Sunday Evening Bible Study - September 26, 2021 *Homecoming Edition*

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um [Music] um [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you're worthy [Music] and i [Music] i praise you oh [Music] jesus rose with all power in his hands jesus rose [Music] foreign [Music] jesus rose [Music] [Music] tell me that he died [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus jesus rose [Music] jesus rose [Music] welcome to this evening bible class maybe pray oh hearing father we come to you at this time thank you for your many wonderful blessings thank you for allowing us to uh come tonight on tonight to study another portion of your word or heavenly father or even father we just ask you to forgive us of our sins rather than by rare thoughts of death oh heavenly father we just pray for our sick and shut in at this time we just pray that you will give them a reason for some health and strength or heavenly father we ask you to be with our brave families at this time we just asked you to just wrap your loving arms around them in this time of bereavement oh heavenly father we just thank you for everything you have done and we just thank you for everything you have blessed us with and this is our praying your son jesus christ's name amen and now our beloved minister randall f tucker senior hello greetings family and friends welcome to bible study this special edition of sunday evening bible study is brought to you by the south union church of christ as we are celebrating homecoming 2021 we've had a wonderful time in the lord on today our guest minister has just preached the paint off of the walls and we're thankful to have you here with us for this special bible study time listen we hope things are well with you and your family and we know that the lord is still in the blessing business family we have a reason to praise his holy name as we gather here on today we invite you to navigate over on your electronic devices make sure that you secure your bibles so that you will receive your blessing right on time is there anyone here who's in need of a blessing do you desire a stronger walk with the lord do you need more peace more joy for the journey well you've come to the right place beside me here is the evangelist of the hour brian moss out of lake como church of christ fort worth texas doc we are happy to have you here and i know that everyone online is just thrilled to see you in the studio with us man how are you feeling on today listen i am glad to be here once again i want to say thank you to all of you for those of you who are in person with us this morning and for those of you joining us online we had a good time in the lord on today as a matter of fact not just today but all weekend long even the children's program just an amazing job i'll tell you listen south union is the place to be this weekend man south union is the place to be well we appreciate you man uh we we know that those that were here with us in person worship uh were just thrilled at your lesson that you presented and you challenged us i mean you inspired us and we appreciate your study uh and and the way that you presented it it was just so smooth and so fluid i'm gonna tell you all something if i had a dream team list of preachers brian moss would definitely have a spot on the team i am thrilled to not only have him be my covenant brother but this is my friend and he's a friend to us here at the south union church of christ but if you don't mind take us into the study on tonight set it up and let's see what thus saith the lord all right feminine again i appreciate the opportunity to come and to share and we're going to take a look back at the same text that we looked at this morning we'll look at this text from a different perspective because i believe that in this season the people of god need to understand something about purpose we talked about purpose being this idea that god had us on his mind that's what we talked about this morning and and we take that a step further and say that purpose biblically defined is an intended outcome that guides planned activities i want you to remember that it's an intended outcome that guides planned activities and so i want to go back to jeremiah chapter one jeremiah chapter one and we're gonna read it again chapter one verse number four jeremiah chapter one verse number four and verse number five where the bible says then the word of the lord came unto me saying before i formed you in the belly i knew you and before thou came his forth out of the womb i sanctified you and i ordained you a prophet to the nations just like this morning what i want to do if it's okay with you whenever i read the word of god family i just believe that prayer for in and reading of the word of god ought to go together i mean listen we ought to be able to talk to our heavenly father as we to help to ask him to help us to prepare to understand the word that he's given us and so i'm gonna go to god and what a prayer i want y'all to pray right along with us great god of heaven we bow our heads and humble submission and adoration lord we are grateful to be numbered among your children and we thank you lord that you had us on your mind before the beginning of time and lord we ask that as we open up this text and begin to study your word that you would guide our thoughts that you would guide our tongue and let everything we say and do serve the dual purpose of bringing you glory and blessing your people lord we love you and we thank you in jesus name let every child of god say amen amen and amen hallelujah yes so so family you got to remember the baseline is this idea of purpose it's the reason that something exists or the reason something is done the purpose for which we have come to this place and i i want to begin by suggesting that god is a god of purpose god doesn't do anything accidentally god doesn't do anything coincidentally but god does everything intentionally let me be clear he's a god of intention he there there are no accidents there there are no mistakes with god there there are no happenstance with god no god is a god of purpose he's god of intent and but most importantly he's a god of providence yes sir providence family providence is aware that every one of us believers needs to come to no man we gotta get it providence will make you praise every son if you when you understand prophecy your preacher won't have to preach so hard talks the worship leader won't have to sing so hard listen when you understand providence you will wake up in the morning and with a thank you on your lips amen providence is this idea that god is not bound by time and circumstance like you and i and so what god does in his infinite wisdom omnipotent power and omniscient knowledge is he stands above time and he can go ahead of time all right and so god has already gone ahead of time with his plan and with his purpose all right and so now he steps back into our time to prepare us for what he's playing for praise his holiness and so we we gotta we gotta remember i get excited about that because sometimes we don't understand all right while we're going through what we're going through we don't understand why we have to face what we're facing but what the only we don't need to understand everything all the time as a matter of fact the bible says lean not to your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your past and so so we don't always need to understand everything but one thing we do here we understand that god does amen because god is a god of purpose god is a god who has a plan god is a god of intention god is a god who says i've got to prepare you for the plan and the purpose that lies ahead of you that's that's at the heart tucker of what he was trying to tell jeremiah in jeremiah chapter one verse number five you know as you speak about an intention plan and a purpose there are those that are watching right now studying with us and perhaps there are some things that are perplexing you and your life right now if you would just take a moment and share with us in the live chat drop a line and let us know where are you in this season of transition there are many things going on uh overtly as well as covertly some things are not always on the exterior but they are going on on the interior on the inside and when you look at all of the peaks and the valleys that are within our current society how important is purpose in a time such as this oh wow what what what a great question and there's a great question for for a number of reasons let me point out one okay because like like the preacher said we are in a time of transition not just you not just me but everybody around the world is trying to figure out what the world is going to look like next so we've had peaks and valleys and we've had problems and one one of the things that purpose does is purpose makes two promises purpose makes two man you know i'm gonna have to pull on that where are you going with this preacher all right y'all walk with me walk with me family purpose makes two promises yeah number one purpose promises problems okay you you read the reason why god had to remind jeremiah that i knew you before i formed you okay okay did you hear what i just said i knew you before i formed you and so before there ever was a manifestation of your physical presence god knew you he literally had you on his mind before the beginning of time and he knew your personality he knew your propensities he knew he knew that you would even have problems as a matter of fact job uh when he talked about problems said man that is born a woman is a few days but those days are full of trouble trouble just another word from problems and all of us got them y'all listen to this real quick it in my life i have learned one thing all right problems have no respect a person don't care if you were rich or poor from the north side of the south side don't don't care what your pedigree is probably will hunt you down zero discrimination zero hey hey full disclosure problems don't care who you are yeah white or black young yeah oh let me ask because you you bring up problems um speak a moment if you could to purpose uh while dealing with problems why is it even so so important to remember your purpose absolutely absolutely now remember everything's gonna come back to our definition of purpose okay planned activities okay with an anticipated outcome all right all right the purpose is your guide purpose should guide your activity right david knew something about purpose but he also knew something about problem joseph knew something about purpose but he also knew something about problems if we look at joseph's life joseph was given god's plan and and and god's purpose early in life but his whole life he had to face problems but because he understood that god's plan and god's purpose on his life should guide his activity even when he encountered problems he stuck to god's plan glory because so so when when you encounter problems on your job or your kind of problems on in in your family when your kind of problems at home we all gonna have them the question is what is going to guide our activity in spite of those problems well i believe let me point out another verse we'll come back to jeremiah okay we shout you see how loud i got right there because i'm excited about this we shout on romans 8 and 28 and we know and we know that all things work together for the good of those who love the lord yeah and are called according to his purpose okay and and we shout on that and we look doesn't matter what happened the preacher come up and sure show up to your problem and we quote this version they make us all feel better the problem with with quoting that scripture about god's plan about god's purpose is romans 8 28 don't work without romans 8 29 romans 8 28 don't work if you don't apply romans 8 and 29 bring us up preacher romans 8 29 has to do with you and your guided activity your guided activity activity it should it should put you in a place where you conform to the image of his son and so everything you do and say your activity in life peaks and valleys okay good days and bad days you got to make sure that that stuff helps you come into the image of jesus christ because it is then in romans 8 29 that you can live in romans 8 28. so the the the conformity to the image of christ is connected to purpose is that absolutely don't you remember y'all remember jesus in the garden of gethsemane sweating drops of blood but god he didn't want to do it he didn't want to go to the cross yeah you remember lord if it be that we'll let this cup pass from this cup pass all of us have been through some things but we wish the lord would let that cover let this cope pay you bitter cup you can open up a six month revival let i think i might preach that when i get back to lake como let this come please let this cup pass that's what he's saying yeah but but then he came back and said lord it's not my will but but thyme will a will a plan and a purpose yeah those are all synonyms those are words that are used for the same purpose hold on a wheel a plan and a purpose yes i mean some someone needs to hear this right now in this moment in time a will a plan and a purpose god has a will god has a plan and a purpose for your life uh there may be someone here who is feeling disheartened feeling down uh discouraged speak a word to those that are watching right now that are experiencing some trials and some times of testing yes sir yes sir so you asked a question what what about the issues right yeah right so so pro purpose has two promises purpose promises problems okay right that's the first thing you remember i'm gonna answer your question but i wanted to to to nail that down let's drill down on this because it's important for you to know that being a child of god being a christian being called as much as jeremiah was called he was called to be a prophet to the nations what the text said he still had problems he still and it was funny because the very people who he was called to help were the ones if i was at lake como i would say this is a different way but the very people who he was called to help were the people that were trying to hurt him you talk about problems when you're loving somebody and they won't treat you right when you know you're praying for somebody but they talking about you behind your back everybody we're gonna have these problems that's the first problem to address your questions the second promise that purpose makes is purpose always comes with deliverance okay the the prophet i mean the psalmist said psalm 34 and 17 many of the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers us from them all that's good all by itself let's do it all by itself so you you you put your your problems in the chat we all we see them we we understand we empathize and sympathize with you but we want you to take consolation in knowing that although you will have problems god's promise is that he will deliver you from them praise the name of jesus praise the mighty name of jesus sir uh did somebody hear that listen share this message i pray that you share this bible class with as many people as you possibly can we all have problems we all have times of testing we are all going through some things the exterior may look shiny it may look bright yet through it all we will be tested and christians are not exonerated no they're not immune that's right are not exempt from times of testing that's right that's right sometimes sometimes you will suffer and deal with tests because you are christian you know with everything going on around the world um i i sit on the board of an international missions organization called missions resource network you can look at something it's a great organization and we have people um all over the world around the mediterranean rim but we also have people in afghanistan okay and when the taliban i don't want to get too political i don't get too political but i want to make a make a point to tell you how it is that purpose plays a role even in your pain okay the the church is growing incredibly fast at a time when literally this is 2021 because the taliban took over afghanistan they are they have a list of people who call themselves christians and they're going house to house pulling them out and if they confess christ if they don't deny christ they will be put to death wow and and and the chief family among those whom we support in afghanistan sent us an email he sent the president of my organization an email and he said that they have decided not to leave afghanistan in the basement in the midst of all this when the american government is creating an avenue for them to escape right real life persecution now we're not talking about nobody talking about you it's not bible classes this is not bible class rolling their eyes on you at work or people hating on you that's not what we're talking we're talking about real life persecution death sentence death sentence these these christians sent us nemo to say that they do not want to leave but instead of leaving on one of those american planes to come to america and leave that persecution they are literally going house to house to try to share the gospel of jesus christ while they have a chance now can you imagine i want you to think about they understand that the purpose for the people of god is to share the message of jesus christ that's the overarching purpose that jesus came jesus came to seek him to save the lost and he died to save all of us at least we can do in america is look at god's purpose and plan for our lives and say if jesus is willing to die for me right then i should be willing to live for him come on come on come on come on come on and you know uh this is an interesting subject that you bring up because it's online real time we're not talking about something that was dated years ago we're not talking about something that was biblical uh as far as it's happening existentially that's right in this moment right now we're living in times of persecution where overseas the kind of freedoms and liberties that we enjoy are unheard of yet there are those who are standing for jesus in the midst of it all now that's powerful family i don't know who's listening right now and and i hope that this is blessing your life because when you when you naked down when you scale it down and bring it closer to home the issues that we're facing here while they are great pale literally in comparison to being killed for your faith that's right that's right we forget we live in a bubble in america we live in a bubble in america and we have so many freedoms and so much protection that we we don't understand that every christian around the world does not live in our own experience and and so i wanted to take this opportunity to remind us think about your brothers and sisters who live in a different place who have a different set of circumstances and that was your brother and your and his family your sister in christ who decided that purpose outweighs their problems and that they would serve god's purpose by my mind instead of living in prosperity just think about that for me my my my purpose is heavier than my problems yes sir yes sir yes sir that that that's worth uh tweeting again that's that's worth hash tagging we would call that and they cover a sticky statement that's a sticky statement yeah yeah yeah you you got to see it that way you have to see so so so as we as we uh land this saramonic study on tonight um bring us back to jeremiah in the setting in which he finds himself it is imperative it is paramount that he remembers his purpose because he is faced with so many problems and let's speak to those who are with us right now who may be going through some times of difficulty who are experiencing some seasons of heartache and pain let's give them some hope to hold on to god's unchanging hand and to know that your purpose outweighs your problem here it is family god wanted to tell jeremiah the same thing i want to tell you god knew you before he formed you all right he knew you before he forms you which means that he knew your ends and your outs your idiosyncrasies he knew your secrets he knew your shortcomings he he knows us and he formed us but more important than just forming us he also anointed us he's given you everything you need text says that he sanctified it which means that he set him up and set him aside to serve his purpose you remember that the next time you have to face problems watch the text the reason why this is at the beginning is because god wanted you to remember when the going gets tough yeah and you face difficulties and the winds of worry start to blow in your life i knew you and i formed you i sanctified you i anointed you and i called you you're ready you can handle it and understand this when you prioritize purpose here's what the bible says no matter what your problem is we know that all things work together yes for the good to those who love the lord and are called according to his purpose amen amen amen and praise god it is our prayer that someone has been encouraged if you've been encouraged by this study just type into the live chat drop us a line let us know how encouraged you've been from the powerful preached word of god you know the word of god uh allows us to go through pressure but keeps pressure from going through us oh that's that's heavy right there that's rich uh when we look at that man and just listening to you uh as god has spoken through you i pray that someone connects with this lesson we are not all in the same place we are not all uh starting from the same position or point yet we all have situations and problems that uh don't have to overtake us we are here to encourage the family of god we are blessed to be in this moment of study and we want someone to be inspired we want someone to be encouraged we want those that are listening to remember you're not in it alone you're not in it by yourself we are praying as we collectively blend our prayers as the righteous as the faithful you know it's easy to say that we are the righteous when we are not being oppressed that's right that's right yet what do we do when the pressure shows up i pray that the savior shows out and that is that he shines through me and through you amen this has been a blessing on tonight we are thankful that you've chosen to tune in with us and remember uh that you can call us we can unite together in prayer the number is right here at the bottom of your screen if you desire a stronger walk with the lord perhaps you would like further biblical investigation of spiritual truth we don't want you to hesitate call the number and uh whatever you have whatever bible question you have we guarantee you that we will provide you with a bible answer perhaps you would like for us to partner with you in prayer you're facing some critical and vital decisions in your life and you know that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous available much just call us and partner with us and we'll be more than happy uh to pray with you as god continues to bring you out bring you over and carry you through now as we land tonight you know what i'm getting ready to say and they do too here at south union we love you and there's not a thing that you can do about it may god bless you may god keep you have a wonderful week you will get your breakthrough god bless [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] put a smile on my face [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: South Union CoC Media
Views: 364
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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