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JAKE: We should talk about the web. SURMA: We should talk about the web. And I have plans for the web. JAKE: Ooh! SURMA: Ooh! [THEME MUSIC] So I wrote a blog post. JAKE: Good. Good start. SURMA: I did not squeeze it into a tweet even though we have twice as many characters now. JAKE: Oh, yes. SURMA: I needed a little bit more explanation. And I was-- the entire event that sparked this interest is a colleague telling me that there's iPad Pros and that these iPad Pros run at 120 hertz. JAKE: 100-- that's double the normal number. SURMA: It's 50 times 2. So, yeah, most devices that we have worked with so far run at 60 frames a second or at 60 hertz. JAKE: Right because it-- I remember in the days of CRT monitors, you'd see quite a variance of-- SURMA: 24 hertz, 30, 50, 60. JAKE: Yeah, for a computer monitor, you would tend to run at 60, 75, 100-- SURMA: Oh, yeah, right. JAKE: Because the higher the refresh rate, the less flicker. Yeah, the less eye bad it was. SURMA: On the scale of 0 to eye bad. JAKE: It's like how long can you watch it before your tears of blood, that sort of thing. But then once the CRTs went away, everything just 60-- 60 across the board. Laptops-- TVs can do it differently because they want to synchronize the frame rates but-- SURMA: We got also 24 so they're-- 6 is a multiple of 24, which is sometimes an issue. JAKE: Right. SURMA: And Americans TV run at 50. JAKE: American TV runs at 60. SURMA: European runs at 50? JAKE: European runs at 50. SURMA: Why? JAKE: Just-- sorry just allow me to remove my smug grin. SURMA: I think I just tapped into your specialty. JAKE: I've done a bit about this in a talk a few years ago, and so I did a lot of research into it. Yeah, it was all based around the power frequency. SURMA: Yeah, exactly. You could just sync using the wave form of the power supply. JAKE: So a 50 hertz here, 50 hertz in a lot of Europe, 60 hertz in America, and lot of other places I think so. But, yes, we all decided, as often happens, we'll just go, oh, we'll go with the American thing whatever. 60 sounds better than 50. Whatever. We'll do that, which-- SURMA: Why won't we take something it is a nice part of 100? Let's go with 60. JAKE: Here's the thing. If we went with 50, we would all have more time on our frame budgets. Right? SURMA: Yes. JAKE: A significant amount of time longer to get a frame together but no-- SURMA: 4 milliseconds more. JAKE: Exactly. But-- SURMA: But that's not the case. JAKE: That's not the case. SURMA: So and that's basically the thing. Everything has been 60-- JAKE: But now we're going to have even less time. SURMA: Well, kind of, yes. If you want to make use of the 120 hertz, yes, but the problem is that because every device has been running at 60, 60 has somewhat become an implicit assumption. JAKE: Right. SURMA: There is a good amount of code out there that doesn't actually consider how much time has elapsed since the last frame. JAKE: Who would write such code? SURMA: I don't know, Jake. Who would write such code? JAKE: So, yes. So on Twitter we were talking about this because this was from an Apple engineer. SURMA: So the thing is I looked at the iPad Pros and looked at 120 hertz, and I was like this is amazing. This looks so good. It actually makes a difference, which I was honestly a bit surprised by. JAKE: I was dubious whether you could notice a difference, but, yeah, you can. SURMA: If you think about it, it makes sense because you-- if you think about you have 60 frames a second, especially with fast motion, so you have more in-between images, which will make motion blur seem much more real. JAKE: Yes. SURMA: Instead of having like three individual pictures from A to B, you will have now six. JAKE: Yes. Yeah, double that. SURMA: And it sort of makes more-- your brain will think even more it's an actual motion. And so I was asking what's the plan, your wrath on the iPad. Still runs at 60. JAKE: requestAnimationFrame, my assumption would be you would get a requestAnimationFrame 120 times a second. SURMA: And you do not. JAKE: And you do not. SURMA: You get 60. JAKE: You get 60. SURMA: And that made me sad because that basically meant whenever you were using a animation framework that does the JavaScript animation with JavaScript, which I think at least parts of GreenSock, for example, do, you wouldn't get the 120 FPS. JAKE: Yes and I tweeted it when a Safari engineer is saying why is this, and I think they were saying, oh, well, we're worried about legacy code that assumes 60 frames a second. And I was like, come on. Probably not a big deal. Probably not a big deal. Who does that? And they sent me back one of my canvas examples from four years ago, admittedly, but still-- SURMA: Shame on you. JAKE: Shame on me. SURMA: So that's something-- JAKE: So CSS animations don't have this issue? SURMA: No they don't because you are-- CSS by the very nature of CSS is declarative, so either you use CSS transitions where you say go from A to B in one second-- it doesn't care about frame rate-- JAKE: You don't get visibility into every frame so-- SURMA: Same with CSS animations. Same with web animations API, which Safari is working on. It's not behind a flag so you can start using it, which is really cool. JAKE: Oh! Oh, I did not know that. SURMA: Yeah, if you use these technologies, the animations will run at a 120 frames per second, and that's really cool. JAKE: So what's the answer here for requestAnimationFrame? What can we do? How can we get that to-- it's going to have to be opt in. It my fault. It's going to be opt in. But then even that demo I did, it was some snow. Snow fell. And so on 120 hertz, snow falls twice as fast. It's just a blizzard. It's fine. We can gloss over that. SURMA: Exactly. And then even if we solve that, assuming we have a wrath and it's 120 hertz now, we still have a problem because as you said we have twice the frame rate. And that means half the budget-- JAKE: Less time to do it in. SURMA: And so with some quick math in my head, I will tell you that you are running, you would have an 8-millisecond budget per frame. JAKE: That is half of 16, which we currently have. Yes. SURMA: Exactly. JAKE: Right. SURMA: But the problem is that the work the browser has to do stays fixed, and I think right about now it's safe to say it's between 4 and 6 milliseconds-- JAKE: Right. SURMA: On a desktop machine. It might change. Your mileage may vary. But that means on 60 FPS, you still have way more than half left because let's say that you have-- the browser needs 6 milliseconds. You have 10 left. 120 FPS, you have 2 left. JAKE: Oh. That's not a lot of time. SURMA: That is not a lot of time. JAKE: Yeah. SURMA: And so there's-- of course, there's work for the browser to do, optimizations to only do work when it's really necessary to make the things that have to happen really fast, things that the browser can optimize, but also I think the ecosystem needs to change. It needs to look into writing things in a way that they yield often to the browser, that you can now-- they can basically do here is my little chunks of work and whenever you need to ship a frame in between, here's the points where you can do that. JAKE: So requestIdleCallback becomes even more important. SURMA: Even more important. And the second tool that you have and that not very many people use is web workers, where you can set up an actual separate thread and do work in there. And you can block in there you can do all kinds of work. The main thread won't care and will stay responsive. JAKE: So something to prepare for in 2018. SURMA: Definitely. JAKE: I think there's an opportunity, if we did have go for another function name, I think there's an opportunity to rename requestAnimationFrame to something a little bit more meaningful. SURMA: Yeah, it's not the best name is it? JAKE: Yeah, so if it was like before render. SURMA: Our request on animation frame. JAKE: Right.
Channel: Google Chrome Developers
Views: 14,954
Rating: 4.8531075 out of 5
Keywords: Chrome, Developers, Google, Web, 120fps, HTTP203, Jake Archibald, Surma, @DasSurma, 60fps, JavaScript, web developers, chrome developers, android developers, ios developers, google chrome developers, gaming resolutions, ipad pro resolution, gaming computers, ux designers, screen resolution, 60 hz vs 120 hz, 60hz vs 120hz, hz, fps, frames per second, run animations, css, animation framework, 120hz, 60hz, app developers, ipad pro, java, eventtarget, import(), ios, web, refresh rate, GDS: Yes;
Id: 2Kuwy-67VyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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