Critical Role Animatic - Happy Fun Ball Adventures

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you are talking extremely slow the golem entity with two arcane flame Jets coming out of the bottom we know ahead of time what it is instead of decapitating you by accident you I have me with it I'm a little rough anybody know her I place a hand on caduceus and I give him one hit point the speed you move is three times your intelligence score so Caleb and Beauregard in the space I can travel quick as anybody in caduceus is kind of holding up the caboose the caboose is rests a terrifying behemoth that challenges the darkest of your nightmares the jock opens up the teeth lining it a tiny pumpkin kind of floating in space before kind of looking back at Caleb starts floating towards but here's the thing we already discovered this teleportation sigil a wonderful we threw a cat at it and it looked like the cat evaporated right now Caleb turns and looks at the audience like that little girl in front of the Bernie [Laughter]
Channel: Nomi Starry
Views: 341,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, animation, animatic, happy fun ball, mighty nein, halas, folding halls, funny, art, drawing, vox machina
Id: 3TV6v7H5uLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 53sec (113 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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