The Comeback Winners Finals - Tweek (Diddy Kong) Vs. Cosmos (Pyra Mythra) SSBU Ultimate Tournament

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yes sir but up next we do have winners finals uh by seating this was probably about right but i'm still excited to see this tweak versus cosmos and here we go yes and speaking of starting while they're young how old was tweak when he got into the scene i don't even know man but i know he grew up and he is definitely making well i would say make a name for himself but that name has already been made one of the best best player in the usa at the moment [Music] oh well i like how you did that okay smooth smooth what if he's staying in the usa no anyway right now slight advantage for cosmos 23-47 but this honestly has been the narrative of every tweak game the first 30 seconds opponents up anywhere between 40 and 60 percent and then two minutes later tweek still has not lost the stock and their opponents have lost at least two yeah i'm just really gathering that data and using it you know playing relatively safe and yeah a lot of players are you know getting the damage but they're showing their entire hand and tweets just putting in a little mental notebook and then later that notebook comes into play and it's just so difficult to deal with ouch yeah some big hits right there coming through from uh tweet and uh tweak his damage potential not daddy's damage potential but tweets damage potential is out of this world so many times you like think you're safe and just get down aired into like exodia you're gone yeah case in point very very difficult um and i mean again that that fantastic start from cosmos doesn't change the fact that the first stock has been lost and tweak has the advantage [Music] all right but the promised revolt yeah that's been cosmos's bread and butter on the ledge and understandable like you got an armored move comes out very fast and the explosion's huge and your opponent has to respect that yeah because if you're not like hitting on point with like the meaties on the neutral get-ups you're just gonna get blown up literally literally blown up for it oh i i like the the options we went for trying to get that narrow didn't connect and this cosmos retaliating flawlessly takes a banana what are we going to do with it oh and then kyle's saying i gotta go i can do some riding play as well we can do a little bit of dribbling yeah these two have played a lot they were roommates for a long time and i imagine they still practice together so like there's gonna be a lot of reads in the set that look weird but there's probably years and years of history of um these two playing together and learning each other's habits and play styles the only thing that looks weird to me is how fast these players are playing it's not where their spacing is i don't i'm just like what is this the matrix they're the best some of the best for a reason okay not able to get the back here after the second air really good di right there by cosmos just kind of holding in and making tweak have to commit tried to down here while you were still soaring through the skies no it didn't connect but talk about being put on notice yeah that's one of those where you can say this never ever works but i will be terrified because someone attempted it actually i'm more surprised that didn't work because that move it feels like pyro's or excuse me throws everywhere but nowhere at the same time like every time i've tried to hit her for it she just kind of gets clocked but sometimes she just kind of is in her like matrix stuff i don't even know but it looked like it was really close to one point and now tweak banana in hand looking like he's ready to walk it in and walks up up smash so he does tweak taking game one okay oh you can tell they play together look at this synchronize synchronizing drinking of water okay like clockwork people go to so many practices to learn to swim together okay to learn to dance together to harmonize together and these two are like yeah we never do this on purposes anyway you ready for that gulp of water you ready for that mass down water up all right character select the same time all right you guys play together too much you gotta gotta separate you two this is a new thing synchronized drinking exactly no cheers or anything i'm not teaming with anyone who does not drink water at the same time it's me all right drift compatible right there shout out specific room all right buddy here we go game number two and again we're starting to see uh mithra stickiness come into play it's kind of hard to lock down a small character like diddy but uh one cosmic movement has been amazing and no jump and this might be really hard to make it back upbeat yeah scoop hitbox is huge another one no time to set it up tweet yeah very nice recovery you got the damage didn't get the stock but you still got to be happy about the damage that you did get and you're just really straight hits away from getting the stop because you technically hit the upbeat you just didn't do the kind of uh the light gentle tap that'll just break the barrels and make diddy free fall yeah i don't know what mithra could do there to uh get that maybe like a single hit of an air or something yeah it's kind of hard to set up oh the truth the trip the trip he was a little bit too high during the trip animation i didn't know diddy's downspace hit that low i actually thought originally off the first trip we're going to see a forage match for tweak yeah because it was in the scenario where if you rode right you got hit by the forward smash and if you rolled left um did he was there and the stock is gone we out here cosmos up right now one i mean three stocks to two against tweak i almost wanted to call him twizzy let's but let's see how long this lead lasts because like against a lot of uh really strong players oh yeah i was gonna say it's not about the lead it's about how long it lasts so many of them are just really good at opening you up and taking it all the way to the bank especially those high percent playing against high percent against a top player is hard and that goes double for them they're both top players in this game no jump though oh not able to get connect nice little weave right there that's where you come here yes it's really a treat to watch this video in action offline absolutely down there yeah that arc is huge you can't really mess with it not getting hit by the um spy kickbox but here we go tweak with a nice little string to reverse things and put his opponent off stage and which is all over again this should be a free punish and that's a big one yeah and just that huge advantage that cosmo's had is just slowly disappearing his tweak just relentless on this pursuit so much aggression and it's just where do you go how do you get away from the monkey well as pyro i mean i guess just chuck him right off stage and hopefully he doesn't recover again but up smash that'll be enough yeah and uh tweek you know was down quite a bit cosmos had such a huge advantage oh great pickup was some big hitboxes oh this is gonna hurt a lot can you land actually pancaking under the side be right there but these dash attacks not pancaking under those three for three on them as well tweet just left right dash attack right left dash attack cosmos having no answers at the moment yeah and cosmo's looking like he's under the mixerization station oh put some respect for my name though all right you can't flip all over me for free no no no no the banana dropped off the yeah look at the banana drop really i bring for a second i thought like is this brawl do you just trip on nothing dude got to make it even you gotta make it fair for everyone very good movement by cosmos right there recognizing that tweak wanted to toss that banana down and if it would have connected you probably would have been dead probably would ran over down till up smashed after some good stuff coming out of hand oh but throws it the wrong way this can be big i mean yeah getting the uh pyro out there two hits two hits is all it takes backing up waiting got the sword back oh my gosh there's no way i'm really surprised sweet didn't tech that maybe tried to detect the first hit and then like when um you weren't put in that position to tech i think the knockback might have been too light or something like that yeah the lasers came through really really uncharacteristic of anyone on our screen right now actually missing that tech well the thing is if you go for the tech on the first time the window might be so small that you're locked out yeah i think you're locked out of a check window for like 20 30 frames or something like that if you press the shield button it's definitely possible yeah so after that first juke there might have been literally nothing that tweet could do cosmo's gonna take that all the way to the bank one one right now um cosmos one of the few people today to take a game off a tweak and possibly the first person to take a set off um of course cosmos has not lost any sets either but has dropped some games here and there hasn't been too many though yeah not too bad not too bad and 46 to start with um kalos stage i'm personally not a huge fan of but it makes a lot of sense for tweak you know you have the walls when you want to recover um you can wall cling down there possibly set up some edge guards when you're recovering you have that option make it more difficult to get let's trap right now none of that is mattering as cosmos is just trampling over tweak at the moment despite though you know this huge lead it's still so terrifying that tweet can give you 50 60 percent off of one opening yep you got to get that hit first that's not about how you start about how you finish that first match nowhere close actually connecting but 117 put on the tweak all of a sudden the tweet coming alive saying okay 52.75 you blank for a second and you're almost even in percent like i said it's not about how you start it's how you finish and tweak as a finisher if i ever saw one always be closing abc it's easy as one two three looking like uh tweaks percent not stopping him and that back air catching the prominence revolt challenging it talk about bold talk about brazen talk about confidence and just a understanding of your opponent's movesets because i was running from it oh you know for what it's worth that was a bit of a forced error by cosmos we're covering a little bit too high maybe trying to check tweak down a little bit we've got footstools though the banana was there but it was under the control tweet if that was cosmos a banana that set up actually is unfair all right promise revolt that's or not promise for both the side b that's just my kill though switching back to mithra i mean at this percent it might not even matter too much it's like you just you just need anything to hit yeah and you gotta be i mean it's it's hard to mentally stay composed right now when your opponent is at 210 and you're like i want to take this stock but i also don't want to give you free damage yeah downtown finally doing it yeah but like it's hard to stay composed but also in the position that cosmos was in you had to just keep on doing the same thing it was working very beautifully and like eventually if you get a grab or like one hit it could lead to a stop because two cause that like what 215. very rare to see did he live that long but good uh composure right there i do like that um first cosmos did a grab with mithra and then said oh okay so you showed a bit i can actually get the grab and then twist the pirate to get the kill foresight nice punish cosmos is very good at um recognizing that situation just going forward without hesitating nice okay and now the item play from cosmos is starting to show up a bit more burns the double jump has to uh attack damage yeah and big positioning as well grab again all right like what i'm saying switches over to pirate not able to find an opening are we going to see the side b come through no a forwards match you almost lost your stock forward you may have i don't know if you're coming back you can side b though oh good juke yeah absolutely the banana was already set up for by tweak as well the thing is this matchup looks very very difficult for power cosmos is doing his best to make it work and like those hits do what matter and add up but when pyro's on the screen tweet is like okay it's my turn again you just don't have the frame data to keep up with me great up smash right there by cosmos unfortunately not taking the stock mithra a bit weak but diddy down tilt to turn around back hair clean consistent and that stock is gone yeah one of the tweaks oh this is gonna hurt but the foresight oh but the air does on the fourth side hit the back foresight twice but no punishes really really unfortunate yeah looking like raven out here seeing the future for days but always being wrong always just all right put the pyro again okay [Applause] possibly shield poke or perry attempt uh tweet has been pairing the last event oh that was nasty a little dirty a little the dirty chimpanzee out here give give that shampoo a bath please okay we need to clean that up yeah tree's firing on all pistons right now though yeah um and it's looking good and just so consistent and intentional with pretty much every action that you're seeing yeah but that was this week's counter pick it's cosmos counter pick now curious see what's going to happen of course the one game so far cosmos did win there wasn't miss tech but cosmos was not mistaken how to lead anyway uh i cannot recall yeah i think so oh that's not how you want to start yeah cosmo's not getting the most mileage out of that situation but banana on like in your opponent's hand with the platforms right there that could have been very very bad news for cosmos or for a tweak rather yeah absolutely um but we got out of it pretty quickly found an opening and just doing what tweek does best that nair just way too safe to actually have a banana toss connect uh-oh i like i like that for there i like the effort but yeah tweak's gonna be like okay you gave me one opportunity and actually not finding the back air on the final hit so opens up a lot of possibilities but cosmo's back off stage again and tweak on when you're on the ledge against tweak it sometimes feels like it's unfair yeah well it's it's not just you versus such a proficient player but there's also bananas do we want every time yeah but tweaks reaction time on top of that oh three v1 all right yeah well consoles have really impro oh we got it but no hey we're back we're back it was a trade but if you're cosmos you're thinking hey why did i have to lose my stock for doing the right thing watch we still had some control over the um barrels right there so good presence of mine to steer that right into cosmos's face and still almost recover yeah yeah actually that's pretty ridiculous now i think about it the presence of mine just go for that in that instance a little bit too high for that yeah the first match from cosmos they were working on a lot of players earlier but tweek is just not getting hit by any of them yeah never quite on that uh latitude right there but another force recovery position cosmo's not able to get in position fast enough to quite capitalize on them oh that was so unfortunate does make it back terrifying and finally a force mask does connect he heard his hooked over the pyra not able to get the hit though up there still not gonna do it but you're one stray hit away tweet cannot eat another one of those but at the same time tweak you know diddy's calling frame dated just so nice it gets kind of the power that's a bit slower even though you're strong yeah also power being a little bit heavier means that these things will work a lot more but she always has that kill power there you have to respect her even if it feels like you can stuff her out easy you got to respect that uh horsepower that she has and there was definitely quite a bit of power right there and cosmos is smoothing and grooving but the force match again that one was a lot closer there were a lot that were closed only once connect you know how much extra damage cosmos has taken off these forwards matches i feel like it's more of a factor of tweak just slightly delaying things i mean this is absolutely true a master of the pacing like there's no denying that oh my goodness the the way cosmos was evading i thought was genius i'm just really impressed that tweek was even able to follow that yeah you know from dining in kind of an unorthodox manner going for the air dodge but either they just play that much or tweak in them or just on a whole nother level and there's another f smash all right so this time cosmos has banana but tweet completely unfazed by that situation saying i'll take this right back thank you taking turns with it pirate comes in and pirate finishes the stop we have a game five in our winter finals yeah oh my gosh and pyro i always feel a little bit scared when i see pyro on screen because like a lot of times cosmos kind of gets stuffed out by tweak when those scenarios are there but always making me double check or triple check myself tag and tweak once twice and that's all you need it just takes one hit when you have the ability to move a condition as method and still have your opponent in that mindset when pyro shows up that can lead to a lot of really strong plays yeah and it's really hard to switch back and forth between that uh mindset like oh i'm safe in this position now i'm safe here but wait pyro's out i should be in this this position like it takes even uh top players it takes them like a couple seconds to kind of regain their footing in those scenarios you have to kind of know you have to play it almost as if uh you're going against a pokemon trainer yeah which you have to fight that character so much before you're thinking oh this is where they can switch and go for this and kind of look for it oh wait here we go we got game five in our winners finals let's get it [Music] and we are finishing on pokemon stadium both players throwing out things but kind of filling each other out not wanting to do any heavy commitments because they know how much damage how much of an advantage your opponent gets in a moment's notice for getting just being correct once yeah the stakes are high the level of player is high there's like no ceiling on their execution apparently you know some people have ceilings they just took the roof off all right and now we're seeing a lot more safer play from both of them i mean when all the stakes are on the line you're going to see it from anyone but uh tweak expert diddy kong and tweak play a lot better in those situations where they have scramble i mean once you're on like game five against mk leo on one of the biggest stages in fighting games there's no other stage that'll start to fray you even the cosmos stays i don't know yeah not for nothing though cosmos still playing amazing but just need to see how he finishes his plate and oh man yeah the f that was surprising yeah i think maybe the di was slightly off right there unfortunately or he was dead either way he might have burned his double jump i blinked i suppose that's possible as well yeah good perry got the grab knight would get the stock what are we doing taking the banana any follow-up afterwards no okay another grab goes through the up air not able to find that mark and tweak finding an opening and just all of a sudden trying to capitalize but cosmo's saying oh there's a hole right here my friend thank you for the stock uh big damage again banana the down air okay foresight comes into play oh this will hurt all right not quite gonna find anything off that forward smashing the foresight saving cosmos bacon right there that could have been very bad that high up on screen at that high percent fantastic right there down tilt up tilt into the up air after and already trying to go for the kill the pirates already out i mean it's now or never it's a lot earlier than usual normally you see the the mitra still kind of running around playing the whole fun game with diddy until probably that ninety hundred percent range yeah but it is game number five it's now or never oh the slide off on that sweep not hesitating again that reaction time second to none all right but cosmos forcing uh tweak to air dodge down gets the grab resets on the ledge almost tags with that pivot grab though and this is gonna be a solid 30ish percent almost getting the double dip but don't touch me whoa big damage early stock 45 right now to zero tweak decent lead trying to expand upon it cosmos using that movement okay cosmos though starting to show up really tagging tweak left right and center this is a big hit evening up the game yeah only six percent separating them right now nice and now cosmos chilling a little bit earlier really taking the pacing pyro's out but last time pirate came out pirate went away really quickly back we back we're back got one hit up there nothing afterwards one down till got the grab tweak being put on notes but you went for the forward smash are you gonna be able to come back was that the mistake was that the opening tweak needed no cosmos is moving too clean right now tweet can't lock him down until that and okay the banana in tweak's hand again is p brutal still alive only because of the power switch though it would have been smoked there when you're so good you know you're getting hit so you change to a heavy character first yeah playing two steps ahead but methods back out but not gonna find it going to find it the dash tag over extending the pressure the cracks in the 11th hour everyone cracks everyone's human and cosmos is a little bit more human today as tweet punches take it into grand finals yes you know when everyone's playing that safe you know cosmos still having the confidence to do what he believed is correct um we saw that with the forward smash where fortunately did not lose stock went off stage managed to recover and then we saw with the dash attack you know diddy had a banana in the hand dash attacked the chill pretty easy at that point to convert but you got to respect the conference from cosmos gotta respect the hell out of just these two competitors how exciting the match that was how much of a back and forth just a straight up dog fight in the winter finals
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 34,848
Rating: 4.9465137 out of 5
Keywords: boot camp, bootcamp, comeback, fatality, games, hungrybox, kazuya, melee, mkleo, mythra, pyra, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash world tour, ssbu smash, ssbu tournament, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, swt, tweek, twitch, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp video game, ultimate tournament
Id: Gduc-BtJZW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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