I Tried to Catch a Megalodon With the NEW Nets in Stormworks Sinking Ship Survival!

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all right so we're back in the brand new storm Works update and we're going to be playing with the ship called the Blue Horizon and uh yeah we're going to try to capture some fish and we're going to try to capture a Megalodon which is probably not going to work at all but I think it's going to be absolutely awesome uh so you can kind of I guess consider this a sinking Survival cuz we all know where this is going to go but yeah look at that there is the net here we got to turn on our fish finder here that way we can locate set fish so go a and turn that on there uh on let's go a and activate it over here there we go and we need to turn to deeper waters uh let's go to the left here this looks like it's going to be pretty deep looks like the big islands are over to the right so yeah I just truly want to see how this net system works here uh are we detecting any fish around I'm not seeing anything I think this will go off up here and uh you'll see something over here on this fish finder uh but yeah this is awesome I've been waiting for a fish fishing update like this for forever you know last time we got the fishing rods which were cool but it didn't feel like it was going to be on the true like big awesome scale like Nets are so I've got both of the Nets released here they're actually up but if we move our arms out which we'll click both of those buttons you can see It'll move the net why does it look like there's no net over there did I release the net oh well we got a net on one side so there you go uh you can drag it out there and then oh and if we go net down here oh buddy okay so that's kind of down in the water now uh let's extend the net out there we go I mean we're dragging I don't know how effective this is going to be I think you just have to touch the fish with the net and they pretty much get stuck in it and then you could drag the net back up uh this boat which I don't know I must have released the net on the other side well we got to use it as a counterweight cuz we're listing right now uh so on let's lower this side over here let's go net down come on counter back a little bit there it goes it's starting to go up and then oh let's go extend net maybe the net is tucked up uh I don't I don't see the net on this side we might have broken it actually that looks like the buoys that were attached to said net so that must have been the release there well we got one net in uh on let's see if we can find some fish to drag through uh this is literally the first time I've attempted this oh that looks cool yeah we definitely screwed the net up on the other side uh so let's go ahead and start the turn real quick uh and see if we can oh we do have some in there look at that we've netted them up so as I suspect it they it's like a sticky material in the game and then yeah we can load it right back up put it on deck and there is a vacuum on this particular ship that will suck them down in the cargo hold uh so we've got that so let's go ahead and uh I guess we should leave the net out actually I want both Nets out so I'm going to have to reset the ship which there's a very unique way you could reset the ship it it advises you not to use the toilet you can imagine why all right so let's go ahead and retract the Nets on the sides here they're both on retract uh let's go ahead and go net uh actually no net up and then net up uh come on net you got you got to come up here on this side uh uhoh uh I might have really broken something here um I guess I could try to put this on doesn't sound like it's it's particularly wanting to go up on that side what if I tell the arm to come in here let's get the arm to come in on each side is does it clear the deck oh it does uh you still have to oh my goodness yeah you still want to try to turn them and get them to lock into the arms you can see where the magnets are and they'll not they'll lock the tops of the Nets up here uh of course I haven't done this quite right but you know yeah you get the point here you get what's happening and we caught some fish I mean they might be down below the ship right now but that's how Nets work simple enough right uh by the way I want my other net back so oh man I'm not feeling so well I've got to go to the bathroom uh you're probably asking well what's in the bathroom kodo well there's a toilet and it just says flush me so when we go flush me it goes not going to lie I didn't read the description the first time and I discovered that the toilet was a thing the hard way I was like oh it says flush me and I clicked it and exploded so um yeah let's go get another ship okay it is back looks like both Nets are there so I'm going to go Ahad and just crank this up this uh ship is extremely extremely easy to use all you got to do is go down in the engine room click click three switches and it's pretty much good uh by the way you got little like weather monitors and stuff down here also check this out here in the back there's a fish tank I'm assuming this is where it sucks the fishes into all right so we'll go up here uh Go and show you guys startup procedure let's go actually probably should do generator first and then you got your start engines and then you simply just go back up to the top uh there is a system button and the ship's pretty much ready to go uh pretty awesome little fish fishing vessel here I like it a lot so yeah we go up here let's turn on our lights uh system on and then we are ready to roll out just push forward turn that fish finder back on you never know if you're going to find a a massive fish here and yeah I'm going to wait until we get in a position where I think I might be able to like hit the Megalodon in the open I'm just curious if it sticks to the Nets cuz that's the way it works it's not like a system where you have to wrap around the fish I think it's more of a sticky something so in theory actually can we catch sharks too sharks are a thing I feel like you should be able to catch those I don't know we're going to test it all out here today uh folks uh probably going to die but it's going to be worth it uh we got an awesome ship to do this in not going to lie it's an immediate drop off here this is this is probably good okay let's make sure the ship I could turn on the auto pilot you know maybe it's not a uh not a bad idea so we are currently heading uh let's say let's go out here to this area so I'm going to set a waypoint out here and then we're going to tell this thing to go out that way so we'll set this we'll go input and then autopilot and yeah it's going to turn slightly to the right here but uh that should take us to fairly deep Waters plus I don't have to worry about the helm right now it's uh taking care of itself okay so I'm going to click Secure net so that drops the magnet and then we want to go net up so we'll bring it up on each side here uh one side's gone the other side is coming up so yeah the Nets are secure uh it sometimes it like gets a little stuck I think it's just uh stuck against some of the things on the deck so I don't think we want to click release that might release the whole thing so let's go arms out there we go all right Nets are off the side this one's having a little bit of issues here there it goes all right so it's dragged itself off all right so let's do that let's go ahead and extend the Nets out uh so we'll click those on each side extend them to their fullest uh that way it's dragging plenty of Nets so I'm going to have to play with the throttle but hold on let's confirm that Nets are in the water all right there they go uh one's a little further up I think it's like halfway caught up on the boat this uh the left one was a really clean release look how wide that thing gets okay it's still extending hold on let's go ahead and stop uh on both sides that should be enough net in the water we should be dragging enough to where we can get the Megalodon I'm going to try to shake this other one off real quick just to see if I can get the net to come down it's caught up in the boat a little bit uh it's starting to extend on the right side so I mean it's probably enough this left one I didn't realize you can get him that far down that's pretty awesome not going to lie okay Megalodon should be in the water uh is my fish finder gone off any yeah they've completely changed the fish logic like they I think they run around in like different areas us and I don't know if they run around in schools we caught some earlier but I haven't seen any out here uh so far we should probably just keep our eyes peeled for you know Big Fish uh I don't know what's going to happen why you just get caught in it and just drag us down uh that maybe even the uh the Kraken I wonder if it could interact with the net I mean they should know that this going to be like one of the first things I try I do like the and appreciate the fishing aspect it would be kind of fun to do like a career fishing mode or fishing career whatever you want to call it I think that'd be kind of fun take them and sell them at the markets you know it's super Eerie out here right now it's it's just quiet like I've spawned in the Megs but they haven't shown up maybe they know I've got Nets out right now uh is there a spear gun hold I didn't even check I don't see a spear gun in the uh there's equipment on the back of the boat there uh I was kind of hoping maybe that'd be a thing we could probably try to spear The Thing Once We if we can catch it uh let's see I just need to be able to turn and position my Nets uh ideally uh you don't let them touch they're probably going to go for the rear of the boat oh look we caught a fish there's one in the net right now uh but yeah ideally they don't touch the boat at all and we swing and we just hit them with the net and hopefully it Tangles up the shark all right folks there it is uh we got it to the rear of the ship let's go ahead and back off the throttle a little bit okay autopilot is off okay it is in perfect position I got to be able to turn though last moment we do not want this thing to collide with the engine come on baby all it's starting to catch oh this is tense is this going to work I mean it'd be amazing if it did uh or is it going to just run right through my Nets uh oh don't turn oh it turned okay I got to turn with it it's probably going to swing back around to the left side okay you're going to try to hit me right on the on uh is it going to turn left it's going to try to hit me on the right side I might that left side there uh it's just swimming you know maybe we should cut it off all right I'm going to Full Throttle it here uh oh my goodness okay I'm going to turn come on baby oh you're turning away maybe you maybe it understands the net and it's like no I don't want to have anything to do with this okay so it just Dove down oh if I can drag right over it all right oh we are in pursuit of this thing and oh it's going to come up out of the water okay come on turn this way I don't know how a shark can move like that shark physics okay oh we're going to cut it off here here we go come on baby get it with the net oh it's so close oh it's going to turn oh I hit it it wait wait uhoh uh uh-oh uh-oh wait is it caught in the net hold on the Nets it's goes through it but did it wait is it stuck no it broke out uhoh um hold on we have an issue here we have a okay close that please um shark we get assistance to go back over so can't confirm oh the net wait the Nets are just out just dangling yeah they don't stick to it I mean I kind of felt like that was going to be a thing now we are in a very very terrible position um well if this thing doesn't stick into it there's no way that Kraken sticks into it right is the shark showing up on the fish finder um unfortunately I don't think that's a thing um we're in a death trap right now is there a way to get out of wait I can go up through the hatch uh how do we want to escape this thing we're this is an emergency situation hold on I need to get eyes on that shark again um we are probably slowly taking on water here oh uh maybe it's just leaking in the fish tank how is this thing running at the moment wait where' the shark go did we scare it off I mean we we definitely touched it with the net um okay let me see if I can get out can I use the ladder is it going to flip me upside down oh uh okay climb up uh I want to do the hatch real quick I I hear something all right we are upside down in the boat right now oh wait there's fishing rods where's the spear guns at um oh here they are all right let's just put on our diving equipment uh unfortunately this thing is going to have to probably sink to the bottom of the ocean I've got my spear gun with me where did the shark go um you know it's like the Megalodon went in for its attack and it immediately forgot about us I'm going to climb up here let's see if we can lure it back to the boat there's still a chance that it runs through those Nets but I it looked like it just went right through it I was kind of hoping there was going to be at least a little bit of a physics detection there all right here we go oh wow this spear gun drops immediately I I really hope do I have more Spears uh at least have wait is this even loaded up um come on you stupid fish come over here uhoh uhoh you know I should have just went normal fishing today I could have just turned in my catch at uh one of the the places or guess there's markets somewhere I think that's actually a market over there that's what I should have done I shouldn't have done this all right here comes oh I don't have any more left oh my goodness it just punt it oh did you at least hit the Nets again um it is going to spear my ship into the bottom of the ocean I I I think oh there's an explosion in there I'm pretty sure did I just kill it wait nope it's still swimming that I don't think I've ever seen a shark completely take out a ship like that um I'm pretty sure my ship doesn't run anymore all right well that's a a myth busted uh you no it just doesn't work the shark cannot be captured with a net now here's a question to you guys at home if you had multiple Nets like does it interact with it at all would you have to double maybe triple the Nets uh to get it to work oh my goodness that thing is going to the bottom of the ocean well I mean technically we had like a sinking chip today um wasn't quite the way I was wanting it to work out but we tried it nonetheless surprised we haven't gotten eaten by another shark we should probably get the heck out of here
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 52,974
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Keywords: megalodon, stormworks sinking ship, stormworks fishing, stormworks fishing net, sinking ship, camodo gaming, stormworks ship, sinking ship simulator, stormworks, stormworks build and rescue, camodo gaming stormworks, natural disaster, stormworks natural disasters, stormworks natural disasters update, stormworks hurricane, stormworks gameplay, stormworks tsunami camodo, stormworks tsunami, stormworks ship survival, stormworks whirlpool, stormworks whirlpool survival, whirlpool
Id: Q4lPe4GFt30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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