Croissant, Snails, Baguette, Beef Burgundy: What I Learned about French Food in Paris

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I just learned my very first French dish this is a beef Burgundy or a Beth a bouillon I know thank you very much but in order to learn a French dish one does not simply look up a French recipe no no I earned this one let me explain hey guys I have a little bit of a confession to make despite my enormous love for cooking and eating I have somehow managed to thus far completely avoid one of the biggest culinary arts on the planet which is the French cuisine that is unacceptable and that is about to change I'm standing in front of the airport right now I'm going to Paris for the next two days and I need your help what should I try there and what should be my very first French dish go good morning from Paris this is actually day two for me I already spent all day yesterday at a wedding outside of Paris that was my excuse for coming to France and the real reason well that's the food and that's today I got a lot of recommendations from you guys I've only read a few so far so I'm super pumped for that I suggest we kick off this little French food adventure with a classic Warsaw and then we'll see what you guys are sending me next let's do this [Music] so my French is catastrophic but that certainly didn't stop me from getting my very first proper French croissant let's see what's inside if this doesn't qualify as console perfection I don't know what does and it crisps and crackles all over the place credit where credit is due and this croissant is from ms and Isabelle and I got the recommendation from Alex French guy cooking incredible cross all recommendation video [Music] no no no this can't be real I have no words except one butter the boom city shock frenchclasses not overrated there is a shattering crisp from the outer layers of this cross knob and the inside is just filled with this buttery fragrance so rich that the butter almost tastes like cheese in here hmm I'm switching careers I'm becoming a Parisian bum so I can eat this every day okay I just had to relocate because of the crazy amount of killer pigeons that I summoned over there with my console and feast in the open air what was I thinking but now let's go and check some of your guys recommendations for this little Paris adventure let's see what we got hah number one cross-check baguette but yet at the 2e boeuf bourguignon ratatouille blanquette de veau falafel blanquette de veau occurrence we all peek I don't know that bug in your penis creme brulee frog legs forget check out Alex French guy cooking falafel what's with the falafel birth Gordon your snail French onion soup wrench chuckles what is a French taco but yet bourguignon anyway I have an idea let's go [Music] let me thank you guys for all the awesome food recommendations that was definitely very helpful and now out of the touristy City Center in a very casual part of town and I'm here to follow another one of your recommendations it's gonna be enough French but yet but not any hope I get I think we can do even better than that follow me we have a little bit of a situation you guys so right behind me is a cafe called la fontaine de Velde which is supposed to have one of the best ham sandwiches hamburger sandwiches in all of Paris and I can't have any because they are sold out can you believe that a cafe in Paris no more baguettes anyway I pull out my phone I started checking for other places and turns out they're all closed on a Sunday it is somehow proving to be much trickier than I thought to find a baguette in Paris I never thought I would say that but I did I'm not leaving the city without having tried a baguette so Plan B it is let's do this a cafe in Paris sold out of baguettes that is completely unacceptable I think I'm gonna I don't think I'm allowed to ride here as much as I'm angry right now Harrigan kind of beautiful to increase the drama there's a storm pulling up right now okay but there's also good news because right over here across the street where we are at design a b2b legendary bakery people lining up on the street must be good they better have better for me almost freaked out there for a second big hits somebody in front of you actually bought the last they get but they had more in the back so now I have this and I'm a food culture expert so I know how to do this like that how am i doing French Sally French this is under ready for a baguette in Paris I've baked a fair deal of bread in my life and I can tell you this was done by somebody who knows what they're doing [Music] hmmm this is a good low mmm it is less crispy than I like my baguettes but since everything else about the spaghetti is amazing I'll give it a pass for sure check out the crumb the inside is really nice and chewy which is how I like it the aroma is nice and complex which definitely indicates that ugp is taking its time with these baguettes that's very important fast bread doesn't taste good this is good okay so this baguette is about as good as a baguette can get that was hard to say I still feel a little bit frustrated because it didn't get this on Bombur I was craving but you know we have the good ham back home in Germany so I'm already planning a little bit of a personal vendetta but that's for another time right now let's go back into town meet my girlfriend Clara find a cute little bistro and at last have a proper French meal let's do this guy's [Music] hello they hide to Clara she's been in a channel before I don't know if you remember yes I remember you're my number one troll the only thing I've had to you today was a croissant and abide I forget without anything I don't think you did much better than me today we really need some proper food and [Music] or football let's start this off with what else could it be the snails I'm glad that Clara speaks French otherwise I would be completely lost here and you see they're surfing these like tiny tiny little cups filled with butter absolutely over here we have sea beam Peppa delicious French sashimi right should we start with the snail ready wait I dip it in some more butter because I think that's the only way I can tolerate this of course the first thing you taste is the garlic butter and if delicious no we were left with like a butter shot no a body shot but I might put this on my bread the snail itself has this really earthy taste I think do try one more nice bite creamy çb me attack let's cleanse the palate [Music] out of all the main courses you guys suggest that there were two favors it was the onion soup and there was beef bouillon you and I decided to go for the latter look at this there are enormous chunks of beef I already know one ingredient there's definitely wine in this yeah I taste first and you just watch me taste it really good try try try try let me get a spoon of that broth just broth so rich check out this enormous chunk of beef course it's not just meat or also carrots mushrooms potatoes it is decided and the beef bourguignon will become my very first French dish [Music] beautiful I do yes I will be honest with you I was a little bit turned off by French cuisine before not flavor-wise but in terms of its culinary standing it's very sheffy you know but this trip definitely helped me to open up a bit so without further ado here is my take on the classic French Beth Hoole genome we begin by rendering down some bacon bits and a bit of olive oil until nice and crispy remove them and use the bacon fat to brown some beef this will be a slow cook so feel free to use a tougher cut of beef set the meat aside and then using the same delicious fat sweat and onion add a bit of garlic a few chunks of carrot saute for just a few moments and return your beef and bacon I'm adding an herbal bouquet with parsley thyme and bay leaves and now we deglaze with yes an entire bottle of red wine this is French food after all and if you need to add a bit of water until it just covers the beef try to use a burgundy wine or a Pinot Noir for this dish yes the burgundy wine for beef Burgundy very professional advice indeed but it's good we seasoned our stew to be with salt and pepper and we're gonna let it simmer low and slow for at least three to four hours in the meantime we add olive oil and butter to a pan where we can saute a few button mushrooms and half small onions with a bit of thyme salt and pepper set them aside once they have caramelized a bit and I like to quickly deglaze the pan with some water and add all that delicious buttery residue to the mix to another element will be our young potatoes if you're lazy you can cook them straight into stupid trust me in this one if you steam them for 20 to 25 minutes you will know what a truly perfect potato tastes like yes this is an actual French technique here is our stew three hours later the smell is already incredible one thing I forgot to do earlier but I added it later on it's no big deal is flour just dissolve a few spoonfuls with a little bit of water so they don't clump up then add them straight to the stew and this is actually a pretty key part the starches in the flour will gelatinous and help us to get this nice rich and thick sauce later on get the beef and carrots out and strain your stew the meat will be fall apart tender at this point but you wanted to still have a little bit of integrity reduce that sauce on medium-low for another ten minutes or so and now here's a signature trick from yours truly towards the very end we add a sprig of thyme just a bit of fresh garlic a little knob of butter and I know French people will hate me for this but I insist on a sprinkle of MSG you know the drill use it in moderation to make good food better and you will be a very happy person I promise don't be afraid of the G return your beef and carrots your potatoes mushrooms and onions a quick stir and we are indeed ready to serve my very first Biff abou gallo sprinkled with fresh parsley of course and now we're coming to the big question can my beef bourguignon live up to the Parisian original let's of course begin with a piece of meat yes first of all they did a pretty good job at recreating the dish I had in Paris the sauce really really hits home mmm let's try steamed potato these were one of my favorite things about the stew in Paris hmm steamed potatoes for though when all perfection the more beef and sausage the sauce just has this incredible fruity tangy depth from the wine it's so rich perhaps French food is not so bad after all mmm
Channel: My Name Is Andong
Views: 130,284
Rating: 4.94173 out of 5
Keywords: andong, my name is andong, lear nine tiny, cooking, food, french food, french food recipe at home, authentic french food, how to make french food, easy french food recipes, easy french food recipes at home, croissant, croissant recipe, croissant recipe at home, how to make croissant, snails recipe, escargot, escargot recipe, how to make escargot, baguette, baguette recipe, how to make baguette, how to make french baguette, beef bourgignon, beef bourginon recipe
Id: nLRyN828Sr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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