Critical Role Animatic - Tree Shenanigans

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Jester Reaches up and grabs uh a part of the tree uh bark itself that *tree sound* pulls of and breaks- you reach up and grab another piece and that breaks off Jester: Oh no! D: she's now just... going into free fall Fjord: I push off the tree and go into a straight dive after her *everyone* JFHDLJHFLFGDKSJ???? You see fjord, rocketing in your direction jester: aahhhfgskdhfg D: and right as you reach out to grab her hand you both go into a low gradual kind of Mary Poppins glide...downtothebase Fjord: Are we touching? Matt: You're grabbing her hand, yeah Great i cast thunder step and we go BBKHAGWKJHJKAFSGKJDGF just straight up to the top Im gonna braw Beau and Fjord- like sitting on the branch with like the grand Vista behind them up in the tree noooo it's candid you guys pretend like you don't know i'm drawing you Beau: oh. uh. Fjord: You know he had to do it to 'em. There is a.... shifting sound Fjord: F*** OUT OF THE TREE NOW Beau:uuuHUHUHNOTT DO THE THING. Beau: NOTT DO THE THING. DO THE THING NOT!!!! immana.... make mahself look as much as a leeev,,, as i can,,,, Sam: A leaf? Jester: Yeah,,,,, But i know it can only be a person that you're disguising self im like,,,,,, imma big leeevf,,, Matt: You're a person wearing a leaf costume. Jester: Yes basically. A MASSIVE bird and when I say massive I mean... uh,, about 200 hundred ft. wingspan. Fjord: TWO. H U N D R E D. FEET??? Fjord gets jettisoned at 120 feet per-round outward in a arch, like out of a cannon *ffwhshhshshs* Fjord: F*** YOU GUYS!!!! AHAGHJGFHLDGFKGHELPME What's your armor class Fjord? Fjord: 17? It's just,, *squeak* little squeaks? And it's trying to bite through you and it's just. pissed off. *giant bird of doom flapping sounds get closer and closer* Bird: REEEEEEEEEE Nott: OHGOD Jester: SSSHHHHH!!! Nott: Whatfinge- what finger are you gonna put it on? Yasha: Im gonna put it on this one :)
Channel: Nomi Starry
Views: 228,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, animatic, chase and trees, tree, beneath bazzozan, mighty nein, animation, dnd
Id: 0zcWKVL8Ggk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 2sec (122 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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