Jurassic world Chaos Theory episode 1 full episode

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[Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] this is not a test dinosaurs have been sighted off Route 693 near M marker 7 Department of prehistoric Wildlife officers have been dispatched repeat this is not a test dinosaurs have been sighted off Route 693 near mile marker 7 Department of prehistoric Wildlife officers have been dispatched repeat DPW passers have been dispatched please avoid the area [Music] DPW dispatch we've got eyes on the prize copy just sit tight keep your [Music] distance what you f that is an 8,000 Packy rhinosaurus you want to try hauling it out of here [Music] unconscious no good answer now why don't you go back to the truck grab a net launcher and put the Tran rifle away before you what do we do what do we do what do we do [Music] Ronnie Darius seems like you uh got yourself into a bit of a pickle here yeah well I had a little help I gathered that easy Tex what are you doing I got this hopefully hey there big fella whoa now just relax just came by to say hi who easy easy now I don't know what your beef with these nice DPW officers is but why don't we cool things down a bit you know a friend of mine claims you can understand what I'm saying but I think you're probably just responding to the dulit tone of my voice either way just going to keep on talking to you nice and soft like this easy easy wao easy there come on now be [Music] nice hey that can't feel too good no wonder you were acting out [Music] [Music] it's okay [Music] thanks for not making me look stupid you're Darius Bowman Ronnie that's Darius Bowman it sure is bring it in kid uh how do you two know each other I used to be his boss now if you're this desperate to chase dinosaurs we'd gladly have you back at the DPW not all dinosaurs just the one I know it's not what you want to hear but catching that dinosaur won't won't bring your friend back you really ought to start charging for all this free advice I'm serious me too you can make a lot of money okay well any leads on our elusive osaurus been sightings in this general area when the alert came over the radio I thought this might be it you officially I should say leave it to the professionals but just be [Laughter] careful you sure you don't want to come back it'd be real nice to work with someone competent again hey careful it's still dangerous I think he likes me why you so quiet now big guy sh [Music] look out [Music] oh [Music] h [Music] you okay I almost had her Ronnie no wonder we haven't caught her yet she's fast oh so so fast I almost took a shot at her too but then I was like oh wait I don't have my rifle you do you you have my rifle I was this close Target ided headed towards Marshall Ridge all units needed to assist we got to go Darius no no no no no you're not DPW anymore no I am not therefore you cannot go after the Allosaurus would didn't dream of it and you take that back ma'am don't even want it got no use for it Darius please go home and uh fix your tire it's [Music] flat that kid's been a lot you think I can't imagine being abandoned on a dinosaur infested Island I'm not talking about the island I'm talking about what happened after Marshall rid hey hey B it's me I saw it again the Allosaurus I almost had it but I know where it's heading so I'm going to go home and gear up it won't get away this time I'll get it all right call you after [Music] [Music] Marshall Ridge Marshall Ridge Marshall Ridge yes [Music] you've reached the bman leave a message hey bro it's [Music] bran why I know the self service is spotty up there but since Mom can't get rid of anything nostalgic put that old school landline to use and break off a call to the fam so we know you're still alive and so stop worrying if you're eating okay oh Darius you there Hey Bren I thought maybe that phone gave out on us and I was going to have to check in on my little brother in person how you doing I'm good I'm I'm good bro bro bro who do you think you're talking to you're not good all right all right for real I'm working through some things I'm I'm better than I was how's that okay at least that's honest maybe it would help to talk to your cam fam Kenji maybe Kenji doesn't want to hear anything I have to say all right look mom would kill me if I didn't ask you this stuff you eating I'm eating not just just junk food right M mm- and you're staying out of trouble are you staying out of trouble mhm that's what I thought okay look just remember what dad always said don't get yourself into a situation you can't get out get out of listen you guys don't have to worry about me I'm okay look man I really ought to yeah yeah I know you take care of yourself some on my lover we'll do [Music] you have seven messages first message message deleted message delet message message message message message deleted no more messages and here with me live are the improbable survivors of the Jurassic world incident the new blar 6 these teens were tragically left behind while attending camp and presumed dead after the fall of East nublar then struggle to survive all all on their own for nearly a year how did you do it it's me no clue you got to look danger in the eye and laugh that's what I did with Toro this Carnotaurus I how about the one if yeah saving us from the mosasaurus or how Samy survived being poisoned by a dinosaur remember those monola whatever that got into the penthouse and we had to go down that Elevator Shaft you actually face down all those dinosaurs we sure did so I guess to answer your question we survived because we had each other so Gordy ow Brooklyn camp for [Music] Life h hello hello [Music] [Music] Darius your home Ben Ben I what are you doing here I never going to get used to this yeah me neither it is so great to see you U how's college um actually I'm taking a little break hey would you look at this place this is really wow great stuff man uh thanks look I know I haven't been in touch with you or well anyone lately but I I remember the view here is just breathtaking it is when it's not the middle of the night you get much rainfall Ben we've known each other for a long time and maybe it's time to tell me what you're doing here uh I kind of wanted to ease into it yeah I'd say that ship has sailed right okay okay um here it goes try not to freak out so that night that awful night that the Allosaurus the Allosaurus that's what this is about you're you're tracking the Allosaurus too what I saw it today Ben I'm heading after it again in the morning you can come with me we're going to need more supplies I almost had it I was so close I even called Brooklyn to tell her that wait what Darius Brooklyn is dead I know of course I know that it's just that I guess her dad's never deactivated her voicemail so sometimes I call her to hear a voice to tell her stuff to say I'm sorry it wasn't your [Music] fault we both know that is n true Ben I had met her that night like I said I would then she might no that's why I'm here it wouldn't have mattered Brooklyn's death was no accident she was targeted that Allosaurus is a wild animal Ben a Mindless killer when I finally got there when I saw it was a random dinosaur attack happens way too often these days it wasn't random there's too much coincidence what was Brooklyn even doing there that night she never told you did she and how did she and the Allosaurus end up at the same place at the same time how did the DPW truck respond so quickly why wasn't her phone recovered from the scene something's off I've been reading some stuff on dark Jurassic dark Jurassic that website where all those Rando share their weird dinosaur conspiracy theories we're actually an online community of like-minded individuals who Ben some of those theories are a lot more sane than you think come see I was on the site reading all about Allosaurus migration patterns and looking at leaked crime scene photos all of a sudden someone anonymously starts asking me if I was a member of the new 6 I figured it was a goof but then I started getting DMS hostile DMS asking why I was so interested in the night Brooklyn died look what they're not here someone must have deleted them look Ben it's been tough on all of us since we got back to the mainland don't patronize me Darius something is going on why do you keep turning off the lights because we're being hunted those messages I got they were threats whoever killed Brooklyn is coming after the rest of us too you me yes Sammy Kenji we're all in danger we have to find out why and who's after us before it's too late how do you know where's your proof I don't have any so you show up here prank call me then go on and on I didn't prank call you I didn't call you at [Music] all random dinosaur why didn't your fence alarm go off I closed the gate behind [Music] me if we stay quiet they'll just move on a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh crud
Channel: Eon Dude
Views: 272,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic world Chaos Theory episode 1 full episode, Jurassic world Chaos Theory episode 1, Jurassic world Chaos Theory, full episode, Jurassic world
Id: vaXBoQXm4gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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