Push Notifications - HTTP 203

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SPEAKER 1: So we edit the comments for YouTube videos for the series. SPEAKER 2: Well, yeah we do. SPEAKER 1: I think I should have said moderate, shouldn't I? SPEAKER 2: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: Should I try that-- SPEAKER 2: We don't edit them. We don't go in and it me say something different. SPEAKER 1: Should I try that again? SPEAKER 2: That would be good if you could go, this is the greatest show I have ever seen. These people should get a raise. SPEAKER 1: Just messing it up straightaway. [MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER 2: We are building the Chrome Dev Summit website. SPEAKER 1: Yes, we are. SPEAKER 2: And we are looking into using push notifications because we are trying not to be annoying about them. SPEAKER 1: Yeah If there's one thing that everyone loves on the web, it's push notifications. Every site-- SPEAKER 2: Everyone loves it. SPEAKER 1: I can't stop myself from hitting allow. And I'm just like-- oh, I'm just-- curiosity has gotten the best of me. SPEAKER 2: My lock screen is full of notifications. SPEAKER 1: I don't know what your website's about. But you have asked me if I want notifications. And my answer is always yes. Of course it is. SPEAKER 2: I hate it when you got to a website for the first-- it's like, hey, would you like-- I don't even know what for. What are you doing? Who approved this? Either way, we actually think we have a legit use case, namely that-- SPEAKER 1: This is what everyone says. But OK. Yes, we think we do. SPEAKER 2: Because this conference is something that you can not only have in person, but obviously, also watch with a livestream from home, which might mean that you are in a different time zone. SPEAKER 1: Yes. SPEAKER 2: So what we want to do is that you can say, this session is interesting to let. Let me know 10 minutes ahead of time before it's about to start. SPEAKER 1: We'll be asking for permission at a good time. SPEAKER 2: Yeah, once they click, notify me, we will say, well then we would need your permission to notify you. SPEAKER 1: And that seems like a reasonable time to ask. SPEAKER 2: Yes. SPEAKER 1: Yes, I agree. SPEAKER 2: Just as a context why did I look into Web Push. And I did. And I was actually kind of scared because I had never done it. I've never used Web Push. And I know that back in the day, Google Cloud Messaging had their own proprietary API. And that was a competitor. And it was incompatible with anything else. And I was like, I don't want to do this. And I looked into it. And it's so much better. It's actually-- I would say it's enjoyable now. SPEAKER 1: So is all documentation for this still written by Maunty Gaunty? SPEAKER 2: The out-of-date documentation is written by Maunty Gaunty. SPEAKER 1: Yeah. So we should say this is someone who was on the team a few years ago. SPEAKER 2: And then bailed on us. SPEAKER 1: And he bailed on us. But we called him Maunty Gaunty because-- SPEAKER 2: Or some, Maunt Gaunt. SPEAKER 1: Maunt Gaunt If we can-- hopefully we can get this footage to display now. SPEAKER 2: It's from the PWA Summit in Amsterdam, 2016, I want to SPEAKER 1: Or something like that, and it was-- so his name, Matt Gaunt. But while he was talking to camera-- SPEAKER 2: The editors just call him Maunt Gaunt. [LAUGHS] SPEAKER 1: Maunt Gaunt. It was like, I like his surname so much, we'll put it twice. So that was it. That was his-- SPEAKER 2: And that's-- his name gone. SPEAKER 1: I think that's why he had to leave the team because it was just like, all right, Maunty, how's it going? SPEAKER 2: Yes. So he was our push person. SPEAKER 1: Push person. SPEAKER 2: And he left. And things changed. And we had nobody update the document. SPEAKER 1: Good. Excellent. SPEAKER 2: This is how we work. Either way, moving on. SPEAKER 1: All right. SPEAKER 2: Web Push. SPEAKER 1: Good. SPEAKER 2: Let's talk about this. So it is now an open protocol standardized by the IETF. All the browsers that do implement it, implement that specific protocol. And that is pretty much every browser apart from Safari. SPEAKER 1: Yes, Safari doesn't have support for Web Push. SPEAKER 2: Let's take a look at this. So the first thing that you need for push notifications is to have a push handler in your service worker. And this may just be to show a notification irrespective of push. But you need to show a notification. So what you do is you just add an event listener for push. And then it's usually a good idea to check if you actually ever got permission from the user because otherwise, the [? notification ?] call will [? throw. ?] SPEAKER 1: So it's interesting that actually-- as far as I'm aware-- every browser will bundle the push notification permission and the notification permission. Push permission and notification permission become the same thing. SPEAKER 2: Yes. If they ask for a subscribe later on, the user will get asked for permission. But it doesn't mean that you couldn't get a push event without the user ever having consented to notifications. SPEAKER 1: Not in Chrome. SPEAKER 2: Really? SPEAKER 1: Yeah. When you subscribe for push, the permission you get there that says, do you want push or not? If you say allow, it will give you notification permission as well [INAUDIBLE]. SPEAKER 2: But I can still get a push event without the user ever having been asked for permission, I think. At least you could trigger it by dev tools, for example. SPEAKER 1: Maybe. But I would say-- [LAUGHTER] I would say otherwise, I'm pretty sure not-- SPEAKER 2: Potentially. SPEAKER 1: It's definitely not in Chrome. SPEAKER 2: It's definitely not a bad thing to check before so the code doesn't throw because throwing is usually-- SPEAKER 1: It's definitely possible that other browsers may diverge those two things. SPEAKER 2: Or you could still get a push event, but the user has since then rejected your-- or has removed your permission to show notifications, also, I think, a thing that could be happening. I'm not too sure about that. Either way, I'm just trying to justify-- just do a check. That's all I'm saying. SPEAKER 1: No, that's good. SPEAKER 2: So what happens in a push event, you get an event. And then the event has a dot data added, which works very similar to a fetch response. And then you can do unmarked lists, text, JSON array buffer, and that's what you get. And then you can use the show notification API to actually show a notification on the system. On an Android, it will be a notification on the notification bar. On Mac OS, Windows, [INAUDIBLE] will be one of these on-screen display notifications. They're there for a couple of seconds. There you go. This is pretty much the notification part of Web Push. That's done. Let's talk about the interesting thing. And in this part, we're going to talk about cryptography. SPEAKER 1: Cryptography. SPEAKER 2: Well, actually, we're not going to talk about it because one of the golden rules, I think-- and everybody knows this-- don't roll your own crypto. The spec is out there. And it's actually very readable. How do you need to encrypt which data to actually be compatible to the protocol? But pretty much every language has a Web Push library that encapsulates all of that logic. So I would recommend not doing it yourself. Use libraries, and you will actually have a very pleasant experience of just making it work. SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I remember the days when this was speced. And there was a lot of-- so the reason that we use crypto here is for the body of the push, right? SPEAKER 2: Well, not only that, but also just for being allowed to push in the first place, that you can actually prove the user has granted you permission. But-- SPEAKER 1: Right, interesting. SPEAKER 2: That's multiple levels here. SPEAKER 1: But part of the reason that it came about was the service delivering the push messages-- be it Chrome, maybe eventually Apple one day, or Telefonica, who I think certainly used to do this stuff for Firefox-- they don't want to see your messages. SPEAKER 2: We don't want them to see our messages, right? SPEAKER 1: Yes, we don't. And they didn't either. It was, let's reach this mutual understanding that as we are just delivering these messages, we don't wan the ability to-- SPEAKER 2: For them it's just binary blobs. And it should stay that way. SPEAKER 1: Yes, we don't want Michael to know that-- we don't want to know that Michael has a new baby boy or something like that. It's just, we're not not interested. It's just we just want to marshal, let data around. But yes, we knew it was going to be slightly more effort for developers. SPEAKER 2: But to be fair, the libraries that came out of it-- I've been looking at the Web Push NPM package, which is written by one of the engineers from Mozilla. And it's not only very well written-- as in you can actually go and read the code to understand what's going on-- but the API is super simple. So you can actually get started quite quickly. SPEAKER 1: So this is on the-- SPEAKER 2: This is actually-- SPEAKER 1: So this is on the surface, right? SPEAKER 2: It might be surface. It could actually be locally doing development. Just generate-- you need a private key and a public key. And so there is a function called-- this whole process is called vapid. That's the name for the algorithm, I guess. It's voluntary something, something. I don't remember. It doesn't even matter that much. But basically, you need this private key and the public key. The private key is obviously private, so keep it safe. The public key, you can publicize. Put it in your front end anywhere. But you will need the private key on your server side later. So make sure you get it there because that's what you need to sign with to actually be able to push the message to the provider. SPEAKER 1: But the public key will go to the client to do the decoding? SPEAKER 2: To client side, yes. SPEAKER 1: Right, I see. SPEAKER 2: So yeah, this is basically the first call. You just import the Web Push library [INAUDIBLE] to generate your [? keeper. ?] And that's the first step done. So once you have those in place, we are now on the client side. So in there, I need to somehow get my public key. So you could bundle it with your [? web app ?] via Webpack or Rollup. You could fetch it from your server as a resource. It doesn't really matter. You just need to get it. And it's public, so you can just put it on the internet. Nobody cares. SPEAKER 1: The public key is unique to your site not per user. Is that correct? SPEAKER 2: No, it's unique to site. Yeah. SPEAKER 1: I see. SPEAKER 2: Technically, you can even have multiple, but it doesn't quite make sense. But it's up to you. You can generate those. It's free. SPEAKER 1: OK. SPEAKER 2: Once I have the public key, I will then wait for my service worker to be ready, available, and running because that is the one that takes care of anything it has to with that push. And then I can use the push and enter property on the service worker to ask for a subscription. And as it is asking the user just to subscribe, basically implies the permission for notifications. So this will pop up the permission dialog and wait for it to response. And actually, user visible only has to be true. Currently, on the web we don't allow push notifications that don't trigger visual notifications. So maybe at some point in the future that would be possible to do a background sync thing. Don't know yet. For now, only with a permission. SPEAKER 1: Yeah. Well, one of the things that we would like to do with user visible kind of-- [LAUGHTER] So here's a situation. Say I deliver a push message to your phone to say, there's a new chat message. But I know that you-- by your user ID-- have just checked that message on your desktop machine. The ideal thing would be then to hide the push message-- SPEAKER 2: That's [INAUDIBLE]. SPEAKER 1: --on your mobile. But then that is no longer a user visible thing because if you granted the ability to do that, then you've granted the ability to do invisible push work because you would just show a notification, hide notification, job done, who cares? So that's one of the things where there's a really good use case there for it. SPEAKER 2: And the reason we don't just want to allow notifications without any visual effect is what? SPEAKER 1: It would give you the ability to just send a push message every 10 seconds, attract the user through the different IP-- you're running a service worker in the background. Why not do some bitcoin mining? SPEAKER 2: [INAUDIBLE] basically? SPEAKER 1: Privacy, battery-- SPEAKER 2: Exploitation, all kinds of things. SPEAKER 1: All of the bad things. SPEAKER 2: As always, [INAUDIBLE] to think about these things. SPEAKER 1: Yes. SPEAKER 2: So, basically, what a pattern is like-- I'm going to promise I'm always going to show notification. And if you don't, Chrome will show one for you. So it's not like you can get around it. And we provide our public key. So that way, we can use a private key to sign things. And the clients then can check it actually came from us. SPEAKER 1: And this is how it's also going to decode the body? SPEAKER 2: Yeah. SPEAKER 1: Right. Gotcha. SPEAKER 2: So now we get back once the user actually presses allow, you can show me-- you can send me push notifications-- we will get a subscription. And I find this interesting because it's actually very little data in there. There is the endpoint that the server side later on will use to send push notifications out. And so in Chrome, it will be Firebase Cloud Messaging dot Google APIs dot com. In Mozilla, will be on a Mozilla server. I'm pretty sure [INAUDIBLE] is going to use a Microsoft server. I'm not sure about that. And Safari, as I said, it doesn't have it yet. There's an expiration time. And there's the keys, which are for the Diffie-Hellman handshake. But it doesn't really matter right now. But basically, there is no other personal data in here. It's not like there's a lot of leakage happening about what the user is doing or what they're subscribing to. It's literally just the cryptographic keys that are needed to make this whole thing happen securely on a zero-knowledge approach. So we get this back. And then what we do, as I said, we need to send this to our server side. So one way to do that would be a fetch that we just posted to my serverless function, wherever you're running. You need to store this subscription thing as a stringify JSON blob on the server side because you need it to actually send a notification later on. SPEAKER 1: And this is going to be unique to that user. So this is something that you would-- SPEAKER 2: It is very unique to that user. For every user, you will get a different kind of subscription blob that you need. So now on the server side, we are now at the point where maybe at some point in the future we want to send a push notification. So we know we have our keys on the server side. We know we have subscriptions for a user on the server side. So basically, we need to find all the users that we want to send something to, loop over them, and now do something. And again, Web Push-- the library makes it quite easy because we get our keys. We get our subscription for that particular user. You set our vapid details, which is the public key and the private key. They also demand a contact email or multiple contact emails in case something goes wrong, you just want to have a point of contact to send [INAUDIBLE].. SPEAKER 1: Make sense. SPEAKER 2: And then you just send the notification. So basically, we turn the push subscription back into a JSON blob. Put our body there. It can be string. It can be another stringified JSON object, whatever. That will take care of the inscription. And hit that end point from the inscription, and send it to the user. SPEAKER 1: And that's it? SPEAKER 2: And that's it. That's all. That's how you do push notifications. I was quite amazed because I literally just ran through this library, wrote it up, and it worked on the first try. And that never happens. SPEAKER 1: So this is the thing because I've-- I know bits about the service worker outside of Push because we were doing spec work around that time. But I've never done the service side of it because it's like, oh, it involves keys. It's probably going to be hard and I'm not going to touch until I really need to. This is all right. SPEAKER 2: It's pretty approachable, isn't it? So we now have this on a branch in our Chrome [INAUDIBLE].. We still have some tuning, some edge cases and stuff to work out and allow people to unsubscribe if they don't want notifications anymore because we want to be nice about this. But other than that, we're up and running. SPEAKER 1: We look forward to spamming everyone with pointless stuff. SPEAKER 2: Subscribe to this YouTube channel. SPEAKER 1: We moderate the comments for YouTube stuff. SPEAKER 2: Yes. SPEAKER 1: A couple of episodes ago, there was a guy posting a comment. And he was saying, I think you could have edited out to the disgusting flatulence noise at 1-- did you see this comment [INAUDIBLE]?? SPEAKER 2: I did see the comments. SPEAKER 1: Did you go and listen to what the actual time stamp it was? SPEAKER 2: I think it was me going, [GASPS].. SPEAKER 1: Well, I thought it was me. But it was one of us doing that. That was just-- because I said, have a look at that [GASPS].. And that guy posted 15 comments. SPEAKER 2: Really? SPEAKER 1: It was 15 of just variations on that theme. He was so angry about that. SPEAKER 2: But is that what his flatulence sounds like? SPEAKER 1: Yes. SPEAKER 2: Because that's-- SPEAKER 1: You gasping. [LAUGHTER]
Channel: Google Chrome Developers
Views: 19,246
Rating: 4.9237537 out of 5
Keywords: HTTP 203, HTTP203, push notifications, web push notifications, chrome dev summit 2019, GCD, Google Developers, Google Chrome Developers, google developer, chrome developers, chrome developer, GDS: Yes;
Id: 0SWguMrIuTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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