Every Chibi Available on SCORCHED EARTH

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chibbies what's not to love some extra levels and a little cosmetic friend to follow you around certainly won't see a complaint from me obtaining them can be a bit tough of course as it requires you to kill the map's final boss but if successful you'll be rewarded with a randomly selected one for the difficulty you achieved and each below it almost all of the maps native creatures are represented including a few new that were previously missing but it has to be said that for some creatures the chib ification has not being kind and so on that note if you've never seen them before here is every chibi available on scorched Earth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so there we are which is cutest and which is ugliest I'm weirdly partial to the Mantis myself but I would love to know what you all think compared to their evolved versions a few have had a bit of an overhaul some have new color regions the wyn's been split into its subtypes and we have an entirely new jaboa but disappointingly though non for fora or the Oasis saw yeah in my experience they're often introduced during events but uh I guess we'll just have to wait and see on that one that's going to be all for now though thank you very much for watching let me know what else you'd like to see and I'll be back next time bye-bye
Channel: Freyn
Views: 4,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freyn, survival game, survival crafting, ark, ark survival ascended, ark scorched earth, ark chibis, ark how to get chibis, ark all chibis, ark chibis explained, ark chibi list, ark manticore chibis, asa, ark guides, ark tips, ark survival evolved
Id: MkXv59DaS6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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