The GUARDS are coming! (Critical Role Animatic C3E43)

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before I go over to the gutter I'll just knock on the door and go you want honeymoon anybody coming to the door I'll actually go back up and tell everybody now answered the door the door seems to be trapped the windows are locked I don't want to break anything yet so I'm gonna try and Scutter over this little drain see if I can get up on the roof orem's really good at this stuff too yeah but I'm invisible what I reached down to Orem I look is anybody looking at us not the moment you're invisible sculpture and for the rest of us we should because people can still see us in the front yard right now we should just act like we're groundskeepers or something I'm gonna start like mowing the lawn with my wheel [Music] s oh so I can talk back through your mouth okay you might want to find some bushes or something quickly because the guards coming back around uh walkway as the centuries approach kind of walking by one of them perturbed to buy yours but continues on as he walks away unsettling presence oh no okay he walks away he like slowly turns back around it just like goes in the scurries to catch up with the other one
Channel: Deelusi
Views: 40,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animations, critical role, animatics, bells hells, laudna, campaign 3, funny
Id: 3bkHlbDXccU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 45sec (105 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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