Critical Role Animated -Jester's Leaf Costume-

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and that's where we left off so as the four of you are coasting on the two of you who've done the bottom waiting the base of the tree can hear the loud screech come out across the sky above you look up and see the shadow of the bird emerge from above oh boy yeah are they coming down I mean they're kinda that music is not good should we try and catch them I'm I guess so well this is happening the four of you are floating gradually five feet 10 feet 15 feet you're definitely to be safe when you land but it's gonna be a little bit before you land what are you doing I guess disguise self and I'm gonna be I'm gonna remember self look as much like a leaf as I can't leave yeah but I know it could only be a person that your disguise yourself as I'm like I'm a big leave your person wearing a leaf cost [Laughter] okay juster goes into leaf mode where the rest are you doing well faster we falling but you said we're still 250 feet up so it's gonna be about 150 feet up so you get about three rounds before you land okay so this first round you've turned yourself into a leaf costume basket many phases to make myself look like carved up already like and sort of decaying like a decaying zombie Ford okay like like rotting meat rotting balloon real slowly drifting okay like appetizing as possible sure okay you look kind of like Towson is a strawberry and new kids where I was going with ya you should have made yourself look like a leaf no you got that covered [Laughter] can I like swim back towards the trees okay you you you attempt to flail midair while holding a staff yeah sure sure you have a deep relationship with free-foam yeah you do you-you-you meant you feel you've gained a few inches towards the tree there's a gulf above a few feet so I'll take a while not what you doing it doesn't further fall it it's not a concentrations no it's not I will cast invisibility on myself all righty as I fall not vanishes in the space sorry guys [Music] [Laughter] even more bright shiny target something good birds like to eat usually from the wind nothing bad ever happens to somebody okay hey guys we're not dead we're dreads we didn't get killed by a giant bird yeah Lord those things that almost killed Ford or those other things you were pretty awesome actually yeah yeah leaf look oh this one I test this guy self again and put it on yeah it's good that's good I was like is she a lizard is she some sort of like cobra snake you know I was falling so it's hard to make out I had no idea I was trying to think about it all day but I didn't want to insult you a little bit likeness a snap deed really good not hugged by a sugar people
Channel: Rodrigo Koch
Views: 345,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, animated, critical role animated, jester, campaing 2, critical role campaing 2, critical role campaing 2 animated, 2d, animation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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