Crowning a Champ! Chaos Space Marines vs the Game 1 Winner. Warhammer 40k.

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Champions rise and fall Warriors take up banners left by Fallen Brethren to wage war in the name of their chosen Gods any AD stirs the bearers of the word of lordgar seek to put down this upstart zenos manifestation who will be victorious who will be crowned season not three champion this is 40k in 40 minutes Championship battle Rupert has managed to knock off tack in a really technical first round match only to have to come face to face with Tycho and his ravaged star wordbearers this has all the makings of a 40K classic let's see what the players have brought to the table time Taiko uh cleon's child of chaos and today I get to bring you the cult of Dave Mark of zinc abounds as he looks to bring a big hurt with his army he's got a demon Prince with wings a lord discordant on Hell stalker a big MOBA cultists some legionnaires a hell brute with meltas some possessed with the black Rune of damnation a staple in most of his lists some chaos bikers a Venom crawler and three obliterators that I imagine he'll start in deep strike algar have had my number for years and and back when I was playing blood angels I'd tweak lists that go after them specifically but it's been a long time and I don't really know all the ins and outs of their New Codex we'll see how it goes Rupert and the high court of the oyobun returns with hopes of making these devotees of a false god pay for their crimes versus the azeriani the last battle I got to play champion of season two took him apart it was super fun and now I get to play Taiko champion in season three and uh he's got something coming Rupert has an autark Sky Runner the SE got some banshees fire dragons striking scorpions a 10-man squad of harlequins two squads of Rangers three shining Spears and a Falcon Transport never had a chance to play Taiko I think a couple of additions ago would have been one story and now Thanksgiving an uphill battle to today's mission is data Sky Salvage from the war zone Nephilim this is a hold to hold three hold more mission that means players need to hold two objectives to score four points in their command phase three objectives to score eight and more than their opponent to score 12. the mission specific alternate primary is actioning your own home objective and then controlling objectives in no man's land for each objective you controlled in no man's land at the end of your turn you'll score a point up to a maximum of three this Mission also features sticky objectives if a player with an objective secure unit holds it in their command phase they will continue to hold it until an enemy unit takes it away from them even if they've moved off for secondaries Tycho is chosen engaged in all fronts scoring points for having units in three or more table quarters assassinate he scores points for killing rumors characters and long War a chaos Marine specific secondary requiring him to kill units on objectives and take those objectives away Rupert 2 has chosen assassinate as Tycho does have many characters to kill he's taken retrieve Nephilim data requiring him to do actions in multiple table quarters and he's taken hidden path scoring points for holding a specific objective note as this mission is sticky objectives the players have decided that for purposes of this secondary a held objective will also count as having a unit within range of it I'm gonna have to try and stick to my guns get on objectives stay there and score big points to win this game I have to be able to position somehow that baits one of his key units out to the flank and then I can shift over to the other flank so that's my plan once he's got a couple of things out of alignment take them out and then I've got a winning Advantage he does have the berserk in the Falcon so that they can drop on turn one he also has swooping Hawks at Deep strike reserve for some turn two onward Shenanigans and starts with three command points obliterators as expected are in deep strike reserve and he will start the game with two command points I have understand he does have a redeploy there's not a whole lot I can do about that [Music] thank you [Music] tiger being Taiko he's deployed in an all-out offensive here he definitely wants to get to Rupert and get to him fast [Music] he just comes in and takes this horrific board position so now immediately on the back foot I either have to let him take the whole board or I have to just run in draw swords take some faces Rupert does have a Phantasm in his pocket so should he not go first his deployment really isn't an appointment after all a whole war is deception all right Taiko let's get real sweaty already I am I am too what's happening first turn best of luck sir natural sex uh a three oh take it I can go home or I can draw swords I'm gonna draw thoughts and and his Rangers have pulled back and his scorpions have shifted flanks as well as his shining Spears to pull back to a more central location next to his autark so he's gonna go into turn one with two command points as he managed to farm one back from his warlord trait this episode is brought to you by ravage star armies of the veil touched many wargaming Dave's own line of Miniatures inspired by the artwork and stories of Mortal Kombat Willow Vikings Warhammer 40K Thor and The Witcher rabbit star Miniatures can work seamlessly in Dungeons and Dragons as a single character in Conflict 47 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Star Wars Legion or any other game that uses heroic scale 32 millimeter figures all the Miniatures are unique sculpts with unique unit names with original lore there's even a lord davicus we absolutely love these Minis and think you will too presently they are working on a rule set however each backer of this campaign will receive digital unicorns and the beta rules for ravage star if desired they'll have a chance to play tests and submit feedback for the game before the rules are finalized make sure to check out the video description for links to the campaign as the pledge manager runs until January 25th 2023 make sure to tell Dave that play on sent you [Music] both players tick up to three command points as Tycho starches movement phase I gotta be on objectives I gotta score points there's really no one to kill so good other addictives for the points looks like moving forward it takes up board control and pressure with his big monsters is tycho's plan foreign s they are going to cast the Delight flaggings on themselves uh goes off at a seven point I need to roll an eight it is denied denied Prince is gonna give the bikers a fourth and vulnerable save of course of course uh here he goes and he needs uh he goes off at a nine are you ready to watch the double five oh so close oh so close four up invulnerable on my three bikers they have the skeins of Fate you know that's pretty good so I have a shooting phase you sure do shooting face is fun we're gonna start with onto the shooting phase now and the Lord Discord fail flamer hits that striking scorpion Squad and down they go that is a huge loss early for Rupert I don't think he expected an 18-inch range flamer dead scorpions is definitely a good start for Tycho he does score three points on data Sky Salvage and that takes him up to three to nothing as we head into Rupert's turn one both players currently sit at three command points foreign up to four command points for him and Tycho and it looks like he actually wants to get to grip as soon as possible here I'm just gonna move back even further and they are going to retrieve data [Music] Ripper spends a command Point here on Prismatic learn as harlequins they're going to have a three-up and vulnerable save until the next turn foreign drops the vizark and the fire dragons need to do some work into that hell Brute he set up a lot of charges in his movement phase and he's looking to hurt him right away psychic phase casting unbind Souls on tycho's demon Prince that means sixes that hit him will automatically wound that's really strong on such a tough character so in the shooting side of things um I can start with some of the easy stuff I'm gonna go I guess this guy has to choose I can't really see anything else so do that fast Eliza and take those friends come out point to re-roll a save succeeds down to three CP left spending one command point now on the demonstratogen fire frenzy to shoot after being shot two hits but Rupert uses the command point to save it he's down to one command point for Rupert and two for Tycho ranges so they hit on two they can only shoot the hell route one uh the Rangers have battle Focus about three inches uh the Auto's gonna have to shoot into the hell route so here we go second one two double bars I save it uh they have to shoot the hell group threes hey see Prince of flat two I'm down to six rooms are there uh and then on the same with them so I want you from the attack um so he also threw up to wound ah it doesn't move I'm still alive uh so the Xbox is gonna automatically hit the regular juice um threes and I re-roll once and then the extra one so come on three yeah so so that's two at minus four Taiko using hexagrammatic Ward to save one of the wounds on his hell brute down to one CP left hey moment five down he goes anyway lucky roll from Rupert but the hell brute is down okay now I'm gonna think about uh how to play with my charges so the banshee's gonna charge the Venom crawler and the fence so if you fail the eight you don't make it to the either one oh no they fail not good now I'm gonna do the harlequins all right harlequins are into the target [Music] so shining Spears uh coming in hot with their laser launches they'll be hitting on threes two fails I have five yeah oh the Lord Discord has gone down Thailand and punch Rupert using the Harlequin stratage of Kiss of Death any sixes to wound will cause a mortal wound in addition to any other damage to a maximum of six mortal wounds on that Venom crawler down it goes Venom crawler is dead no I kind of screwed up my sequencing here and kind of forgot that I could come back from the dead um it didn't work out very well here I lost my disco Lord and merely my demon Prince it was not perfect but we'll see end of that first turn Rupert has four points as he scored three on assassinate and one on hidden path and Tycho sits up three on primary for data Sky Salvage as we head into turn two [Music] foreign Tycho scores 12 on primary to take him up to 15 points Max on primary I am liking that but my problem is is that my possessed are out in the cold they have no one to kill and that is hurting my soul Taiko uh he he definitely fell for the trap to move the possessed off to the flank um but he's a smart guy he's just gonna sit on those two objectives because there's no way I'm gonna get them he's gonna score a storm Rupert's trying to fake dice this turn one save one psychic one hit and one Advance those are gonna come in clutch demon Prince moves up looks like he wants to charge those shining Spears and that visark bikers swerve around to put pressure into Rupert's backline wow my obliterators have the perfect spot to drop they're gonna have great targets and they get to sit on a home objective in his backfield scoring the engage in all fronts I am loving this spot action monkey cultists so my cultists are going to collect more data let's do a psychic phase legionnaires are attempting to cast delightful agonies and Rupert denies it demon Prince uses schemes of Fate on himself he's gonna have a 4-up invulnerable save against shooting and fighting phase now that's huge the shootings phase let's do some bull pistols into your parthens Ripper Spends His only command point on Lightning Fast reactions the ldar stratagem to save his Harlequin troop the helicorns are taking some hits but the troop Master takes the only wound not bad let's do the bikers they are gonna fire everything into your fire dragons bikers open up to the fire dragons and they put a wound on the eggs Arc obliterators look to split fire into both the dark Reapers and the fire dragons no they had absolutely shellacked the fire dragons just evaporated oof so my last obliterator is firing his uh same thing warp hail into your um this launchers right of dark rebas yeah yeah yeah coming in uh you kill two that's the end of the shooting thing onto the scary stuff now the scary stuff so we're gonna start with the Hail Mary the possessed are gonna try and charge your harlequins 11. okay so far from an 11. legionnaires charge the autark bikers hit the Banshees demon Prince goes into the VIS Arc and The Shining Spears basically I'm gonna fight first and then he's gonna pick where he gets to have a reprisal which one's gonna do it's gonna be the prince who's he gonna find I am going to punch both okay I'm interested to see where this goes because I find both of those units very dear to my heart [Laughter] three three sword one claw into this Arc four Swords I saw it into the spears that's correct yeah a lot for my demon Prince songs Prince and and so does the vizark he didn't quite kill enough to make me sing his Praises he did okay okay you get to pick the next combat sir ah what's going to be the fourth President of the Warriors some car Grease I'll talk manages to kill a few of the legionnaires oh the Biker's down a couple banshees odds Arc Withers the storm of all those Legionnaire attacks big big points for Tycho here he's opened up an absolutely huge lead of 27-4 however Rupert is really in a good position to clap back huge this could be a big turn here we go into Rupert's turn two no primary for Rupert as Tycho has completely locked him out coming into my turn to I'm not feeling great he pulled around his DP charged into the visakh and the spears it's gonna be tough it's gonna be tough to get that Prince out of out of my lines and I didn't score any primary because of that stupid consolidation it's a good move by Taco I have to give him that harlequin's looking to set up a charge and bring their pistols to bear Rupert's using famed Retreat here for one command point so his autark can fall back and still charge this turn he's down to zero command points swooping Hawks drop in from Reserve they've got those cultists lined up psychic phase Rupert casting fateful Divergence and using one of his strands of Fate dice still rolls a 12 but good old Eldar cannot Peril he gains a command Point all right I'm gonna cost unbind Souls on a six I say no dark he perspiring the legionnaires no joy super horses to the contests don't die let's save one I lose seven cultists oh man the Falcon is gonna shoot into the legionaries right here some freeze you go for it finally Allegiant Air goes down that took a lot of shooting Rupert uses the command point on deadly Embrace here and that's gonna do Mortals on a four up and he Farms it back that's fantastic harlequin's charged the demon Prince autark goes into the cultists strands of fake days to help the sweeping Hawks get in and their charge still fails that cultist Squad should go down to the odds Arc though spending that other command point now as he starts his fight phase kiss him death on those harlequins splitting his attacks into the legionnaires and Demon Prince I ignore two so I have one guy left with one wound demon Prince only takes a mortal and kicks it back to the harlequins if you take a mortal wounds on your Harley Quinns uh the odd talk over here yeah okay ah Banshees finishing off the Banshees would be huge we're gonna do it down to one CP tiger space two command points to counter offensive with his bikes into the Banshees this is smart because if he can kill those banshees then he puts him in a really good place Tycho takes the Banshees down to one model but the Banshees clap back and take out two bikes can you imagine if that whole Squad was here demon Prince takes down The Shining spear exarch oh no yeah I think I got a little lucky here I managed to not lose my prince and um I am starting to take control of this game points wise so I'm feeling pretty good here I have to keep the pressure on and make sure I don't slip in the last half of this game tycho's primary game is really on point here he's locked Rupert out for at least his next turn and for some decisions that he may not want to make we do know that Rupert wins games and movement though so it really remains to be seen if he can claw his way back into this [Music] Tycho manages eight on primary to take him up to 35 points two command points to Rupert's one and Rupert rolls his strands of Fate oh wow three saving throws that could be absolutely clutch all right my demon Prince is gonna scar her he's gonna run away and score me lots of victory points he's gonna focus on winning me the game rather than killing the enemy this is not like me but I'm learning I'm growing River's using segarash's just here for one command Point as that Legionnaire falls back he's gonna be able to shoot he's out of command points and the Legionnaire survives [Music] obliterators splitting fire hard up and save three with fate Dice and then pass two of four saves only two dead harlequins and into your Banshee it's right now oh the Banshee dies to shooting though I guess that's something because she can really wreck face okay um I am gonna charge obliterators charge the dark Reapers and absolutely annihilate them end of that turn sees Tycho up to 39 points to Rupert six this is really starting to become a runaway let's see how Rupert claps back on turn three [Music] only four primary for Rupert to take him up to 10. he's got a lot of technical movement he needs to do here he's got limited assets to score with and he needs them all to do work in order to have a hope of catching up [Music] foreign [Music] Falcon positions to get shots on both the obliterators and the biker so I'll be the psychic face psychic phase um oh no psychic phase and Fateful Divergence fails I'm gonna smite on a nine Smite into the demon Prince takes him down to a single wound okay this is the swooping Hawks into the demon Prince laughs [Applause] oh wow the swooping Hawks have taken down the prince in shooting my demon Prince goes down to swooping Hawks yeah this is actually not good Rupert wanted to get over there with those harlequins um and then I'm gonna shoot him with the falcon Falcon shoots into the bike now between Mark azintz and some seriously clutch rolls that biker has lived um and then the outside is going to shoot the legionary hey autark is going to use the charge dice here and charge to reach yes it's a 12. sex [Laughter] uh hitting on twos save two take one two damage I have three left on that is what we call a pretty good feeling over there and I get the fight back Ripper's gonna spend his last command point on Lightning Fast reactions to make Taiko minus one a hit but wordbearers still re-roll everything in the first round of combat fine down goes the autark oh no that's a three-point assassinate for Tycho and I think that could actually sound the death now for Rupert I knew going into it uh I was definitely got the short end of the stick this is going to be a uphill fight I think that's gonna be the game and it looks like that's where they're gonna call it Rupert could probably make the score a bit more respectable but for all intense purposes he is not going to be able to catch up make that your final 64-28 in favor of Tycho and his rabbit star wordbear's Legion special thank you again to this episode's sponsor rabbit star from mini wargaming Dave on behalf of all of us here at play on we hope you enjoyed season not three if you like what we do make sure to thunder Hammer that like And subscribe button or even support us on patreon we've got a fantastic Discord behind the scenes in preview footage and other special patreon only features as well as always until the next time you see us in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe play on it was an amazing game it was back and forth yeah I thought I had I fumbled the ball a few times but uh in the end steady objective scoring wins games out deploying you on the uh with the possess was was really huge I I yeah I think it was I mean it definitely felt terrible for me to just have my possessed sitting there yeah because my possessed her such great damage dealers but at the same time sitting on two objectives and just having them be like come on and like I just could just ignore half the board for one unit and yeah even if it is like a big unit 250 odd points your points yeah it made sure that I I was in the objective lead the whole way but then um bringing the blitz down in my back corner just not having enough units to screen out over there um maybe I should have kept it you know ranges back and if I'd been able to hold that area and your Blitz came in in this area very different game on the scoring side yeah I cornered myself a little bit too much you know what I think my I think my game plan 90 right and it was just like that 10 of Errors is what cost me the game because those luck factors if you don't make this many mistakes you can still overcome absolutely yeah absolutely that's how the game works hey you've got a tough list you played it pretty well thank you I appreciate that you played it wonderfully you had some wonderful moves you caught me by surprise a few times fantastic it and until we see you next time in the Grim dark of the far-flung future player the Victor it almost happened I could feel it I could I could see it right there Rupert is an amazing opponent tiger is a great player you know where you can't take it away from him Dave War cameras are really really nitpicky game right now and we're doing our best and we we missed some stuff and that changed the game and that's how it works [Music] I'm a wiener okay good job and we're done yay let's go [Laughter] oh bye
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 108,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: 8F95Qlt0Ewg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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