CROSSxUP GRAND FINALS - LeoN (Bowser) Vs. Quidd (Pokemon Trainer, Pac-Man) SSBU Ultimate Tournament

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to close it out with a good old-fashioned new jersey versus new york battle and listen quinn has beaten leon uh i think twice or at least recently semi recently yeah again i don't know like that was kind of nice yeah but his match-up is way better also i'm also i'll just go out and say this i think leon is the best bouncer at fight it's the best at fighting pac-man out of anybody he's beaten pretty much all of them so if i'm quit i don't want that spoke but as a wise man studio announcer once said welcome to grand finals i know she was watching that and i know he has the biggest smile on his face but i know he's kind of heartbroken that he did miss a nice big tournament in philly we missed you still miss you buddy hope you're doing well but nonetheless though grand finals leon winner side quid loser side turtles both sides can't follow that one up just as well but i will just like to say leon does know this matchup i did did they play winners or is it leon fighting ah i don't i don't think they fought uh i don't think they fought each other i think leo probably fought another pokemon yeah that's definitely noku then because i guess so here's the thing just like you know just like adam is for pt leon is leon does have a friend and a practice partner in beast and yes i feel like leon is one of the better players against pokemon trainer in general but you bring up a really good point quinn did beat him so right now the set papers in leon's disadvantage not advantage but so is that brad yeah there you go side p off the platform that'll be first blood going to leon here and again after mine folks leona's to win one best of five set quinn has to win the two best of five sets if he wants to win this tournament six games as total quick math baby yeah thanks if anything this game this set taught me that i'm really bad at math anyway what is not bad is that charizard back here at the ledge and here we go stop too it is the pokemon that's gonna do again the big damage here if uh for quid this is the one you have to be the most worried about if you're leon portal is so good at racking up damage you know bowser being such a huge body is gonna eat so much damage in the early percent here so but i feel like for leon him taking a hundred percent eighty percent isn't really as big of a deal unless you saw that though he was almost stuck up in that jab lock and that definitely would have been trouble but leon knows better and leon knows his advantage tools yeah no absolutely you see leon here you know definitely down a bit but you can't count bowser out the down throw will be you know solid damage there as leon trying to get the edge guard but quite able to get around with the neutral air oh smacked yeah he's really good at getting that confirmed he has gotten that confirmed seriously and quinn kind of going back in his chair i was like yikes he's not ready for that one yeah that'll definitely be one a a shot of adrenaline in your coffee for sure so you know uh oh here we go though this is this is pain now how much pain and it really wasn't too much yeah again leon did a pretty decent job there not letting the damage rack up too much and now uh quid forced to switch to ivysaur uh to avoid dying at you know 90 percent but in doing so has also racked up the damage and now it's a slight percent lead here all right here we go i like the way leon just kind of stopped you know what i mean like he really put the brakes on he was like hold on like i don't need this right now i'm gonna use his safe option on the ledge i know we got a couple people screaming for him he's waiting oh my god i love the way much much of more patience david leon we are seeing right now and that bear almost takes it one more right at that ledge anything's going to go here but charizard is out but that uphill leon knows that edge guard let me tell you yeah actually coverage right there the f tilt not gonna be enough to catch the uh your regular get up like you mentioned but the starting hitbox of up till very very strong as leon was standing on the proper side to make sure he got that so leon like like we mentioned you know lost to quit a couple weeks ago one of the encore monthlies so monthlies are weeklies i i don't know i think the most loose next week then it might have been a week xeno monthly next week anyway you're welcome devin we're at that point in time here where there's too many tournaments and i've already lost track i heard 2022 there's a manger every weekend bless our wallets cooper plus our wallets it's not gonna look good for us with the full-time jobs anyway i'm gonna throw up all right here we go game two finally a change in stage no small battlefield no ps2 we're going to go to town and city we've been here a couple of times but it's always different we've suddenly seen any other stages outside of these streets so you'll see how it all shakes down here as leon uh looking awfully solid here again like we mentioned the uh you know depending on what part of uh of uh the layout we get in regards to platforms unless we aid quit in getting uh you know off the ledge and away from bowser so we'll see how it shakes down here also it's like dawn on the stage i don't think i've ever seen this time period yeah right usually it's like very like sunsetty just because all locals usually start after work but like this is like it's off-putting like i'm surprised so here we go quit though sitting at 138 down throw goes for the one fine whip but i feel like the up air probably would have been the safer choice but oh no he's fine not all ivysaurs know how to do that back bro hey i don't know was that bad d.i or is that just you know i think bowser is just big yeah i don't know he just he flew that way though first recorded killing of bowser's upbeat maybe i don't know ivysaur out once again i like the way i i like the way quit tries to make every option work before he kind of backs up you saw that he was going on the shield all right that doesn't work going for the grab all right that doesn't work all right let's back up then okay tough guy not in the detector because the percent uh you know the threshold hasn't crossed and there you go see ya excellent stuff right there from leon putting himself up big sinatra getting up out of the seat cheering for his fellow spanish king so leon getting the big break he needs right there as uh quinn and now looking down the barrel of a 2-0 deficit potentially leon really looked at that second stop said all right i got enough mileage off of it and threw himself off the stage thing i don't need it anymore yeah toy story 2. i don't want to play with you oh my god anyway leon now sitting at 68 on his second stock but quit back on the squirtle but she's just gonna really stop that you're sure he's trying quit kind of smiling but then again you can also tell okay for all my players out there you ever get bodied in front of your friends your friends start laughing at you and you're like that was good but i'm tight that people are laughing at me that's what is going through it oh man that really works sinatra behind leon is just like you saw that frog that was crazy yeah they're definitely yeah you see him freaking about it but you definitely see him he's like oh man i'm pimped like oh quit's going pac-man i feel like you should have started this out with pac-man look like i said i think leon's one of the best in the world no look so jersey is literally heckling quinn jersey is literally pointing at it's all in good fun everybody before you think that you know there's some serious problems going on i promise you there is not it's all in good fun but here we go leon apparently the best bowser versus pac-man which i don't really know how to rank as an accomplishment well listen he's beaten he's beating t he's beating stingy a handful of times he's really beating all the pac-man that are you know the ones that are on the mantle for a reason so you know is it this is definitely a match where i feel like pac-man uh struggles no oh no he knows he's smart i i did not doubt him for a second i knew exactly what he was going for there he was just kind of waiting to see if leon would move but since leon obviously was the best bowser vs pac-man you know he knew too yeah daddy did again a rough match up for pac-man as bowser i feel like can really have his way you know when uh pac-man's uh you know above him pac-man doesn't have that same sort of oh god sit down okay he's just dead forget about it sad all right anyway it's gonna be stock one to leon let's see what the response for quinn is gonna be here again racking up nice damage but leon whoa wait a second oh wait hold on take it easier buddy all right here we go we're just going to play this game just to you know give him the time to think but i don't think quinn is doing too bad i mean yeah he wasn't able to seal that stock there but he didn't lose too much off of it now he's just back into neutral where are you going it looks like he's maybe trying to do like a cheeky dislodgement of the hydrant but did not work out from there leo doesn't generate a much extra pin on the second stock so like you mentioned quit definitely at least doing a good job keeping it uh you know uh within arm's reach here right no and i appreciate that i mean here's the thing you can't give up your grand finals you know how many people would kill to be in this position so quick just trying to find an option that will work whether it be a back hair oh pac-man's grab i i didn't play too much smash bar was that like that was like a big pac-man meme right like yeah it was awful his grab was atrocious it's fast still not dead at 207 from hydrate but oops oh okay magic tricks down here 29 you are not dead maybe is he the best bowser versus pacman because he doesn't die oh if he gone for up air he would have been dead i'll take it up smash though this is the spanish kings the spanish kings stop tournament stock here let's see what the response is gonna be as leon is uh running on all kinds of blazing right now leon also straight faced as well this guy has not shown a motion i promise he was a fun guy from helping him before but he just does not care he knows exactly what he's looking for but here's the thing quinn has him on the ledge he could take them off he just needs to lick these hits he's ready for it oh okay i don't know about the f smash there uh-oh gonna be big damage here no okay out of the range where to grab it gets a direct follow-up see leon you see him maybe looking for that landing there into the back here that will definitely spell uh curtains for sure oh no he is how aggressive leon plays bowser too like he went up there oh all right back there he's ready oh you are stuck between a trampoline and a hydrant there rocking a hard place i don't know about that i felt like leon was about to land with the crab and didn't exactly do it cherry okay here we go so last stop here game three quits tournament stopped fighting against the best boxer on pac-man able to even hop but that's so unfortunate leon stalled it out with the town b and now he's back in this terrible position [Applause] all right here we go the bell nothing yet but oh my god here we go last stop last hit i would say quinn maybe needs two really good conversions here i love the way you subsidy get back on stage but the over hands up tilt and that's gonna be it and the winner of the 2021 cross up is going to be david leon leon a smile on his face finally yeah the kid's finally happy yeah congratulations to leon like we mentioned you know definitely not in a great mindset that the week leading up to the tournament but a real get right tournament here uh for leon and listen that is uh i i'm super proud of the work that leon put in today again a great mentality going into the game didn't drop a you know settled winners so won the tournament all the way from winner's side so congratulations to him but again a great job for quid with a great run all the way into second place and from adamus as well with a great run uh all of the entire tommy was so entertaining so again gotta give big shout outs to everybody uh for uh you know hanging in there shout out to the people at home who have been hanging out with us we are burning the midnight oil here actually midnight
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 39,571
Rating: 4.9498258 out of 5
Keywords: boot camp, bootcamp, fatality, games, hungrybox, kazuya, melee, mkleo, mythra, pyra, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash world tour, ssbu smash, ssbu tournament, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, swt, tweek, twitch, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp video game, ultimate tournament
Id: e4ns7H0On-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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