don't you i'm trying to show you that he didn't command me he commanded thee he commanded and that's because he brought them up out of the land of egypt and he gave them rest from their labor from pharaoh and i want to drop this come on to the members of the church who don't know anybody sunday is not the christian chapel [Music] now don't tell anybody else that the sabbath for the christian will be heaven hebrews chapter four hebrews we therefore remaineth the rest for the people of god yes we'll have a sabbath but the sabbath hasn't come for us yet blessed are the dead that time the lord henceforth yes said the spirit they shall rest from their labors that's when the sabbath will come so we're waiting on the coming of the sabbath someone says what's all of that about it's about how god changed the law for his own purpose the covenant itself he didn't tell you to keep the sabbath he didn't tell you to keep a many many of the other laws that were incorporated in the mosaic dispensation which i don't have time to cover now but i wanted to drop that about the sabbath because i've heard some of us say well sunday is the christian sabbath and that's why i don't work well you watch the cowboys i know you don't want to work anything to get you out of work but but you can watch games and you can do everything else that they wouldn't have done on the sabbath under this old testament law yes god says i give the law and i change the law so whatever he says believe it he's therefore the lord thy god commanded thee to keep the sabbath to keep the sabbath so god what are the changes did you make for us who are here today let's come to our own time what has he told us to do well since god had given the law to moses and he had said that all priests under that law would have to come from the levitical priesthood that was his law and i have so many things going together that i i'm i'm trying to leave some of it out but you have to understand some things because when you get to priesthood you're going to find that when god made that last change that you can believe in he made every disciple back up every faithful follower of jesus a priest [Music] i said disciple because you can be a disciple and still not be a christian you remember paul found those disciples who had been baptized and still were not christians but did you not know that you're a priest yourself go to hebrews chapter 7 hebrews chapter 7 and begin with verse 11. therefore the bible says if therefore perfection were by the levitical now listen it's a good teaching rather than the book of hebrews about uh the levitical priesthood and how jesus didn't even come out of it uh he didn't come out of the tribe of levi uh and he wouldn't have been a priest according to that that's in hebrews hebrews hebrews that reminds me of the man and woke up in bed and told his wife he said bring me some coffee and the wife said no you go and get it the bible says that you that the man's supposed to make coffee he said where is that in the bible i'm not getting out of this being until you show me that in the bible she written and got a bible she said here it is right here he brews [Laughter] [Music] now you got bible for it he must do the ruling but seriously read in the book of hebrews about the change the change so i gave you the humor to wake some of you up and now some of you may have to give some coffee to keep you awake now hebrews 7 11 the book says what if they're for perfection if they're for perfection whereby the levitical priesthood the levitical priesthood well under it the people received the law the people received the lord what further and not be be called after the order of theirs right to the order of whom of aaron oh aaron reeve for the priesthood now get this from the priesthood being trained being chained there is made of necessity here is made of necessity a change also of the law so of the law come on down well who changed the law the same one who made the lord the same one who gave the lord the same one who says i am the lord and i change natural but i can change whatever i want to change yes sir yes so when you try to hold people to the sabbath and this priesthood that the roman catholics are trying to do about certain men can be priests and that's all just men in the church of christ every christian is a priest you don't have to go over in the corner whispering your sins to some man in the corner with a long dress on come on as a matter of fact little boys better stay out of them stay out of those corners i'm so glad i'm so glad that a christian can go to god in prayer for himself man a woman yes sir in the name of jesus go for yourself you are a priest revelation 1 5. he made us kings and priests when he washed us revelation 1 5 the bible says what and from jesus christ from jesus christ who is the faithful witness of faithful witness and the first begotten the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kingdoms of the earth of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us him that loved us and washed us and washed us from our sins from our sins and his own blood and have made us kings kings and priests and preached unto god kings and priests under god unto god and his father i'm a priest yes sir come on man i'm a king who's sight god's sight i don't need any man to ordain me or crown me i'm a priest you're a priest women you are a priest each one you go to god in the name of jesus god gave us different roles in certain areas and we know that but all of us who are in christ are equal for there is neither jew nor greek born male or female we we're all one galatians 3 28. we're one now change you can believe in that is whatever god says you can believe in it and you don't have to worry about his being voted out of office because no one voted him into office that's why federal judges can be so bold because they have appointment for life unless they impeach them like they just did one sorry to say he was from texas but god doesn't have to depend upon how we feel about him come on some people get upset even in the church of christ today there may be some people in here up said right now oh i just don't like that all kind of preaching whether you like it or not it's the bible yes sir yes sir and anybody who feels that you can disprove what i'm saying here tonight i'll give you the chance i'll let you stand here and show where we're wrong we believe in jesus we believe his message we love god and we love his word and we're not afraid to preach his word one little preacher at least they thought he was intimidated when he preached something and he said something that just didn't go over right he he looked at his audience and he said i think most of you in here are on your way to hell oh the elders got angry they said let's tell this young man right now he won't he won't be preaching for this church anymore if he keeps that up we we don't want negative preaching we don't want any negative negative preaching they call him aside he said son we don't want negative preaching in this church we don't have that we want all positive preaching and if you don't preach a positive sermon next sunday then we're going to have to let you go young man thought about it next sunday he got up he said brothers and sisters the elders want positive preaching and i'm here to give you some positive preaching he said because i am positive now um i think all of you in here are on your way to hell he said and i'm very positive about that well i'm not that bad and and we don't we don't try to instill that in you know our young men who are planning to preach at southwestern use some finesse and and and let your words be with grace and season with salt but don't let your words be so sweet that you compromise the and truth tell people that they are lost because you don't want to hurt anybody's feelings yes [Music] so god made the changes now what has it changed well first of all he he changed from the old testament he fulfilled and even in the old testament vermont 31 31 we won't read it now and you find it in hebrews 8 as well god said the day is coming then i'm going to make a new covenant with the house of israel in the house of judah not according to the covenant that i made with their fathers when i took them by the hands and led them out of egypt which my covenant they broke although i was a husband man unto them but god said when i when i make them my children i like this what he says about the new testament age your sins and iniquities will i remember no more under the old covenant sacrifices and offerings made every year read hebrews but jesus one time this one time i preached that circling sometime once upon a cross you know we start off the fairy tales with once upon a time yes sir and we close out with and they lived happily ever yes sir when you better believe once upon the cross something happened and if you don't adhere to what happened on the cross you're not going to live happily ever after amen you're going to be eternally lost and what god wants you to do he wants you to become a new testament christian right and in doing that it means that you have to listen to jesus for the lord came by moses but grace and truth came by jesus christ and we talked last night from psalm 85 where grace and truth and mercy all met together and kissed they will work and the book says there and and and righteousness truth will look down from heaven in other words god is in charge of all of it amen now the invitation of the lord not mine i'm not opening the doors of the church they were open 2 000 years ago all i'm asking you to do is to make the decision to come in by coming forward and taking a seat here on the front and these brethren will meet you and continue to help you in your obedience to jesus come to jesus right now as together we stand will you come [Music] will you come to [Music] come to jesus [Applause] give your life to christ to jesus [Music] come to jesus come to jesus just as you are just as you are [Music] waiting not
Channel: Herb Evans
Views: 187
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: uruTV8oyOf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 22sec (3502 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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