Crunch 393 - The OASISAUR, Custom Cosmetics & Mods - ARK Survival Ascended

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all right folks Community crunch 393 dropped early this morning and brought with it a few bits of rather intriguing news starting with the first look at a brand new creature coming with the frontier Adventure Pack that will launch alongside Scorch to Earth at the start of April and I I honestly I don't know what to say to this this is the The Oasis saw some sort of giant levitating crab SL Island I it's absolutely huge for a start I mean obviously is uh is any sort of mobile base needs to be on the larger side but this looks like it could potentially be one of the largest creatures in the game maybe only being beaten by the length of something like the Mosasaur or or Le this but it is absolutely gigantic and honestly I I just don't know what to make of it as you can see we've got two decently sized structures on the back back there and what appears to be megalosaur and there's still loads and loads of room this thing is colossal in fact if we use that kendro down there as a a bit of a measurement it is approximately 10 and a half kendos wide is and the kentro is roughly 7 m in the game so we can make an estimate based on the concept at least of somewhere between about 70 and 75 M wide that is absolutely enormous it won't be the single largest creature in the game obviously things like the the tameable Titans or even the titanosaur are going to be bigger but that is still huge I have to assume it's going to be pretty slow for something this big I I can't imagine they want a mobile base that can fly and zoom around at high speed so it's probably going to have some drawback there and I'll be really interested to know what the taming method is could we be seeing something perhaps along the lines of the the titanosaur where you have to use a cannon to take it down or are we're going with something more passive like the mega Kell who knows at this point all we can do is just speculate there is very little information with this picture simply that it is called The Oasis saw and this is a gentle giant standing as a living Sanctuary offering protection and sustenance to all creatures in its vicinity a unique ability to create a safe haven it Shields play from environmental threats and hostile creatures but has little defense against other players so feeding creatures I assume this means it's therefore going to have berries growing on its back or maybe it'll be like the mega Kell's oxygen in that it just naturally refills the food bar of anything on its back but creating a safe haven shielding from environmental threats so potentially no weather if you're on its back maybe it doesn't look like it has any sort of Dome Shield or anything attached to it I mean that'll be a bit weird very techy but uh yeah shielding from environmental threats and hostile creatures maybe things simply don't aggro on it maybe that's all it means by shielding maybe it simply hides them from nearby creatures aggro I have to imagine something like this is going to be a pretty rare spawn not something that you know hangs around in in groups as that would really take up quite a lot of the map but maybe instead it's something like the the CLE maybe it's simply doesn't land at all until it's tamed and you have to go and get it down from the air you take a Wy up and go after it uh that way the map would get some new interesting aesthetic of having essentially floating islands flying around in the skies above you again though this is all coming with the frontier Adventure Pack that comes alongside scorched Earth not what I expected honestly I mean with a name like Frontier adventure and all the stuff we've seen so far of having sort of trains and Cowboy sort of based skins I was really expecting the new creature to be something in that same theme possibly something like the Bison that's appeared in many of the community votes um this is a complete departure from anything I expected honestly really really like the look of it it looks great but definitely not what I would expected in a good way you know it's nice to be surprised so that is the Oasis saw the the biggest news of the day moving on from there though we have uh I think what is the next most interesting and unexpected in the custom Cosmetics it says we are introducing an upgraded Cosmetic System letting players Forge their own visual masterpieces for structures costumes and more best of all they can be used on any server without the need to download a mod it can all happen under your client including on a official servers decorate your bases and suit up how you would like in a later update these custom visuals will automatically download in the background while you explore so get ready to discover fresh surprises on structures items and characters every time you venture around the AR so players can add their own Cosmetics you can skin your character how you want skin your buildings how you want and as somewhere else comes towards your base it will automatically download them for the other player to see that is again hugely unexpected currently we have skins as part of mods of course but it's all dependent on what the server is running and so everyone's got access to the same skins this says it is available on official servers which as we know do not typically use mods and more specifically it says without needing a mod so it sounds like you can just upload them and I'm a bit curious I love the concept but any game in the past that has tried to do an option for players just uploading whatever they want has never gone well it says here that you can do costumes and well this seems like we're just heading straight into extremely lwd territory where you're going to travel around the ark and suddenly oh dear there it is but there are honestly so many good applications for this maybe you've got a favorite skin from a favorite universe that you would really love to apply to AR do you want to look like a a vampire or a knight or or a Ninja Master Chief a a stormtrooper who knows it all depends on what they allow wondering if maybe someone's going to be able to disguise themselves as a tree bit of extra PVP benefit there really just comes down to what they limited on and are they going to to vet these things when you upload it will you have to wait for it to be approved or is it simply just running something straight off your system that players download when they get close we'll have to wait and see but it is uh it is big news and exciting and completely again unexpected next up we have the knowledge that premium mods are coming for the first time on January 31st it says high quality mods moderated by curse Forge and wild card so they have to actually allow the mod To Go premium by the looks of it but premium paid mods are coming starting at the end of the month so far the only one I know of that will for certain be coming premium at some point I I don't know when but at some point it is confirmed that SP offheim will be turning into a premium mod although with the current version being stated to stay as a sort of a demo a tester so you can decide if you like the map before you want to to pay for the full version it's going to be interesting to see what other mods decide to go down the premium route cuz obviously modding can involve quite a lot of work especially if there are custom models and animations in there but the community hasn't really reacted particularly well to the concept of paid mods so far so who knows uh who knows how many creators will take that risk and speaking of mods lastly we have the uh the simple game framework this is the arc development kit the the dev kit update that is coming again at the end of the month it says we'll be releasing an update to the development kit that provides more ways to bend Arc to your imagination and then we have an example there calling super Arc Bros a new upcoming by the sounds of it official two-player sidescrolling mod now obviously this is quite a departure from the uh the regular Arc gameplay says it uses absolutely zero gameplay code from ASA unsurprising when you look at it but is instead just stripped back right down to the unreal Basse classes so essentially any game that can be made in unreal 5 can now be made as a mod for Arc it still uses all the arc assets of course you've still got all the models there you know dinos the structures the players the environment all those are still involved it is still an arc based mod but none of the game play so if you want a puzzle game or something like a maybe a strategy you know may maybe it's a top- down strategy game where you you tame dinos and send them at another person's base you can do all of that if you've got the knowhow and the patience you can sit down and turn it into a mod that would be accessible through the in-game menu the same way that something like survival of the fittest is done you join a server and you are playing a completely different game it is again going to be extremely interesting to see where people take this in AR survival evolved there was a I believe a mod map that sort of tried to turn the game into something like evolve you have a a Reaper versus a bunch of of hunters trying to fight and and evolve the reaper from its lavel state into a full-blown Reaper King as the game progresses that was already quite a departure from the main Arc gameplay but at least it was still a first or third person sort of shooter but this this could be something completely different entirely different Jumers it's it's going to be interesting but I we won't see the first of these kind of mods for for quite a while as they're not going to be a particularly small undertaking for anyone out there and there we have it that's all the major news that was dropped last night there's been a a bunch of new things lately all very exciting and hopefully we get to see a little more soon especially with the uh the Center supposedly coming at the end of next month maybe a bit of a teaser trailer soon or or something more about the giganto Raptor who know knows for now though thank you very much for watching let me know what you think of all this down in the comments I will see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Freyn
Views: 2,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freyn, survival game, survival crafting, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, ark news, ASA news, ark premium mods, ark oasisaur, ark new creature, ark scorched earth, ark DLC, ark adventure pack, ark frontier pack, ark 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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