Warhammer 40k in 40 minutes Season 3 Championship Opener! Orks vs Death Guard.

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[Music] the capital city of triskelion is under siege four factions fight for dominance in what was a prosperous center of industry only one force will emerge victorious though and claim this perfect staging ground for further conquest welcome to 40k and 40 minutes championships welcome folks to our third invitational 40k and 40 minutes championship series to wrap up each of our seasons on youtube we've invited back some fan favorites and thrown them together in a four game mini tournament to see who emerges as this year's champion will it be the resilient death guard piloted by child of chaos tycho imiga can the orcs run by mr initiative james jones hard enough will the necrons and michael buckthorpe see his luck return or is it truly the year of steve and his astral claws i'm your host jt mcdowell and joining us as well is tau nick frase hello i'm glad to be here jt i'm excited you should be master of explosions it's nice to have you this is shaping up to be one heck of a championship series you bet it is and one of the things i'm actually really excited about is this year how we're doing the scoring the overall winner of this year's title is not necessarily the player that wins both of his games right who you play in round two will depend on who won the previous game so winner will play winner and loser will play loser however the overall winner is the combined game score of both games which means that even if you lose your first game you are not out and you still have a good chance of winning this if your opponents score low and you score high exactly all four players are gonna have to push hard not let up on the gas and focus on scoring as many points as possible should make for an exciting ride are you ready for this i'm ready four players four games one champion [Music] this first round is brought to you by frontline gaming frontlinegaming.org is your go-to for all things warhammer and we are super pleased to be using their terrain and their mat for this first round of our championship if you need anything warhammer related be sure to check out frontlinegaming.org and tell them play on sent you this first matchup brings child of chaos tycho immigo up against james mr initiative jones in a death guard versus orcs list that promises to be absolutely slobber knocking knock down drag out i am tyco the child of chaos obviously playing death guard today child of chaos tycho has brought a very fast yes i said fast death guard list with three greater blight drones and two fetid blow drones he will be pressuring first turn for sure his grandfatherly influence chaos spawn round out his six fast attack choices in his outrider detachment with a plague burst crawler in support and two big squads of pox walkers he's also got some play marines and death trout terminators all led by the corrodinator his winged demon prince he starts with eight command points actually i'm feeling really good i am drinking black coffee for a change i normally take a lot of cream and sugar today i don't need it it's warhammer day what do you think about this list tycho has built a really anti-death guard list this list is really problematic for a lot of players if you can't deal with stuff flying up 14 inches and getting into your face turn one and potentially charging on the first turn you're gonna have a bad time what are the players have to watch out in taiko's army like what are the what are the pitfalls in his army that plague burst crawler can hit you from anywhere so as important as it is and as much damage as it can do it's a bit of a distraction it's a bit of a trap if you're trying to camp on objectives with small units the plague burst crawler is going to obliterate even fairly strong infantry aren't safe from that plaguers crawl so it's going to be interesting his matchup for this game one is against james jones mr initiative playing his orcs i love this list this is my favorite list of the entire four lists that we have i'm james jones i'm here with my orcs just came to bring it james has countered with some seriously killing characters in his orc vanguard and battalion death skulls are the order of the day with a beast boss on squigasaur war boss and mega armor a weird boy pain boy and a mech all leading two squads of burner boys two squads of tank busters and two squads of commandos he's got two squads of gretchen for his meat shields while his mega armored knobs pack a real punch his two trucks and deferral of battle wagon should provide some protection for moving up the board with his infantry i'm excited to play tycho i haven't played him in quite a few years now i believe it was about five years ago wet coast i played him center objective of the table flask amazing game second day uh one of my favorite opponents of that tournament for sure james has put together a real jack of all trades i can do anything i need to anything he's got two squads of tank busters boyle boy of these guys gotten fantastic now and with taiko's list having all those vehicles he's got six vehicles in his list tank busters love shooting a vehicle they look intimidating and they will hit like a ton of bricks tell me about those commandos i see two units of commandos in james's list the commandos are part of james's strategy to retrieve octarius data to get engaged in all fronts and they're really important for him to forward deploy and play forward the problem is tyco has the ability to charge so james has got to be really careful with how far forward he throws them our mission today is scorched earth from the gt 2021 handbook six primary objectives are on the board and each is worth five if you hold one five more if you hold two and five more if you hold more than your opponent to a maximum of 15 per turn and 45 for the game for secondaries james has taken retrieve octarius data scoring points for performing an action in each of four table quarters bring it down scoring points for killing vehicles and monsters of which tycho has a fair amount and engage in all fronts scoring points for having units holy within three or four table quarters at the end of his turn taiko has also chosen to engage in all fronts but he has taken assassinate scoring three points for each of james characters he kills including a bonus point for slaying the warlord he's also taken spread the sickness which is a death guard specific objective i'm feeling like a defensive deployment is probably going to be the way to go i think rushing in on him is not a good plan i need to play the long game and hold back a little bit i'm going to move in slowly feed him units where i feel it's opportune [Music] here we have five commandos deploying in forward position on this objective [Music] i think both players have really set up with their own game plans in mind tycho has set up to press those light drones forward and to get into james face as soon as possible whereas james has countered with a lot of forward pressure of his own he's got his commandos in position to not only retrieve octarius data in one of the hardest zones but also to score him some engagement points it's a smart play i think it's gonna pay off for him let's see turn one the day is mine it's time to seize the initiative so no bonuses no is a clean initiative against mr initiative one dude i think that's how this game is going to go i'm feeling it yeah let's do this oh my one more time oh because when you have this much initiative they call you mister up to six command points for james as he starts his turn he's coming through this crater here i'm only gonna be able to move 10 inches so his movement looks like he's trying to overload a flank in an effort to take control of the board as quickly as possible taiko's drones move very quickly and he's gonna need to be careful that he doesn't overextend himself here okay so i'm gonna rod now um let's do it in i'm gonna do it in this corner okay so i'm fully out and moved now i've rotted in this corner so let's just go into some shooting then he hasn't moved up his commandos he hasn't moved the commandos i think he's worried about the charge i think he's worried about taiko's counter-charge but he doesn't move up he's not gonna score a rod and he's not gonna engage no fronts that's potentially six points right there so i'm gonna start by shooting the tank buster boys in this truck into your big gnarly bring it on into the plague burst crawler uh that's three saved which means i would take six damage which would bracket me you know what tycho is spending a command point to reroll a save and that takes him down to seven remaining then i'm gonna shoot with the truck itself think that i'm going to go into the spawn you on fire so nothing happens there now i'll move over to this truck here i'm going to shoot the tank bus in this truck into the forge world drone so also yeah all seven into the greater black room no you know what i gotta i gotta do it i got a split fire oh yes he's splitting fire nick i know it's awesome okay so we're gonna go four into the greater three into the the uh photo greater blight drone all of them oh my gosh four moons at ap2 save two two through four down five left and then three tank buses into the folded drone well the greater black drone is down to half wounds and the feta drone takes a couple wounds but that's it no points for james here in turn one i think that was definitely a misplay with those commando so i'm feeling like a pretty big bonehead right now those uh commandos were supposed to push forward i looked at them and everything and just i didn't do it i just didn't do it no engage on all fronts this turn oops also they're not going to rod now in one of those quarters live and learn all right so that's your first turn [Music] my pox walkers are going to spread the sickness on this objective right here spreading the sickness of that objective starts him with the potential three at the end of the game however in this mission objectives can be raised meaning james could potentially take that away from tycho let's go to the drones over there yes who are touching that building they can see i think they're just going to unload into that poor commando unit okay so [Applause] i saved two one commando dies save one fail one so then i'm going to shoot the other drone at your truck at this truck yeah i don't save either of them so i go from 10 wounds down to eight and d6 six hits with the maw uh i saved two of them so take three more ones down to five these three terminators are to spurt upon your commandos success oh i saved three nice so i take four wounds just just the knob fully a full power knob well powering up who i need to charge if i'm going to take that table quarter so this drone over here he's going to fire your drawer the ma one hit it wins five up no take that one nine wounds left nine wounds left on that truck uh so i'm gonna spend one cp spinning a command point for his plague burst crawler to gain disgusting force to go to three damage on that mortar takes him down to seven left uh the most disgusting force i think is going to be ending up into this wounded truck over here and then everything else is going to be into this truck here so um the mortar oh damn surprise surprise not enough uh so everything within three inches of that truck uh is gonna take a mortal luna four up okay so the war boss yes so on a five up he ignores it he takes it battle volume yes no 12 guys inside how many ones were oh the truck goes down and james loses two burner boys on the disembark that was a beautiful shot attaboy uh entrepreneurs into the truck here one hit tycho re-rolling in a hit for a command point he's got six remaining plus three six moves down two three all right death guard gonna do some charging james is over watching with the burner boys now for one command point he's gonna take him down to five they're disclaimers uh one gets i think i'm going to charge your knob with my drone so my vetted bloat drone is going to charge the truck all right uh i have four attacks i get plus one because i have hateful assault i'm hitting you on threes uh we rolling the three wounds at minus two so they just go through it's dead he's dead all right [Laughter] james is choosing not to interrupt here you know that's not a bad call he only has got five command points left and that would cost him two and he really can't kill it anyway so it's not really worth the trade continue let's chew up some burner boys i hope you have heard about the disturbingness of my favorite weapon in the game which is the flashmower mow some flesh taiko's spending a command point again here this time on demonic gluttony so he's going to recover wounds for all the stuff he kills takes him down to five command points let's uh chew up some orcs he talks to get some moons back so he's back to full wounds and i have one last fight yep i'm going to try and chew up your truck it's only got three moons left two sixes uh no two peas there's one word oh my five dead burner boys when that truck explodes yay no more burner boys in the whole okay so now i get to fight back you get to fight me back so i'm gonna start with the uh the battle wagon so you take four damage they're two normally each by minus one and then over here i'm gonna do spend one command point to use tank buster bombs uh-oh so i select one model in the unit and it just tries to hit you on a three out [Applause] thank god okay but now it's two d3 mortal wounds four five thanks i realized at the end of this round that i may have overloaded one of my flanks and under under invested in in the other um meaning my demon prince i think is a little bit out of position but i think that's the only thing i'm a little upset about in terms of how my first round has gone uh it pretty much has been as good as it can go i've engaged in all fronts fully uh i'm getting out there making sure to match uh the objective race felt pretty good and in turn sees taiko scored three in a gauge and that's all leaving was an end of one score of three to nothing in favor of tycho james gains a command point to go to five and also gains ten primary points and it looks like it's time to call the one good turn for you tycho i'm on the ropes here this is not good oh jt i'm excited he's going to do it he's going to do it yeah we'll just go into the movement phase so i'm going to advance with this big boy here so everything except for the mcboy jumps out um i am now going to move the i'm going to roll the advance on these mega knobs see how far they go advancing the war boss is just going to advance as well [Music] the grotts inside the building will retrieve octaria's data so now we are going to go into my psychic phase your psychic face i'm going to cast the crunch duck onto that unit of pox walkers psychic phase having to re-roll it's casting up to crunch for one command point down to four ignore one okay three pox walkers die so uh we will go into the shooting phase um i'm gonna start by shooting these tank buses who didn't move into this back drone i'm gonna release the bomb squig on them this turn as well so we'll do the bomb squeak first two up oh boy okay what yeah i'm gonna let it go i'm letting it go hey the bomb squig no what is he doing i i oh uh if he rerolls to hit with a bomb squig that drone's dead why doesn't he reroll james re-roll he can't hear us points well spent seven rockets seven d3 shots into that drone i don't think i'm gonna need the squig it's not that big down to one remaining oh man oh man if only the squig had hit oh i shouldn't have shot that squig first i should have shot at second i could have command point re-rolled it and everything and i blew it the stinking rockets didn't do the job i thought for sure seven rockets would be enough but duh so yeah so i think it's just time for charges now now let's start with the mega knobs mega knobs are gonna charge into those uh pox walkers i roll the three that's not it so here we go boys i'm not touching the grip not touching the craters thank you um and then i'm going to charge with uh this big boy here i'm just gonna charge the closest drone i got an eight here comes the beast boss on squiggasaur boy oh boy is he gonna do some work [Music] my mega armored war boss because of his mystic magic armor the crush in armor on a two-up he is going to do d3 mortal wounds to that drone e3 for two three so i'm gonna pile in with this pure squig sore beast boss touching both drones now so let's start with his five attacks he would normally have with his beast choppa will go up to six attacks because of the beast hide mantle and then another attack because of the wall three and then the chomps uh so three mortal wounds i can't really afford to spend command points because i need to interrupt here taiko spending a command point on dark cravings here to heroically intervene with his fetid blight drone and now he's spending two more to interrupt and try to kill that war boss i think this is a tough spend here but he does have assassination as a secondary however it takes him down to one command point i think i have a chance to kill your mega war boss here that i'm not gonna get again [Applause] i save three of them so he's seven goes down to five probably wasn't worth it but i had to try okay back to me then megan knobs we'll fight the pox walkers hitting you on fours yep not go no the mega knobs mulch up eight pox walkers so uh now we'll do the war boss i guess you're still alive and the drone lives all right i get to fight back that feta drone is gonna flesh mow some tank buzzes real good kills them yay so bad wagon has six attacks hitting you on twos with its death roller one uh do uh explode oh god i hope not a five will do it battle wagon has killed the other drone and it explodes so let me do some uh saves here so uh on a 5 up the war boss doesn't take it he takes it on a 5 up the uh weird boy doesn't take it he takes it on a 5 up the commandos don't take it then take it up [Music] i need to fight back with a drone over here i saved them both parks walked parks walkers [Laughter] walkers actually wounded a mega knob really you know james hasn't actually targeted that plague burst crawler anymore after that first initial volley that might be a mistake there he's one wound away from bracketing that thing and making it much less effective and that black burst crawler can do a lot of work it really can i think the issue he has is his tank busters have almost been completely nerfed taiko's done a great job of making sure those tank busters aren't playing in this game i think splashing at a couple shots with big shooters might have been worth it to plink an extra wound off it and just take down that efficacy from you know hitting on threes to hitting on fours that's 16 that could mean the difference in this game in a turn sees james score four for retrieve data two for engage in all fronts two for bring it down and ten primary for a total of eighteen points at the end of his turn one taiko's turn two now ten on primary and up to two command points can i kill mega knobs with spawn i can try that is what i can do he's spreading the sickness on another objective he's not going to score that to the end of game so james can actually raise those objectives and take away those points the psychic phase fighting of the mega knob i have smitten the mega knob twos five ups i take one wound well at least i finished off one of them rooting toot and shooting phase okay so uh this bloat drone over here is too far away to spurt on anything except for the grotts okay spurt those garats are going to feel the cannon okay firing off the wingtip because that's warhammer i pour hammer for you i'm gonna take it on the knob one spurt into your drops i think it will yeah they have me my plague marines here are gonna full daca into your squiggastore yeah yeah sounds good go for it i save one i fail one one damage he gets five up feeling the pain he is good and the grenade two shots both hit uh five zero ones one wound four up fine okay so entropy cannons into your glass yep i'm going to put my mortar entry cannons into your beast boss one hit tycho's spending a re-roll here down to one command point and it fails isn't that always the way why does it work for you and not me because i'm mr initiative oh yeah luckily it's a plague weapon [Applause] [Laughter] i feel that pain i feel that pain it happens though dice or dice and they tell stories in this case it was three ones that could change the game right here it could be huge denied by mr initiative big border into your tape busters full shots good so all the tank busters but one charge base is huge here this is gonna be a real determiner for the rest of the game let's do the greater drone first and the one nearest you yep find the building that's that's so you want me like deep in there yeah okay oh that's deep yeah it's perfect deep so his bunny next door yep six that'll do it same thing same thing uh here come some spawns four all right so starting with some chaos spawns uh it spawned what weirdness they bring to the table today a one oh one that is razer claws that's excellent i'm ap minus four okay [Applause] oh that was so bad oh wow only two wounds on the mega knobs tycho spinning to reroll the wound succeeds but he's out of command points and james saves it wow so that brings one guy right yep drones okay i'll do the greater first yep so two more dead grots seven eight that's the squad yay just i'm going to attack the pox walkers i don't get the real one so i lose three but i still have w on the point spending two on insane bravery here takes james down to two command points but that tank muster holds that objective and that's points the end of two sees tycho with another 300 gauge and his 10 a primary to go to 16 to james's 18. we got a close one here folks for the first match of the championships top of three now james gains a command point to go to three tycho is currently out of command points and james gains 10 on primary it's a close one it is it's tight it's tight i'm concerned i'm concerned but also i feel good yes i am in the same pose the uh commandos are going to push up into the corner the weird boy is going to go and stand in the center of their little triangle oh wow the mad dog is going to advance the big one there we go he needed it i needed it and that is the end of my movement he's casting fist to gork on his ward boss is going to make him dead killy for sure so he now has plus two strength plus two attacks that's a lot he is a beasty boy now okay let's do some shooting so um i'm gonna start by unloading with his big shooter big shooter manned by the grot gunner so hitting on fours uh into these guys here five two pesky pox walkers die the rocket into the drone d3 shots got them both i need two fives you gotta die buddy that's not two fives does he explode oh my do i take you with me probably i want to see this happen yeah they explode on fours oh boy okay oh the tank buster takes down that vetted blowtrone [Laughter] well at least we made nick happy yay okay so i'm now going to my charge phase i'm going to start by charging with the war boss charges into the spawn in comes the pain boy as well and the beast boss too charge fish in the charge phase on a two up you take d3 mortals four two to the spawns going into the plague marines [Music] so now we're gonna move on to the mega war boss here so i take seven wounds okay and then i'm gonna pile in and fight with this guy whoop twos perfectly rolled through sneaky one i fail one he takes two he goes down to two wounds but he's going to crump you back pox walkers are down that is absolutely massive no more objective secured on that objective we have a game we're gonna we're having a game here tycho we are james scores another brick at down point plus his 10 from primary takes him to 29 points at the end of his third turn okay uh my turn taiko's three now ten more on primary and an all-important command point looks like the death shroud are spreading the sickness on a third objective for tycho and they take two mortals doing so james has got to be much more careful about this spreading the sickness here taiko's now managed to do it to three objectives and that's gonna score on big points it's nine points at the end of the game but don't forget he can still raise objectives if he can get something so that's key maybe he could james can take that objective and raise it it's a detriment to himself for not having that objective to score but if he can stop taka from scoring points it might be worth it yeah magic of magic spell here we go psychic phase fightings seven what's up denying on an eight oh no smite for you sir so we're into something bob drone here he is going to spurt on your battle wagon okay and he's going to auto cannon your rots autocannon scratch's taking three seven grots remain loving it um and the spurting into your wagon i save it hey that thing has a five-up involved that is all the shooting outside of my plague bruce crawler both entropy cannons into your squiggasaur tyco spreading his last command point in disgusting force to spread around some mortals from his plague burst crawler and do three damage on that mortar so here comes the mortar into your bore boss you're scared me taiko i saved two how much damage does it do three flats three flat james is spending a command point here down to two to reroll a three-up save how unfortunate uh i won't die i takes it down to five and there's my cannons oh i cannot do two hits in the edge of the cannons except into trucks uh oh tycho i'm sorry my dice but happy so i have to actually charge both your characters you know what he's a character he would have gloriously intervened in babysitter do you prince's turn to the war boss i'm so excited oh he's gonna get crunked all right betsyn war boss or demon prince war boss i'm taking the demon prince go tycho james does have a fight on death in his pocket here i'm not sure if tycho is aware of that charging your battle wagon this could be the turning point my drone yep make it and you have enough to interrupt so i have to my prince first he's got to get lucky here yep i have to get lucky here so uh the claw will fight the knob the one attack from the sword will try and off your pain boy first okay five more attacks into the big boss sounds good taika was splitting attacks and you all know how i feel about that i never think that split firing is a mistake see i like to set lofty goals for the mightier victory split fire all the time everyone got to go perfectly so single attack into the pain boy to start i'm guessing yes he's alive with a wound all right uh the claw into the knob hits i get it can't get lucky here and five attacks into the war boss uh four up in bones all right so that war boss is in big trouble he's got he's gonna die i've got a i've got a choice i can either re-roll the the save or bank on the feel no pains and i feel like the one cp to re-roll that four up and keep him alive is better than spending the two cp to have him fight on death because chances are i'm not gonna make those feel no pains and i need him alive so he needs a four up here i get it so he takes how many three wounds yeah you feel no pain i don't make any of them so he's down to two wounds okay and you get to fight here because i can't interrupt you now my involved i involve one of them so two of them go through multiple damage four damage uh so they go down to one damage each because they're too great oh ramshackle so i take two damage so i'm now going to fight you back with the battle wagon first we'll save that forever i'm down to one wound now we are going to go with the boss the boss so here goes the pain boy now [Applause] you save it and then the mega knob and the demon prince lives so good this is a good game dude this is a i knew this was gonna be a doozy i knew it was gonna be a news solid turn for orcs i think i've got him on the ropes now so yeah turn three has been a tough one um my dice don't seem to be pleased with how i'm approaching this game really really good turn i put the hurt on a lot of his units and he barely did anything to me i'm feeling really good now really good chest puffed up these orcs are coming and they have destroyed me on this flank that the characters are pushing deep into my zone this is gonna get bad n3 and tycho scored three more on a gauge to bring our total score to 29-29 at the end of three folks we got a real barn burner here james turned four ten on primary two command points and he's gotta make some moves here and shut tycho down as he really has board presence on him so let's just uh jump straight into some moving so this weird boy is going to jump over here to the corner of the building [Music] psychic phase i am going to attempt to smite with this weird boy who's drone oh gets it on an eight need a nine come on nice big [Laughter] one away vetted blow drone is down that's another bring it down point straight to the charges we have no shooting this turn so uh first off i'm going to charge with the the war boss then i'm gonna try to charge you with this battle wagon i do it oh my gosh you're not the only one with a mulching mower so let's just go with the brutal but cunning war boss uh so here comes the squig bites now i got two of them taking one mortal moon and i've got one wound left so here comes the other five attacks man that beast boss is seriously scary what a machine well looks like you want that one that's true so battle wagon now putting it six attacks into the greater drone i take two of them they're they're two they go down okay so i've got seven left james goes up to 41 points at the end of his four he definitely needs some stuff to go right for him here tycho gains a command point and 10 on primary he's in a really good spot all right i have to kill off characters with my tank here that's my only chance spending his command point on disgusting force again trying to wear down the orc blob that's threatening him actually you know what i'm gonna go for glory going for the glory going for glory so i'm gonna split some fire bold plant bold plant split firing tycho that's uh that's an orcish way of doing things hail gone into your paper got it the one only one entrepreneur into your boss okay uh the disgusting force mortar and the other entropy cannon into the squig boss okay that's how that's gonna go down when it works it's awesome splitting fire is a lot of fun not necessarily the most tactically sound thing 60 of the time it works every time right exactly all right so we're gonna start with the hail gun then into the pain boy [Applause] we got one oh wow ignores on a6 [Music] he is dead a character down that's a point for me okay continue sir okay big old entropy cannon into your war boss hits we rolling to save the war boss here we're up no war boss is down oh it all comes down to that beast boss now beast boss on squiggasaurus super tough let's see what happens not good all right uh here comes a d6 disgusting force shots oh look at that i save one uh and he has uh ignore wounds on fives i ignore two of them he takes two moves and last century cannon i do not save it five damage oh no he's alive no he's might not be minus one damage but yeah you took you roll i still take right but the beast boss is still alive and i have 3d fixed shots onto your battle wagon with spurt three up save i take one so one damage yep a couple of charges uh just trout terminators okay the pox walkers are charging the mega knob [Music] [Applause] i've made the objective you made the objective so that's fun [Music] i thought i might have been able to screw you with this intervention so i i will heroically intervene with the war boss this is a tough charge here to swing everything around let's see how they sorted out all right so six attacks into your war boss i save it all right now i get oh well and now you can fight with your desk rounds death shrouds so i'll do that quickly it hits it wounds ap1 you got two so you take it one damage wow i'll take that and then over here let's start with the big boy so that was six of them all six worked okay and then the three squig bites twos um okay yeah i'll go through and then the mega knob is golden for you i lose one more guy that's my objective yep it is i hate facing box walkers they just don't run they don't run they're it's so frustrating to put a ton of shots into them and then one lone zombie just objective zombie puck didn't do any damage but they stood around so shocker of shockers i seem to have put myself in a decent position to win this thing uh my drone needs to survive a charge of multiple characters for me to have a real good shot at winning this game man what a big turn for tycho seven assassinate points as well as three more on engage sees him jump out to a 49-41 point lead heading into turn 5. does james have enough gas left in his tank to catch a little bit of skill and a whole lot of luck and i've got a fighting chance here 10 primary and a command point again to go to two and he's got his work cut out for himself oh boy okay we're on the ropes now i i don't know if i can do this but i'm i'm gonna i'm going for the long bomb we're throwing the hail mary we're going for the end zone i think james realizes that he can't catch tycho but he can limit how much taiko scores and score as much as possible after all this is a two-game aggregate score we are doing so he just needs to focus on scoring as many points as he can movement face done these guys rod in this corner uh this guy is going to repair this thing so that is going to be a two wound regain full fight again back to the top tier again and that burns the ground then i will do my psychic phase all right smite it is on an eight ah smiting the greater drone rerolling the damage for two mortal wounds not enough so i'm gonna shoot with this guy's custom mega blaster pistol into that drone i must kill this drone this turn i have to otherwise it's gonna push forward into my zone give him engage and give him a second objective i i gotta kill this run you bastard oh desk he's a desk he's blue he's blue ap3 of course i failed it you're like yeah d6 damage ah i'm gonna reroll this last command point three damage i have three wounds remaining on my the greater bloke drone i totally forgot that it was d3 shots i i thought the pistol was a single shot six grotz shoot into him into the drone no uh that's it that's all the shooting okay so charge time you have no fan points for overwatch good uh this guy here is going to charge up your butt he gets a six that's going to be in weird boy's going to try him whoa 12. off he goes so let's just go straight into the fight so um i will do the weird boy first oh come on i need this three right now three right now two two damage two damage uh how many attacks the mech have their jt two the one who rolls he's blue oh oh ap one three wounds at ap1 what feel two of these taiko failed two of these how did that go world victory effing wounds on me one last one that's okay you get to pick the first on going oh i think i'm gonna have to try and save my terminators from the full wrath of the battle wagon good call i take three down to five i will uh kill those guys now with my beast boss ignoring on sixes my units go okay so eating a mech yep i just take them i ate the mick but that was huge that makes a big difference that's actually going to gain me like five victory points for that guy not dying i think i only shot one shot out of the custom mega blaster when it could have done d3 could have killed that drone jmns turned five with eight points for retrieval terrigas data four and engage in all fronts five on bring it down and 40 on primary for a current total of 57. tiger's going to try for that last assassinating point to see if he can get the beast boss and no luck so that's going to end his turn five pretty quickly 80-67 including paint scores for your widow tycho immigo congrats tycho you squeaked that one out but remember folks this is a back to back two games in two games with a total score over both games deciding who wins the play on season three champions it's not over yet big thanks to taiko and james and my partner nick boom boom freys for an incredibly close and entertaining game good luck to both those guys in the next round also a special thanks to our sponsor for this episode frontline gaming they're your go-to for all things warhammer we are super happy to be using their terrain and their map for this first round of our championship and the second if you need anything warhammer be sure to check them out and say play on sent to you next game we have coming up is going to be michael versus steve necrons versus astral claws same mission same table but who knows what the outcome's going to be game two comes out next week don't miss it that's all for all of us here at play on jt over here nick over here and until the next time you see us in the grim dark universe of the far flung future play on i got to do it i got lucky it was a fantastic super tight game hey congrats tycho that was a great game man you did a great job you played awesome james i think you are a fantastic player with a great army you should have beat me as much as everybody would like me to see see me rematch with mike i would rather play steve i just nothing beats playing like one of your best friends [Music]
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 361,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8Ft-KHS22Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 29sec (2969 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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