Cross-origin fetches - HTTP 203

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JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah, and I've got me notes. SURMA: Got me notes. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Got me notes, so I don't get it wrong, although hopefully, I won't need them. SURMA: That's a lot of notes, mate. JAKE ARCHIBALD: I know. This might be a really long episode. Oh, dear. Shall we just-- SURMA: Where did this voice come from? JAKE ARCHIBALD: I don't know. If the episode's really long, just play it faster. [HIGH SPEED SPEECH] [MUSIC PLAYING] JAKE ARCHIBALD: OK. I want to talk about cross-origin fetches. SURMA: Oh, god, I'm bored already. JAKE ARCHIBALD: I know. I know. I deleted a lot of these slides because they were really boring. So hoping what's left is not. But these are things we're going to look at. SURMA: Cookies, CERF, CORS, CORB, CORP, COEP. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yep, well done, actually. If you're playing this in fast motion, you'll miss that all right, so. SURMA: Do they do this on purpose? JAKE ARCHIBALD: What, how they like used four-letter C words for the worst things? Yes. I think that probably is intentional. SURMA: So CORS is a four-letter word. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, it is. These are all C bombs. Cookies isn't. SURMA: But why is this not-- why is this one-- never mind. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Never mind. That's what I say. We're going to go back in time. This is 1993. This happened. SURMA: Oh, this was a new thing. JAKE ARCHIBALD: This was a new thing. SURMA: This wasn't on the blog at that point in time. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. This is in Mosaic. The image tag arrives. And I think-- SURMA: I hadn't touched a computer at this point. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Well, I was nine, so I had, but not on the internet. I wasn't allowed on the internet at that point. Also, no one in Carlo where I grew up knew what the internet was. This was a community that found tin foil to be too technologically advanced. [LAUGHTER] Anyway image tag arrives in Mosaic, and I think I've done so much research into this, and I'm still not confident. But I'm going to say anyway. I'm just going to go full confidence. This was the first sub-resource the web ever had. SURMA: Like if the camera would correct it. Like, Jake. JAKE ARCHIBALD: I was waiting for someone to crawl out of the camera and go-- SURMA: Well, actually. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Actually, that was just weird SGML. SURMA: OK. That probably was. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, first sub-resource. That landed, and also interestingly, oh, look at that. It can be cross origin. SURMA: Was the concept of an origin even established? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Nope. But at the time, they would have said, different domain, I guess. SURMA: So if Facebook existed, that would be leaking. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah. Well, we'll get onto that. We will get onto that because they weren't leaking a lot of the time because cookies hadn't been invented yet because they came along in 1994 as Netscape 0.9 beta. That arrived. SURMA: Look at that research number. JAKE ARCHIBALD: I know. I didn't even look at the notes for that. SURMA: What? Do you know what motivated cookies? JAKE ARCHIBALD: State. State and HTTP. So things like login because it was entirely stateless before that, but they wanted some way-- SURMA: But it's still stateless. JAKE ARCHIBALD: --to know [INAUDIBLE] user. Except cookies are sent every time. That's stateless. SURMA: Still stateless. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Is that not state? SURMA: The protocol is stateless. You send state with the stateless protocol so that the protocol doesn't have to hold it. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Fine. Fine. OK. I would count that as state. Shut up. Right, next year, 1995. Look what lands. SURMA: Look at all these sub-resources. JAKE ARCHIBALD: All these sub-resources, but importantly, script. So this is Netscape Navigator 2. SURMA: How many people know that this frame and not iframe? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah, that's a frame, not iframe. I've not used a frame for so long. SURMA: That was the only thing I ever used when I was a kid playing with HTML. Love it. Always had the sidebar, the site nav in a frame because you could drag it. Great. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And would stay there. SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: It was perfect. And then your URL at the top never changed, which was useless. But never mind. Something bad had happened at this point. One of probably-- SURMA: You started saying, "Yo"? JAKE ARCHIBALD: [LAUGHS] It was actually because if I had-- so you're going to see some more code coming down here, and so I needed something short to put in there. And that's why that is. But the web made a huge mistake here, probably one of the biggest mistakes in the design of the web we ever made, and it's right here. And it's that-- no matter what site is containing these, the cookies for will be sent with these requests. SURMA: Right. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And that was a big problem. And it was a problem that we continue to make [INAUDIBLE] of elements as well. SURMA: I see here. [INAUDIBLE] JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah, there you go. One more letter and that overflows. SURMA: Why was it a mistake, Jake? JAKE ARCHIBALD: We'll get onto that. SURMA: Oh, OK. JAKE ARCHIBALD: But it wasn't just a mistake for sub-resources, it was also for some kinds of navigation as well. Because this would be sent with the cookies as well. SURMA: Now that I can see as a mistake because I can send someone to a random form and suddenly delete their bank account or some crap. That doesn't seem good. JAKE ARCHIBALD: That seems bad, doesn't it? SURMA: It does seem bad. JAKE ARCHIBALD: But this is how all of this stuff was built. SURMA: Right. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Big mistake. And I'll go through some examples of the horrible things that can happen. SURMA: Great. JAKE ARCHIBALD: But I do want to acknowledge that things were starting to go right at this point as well. So we had these frame objects, and these frames will tell you things about the images on the page, the forms on the page, the links on the page-- so the basic JavaScript we had back in 1995. But they decided that you would only be able to access those properties if you were on the same-- SURMA: Origin. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Origin! SURMA: Bam! JAKE ARCHIBALD: As the parent site or whatever. And the origin was decided to be scheme, host, port number. And there we go. So things were starting to become good. They were thinking of the objections that they should have thought of back at the start. Look at this! SURMA: I have never written these lines, but I-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: I have! SURMA: ActiveX, I remember as being the source of many evils. JAKE ARCHIBALD: This is XMLHttp request. This is the first version of it. This is what it looked like. SURMA: It started as an ActiveX object. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Oh, yes! Yeah, it used to have this horrible tri-cache thing just to find the correct string of that that you needed. Because there were multiple versions of this. Anyway, whatever. It was horrible. But yeah, we did eventually get standardized. And it took a long time. SURMA: Nine years! JAKE ARCHIBALD: Another nine years before we started to get cross-origin of these. So this was the change. We had XHR in other browsers long before that, but this was the cross-origin one. SURMA: With cookies? Without cookies? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Well. SURMA: Well. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So I'm going fast-forward to modern code because it's all worked the same. SURMA: Look at it. This nice. That's nice! JAKE ARCHIBALD: And they decided that, for this to work, it would have to be an opt-in system. They don't want you to just be able to-- SURMA: Opt-in by the site providing the data, not me, the person who writes the code. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, because they didn't want you to just be able to go and grab someone's emails or whatever. SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: The same problem with the frame stuff, so you needed this to be an opt-in system, and that opt-in became CORS. And what it involved is the other side sending this back, that header. And there you go. You can now access the data. SURMA: So basically, everyone is allowed to read this resource. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, exactly. But, like you picked up on before, the request would be sent without credentials. We call it-- which is cookies, cookies and some client cert. SURMA: Can the site to opt-in to allow with credentials? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, it can. So you would do something like this. The same existed on XHR. But you would need this access control credentials true and your access control allow origin. You couldn't use star. Can't use star for this. It has to be the origin. SURMA: But sometimes-- so this is obviously headers in the response. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. SURMA: Which means the request has already been sent, processed, and a response has been sent, which could already have done damage. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So these are the slides-- you're now talking about the slides I deleted from this because I thought they were boring. No, but you're right. So the way it was decided when this was an invented, it is like we don't need to worry about the request if it's already a kind of request that the browser can already send. SURMA: Right JAKE ARCHIBALD: So this, a request to there with credentials, it's an image tag. You can already do it. SURMA: That's true. JAKE ARCHIBALD: A post request, you can do that with a form. And there's also rules around the kinds of headers you can use. Like for a content type, the content type can be-- for the body of the post, it can be URL-encoded, the x URL-- I can't remember it off the top of my head. SURMA: Yeah, thing-- the long thing. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Because you can do that with forms. Form multipart. SURMA: Oh, I just remembered. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Because you can do that with forms. SURMA: If you want to deviate, you go into the whole preflight request thing. We're not going to talk about, I'm guessing. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Content-- no. So if you deviate, it does a preflight where it has to go and ask first, "Can I make this request?" Absolutely. Interestingly, you can do a POST request with the content type text plain. And that's fine because you can already do that with the form element. SURMA: Oh, they can? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. SURMA: I did not know. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, this is like-- I always forget about this. The encoding for form data text plain is-- SURMA: That's how I used to send emails to myself! It's just like value equals-- or key equals-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Which is almost entirely useless because if you have-- because the line break separated, but your form values can have line breaks. So it's impossible to parse. SURMA: True. JAKE ARCHIBALD: But it exists. SURMA: I made pages back in the day, I would have a contact me form, where you send emails to me, and I would use that. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah, then CGI script to do it. Yes, absolutely. But the point I want to make about this is-- yeah, you have to-- SURMA: CGI script mail, too. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Oh, with the body. Yes, fine. You have to send the origin back. SURMA: The exact origin, not star. JAKE ARCHIBALD: You can't do star if you're doing credentials. SURMA: Interesting. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So how would you get this? Because how do you get-- SURMA: From the request, right? JAKE ARCHIBALD: From the request. Now, at the time we had the referrer header. SURMA: The infamously misspelled referrer header. JAKE ARCHIBALD: The misspelled referrer header. But also, the often absent referrer header. SURMA: True. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Because internet safety software-- actually, I'm not even going to do that, because this is actually a good piece of safety. Leaking the path of where you were on the previous site is actually quite privacy invasive. SURMA: Or could-- yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Because it could have your user names, account, user numbers, all of that sort of stuff. SURMA: True. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So a lot of this software would just remove the referrer. SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: But then that means it's useless for this. SURMA: True. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So we invented a new header, origin, and that's sent with the request. So it doesn't have all of the path data that would be leaky, it just says the origin it came from. SURMA: Was this header invented as a response to this problem? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. SURMA: That's interesting. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah, it is exactly that. So that exists on CORS requests, and that's how that works. SURMA: I think it comes pretty much any request now. JAKE ARCHIBALD: We'll get on to that. So, the point I want to make about this, and I wanted to get here a lot quicker than we have, but here we are. Is that adding this is almost always safe, almost always. SURMA: And yet, almost nobody does it. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, more the pity. So when these requests are sent without cookies and stuff, the question we get a lot is, why do we need an opt in if it's sent without cookies? SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And the problem is intranets, because they're not protected with cookies. SURMA: True. JAKE ARCHIBALD: IoT devices all around your house. A lot people will run dev servers that have seat-- SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right. And so, you don't want-- if you're visiting a site, for me to just be able to go to 1270011-- SURMA: Yeah, go to my router web interface and do shenanigans with it. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Exactly, yeah. SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So this is almost always safe. SURMA: Except when it isn't. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So the rule is-- I would say the rule is, go to the URL in a incognito tab so there's no cookies there and look at it. And if you are happy with the world seeing that-- SURMA: From your phone, on mobile internet. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Well, no, from whatever connection that you can access it from. So if you access your router and it says your name on it in an incognito tab, then you're like, I'm unhappy with that, so it shouldn't have this header. But if you're happy with the content and the source, you can put that header on it. That is the vast majority of stuff on the web. SURMA: But nobody's following that guidance, Jake. Because we've tried-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: That's why I'm saying it right now. I'm hoping that everyone's going to go, oh, I'll go and add it to all my stuff. You know? SURMA: Nobody is, let's be real. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right. Let's get back to these. So I was saying that this is a huge mistake for the web. SURMA: Yo. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yo. Yo, what up? This up. [LAUGHTER] Am I cool? Am I cool now? SURMA: If you weren't already white, you would be so much whiter right now. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Impossible. I feel like I'm going red, I'm embarrassed. Right. So we got this problem here that, you know, you've got a URL that gets the current user's avatar. Now, I can do a load event to tell if this loads. And by that, I can determine you are locked into Bad. SURMA: Oh, yeah. OK. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right? SURMA: I see where you're going. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So this -0, this is a sort of convention. - SPEAKER 2: Dash-0. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Dash-0, hello. Dash-0, that's my rap name. SURMA: [LAUGHS] JAKE ARCHIBALD: So, yeah. We've got that -0, it's the original avatar the user uploaded. But then from that, I can get the width and height, and now that's user identifiable data. SURMA: Potentially. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Because that's more likely to be unique than that other stuff if it's the original version they uploaded. This is all leaking of data that shouldn't really happen. It does, thanks to these bad mistakes that were made. And we're only recently started to fix some of these. SURMA: I mean, it's a hard problem because backwards compatibility is one of the uppermost goals on the web. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Absolutely. SURMA: Just breaking that will probably break-- or changing that will break a good amount of existing sites. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Or will it? Or will it? So this is one of the fixes, you put in your cookie. So this is how the site would deal your log in cookies, you've got your session ID or whatever. But look at this. SURMA: Lax. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Same site lax. And what this means is, only send this cookie if the request came from my site. SURMA: OK. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So that means it would not be sent with this. If this is on, or whatever, the session cookie would not go along with this, so that this would always fail to load. Or then you would get-- SURMA: Right. But now that site has been broken, which-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Well, not really. Well, only if it expected to be able to display avatars on oversight. SURMA: Which was reasonable to expect, right? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Some-- maybe. But then, well-- if you-- I would say not, right? You don't want a single URL to deal out your avatar because you're logged in. SURMA: Probably. I mean-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Because it's an information leak. There are cases where you want that, in which case you need to do something else. And you probably need to change your code right now, because Chrome 80 made a change. SURMA: Oh, yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: We've decided that if this says nothing about same site cookies, we are going to assume same site lax. SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Actually, no. We filmed this episode a month ago, and a lot has changed in the world since then. This cookie change that we're talking about actually broke a few important sites like government sites and shopping sites, and we felt like now especially is a bad time to be doing that. So we've actually rolled the change back. We're still going to be doing it eventually, but we've rolled it back for now. Check out the link in the description for more details on that. And in the meantime, back to the episode. So that means, yeah, if you have one of those services where you want people to be able to log-- it's not going to work unless you go in and say, same site. SURMA: Doesn't lax stand for relaxed? Like the-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, it does. SURMA: So there is also an even stricter version. JAKE ARCHIBALD: There is a stricter version. SURMA: Oh, wow. JAKE ARCHIBALD: The stricter version works for navigations as well. So even if you navigate from site A to site B, it will not send site these cookies. SURMA: Interesting. JAKE ARCHIBALD: That is strict. Which is really-- SURMA: So if have a link, here, go to GitHub and you press the link-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: You would be logged out if they used same site strict. SURMA: Interesting. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Which is why lax is really the simplest one to use, unless you want to go above and beyond for some certain bits and pieces. So yeah, Chrome 80 made this change. Firefox is going to as well. But same site cookies in general, well supported across all of the browsers. SURMA: Yup. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And it also solves this problem, which you mentioned earlier on as well. SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Where I can have a form and I can submit it, but even though this is a full navigation, it won't send those cookies even if there's lax. Right? SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: It's fine. But what if you can't do that for some reason? What if you can't change your cookies or whatever, how can you protect yourself from this? This is SRF, this is, yeah. SURMA: Yes, with CSRF, tokens and stuff. JAKE ARCHIBALD: You can use the tokens, they're a horror. SURMA: It's hard. It's annoying. JAKE ARCHIBALD: There is a way you can do it in-- I wouldn't say modern browsers. I mean, for quite a while now, there's much easier ways. Another thing you sort of alluded to, this header. This header was originally designed for CORS but we've started adding it-- well, we've since added it to lots of other requests. SURMA: Yeah. I don't think I've ever seen one without it, to be honest. JAKE ARCHIBALD: A GET request. SURMA: The first navigation, yeah. Because-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: And all GET requests. A CORS GET request will have it, all other GET requests won't. SURMA: Interesting. JAKE ARCHIBALD: The reason is backwards compatibility. There was enough servers out there that were using the presence of this to decide it was a CORS request. SURMA: Of course they did. OK, sure. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah. SURMA: Sure. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Exactly. So it's added to post requests and all of that. It's just non CORS GET requests don't have this header. SURMA: Right. JAKE ARCHIBALD: But it doesn't matter, because it was a post, so you're fine. So you can just check to see that this is the origin you're expecting. SURMA: On the code for your post handler, you say, must have the origin header, and if so, not doing it. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Exactly. SURMA: Yeah, makes sense. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah. And that's a nice easy way, you don't need all of the the SRF tokens and all that kind of stuff, nice easy way. Another example. So again, I can use the load event to know that you work at Or you are in a position where you have access to their intranet, because the logo loaded, didn't it? SURMA: It did. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And this is not something that is typically solved with cookies. A lot of intranets assume they're safe just because they're on an internal network. They're not, but they do. Right? SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So here I'm detecting quite a lot about you as a user. How do we solve this? This is CORP. So this is a header that you add onto the image thing that says, this can only be embedded same-site. SURMA: Ah. OK, so if you use this resource on anything but the same site, it will just-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Fail to load. SURMA: OK. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah. So you would look like you were not within the CORP, the It would just look like you didn't have access to that. SURMA: That makes sense. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So there you go. Next problem. Now, this is a case where-- this wouldn't be solved by same-site cookies. SURMA: Because you would never put a resource policy header on an HTML file? JAKE ARCHIBALD: Well, so you could, but you might not, or you might have forgotten or something. A lot of servers-- I mean, many servers out there have not done this. SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Obviously this is not going to load. SURMA: No. JAKE ARCHIBALD: But it is going to bring this HTML file into the process. SURMA: Ah, and then we're-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: It means the coding is done in process. SURMA: Yeah. And then we're back in Spectre land. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Spectre, Meltdown, those CPU bugs that will let you hammer away at certain things and start maybe trying to read some of the data. So this is a problem, that is fixed by CORB. There it is, look at it. It's beautiful. This is Cross Origin Read Blocking. I had to memorize that, because I knew I was going to get that wrong. SURMA: So it's not resource blocking, no, no, it's read blocking. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Read blocking, definitely read blocking. And how this works is, as part of fetch, before things entered the process, what it does is it looks at particular mine types, it looks to see if it has the no-sniff header on, and it can get straight to it then. But Chrome will also do things like, if this looks like HTML and it's not a CORS request, not letting it through. SURMA: Oh, so it prevents it from ever getting to the process. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah. SURMA: But it has to be a header on the response? JAKE ARCHIBALD: No, so-- SURMA: Oh, so CORB is just a technology. JAKE ARCHIBALD: CORB. SURMA: CORB. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Oh, I feel like I'm going mad. CORB is just like a-- SURMA: A feature in Chrome. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. Well, yeah. SURMA: It's not like CORB is in the header, or-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: No, it's not a header. It's in the fetch spec. And in the fetch spec version, you have to do some-- you have to have no-sniff on the response to say, don't look at this to see if it's an image or not. But you see, when it's got no-sniff and-- SURMA: So it knows if you're saying, I guarantee that I set the correct mine type on the content type header. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, exactly. And then it just goes, HTML cannot be a sub resource. Gone. SURMA: Gotcha. JAKE ARCHIBALD: I mean, if it's a CORS request, it can. But you know, this code isn't run for CORS requests. SURMA: OK. JAKE ARCHIBALD: So, yeah. What will happen is it will look at and go, this-- and Chrome will do extra sort of sniffing around it as well, and go, oh, this looks a bit like HTML. I'm just not going to let this through. It does the same with JSON, does the same with XML. SURMA: I wouldn't let JSON through. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yeah, exactly. There you go. Final one, here you go. SURMA: COEP. JAKE ARCHIBALD: This is COEP. CO-EP, I've heard it pronounced. Yeah. And so this is something that you would use on your HTML page. SURMA: And COEP requires CORB. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, it does. Are you following along? There's going to be a test after this. Hope you're concentrating. And what you're saying here, is you're making a declaration that everything on your page is either going to be CORS or authorized by some other means. That site is going to opt into including it, and the opt in would be using the CORP, but a specific opt-in to saying this can be embedded cross-origin. SURMA: OK. So this would-- then if-- wait, but hold on. Images still work if they had no-sniff and the correct mine type. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes, but now if you've got this header on your page, they will start failing. SURMA: Oh, accept-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: Because you're saying, I am saying I am opting into this stricter model. SURMA: On a per sub resource basis. JAKE ARCHIBALD: On a per sub resource basis. And the reason for that is to opt into more powerful features, because we now know-- SURMA: Right. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Once you've done this, you're in a position where you don't really have anything to Spectre Meltdown. SURMA: Yeah. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Right? So that's the point where we can go, oh, we can give you high resolution timers. Oh, we can give you-- SURMA: But only if-- JAKE ARCHIBALD: --a shared array buffer, that sort of stuff. SURMA: If we can guarantee that there's no sensitive data in your process. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And this enforces that guarantee. SURMA: So if I remember correctly-- and I'm excited about this not because it's so easy to understand, but because I think this is the headers that would allow us to bring shared array buffers back. JAKE ARCHIBALD: That is it. SURMA: For everyone. JAKE ARCHIBALD: It is exactly that. SURMA: Yes. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yes. Because that high resolution time, it's all of that stuff that we've had to take out because of Meltdown, Spectre, it can come back. SURMA: Because if and when we get this, we'll also get threats for wireless and all this stuff on mobile, on the other browsers. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yep. SURMA: So in that sense, yay. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Yay, excellent. SURMA: In terms of understanding it, whew. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And that is pretty much everything I wanted to talk about. Because we can't-- we've got quite a lot. But I want to acknowledge that there's a-- we looked at a certain class of problems here. And this is where one site is stealing stuff from another site, or making the other site do things it didn't want to do. And that makes the user sad, because they lose data, or they have their privacy invaded. There is a whole other class of problems where site A and site B, totally fine with sharing data, but the user is sad about it. SURMA: Oh, that's the tracking problem. JAKE ARCHIBALD: This is cross-site tracking, and-- SURMA: This is not that, that is a separate problem. JAKE ARCHIBALD: And I want to spend a whole episode on that at some point, because there's a lot of interesting things happening in that space. So that's a shout forward to another episode some other time. SURMA: Oh, stay tuned on that one. JAKE ARCHIBALD: But that's enough for now. SURMA: OK, bye. JAKE ARCHIBALD: We've had a guest in the studio. He's about to he's about to arrive, here he comes. He's very-- just to let you know, someone is very carefully dodging cameras and lighting equipment in order to do this. But look, this is the official show dog. Look, look, this is Watson. And Watson is going to be very sad if you don't click Subscribe right now. Aren't you, Watson? SURMA: And click the bell. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Aren't you, Watson? SURMA: I would love it if he just barked at your face right now. He's like, [BLEEP] off. JAKE ARCHIBALD: Even the dog's yawning now. The dog's bored. SURMA: He's very excited. JAKE ARCHIBALD: I'm bored. Aw, good boy.
Channel: Google Chrome Developers
Views: 31,196
Rating: 4.9226241 out of 5
Keywords: Chrome, Developers, Google, Web, Cross-origin fetches, Cors, csrf, corb, corp, coep, fetch, cross origin, early design mistakes, deep dive into cross-origin fetches, cross-origin fetches basics, cross-origins 101, what are cross-origin fetches, cross-origin fetches, Chrome Developers, Chrome devs, developers, HTTP, GDS: Yes;
Id: vfAHa5GBLio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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