Critical Role Clip | Fresh Cut Alexa | Campaign 3 Episode 85

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well that's uh it's real H this the most exciting and terrifying evening we've had here in a long time that's uh what what uh what what are we to do a action we need to find that trapo you mentioned before where is it yeah it's right over here let me show you kind of is there enough room to open the Hole by the way here inside inside here uh yeah you can move like kind of one of the tables the side all right we're setting this up I'm so sorry sir this going to get a little weird d and we're opening up the hole while you're looking good tracking the time interesting of course I've got an internal clock okay it's been it's been 6 seconds so far can the egg timer go off in 10 minutes 10 minutes why what happens in 10 whole the bag is 11 isn't that it no it's 10 minutes 10 minutes so 9 Minutes on your once we close it they'll die in 9 minutes 9 minutes we need to open it all right but it's once it's only once I close it so as long as it's open we're fine so once it's closed then we have a time limit of fresh cut Lexa set timer for 10 minutes n n minutes if that if that set off somebody in somebody's house I wanted to hear I hear 20 points of psychic damage although fresh cut grass Alexa pack voice pack do oh Smiley Day to you oh no I'll just try to keep track of the time I have no special skill that does that better than anyone else but I'm confident quietly coming up from the from down below and I'm spreading the hole back out so that we have they get air in there oh that's right yeah have one job it's been 5 minutes maybe that felt like I don't know
Channel: Clips For Critters
Views: 1,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lWJuFNJAvp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 3sec (123 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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